Publications for Robert Fisher Publications for Robert Fisher Practical Action Publishing. 2015 Lebbie, A., Fisher, R., Odoom, F., Topor, W., Flomo, J., Kardoh, G. (2009). Understanding Diversity: A Study of Livelihoods and Forest Landscapes in Liberia, (pp. 1 - 80). , UNSPECIFIED: . Baynes, J., Herbohn, J., Smith, C., Fisher, R., Bray, D. (2015). Key factors which influence the success of community forestry in developing countries. Global Environmental Change, 35, 226-238. <a href=" .09.011">[More Information]</a> 2014 Fisher, R. (2014). Lessons from International Experiences in Community Forestry and Poverty Reduction. Regional Workshop on Pro-poor Leasehold Forestry, Lalitpur: Department of Forests Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal 2013 Fisher, R., Lyster, R. (2013). Land and resource tenure: the rights of indigenous peoples and forest dwellers. In Rosemary Lyster, Catherine MacKenzie, Constance McDermott (Eds.), Law, Tropical Forests and Carbon: The Case of REDD+, (pp. 187-206). New York, United States: Cambridge University Press. 2011 Fisher, R. (2011). Thailand's forest regulatory framework in relation to the rights and livelihoods of forest dependent people. In Henry Scheyvens (Eds.), Critical Review of Selected Forest-Related Regulatory Initiatives: Applying a Rights Perspective, (pp. 69-81). Japan: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. 2010 Fisher, R. (2010). Devolution or Persistence of State Control? In Chusak Wittayapak, Peter Vandergeest (Eds.), The Politics of Decentralization, (pp. 21-37). Thailand: Mekong Press. Borgoyary, M., Fisher, R. (2010). Progress in managing forest resources in a landscape in Orissa, India: IUCN Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy, 2010, (pp. 2 - 17). Switzerland: IUCN. 2009 Prabhu, R., Colfer, C., Diaw, C., Mcdougall, C., Fisher, R. (2009). Action research with local forest users and managers: lessons from CIFOR's research on adaptive collaborative management. In Ian Scoones, John Thompson (Eds.), Farmer First Revisited: Innovation for Agricultural Research and Development, (pp. 66-70). Rugby: 2008 Fisher, R. (2008). Afterword: Lessons from Forest Decentralization: Money, Justice and the Quest for Good Governance in Asia-Pacific. In Carol J. Pierce Colfer,Ganga Ram Dahal,Doris Capistrano (Eds.), Lessons from Forest Decentralization: Money, Justice and the Quest for Good Governance in Asia-Pacific, (pp. 232-235). United Kingdom: Earthscan. Fisher, R. (2008). Anthropologists and Social Impact Assessment: Negotiating the Ethical Minefield. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 9(3), 231-242. <a href=" 1670">[More Information]</a> Kaewmahanin, J., Sukwong, S., Fisher, R. (2008). Case Study 1: Pred Nai Community Forest, Trad Province, Thailand. In R. Fisher, S. Maginnis, W. Jackson, E. Barrow, S. Jeanrenaud (Eds.), Linking Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Landscapes, People and Power, (pp. 46-52). Sterling: Earthscan. Fisher, R., Maginnis, S., Jackson, W., Barrow, E., Jeanrenaud, S. (2008). Introduction - Linking Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Landscapes, People and Power. In R. Fisher, S. Maginnis, W. Jackson, E. Barrow, S. Jeanrenaud (Eds.), Linking Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Landscapes, People and Power, (pp. 1-16). Sterling: Earthscan. Fisher, R., Maginnis, S., Jackson, W., Barrow, E., Jeanrenaud, S. (2008). Linking Conservation and Poverty Reduction. In R. Fisher, S. Maginnis, W. Jackson, E. Barrow, S. Jeanrenaud (Eds.), Linking Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Landscapes, People and Power, (pp. 125-130). Sterling: Earthscan. Fisher, R., Maginnis, S., Jackson, W., Barrow, E., Jeanrenaud, S. (2008). Linking Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Landscapes, People and Power. Sterling: Earthscan. Fisher, R., Maginnis, S., Jackson, W., Barrow, E., Jeanrenaud, S. (2008). Past Experiences. In R. Fisher, S. Maginnis, W. Jackson, E. Barrow, S. Jeanrenaud (Eds.), Linking Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Landscapes, People and Power, (pp. 17-43). Sterling: Earthscan. Fisher, R., Hirsch, P. (2008). Poverty and Agrarian-Forest Interactions in Thailand. Geographical Research, 46(1), 74-84. <a Publications for Robert Fisher href=" 7.00493.x">[More Information]</a> Fisher, R., Veer, C., Mahanty, S. (2008). Proceedings: International Conference on Poverty Reduction and Forests: Tenure, market and Policy Reforms, 3-7 September 2007, Bangkok, Thailand. Thailand: RECOFTIC(Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific). Fisher, R., Maginnis, S., Jackson, W., Barrow, E., Jeanrenaud, S. (2008). Scale, Landscapes, Boundaries and Negotiation. In R. Fisher, S. Maginnis, W. Jackson, E. Barrow, S. Jeanrenaud (Eds.), Linking Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Landscapes, People and Power, (pp. 87-106). Sterling: Earthscan. Fisher, R., Maginnis, S., Jackson, W., Barrow, E., Jeanrenaud, S. (2008). Structures, Institutions and Rights. In R. Fisher, S. Maginnis, W. Jackson, E. Barrow, S. Jeanrenaud (Eds.), Linking Conservation and Poverty Reduction: Landscapes, People and Power, (pp. 107-124). Sterling: Earthscan. 2007 Fisher, R., Prabhu, R., Mcdougall, C. (2007). Adaptive Collaborative management of Community Forests in Asia: Experience from Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research. Prabhu, R., McDougall, C., Fisher, R. (2007). Adaptive Collaborative Management: A Conceptual Model. In Robert Fisher, Ravi Prabhu and Cynthia McDougall (Eds.), Adaptive Collaborative management of Community Forests in Asia: Experience from Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines, (pp. 16-49). Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research. Kaewmahanin, J., Sukwong, S., Fisher, R., Worrapornpan, S. (2007). Community Mangrove Management in Pred Nai Village, Thailand. In Paul Steele, Gonzalo Oviedo, David McCauley (Eds.), Poverty, Health, and Ecosystems: Experience from Asia, (pp. 147-153). Switzerland: IUCN. McDougall, C., Prabhu, R., Fisher, R. (2007). Discussion and Conclusions. In Robert Fisher, Ravi Prabhu and Cynthia McDougall (Eds.), Adaptive Collaborative management of Community Forests in Asia: Experience from Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines, (pp. 208-228). Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research. Kaewmahanin, J., Fisher, R. (2007). Forest Governance in Thailand. In Henry Scheyvens, Kimihiko Hyakumara snd Yoshiki Seki (Eds.), Decentralisation and State-Sponsored Community Forestry in Asia:seven country studies of transitions in forest governance, contemporary forest management and the prospects for communities to contribute to and benefit from sustainable forest management, (pp. 121-138). Kanagawa,Japan: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. Fisher, R., Prabhu, R., Mcdougall, C. (2007). Introduction:People, Forests and the Needs for Adaptation. In Robert Fisher, Ravi Prabhu and Cynthia McDougall (Eds.), Adaptive Collaborative management of Community Forests in Asia: Experience from Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines, (pp. 1-15). Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research. Fisher, R. (2007). Participatory Forest Management, Sustainable Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction: Experiences from Community Forestry in Asia. International Conference on Participatory Forest Management (PFM), Biodiversity and Livelihoods in Africa 2007, Ethiopia: Government of Ethiopia in Collaboration with Other Stakeholders. 2006 Fisher, R. (2006). Collaborative Learning for NREM Policy Development. Regional Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: The Role of Higher Education in Policy Design and Implementation. Fisher, R. (2006). Poverty and Biodiversity Conservation. Policy Matters, 14, 48-52. Fisher, R. (2006). The Mekong Learning Initiative: An International network of universities working for sustainable development. Taiga News. Fisher, R. (2006). The Social and Economic Impacts of Post-tsunami Reconstruction. Mekong Update & Dialogue (Australian Mekong Resource Centre). 2005 Fisher, R. (2005). Common Property and Development: Forests and Pastures. In Jim Fingleton (Eds.), Privatising Land in the Pacific: A Defence of Customary Tenures. Manuka ACT, AUSTRALIA: The Australia Institute. Fisher, R. (2005). Forests and Poverty Reduction: A brief history of the relationship. Arborvitae (IUCN/WWF Forest Conservation Newsletter). Fisher, R., Maginnis, S., Jackson, W., Barrow, E., Jeanrenaud, S. (2005). Poverty and Conservation: Landscapes, People and Power. Gland (Switzerland) and Cambridge (UK): Publications for Robert Fisher IUCN - The World Conservation Union. Fisher, R., Kaewmahanin, J., Sukwong, S. (2005). Pred Nai Community Forest, Trad Province, Thailand. Poverty and Conservation: Landscapes, People and Power, (pp. 51-60). Gland (Switzerland) and Cambridge (UK): IUCN - The World Conservation Union. 2004 Fisher, R., Schmidt, K., Steenhof, B., Akenshaev, N. (2004), Poverty and Forestry: A case study of Kyrgyzstan with reference to other countries in West and Central Asia. 2003 Fisher, R. (2003). Controlling the Forests: Community Forestry in the Mekong Region. Mekong Update & Dialogue (published by Australian Mekong Research Centre). Fisher, R. (2003). When is Action Research Participatory? ACM News (CIFOR ACM Project newsletter). 2002 Fisher, R. (2002). Common Property Regimes in Mountain Regions: Risks and the Governance of Biodiversity. Asia High Summit, CD-Rom. Fisher, R., Maginnis, S. (2002). Sustaining Livelihoods. Arbor Vitae, 19(March), 1. 2001 Fisher, R. (2001). Creating Incentives for Conservation: NTFPs and Poverty Alleviation. ETFRN Newsletter (European Tropical Forest Research Network). Fisher, R., Docemascolo, G., Fox, J. (2001). Enabling Policy Frameworks for Successful Community-Based Resource Management. Ninth Workshop on Community-Based Management of Forestlands. Fisher, R. (2001). Experiences, Challenges, and Prospects in Collaborative Management of Protected Areas: An International Perspective. In Buck, Louise B., Charles C. Geisler, John Schelhas and Eva Wollenberg (Eds.), Biological Diversity: Balancing Interests Through Adaptive Collaborative Management. United States: CRC Press. Jackson, W., Fisher, R. (2001). Forest Fires in Rural Communities. Arbor Vitae, 18(October), 7.