Pace Immigration Forum: Unauthorized Immigration: Police & Higher Ed. Issues Timothy J. Dunn

Pace Immigration Forum:
Unauthorized Immigration:
Police & Higher Ed. Issues
Timothy J. Dunn
Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology
Salisbury University (Maryland)
Blockading the Border and Human Rights:
The El Paso Operation That Remade Immigration
Enforcement (2009 University of Texas Press)
Unauthorized Immigration, Crime & Local
Law Enforcement
Immigrants have lower violent crime (45%) and
incarceration rates (2/3) (Portes & Rumbaut 2006, Sampson 2008)
Unauthorized immigrants are at greater risk of crime
Locally, double victzn. rate (robbery, lack bank accounts) (2004
Local Police involvement in Immigration Enforcement
reduces Trust & Cooperation with immigrant
communities, & reduces Public Safety
e.g., 2007 murder & robbery cases
Locally, 1/3 immigrants fear calling police for help or report crime
Higher Education & UnauthorizedImmigrants
College Access limited -- Courts left to state discretion
(Olivas 2009)
Most States allow entry & charge out-of-state tuition
9 States give in-state tuition (CA, TX, NM, NY, IL, UT, NE, KS, WA)
 Still no work permission, when finished
 Under-Utilized Human Capital / Potential (e.g., Viri in Sterling 2010)
 Harms Future Economy & Society– Immgs. & children Key future workforce,
Dream Act Solution (almost passed Dec. 10, now?...) (Batalova & McHugh 2010)
Grant Conditional Residency /Legzn. for Uauthzed. Immg. Youth & In-State Tuition 2.1 MN
Criteria: Entered US b/f 16, US resident 5 yrs, HS grad or GED, < 35
Become Perm. Resident IF: 2+ yrs Post-HS Ed OR Milt Service AND clean record.
Est. Only 38% eligible succeed--become Perm Residents
 Obstacles—Engl, ¼ adults no GED / HS degree, Low Income, drop out rate, Work
& Family time demands
 Need—Exponentially more Engl.& GED classes, massive Financial Aid, daycare,
many more & targeted HS drop out prevention progs., Selective Acculturation
Policy Issues
Unauthzd. Immgn. Fiscal Costs– Most studies est. about even.
Taxes pd vs. Services used – but dist. un= (Fed gains, State & Local govts.
net loss – Fed. Assistance?)
Under-Developed Human Capital/Potential Hurts Economy & Society
Increased K-12 Ed & Access Higher Ed, Legal Status (& Milt)
= + Human Capital, + Economy/Workforce & Society, + Tax $
“Selective Acculturation” Key to Ed. Success--1 foot in both cultures
US language & institutions, AND Value ethnic community, language & culture,
& family
 Need ESOL & Bilingual / Bicultural valued, GED & remedial progs,,
Financial aid