Alice Bahr, Dean, Libraries and Instructional Resources

President’s Advisory Team
November 17, 2005
President’s Advisory Team Members in attendance:
Alice Bahr, Dean, Libraries and Instructional Resources
Robert Tardiff for David Buchanan, Provost
Kevin Carreathers, Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for Institutional Diversity
Richard Culver, Director, Media Relations
Jason Curtin, Director, Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
Jane Dané, Dean, Enrollment Management
Janet Dudley-Eshbach, President
Len Foxwell, Assistant to the President for Government and Community Relations
Robert Hallworth, Director, International Education
Clacie Hubbard, President, Staff Senate
Tom Jones, Dean, Henson School of Science and Technology
Donna Keener, Director, Human Resources
Paul Land, Director, Auxiliary Services
Edwin Lashley, Chief, University Police
Denise Rotundo for William Moore, Dean, Perdue School of Business
Vaughn White for Ellen Neufeldt, Vice President, Student Affairs
Dennis Pataniczek, Dean, Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies
Maarten Pereboom, President, Faculty Senate
R. Bryan Price, Director, Institutional Research, Assessment and Accountability
Ellen Zinner, Assistant to the President
President’s Report:
President Dudley-Eshbach updated the team on her November 16 meeting with
dignitaries in Montgomery County. The goal is to enhance the presence of SU.
The President led a discussion on renewing SU’s marketing efforts. Is it time to embark
on a new campaign? How can SU succinctly say who we are and where we are heading.
i. A bold, distinctive theme is needed to separate SU from other institutions. Need
to develop brief tag-line as a vision statement.
ii. Possible suggestions were:
Maryland’s University of National Distinction
Maryland’s Comprehensive University of National Distinction.
Comments were made that this tag-line was too long and possibly
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A Comprehensive University of National Distinction. By taking out the
word Maryland, the geographic location would not be narrowed to just
one area of the country.
A suggestion was made to stay with “Think Salisbury” but add other tag
line “Think Distinction.”
A recommendation was made to stay with a tag-line containing just a few
words, such as “Salisbury University – National Distinction” or
“Salisbury University – National Distinction – Student Success” but
include vibrant pictures.
A suggestion was made to use focus groups to determine the most
effective marketing to the target audience.
University Governance :
Faculty Senate – Maarten Pereboom reported:
The Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Curricular Change will present its
final report mid-spring semester. On December 6, 2005, there will be an open
faculty meeting on the work of the committee to date. Information can be found
on the faculty senate website located at
Faculty Development Day will be held on January 27, 2006. A part of this
program will include faculty from the The College of New Jersey, a campus with
a course curriculum model, who will speak about their experiences with this
curricular model.
Staff Senate – Clacie Hubbard reported:
Nominations for the Board of Regents Staff award are currently being reviewed
by the Staff Senate Nomination Committee.
NCATE / MSDE Visit – Dennis Pataniczek
Dean Pataniczek reported that SU has met all standards, with only three minor areas of
recommended improvement. A few noteworthy accomplishments included:
i. PDS (Professional Development Schools), a notoriously tough requirement to
meet, did very well.
ii. Efforts have proved productive in opening lines of communication with MSDE.
iii. Dean Pataniczek noted that passing both NCATE and MDSE reaccreditations is
reaffirmation of what SU does well. This would not have been possible without a
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supreme team effort from the campus community.
Town Gown Committee and SU Day Update – Len Foxwell
Library Envisioning Process – Alice Bahr
The Town Gown Committee and sub-committees are in a full swing of meetings. Mr.
Foxwell is asking the co-chairs to proactively get Salisbury University’s message into the
community of its positive significant economic impact. The sub-committees also
provide an opportunity to address issues before they come to a boiling point. The
co-chairs of the Neighborhood Relations Sub-committee, Chief Edwin Lashley and VP
Ellen Neufeldt, are looking comprehensively at student codes of conduct and at creating
a sub-committee for recommendations on Field Day.
Part I justification for the new library is almost complete. Focus groups consisting of
members of the SU community have been created to provide a long-term vision of what
the new library should be like. Preliminary data suggest that they would like to have a
library with a different feel, more conducive learning environment, more comfortable
chairs, more staff to help navigate technology, and a larger faculty presence. A
suggestion from the consultants and Deans is to create a major collaborative space that
brings together many University functions - both academic and student activities, in
order to create a common space to congregate and foster an atmosphere of learning. The
current location – center of University - is highly feasible, but with an added “public
face” towards Camden Avenue.
Collective Bargaining Update – Donna Keener
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Salisbury University and the
union, MCEA, is near completion. On December 5, the MOU will be ratified by the
Board of Regents Compensation Committee and then by the full Board on December 9,
2005. Once that takes place, the MOU will be in full effect. Training sessions for
supervisors have already taken place and an additional one will be held in December to
cover those who were not able to attend the previous sessions.
It is important for supervisors and employees covered by MCEA to understand that
MCEA is the exclusive representative for covered employees – on all conditions of
Announcements –
The President’s Advisory Team meeting scheduled for December 8 has been cancelled.
Recorder: Tracy Hajir