President’s Advisory Team April 12, 2007 Minutes

President’s Advisory Team
April 12, 2007
President’s Advisory Team Members in attendance:
Alice Bahr, Dean, Libraries and Instructional Resources
Kevin Carreathers, Assistant to the Provost/Director of Institutional Diversity
Ed Cowell, Dean of Students
Richard Culver, Director, Media Relations
Jason Curtin, Director, Alumni Relations and Annual Giving
Jane Dané, Dean, Enrollment Management
Janet Dudley-Eshbach, President
Michael Folkoff, Interim Dean, Henson School of Science
Len Foxwell, Assistant to the President for Government and Community Relations
Inge Frost, Human Resources
Steve Hetzler, Chair, University Forum
Clacie Hubbard, Chair, Staff Senate
Tom Jones, Provost
Paul Land, Director, Auxiliary Services
Ed Lashley, Chief, University Police
Greig Mitchell, Vice President, Business Administration and Finance
Debbie Easterling for William Moore, Dean, Perdue School of Business
Darrell Mullins, President, Faculty Senate
Ellen Neufeldt, Vice President, Student Affairs
Matthew Ng, President, Student Government Association
Timothy O’Rourke, Dean, Fulton School of Liberal Arts
Dennis Pataniczek, Dean, Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies
Brian Stiegler, Director, Center for International Education
Rosemary Thomas, Vice President, University Advancement
Jerry Waldron, Chief Information Officer
Ellen Zinner, Assistant to the President
Welcome - President Janet Dudley- Eshbach
President Dudley-Eshbach offered congratulations to the new Provost, Dr. Tom Jones;
the new Director of International Education, Dr. Brian Stiegler; and to Dr. Tim
O’Rourke, who has accepted the position of Vice President for Academic Affairs and
Kenneth R. Perry Dean of the College at Virginia Wesleyan College.
University Governance:
Faculty Senate - Darrell Mullins
i. The Faculty Senate has received a petition from at least 10% of the faculty to hold
a full meeting of the Faculty Senate to discuss the Fulton School Curriculum
Reform proposal. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 24 at 3:30 p.m. in
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Staff Senate - Clacie Hubbard
i. The Staff Senate will hold an open meeting to discuss Exempt employee salaries
on Thursday, April 19 at 10 a.m. in the Pocomoke Room in the Guerrieri
University Center.
ii. On Wednesday, April 18 the Staff Senate will host a “Meet and Greet” session to
provide information to the campus community about the Staff Senate. At the
session, campus community members may sign up to perform at the staff picnic to
be held June 12.
Student Government Association - Matthew Ng
i. The annual “Big Event” will be held on Saturday, April 14.
ii. The SGA, in an effort to increase qualified student voter participation in the City
of Salisbury elections, provided assistance in registration and transportation. Of
the 260 registered students, over 60% voted.
iii. May 11 is the annual student flea market. Students wishing to sell items they no
longer need are encouraged to set up a table.
University Forum - Steven Hetzler
i. An election will be held by the three Forum governing constituencies to adopt
proposed University Forum bylaw changes.
ii. A meeting will be held in May. The date will be announced soon.
Legislative Update - Len Foxwell
The General Assembly ended the legislative session on Monday, April 9. While the
fiscal 2007 budget passed without controversy, there may well be a 1.3 to 1.5 billion
dollar deficit to deal with next year.
SU’s adjusted base budget increased by 11.2%, but enrollment growth was not fully
funded. Increased costs for the TETC building and planning costs for the new Perdue
School of Business were included in the capital budget.
Learn with SU - Rosemary Thomas
Salisbury University is currently offering non-credit courses in the beach areas to
seniors over the age of 50. Ideas for courses were generated from survey results from
last year’s pilot program.
Presentation to the Board of Regents - President Dudley-Eshbach
On March 26, President Dudley-Eshbach presented an overview of Salisbury
University to the members of the Board of Regents in response to their request for
information on key institutional strengths and weaknesses, strategic plan objectives,
strategic challenges (in terms of educational delivery, student market, operational and
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human resources) and the unique role SU plays within the USM System and in
meeting the workforce and economic needs of the state.
Salisbury University, A Maryland University of National Distinction, is able to boast
many accomplishments:
i. SU is ranked as the top institution among its aspirational peers in SAT scores
and ranked second in GPA scores.
ii. SU is a significant economic engine in providing highly-trained graduates in
very competitive professions, such as nursing, finance, and teaching.
iii. Two new educational buildings are under construction, the TETC building is
only a few months away from completion, and the Perdue School of Business
is in the planning stages. While the state has been generous in providing for
two new buildings, a new library is needed to replace the severely outdated and
undersized Blackwell Library.
iv. President Dudley-Eshbach showed PowerPoint slides of maps of the campus
from 1975, 1990, and 2007. The growth of the physical campus has been
dramatic. Several options were discussed about potential buildings and areas
of growth in the future. The process of updating SU’s facilities Master Plan
will begin this summer.
Recorder: Tracy Hajir