CURRICULUM PROPOSAL FILL IN BLUE BOXES (Boxes will expand to content length). Course Title: Brief description of the curriculum, including the major goals: Course Director(s) and contact info: ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS Describe your targeted learners in terms of level of training, proficiencies and Description of intended learners and educational attitudes. needs: DEVELOPMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Describe your learning goals for this course. See TUSOM goals for 2nd year and Learning goals: Graduate Medical Education. Learning objectives: Describe in precise terms what you expect learners to be able to know, do, or demonstrate upon training completion. Core competencies: In this section, please X which competencies the objectives will address. Medical Knowledge Patient Care Practice-Based Learning and Improvement Interpersonal and Communications Skills Professionalism System-based practice Other: DEMOGRAPHICS / LOGISTICS Learners, X all appropriate boxes Departments Place an X next to each department that will benefit from the training Trainees Medical Students Residents Fellows Nursing Students Graduate Students Professionals Year of Study 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Medical-Fac/Staff Nursing-Fac/Staff External Med Staff Ext. Nurse Staff Other (explain) Anesthesiology Emergency Medicine Family Medicine Gastroenterology Medicine Nursing Class Size 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 Accredited? CME/CEU YES NO Neurology Obstetrics/Gynecology Pediatrics Pre-Clinical Surgery Urology © 2010 Tulane Center for Advanced Medical Simulation & Team Training and School of Medicine. 504-988-9150. Frequency of program (place an X) Number of sessions Number of participants Other (explain) Annual Monthly Total From (date) Bi-annual Weekly Additional Information Quarterly Other Total number of participants Number of participants at each session Hours per session Session length Additional Information SELECTION / CREATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS List the topics and / or describe the content to be covered by the curriculum. Content Educational Strategies and Instructional Materials In addition to the simulation device, please X the types of teaching methods you intend to use. Readings Demonstration Presentation Role play Lecture Computerassisted instruction Video Teleconference Partial task simulator Whole-body manikin Team training Group discussion Debriefing Case-based Other teaching DELIVERY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF EFFECTIVE EDUCAITON Faculty / staff involved Name / Dept Role Email with training Faculty expertise Will there need to be faculty development / training prior to the establishment of the program? (ex, training on simulation equipment, etc.) Sim Center resources List personnel, CME, A/V, catering, etc. Support Describe the departmental, inter-departmental, hospital and/or external support and resources you have for the program. Assessment Strategies Place an X next to the assessment method(s) you plan to use to determine the knowledge and skills the learners have gained from the curriculum program. (Please include a copy of any assessment tool in your PBWorks folder). ASSESSMENT OF LEARNERS Learner-generated Video Learner-generated simulation recall Faculty-generated Video (subjective) Faculty-generated Video (objective) Faculty-generated Video (objective, checklist) Faculty-generated Video (objective, OSCE) Faculty-generated Video (objective, OSAT) © 2010 Tulane Center for Advanced Medical Simulation & Team Training and School of Medicine. 504-988-9150. Direct observation (subjective) Direct observation (objective) Direct observation (objective, checklist) Direct observation (objective, OSCE) Direct observation (objective, OSAT) Chart Review Portfolio Review Written Exam Oral Exam Standardized Patient Other (Explain) ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATION PROGRAM Assessment of quality of Describe the data collection method you plan to use in order to determine the participants’ reaction to the program, with particular emphasis on perceived the program and the satisfaction or usefulness of the training program. Include how you will collect instruction feedback on the quality of the faculty’s instruction (e.g. interviews, focus groups, surveys, graduate questionnaires). Assessment of learning New or Modified? (X appropriate box) Modified Curriculum Describe the strategies that you plan to use to determine changes in the learners’ knowledge, skills or behaviors attributable to participation in the training. New Curriculum Modified Curriculum, explain why? Describe what modifications are being made to this curriculum and what feedback or circumstances lead to this change. RESOURCE AND EQUIPMENT NEEDS Supplies / Props Rooms (X all needed, or type in # for multiple of one type) Simulators List any supplies / props you will need provided with quantities, sizes and types. Please describe as accurately as possible. ER / ICU OR Exam Room(1-4) Debrief Room Labor & Delivery Hospital Room(1-4) Meeting Room (1-2) Skills Lab Please X all simulation equipment you would like to reserve. Hyperlink to vendor’s product information is included. Numbers in () show where multiple simulators of the same type are available, type # needed in the box. Whole-body High Fidelity Manikins METI HPS, Adult METI PediaSim Noelle Birthing manikin (1-2) SimBaby SimMan (1-2) SimNewB Pediatrics Training ALS Baby Baby Arti Baby Hippy Megacode Kid (Vitalsim) © 2010 Tulane Center for Advanced Medical Simulation & Team Training and School of Medicine. 504-988-9150. Neonatal Resuscitation Baby Nita Newborn Nursing Baby (Vitalsim) Nursing Kid (Vitalsim) OB-GYN Training Clinical Female Pelvic Trainer Prompt Birthing simulator with force monitoring Strap-on breasts Sultan Anal Sphincter trainer Episiotomy trainer ZOE Gynecologic trainer (1-4) Airway Management Intubation Head, Adult (1-4) AirSim Bronchi with nasal passage, chin, needle access Intubation Head, Infant (1-4) Intubation Head, Neonatal Emergency Care Procedures Central Line Man Central Venous Access Head, Neck, Torso Ultrasound Paracentesis trainer Thoracentesis and Chest Tube Thoracostomy trainer TraumaMan (1-2) TraumaMan F.A.S.T. Module with sonography for trauma Mr. Hurt Head (1-2) Surgery Procedures Advanced Catheterization trainer (female) Advanced Catheterization trainer (male) Arterial Puncture Wrist Core Vascular Skills set Double-layer Bowel 20mm Double-layer Bowel 30mm Professional Abdominal Open & Close trainer ProMIS laparoscopic trainer Stryker Laparoscopic trainers (1-6) Suturing Skin pad or knot tying board (1-10) Medicine & Neurology Procedures Code Cart with Defibrillator Ear Exam trainer Eye Exam trainer IV Arm, Female (1-2) IV Arm, Male (1-2) Lumbar Puncture & Epidural trainer (1-2) Lumbar Puncture, Pediatric © 2010 Tulane Center for Advanced Medical Simulation & Team Training and School of Medicine. 504-988-9150. Advanced Simulators GI Mentor Endoscopy VIST vascular intervention simulator © 2010 Tulane Center for Advanced Medical Simulation & Team Training and School of Medicine. 504-988-9150.