Publications for John Connell 2016

Publications for John Connell
Publications for John Connell
Negin, J., Coffman, J., Connell, J., Short, S.
(2016). Foreign-born aged care workers in
Australia: A growing trend. Australasian Journal
on Ageing, In press. <a
ore Information]</a>
Wang, J., Connell, J. (2016). Green Watershed in
Yunnan: a multi-scalar analysis of environmental
non-governmental organisation (eNGO)
relationships in China. Australian Geographer,
47(2), 215-232. <a
1114408">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2016). Last days in the Carteret
Islands? Climate change, livelihoods and
migration on coral atolls. Asia Pacific Viewpoint,
57(1), 3-15. <a
re Information]</a>
Corbett, J., Connell, J. (2015). All the world is a
stage: global governance, human resources, and
the ‘problem’ of smallness. The Pacific Review,
28(3), 435-459. <a
1011214">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2015). From medical tourism to
transnational health care? An epilogue for the
future. Social Science and Medicine, 124,
398-401. <a
.11.015">[More Information]</a>
Duignan, M., Connell, J. (2015). Living with
Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Families, Homes
and the Disruption of Space. Geographical
Research, 53(2), 199-210. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Gibson, C., Connell, J. (2015). The Role of
Festivals in Drought-affected Australian
Communities. Event Management, 19(4),
445-459. <a
65748512560">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2015). Transnational Health Care:
Global Markets and Local Marginalisation in
Medical Tourism. In Bronwyn Parry, Beth
Greenhough, Tim Brown, Isabel Dyck (Eds.),
Bodies Across Borders: The Global Circulation
of Body Parts, Medical Tourists and
Professionals. Farnham: Ashgate.
Connell, J. (2015). Vulnerable Islands: Climate
change, tectonic change, and changing
livelihoods in the Western Pacific.
Contemporary Pacific, 27(1), 1-36. <a
More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2014). Alderney: Gambling, Bitcoin
and the art of unorthodoxy. Island Studies
Journal, 9(1), 69-78.
Connell, J., Iveson, K. (2014). An Eruv for St
Ives? Religion, identity, place and conflict on the
Sydney north shore. Australian Geographer,
45(4), 429-446. <a
953731">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2014). At Play on the Football Fields
of Empire? In Robert Aldrich, Kirsten
McKenzie (Eds.), The Routledge History of
Western Empires, (pp. 396-408). London:
Connell, J. (2014). Food security in the island
Pacific: Is Micronesia as far away as ever?
Regional Environmental Change, 15, 1299-1311.
6-7">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J., Dufty-Jones, R. (2014). Introduction:
Twenty-first century rural Australia. In Rae
Dufty-Jones and John Connell (Eds.), Rural
Change in Australia: Population, Economy,
Environment, (pp. 1-24). Farnham: Ashgate.
Brown, R., Connell, J., Jimenez-Soto, E. (2014).
Migrants' Remittances, Poverty and Social
Protection in the South Pacific: Fiji and Tonga.
Population, Space and Place, 20(5), 434-454. <a
e Information]</a>
Connell, J., Gibson, C. (2014). Mobilizing Music
Festivals for Rural Transformation:
Opportunities and Ambiguities. In Simone
Kruger, Ruxandra Trandafoiu (Eds.), The
Globalization of Musics in Transit: Music
Migration and Tourism, (pp. 115-134). New
York: Routledge.
Connell, J., Gibson, C. (2014). Outback Elvis:
Musical Creativity in Rural Australia. In Brett
Lashua, Karl Spracklen, Stephen Wagg (Eds.),
Sounds and the City: Popular Music, Place, and
Globalization, (pp. 285-301). New York:
Palgrave Macmillan.
McManus, P., Connell, J. (2014). Putting Places
on the Map? Marketing Rural and Regional
Australia. Journal of Destination Marketing &
Management, 3(2), 105-113. <a
001">[More Information]</a>
Dufty-Jones, R., Connell, J. (2014). Rural
Publications for John Connell
Change in Australia: Population, Economy,
Environment. Farnham: Ashgate.
Phadungkiati, L., Connell, J. (2014). Social
Networks as Livelihood Strategies for
Small-scale Traders on the Thai-Lao Border.
Australian Geographer, 45(3), 375-391. <a
930004">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2014). Soft Country? Rural and
Regional Australia in Country Style. In Rae
Dufty-Jones and John Connell (Eds.), Rural
Change in Australia: Population, Economy,
Environment, (pp. 211-234). Farnham: Ashgate.
Corbett, J., Connell, J. (2014). The 'Promise' of
the 1970s: Ratu Mara on the World Stage. The
Round Table, 103(3), 301-310. <a
918712">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2013). Soothing Breezes? Island
perspectives on climate change and migration.
Australian Geographer, 44(4), 465-480. <a
852497">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2012). A Picture is Worth 651
Words: A Tongan Gravestone. Focus on
Geography, 55(2), 75-76.
Curry, G., Koczberski, G., Connell, J. (2012).
Introduction: enacting modernity in the Pacific?
Australian Geographer, 43(2), 115-125. <a
682291">[More Information]</a>
Gibson, C., Connell, J. (2012). Music Festivals
and Regional Development in Australia. Surrey:
Connell, J. (2014). The two cultures of health
worker migration: A Pacific perspective. Social
Science and Medicine, 116, 73-81. <a
.06.043">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2012). Population Resettlement in
the Pacific: Lessons from a hazardous history?
Australian Geographer, 43(2), 127-142. <a
682292">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J., Negin, J. (2012). The Malaise of
Modernity: Urbanization, Mobility, And HIV in
the Pacific. Pacific Studies, 35(3), 371-399.
Connell, J. (2013). Ants, Rats, Snakes and Taro
Blight: Contemporary Invasions of the Pacific
Islands. In Sebastien Larrue (Eds.), Biodiversity
and Societies in the Pacific Islands, (pp. 51-70).
Canberra, Australia: ANU E Press.
Connell, J. (2013), Case Study: Medical Tourist
Flows and Uneven Regional Healthcare
Connell, J. (2013). Contemporary medical
tourism: Conceptualisation, culture and
commodification. Tourism Management, 34,
1-13. <a
5.009">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2013). Islands at Risk Environments,
Economies And Contemporary Change.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Connell, J., Taulealo-Seru, T. (2013).
L'emergence D'une Capitale Polynesienne Apia
(Samoa Occidentales). In Dorethee Dussy, Eric
Wittersheim (Eds.), Villes invisibles
Anthropologie urbaine du Pacifique, (pp.
225-246). Paris, France: L'Harmattan.
Connell, J. (2013). Medical Tourism in the
Caribbean Islands: A Cure for Economies in
Crisis? Island Studies Journal, 8(1), 115-130.
Connell, J., Rapaport, M. (2013). Mobility to
Migration. In Moshe Rapaport (Eds.), The
Pacific Islands: Environment and Society, (pp.
275-286). Honolulu, USA: University of Hawaii
Connell, J. (2011). A new inequality?
Privatisation, urban bias, migration
and medical tourism. Asia Pacific Viewpoint,
52(3), 260-271. <a
1.01454.x">[More Information]</a>
Pritchard, W., Connell, J. (2011). Contract
farming and the remaking of agrarian landscapes:
Insights from South India's
chilli belt. Singapore Journal of Tropical
Geography, 32(2), 236-252. <a
1.00424.x">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2011). Elephants in the Pacific?
Pacific urbanisation and its discontents. Asia
Pacific Viewpoint, 52(2), 121-135. <a
1.01445.x">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J., Gibson, C. (2011). Elvis in the
Country: Transforming Place in Rural Australia.
In Chris Gibson; John Connell (Eds.), Festival
Places: Revitalising Rural Australia, (pp.
175-193). UK: Channel View Publications.
Connell, J. (2011). Medical Tourism.
Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing.
Connell, J. (2011). Memories and Island Music.
In Godfrey Baldacchino (Eds.), Island Songs: A
Global Repertoire, (pp. 261-280). Plymouth,
Publications for John Connell
United Kingdom: Scarecrow Press, Inc.
Buchan, J., Connell, J., Rumsey, M. (2011),
Recruiting and retaining health workers in
remote areas: pacific island case studies.
Pacific: Introduction to the special issue.
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography,
31(1), 1-9. <a
0.00382.x">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J., McManus, P. (2011). Rural Revival
Place Marketing, Tree Change and Regional
Migration in Australia. Surrey: Ashgate.
Connell, J. (2010). The Other Side of the Skill
Drain. Australian Quarterly, 82(3), 17-20.
Gibson, C., Connell, J., Waitt, G., Walmsley, J.
(2011). The Extent and Significance of Rural
Festivals. In Chris Gibson; John Connell (Eds.),
Festival Places: Revitalising Rural Australia,
(pp. 3-24). UK: Channel View Publications.
Connell, J. (2010). Wild West: Rainforests of
Western Solomon Islands. Australian
Geographer, 41(4), 539-540. <a
519764">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J., Rugendyke, B. (2010). Creating an
Authentic Tourist Site? The Australian Standing
Stones, Glen Innes. Australian Geographer,
41(1), 87-100. <a
5600">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2009). ''I Never Wanted to Come
Home'': Skilled Health Workers in the South
Pacific. In Lee, Helen; Francis, Steve Tupai
(Eds.), Migration and Transnationalism: Pacific
Perspectives, (pp. 159-177). Canberra: ANU E
Gibson, C., Waitt, G., Walmsley, J., Connell, J.
(2010). Cultural Festivals and Economic
Development in Nonmetropolitan Australia.
Journal of Planning Education and Research,
29(3), 280-293. <a
382">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2010). Decline, renewal and the city
in popular music culture: beyond the Beatles.
Australian Geographer, 40(4), 495-496. <a
2679">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2010). From blackbirds to
guestworkers in the South Pacific. Plus ca
change ..? Economic and Labour Relations
Review, 20(2), 111-122.
Connell, J. (2010). Migration of health workers
in the asia-pacific region, (pp. 3 - 28). Sydney,
Australia: Human Resources for Health
Knowledge Hub, University of New South
Connell, J., Negin, J. (2010). Migration, Mobility
and HIV A rapid assessment of risks and
vulnerabilities in the Pacific.
Connell, J., Negin, J. (2010). Migration, Mobility
and HIV. A rapid assessment of risks and
vulnerabilities in the Pacific, (pp. 3 - 63). Suva,
Fiji: United Nations Development Programme.
Connell, J. (2010). Pacific islands in the global
economy: Paradoxes of migration and culture.
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography,
31(1), 115-129. <a
0.00387.x">[More Information]</a>
Gough, K., Bayliss-Smith, T., Connell, J., Mertz,
O. (2010). Small island sustainability in the
Connell, J. (2009). ''We are not ready'':
colonialism or autonomy in Tokelau. In
Baldacchino, Godfrey; Milne, David (Eds.),
The Case for Non-Sovereignty Lessons from
sub-national island jurisdictions, (pp. 157-169).
Oxon: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Connell, J., Gibson, C. (2009). Ambient
Australia: Music, Meditation, and Tourist Places.
In Johansson, Ola; Bell, Thomas L. (Eds.),
Sound, Society and the Geography of Popular
Music, (pp. 67-88). Farnham: Ashgate.
Connell, J. (2009). Birdwatching, twitching and
tourism: towards an Australian perspective.
Australian Geographer, 40(2), 203-217. <a
4942">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2009). Bittersweet Home? Return
Migration and Health Work in Polynesia. In
Conway, Dennis; Potter, Robert B. (Eds.),
Return Migration of the Next Generations 21st
Century Transnational Mobility, (pp. 139-160).
England: Ashgate.
Connell, J., Hammond, J. (2009). Iso Iso: the
first ni-Vanuatu guest workers in New Zealand.
Pacific Economic Bulletin, 24(1), 83-95.
Connell, J. (2009). The Global Health Care
Chain: From the Pacific to the World. New
York, USA: Routledge.
Hammond, J., Connell, J. (2009). The New
Blackbirds? Vanuatu Guestworkers in New
Zealand. New Zealand Geographer, 65(3),
201-210. <a
9.01163.x">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2009). Third World. In Rob Kitchin
and Nigel Thrift (Eds.), International
Encyclopedia of Human Geography. (pp.
Publications for John Connell
237-246). Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
Connell, J., Gibson, C. (2008). 'No passport
necessary': Music, record covers and vicarious
tourism in post-war Hawai'i. The Journal of
Pacific History, 43(1), 51-75.
Maron, N., Connell, J. (2008). Back to
Nukunuku: Employment, identity and return
migration in Tonga. Asia Pacific Viewpoint,
49(2), 168-184. <a
8.00368.x">[More Information]</a>
McManus, P., Connell, J. (2008). Country Week:
Bringing the City to the Country? Australian
Humanities Review, 45, 53-66.
Robinson, P., Connell, J. (2008). Everything is
truthful here. Custom village tourism in Tanna,
Vanuatu. In John Connell and Barbara
Rugendyke (Eds.), Tourism at the Grassroots:
Villagers and visitors in the Asia-Pacific, (pp.
77-97). 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon,
Oxon, OX144RN: Routledge imprint of Taylor
& Francis.
Rugendyke, B., Connell, J. (2008). Marginal
people and marginal places. In John Connell
and Barbara Rugendyke (Eds.), Tourism at the
Grassroots: Villagers and visitors in the
Asia-Pacific, (pp. 274-282). 2 Park Square,
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX144RN:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Connell, J. (2008). Niue: Embracing a culture of
migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration
Studies, 34(6), 1021-1040. <a
1315">[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2008). Poverty, Migration and
economic resilience in small island developing
states. In Lino Briguglio, Gordon Cordina,
Nadia Farrugia, Constance Vigilance (Eds.),
Small states and the pillars of economic
resilience, (pp. 263-288). Malta: University of
Connell, J. (2008). Review of British Asians and
football. Culture, identity, exclusion. Journal of
Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34(1), 170-171.
Connell, J. (2008). Solomon Islands. In
D'Avanzo (Eds.), Mosby's Pocket Guide to
Cultural Health Assessment. (Vol. 1, pp.
645-648). Mosby Elsevier.
Connell, J. (2008). The International Migration
of Health Workers. 270 Madison Avenue, New
York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Connell, J., Rugendyke, B. (2008). Tourism and
Local People in the Asia-Pacific region. In John
Connell and Barbara Rugendyke (Eds.), Tourism
at the Grassroots: Villagers and visitors in the
Asia-Pacific, (pp. 1-40). 2 Park Square, Milton
Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX144RN: Routledge
imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Connell, J., Rugendyke, B. (2008). Tourism at
the Grassroots: Villagers and visitors in the
Asia-Pacific. 2 Park Square, Milton Park,
Abingdon, Oxon, OX144RN: Routledge imprint
of Taylor & Francis.
Connell, J. (2008). Towards a Global Health
Care System. In John Connell (Eds.), The
International Migration of Health Workers, (pp.
1-29). 270 Madison Avenue, New York:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Connell, J. (2008). Tummy Tucks and the Taj
Mahal? Medical Tourism and the Globalization
of Health Care. In A. Woodside and D. Martin
(Eds.), Tourism Management Analysis,
Behaviour and strategy, (pp. 232-244). UK:
CABI Publishing.
Connell, J. (2007). 'The best island on the globe':
constantly constructing tourism on Niue.
Australian Geographer, 38(1), 1-13.
Connell, J. (2007). At the End of the World:
Holding onto Health Workers in Niue. Asian and
Pacific Migration Journal, 16(2), 179-197.
Connell, J., Soutar, A. (2007). Free Trade or Free
Fall? Trade Liberalization and Development in
the Pacific and Caribbean. Social and Economic
Studies, 56(1/2), 41-66.
Connell, J. (2007). Holding on to Modernity?
Siwai, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. In
John Connell and Eric Waddell (Eds.),
Environment, Development and Change in Rural
Asia-Pacific: Between Local and Global, (pp.
127-146). London: Routledge imprint of Taylor
& Francis.
McNamara, S., Connell, J. (2007). Homeward
bound? Searching for home in inner Sydney's
share houses. Australian Geographer, 38(1),
Waddell, E., Connell, J. (2007). Introduction Between global and local: the contest for
development. In John Connell and Eric
Waddell (Eds.), Environment, Development and
Change in Rural Asia-Pacific: Between Local
and Global, (pp. 1-15). London: Routledge
imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Connell, J. (2007). Island Migration. In
Godfrey Baldacchino (Eds.), A World of Islands:
An Island Studies Reader, (pp. 455-481). Prince
Edward Island and Malta: Institute of Island
Connell, J. (2007). Islands, idylls and the detours
of development. Singapore Journal of Tropical
Geography, 28(2), 116-135.
Publications for John Connell
Gibson, C., Connell, J. (2007). Music, Tourism
and the Transformation of Memphis. Tourism
Geographies, 9(2), 160-190.
Connell, J., Zurn, P., Stilwell, B., Awases, M.,
Braichet, J. (2007). Sub-Saharan Africa: Beyond
the health worker migration crisis? Social
Science and Medicine, 64(9), 1876-1891.
Connell, J. (2007). The Continuity of Custom?
Tourist Perceptions of Authenticity in Yakel
Village, Tanna, Vanuatu. Journal of Tourism and
Cultural Change, 5(2), 71-86.
Connell, J. (2007). The Fiji times and the good
citizen: Constructing modernity and nationhood
in Fiji. Contemporary Pacific, 19(1), 85-109.
Brennan-Horley, C., Connell, J., Gibson, C.
(2007). The Parkes Elvis Revival Festival:
Economic Development and Contested Place
Identities in Rural Australia. Geographical
Research, 45(1), 71-84.
Connell, J. (2007). Towards Free Trade in the
Pacific? The Genesis of the 'Kava-Biscuit War'
between Fiji and Vanuatu. Geographical
Research, 45(1), 1-12.
Globalisation and Governance in the Pacific
Islands, (pp. 59-80). Canberra: ANU Press.
Connell, J. (2006). Migration, Dependency and
Inequality in the Pacific: Old Wine in Bigger
Bottles? (Part 2). In Stewart Firth (Eds.),
Globalisation and Governance in the Pacific
Islands, (pp. 81-106). Canberra: ANU Press.
Connell, J. (2006). Nauru: The First Failed
Pacific State? The Round Table, 95(383), 47-63.
Graham, S., Connell, J. (2006). Nurturing
Relationships: The Gardens of Greek and
Vietnamese Migrants in Marrickville, Sydney.
Australian Geographer, 37(3), 375-393.
Brown, R., Connell, J. (2006).
Occupation-Specific Analysis of Migration and
Remittance Behaviour: Pacific Island Nurses in
Australia and New Zealand. Asia Pacific
Viewpoint, 47(1), 135-150.
Aldrich, R., Connell, J. (2006). The Last
Colonies. New York, USA: Cambridge
University Press.
Connell, J. (2006). 'Saving the Solomons': a New
Geopolitics in the
Connell, J., Voigt-Graf, C. (2006). Towards
Autonomy? Gendered Migration in Pacific
Island Countries. In K. Ferro and M. Wallner
(Eds.), Migration Happens. Reasons, Effects and
Opportunities of Migration in the South Pacific,
(pp. 43-62). Vienna, Austria: LIT Verlag.
'Arc of Instability'? Geographical Research,
44(2), 111-122.
Connell, J. (2006). 'The Taste of Paradise'.
Selling Fiji and FIJI Water. Asia Pacific
Viewpoint, 47(3), 342-350.
Connell, J. (2005). A nation in decline?
Migration and emigration from the Cook Islands.
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 14(3),
Connell, J., Brown, R., Jimenez, E., Leeves, G.
(2006). Cents and Sensibility: the Economic
Benefits of Remittances.
Aldrich, R., Connell, J. (2006). France's
Overseas Frontier. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Connell, J. (2006). I Can't Eat That It's Purple: a
geography field course in Vanuatu and Fiji.
Geographical Research, 44(1), 17-27.
Connell, J. (2006). Medical Tourism: Sea, Sun,
Sand and .. Surgery. Tourism Management,
27(6), 1093-1100.
Connell, J. (2006). Medical Tourism: the newest
of niches. Tourism Recreation Research, 31(1),
Connell, J., Stilwell, B. (2006). Merchants of
medical care: Recruiting agencies in the global
health care chain. In Christiane Kuptsch (Eds.),
Merchants of Labour, (pp. 239-254). France:
International Labour Organisation.
Connell, J. (2006). Migration, Dependency and
Inequality in the Pacific: Old Wine in Bigger
Bottles? (part 1). In Stewart Firth (Eds.),
Gibson, C., Connell, J. (2005). Aspects of
Tourism: Music and Tourism. On the Road
Again. Clevedon: Channel View Publications.
Connell, J., Rugendyke, R. (2005). Harold
Brookfield. In David Simon (Eds.), Fifty key
thinkers on development, (pp. 56-61). UK:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Connell, J. (2005). Hillsong: A Megachurch in
the Sydney Suburbs. Australian Geographer,
36(3), 315-332.
Connell, J., Brown, R. (2005). Migration,
Remittances and the South Pacific: towards
investment against vulnerability. In Shaw, J
(Eds.), Remittances, Microfinance and
Development: building the links, (pp. 17-25).
Brisbane: Foundation for development
Connell, J., Brown, R. (2005). Remittances in the
Pacific: An overview. Manila, Philippines: Asian
Development Bank.
Connell, J., Waddell, E. (2005). That most
remarkable of outside men: Harold Brookfield's
intellectual legacy. Asia Pacific Viewpoint,
Publications for John Connell
46(2), 129-133.
92(368), 125-143.
Cox, J., Connell, J. (2003). Place, exile and
identity: the contemporary experience of
Palestinians in Sydney. Australian Geographer,
34(3), 329-343.
Connell, J., Raj, S. (2004). A Passage To
Sydney. In Brij V. Lal (Eds.), Bittersweet: The
IndoFijian Experience, (pp. 303-321). Canberra:
Pandanus Books.
Gibson, C., Connell, J. (2004). Cultural Industry
Production In Remote Places: Indigenous
Popular Music In Australia. In Dominic Power
and Allen J. Scott (Eds.), Cultural Industries and
the Production of Culture, (pp. 243-258).
Abingdon, UK: Routledge imprint of Taylor &
Connell, J. (2004). Neither Indian Nor
Australian? Contemporary Indian Migration To
Sydney. In N. N. Vohra (Eds.), India and
Australasia : History, Culture and Society, (pp.
190-224). Delhi: Shipra Publications.
Connell, J. (2004). The Migration Of Skilled
Health Professionals: From The Pacific Islands
To The World. Asian and Pacific Migration
Journal, 13(2), 155-177.
Connell, J., Brown, R. (2004). The Remittances
Of Migrant Tongan And Samoan Nurses In
Australia. Human Resources for Health, 2(2),
Connell, J., Gibson, C. (2004). Vicarious
Journeys: Travels In Music. Tourism
Geographies, 6(1), 2-25.
Connell, J., Gibson, C. (2004). World Music:
Deterritorializing Place And Identity. Progress in
Human Geography, 28(3), 342-361.
Gibson, C., Connell, J. (2003). 'Bongo fury':
tourism, music and cultural economy at Byron
Bay, Australia. Tijdschrift voor economische en
sociale geografie, 94(2), 164-187.
Connell, J. (2003). An ocean of discontent?
Contemporary migration and deprivation in the
South Pacific. In R. Iredale, C. Hawksley and
S. Castles (Eds.), Migration in the Asia Pacific:
Population, Settlement and Citizenship Issues,
(pp. 55-77). Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar
Connell, J. (2003). Island dreaming: the
contemplation of Polynesian paradise. Journal
Of Historical Geography, 29(4), 554-581. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Connell, J. (2003). Losing ground? Tuvalu, the
greenhouse effect and the garbage can. Asia
Pacific Viewpoint, 11, 89-107.
Connell, J. (2003). New Caledonia: an infinite
pause in decolonization? The Round Table,
Connell, J. (2003). Regulation of space in the
contemporary postcolonial Pacific city: Port
Moresby and Suva. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 11,
Connell, J., Gibson, C. (2003). Sound Tracks:
Popular music, identity and place. London:
Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Connell, J., Lea, J. (2002). Urbanisation in the
Island Pacific: Towards Sustainable
Development. United States: Taylor and Francis.
Connell, J. (2001). Eternal Empire: Britain's
Caribbean Colonies in the Global Arena. In
Aarón Gamaliel Ramos & Angel Israel Rivera
Ortiz (Eds.), Islands at the Crossroads: Politics
in the Non-Independent Caribbean, (pp.
115-135). United States: Lynne Rienner
Connell, J., Koczberski, G., Curry, G. (2001).
Full circle or spiralling out of control? State
violence and the control of urbanisation in Papua
New Guinea. Urban Studies: an international
journal for research in urban studies, 38 (11),
Connell, J. (1999). Environmental Change,
Economic Development, And Emigration in
Tuvalu. Pacific Studies, 22(1), 1-20.