Publications for Jody Webster 2016

Publications for Jody Webster
Publications for Jody Webster
2.014">[More Information]</a>
Harris, D., Webster, J., Vila-Concejo, A., Hua,
Q., Yokoyama, Y., Reimer, P. (2015). Late
Holocene sea-level fall and turn-off of reef flat
carbonate production: Rethinking bucket fill and
coral reed growth models. Geology, 43(2),
175-178. <a
re Information]</a>
Dechnik, B., Webster, J., Nothdurft, L., Webb,
G., Zhao, J., Duce, S., Braga, J., Harris, D.,
Vila-Concejo, A., Puotinen, M. (2016). Influence
of hydrodynamic energy on Holocene reef flat
accretion, Great Barrier Reef. Quaternary
Research, 85(1), 44-53. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Webster, J., Braga, J.,
Clague, D., Dutton, A., Eggins, S., Fallon, S.,
Jacobsen, G., Paduan, J., Potts, D. (2016).
Morphology and evolution of drowned carbonate
terraces during the last two interglacial cycles,
off Hilo, NE Hawaii. Marine Geology, 371,
57-81. <a
0.016">[More Information]</a>
Hinestrosa, G., Webster, J., Beaman, R. (2016).
Postglacial sediment deposition along a mixed
carbonate-siliciclastic margin: New constraints
from the drowned shelf-edge reefs of the Great
Barrier Reef, Australia. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 446,
168-185. <a
023">[More Information]</a>
Webster, J., George, N., Beaman, R., Hill, J.,
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Hinestrosa, G., Abbey, E.,
Daniell, J. (2016). Submarine landslides on the
Great Barrier Reef shelf edge and upper slope: A
mechanism for generating tsunamis on the
north-east Australian coast? Marine Geology,
371, 120-129. <a
1.008">[More Information]</a>
Insua, L., Hamel, L., Moran, K., Anderson, L.,
Webster, J. (2015). Advanced classification of
carbonate sediments based on physical
properties. Sedimentology, 62(2), 590-606. <a
re Information]</a>
Camoin, G., Webster, J. (2015). Coral reef
response to Quaternary sea-level and
environmental changes: State of the science.
Sedimentology, 62(2), 401-428. <a
re Information]</a>
Dechnik, B., Webster, J., Davies, P., Braga, J.,
Reimer, P. (2015). Holocene "turn-on" and
evolution of the Southern Great Barrier Reef:
Revisiting reef cores from the Capricorn Bunker
Group. Marine Geology, 363, 174-190. <a
Harper, B., Puga-Bernabeu, A., Droxler, A.,
Webster, J., Gischler, E., Tiwari, M., Lado-Insua,
T., Thomas, A., Morgan, S., Jovane, L., et al
(2015). Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic
sedimentation along the great barrier reef upper
slope: A challenge to the reciprocal
sedimentation model. Journal Of Sedimentary
Research, 85(9), 1019-1036. <a
More Information]</a>
Lewis, S., Wust, R., Webster, J., Collins, J.,
Wright, S., Jacobsen, G. (2015). Rapid relative
sea-level fall along north-eastern Australia
between 1200 and 800cal.yrBP: An appraisal of
the oyster evidence. Marine Geology, 370,
20-30. <a
9.014">[More Information]</a>
Harris, D., Vila-Concejo, A., Webster, J., Power,
H. (2015). Spatial variations in wave
transformation and sediment entrainment on a
coral reef sand apron. Marine Geology, 363,
220-229. <a
2.010">[More Information]</a>
Dutton, A., Webster, J., Zwartz, D., Lambeck,
K., Wohlfarth, B. (2015). Tropical tales of polar
ice: evidence of Last Interglacial polar ice sheet
retreat recorded by fossil reefs of the granitic
Seychelles islands. Quaternary Science Reviews,
107, 182-196. <a
10.025">[More Information]</a>
Vila-Concejo, A., Harris, D., Shannon, A.,
Webster, J., Power, H. (2014). Coral reef
sediment dynamics: evidence of sand-apron
evolution on a daily and decadal scale. Journal
of Coastal Research, 65, 606-611. <a
e Information]</a>
Camoin, G., Webster, J. (2014). Coral Reefs and
Sea-Level Change. In Stein, Blackman, Inagaki
and Larsen (Eds.), Earth and Life Processes
Discovered from Subseafloor Environments, (pp.
395-441). Netherlands: Elsevier. <a
17-2.00015-3">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Jody Webster
Woodroffe, C., Webster, J. (2014). Coral reefs
and sea-level change. Marine Geology, 352,
248-267. <a
2.006">[More Information]</a>
Harris, D., Vila-Concejo, A., Power, H.,
Webster, J. (2014). Wave processes on coral reef
flats during modal and storm conditions. AGU
Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco: Not yet
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Webster, J., Beaman, R.,
Reimer, P., Renema, W. (2014). Filling the gap:
A 60 ky record of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic
turbidite deposition from the Great Barrier Reef.
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 50, 40-50. <a
3.11.009">[More Information]</a>
Harris, D., Vila-Concejo, A., Webster, J. (2014).
Geomorphology and sediment transport on a
submerged back-reef sand apron: One Tree Reef,
Great Barrier Reef. Geomorphology, 222,
132-142. <a
.03.015">[More Information]</a>
Felis, T., Mcgregor, H., Linsley, B., Tudhope,
A., Gagan, M., Suzuki, A., Inoue, M., Thomas,
A., Esat, T., Thompson, W., Webster, J., et al
(2014). Intensification of the meridional
temperature gradient in the Great Barrier Reef
following the Last Glacial Maximum. Nature
Communications, 5, 1-7. <a
More Information]</a>
Blanchon, P., Granados-Corea, M., Abbey, E.,
Braga, J., Braithwaite, C., Kennedy, D., Spencer,
T., Webster, J., Woodroffe, C. (2014).
Postglacial Fringing-Reef to Barrier-Reef
conversion on Tahiti links Darwin's reef types.
Scientific Reports, 4, 1-9. <a
re Information]</a>
Vila-Concejo, A., Harris, D., Power, H.,
Shannon, A., Webster, J. (2014). Sediment
transport and mixing depth on a coral reef sand
apron. Geomorphology, 222, 143-150. <a
.09.034">[More Information]</a>
Hinestrosa, G., Webster, J., Beaman, R.,
Anderson, L. (2014). Seismic stratigraphy and
development of the shelf-edge reefs of the Great
Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Geology, 353,
1-20. <a
3.016">[More Information]</a>
Duce, S., Vila-Concejo, A., Hamylton, S., Bruce,
E., Webster, J. (2014). Spur and groove
distribution, morphology and relationship to
relative wave exposure, Southern Great Barrier
Reef, Australia. Journal of Coastal Research, 70,
115-120. <a
ore Information]</a>
Gischler, E., Dietrich, S., Harris, D., Webster, J.,
Ginsburg, R. (2013). A comparative study of
modern carbonate mud in reefs and carbonate
platforms: Mostly biogenic, some precipitated.
Sedimentary Geology, 292, 36-55. <a
.003">[More Information]</a>
Vila-Concejo, A., Harris, D., Shannon, A.,
Power, H., Webster, J. (2013). Coral reef
sediment dynamics: evidence of sand-apron
evolution on a daily and a decadal scale.
International Coastal Symposium, Plymouth
University: Plymouth University.
Abbey, E., Webster, J., Braga, J., Jacobsen, G.,
Thorogood, G., Thomas, A., Camoin, G.,
Reimer, P., Potts, D. (2013). Deglacial
mesophotic reef demise on the Great Barrier
Reef. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, 392, 473-494. <a
032">[More Information]</a>
Shannon, A., Power, H., Webster, J.,
Vila-Concejo, A. (2013). Evolution of Coral
Rubble Deposits on a Reef Platform as Detected
by Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 5(1), 1-18.
re Information]</a>
O'Leary, M., Hearty, P., Thompson, W., Raymo,
M., Mitrovica, J., Webster, J. (2013). Ice sheet
collapse following a prolonged period of stable
sea level during the last interglacial. Nature
Geoscience, 6(9), 796-800. <a
More Information]</a>
Harris, D., Vila-Concejo, A., Webster, J. (2013).
Influence of swell wave transformation on rubble
deposition on coral reef flats. International
Coastal Symposium, Plymouth University:
Plymouth University.
Gischler, E., Thomas, A., Droxler, A., Webster,
J., Yokoyama, Y., Schone, B. (2013).
Microfacies and diagenesis of older Pleistocene
(pre-last glacial maximum) reef deposits, Great
Barrier Reef, Australia (IODP Expedition 325):
A quantitative approach. Sedimentology, 60(6),
1432-1466. <a
re Information]</a>
Renema, W., Beaman, R., Webster, J. (2013).
Mixing of relict and modern tests of larger
Publications for Jody Webster
benthic foraminifera on the Great Barrier Reef
shelf margin. Marine Micropaleontology, 101,
68-75. <a
03.002">[More Information]</a>
Woolsey, E., Byrne, M., Webster, J., Williams,
S., Pizarro, O., Thornborough, K., Davies, P.,
Beaman, R., Bridge, T. (2013). Ophiopsila
pantherina beds on subaqueous dunes off the
Great Barrier Reef. Echinoderms in a Changing
World: 13th International Echinoderm
Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands: CRC
Press/Balkema. <a
ore Information]</a>
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Webster, J., Beaman, R.
(2013). Potential collapse of the upper slope and
tsunami generation on the Great Barrier Reef
margin, north-eastern Australia. Natural
Hazards, 66(2), 557-575. <a
2-0">[More Information]</a>
Harris, P., Bridge, T., Beaman, R., Webster, J.,
Nichol, S., Brooke, B. (2013). Submerged banks
in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, greatly
increase available coral reef habitat. ICES
Journal of Marine Science: journal du conseil,
70(2), 284-293. <a
[More Information]</a>
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Webster, J., Beaman, R.,
Guilbaud, V. (2013). Variation in canyon
morphology on the Great Barrier Reef margin,
north-eastern Australia: The influence of slope
and barrier reefs. Geomorphology, 191, 35-50.
.03.001">[More Information]</a>
Barrett, S., Webster, J. (2012). 3D numerical
modelling of the Holocene evolution of One Tree
Reef, Southern Great Barrier Reef: Implications
for understanding the growth and architecture of
coral reefs. European Geophysical Union,
Europe: EGU.
Lado-Insua, T., Anderson, L., Webster, J.,
Hamel, L., Moran, K. (2012). Advanced
classification of carbonate sediments based on
physical properties. 12th International Coral
Reef Symposium, Cairns: ICRS.
Thomas, A., Fujita, K., Iryu, Y., Bard, E.,
Cabioch, G., Camoin, G., Cole, J., Deschamps,
P., Durand, N., Hamelin, B., Webster, J., et al
(2012). Assessing subsidence rates and paleo
water-depths for Tahiti reefs using U-Th
chronology of altered corals. Marine Geology,
295-298, 86-94. <a
2.006">[More Information]</a>
Humblet, M., Potts, D., Webster, J. (2012).
Changing coral assemblages since the Last
Glacial Maximum: IODP Expedition 325. 12th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns:
Harris, D., Vila-Concejo, A., Webster, J. (2012).
Determining back-reef sediment transport using
linear wave theory. 12th International Coral
Reef Symposium, Cairns: ICRS.
Lewis, S., Wust, R., Webster, J., Shields, G.,
Renema, W., Lough, J., Jacobsen, G. (2012).
Development of an inshore fringing coral reef
using textural, compositional and stratigraphic
data from Magnetic Island, Great Barrier Reef,
Australia. Marine Geology, 299-302, 18-32. <a
1.003">[More Information]</a>
Bourillot, R., Seard, C., Camoin, G., Webster, J.,
Thomas, A., Galaup, S., Gischler, E., Droxler,
A., Braga, J., Francheschi, M. (2012). Diagenesis
of the Great Barrier Reef during the last
deglacial. 12th International Coral Reef
Symposium, Cairns: ICRS.
Bridge, T., Fabricius, K., Bongaerts, P., Wallace,
C., Muir, P., Done, T., Webster, J. (2012).
Diversity of Scleractinia and Octocorallia in the
mesophotic zone of the Great Barrier Reef,
Australia. Coral Reefs, 31(1), 179-189. <a
8-1">[More Information]</a>
Beaman, R., Bridge, T., Done, T., Webster, J.,
Williams, S., Pizarro, O. (2012). Habitats and
Benthos at Hydrographers Passage, Great Barrier
Reef, Australia. In Peter T. Harris, Elaine K.
Baker (Eds.), Seafloor Geomorphology as
Benthic Habitat: GeoHAB Atlas of Seafloor
Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, (pp.
425-434). Waltham, USA: Elsevier.
Barrett, S., Webster, J. (2012). Holocene
evolution of the Great Barrier Reef: Insights
from 3D numerical modelling. Sedimentary
Geology, 265-266, 56-71. <a
.015">[More Information]</a>
Dechnik, B., Webster, J., Davies, P., Braga, J.,
Reimer, P. (2012). Holocene “turn-on�? and
evolution of the Southern Great Barrier Reef:
Revisiting reef cores from the Capricorn Bunker
Group. <i>34th International Geological
Congress (IGC):
Australia 2012</i>, Brisbane, Australia:
International Geological Congress.
Webster, J., Braga, J., Humblet, M., Potts, D.,
Iryu, Y., Hinestrosa, G., Bourillot, R., Seard, C.,
Camoin, G., Yokoyama, Y., et al (2012), IODP
Publications for Jody Webster
Expedition 325 to the Great Barrier Reef:
unlocking the history of reef growth and demise
since the Last Glacial Maximum.
Webster, J., Beaman, R., Puga-Bernabeu, A.,
Ludman, D., Renema, W., Wust, R., George, N.,
Reimer, P., Jacobsen, G., Moss, P. (2012). Late
Pleistocene history of turbidite sedimentation in
a submarine canyon off the northern Great
Barrier Reef, Australia. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 331-332,
75-89. <a
034">[More Information]</a>
Harper, B., Droxler, A., Gischler, E., Webster, J.,
Puga-Bernabeu, A. (2012). Late Quaternary
upper-slope deepening (fining) upward
sequences (Great Barrier Reef). 12th
International Coral Reef Symposium., Cairns:
Anderson, L., Inwood, J., Morgan, S., Webster,
J., Lado-Insua, T., Davies, S. (2012).
Lithostratigraphic reconstruction in coral
sequences, IODP Expeditions 310 and 325. 12th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns:
Camoin, G., Westphal, H., Seard, C., Heindel,
K., Yokoyama, Y., Matsuzaki, H., Vasconcelos,
C., Warthmann, R., Webster, J. (2012).
Microbialites : a major component of the last
reef sequence from Tahiti. Proceedings of the
Ocean Drilling Program, Texas: Integrated
Ocean Drilling Program Management
Program, Texas: Integrated Ocean Drilling
Program Management International.
Camoin, G., Seard, C., Deschamps, P., Webster,
J., Abbey, E., Braga, J., Iryu, Y., Durand, N.,
Bard, E., Hamelin, B., et al (2012). Reef
response to sea-level and environmental changes
during the last deglaciation: Integrated Ocean
Drilling Program Expedition 310,Tahiti Sea
Level. Geology, 40(7), 643-646. <a
re Information]</a>
Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Okuno, J., Fallon, S.,
Braga, J., Potts, D., Webster, J., Esat, T.,
Thomas, A., Thompson, W. (2012). Sea-level
changes since the Last Glacial Maximum: IODP
new results from IODP Expedition 325. 12th
International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns:
Vila-Concejo, A., Harris, D., Power, H.,
Shannon, A., Webster, J. (2012). Sediment
mixing depth in sand aprons in coral reef
environments. 12th International Coral Reef
Symposium, Townsville: James Cook University.
Hinestrosa, G., Webster, J., Beaman, R.,
Anderson, L., Barrett, S. (2012). Seismic
stratigraphy of the shelf edge of the Great Barrier
Reef. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium,
Cairns: ICRS.
Webster, J. (2012). Spatial and temporal patterns
in turbidite deposition along the Great Barrier
Reef margin. <i>34th International Geological
Congress (IGC):
Australia 2012</i>, Brisbane, Australia:
International Geological Congress.
Woolsey, E., Byrne, M., Webster, J., Williams,
S., Pizarro, O., Thornborough, K., Davies, P.,
Beaman, R., Bridge, T. (2012), <i>Ophiopsila
pantherina beds on subaqueous dunes off the
Great Barrier
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Webster, J., Beaman, R.
(2012). Submarine mass wasting in the Great
Barrier Reef margin. 29th IAS Meeting of
Sedimentology, Austria: International
Association of Sedimentologists.
Thompson, W., Esat, T., Thomas, A.,
Yokoyama, Y., Webster, J. (2012). U-series
geochronology for the Last Glacial Maximum
Great Barrier Reef. 12th International Coral
Reef Symposium, Cairns: ICRS.
Bridge, T., Beaman, R., Done, T., Webster, J.
(2012). Predicting the Location and Spatial
Extent of Submerged Coral Reef Habitat in the
Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area,
Australia. PloS One, 7(10), e48203-1-e48203-11.
8203">[More Information]</a>
Seard, C., Camoin, G., Bard, E., Borgomano, J.,
Deschamps, P., Durand, N., Hamelin, B.,
Webster, J., Westphal, H., Yokoyama, Y. (2012).
Reconstructing reef accretion during the last
sea-level rise : I.O.D.P. #310 expedition « Tahiti
level ». Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling
Gischler, E., Droxler, A., Webster, J. (2011).
Facies and diagenesis of older Pleistocene coral
reefs, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Meeting / AAPG 2011: Making the Next Giant
Leap in Geosciences.
Harris, D., Webster, J., De Carli, E.,
Vila-Concejo, A. (2011). Geomorphology and
morphodynamics of a sand apron, One Tree
Reef, Southern Great Barrier Reef. Journal of
Coastal Research, SI 64, 760-764.
Publications for Jody Webster
Abbey, E., Webster, J., Beaman, R. (2011).
Geomorphology of submerged reefs on the shelf
edge of the Great Barrier Reef: The influence of
oscillating Pleistocene sea-levels. Marine
Geology, 288, 61-78. <a
8.006">[More Information]</a>
Yokoyama, Y., Webster, J., Cotterill, C., Braga,
J., Jovane, L., Mills, H., Morgan, S., Suzuki, A.
(2011). IODP Expedition 325: Great Barrier
Reefs Reveals Past Sea-Level, Climate and
Environmental Changes Since the Last Ice Age.
Scientific Drilling, 12(september 2011), 32-45.
11">[More Information]</a>
Harper, B., Droxler, A., Gischler, E., Webster, J.,
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Herrero-Bervera, E.,
Lado-Insua, T., Jovane, L. (2011). Late
Quaternary Upper Slope Deepening (Fining)
Upward Sequences Offshore the Great Barrier
Reef, IODP 325 Expedition. American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Meeting / AAPG 2011: Making the Next Giant
Leap in Geosciences.
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Webster, J., Beaman, R.,
Guilbaud, V. (2011). Morphology and controls
on the evolution of a mixed
carbonate-siliciclastic submarine canyon system,
Great Barrier Reef margin, north-eastern
Australia. Marine Geology, 289(1-4), 100-116.
9.013">[More Information]</a>
Abbey, E., Webster, J. (2011). Submerged Reefs.
In David Hopley (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Modern
Coral Reefs: Structure, Form and Process, (pp.
1058-1062). Dordrecht, The Netherlands:
Bongaerts, P., Sampayo, E., Bridge, T.,
Ridgway, T., Vermeulen, F., Englebert, N.,
Webster, J., Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2011).
Symbiodinium diversity in mesophotic coral
communities on the Great Barrier Reef: a first
assessment. Marine Ecology - Progress Series,
439, 117-126. <a
ore Information]</a>
Faichney, I., Webster, J., Clague, D., Braga, J.,
Renema, W., Potts, D. (2011). The impact of the
Mid-Pleistocene Transition on the composition
of submerged reefs of the Maui Nui Complex,
Hawaii. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology, 299, 493-506. <a
027">[More Information]</a>
Bridge, T., Done, T., Beaman, R., Friedman, A.,
Williams, S., Pizarro, O., Webster, J. (2011).
Topography, substratum and benthic
macrofaunal relationships on a tropical
mesophotic shelf margin, central Great Barrier
Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs, 30(1), 143-153. <a
7-3">[More Information]</a>
Bridge, T., Done, T., Friedman, A., Beaman, R.,
Williams, S., Pizarro, O., Webster, J. (2011).
Variability in mesophotic coral reef communities
along the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine
Ecology - Progress Series, 428, 63-75. <a
ore Information]</a>
Abbey, E., Webster, J., Braga, J., Sugihara, K.,
Wallace, C., Iryu, Y., Potts, D., Done, T.,
Camoin, G., Seard, C. (2011). Variation in
deglacial coralgal assemblages and their
paleoenvironmental significance: IODP
Expedition 310, "Tahiti Sea Level". Global and
Planetary Change, 76(1-2), 1-15. <a
11.005">[More Information]</a>
Hearty, P., Webster, J., Clague, D., Clague, D.,
Bright, J., Southon, J., Renema, W. (2010). A
pulse of ooid formation in Maui Nui (Hawaiian
Islands) during Termination I. Marine Geology,
268(1-4), 152-162. <a
1.007">[More Information]</a>
Lado-Insua, T., Moran, K., Anderson, L.,
Webster, J., Morgan, S., Fehr, A., Lofi, J.,
Lukies, V., Loggia, D. (2010). Are physical
properties able to differentiate glacial and
interglacial coral identity. American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting 2010 / AGU 2010. American
Geophysical Union.
Williams, S., Pizarro, O., Webster, J., Beaman,
R., Mahon, I., Johnson-Roberson, M., Bridge, T.
(2010). Autonomous Underwater
Vehicle-Assisted Surveying
of Drowned Reefs on the Shelf Edge of the Great
Barrier Reef, Australia. Journal of Field
Robotics, 27(5), 675-697. <a
re Information]</a>
Tager, D., Webster, J., Potts, D., Renema, W.,
Braga, J., Pandolfi, J. (2010). Community
dynamics of Pleistocene coral reefs during
alternative climatic regimes. Ecology, 91(1),
191-200. <a
re Information]</a>
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Webster, J., Beaman, R.,
Guibauld, V. (2010). Drowned carbonate
platform on a rapidly subsiding margin:
morphology, facies and sea-level changes, Hilo,
Publications for Jody Webster
NE Hawaii. 18th International Sedimentological
Congress / 18th-ISC 2010: Sedimentology at the
foot of the Andes.
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Webster, J., Braga, J.,
Clague, D., Potts, D., Dutton, A., Jacobsen, G.
(2010). Drowned carbonate platforms on a
rapidly subsiding margin: morphology, facies
and sea-level changes,
Hilo, NE Hawaii. 18th International
Sedimentological Congress / 18th-ISC 2010:
Sedimentology at the foot of the Andes.
(2010). Morphological variation, composition
and age of submerged reefs on the Great Barrier
Reef. Australian Earth Sciences Convention
2010, australia: Conference Logistics.
Iryu, Y., Takahashi, Y., Fujita, K., Camoin, G.,
Cabioch, G., Matsuda, H., Sato, T., Sugihara, K.,
Webster, J., Westphal, H. (2010). Sealevel
history recorded in the Pleistocene carbonate
sequence in IODP Hole 310-M0005D, off Tahiti.
The Island Arc, 19(4), 690-706. <a
0.00737.x">[More Information]</a>
Webster, J., Clague, D., Faichney, I., Fullagar,
R., Hein, J., Moore, J., Paull, C. (2010). Early
Pleistocene origin of reefs around Lanai, Hawaii.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290(3-4),
331-339. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Abbey, E., Webster, J., Beaman, R. (2010).
Submerged Shelf Edge Features on Australia’s
Great Barrier Reef and Their Response to
Quaternary Sea-Level Changes. American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010 / AGU
2010. American Geophysical Union.
Webster, J., Yokoyama, Y., Cotterill, C. (2010).
First results from IODP Expedition 325 to the
Great Barrier Reef: unlocking climate and sea
level secrets since the Last Glacial Maximum.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010
/ AGU 2010. American Geophysical Union.
Clague, D., Braga, J., Bassi, D., Fullagar, P.,
Renema, W., Webster, J. (2010). The maximum
age of Hawaiian terrestrial lineages: geological
constraints from Koko Seamount. Journal of
Biogeography, 37(6), 1022-1033. <a
9.02235.x">[More Information]</a>
Puga-Bernabeu, A., Webster, J., Beaman, R.,
Guibauld, V. (2010). Geomorphology of a slope
system in a mixed carbonate/siliciclastic setting:
submarine canyons in the Great Barrier Reef
margin, north-eastern Australia. 18th
International Sedimentological Congress /
18th-ISC 2010: Sedimentology at the foot of the
Webster, J., Yokoyama, Y., Cotterill, C.,
Anderson, L., Green, S., Bourillot, R., Braga, J.,
Droxler, A., Esat, T., Felis, T., et al (2010).
<i>Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
Expedition 325 Preliminary Report
Great Barrier Reef environmental changes
The last deglacial sea level rise in the South
offshore drilling northeast Australia</i>, (pp. 9 127). United States of America: Integrated
Ocean Drilling Program Management
George, N., Webster, J., Beaman, R., Abbey, E.,
Davies, P. (2010). Large submarine landslide
discovered on the outer shelf and slope of the
Great Barrier Reef: a local
mechanism capable of generating tsunamis along
the northeast Australian coastline. American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010 / AGU
2010. American Geophysical Union.
Abbey, E., Webster, J., Jacobsen, G., Thomas,
A., Henderson, G., Reimer, P., Braga, J.,
Camoin, G., Beaman, R., Tudhope, A., et al
Bridge, T., Done, T., Beaman, R., Friedman, A.,
Williams, S., Pizarro, O., Webster, J. (2010).
Topography, substratum and benthic
macrofaunal relationships on a tropical
mesophotic shelf margin, central Great Barrier
Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs, 30(1), 143-153. <a
7-3">[More Information]</a>
Faichney, I., Webster, J., Clague, D., Paduan, J.,
Fullagar, P. (2010). Unraveling the tilting history
of the submerged reefs surrounding Oahu and the
Maui-Nui Complex, Hawaii. Geochemistry,
Geophysics, Geosystems, 11(7), 1-20. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Webster, J., Braga, J., Clague, D., Gallup, C.,
Hein, J., Potts, D., Renema, W., Riding, R.,
Riker-Coleman, K., Silver, E., et al (2009). Coral
reef evolution on rapidly subsiding margins.
Global and Planetary Change, 66(1-2), 129-148.
07.010">[More Information]</a>
Webster, J., Yokoyama, Y., Cotterill, C. (2009).
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition
325 Scientific Prospectus: Great Barrier Reef
environmental changes - The last deglacial sea
level rise in the South Pacific:offshore drilling
northeast Australia 2009, 325, (pp. 1 - 70).
United States of America: Integrated Ocean
Drilling Program Management International.
Publications for Jody Webster
Camoin, G., Seard, C., Deschamps, P., Webster,
J., Abbey, E., Braga, J., Durand, N., Bard, E.,
Hamelin, B., Yokoyama, Y. (2009). Reef
response to sea-level and environmental changes
during the last
deglaciation. IODP Expedition 310 “Tahiti Sea
Level�? EGU General Assembly 2009,
Vienna: EGU.
Takahashi, Y., Iryu, Y., Fujita, K., Camoin, G.,
Cabioch, G., Matsuda, H., Sato, T., Sugihara, K.,
Webster, J., Westphal, H. (2009). Sea-level
history recorded in the Pleistocene carbonate
sequence in IODP Hole 310-M0005D, off Tahiti.
Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) Meeting 2009,
Japan: Japan Geoscience Union.
Koelling, M., Webster, J., Camoin, G., Iryu, Y.,
Bard, E., Seard, C. (2009). SEALEX - Internal
reef chronology and virtual drill logs from a
spreadsheet-based reef growth model. Global
and Planetary Change, 66(1-2), 149-159. <a
07.011">[More Information]</a>
Faichney, I., Webster, J., Clague, D., Kelley, C.,
Appelgate, B., Moore, J. (2009). The
morphology and distribution of submerged reefs
in the Maui-Nui Complex, Hawaii: New insights
into their evolution since the Early Pleistocene.
Marine Geology, 265(3-4), 130-145. <a
7.002">[More Information]</a>
Bridge, T., Done, T., Webster, J., Beaman, R.,
Williams, S., Pizarro, O. (2009). Topography,
Habitats, and Macrofaunal Communities of the
GBR Shelf edge. Australian National Network in
Marine Science Conference 2009.
Hughey, J., Braga, J., Aguirre, J., Woelkerling,
W., Webster, J. (2008). Analysis of ancient DNA
from fossil corallines (Corallinales,
Rhodophyta). Journal of Psychology, 44(2),
374-383. <a
8.00462.x">[More Information]</a>
O., Thornborough, K., Woolsey, E., et al (2008).
From Corals to Canyons: The Great Barrier Reef
Margin. EOS, 89(24), 217-218.
Beaman, R., Webster, J. (2008). Gloria Knolls: a
new coldwater coral habitat on the Great Barrier
Reef. Margin, Australia. 2008 Deepsea coral
reef symposium 4th ISDSC.
Bridge, T., Webster, J., Beaman, R., Abbey, E.,
Williams, S., Pizzaro, O., Woolsey, E.,
Thornborough, E., Done, T. (2008). Hexacoral
and Octocoral Communities on the Unexplored
Great Barrier Reef Shelf-edge. 2008 Deepsea
coral reef symposium 4th ISDSC.
Beaman, R., Webster, J., Wust, R. (2008). New
evidence for drowned shelf edge reefs in the
Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Geology,
247(1-2), 17-34. <a
8.001">[More Information]</a>
Camoin, G., Seard, C., Deschamps, P., Durand,
N., Yokoyama, Y., Matsuzaki, H., Webster, J.,
Braga, J., Bard, E., Hamelin, B. (2008). Reef
accretion during the post-glacial sea-level rise at
Tahiti (French Polynesia): IODP #310 expedition
“Tahiti Sea Level.�? Proceedings of the Ocean
Drilling Program, Texas: Integrated Ocean
Drilling Program Management International.
Faichney, I., Webster, J., Clague, D., Kelley, C.,
Applegate, B., Moore, J. (2008). The
morphology and distribution of submerged reefs
in the Maui Nui Complex, Hawaii: New insights
into their evolution since the Early Pleistocene.
AGU Fall Meeting.
Lewis, S., Wust, R., Webster, J., Shields, G.
(2007). Mid-late Holocene sea-level variability
in eastern Australia. Terra Nova: the European
journal of geosciences, 20(1), 74-81. <a
7.00789.x">[More Information]</a>
Williams, S., Pizarro, O., Johnson-Roberson, M.,
Mahon, I., Webster, J. (2008). AUV-assisted
surveying of Relic Reef sites. 2008 MTS/IEEE
Oceans Conference.
Webster, J., Wallace, L., Clague, D., Braga, J.
(2007). Numerical modeling of the growth and
drowning of Hawaiian coral reefs during the last
two glacial cycles (0-250 kyr). Geochemistry,
Geophysics, Geosystems, 8(3), Q03011. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Webster, J., Beaman, R., Bridge, T., Davies, P.,
Byrne, M., Williams, S., Manning, P., Pizarro,
O., Thomas, A., Tudhope, S., Thornborough, K.,
Woolsey, E. (2008). From Corals to Canyons:
The Great Barrier Reef Margin. EOS
Transactions American Geophysical Union,
Allison, N., Finch, A., Webster, J., Clague, D.
(2007). Palaeoenvironmental records from fossil
corals: The effects of submarine diagenesis on
temperature and climate estimates. Geochimica
et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(19), 4693-4703. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Webster, J., Beaman, R., Bridge, T., Davies, P.,
Byrne, M., Williams, S., Manning, P., Pizarro,
Webster, J., Clague, D., Braga, J. (2007).
Support for the Giant wave hypothesis: Evidence
Publications for Jody Webster
from submerged terraces off Lanai, Hawaii.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96(3),
517-524. <a
7-5">[More Information]</a>
Webster, J., Clague, D., Braga, J., Spalding, H.,
Renema, W., Kelley, C., Applegate, B., Smith,
J., Paull, C., Moore, J., et al (2006). Drowned
coralline algal dominated deposits off Lanai,
Hawaii; carbonate accretion and vertical
tectonics over the last 30 ka. Marine Geology,
225(1-4), 223-246. <a
8.002">[More Information]</a>
Riker-Coleman, K., Gallup, C., Wallace, L.,
Webster, J., Cheng, H., Edwards, R. (2006).
Evidence of Holocene uplift in east New Britain,
Papua New Guinea. Geophysical Research
Letters, 33(L18612), L18612-1-L18612-4. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Camoin, G., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D., Webster, J.
(2005). Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean
Drilling Program Volume 310 Expedition
Reports TAHITI SEA LEVEL. Proceedings of
the Ocean Drilling Program, Texas: Integrated
Ocean Drilling Program Management
Webster, J., Wallace, L., Silver, E., Potts, D.,
Braga, J., Renema, W., Riker-Coleman, K.,
Gallup, C. (2004). Coralgal composition of
drowned carbonate platforms in
the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea; implications
lowstand reef development and drowning.
Marine Geology, 204, 59-89.
Webster, J., Davies, P. (2003). Coral variation in
two deep drill cores: significance for the
Pleistocene development of the Great Barrier
Reef. Sedimentary Geology, 159, 61-80.
Davies, P., Webster, J., Abram, N., Dullo, W.
(2001). Biological response of coral reefs to sea
surface temperature variation: evidence from the
raised Holocene reefs of Kikai-jima (Ryukyu
Islands, Japan). Coral Reefs, 20, 221-234.
Alexander, I., Andres, M., Braithwaite, C.,
Braga, J., Cooper, M., Davies, P., Elderfield, H.,
Gilmour, M., Kay, R., Kroon, D., Webster, J., et
al (2001). New constraints on the origin of the
Australian Great Barrier Reef: Results from an
international project of deep coring. Geology,
29(6), 483-486.