University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Academic Staff Committee April 1, 2004

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Academic Staff Committee
April 1, 2004
Business N456, 1:00 PM.
Present: J. Weitzer, Chair, V. Boswell, J. Dicker, R. Hall, J. Lenichek, J. McKenzie-Flynn, A.
Melchior, M. Mulroy, S. Schmidt
The meeting was called to order at 1:04 p.m. by Joseph Weitzer, Chair.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of the minutes of the February 19, 2004 meeting was deferred.
The minutes of the March 4, 2004 meeting were approved as distributed.
Guest - Monica Rimai, Interim Vice Chancellor of Administrative Affairs & Chief Legal
Counsel: M. Rimai discussed ASC’s concerns regarding S-47 Discriminatory Conduct
policy. M. Rimai said there would be no problem with changing the title; the major
concern is that policy is accessible to all. M. Rimai also brought up how to best include
administration and governance in the policy-making process. She asked that ASC
determine whether they want to see this as part of the committee’s mission or possibly
as a memorandum of understanding. It was suggested that the committee review the
previous policy and determine when it would have been best to consult with or include
ASC. Committee expressed that they would like the ASC consultation to be offered to
every academic staff member involved in a disciplinary process. ASC also asked for
clarification on the reporting chain. Faculty would all go to the provost; however, many
academic staff do not report to the provost in any way. Committee also discussed the
Conflict of Interest policy and issues related to research. M. Rimai asked that the
committee review the policy and provide feedback to Dale Jaffe, Interim Dean of the
Graduate School. M. Rimai then updated the committee on the Kenilworth project.
They have successfully negotiated the revisions to the request for proposals and those
proposals are due in May. She felt this experience would help in negotiations related to
Columbia Hospital. Committee members asked about the UWM Police. According to M.
Rimai there are not enough UWM Police officers to extend patrols beyond UWM into
neighborhood. However, there is much better communication between the UWM police
and the Milwaukee Police Department 5th District which has let to better patrolling of the
surrounding neighborhood. M. Rimai also expressed the continuing need for more
University controlled housing for students.
Old Business
Acceptable Use of University IT Resources Policy: The committee reviewed the
latest draft of the Acceptable Use of University IT Resources Policy and agreed
to bring it before the Academic Staff Senate for endorsement.
Academic Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures: The committee will meet
with Chancellor Greenstreet and M. Rimai regarding proposed changes to the
Academic Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures at 1:00 p.m. on April 8, 2004
in BUS N440.
UC/ASC Emeritus Policy: Chair shared that the policy has been approved by the
University Committee and is on the Faculty Senate Calendar. It was moved and
seconded to approve the policy. Chair opened the floor to discussion.
Committee agreed that the policy needs to be clear that the Academic Staff may
change their portion of the policy without faculty approval. Chair called the
question to approve the policy with changes and forward to the Academic Staff
Senate for approval (pass).
Other: None.
New Business
Academic Staff Outstanding Teaching Award – Changes to Requirements: The
committee discussed the background of the teaching award criteria and the
proposal to change to criteria to better reflect the duties of teaching academic
staff members. The committee agreed to forward the proposed changes to the
Category B Subcommittee ro review and recommendations. A. Melchior will
consult with other campus’s academic staff representatives at the next AS Reps
meeting. M. Mulroy will review the Category A UWM and system requirements.
UC/ASC Joint Resolution on Mentoring: Committee discussed the background of
the joint resolution on mentoring. Committee brought forward several concerns
including: 1) Academic staff positions in Human Resources are being changed
to classified positions as the personnel change. Committee is concerned that
there will be Classified Staff advising Academic Staff on indefinite review
process. 2) Discussion of taking on employee development responsibilities.
Committee agreed that the main concern was the mentoring and orientation
portion of the development programming. 3) The language in the resolution
needs clarification. Chair agreed to meet with UC Chair E. Sander regarding the
clarification of the last paragraph of the resolution. It was moved and seconded
to approve the Joint Resolution on Mentoring (8 yes, 1 no; pass).
AS Governance Web page (Hall): R. Hall reported on proposed changes to the
academic staff governance web page. Chair asked if there would be a site map;
R. Hall agreed that she would develop a site map for the web page.
Conflict of Interest or Commitment Policy: Committee discussed the Conflict of
Interest or Commitment Policy. It was suggested that the policy go to the
Category B Subcommittee for review and recommendations. Committee agreed
that there are concerns regarding committee membership and how committee
members are appointed. Committee agreed that the ASC should be making
recommendations for academic staff representation on the committee.
Representation of ASC in Governance: Chair shared concerns regarding how
the ASC responds to candidates for administrative positions. Discussion ensued
regarding the pros and cons of a group response or several individual responses.
Senate of the Academic Staff – April Agenda: Committee discussed items for the
April 13 Academic Staff Senate agenda.
Meeting Schedule for April: Committee will meet on April 8 with Chancellor and
M. Rimai regarding the Academic Staff Policies and Procedures. The April 15
meeting will be postponed until April 22 at 1:00 p.m.
Election of Chair – 2004-2005: Chair shared that two members of the committee
had expressed an interest in serving as the 2004-05 Chair, Sarine Schmidt and
Jim Dicker. Committee agreed to vote by ballot. Sarine Schmidt was elected as
2004-05 chair pending confirmation by the Academic Staff Senate. Discussion
ensued regarding the roles of the standing committee chairs. S. Schmidt agreed
to meet with the chairs to clarify their role and the governance process.
June Meeting/Event: Committee agreed to take the June meeting/even planning
before the Academic Staff Senate on April 13.
Other: Committee shared concerns regarding the Orientation by MyDev. Chair
will respond to Pauli Taylorboyd that the Orientation Committee will continue to
provide the new Academic Orientation as always.
Team Reports/Committee Reports
AS Reps: A. Melchior reported that she had sent out the minutes of the last AS
Reps meeting. The recommendations on the pay plan will be going before the
Board of Regents on April 2, 2004. She also provided an update on the TABOR
bill and will also provide an update at the Academic Staff Senate meeting.
Committee discussed the UW System president search. A. Melchior will draft a
preliminary statement regarding academic staff priorities and forward to the
APBC: J. Lenichek reported that APBC is reviewing 100+ proposals for new
funding. They will continue to hear presentations and are now evaluating and
discussing proposals.
Other: None.
Personnel Matters [Closed Session according to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (f)]: None.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:36 p.m.