University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Academic Staff Committee June 19, 2003

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Academic Staff Committee
June 19, 2003
Business N456, 1:00 p.m.
Present: V. Boswell, Acting Chair, P. Boulton, J. Dicker, J. McKenzie-Flynn, A.
Melchior, T. Moore.
Sona Andrews and ShaRon Williams
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by Joseph Weitzer, Chair.
Approval of Minutes and Agenda
The minutes of the May 15, 2003 meeting were approved as distributed.
Transitioning Resources for Academic Staff – Update (Associate Vice
Chancellor Sona Andrews and ShaRon Williams, HR Director): S.
Andrews shared the steps that had been taken and further steps that have
been planned regarding the requests made by the Academic Staff
Committee for transitioning resources for Academic Staff members who
have not been renewed for reasons of budget. S. Andrews also shared
reasons for specific actions not taken on some items and requested input
from the Academic Staff Committee on other more feasible actions that
could be taken. it was suggested that HR compile a list of other higher
education institutions in the area and provide that to staff who are
non-renewed. It was also suggested that those staff members non
renewed be made aware of and have an opportunity to be considered for
any vacant positions. Discussion of the Separation Packet compiled by
Human Resources. ASC Asked that S. Williams provide committee
members with copies of the packet for their review. S. Williams will send
copies of the packet to the committee members and asked that the
committee send her any additional suggestions. Discussion of issues of
particular concern to fixed-term academic staff members including the
types of fixed term contracts available through UW-System that UWM has
not utilized.
Development Office Restructuring – Update (Associate Vice Chancellor
Sona Andrews): J. McKenzie-Flynn recused herself from the discussion
of the restructuring of the Development Office. S. Andrews discussed
with the committee issues surrounding the restructuring of the
Development Office including a feasibility study that was done by a
consultant. The committee requested a copy of the feasibility study.
According to the study, UWM does have the ability to raise money and
there a many potential large donors. However, the infrastructure is not
well positioned to ask these potential large donors for donations. It was
suggested by Lucia Petrie to move all of the development officers to the
development office rather than have them in specific schools or colleges.
The officers would benefit by working with a supervisor who knows
fund-raising and would also be able to work as a team with the other
development officers. There would also be a focus on major gifts rather
the other activities regarding alumni and school or college publications.
There would be a physical move of all of the development officers to the
Hefter Center and positions would be moved from the school or college to
the development office. There would be no change to job titles, job status
(fixed-term, probationary, or indefinite) or salary. In the interest of parity,
salary and title changes would occur over time. Deans have the choice to
be a part of this program or to opt out. However, the fund-raising goals
would be the same. If the Deans opt in, they would give one position or
funding for one position to the development office who will then be
responsible to meet that school or college’s fund-raising goals. It the
dean chooses to opt out, the school or college will then be responsible to
meet their own school’s fund-raising goals. However their development
staff person would not be able to avail themselves of any of the formal and
informal training and professional development provided to those staff in
the development office. They are still waiting to see which deans will be
participating in this program and also for L. Petrie to set goals for each
school and college. Discussion ensued regarding a system of checks
and balances as to how the funding that is raised will be used, how much
input the donor has as to how the funding is used, and if funds raised can
go to specific programs or projects at UWM. Concerns were also raised
that funding dollars may go to mask deficits in some schools or colleges or
that donors may be “encouraged” to give to a specific school with a deficit.
According to S. Andrews in her discussions with L. Petrie, L. Petrie did not
think this would happen and if it did occur the percentage of times it may
happen would be tempered by the other schools or colleges officers’
fund-raising activities. The committee did ask what would be considered
a major gift; S. Andrews responded that $100,000 or more is considered a
major gift. ASC also asked who would now be doing alumni cultivation,
newsletters and other alumni activities. S. Andrews responded that these
activities may slow down for a while. Concerns were raised that the
Deans would give those responsibilities to others in their school or college
giving those staff members unrealistic job expectations. ASC members
feel it is important to acknowledge and have a discussion about how
moving the development officers will impact other academic staff
members within each school and college. Discussion ensued regarding
possibilities of schools/colleges retaining one person to cultivate smaller
gifts or for two (or more) schools/colleges to share a person to cultivate
smaller gifts. Concerns were also raised regarding salary inequities;
conflicting expectations of new supervisor (L. Petrie) and former
supervisor (dean of school/college); and, what will happen to those who
cannot perform new development duties and how will UWM help those
who may be non-renewed. S. Andrews responded that each of these
would have to be treated on an individual basis but cautioned that they will
also have to maintain an institutional focus. Ultimately, the deans would
have to make the decision whether to keep a person to do any alumni and
non-development work previously assigned to their development officer
and give position funding to development office or assign that work to
another employee. Committee questioned the status of those
development officers with limited appointments. S. Andrews responded
that those with limited appointments would most likely be moved to their
academic staff back-up appointment. Because their salary might be
outside the range of the back-up appointment, their could be potential pay
changes for those with limited appointments. Those staff with
probationary appointments would remain probationary and stay on the
same clock. The committee responded that those employees with
probationary appointments should be given the opportunity to restart their
probationary clock if they wish based on the new position description and
new supervisor. S. Andrews responded that they were willing to look into
that option.
Transferability of Indefinite Status: Associate Vice Chancellor Sona
Andrews responded to the question of whether indefinite status is
transferable between units when an individual transfers or applies for a
new position that has different duties that the position in which they
earned their indefinite status appointment. In the case when the
institution moves an entire unit, the academic staff members in that unit
must retain their indefinite status appointment because transfer was
initiated by the institution. An academic staff member with an indefinite
status appointment retains that indefinite status when they transfer within
their unit. However, if the academic staff member changes operational
units, the retention of indefinite status is at the discretion of the hiring unit.
Old Business
Academic Staff Investigations Procedure – Review of Proposed
Document: The committee agreed to communicate with the University
Committee regarding their proposal before responding to the second draft
of the proposal from S. Andrews.
Other: None.
New Business
Resignation of Roger Hyttinen - Senate Replacement: Deferred.
July Meeting Calendar: Normal dates for the meeting are July 3 and July
17. It was agreed to tentatively schedule a meeting for July 10 and
cancel the July 3 and the July 17 meeting. V. Boswell will contact J.
Weitzer for discussion next week.
Team Reports/Committee Reports
AS Reps: None.
Legislative: None.
Milwaukee Idea Trustee Council: None.
Other: None.
Personnel Matters [Closed Session according to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(f)]: It was
moved and seconded at 3:20 p.m. to move into Closed Session for purposes of
personnel matters pursuant to Wis. Stats. Sec. 19.85 (1)(f). At 3:42 p.m., it was
moved and seconded to rise from Closed Session.
It was moved and seconded that the person appointed as Mentoring Coordinator,
with an overload or buy out depending on the person’s position at the University,
be appointed to a three year term (pass).
The meeting was adjourned at 3:48 p.m.