University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Academic Staff Committee MINUTES March 6, 2003 Business N456, 1:00 p.m. Present: J. Weitzer, Chair, P. Boulton, J. Dicker, J. Kreuser, J. McKenzie-Flynn, A. Melchior, T. Moore, J. Padway I. The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by Joseph Weitzer, Chair. II. Approval of Minutes and Agenda A. The minutes of the February 9, 2003 meeting were approved as distributed. B. Approval of the minutes of the February 28, 2003 meeting was deferred. III. Special Guest: Randall Ryder, joined the meeting to provide an Economic Benefits Update. A. Position Cuts: There have been many mixed messages regarding position cuts at UWM. Some say no cuts at UWM others have stated that UWM would have to make approximately 90 position cuts. Also Personnel Reps have already received from HR lists of staff showing seniority as well as lay-off policies and procedures. B. Health Insurance Benefits: ETF has been looking at alternative ways to fund health care insurance over the course of years. At the November 2, 2002 meeting, a three tier health care insurance plan was proposed that would seek out and define plans based on efficiency. As yet, there no definition of efficiency. In the Governor’s proposed budget, the state would fund 80% of the most efficient plan. This may price HMO’s out of market in Milwaukee County. There is a big difference in cost to employees between the ETF plan and the Governor’s plan. For example, in the ETF plan, a tier one HMO would cost the employee about $10-20 per month; whereas with the Governor’s plan the employee would pay 80% of the approximate $12,000 annual cost for a tier one HMO. C. Sick Leave: The quantity of sick day accrued is in the state statutes therefor any changes would have to go through the legislature. However, the supplemental plan for employees with 15 or more years of service is not in the statutes and therefore could be eliminated. R. Ryder also advised the committee to watch for proposal for the reduction in the number of sick days earned. D. Retirement: There has been no discussion thus far of any early retirement plans/incentives. E. Compensation: No increases are expected; though R. Ryder noted that with the increase in the cost of health care insurance there will be effectively a salary reduction. IV. Announcements A. 2003/04 Evaluation and Salary Adjustment Guidelines: Chair shared the document via email. Discussion ensued. There will be a meeting on March 28 with the Chancellor’s Cabinet regarding the budget cuts. V. Old Business A. Tuition Proposals – Request for Endorsement: Discussion ensued regarding the Tuition per Credit proposal. It was agreed to respond that ASC could not endorse/support the proposal and that it should be reconsidered in light of the current budget issues and the proposed increase in tuition in the Governor’s proposed budget. B. Dean’s Budget Planning Meeting Guidelines : Chair shared the document Deans received for their budget planning meeting with the Chancellor/Provost and staff. C. NCA Accreditation Review Team Recommendations: Chair shared the names of those interested in serving on each of the Teams. The committee agreed to send five names for each team. D. Faculty Doc S-39 Equivalent for Academic Staff - Update (Boswell/Kreuser): Deferred. E. F. Budget Updates and Future Planning for Academic Staff Other: None. VI. New Business A. UC-ASC Joint Meeting: There will be a joint meeting between UC and ASC on March 13, 2003, 1:00-2:30 p.m. The location of the meeting will be confirmed. B. Senate Meeting Agenda: Discussion of the agenda for the March 11, 2003 Senate meeting. R. Ryder was asked to join the meeting for a brief overview of Economic Benefits activities; Discussion of the Policies and Procedures changes; committee rep[ort and nominations from the floor for committee candidates. C. Nomination Slate: Chair asked that W. Merkousko post the slate of candidated put forward by the nominations committee on the web. He will then email all academic staff with the web site and information on getting on the ballot at the March 11 Senate meeting. D. Other: None. VII. Team Reports/Committee Reports A. AS Reps: J. Padway shared UWS Academic Staff Reps meeting minutes for 02/20/03 along with background documents that were distributed via email. They are also posted on the web at: B. Public Relations: None. C. Legislative: M. Sirinek will most like finish out the year as chair. Committee members each have assignments. D. Milwaukee Idea Trustee Council: None. E. Other: J. Padway announced that the Category A Subcommittee will be meeting on March 10, 2003 at 2:30 p.m. in BUS N456. VIII. Personnel Matters [Closed Session according to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(f)]: None. IX. The meeting was adjourned at 2:48 p.m.