ACADEMIC STAFF COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 5, 2002 BUISINESS N456 – 1:00 p.m. Present: Joeseph Weitzer, Chair, Tom Moore, Jim Dicker, Jeanne Krueser, Pam Boulton, Janet Padway, Jennifer McKenzie, Ann Melchior, and Victoria Boswell I. II. III. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. Approval of the Agenda and Minutes – The November 7, 2002 minutes and December 5, 2002 agenda were approved as presented. Special Guests: A. T.J. Jeske, Chair, Academic Staff Awards Committee. T.J. Jeske reported on the status of the award process and presented a matrix designed to track each award. Jeske presented the draft criteria for the new UWM Distinguished Academic Staff University Service Award. After discussion and modification it was moved and seconded that the criteria be adopted. The motion was unanimously approved. The committee thanked Jeske for his hard work. B. Beth Weckmueller, Director, Enrollment Services and Bruce Maas, Director, OASIS Project gave a progress report on the first phase of OASIS implementation. Weckmueller gave an overview of the components of OASIS and the opportunities students now have with the PAWS system. Orientation has now been completed for the entire campus and UWM will move to Version 8 in early summer. No performance slow down is projected with this conversion. Committee members expressed some frustrations in working with the system such as class roster access, length of log-on and receiving adequate help. Weckmueller stated that these concerns should be directed to Maas. IV. Announcements: A. December Academic Staff Holiday Event – J. Padway reported on the status of the holiday event. Additional e-mail reminders will be sent and food sign-up is good. B. Investment Plan Retreat – J. Weitzer reported on the outline for the December 13 budget planning retreat. Weitzer informed the committee that the retreat was not to discuss the current state budget shortfall but rather to focus on the milestones and objectives of the UWM Investment Plan. C. Upcoming Interviews – A brief discussion of the upcoming interview schedule for the Association Vice Chancellor for Accreditation position took place. D. Library Name Change - J. Padway presented a memo from Peter WatsonBoone informing the ASC that the Library will now be referred to as UWM Libraries. The committee asked Weitzer to send a letter to WatsonBoone thanking him for including the ASC in the dissemination of this information. V. Old Business A. AS appointment Analysis – J. Weitzer shared information that Vice Chancellor Andrews has developed regarding years in service and appointment type. After discussion it was determined that the data needed reformatting to make it more meaningful. This item will be on future agendas. B. Survey Response – The committee discussed the recently distributed survey from the Roberto Hernandez Center. The committee expressed their disappointment that none of the suggestions the committee forwarded had been incorporated into the survey. C. Economic Benefits AAUDE survey – The survey results were distributed for informational purposes. VI. New Business A. Orientation Subcommittee: Standing Committee By-Law Review. Guest Joanne Barndt presented the rationale for moving the Orientation Subcommittee to standing committee status. The primary reason for the change being the increased responsibility of the committee related to the newly implemented orientation program. After discussion it was agreed that the proposed by-laws would be forwarded to the Codification Committee for review and comment. B. UWM Distinguished Academic Staff University Service Award. Approved III. (A). C. AS Title and Compensation Appeals Committee. The committee developed a slate of 10 nominees to be forwarded to Vice Chancellor Andrews for possible appointment. VII. Team Reports: A. It was reported that Orientation Committee co-chair M. Powless has resigned from that position. VIII. Personnel Matters [Closed Session according to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(f)} – None IX. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.