University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Academic Staff Senate Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 8, 2003, Union E280 Present: Joseph Weitzer (ASC), Chair, Victoria Boswell (ASC), Pam Boulton (ASC), Kate Coffaro (L&S), Helen Crain (NURS), Russell Cuhel (At-Large), James Dicker (ASC), Barbara Duffy (At-Large), Johanna Dvorak (At-Large), Christine Furness (GRAD), Suzette Garay (EDUC), Tammy Howard (GEA), Roger Hyttinen (IMT), TJ Jeske (At-Large), John Krezoski (At-Large), Tom McGinnity (At-Large), Jennifer McKenzie-Flynn (ASC), Annie Melchior (ASC), Tom Moore (ASC), Chris Mullenbach (SCE), Janet Padway (ASC), Maureen Powless (LIB), Jean Salzer (At-Large), Joan Smothers (CEAS), Susan Stalewski (CHS), Wendy Volz-Daniels (SW), Gwyn Wallander (At-Large) I. The meeting was called to order at 2:36 p.m. by Joseph Weitzer, Chair. II. Approval of the minutes of February 11, 2003 and March 11, 2003 was deferred. III. Chair’s Report A Budget Update: There will be a town hall meeting on Friday, April 11, from 3:00-4:30 p.m. in the Golda Meir Library 4th floor conference room. At this meeting, the Chancellor, the Provost, and university governance and administrative leadership groups will review and discuss the proposed budget reduction contingency plan. The Chancellor will be meeting with ASC on April 17, 2003 to give an update on potential academic staff non-renewals/layoffs. B. Leadership Development Opportunity: The Collegiate Management Institute (CMI) will be offered at UWM. The Provost is offering financial support of $625.00 per person for up to 10 individuals. Submit requests for support to Sona Andrews. You can find more information about this opportunity at C. Request from Milwaukee Committee Review Committee: A. Hightower requested the names of two individuals to serve on the Milwaukee Commitment Advisory Panel. Chair asked that Senators forward the names of any constituents who may be interested in serving to him as soon as possible. D. Other: R. Cuhel requested an update on the status of the report produced by the Category B Subcommittee in response to the IRAS Report. Chair responded that the report had been forwarded to Provost Wanat and also to the University Committee for additional endorsement. IV. Special Guests A. ShaRon Williams, Human Resources Personnel Director (3:00 PM): S. Williams joined the meeting at 3:00 p.m. 1. She thanked the ASC for their efforts in developing suggestions which she shared with the Human Resources Staff. 2. HR has created separation packets and shared them with UBR’s to be provided to persons at the time they are notified on non-renewal. 3. UWM currently has 6 in-house EAP coordinators. HR is exploring contracting out services. Committee met yesterday and identified vendors. HR will announce in the next few weeks the new EAP service/vendor. Discussion followed. 4. Discussion of budget and the number of positions that must be eliminated (89). 5. Discussion of services that could be provided to those staff non-renewed due to budget include: Career Counseling through the Career Development Center (this is only available to UWM Alumni); Career Transitioning–S. Williams will discuss this issue with the Personnel Reps; Training for “survivors” including how to manage with less resources–HR is exploring opportunities; Job fairs–The number of positions to be eliminated would not be high enough to attract other employers. The Senate also asked that HR investigate the possibility of developing networks with other institutions. V. Old Business A. Academic Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures: The Senate began reviewing and editing Academic Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures including the following: •101.02: under Definitions: Communication add [excluding email]. •103.01: under the third bullet remove [may be]. •104: Add [UWM] to chapter title so it reads UWM Chapter 104 ACADEMIC STAFF APPOINTMENTS. •104.04: Discussion ensued regarding clarity of the third sentence. •104.06: Last sentence of last full paragraph should read: [If a significant change in the existing conditions of the appointment occurs during the appointment period these conditions should be specified in writing at least ten working days prior to the change.] •Chapter 105: Add a page break before [UWM Chapter 105 PERFORMANCE REVIEW]. The Senate will continue the review of the Academic Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures at the next meeting starting with Chapter 105. VI. Committee Reports A. Standing Committees 1. Awards Committee (Chair: T.J. Jeske): The Committee will be meeting on April 9 to select winners of the 2003 UWM Academic Staff Outstanding Performance and Outstanding Teaching Awards. The applicant pool is very strong. The deadline for the 2003 UWM Academic Staff Distinguished University Service Award was April 7, 2003. The applicant pool for this award is also very strong. Discussion ensued. 2. Codification Committee (Chair: Karen Jander): None. 3. Hearing & Appeals Committee (Chair: Pat Touchett): None. 4. Nominations Committee (Chair: Sarine Schmidt): The ballot will be distributed later in the month. The Voter’s Guide will be available only on the web. 5. Non-teaching Academic Staff Review Committee (Chair: Paul Gunderson): None. 6. Teaching Academic Staff Review Committee (Chair: Stephen Nelson-Raney): None. B. Subcommittees 1. Category A (Chair: John Bowden): None. 2. Category B (Chair: RussellCuhel/Sherri Sieff): None. 3. Campus Climate (Co-Chair: Linda Czernicki/Joanne Barndt): None. 4. Economic Benefits (Chair: Judy Panich): The committee has been looking at parking issues. They have also been following the state health insurance planing of the benefit fair in October. The committee also informed the senate that academic staff members may, under the catastrophic medical leave program, voluntarily donate their unused vacation, personal and floating holidays, and “banked” leave to peers who have exhausted all their paid leave, but require additional time off for medical reasons. Please see for more information. 5. Legislative (Chair: Matt Sirinek-Jim Dicker reporting): Two meetings with legislators are scheduled for April 11 and April 14. 6. Mentoring (Pauli Taylor-Boyd): None. 7. Orientation (Chair: Joanne Barndt): The committee continues to conduct orientation presentation. 8. Public Relations (Chair: Tammy Howard): Revisions continue on the Academic Staff Handbook. VII. Announcements: None. VIII. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.