VISION MISSION, CORE VALUES STRATEGIC INITIATIVES and OBJECTIVES VISION 2012: Centralia College will be recognized as the best community college in the State of Washington. The college will be a driving force in the local economy and be the intellectual heart and cultural soul of the community. MISSION: Improving people’s lives through life long learning. CORE VALUES: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and RESPONSIVENESS Respect: We value the worth and dignity of the individual, affirming that the learning process includes appreciating the diversity of human experience. Responsibility: We value the unique contributions of college individuals by recognizing that each performs an essential role in responding to the educational and service needs of the community. Responsiveness: We value effective collaboration as the college responds to the changing social, political, economic and technological needs of our community. STRATEGIC INITIATIVES and OBJECTIVES Physical Resources Provide buildings and grounds that emanate the aura of higher education and engender pride by college employees and the community. a. Prepare and begin implementation of facilities development plans for the following priority projects: i. Science and Technology Building ii. College Center iii. International Student Housing iv. Continuing Education Center v. Gymnasium Renovation and expansion vi. Expand and centralize Childcare operations. b. Prepare and begin implementation of grounds development plans for the following priorities: i. Campus lighting ii. Outdoor stage iii. Campus entry portals iv. Artwork on campus v. Property acquisition for campus expansion vi. Vacation of Rock, Walnut and Washington streets vii. Locust Street name change. c. Modify master plan to establish pedestrian flow patterns that are inviting and provide connectivity to downtown Centralia Provide educational spaces and technology that anticipate the changing needs of the community. a. Prepare an infrastructure enhancement plan that evaluates the following: i. Wireless computer access throughout campus Physical Resources ii. iii. iv. v. Emergency phone system Upgrade fire alarm system Upgraded phone system Computer network changes to enhance performance and promote security and efficiency 2003-2004 1.1. Provide buildings and grounds that emanate the aura of higher education and engender pride by college employees and the community. 1.1.1. Prepare and begin implementation of facilities development plans for the following priority projects: Science and Technology Building 1) College Center 2) International Student Housing 3) Continuing Education Center 4) Gymnasium Renovation and expansion planning 5) Childcare Centralization 6) 1.1.2. Prepare and begin implementation of grounds development plans for the following priorities: Campus lighting 7) Outdoor stage 8) Campus entry portals9) Artwork on campus 10) Property acquisition for campus expansion 11) Vacation of Rock, Walnut and Washington streets 12) Locust Street name change.13) 1.1.3. Modify master plan to establish pedestrian flow patterns that are inviting and provide connectivity to downtown Centralia 14) 1.2. Provide educational spaces and technology that anticipate the changing needs of the community. 1.2.1. Prepare an infrastructure enhancement plan that evaluates the following: Wireless computer access throughout campus 15) Emergency phone system 16) Upgrade fire alarm system 17) Upgraded phone system 18) Computer network changes to enhance performance and promote security and efficiency 19) 2004-2005 1.1. Provide buildings and grounds that emanate the aura of higher education and engender pride by college employees and the community. 1.1.1. Prepare and begin implementation of facilities development plans for the following priority projects: Science and Teaching Building 20) College Commons 21) International Student Housing 22) Continuing Education Center 23) Gymnasium renovation and expansion 24) Childcare centralization 25) Physical Resources 1.1.2. Prepare and begin implementation of grounds development plans for the following priorities: Campus lighting 26) Outdoor stage 27) Campus entry portals28) Artwork on campus 29) Property acquisition for campus expansion 30) Vacation of Rock, Walnut and Washington streets 31) Locust Street name change 32) 1.1.3. Modify master plan to establish pedestrian flow patterns that are inviting and provide connectivity to downtown Centralia 33) 1.2. Provide educational spaces and technology that anticipate changing needs. 1.2.1. Prepare an infrastructure enhancement plan that evaluates the following: Wireless computer access throughout campus 34) Emergency phone system 35) Upgraded fire alarm system 36) Upgraded phone system 37) Computer network changes to enhance performance and promote security and efficiency 38) Automated mailing system with centralized database 39) Physical Resources 2005-2006 Objectives for 2005-2006 Progress to date in progress 06/07 New Objectives Funded 3 million dollars and moving forward with the design phase; faculty most impacted are meeting periodically with Steve Ward and the architects on the planning and design process. 14 Science and Teaching Building 15 College Commons 16 International Student Housing on hold Full occupancy fall, winter and spring quarters. Duplex to be renovated for visiting professor program. Increase in home-stay fee should keep housing full for 2005-2006. 17 Continuing Education Center in progress Under evaluation 18 Gymnasium renovation and expansion in progress Final plan was chosen and funds need to be raised; Steve W. investigating money opportunities from the State. 19 Childcare centralization in progress Steve Ward to talk with Cheri Raff, Child and Family Studies. 4.1.2 in progress Students have assessed themselves a fee to begin revenue collection. Prepare and begin implementation of grounds development plans for the following priorities: 20 Campus lighting in progress Plan submitted to Gil, Buildings and Grounds, who will review over summer months. 21 Outdoor stage in progress Under evaluation, could occur after construction of science building. 22 Campus entry portals. in progress Neighborhood meetings held on master facilities plan. 23 Artwork on campus in progress 24 Property acquisition for campus expansion in progress Linked to building projects on campus Properties to be acquired for Science Building project; to date two properties have been purchased Physical Resources 25 Vacation of Rock, Walnut and Washington streets 26 Locust Street name change 27 in progress in progress Modify master plan to establish pedestrian flow patterns that are inviting and provide connectivity to downtown Centralia 28 Wireless computer access throughout campus 29 Emergency phone system in progress In place. In place. in progress 31 Upgraded phone system in progress 32 Computer network changes to enhance performance and promote security and efficiency Physical Resources Wireless will be installed in the library and several other locations prior to Fall quarter ’05. This pilot project was funded through the Student Use Fee. in progress Upgraded fire alarm system Automated mailing system with centralized database. Dr. Walton and Steve Ward have met with city officials to discuss name change options. Part of master planning with city. 30 33 Steve and Gil have met with the city; group neighborhood meetings have been held; reduction of speed limit in place, plans to follow to restrict parking on street; Steve trying to get four way stops at all corners. on going in progress May have an option through capital funds to facilitate phone system in less than the anticipated four years. Rehosting has been put back; and we are now looking at a new platform; everyone will be going to Outlook for their email and calendar program. Marla is working on a cost estimate and planning underway to determine who will supervise the centralized database and integrated voice response program. 2006-2007 Objectives for 2006-2007 Progress to date and New Activities 13 Science and Teaching Building in progress 14 College Commons in progress Bid awarded; groundbreaking held; scheduled for opening fall 09 Developing capital campaign and feasibility study International Student Housing in progress Exploring community partnerships Continuing Education Center in progress Needs being evaluated Gymnasium renovation and expansion in progress In design phase Child and Family Studies centralization in progress in long-term plans; needs being evaluated 19 Outdoor stage in progress 20 Campus entry portals. in progress Part of Master Plan 21 Artwork on campus in progress Merce Cunningham 22 Property acquisition for campus expansion Annual Purchased 2 lots and duplex 23 Vacation of Rock, Walnut and Washington streets in progress Currently working with City 24 Modify master plan to establish pedestrian flow patterns that are inviting and provide connectivity to downtown Centralia in progress Master plan being revised 25 Wireless computer access throughout campus in progress 75% across campus; examine demand/need for implementation in Kemp Hall 26 Upgraded phone system on-hold Dependent on Cost of new Science Bldg 27 Computer network changes to enhance performance and promote security and efficiency Annual implemented "efficiency work plan" 15 16 17 07/08 New Objectives Preparing to facilitate a pre-design bid to go out March '08 18 Physical Resources Begin planning in 08-09 after demolition of Lingreen New artwork part of science building. Hire web applications developer; continue efficiency work 2007-2008 Objectives for 2007-2008 Progress to date and New Activities 08/09 New Objectives 13 Science Building in progress Science Bldg contractor ahead of schedule. 14 College Commons in progress Recommended for funding for pre-design 2009; construction 2013 on College Commons Fund-raising Consultant hired; feasibility study completed; campaign underway. 15 International Student Housing in progress Leased housing for additional five students. 16 Continuing Education Center in progress Under Discussion 17 Health and Wellness Center in progress In progress and on schedule (scheduled for completion - Dec 08) 18 Child and Family Studies centralization in progress Being considered for submission in the next budget capital process. 19 Outdoor stage in progress Lingreen building scheduled for demolition spring quarter 09; work to begin on outdoor stage once demolition is completed. Target for 2009 commencement 20 Campus entry portals. in progress Planning will become part of the College Commons construction plan. Consultation with architect under way. 21 Artwork on campus in progress Physical Resources Art in Public Places (AIPP) began in 07.08 Plan to open building and hold classes spring 09. Additional house to come on line fall 2008. Artwork recommendation scheduled for 08/09 22 Property acquisition for campus expansion Annual 23 Vacation of Rock, Walnut and Washington streets in progress Walnut vacated in front of gym; Begin dialog with city officials on evacuation of Washington Ave. Develop layout design with architect. 24 Modify master plan to establish pedestrian flow patterns that are inviting and provide connectivity to downtown Centralia in progress Vacation of Walnut in front of gym Being evaluated by and recommendation will be made 25 Wireless computer access throughout campus in progress Campus close to 100% Ensure Science bldg totally wireless 26 Upgraded phone system on-hold Under Discussion Consider in College Commons predesign. 27 Computer network changes to enhance performance and promote security and efficiency Hire web applications developer; continue efficiency work Annual 24/7 support added Web applications developer not hired because of budget restrictions Physical Resources Purchase scheduled for the duplex @208 & 210 So. Iron and house @ 709 Walnut 2008-2009 Objectives 2008 - 2009 Objectives 2008-2009 Progress 2009-10 Activities 13 Science Building Plan to open building and hold classes spring 09. Completed 14 College Commons Pre-design meetings for College Commons Deferred one year by legislators Site visits to other colleges planned 15 International Student Housing Additional house to come on line fall 2008. Leased housing downtown Duplex Health Annex 16 Continuing Education Center 17 Health and Wellness Center Open for basketball season 08/09 18 Child and Family Studies centralization Being considered for submission in the next budget capital process. 19 Outdoor stage area Lingreen building scheduled for demolition spring quarter 09; work to begin on outdoor stage once demolition is completed. Target for 2009 commencement site completed 20 Campus entry portals. Planning will become part of the College Commons construction plan. Consultation with architect under way. On hold for budget constraints/ look at using capital funds Commons Planning 21 Artwork on campus Hired artist Selection of art 22 Property acquisition for campus expansion Artwork recommendation scheduled for 08/09 Purchase scheduled for the duplex @208 & 210 So. Iron and house @ 709 Walnut Purchased: 1211 Walnut St. 713 Walnut St. 411 So. Rock St. 308 Rock St. Physical Resources on hold Completed Planning for PRR 23 Vacation of Rock, Walnut and Washington streets Begin dialog with city officials on evacuation of Washington Ave. Develop layout design with architect. Talking to City Council 24 Modify master plan to establish pedestrian flow patterns that are inviting and provide connectivity to downtown Centralia Being evaluated by and recommendation will be made Expand lighting scheme toward Iron 25 Wireless computer access throughout campus Ensure Science bldg totally wireless Science Bldg completed Improved access in library International Student Housing - access and capacity 26 Upgraded phone system Consider in College Commons predesign. Postponed one year Consider in College Commons pre-design 27 Computer network changes to enhance performance and promote security and efficiency Hire web applications developer; continue efficiency work Evaluate use of the State Board technology staff in web applications. Added chiller system created redundant server security audit completed Working with SBCTC to incorporate "Go Forward" 28 Automated mailing system with centralized database. Evaluating use of contractor to update postage databases versus purchase/lease. Contracting out - done Physical Resources