UWM Academic Program and Curriculum Committee Review Guidelines for Undergraduate Certificates 1. Undergraduate certificates fall into one of these classifications a. tied to a major and offered as a certificate for non-majors. b. stand-alone certificates that may be housed in a department or overseen by a committee. 2. Review schedule: a. Certificates tied to a major: i. Existing certificates that are tied to a major will be reviewed on the same schedule as the audit and review of the major starting with the next review (2006-07). ii. New certificates will be reviewed as follows: If the major program review is scheduled within 5 years of the date on which the certificate is approved, the certificate review will be combined with the program audit and review schedule. If the major program review is not scheduled within 5 years of the date on which the certificate is approved, then the certificate will have a five year initial review. Further reviews will be synchronized with the general program review. b. Stand-alone certificates will be reviewed as follows: i. New certificates and those approved since 2002 will have a five year review. ii. After the initial five year review, they will be on a 10 year review cycle. 3. Program chair or the faculty in charge of the certificate program shall be notified by the chair of the APCC of the imminent review no later than January preceding the academic year of the review. Program chairs shall oversee the information-gathering and program-assessment in order to meet the October 1 deadline for the Self-Evaluation report. For certificates that are not administered by a single academic department or unit, the department chair(s) and/or the dean(s) will designate a lead faculty member as the program chair. 4. Self-Evaluation Report (same as program review) a. The program chairs or the faculty in charge of the certificate programs under review shall oversee the compilation of the Self-Evaluation Report (see Section II) and its submission to the APCC by October 1 of the review year. The ultimate responsibility for the report shall rest with the program chair or the faculty in charge of the certificate as its executive officer. The report shall be sent to the dean or director of the certificate under review, who may attach additional information or interpretative comments prior to forwarding of the certificate’s report to the APCC. Even with the addition of the dean or director to the routing process of the report the deadline remains October 1. b. For certificates that are reviewed together with the major, the self-evaluation report for the certificate may be an addendum to the program self-study. 5. Formation of the Audit and Review Subcommittee a. The audit and review subcommittee appointed for program review shall also review the certificate that is tied to the major. b. For stand-alone certificates, the Vice Chancellor shall appoint members of the audit and review subcommittee upon recommendation from the chair of the APCC following the same procedure used for appointing program review subcommittees 6. Functions of the Audit and Review Subcommittee (same as for program review) a. The Audit and Review Subcommittee shall review the certificate’s Self-Evaluation Report and the official data from the Office of Resource Analysis. The subcommittee shall be expected to meet with the faculty, staff, and students, to assess student evaluations, to consult with the dean or director of the unit under review, and to make contact with alumnae/i. The subcommittee shall have the responsibility of preparing a report to the APCC. The report shall be forwarded to the APCC, with copies directed to the chair of the program being reviewed and to the appropriate dean or director. b. For certificates that are part of a major, the report can be part of the program review report. 7. Formation of the Final Report (same as program review) a. In hearings before the APCC, the certificate under review and the appropriate dean or director shall have an opportunity to respond, orally or in writing, to the report and recommendations of the subcommittee and to propose amendments and modifications. Drawing upon the work of the audit and review subcommittee and the responses from the certificate and the dean or directors, the APCC shall prepare or certify a final report with appropriate recommendations to be forwarded to the Vice Chancellor, with a copy to the dean or director, and, if faculty action is required, to the UWM Faculty Senate. Area Standards adopted by APCC 9/02 Introduction 1) General data A. Name and describe the certificate and its place within the unit and the mission of the University. Include any special contributions. B. Describe the organization of the unit as it relates to the certificate program. Note the relationship with related units/programs C. Describe the mechanisms for governance of the certificate, and student involvement, including committee membership and participation in curricular policy making. D. Address the currency and relevance of courses and programs and the need for the certificate. Faculty and A. Identify requirements for and responsibilities of faculty Instructional and instructional academic staff. Academic Staff are B. List current members of the faculty by name, rank, qualified and in teaching and research specialization. sufficient numbers to C. List current members of the instructional academic staff provide relevant by name, rank, teaching specialization, and percentage. quality learning D. Clearly articulate role of part-time faculty experiences E. List the number of publications over the last 7 years by monographs, chapters, articles, creative expressions and presentations. F. Describe contributions to professional and community service activities. Consult with dean or director of unit under review. There are adequate A. Define qualified students, and identify cohorts of numbers of qualified certificate students. students for B. Trend number of students enrolled. meaningful cohorts to C. Attend to minority, disadvantaged students. meet learning objectives Review Instructional Capacity Analysis data or comparable exhibits that include curricular area code, course number and title, enrollments, semester offered, frequency of course offerings, FTE students conveyed by year compared to courses offered. Faculty Students Evidence presented by the Unit in the self-evaluation report. Narrative limited to 10 pages. Focus of the audit team. Narrative of audit report limited to four pages. Meet with group responsible for program governance. Include student representatives if at all possible. Review exhibits, documents, and materials that support and augment the unit's report. Meet with program faculty/staff. Review curriculum vitae of faculty and instructional academic staff, particularly of those involved with the undergraduate program. Review exhibits of faculty work. Review Department Profile information including faculty workload, and number and dollar amount of research proposals submitted and awarded over the past 7 years. Curriculum There is an organized, coherent sequence of course work that prepares students to meet the educational goals of the certificate A. Identify the educational goals/outcomes of the certificate. B. Explain the organization of courses, credits and sequencing within the certificate. C. Describe how course content and activities help students meet course objectives. D. Describe the delivery options available. E. Attach current undergraduate bulletin copy and copies of printed information including catalogues, brochures, etc. GER assessment GER-designated A. Attach a complete list of GER courses in the certificate courses unique to the and their designations with frequency of offerings. certificate program B. Include syllabi for courses with GER designation. The meet the general syllabi should meet APCC requirements for GER guidelines outlined in course syllabi found at the program review http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/SecU/apcc/index.html. document. C. Describe outcomes to be achieved. D. Describe the measures used to assess the outcomes. E. Report the assessment data trended over the past 7 years. F. State how the certificate builds on the GER. G. GER plans for the next five years. Resources There are sufficient A. Describe and assess advising procedures resources to meet program needs: 1. For assisting students 2. For facilities and space within the university A. List space and facilities requirements for the certificate and assess adequacy of current allocation. B. Describe procedure for recommending additions to the UWM Library holdings. Assess adequacy of library resources for students and faculty. 3. For facilities and space outside the university. A. List space and facilities being used for the certificate program off-campus and assess adequacy. Include related discussions as part of the faculty/staff meeting, and the student meeting. Review the Course Offering list of undergraduate and U/G courses offered in the past three academic years Review GER course syllabi. A recommendation will need to be made about retaining/removing GER for each course. Assessment results are a factor in recommendation for retaining/removing GER designation. Include related discussions as part of student meeting, and faculty/staff meeting. Meet with advisors and financial officers, as appropriate. Review budget documents, including planning documents and their updating and the Department Profile. Observations, including a tour, may be appropriate. Evaluation A. An evaluation A. Describe evaluation process and identify the measures process that involves used to collect data. students, faculty, B. Display some of the data received and indicate use in graduates, and monitoring the program. community members, as appropriate, is in Data may include but are not limited to: course evaluations place and the data by students, evaluation of the program by graduates, the gathered is used to unit’s systematic program evaluation data, minutes of monitor the program curriculum meetings, community members’ assessment and direct its of graduates. Such information should be available for changes. review by the audit team. Meeting with faculty/staff to discuss perceptions, strengths, weaknesses, and future of the program. Meeting with students to discuss their perceptions of their program. Other mechanisms for securing student input may be needed. An example might be an e-mail survey. Contact with alumnae/i presents same challenges as do students. Again, an e-mail survey might be appropriate. Review evaluation data, committee minutes and other exhibits. B. 90% of students Report completion data trended over past 7 years complete the program within 5 years Summary A. Discuss the major strengths and particular characteristics of the certificate. (Compare this program with other institutions’ programs, if appropriate.) B. Indicate any weaknesses or deficiencies. C. Suggest resources that would be needed to eliminate the deficiencies. D. Comment on faculty workload relevant to program objectives. What needs, if any, exist? What plans are there to meet these needs? E. Describe plans for the next 5 years. The report must include specific recommendations to strengthen, maintain, consolidate, reorganize or phase out the academic program. Evaluation of the standards and the unit’s summary should provide the needed support for the recommendation.