Publications for Karen Gonsalkorale 2015

Publications for Karen Gonsalkorale
Publications for Karen Gonsalkorale
Aydogan, A., Gonsalkorale, K. (2015). Breaking
down a barrier: Increasing perceived out-group
knowledge reduces negative expectancies about
intergroup interaction. European Journal of
Social Psychology, 45(4), 401-408. <a
e Information]</a>
van Dommelen, A., Schmid, K., Hewstone, M.,
Gonsalkorale, K., Brewer, M. (2015). Construing
multiple in-groups: Assessing social identity
inclusiveness and structure in ethnic and
religious minority group members. European
Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 386-399. <a
e Information]</a>
Hunt, C., Piccoli, V., Gonsalkorale, K.,
Carnaghi, A. (2015). Feminine Role Norms
Among Australian and Italian Women:a
Cross-Cultural Comparison. Sex Roles, 73,
533-542. <a
7-0">[More Information]</a>
Gooley, S., Zadro, L., Williams, L., Svetieva, E.,
Gonsalkorale, K. (2015). Ostracizing for a
Reason: A Novel Source Paradigm
for Examining the Nature and Consequences of
Motivated Ostracism. The Journal of Social
Psychology, 155(5), 410-431. <a
1060933">[More Information]</a>
Zadro, L., Godwin, A., Gonsalkorale, K. (2014).
'It Is Better to Give than to Receive' The Role of
Motivation and Self-control in Determining the
Consequences of Ostracism for Targets and
Sources. In Joseph P. Forgas, Eddie
Harmon-Jones (Eds.), Motivation and Its
Regulation: The Control Within, (pp. 351-366).
New York: Psychology Press.
Cheung, B., Dar-Nimrod, I., Gonsalkorale, K.
(2014). Am I my genes? Perceived genetic
etiology, intrapersonal processes, and health.
Social and Personality Psychology Compass,
8(11), 626-637. <a
ore Information]</a>
Godwin, A., MacNevin, G., Zadro, L.,
Iannuzzelli, R., Weston, S., Gonsalkorale, K.,
Devine, P. (2014). Are all ostracism experiences
equal? A comparison of the autobiographical
recall, Cyberball, and O-Cam paradigms.
Behavior Research Methods, 46(3), 660-667. <a
8-0">[More Information]</a>
Gonsalkorale, K., Sherman, J., Klauer, K.
(2014). Measures of Implicit Attitudes May
Conceal Differences in Implicit Associations:
The Case of Antiaging Bias. Social
Psychological and Personality Science, 5(3),
271-278. <a
239">[More Information]</a>
Zadro, L., Gonsalkorale, K. (2014). Sources of
Ostracism: The Nature and Consequences of
Excluding and Ignoring Others. Current
Directions in Psychological Science, 23(2),
93-97. <a
321">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, C., Gonsalkorale, K., Zadro, L. (2014).
The polarising effect of female leaders: Interest
in politics and perceived leadership capability
after a reminder of Australia’s first female prime
minister. European Journal of Social
Psychology, 44(7), 723-729. <a
e Information]</a>
Hunt, C., Gonsalkorale, K. (2014). Who cares
what she thinks, what does he say? Links
between masculinity, in-group bonding and
gender harassment. Sex Roles, 70(1-2), 14-27. <a
4-x">[More Information]</a>
Calanchini, J., Gonsalkorale, K., Sherman, J.,
Klauer, K. (2013). Counter-prejudicial training
reduces activation of biased associations and
enhances response monitoring. European
Journal of Social Psychology, 43(5), 321-325. <a
e Information]</a>
Zadro, L., Hawes, D., Iannuzzelli, R., Godwin,
A., MacNevin, G., Griffiths, B., Gonsalkorale, K.
(2013). Ostracism and children: A guide to
effectively using the Cyberball paradigm with a
child sample. International Journal of
Developmental Science, 7(1), 7-11. <a
[More Information]</a>
Brewer, M., Gonsalkorale, K., van Dommelen,
A. (2013). Social identity complexity:
Comparing majority and minority ethnic group
members in a multicultural society. Group
Processes and Intergroup Relations, 16(5),
529-544. <a
622">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, C., Gonsalkorale, K., Murray, S. (2013).
Threatened masculinity and muscularity: An
experimental examination of multiple aspects of
muscularity in men. Body Image, 10(3), 290-299.
Publications for Karen Gonsalkorale
2.007">[More Information]</a>
Hunt, C., Gonsalkorale, K., Nosek, B. (2012).
Links Between Psychosocial Variables and Body
Dissatisfaction in Homosexual Men: Differential
Relations with the Drive for Muscularity and the
Drive for Thinness. International Journal of
Men's Health, 11(2), 127-136. <a
More Information]</a>
Gonsalkorale, K., Sherman, J., Allen, T., Klauer,
K., Amodio, D. (2011). Accounting for
successful control of implicit racial bias: The
roles of association activation, response
monitoring, and overcoming bias. Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(11),
1534-1545. <a
064">[More Information]</a>
Gonsalkorale, K., von Hippel, W. (2011).
Intergroup relations in the 21st century: In-group
positivity and out-group negativity among
members of an internet hate group. In R.
Kramer, G.J. Leonardelli, and R. Livingston
(Eds.), Social Cognition, Social Identity, and
Intergroup Relations: A Festschrift in Honour of
Marilynn B. Brewer, (pp. 163-188). New York:
Psychology Press.
Gonsalkorale, K., Allen, T., Sherman, J., Klauer,
K. (2010). Mechanisms of Group Membership
and Exemplar Exposure Effects on Implicit
Attitudes. Social Psychology, 41(3), 158-168. <a
023">[More Information]</a>
Gonsalkorale, K., Sherman, J., Allen, T. (2010).
Self-Control Over Automatic Associations. In
R.R. Hassin, K.N. Ochsner and Y. Trope (Eds.),
Self Control in Society, Mind, and Brain, (pp.
243-259). USA: Oxford University Press.
Gonsalkorale, K., Sherman, J., Klauer, K.
(2009). Aging and prejudice: Diminished
regulation of automatic race bias among older
adults. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 45(2), 410-414. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Gonsalkorale, K., von Hippel, W., Sherman, J.,
Klauer, K. (2009). Bias and regulation of bias in
intergroup interactions: Implicit attitudes toward
Muslims and interaction quality. Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology, 45(1), 161-166.
2">[More Information]</a>
Nosek, B., Smyth, F., Sriram, N., Linder, N.,
Devos, T., Ayala, A., Bar-Anan, Y., Bergh, R.,
Cai, H., Gonsalkorale, K., et al (2009). National
differences in gender-science stereotypes predict
national sex differences in science and math
achievement. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America (PNAS), 106(26), 10593-10597. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Beer, J., Stallen, M., Lombardo, M.,
Gonsalkorale, K., Cunningham, W., Sherman, J.
(2008). The Quadruple Process model approach
to examining the neural underpinnings of
prejudice. NeuroImage, 43, 775-783. <a
08.08.033">[More Information]</a>
Sherman, J., Gawronski, B., Gonsalkorale, K.,
Hugenberg, K., Allen, T., Groom, C. (2008). The
Self-Regulation of Automatic Associations and
Behavioral Impulses. Psychological Review,
115(2), 314-335. <a
2.314">[More Information]</a>
von Hippel, W., Gonsalkorale, K. (2007).
Encoding. In Roy F. Baumeister, Kathleen D.
Vohs (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology.
USA: Sage Publications.
Gonsalkorale, K., Carlisle, K., von Hippel, W.
(2007). Intergroup Threat Increases Implicit
Stereotyping. Revista Internacional de
Psicologia y Terapia Psicologica (International
Journal of Psychology and Psychological
Therapy), 7(2), 189-200.
Gonsalkorale, K., Williams, K. (2007). The KKK
won't let me play: Ostracism even by a despised
outgroup hurts. European Journal of Social
Psychology, 37, 1176-1186. <a
von Hippel, W., Gonsalkorale, K. (2005). "That
Is Bloody Revolting!": Inhibitory Control of
Thoughts Better Left Unsaid. Psychological
Science, 16(7), 497-500. <a
5.01563.x">[More Information]</a>
Laham, S., Gonsalkorale, K., von Hippel, W.
(2005). Darwinian Grandparenting: Preferential
Investment in More Certain Kin. Personality and
Publications for Karen Gonsalkorale
Social Psychology Bulletin, 31(1), 63-72. <a
318">[More Information]</a>