Publications for Andrew Short 2013 2016

Publications for Andrew Short
Publications for Andrew Short
Short, A. (2013), Australia's temperate
carbonate coast: sources, depositional
environments and implications.
Turner, I., Harley, M., Short, A., Simmons, J.,
Bracs, M., Phillips, M., Splinter, K. (2016). A
multi-decade dataset of monthly beach profile
surveys and inshore wave forcing at Narrabeen,
Australia. Reviews in Australian Studies, 3, 1-13.
More Information]</a>
Vieira da Silva, G., Toldo Jr, E., Klein, A., Short,
A., Woodroffe, C. (2016). Headland sand
bypassing - Quantification of net sediment
transport in embayed beaches, Santa Catarina
Island North Shore, Southern Brazil. Marine
Geology, 379, 13-27. <a
5.008">[More Information]</a>
Barnard, P., Short, A., Harley, M., Splinter, K.,
Vitousek, S., Turner, I., Allan, J., Banno, M.,
Bryan, K., Dória, A., et al (2015). Coastal
vulnerability across the Pacific dominated by El
Niño/Southern Oscillation. Nature Geoscience,
8(10), 801-807. <a
re Information]</a>
Harley, M., Turner, I., Short, A. (2015). New
insights into embayed beach rotation: The
importance of wave exposure and cross-shore
processes. Journal of Geophysical Research:
Earth Surface, 120(8), 1470-1484. <a
[More Information]</a>
Short, A., Bracs, M., Turner, I. (2014). Beach
oscillation and rotation: local and regional
response at three beaches in southeast Australia.
Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 70,
712-717. <a
Pereira, L., Vila-Concejo, A., da Costa, R.,
Short, A. (2014). Managing physical and
anthropogenic hazards on macrotidal Amazon
beaches. Ocean and Coastal Management, (96),
149-162. <a
4.05.008">[More Information]</a>
Karunarathna, H., Pender, D., Ranasinghe, R.,
Short, A., Reeve, D. (2014). The effects of storm
clustering on beach profile variability. Marine
Geology, 348, 103-112. <a
2.007">[More Information]</a>
Short, A., Jackson, D. (2013). Beach
Morphodynamics. In L Allan James, Carol
Harden, John J. Clague (Eds.), Treatise on
Geomorphology: Coastal Geomorphology, (pp.
106-129). London: Academic Press.
Pereira, L., Vila-Concejo, A., Short, A. (2013).
Influence of subtidal sand banks on tidal
modulation of waves and beach morphology in
Amazon macrotidal beaches. Journal of Coastal
Research, 65, 1821-1826.
Pereira, L., Vila-Concejo, A., Short, A. (2013).
Influence of subtidal sand banks on tidal
modulation of waves and beach morphology in
macrotidal beaches. International Coastal
Symposium, Plymouth University: Plymouth
McBride, R., Anderson, J., Buynevich, I., Cleary,
W., Fenster, M., FitzGerald, D., Harris, M.,
Hein, C., Klein, A., Liu, B., Short, A., et al
(2013). Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A
Synthesis. In L Allan James, Carol Harden,
John J. Clague (Eds.), Treatise on
Geomorphology: Coastal Geomorphology, (pp.
166-244). London: Academic Press.
McLachlan, A., Defeo, O., Jaramillo, E., Short,
A. (2013). Sandy beach conservation and
recreation: Guidelines for optimising
management strategies for multi-purpose use.
Ocean and Coastal Management, 71, 256-268.
2.10.005">[More Information]</a>
Short, A., Farmer, B. (2012). 101 Best Australian
Beaches. Sydney, Australia: NewSouth
Karunarathna, H., Horrillo-Caraballo, J.,
Ranasinghe, R., Short, A., Reeve, D. (2012). An
analysis of the cross-shore beach
morphodynamics of a sandy and a composite
gravel beach. Marine Geology, 299-302, 33-42.
2.011">[More Information]</a>
Short, A. (2012). Beach Morphodynamics in
Australia 1970s-2010. Geographical Research,
50(2), 141-153. <a
2.00760.x">[More Information]</a>
Short, A. (2012). Coastal Processes and Beaches.
Nature Education Knowledge, 3(10), 1-18.
Publications for Andrew Short
Short, A., Farmer, B. (2012). Surfing reserves –
Recognition for the world’s surfing breaks. Reef
Journal, 2, 1-14.
Harley, M., Turner, I., Short, A., Ranasinghe, R.
(2011). A reevaluation of coastal embayment
rotation: The dominance of cross-shore versus
alongshore sediment transport processes,
Collaroy-Narrabeen Beach, southeast Australia.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 116(4),
F04033-pp16. <a
[More Information]</a>
Harley, M., Turner, I., Short, A., Ranasinghe, R.
(2011). Assessment and integration of
conventional, RTK-GPS and image-derived
beach survey methods for daily to decadal
coastal monitoring. Coastal Engineering, 58(2),
194-205. <a
0.09.006">[More Information]</a>
Vila-Concejo, A., Austin, T., Harris, D., Hughes,
M., Short, A., Ranasinghe, R. (2011). Estuarine
beach evolution in relation to a flood-tide delta.
Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 190-194.
Pereira, L., Vila-Concejo, A., Trindade, W.,
Short, A. (2011). Influence of high-energy
conditions on beach changes in tide-dominated
(Amazon, Brazil) and wave-dominated (NSW,
Australia) coastal environments. Journal of
Coastal Research, SI 64, 115-119.
Short, A. (2011). Kimberley beach and barrier
systems: An overview. Journal of the Royal
Society of Western Australia, 94, 121-132.
Vila-Concejo, A., Hughes, M., Short, A.,
Ranasinghe, R. (2010). Estuarine shoreline
processes in a dynamic low-energy system.
Ocean Dynamics: theoretical, computational
oceanography and monitoring, 60(2), 285-298.
3-7">[More Information]</a>
Harley, M., Turner, I., Short, A., Ranasinghe, R.
(2010). Interannual variability and controls of the
Sydney wave climate. International Journal of
Climatology, 30(9), 1322-1335. <a
Short, A. (2010). Role of geological inheritance
in Australian beach morphodynamics. Coastal
Engineering, 57(2), 92-97. <a
9.09.005">[More Information]</a>
Short, A. (2010). Sediment Transport around
Australia-Sources, Mechanisms, Rates, and
Barrier Forms. Journal of Coastal Research,
26(3), 395-402. <a
re Information]</a>
Vila-Concejo, A., Short, A., Hughes, M.,
Ranasinghe, R. (2009). Formation and evolution
of a sandwave on an estuarine beach. Journal of
Coastal Research, SI56, 153-157.
Austin, T., Short, A., Hughes, M., Vila-Concejo,
A., Ranasinghe, R. (2009). Tidal Hydrodynamics
of a Micro-tidal, Wave Dominated Flood-tide
Delta: Port Stephens, Australia. Journal of
Coastal Research, SI 56, 693-697.
Vila-Concejo, A., Hughes, M., Short, A.,
Ranasinghe, R. (2008). Estuarine shoreline
processes: a dynamic low energy system. PECS
2008: Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas,
Callaghan, D., Nielsen, P., Short, A.,
Ranasinghe, R. (2008). Statistical simulation of
wave climate and extreme beach erosion.
Coastal Engineering, 55(5), 375-390. <a
7.12.003">[More Information]</a>
Almar, R., Coco, G., Bryan, K., Huntley, D.,
Short, A., Senechal, N. (2008). Video
observations of beach cusp morphodynamics.
Marine Geology, 254(3-4), 216-223. <a
5.008">[More Information]</a>
Farmer, B., Short, A. (2007). Australian National
Surfing Reserves – rationale and process for
recognising iconic surfing locations. Journal of
Coastal Research, (SI 50), 99-103.
Short, A. (2007). Australian Rip Systems -Friend
or Foe? Journal of Coastal Research, (Special
Issue 50), 7-11.
Scott, T., Russell, P., Masselink, G., Wooler, A.,
Short, A. (2007). Beach Rescue Statistics and
their Relation to Nearshore Morphology and
Hazards: A Case Study for Southwest England.
Journal of Coastal Research, (SI 50), 1-6.
Short, A. (2007). Beaches of the New South
Wales coast : a guide to their nature,
characteristics, surf and safety. Sydney: Sydney
University Press.
Lewis, D., Cooper, J., Pilkey, O., Short, A.
(2007). Fetch-Limited Barrier Islands of Spencer
Gulf, South Australia. Journal of Coastal
Research, (SI 50), 912-916.
Vila-Concejo, A., Short, A., Hughes, M.,
Publications for Andrew Short
Ranasinghe, R. (2007). Flood-tide delta
morphodynamics and management implications,
Port Stephens, Australia. Journal of Coastal
Research, SI50, 705-709.
Figueiredo, S., Cowell, P., Short, A. (2007).
Intermittent backbeach discharge to the surfzone:
modes and geomorphologic implications.
Journal of Coastal Research, (50), 610-614.
Figueiredo, S., Cowell, P., Short, A. (2007).
Intermittent discharge of backbarrier water to the
surfzone: modes and geomorphologic
implications. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50,
Vila-Concejo, A., Short, A., Hughes, M.,
Ranasinghe, R. (2007). Shoreline Implications of
Flood-tide Delta morphodynamics. The case of
Port Stephens(SE Australia). Coastal
Sediments'07, Reston, VA, United States:
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Short, A. (2006). Australian beach systems Nature and distribution. Journal of Coastal
Research, 22(1), 11-27.
Thom, B., Short, A. (2006). Australian Coastal
Geomorphology, 1984-2004. Journal of Coastal
Research, 22(1), 1-10.
Short, A. (2006). Beach hazards and risk
assessment of beaches. In Joost J. L. M.Bierens
(Eds.), Handbook on Drowning - Prevention,
Rescue, Treatment, (pp. 151-156). Berlin:
Short, A. (2006). Beaches of the Northern
Australian Coasts: The Kimberley, Northern
Teritory and Cape York. Sydney, Australia:
Sydney University Press.
Short, A. (2005). Wave Environments. In
Schwartz, ML (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Coastal
Science. Dordrecht: Springer.
Short, A. (2005). Wind, waves and beaches. In
Stewart, C and Hewitt R (Eds.), Waves of the
Future: The lectures series of the 33rd Professor
Harry Messel International Science School, (pp.
157-169). Sydney: Science Foundation for
Short, A., Trembanis, A. (2004). Decadal Scale
Patterns In Beach Oscillation And Rotation
Narrabeen Beach, Australia - Time Series, Pca
And Wavelet Analysis. Journal of Coastal
Research, 20(2), 523-532.
Huang, H., Short, A., Zeng, T., Hanslow, D.
(2004). Impact Of Brunswick River Mouth
Training Walls On Adjacent Beaches, Brunswick
Heads, New South Wales, Australia. China
Ocean Engineering, 18(2), 207-220.
Ranasinghe, R., McLoughlin, R., Short, A.,
Symonds, G. (2004). The Southern Oscillation
Index, Wave Climate, And Beach Rotation.
Marine Geology, 204(3-4), 273-287.
NIELSEN, A., Adamantidis, C., Short, A.,
Rollason, V. (2003). A numerical simulation of
wave-generated surf zone currents. Australian
Journal of Civil Engineering, 1(1), 1-7.
Short, A. (2003). Australian beach systems - the
morphodynamics of wave through
tide-dominated beach-dune systems. Journal of
Coastal Research, 19(Special Issue 35), 7-20.
Short, A. (2006). Beaches of the Tasmanian
Coast and Islands. Sydney, Aus: Sydney
University Press.
Short, A. (2001). Beaches of the South
Australian Coast and Kangaroo Island.
Australia: Sydney University Press.
Short, A., Brander, R. (2001). Flow kinetics of
Low-energy Rip Current Systems. Journal of
Coastal Research, 17, 468-481.
Short, A. (2005). Beaches of the Western
Australian Coast: Eucla to Roebuck Bay.
Sydney: Sydney University Press.
Short, A. (2005). Carbonate Beaches. In
Schwartz, ML (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Coastal
Science, (pp. 218-221). Dordrecht: Springer.
Short, A., Harley, B., Turner, I., Ranasinghe, R.
(2005). Comparison of image-derived, RTK-GPS
and conventional beach survey methods.
Australian Coast and Port Engineering
Conference, Barton, ACT: Institution of
Engineers Australia.
Short, A. (2005). Sandy Coasts. In Schwartz,
ML (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Coastal Science,
(pp. 821-825). Dordrecht: Springer.
Cowell, P., Short, A., Brander, R. (2001).
Morphometric Approaches to Describing Rip
Current Behaviour. Journal of Coastal Research,
34, 128-137.
Short, A. (2001). Physical Processes Affecting
Beaches. In JH Steele, SA Thorpe, KK
Turekian (Eds.), Enclyclopedia of Ocean
Sciences, (pp. 245-256). London, UK: Academic