Publications for Carolyn MacCann 2016

Publications for Carolyn MacCann
Publications for Carolyn MacCann
387">[More Information]</a>
Comensoli, A., MacCann, C. (2015). Emotion
appraisals predict Neuroticism and Extraversion:
A multi-level investigation of the appraisals in
personality (AIP) model. Journal of Individual
Differences, 36(1), 1-10. <a
149">[More Information]</a>
Monds, L., MacCann, C., Mullan, B., Wong, C.,
Todd, J., Roberts, R. (2016). Can personality
close the intention-behavior gap for healthy
eating? An examination with the HEXACO
personality traits. Psychology, Health and
Medicine, in press. <a
1112416">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Lievens, F., Libbrecht, N.,
Roberts, R. (2016). Differences between
multimedia and textbased
assessments of emotion management: An
exploration with the multimedia emotion
management assessment (MEMA). Cognition
and Emotion, in press. <a
1061482">[More Information]</a>
Rikoon, S., Brenneman, M., Kim, L.,
Khorramdel, L., MacCann, C., Burrus, J.,
Roberts, R. (2016). Facets of conscientiousness
and their differential relationships with cognitive
ability factors. Journal of Research in
Personality, 61, 22-34. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Roche, L., MacCann, C., Croot, K. (2016).
Predictive Factors for the Uptake of Coping
Strategies by Spousal Dementia Caregivers.
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders,
30(1), 80-91. <a
00000105">[More Information]</a>
Fayn, K., MacCann, C., Tiliopoulos, N., Silvia,
P. (2015). Aesthetic Emotions and Aesthetic
People: Openness Predicts Sensitivity to Novelty
in the Experiences of Interest and Pleasure.
Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1-11. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Todd, J., Mullan, B., Roberts, R.
(2015). Can personality bridge the
intention-behavior gap to predict who will
exercise? American Journal of Health Behavior,
39(1), 140-147. <a
[More Information]</a>
Anguiano-Carrasco, C., MacCann, C., Geiger,
M., Seybert, J., Roberts, R. (2015). Development
of a Forced-Choice Measure of
Typical-Performance Emotional Intelligence.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33(1),
83-97. <a
Kim, L., Chen, L., MacCann, C., Karlov, L.,
Kleitman, S. (2015). Evidence for three factors
of perfectionism: Perfectionistic Strivings, Order,
and Perfectionistic Concerns. Personality and
Individual Differences, 84, 16-22. <a
33">[More Information]</a>
Fayn, K., Tiliopoulos, N., MacCann, C. (2015).
Interest in truth versus beauty: Intellect and
Openness reflect different pathways towards
interest. Personality and Individual Differences,
81, 47-52. <a
31">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Lipnevich, A., Poropat, A.,
Wiemers, M., Roberts, R. (2015). Self- and
parent-rated facets of Conscientiousness predict
academic outcomes: Parent-reports are more
predictive, particularly for approach-oriented
facets. Learning and Individual Differences, 42,
19-26. <a
12">[More Information]</a>
Willaby, H., Costa, D., Burns, B., MacCann, C.,
Roberts, R. (2015). Testing complex models with
small sample sizes: A historical overview and
empirical demonstration of what Partial Least
Squares (PLS) can offer differential psychology.
Personality and Individual Differences, 84,
73-78. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Roche, L., Croot, K., MacCann, C., Cramer, B.,
Diehl-Schmid, J. (2015). The role of coping
strategies in psychological outcomes for
frontotemporal dementia caregivers. Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 28(3),
218-228. <a
830">[More Information]</a>
Allen, V., Rahman, N., Weissman, A., MacCann,
C., Lewis, C., Roberts, R. (2015). The
Situational Test of Emotional Management Brief (STEM-B): Development and validation
using item response theory and latent class
analysis. Personality and Individual Differences,
81, 195-200. <a
53">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Carolyn MacCann
Semrad, M., Paterson, H., MacCann, C. (2015).
The truth about lying. Australian Police Journal,
69, 132-137.
Allen, V., Weissman, A., Hellwig, S., MacCann,
C., Roberts, R. (2014). Development of the
situational test of emotional understanding - brief
(STEU-B) using item response theory.
Personality and Individual Differences, 65, 3-7.
51">[More Information]</a>
Allen, V., MacCann, C., Matthews, G., Roberts,
R. (2014). Emotional Intelligence in Education:
From Pop to Emerging Science. In Reinhard
Pekrun, Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia (Eds.),
International Handbook of Emotions in
Education, (pp. 162-182). New York: Routledge.
MacCann, C., Joseph, D., Newman, D., Roberts,
R. (2014). Emotional Intelligence Is a
Second-Stratum Factor of Intelligence: Evidence
From Hierarchical and Bifactor Models.
Emotion, 14(2), 358-374. <a
re Information]</a>
Fogarty, G., Davies, J., MacCann, C., Roberts, R.
(2014). Self- versus parent-ratings of
industriousness, affect, and life satisfaction in
relation to academic outcomes. British Journal of
Educational Psychology, 84(2), 281-293. <a
ore Information]</a>
MacPhail, M., Mullan, B., Sharpe, L., MacCann,
C., Todd, J. (2014). Using the health action
process approach to predict and improve health
outcomes in individuals with type 2 diabetes
mellitus. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and
Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 7, 469-479. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Lipnevich, A., MacCann, C., Roberts, R. (2013).
Assessing Non-Cognitive Constructs in
Education: A Review of Traditional and
Innovative Approaches. In Donald H Saklofske,
Cecil R Reynolds, Vicki L Schwean (Eds.), The
Oxford Handbook of Child Psychological
Assessment, (pp. 750-772). Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press.
MacCann, C., Burrows, C. (2013). Does
self-report emotional intelligence incrementally
predict student affective outcomes and GPA
beyond Five-Factor personality? The Psychology
of Education Review, 37(2), 33-39.
MacCann, C. (2013). Instructed faking of the
HEXACO reduces facet reliability and involves
more Gc than Gf. Personality and Individual
Differences, 55(7), 828-833. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Roberts, R. (2013). Just as smart
but not as successful: obese students obtain
lower school grades but equivalent test scores to
nonobese students. International Journal of
Obesity, 37(1), 40-46. <a
ore Information]</a>
Comensoli, A., MacCann, C. (2013).
Misconstruing methods and meaning in the
General Factor of Personality. International
Journal of Psychology, 48(4), 625-630. <a
688134">[More Information]</a>
Mullan, B., Wong, C., Kothe, E., MacCann, C.
(2013). Predicting breakfast consumption: A
comparison of the theory of planned behaviour
and the health action process approach. British
Food Journal, 115(11), 1638-1657. <a
27">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Matthews, G., Roberts, R. (2012).
Casting the first stone of validity standards: A
less critical perspective of the MSCEIT. Emotion
Review, 4(4), 409-410. <a
817">[More Information]</a>
Burrus, J., Betancourt, A., Holtzman, S., Minsky,
J., MacCann, C., Roberts, R. (2012). Emotional
intelligence relates to well-being: Evidence from
the Situational Judgment Test of Emotional
Management. Applied Psychology: Health and
Well-Being, 4(2), 151-166. <a
2.01066.x">[More Information]</a>
Lipnevich, A., MacCann, C., Bertling, J., Naemi,
B., Roberts, R. (2012). Emotional reactions
toward school situations: Relationships with
academic outcomes. Journal of
Psychoeducational Assessment, 30(4), 387-401.
445">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Ziegler, M., Roberts, R. (2012).
Faking in personality assessment: Reflections
and recommendations. In Ziegler, M;
MacCann, C; and Roberts, R. D. (Eds.), New
perspectives on faking in personality
assessments, (pp. 309-329). United States of
America: Oxford University Press. <a
195387476.003.0087">[More Information]</a>
Ziegler, M., MacCann, C., Roberts, R. (2012).
Publications for Carolyn MacCann
Faking: Knowns, unknowns, and points of
contention. In Ziegler, M; MacCann, C; and
Roberts, R. D. (Eds.), New perspectives on
faking in personality assessments, (pp. 3-18).
United States of America: Oxford University
John (Eds.), Diversity, Merit, and Higher
Education: Toward a Comprehensive Agenda for
the 21st Century, (pp. 233-274). Brooklyn, NY:
AMS Press, Inc.
MacCann, C., Lipnevich, A., Roberts, R. (2012).
New Directions in Assessing Emotional
Competencies From Kindergarten to College.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 30(4),
315-319. <a
438">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Roberts, R. (2010). Development
of a student health assessment system: Health
knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in
middle-schoolers. ETS Research Report Series,
RR 10-04, online-online.
Ziegler, M., MacCann, C., Roberts, R. (2012).
New perspectives on faking in personality
assessments. United States of America: Oxford
University Press.
MacCann, C., Fogarty, G., Roberts, R. (2012).
Strategies for success in education: Time
management is more important for part-time than
full-time students. Learning and Individual
Differences, 22(5), 618-623. <a
15">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Lipnevich, A., Burrus, J., Roberts,
R. (2012). The best years of our lives? Coping
with stress predicts school grades, life
satisfaction, and feelings about high school.
Learning and Individual Differences, 22(2),
235-241. <a
04">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Fogarty, G., Zeidner, M., Roberts,
R. (2011). Coping mediates the relationship
between emotional intelligence (EI) and
academic achievement. Contemporary
Educational Psychology, 36(1), 60-70. <a
11.002">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Pearce, N., Roberts, R. (2011).
Emotional Intelligence as Assessed by
Situational Judgment and Emotion Recognition
Tests: Building the Nomological Net.
Psychological Topics (Psihologijske Teme),
20(3), 393-412.
Lipnevich, A., MacCann, C., Krumm, S., Burrus,
J., Roberts, R. (2011). Mathematics attitudes and
mathematics outcomes of U.S. and Belarusian
middle school students. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 103(1), 105-118. <a
re Information]</a>
Burrus, J., MacCann, C., Kyllonen, P., Roberts,
R. (2011). Noncognitive Constructs in K-16:
Assessments, Interventions, Educational and
Policy Implications. In P. J. Bowman, E. P. St
MacCann, C., Roberts, R. (2010). Do Time
Management, Grit, and Self-Control relate to
academic achievement independently of
Conscientiousness? In Richard E Hicks (Eds.),
Personality and Individual Differences: Current
Directions, (pp. 79-90). Australia: Australian
Academic Press.
Newman, D., Joseph, D., MacCann, C. (2010).
Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance:
The Importance of Emotion Regulation and
Emotional Labor Context. Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, 3, 159-164. <a
0.01218.x">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Wang, L., Matthews, G., Roberts,
R. (2010). Emotional intelligence and the eye of
the beholder: Comparing self- and parent-rated
situational judgments in adolescents. Journal of
Research in Personality, 44(5), 673-676. <a
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Games, N., Fogarty, G., MacCann, C., Roberts,
R. (2010). Emotional intelligence, coping and
school performance. In Richard E Hicks (Eds.),
Personality and Individual Differences: Current
Directions, (pp. 69-78). Australia: Australian
Academic Press.
Roberts, R., MacCann, C., Matthews, G.,
Zeidner, M. (2010). Emotional Intelligence:
Toward a Consensus of Models and Measures.
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10,
821-840. <a
0.00277.x">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C. (2010). Further examination of
emotional intelligence as a
standard intelligence: A latent variable analysis
of fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence,
and emotional intelligence. Personality and
Individual Differences, 49, 490-496. <a
10">[More Information]</a>
Roberts, R., MacCann, C., Matthews, G.,
Zeidner, M. (2010). Teaching and Learning
Guide for: Emotional Intelligence: Towards a
consensus of models and measures. Social and
Publications for Carolyn MacCann
Personality Psychology Compass, 4(10),
968-981. <a
0.00310.x">[More Information]</a>
Wang, L., MacCann, C., Zhuang, X., Liu, O.,
Roberts, R. (2009). Assessing Teamwork and
Collaboration in High School Students: A
Multimethod Approach. Canadian Journal of
School Psychology, 24(2), 108-124. <a
470">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Duckworth, A., Roberts, R.
(2009). Empirical identification of the major
facets of Conscientiousness. Learning and
Individual Differences, 19(4), 451-458. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Orchard, B., MacCann, C., Schulze, R.,
Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., Roberts, R. (2009).
New Directions and Alternative Approaches to
the Measurement of Emotional Intelligence. In
Stough, C; Saklofske, D.H; Parker, J.D.A. (Eds.),
Assessing Emotional Intelligence: Theory,
Research, and Applications, (pp. 321-344). New
York: Springer.
Liu, O., Rijmen, F., MacCann, C., Roberts, R.
(2009). The assessment of time management in
middle-school students. Personality and
Individual Differences, 47(3), 174-179. <a
18">[More Information]</a>
Zhuang, X., MacCann, C., Wang, L., Liu, O.,
Roberts, R. (2008). Development and Validity
Evidence Supporting a Teamwork and
Collaboration Assessment for High School
Students, ETS RR-08-50, (pp. 1 - 50). Princeton,
NJ, USA, United States of America: ETS.
MacCann, C., Schulze, R., Matthews, G.,
Zeldner, M., Roberts, R. (2008). Emotional
Intelligence as Pop Science, Misled Science, and
Sound Science: A Review and Critical Synthesis
of Perspectives from the Field of Psychology.
In Nicole C. Karafyllis, Gotlind Ulshofer (Eds.),
Sexualized Brains: Scientific Modeling of
Emotional Intelligence from a Cultural
Perspective, (pp. 131-148). Cambridge, United
States: MIT Press.
MacCann, C., Roberts, R. (2008). New
paradigms for assessing emotional intelligence:
Theory and data. Emotion, 8(4), 540-551. <a
re Information]</a>
Roberts, R., Schulze, R., MacCann, C. (2008).
The Measurement of Emotional Intelligence: A
Decade of Progress? In Gregory J Boyle,
Gerald Matthews, Donald H Saklofske (Eds.),
The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and
Assessment: Personality Measurement and
Testing (Volume 2), (pp. 461-482). United States:
Sage Publications.
Roberts, R., Schulze, R., O'Brien, K., MacCann,
C., Reid, J., Maul, A. (2006). Exploring the
validity of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional
Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) with established
emotions measures. Emotion, 6(4), 663-669. <a
63">[More Information]</a>
MacCann, C., Roberts, R., Matthews, G.,
Zeidner, M. (2004). Consensus Scoring And
Empirical Option Weighting Of
Performance-Based Emotional Intelligence (Ei)
Tests. Personality and Individual Differences,
36(3), 645-662.
Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Roberts, R.,
MacCann, C. (2003). Development of emotional
intelligence: towards a multi-level investment
model. Human Development, 46(2-3), 69-96.
MacCann, C., Matthews, G., Zeidner, M.,
Roberts, R. (2003). Psychological assessment of
emotional intelligence: a review of self-report
and performance-based testing. International
Journal of Organizational Analysis, 11(3),