Geology of the Planets (Geo Sci 120) Spring 2016 Online lecture equivalents: Posted twice a week, divided into ~10-15 minute “topics.” Online labs: One/week, divided into a “pre-lab” and “lab” exercise, typically due Tuesday and Friday, respectively. Designed to be the equivalent of 2-3 additional hours/week. Professor: Dr. Lindsay McHenry Email (preferred): Phone (if needed): 414-229-3951 Teaching assistant: Abuduwufu Patiman (Fatimah) Email: Course web page: login to D2L at Textbook: None. We will use sections of the online resource Astronomy Notes at along with individual pdf chapters (on D2L) and other online resources (mission webpages, etc.) instead. If you really prefer a hard copy, you can purchase a physical book at Other needs: reliable access to a computer (PC or Mac) and the internet (on campus, at home, or both). You will need access to software including a modern web browser (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, IE9+, or Safari), Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), a variety of (free) media players, Adobe Acrobat reader, and Google Earth. These programs should be available in campus general-use computer labs, and are available for download (for free or at reduced student prices) under “Links” on the course D2L page. You will occasionally need access to some means of taking pictures and uploading them (e.g. a smartphone, camera, tablet/laptop with camera) to document the results of lab activities. Note: the UWM Media and Reserve Library allows for short-term digital camera or iPad borrowing. Some labs will require easily acquired materials that you may already have, or may need to borrow or purchase (e.g. rulers, round objects, flour, sand, colored pencils). One lab will require more specialized materials (brine shrimp eggs), available at pet/aquarium stores or online (e.g. Amazon). Learning Objectives From the rocky planets of the inner solar system to the “interplanetary worldlets” of the asteroid belt to the dynamic (or long dead) moons of the outer solar system and the icy worlds beyond Neptune, the principles developed as “Earth Sciences” can be applied to answer questions beyond our own planet. The investigation of worlds beyond our own sheds light on the Earth’s formation, its history, and potential future. The last decade has brought us an unprecedented volume of geological data from Mercury, Venus, Mars, Titan, the moon, asteroids, and comets, with more yet to come! The major goal of this course is to give you access to the information that the geological processes on other planets can provide to help us better understand our own planet’s unique characteristics. You will gain skills in interpreting planetary data and knowledge of the resources used to obtain this information. This general goal can be broken down into more specific objectives. By the end of this course, you should be able to: 1. Understand the tools and data that we use to study the geology of planets beyond our own. 2. Analyze simple experimental data and remotely sensed images to address questions about the compositions and processes that occur on planetary surfaces. 3. Understand the overall composition of the solar system and its likely history. 4. Compare the geological features of the Earth, moon, and other terrestrial planets to help understand how the Earth’s characteristics make it uniquely suitable in the solar system for the long-term existence of life. Assessment: Assessment in this course (determining whether students have met the assessment goals) will occur via quizzes (assessing knowledge), lab activities (assessing students’ understanding of and ability to apply the scientific method and assess data quality), and online discussions and group presentations (assessing students’ abilities to synthesize scientific information and communicate it to their peers). Frequent, low-stakes assessment activities will allow the instructor to adjust the course to the needs of the students. GER Statement: Learning Outcomes for this Course This course meets the UWM General Education Requirements in the division of Natural Sciences. All Natural Sciences courses have the following learning outcome: “Students will be able to understand and apply the major concepts of a natural science discipline, including its breadth and its relationship to other disciplines” (Natural Sciences (NS) criterion 1). In addition, this course addresses the following learning outcomes: “Students will demonstrate an understanding of the process of generating and testing data, and apply this knowledge to the solution of problems” (NS criterion 3) and “discuss and assess the limitations of data and the possibility of alternative interpretations” (NS criterion 4). This course additionally addresses two of the UW System Shared Learning Goals, namely (2) Critical and Creative Thinking Skills and (3) Effective Communication Skills. The activities in this class will address these criteria. Students will acquire a sound understanding of the principles and techniques employed in planetary geology, learning about the interconnectedness of geology, physics, astronomy, and chemistry and how they can be combined to answer big questions (NS criterion 1). Planetary geology is not about memorizing facts about each body in the solar system, but rather about learning how we know what we know. To this end we will conduct experiments and use tools similar to those employed by spacecraft to illustrate both the scientific method and how we analyze data. We will explore how our understanding of the geology of the planets has evolved over time as new data became available. Students will also learn how to access and interpret images of geological features on other planets collected by spacecraft (NS criteria 3 and 4). Through participating in weekly online activities including labs, discussions, quizzes, and lecture equivalents, students will acquire a sound understanding of the principles and techniques employed in planetary geology, and their limitations. Your Role in the Course Geo Sci 120 requires a team effort. YOU are part of this team. I need your steady participation over the course of the semester, your collaboration with each other, and your input about what can help you learn. Input: I value your input and you can provide it in several ways. For issues that need immediate attention, send me an email. If you think your questions are of general interest, or if you think your peers might be able to help you resolve them, you can post them to the general class D2L discussion forum. If there are topics that you would like to learn about, just ask! Collaboration: UW-Milwaukee has excellent students. In Geo Sci 120, expect to learn from your peers as well as from me. You will have an opportunity to work together: during online discussions and in preparing an online group presentation, where you will work (virtually) in groups of 5-7 students. Your future professions will almost certainly require teamwork and this course will help you to develop the communication skills that you will need. However, except where group submissions are explicitly requested (e.g., the group presentations), you are required to submit your own, original work. Participation: Your steady efforts are needed. As this is a three-credit course, expect to dedicate around 9 hours a week to it in the form of background readings, lecture equivalents, completing lab and other online assignments, participating in online discussions, and studying for (and taking) quizzes. Learning Accommodations I believe it is both important and appropriate go make accommodations that facilitate and improve the learning environment for all students. If you will need accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements of this course, please contact me as soon as possible. We may want to consult the Student Accessibility Center (229-6287; to help assist in devising an appropriate solution. Accommodations for Religious Observance Accommodations will be made if you need to miss class or a required assignment for a religious observance. Please inform me in advance so that I can make arrangements. Teaching Policies As a student in this course you are responsible to abide by the Department of Geosciences teaching policies and all University established policies. Scholastic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated. Scholastic dishonesty, a breach of the standards of academic integrity, includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and any act designed to give unfair academic advantage to the student. In this course, the work you hand in for credit must be entirely your own work, except when group work is specifically permitted. Even if you work with others, you are expected to hand in individual assignments written in your own words. You are welcome to discuss any course related issues with me or with your TA. My goal, and that of the department, is to create a productive learning environment for all students. Grading Most of your grade is based on your performance on the lab activities and quizzes. The assignments require some group and some individual work. The breakdown of the learning assessment on which your grades will be based is as follows: Online quizzes: Online labs: Online discussions: Group presentation: Online final: 25% 50% 10% 5% 10% Total: 100% Letter grades (note- I do not give out minus grades. I think they are mean). <60%: F. 60-65: D. 66-69: D+. 70-75: C. 76-79: C+. 80-86: B. 86-89: B+. 90+: A. • Assignments and quizzes need to be completed and turned in on time: typically a week after they are assigned but check D2L for exact submission dates and times. Late assignments may be accepted with a penalty, unless prior arrangements have been made. All work will be submitted via D2L. • There will be frequent, low-stakes quizzes covering the material presented in the online lectures and assigned readings. Each quiz will have 10 questions (pulled from a larger question bank), and you get two 15-minute tries on each one, with only the highest score considered for your grade. Your lowest two quiz scores will be dropped. • There will be a lab exercise every week starting with week 2, except for the weeks when there is an online discussion or group presentation instead (see detailed schedule). Note that while this is an online course, this does NOT mean that all of the labs can be accomplished sitting in front of a computer. Some will require preparation, experiments, and observations of the natural world. Most labs will have an associated pre-lab due earlier in the week, to allow your TA to provide feedback before the final lab is due. • There will be two formal online discussions, one on disaster movies and one on the planetary status of Pluto. You will be responsible for posting one well-reasoned initial post, responding to posts from fellow classmates, and responding to their responses. • Your assigned group of 4-6 will prepare a PowerPoint presentation on a NASA (or other) mission to tell the class about. Each group will be assigned a mission, in part based on an optional interest survey. Presentations will be posted on D2L for all of your classmates to see, and each student will provide feedback on the presentations of two other groups. • The online final exam will consist of long-answer questions that ask you to synthesize what you’ve learned. You can refer to your notes, and lecture, assigned reading, and online or other resources but NOT your classmates- this is meant to assess your individual performance. Your answers need to be phrased in your own words. • If at any point during the term you have a question or a concern about your grade, please contact me, or your TA. I will try to keep the D2L grade book up to date. Preliminary Lecture and Lab Schedule Wk 1 Day 1/26 1/28 Lecture topics Intro to the course Introduction to planetary geology, the history of “our place in the cosmos,” and the scientific method 2 2/2 2/11 Formation of the solar system Planetary interiors/ geophysics Lab 1: Scale of the solar system Materials of the solar system Asteroids and meteorites 2/16 Lab 2: meteorites vs. meteorwrongs Geochronology 2/4 3 4 2/9 2/18 5 2/23 2/25 6 3/1 3/3 7 3/8 3/10 The Moon Lab 3: Geochronology Remote sensing and spectroscopy DAWN at Vesta, Ceres, Rosetta at comet 67P Lab 4: Planetary spectroscopy Magma and melting Planetary volcanism Lab 5: Planetary Volcanism An introduction to Mars The Mars exploration rovers Lab 6: Google Mars Spring Break Reference syllabus Reynolds 2013, Ch 19 Hartmann 2005, Ch 5 Reynolds 2013, Ch 4 (part) Dalrymple 2005, Chapter 4 Cowen 2012, Nature; Hand 2014, Science Wilson 2009, Nature Geoscience TBD March 13 - 20 8 9 3/22 Curiosity at Gale Crater 3/24 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Lab 7: Disaster movies! MESSENGER at Mercury Impact craters 3/29 3/31 10 11 4/7 Lab 8: Impacts 1 Plate Tectonics: Unique to Earth? Venus 4/12 Lab 9: Impacts 2 The Galilean Moons 4/5 4/14 12 4/19 Lab 10: Missions Planetary atmospheres 4/21 New Horizons at Pluto 13 4/26 4/28 14 5/3 5/5 15 Icy worlds of the outer solar system 5/10 Lab 11: Is Pluto a Planet? The “Goldilocks” effect Astrobiology Lab 12: Astrobiology and the Drake Equation The geology of exoplanets Resources of the solar system Grotzinger 2014, Science TBD Blewett 2011, Mercury. Head 2014, Geology. Coates 2011, Science (Io) Kerr 2013 Science (Note: read the whole chapter on atmospheres: click “next page” and read all sections until the summary). Stern et al., 2015, Science TBD Lab 12, continued The future of space exploration This syllabus is subject to change!