ENGLISH 215: Introduction to English Studies Spring 2016 Section 002: M,W

ENGLISH 215: Introduction to English Studies
Spring 2016
Section 002: M,W
Instructor: Andrew Kleinke
Email: akleinke@uwm.edu
Mailbox: 4th Floor Curtin
Office Hours: Mondays 12:00-2:00 or by appointment
Curtin 296
Course Description:
English 215 is designed to introduce you to the study of literary texts written in English.
Throughout the semester, we will read authors from various places primarily across the
20th and 21st centuries in order to understand how people use literature to imaginatively
explore and understand the world around them. The works we will read take many forms:
poems, plays, short stories, and novels. In order to make sense of and talk about these texts,
this course will also offer a brief introduction into literary and cultural theory. While this
may sound like a lot of reading, the purpose of reading theory together with literature is
meant to be enjoyable!
By the end of the semester, it is my hope that you will have read new texts and encountered
new ideas from around the world. We will develop these ideas primarily through close
reading and critical analysis in order to show how slowly reading and approaching texts
can lead to a new way of reading and approaching the world around you.
Prerequisites: grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score at level 4 on EPT.
Required Course Books:
-Jonathan Culler, Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction
-Ed. Zadie Smith, The Book of Other People
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Collected Stories
-James Joyce, Dubliners
-Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness Norton Critical Editions 4th Edition.
-Ann Patchett, Bel Canto
-Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go
-Ntozake Shange If I Can Cook/You Know God Can
In addition to these texts, there will also be required D2L readings from various authors. I
expect you to either print or bring these readings to class.
Attendance Policy:
You will be expected to attend every class period. If you have more than 4 absences, then
your final grade will be lowered by a full letter.
Grading Breakdown:
-Attendance, Participation, and Written Responses: 25%
-Paper I: 15%
-Paper II: 20%
-Final Paper: 40%
There will be three papers in total for this class. Two of these will be shorter papers (3-5
pages in length) where you will be asked for an analysis of selected passages from our
course readings. These must be printed and handed in to me by the time class starts on the
day they are due. Any paper that is late will lose a full letter grade per class for which it is
late. I will provide more specific information on these assignments closer to their due
dates. The third and final paper will take the place of a final exam. This paper will consist of
an expanded reading (5-7 pages in length) of one of our course texts in response to
questions that I will provide to you later in the semester.
Written Responses:
Throughout the semester there will be short writing assignments due for class. These are
meant to provide you with an opportunity to reflect on the readings. The nature of these
assignments will vary, as will the level of my responses to them, which may range from
written comments to checking to see if the work is completed on time. However, I do
expect that all written work follows MLA guidelines for grammar and citation.
Week 1 (Jan. 26 &
-Culler: Chapter 2
-D2L poems.
Selections may
include: Brooks,
Castillo, Cummings,
Marvell, Jarrell
Week 2 (Feb. 2 & 4)
-Culler: Chapter 5
-D2L poems.
Selections may
include: Milosz,
Divakaruni, Yeats,
Szymborska, Shelley
-D2L poems.
Selections may
include: Yamada,
Mirikitani, Whitman,
Week 3 (Feb. 9 & 11)
-Culler: Chapter 4
Week 4 (Feb. 16 &
-Culler: Chapter 3
-MLA paper writing
-Marquez: “A Very
Old Man with
Enormous Wings,”
“The Sea of Lost
Time,” “Big Mama’s
Week 5 (Feb 23 &
-Culler: Chapter 1
-Marquez: “The Last
Voyage of the Ghost
Ship,” “One Day after
Saturday,” “Dialogue
with the Mirror.”
-Smith: “Hanwell”
-Danticat: “Lélé”
-Foer: “Rhoda”
Week 6 (Mar 2 & 4)
-Saunders: “Puppy”
-Hornby: “J. Johnson”
-Lethem: “Perkus
-Kunzru: “Magda
-Culler: Chapter 6
-Mitchell: “Judith
-Eggers: “Theo”
-Vida: “Soleil”
-Toibin: “Donal
-Litt “The Monster”
Week 7 (Mar 9 & 11)
-Conrad: “Heart of
-Conrad: “Heart of
-Achebe: “An Image
of Africa”
-First Paper Due
Week 8 (Mar 16 &
Week 9 (Mar 23 &
-Shange: If I Can
Week 10 (Mar 30 &
Apr 1)
-Culler: Chapter 7
-Shange: If I Can
-Joyce: “Araby,” and
Week 11 (Apr 6 & 8)
-Joyce: “The Dead”
-Patchett: Part 1
Week 12 (Apr 13 &
-Patchett: Part 2
-Patchett: Part 3
Second Paper Due
Week 13 (Apr 20 &
-Patchett: Part 4
-Ishiguro: Part 1
Week 14 (Apr 27 &
-Ishiguro: Part 2
-Ishiguro: Part 3
Week 15 (May 4 & 6) -In-class discussion
of final paper
-Culler: Chapter 8
-Joyce: “Ivy Day in
the Committee
Room” and “Grace”
-Final Day
-Course wrap-up
and evaluations
Final Paper Due: May 15th by 1:00 p.m. in my mailbox.
Email Policy:
Email is the best way to get in touch with me. Please use my email address at the top of this
document to schedule a meeting with me in my office hours or to ask me any questions you may
have. Yet because I am human and require sleep, I will not respond to emails from the hours of
12:00am – 7:00am.
Academic Honesty:
I take academic honesty and plagiarism very seriously. You will need to properly cite and
differentiate your work from others in this course. Furthermore, you will be required to do all of
your own work. Please go to the Writing Center or me if you have any concerns about citation.
Writing Center:
The Writing Center is located at Curtin 127 as well as in the East Wing of the Library. It is a free
and confidential service to all students and faculty. It is a tremendous resource that you should
take full advantage of. Please visit www.writingcenter.uwm.edu for more information.
Accessibility Resource Center (ARC):
Students who may require special accommodations for this course are required to provide a
VISA from their ARC advisor before any accommodations will be made. Please see me
immediately for any questions you may have regarding this.
Syllabus Addendum:
Policy Links1
1. Students with disabilities. Notice to these students should appear prominently in
the syllabus so that special accommodations are provided in a timely manner.
2. Religious observances. Accommodations for absences due to religious observance
should be noted. http://www4.uwm.edu/secu/docs/other/S1.5.htm
3. Students called to active military duty. Accommodations for absences due to call-up
of reserves to active military duty should be noted.
Students: http://www4.uwm.edu/current_students/military_call_up.cfm
Employees: http://www4.uwm.edu/secu/docs/other/S40.htm
(Editorially Revised, 3/25/09)
4. Incompletes. A notation of "incomplete" may be given in lieu of a final grade to a
student who has carried a subject successfully until the end of a semester but who,
because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond the student's
control, has been unable to take or complete the final examination or to complete some
limited amount of term work. http://www4.uwm.edu/secu/docs/other/S31.pdf
5. Discriminatory conduct (such as sexual harassment). Discriminatory conduct will not
be tolerated by the University. It poisons the work and learning environment of the
University and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well-being of students,
faculty, and staff. http://www4.uwm.edu/secu/docs/other/S47.pdf
6. Academic misconduct. Cheating on exams or plagiarism are violations of the
academic honor code and carry severe sanctions, including failing a course or even
suspension or dismissal from the University.
7. Complaint procedures. Students may direct complaints to the head of the academic unit
or department in which the complaint occurs. If the complaint allegedly violates a
specific university policy, it may be directed to the head of the department or academic
unit in which the complaint occurred or to the appropriate university office responsible
for enforcing the policy. http://www4.uwm.edu/secu/docs/other/S49.7.htm
Supplement to UWM FACULTY DOCUMENT NO. 1895, October 21, 1993; Revised March 16, 2006; Revised
January 24, 2008; Editorially Revised, 8/26/11.
8. Grade appeal procedures. A student may appeal a grade on the grounds that it is based
on a capricious or arbitrary decision of the course instructor. Such an appeal shall
follow the established procedures adopted by the department, college, or school in
which the course resides or in the case of graduate students, the Graduate School. These
procedures are available in writing from the respective department chairperson or the
Academic Dean of the College/School. http://www4.uwm.edu/secu/docs/other/S28.htm
9. Other The final exam requirement, the final exam date requirement,
etc. http://www4.uwm.edu/secu/docs/other/S22.htm
Syllabus Addendum:
Credit Hours
The university has asked departments to break down for students how much time they will spend
working on various aspects of their classes.
As the UW System assumes “that study leading to one semester credit represents an investment
of time by the average student of not fewer than 48 hours” (UWS ACPS 4), a 3-credit course
such as this one will require a minimum of 144 (3 x 48) hours of your time. You may find it
necessary to spend additional time on a course; the numbers below only indicate that the course
will not require any less of your time.
If this is a traditional, or face-to-face course, you will spend a minimum of
 37.5 hours in the classroom
 75 hours preparing for class, which may include reading, note taking, completing minor
exercises and assignments, and discussing course topics with classmates and the
instructor in structured settings
 31.5 hours preparing for and writing major papers and/or exams.
If this is an online course, you will spend a minimum of
 37.5 hours reviewing instructional materials prepared by your instructor and placed
 75 hours preparing for class, which may include reading, note taking, completing minor
exercises and assignments, and discussing course topics with classmates and the
instructor in structured settings
 31.5 hours preparing for and writing major papers and/or exams.
If this is a hybrid course, you will spend a minimum of
 18.75 hours in the classroom
 18.75 hours reviewing instructional materials prepared by your instructor and placed
 75 hours preparing for class, which may include reading, note taking, completing minor
exercises and assignments, and discussing course topics with classmates and the
instructor in structured settings
 31.5 hours preparing for and writing major papers and/or exams.
The breakdown above is for a standard 15-week semester. In a 16-week semester, the numbers breakdown
above changes as follows. Traditional: 40 hours in classroom, 80 for preparation, 24 for papers and exams;
online: 40 hours of online instruction, 80 for preparation, 24 for papers and exams; hybrid: 20 hours in
classroom, 20 for online instruction, 80 hours for preparation, 24 for papers and exams. Again, these are
UWM Credit Hour Policy, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Faculty Document No. 2838, can be found
at https://www4.uwm.edu/secu/docs/faculty/2838_Credit_Hour_Policy.pdf.
UWS ACPS 4, the University Of Wisconsin System Policy On Academic Year Definition And Assorted
Derivatives, can be found at http://www.uwsa.edu/acss/acps/acps4.pdf.
General Education Requirement
This course meets the criteria for General Education Requirement Humanities credit
at UWM by addressing “questions, issues and concepts basic to the formation of character
and the establishment of values in a human context; … induc[ing] an organic study of
letters and knowledge; [and providing] literary, aesthetic and intellectual experiences
which enrich and enlighten human life,” as specified in UWM Faculty Document No. 1382.
The course uses humanistic means of inquiry, including critical use of sources and
evaluation of evidence, judgment and expression of ideas, and organizing, analyzing and
using creatively substantial bodies of knowledge drawn from both primary and secondary
sources. In addition to addressing other GER Humanities criteria, the course introduces
substantial and coherent bodies of historical, cultural and literary knowledge to illuminate
human events in their complexities and varieties, and enhances appreciation of literary and
other arts by thoughtful, systematic analyses of language and artifacts such as novels,
stories and films.
UWM seeks Essential Learning Outcomes throughout the undergraduate curriculum
in four key areas: Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World;
Intellectual and Practical Skills; Personal and Social Responsibility; and Integrative
Learning. GER courses in particular contribute to these learning outcomes. Student work in
GER courses is assessed individually for course-specific outcomes and goals, and
holistically as part of departmental self-assessment of learning outcomes throughout the
Grading and Assessment
In English 215, students will demonstrate learning outcomes in “Knowledge of
Human Cultures” and in “Intellectual and Practical Skills”: by engagement with key
questions in literary and other cultural artifacts, and by producing written literary or
cultural analysis that reflects thoughtful, informed engagement with source material and
standards of evidence and argumentation in humanistic disciplines. This outcome will be
assessed through review of papers written in the course, a requirement of all English GER
courses, via the rubric which appears on the following page.
Highly original.
Clear thesis and
argument. No
factual or logical
even at
Minimal summary;
uses evidence, not
secondary sources
Reader led
through a
paper stays on
Less original; may
have minor factual
Wellorganized, but
May use
secondary sources
uncritically or
with mild
Relies more on
summary than
interpretation or
Restates common
or familiar
arguments or
Secondary sources
do not clearly
contribute to or
support the
argument, or may
be presented
Goes off-topic
on occasion.
Basically well
may be
disunified or
Logical and
apparent plan
Mechanics &
Accurate use
of citation
Precise word choices;
vivid, fresh language.
Avoids wordiness.
Informal language only
Virtually no
when clearly
appropriate. Establishes
or formatting ethos strongly through
knowledge of subject.
Entertains, educates, and
makes reader want to
know more.
Some errors,
but not
enough to
distract the
s, with
meaning is
formatted or
Language sometime too
general or less precise
than the A writing.
Enough errors to suggest
the paper needs more
polish and thought.
Language is competent
but wordy, general,
imprecise, or trite.
No original
restatement or
misstatement of
the ideas of others.
Doesn’t interpret,
but just repeats or
Lacks clear thesis
or point.
reader has
little sense of a
plan even
though a thesis
or main point
is recognizable.
muddled and
unclear in
several spots.
may be so
confused that
does not
Words may be imprecise,
incorrect, trite, or vague.
In general, however, the
paper is understandable.
Shows little care or
attention to detail on the
part of the author.
GER Course Assessment
All GER courses in the Department require significant student writing, including papers of
varying length. The Department samples GER courses in each semester, including primarily
papers from the required ENG 215 course, evaluating them on a holistic scale, according to
the following rubric:
1. Work does not meet disciplinary standards for critical analysis, evidence-based
argument, and interpretation of literary or cultural artifacts. Work does not meet
expectations for clarity of thought and language, and for edited academic prose. Work
does not show student awareness of conventions for analysis and expression.
2. [Work quality falls between 1 and 3]
3. Work shows some awareness of conventions for analysis and expression but may
contain distracting errors. Work meets some disciplinary standards for critical analysis,
evidence-based argument, and interpretation of literary or cultural artifacts, but
inconsistent in doing so. Work meets some expectations for clarity of thought and
language, and for edited academic prose, but is inconsistent in doing so.
4. [Work quality falls between 3 and 5]
5. Work meets most or all expectations for analysis and interpretation, argues from
evidence, and is written clearly and without significant mechanical errors, showing
student awareness and achievement the learning outcomes for the course.
Numeric scores are used to generate snapshots of how well GER courses meet the
department’s stated learning outcomes and what, if anything, needs to be altered when the
course is next offered.