Sandy Gove WHO HIV Department
Card is on the last 2 pages of this module
Patient monitoring needs to be integrated within comprehensive
HIV care and
Patient monitoring guidelines are based on:
Standardized core and other data elements- agreed by WHO, CDC,
USAID, PEPFAR, multiple NGOS attending a WHO Patient
Monitoring meeting in March 2004
Collecting and analyzing only what is needed for patient management and for clinic, district and national management
Allowing flexibility for additional data collection and analysis
Clear distinction is made between what is essential and what should be reserved for extra operational research or data summaries.
If data collection is not simple, it can be a barrier to scaling-up ART.
Standardized treatment card
Standardized register
Globally standardized definitions
Deliberately constrains data collected
Based on long experience
Recently, new TB-HIV indicators
Disease-specific (vertical)
ART/ chronic HIV care-
Builds on TB experience but with key alterations
Also requires a simplified disease-specific system
Can pave the way or fit with similar methods for diabetes, other 'true' chronic illnesses
Paper base is important for feasibility
New in HIV care and not yet eligible for ART
New in HIV care and eligible for
Nonnaïve patients to ART who are not Transfer In with records
Enrolled in HIV care and not yet eligible for ART
(Total = new + continuing)
Enrolled in HIV care and eligible for ART
( Total = new + continuingincludes those who decline ART) Died in preART care
Transferred out
Enrolled in HIV care and eligible and ready for ART
New on ART this month
Total ever started on ART in this facility F
TI = Transfer In with records
Add to cohort according to ART start date
New on ART this month
Start or continue on original first-line ARV regimen
Substituted to alternative first-line ARV regimen
DEAD after starting ART
TO = Transfer out
(some Restart)
Switched to second-line
(or higher) ARV regimen
HW fills out
HIV care/ART card
Card defines minimal data to be collected.
HW codes are on the card
If switch to second line, substitutions, stop, etc.
—> MO decides, consults, log book, clinician coding listrecord on card
Pre-ART register
Monthly ART register
Cohort analyses at 6,12 months then yearly —
▪ Calculate indicators for clinic use only
▪ Calculate agreed district, national, international indicators
Monthly (cross-sectional) report
Input to monthly drug orders if required
Regional team to MOH to AFRO, HQ, agencies
Patient monitoring system
Paper system is based on 6 items:
A patient-held card
A facility-held chronic care card
HIV Care/ART Card or
Same data elements in another format
HIV Care pre-ART register
ART Register
Monthly report (updated from
Cohort analysis report
This can serve multiple needs:
Format of the card can be changed.
Standardized variables and codes are what is important.
Direct patient care (facilitates paradigm shift from Acute to Chronic
Drug supply monitoring and preparation of facility drug orders
Data summarized and reported to meet district and national programme needs and track progress to targets (3x5; 2,7,10; etc)
Agreement is being finalized on the standardized data elements
Freedom to:
Use different formats including full patient chart
Collect additional data
Country adaptation, as clinical guidelines are adapted
If no INH prophylaxis for HIV patients, no column on card
Most important to standardize system nationally with allowances for collecting more data/different formats for patient cards or charts:
Number pages per patient- visit
Wide range from .05 (multiple visits on single card; extract key data) to 8 pages
Card versus multiple page chart
Simplest, limit paper:
Clinical review assisted by laminated form
Record key treatment data and pertinent positives
Other details may be in patient-held exercise book or 'patient passport'
Example: IMAI; Malawi
More elaborate:
All positives and negatives of clinical review recorded
Detailed treatment data
Requires full chart
What is really needed?
HIV basics, disease progression
Treatments available
Decide when readyresults clinical team meeting
Problem solving
When registered for HIV care
Date HIV+
Entry point
Start/stop dates prophylaxis- CTX, fluconazole
Pregnancy, TB
**When medically eligible for ART
**When medically eligible and ready for ART
(prepared for adherence, clinical team has met)
**When ART started plus unique patient identifier
Dead before ART
Lost or Transfer out before ART
Cohorts formed in ART register (not PreART register) – by month
Date ART started, unique identity number
Why eligible 1=clinical only 2=CD4 3=TLC
At start ART: function, weight, (CD4)
Same as PreART register (transfer)
Start/stop dates prophylaxis- CTX, fluconazole
Pregnancy, TB
Original regimen (coded)
Substitutions within first line and switches to second line-- reason (code) and date
Months 0 to 24:
Each month: current regimen (coded)
At 6, 12 months: function, weight gain > 10%,
Then each year: function, (CD4)
1 Toxicity/ side effects
2 Pregnancy- planned treatment interruption
3 Treatment Failure
4 Poor Adherence
5 Illness, Hospitalization
6 Drug out of Stock
7 patient lacked financial Resources
8 other patient Decision
9 planned treatment Interruption (put reason )
10 Other
1 Toxicity/ side effects
2 P regnancy
3 Risk of pregnancy
4 due to new TB
5 New drug available
6 Drug out of Stock
7 0ther reason (specify)_____________
Reasons for switch to 2nd-Line Regimen only:
8 Clinical treatment failure
9 Immunologic failure
10 Virologic failure
Monthly report:
New and cumulative ever:
Enrolled in HIV care
S tarted on ART at this facility
Disaggregated by sex, pregnancy, age
Transfer in (already on ART)
Restart ART
Patients eligible for ART but not started
ARV regimens- number on
Each regimen
Lost, Dead, Stopped, Transfer out
Cohort data for last month:
Median CD4: baseline, 6 and 12 mo on ART
Picked up ARVs 5/6 or 10+/12 months
Cohort analysis
(quarterly or other periodicity)
Patient status:
Alive- on or off ART, regimen
Transferred out
Functional status
Proportion with > 10% weight gain
Proportion with CD4>200
Proportion of patients on ART with weight gain > 10% (6, 12 mo)
Proportion working, ambulatory, bedridden
Proportion alive and on ART at 6,12 months then yearly
Proportion still on a first-line regimen
Proportion still on original first-line regimen
Proportion who have substituted to an alternative first-line regimen
Proportion switched to a second-line (or higher) regimen
Proportion of CD4 counts done which are >200 (optional)
Proportion of viral loads which are below 400 copies/ml (optional)
Register at
Health centre
Nursing assistant, lay providers
Treatment Centre at
District Hospital
Clinical team
Consult, refer, back-refer, visit MO,
Nursing assistant, lay providers
Clinical team
Visits by district or regional ART team/coordinator-
Help with registers, reports, cohort analysis
Cumulative- Total registered on ART since start
Cohort- Number registered in that quarter
Alive and on ART
On original first-line regimen (Start)
On alternative first-line (Substituted)
On second-line regimen (Switched)
Defaulted – ? call 'Lost' to distinguish from TB
Transferred out
Of those alive: ambulatory, at work, side effects, drug adherence >95%
Hanging files- cards are stored sequentially
Patient held cards with number and date starting ART
Designed so it can enter at various steps and be interchangeable with paper
Paper card- electronic generate register
Paper card to paper register electronic entry
Paper card to paper register to monthly report, cohort reports send or call by mobile phone computer entry
Computer generated paper register
For 2006-2007
For use in facilities without electronics
For back-up when computer doesn't work
Compatible Palm entry (Satellife project)
For monthly and cohort report data
To handle Transfer In and Transfer Out patients
Needs to link with drug supply
Do at the same time as the adaptation of the clinical guidelines
In Ethiopia, added 7 hours to first 3 day adaptation workshop
First pre-tested in Masaka region (4 districts), Uganda when training 70 health workers in February 2004.
Registers introduced during post-training on-site visits in
March and April 2004
Many health workers had made up their own registers.
Used in Hoima Region (4 districts) Uganda with pretest of training materials to support use of the registers
Variables in the card and registers (TB status, clinical stage, prophylaxis, FP status, ART eligibility /regimen, etc) are embedded in the 4.5 day Basic ART clinical training course.
Health workers learn the clinical care process and how to fill out the card at the same time, with exercises and practice.
As part of the 4.5 day Basic ART Clinical
Course workshop
As 4 hour additional training for those who will do patient tracking and monitoring in the health facility
Training "refreshed" during on site posttraining visits: individual training
Used in 18 facilities (1 Regional Hospital AIDS Clinic, 1
ART Clinic -600 patients, 4 District Hospital AIDS Clinics,
12 HC IV and III)
Slightly revised after first 4 weeks of use
Feedback during on-site visits after training (not quantitative due to the limited number of facilities and recent introduction):
HW: Useful tool providing streamlined information
Easy to fill out the card while doing the clinical review- part of the same process
Easy to transfer info into the register
Easy to quickly perform clinical review on the basis of data collected during previous visits
Trainers: 45 minutes needed to "refresh" on how to fill out the card and show how to use the register.
Progressively replacing a 4 page HIV Care /ART record as ART is scaled-up from 100 to 600 patients
Feedback from health workers:
HW: Useful tool providing streamlined information
Around 20 minutes per patient are saved since using this card
They like "everything on one page" – demographic, clinical and ART data
District outpatient, health centre III/IV: paper card
Agreed data into paper register; monthly reports, clinical team uses date
Mobile phone
District or regional team enters register data into computer cohort analyses, indicators
Enter agreed data into palm or computergenerate monthly reports
Computer generation of cohort analyses and indicators
In clinics with ART services, a more specific indicator:
Patients on ART
UNGASS indicator based on total patients receiving
Patients medically eligible and ready for ART
These patients have all accessed services.
Denominator: estimated patients with AIDS (15% those infected)
% patients with good adherence
Review reasons for fair or poor adherence
Patients with special problems
% patients referred
Identify patients for review at clinical team meetings
Patient monitoring as tool for quality improvement
Card sorts, stickers, flags
Motivation, needs to be satisfying and possibly fun
Training to fill out HIV Care/ART Card integrated within WHO Basic ART Clinical
Training course
Module on how to fill out registers, do card sorts, monthly reports, use data- for health worker or 'professional' lay provider or HW
Module on supervising and summing monthly and cohort analysis reports (similar to TB district coordinator training module) – district coordinator
Importance of supporting card/register with training materials
Need rapid regional review and further pretesting
Programmes are starting to treat patients
Training is happening
Staff are making up cards and registers in absence of simple standards
Urgent need to address children
Draft card for further expert input
Logistic and information system to handle Transfer in/Transfer out-- with records
Add retrospectively to cohort according to when started ART
Will become an increasing proportion of patients over time, with return to work, normal mobility
Restart after treatment interruption
When is restart permitted? Different circumstances--
Deliberate treatment interruption in first trimester pregnancy
Lost or very poor adherence- ? Restart
Adjust if planned treatment interruptions later recommended
Goes back into the same patient record (line in the register)
Number, weeks of each treatment interruption retained on cardcould be used in special analyses
Nonnaïve patient on ART from other sources
Goes into HIV Care PreART register (queue in rationed system)must qualify (determine that medically eligible) and be ready