Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio 2016

Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
Pearson, H., Toribio, J., Lapidge, S.,
Hernández-Jover, M. (2016). Evaluating the risk
of pathogen transmission from wild animals
todomestic pigs in Australia. Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 123, 39-51. <a
5.11.017">[More Information]</a>
Leslie, E., Geong, M., Abdurrahman, M., Ward,
M., Toribio, J. (2016). Live pig markets in
eastern Indonesia: Trader characteristics,
biosecurity and implications for disease spread.
Acta Tropica, 155, 95-103. <a
5.12.014">[More Information]</a>
Scott, A., Singh, M., Hernandez-Jover, M.,
Barnes, B., Glass, K., Moloney, B., Lee, A.,
Groves, P., Toribio, J. (2016). On-farm surveys
to inform avian influenza risk assessment model.
27th Annual Australian Poultry Science
Symposium, Sydney: Sydney University.
Pearson, H., Lapidge, S., Hernandez-Jover, M.,
Toribio, J. (2016). Pathogen Presence in
European Starlings Inhabiting Commercial
Piggeries in South Australia. Avian Diseases, 60,
McDonald, E., Wiethoelter, A., Taylor, M.,
Schembri, N., Dhand, N., Maloney, B., Wright,
T., Kung, N., Field, H., Toribio, J. (2015). "As
long as we've had bats, we've had Hendra" –
Horse owners' knowledge and risk perception of
flying foxes in regards to Hendra virus. 64th
Annual International Conference of the Wildlife
Disease Association, Sunshine Coast, Qld,
Leslie, E., Geong, M., Abdurrahman, M., Ward,
M., Toribio, J. (2015). A description of
smallholder pig production systems in eastern
Indonesia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
118(4), 319-327. <a
4.12.006">[More Information]</a>
Tung, T., Phalen, D., Toribio, J. (2015). Adverse
reactions in a population of Sydney pet rabbits
vaccinated against rabbit calicivirus. Australian
Veterinary Journal, 93(11), 405-411. <a
re Information]</a>
Sawford, K., Geong, M., Bulu, P., Drayton, E.,
Mahardika, G., Leslie, E., Robertson, I., Putra,
A., Toribio, J. (2015). An investigation of
classical swine fever virus seroprevalence and
risk factors in pigs in East Nusa Tenggara,
eastern Indonesia. Preventive Veterinary
Medicine, 119(3-4), 190-202. <a
5.02.002">[More Information]</a>
Sawford, K., Do Karmo, A., da Conceicao, F.,
Geong, M., Tenaya, I., Hartawan, D., Toribio, J.
(2015). An investigation of classical swine fever
virus seroprevalence and risk factors in pigs in
Timor-Leste. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
122(1-2), 99-106. <a
5.09.012">[More Information]</a>
Leslie, E., Christley, R., Geong, M., Ward, M.,
Toribio, J. (2015). Analysis of pig movements
across eastern Indonesia, 2009-2010. Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 118(4), 293-305. <a
4.12.002">[More Information]</a>
Singh, M., Ruhnkle, L., De Koning, C., Drake,
K., Hinch, G., Skerman, A., Scott, A.,
Hernandez-Jover, M., Groves, P., Toribio, J.
(2015). Avian influenza risk to Australian
poultry industry from free range farm practices.
14th International Symposium of Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics, n/a: N/A.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Schemann, K., East, I.,
Toribio, J. (2015). Evaluating the risk of avian
influenza introduction and spread among poultry
exhibition flocks in Australia. Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 118, 128-141. <a
4.11.018">[More Information]</a>
Schembri, N., Dhand, N., Wiethoelter, A.,
Toribio, J., Field, H., Moloney, B., Sawford, K.,
Kung, N., Wright, T., Taylor, M. (2015). From
the horse’s mouth: Hendra virus vaccination
uptake. The College Science Week Conference
2015, Surfers Paradise, Qld.
Schembri, N., Dhand, N., Wiethoelter, A.,
Toribio, J., Kung, N., Wright, T., Sawford, K.,
Field, H., Moloney, B., Taylor, M. (2015).
Hendra virus risk perceptions and prevention
protocols among horse owners: A HHALTER
Study. The College Science Week Conference
2015, Surfers Paradise, Qld.
Wiethoelter, A., Taylor, M., Schembri, N.,
Moloney, B., Wright, T., Kung, N., Field, H.,
Sawford, K., Dhand, N., Toribio, J. (2015).
Horse owners and Hendra virus: A longitudinal
cohort study to evaluate risk. Research in
Veterinary Science Conference – This is why we
measure up!, Sydney.
Millar, J., Abdurrahman, M., Toribio, J.,
Ambarawati, A., Yusuf, I., Suadnya, I. (2015).
Informal inter-island poultry movement in
Indonesia: does it
pose a risk to HPAI H5N1 transmission?
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 47(7),
1261-1269. <a
7-9">[More Information]</a>
Biosecurity practices of horse owners to prevent
Hendra Virus transmission: The HHALTER
project. Marie Bashir Institute (MBI) Colloquium
2014, Sydney, Australia.
Kurscheid, J., Millar, J., Abdurrahman, M.,
Ambarawati, I., Suadnya, I., Yusuf, R., Fenwick,
S., Toribio, J. (2015). Knowledge and
perceptions of Highly Pathogenic Avian
Influenza (HPAI) among poultry traders in live
bird markets in Bali and Lombok, Indonesia.
PloS One, 10(10), 1-24. <a
9917">[More Information]</a>
Hunter, C., Birden, H., Toribio, J., Booy, R.,
Abdurrahman, M., Ambarawati, A., Adiputra, N.
(2014). Community preparedness for highly
pathogenic Avian influenza on Bali and Lombok,
Indonesia. Rural and Remote Health, 14(3),
Schembri, N., Hernandez-Jover, M., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2015). On-farm
characteristics and biosecurity protocols for
small-scale swine producers in eastern Australia.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 118(1),
104-116. <a
4.11.008">[More Information]</a>
Mustiana, A., Toribio, J., Abdurrahman, M.,
Suadnya, I., Hernandez-Jover, M., Putra, A.,
Ward, M. (2015). Owned and Unowned Dog
Population Estimation, Dog Management and
Dog Bites to Inform Rabies Prevention and
Response on Lombok Island, Indonesia. PloS
One, 10(5), 1-15. <a
4092">[More Information]</a>
Firestone, S., Lewis, F., Schemann, K., Ward,
M., Toribio, J., Taylor, M., Dhand, N. (2014).
Applying Bayesian network modelling to
understand the links between on-farm biosecurity
practice during the 2007 equine influenza
outbreak and horse managers' perceptions of a
subsequent outbreak. Preventive Veterinary
Medicine, 116(3), 243-251. <a
3.11.015">[More Information]</a>
Roche, S., Cogger, N., Garner, M., Putra, A.,
Toribio, J. (2014). Assessing the Risk of Highly
Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Transmission
through Poultry movements in Bali, Indonesia.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 113(4),
599-607. <a
3.11.017">[More Information]</a>
Toribio, J., Mohler, V., Tee, S., House, J., Dowd,
K., Dhand, N. (2014). Best practice control for
zoonotic diseases in veterinary practice.
Proceedings of the AVA Annual Conference,
Perth 2014, N/A: N/A.
Schembri, N., Taylor, M., Sawford, K.,
Wiethoelter, A., Toribio, J., Dhand, N., Kung,
N., Field, H., Moloney, B., Wright, T. (2014).
Schemann, K., Gillespie, J., Toribio, J., Ward,
M., Dhand, N. (2014). Controlling Equine
Influenza: Policy Networks and
Decision-Making During the 2007 Australian
Equine Influenza Outbreak. Transboundary and
Emerging Diseases, 61(5), 449-463. <a
ore Information]</a>
Leslie, E., Cowled, B., Garner, M., Toribio, J.,
Ward, M. (2014). Effective Surveillance
Strategies Following A Potential Classical Swine
Fever Incursion in a Remote Wild Pig Population
in North-Western Australia. Transboundary and
Emerging Diseases, 61(5), 432-442. <a
ore Information]</a>
Pearson, H., Toribio, J., Hernandez-Jover, M.,
Marshall, D., Lapidge, S. (2014). Pathogen
presence in feral pigs and their movement around
two commercial piggeries in Queensland,
Australia. The Veterinary Record, 174(13), 1-8.
re Information]</a>
Schemann, K., Toribio, J., Taylor, M., Ward, M.,
Dhand, N. (2014). Survey of Australian equine
veterinarians evaluating their biosecurity training
and perceptions and opinions about the
management of the 2007 equine influenza
outbreak. Australian Veterinary Journal, 92(4),
93-100. <a
re Information]</a>
Sawford, K., Dhand, N., Toribio, J., Taylor, M.
(2014). The use of a modified Delphi approach
to engage
stakeholders in zoonotic disease research priority
setting. BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1-11. <a
82">[More Information]</a>
Rast, L., Toribio, J., Dhand, N., Khounsy, S.,
Windsor, P. (2014). Why are simple control
options for Toxocara vitulorum not being
implemented by cattle and buffalo smallholder
farmers in South-East Asia ? Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 113, 211-218. <a
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
3.10.021">[More Information]</a>
Adiputra, N., Ambarawati, A., Yusuf, I., Hunter,
C., Toribio, J., Booy, R., Birden, H. (2013). A
Community Response to Avian Influenza in Bali
Indonesia, (pp. 1 - 63). Denpasar, Indonesia:
Udayana University.
Muktasam, I., Gerudug, I., Hunter, C., Toribio,
J., Booy, R., Birden, H. (2013). A Community
Response to Avian Influenza in Lombok
Indonesia, (pp. 3 - 156). Mataram, Indonesia:
Mataram University.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Schemann, K., Toribio, J.
(2013). A cross-sectional study on biosecurity
practices and communication networks of
poultry exhibition in Australia. Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 110(3-4), 497-509. <a
2.12.012">[More Information]</a>
Rimmer, M., Becker, J., Toribio, J., Whittington,
R. (2013). Analysis of the aquarium trade as a
pathway for release of dwarf gourami iridovirus
(DGIV) in Australia and the risks of exposure to
wild native fish. Second Australasian Scientific
Conference on Aquatic Animal Health, N/A:
Constable, S., Dixon, R., Dixon, R., Toribio, J.
(2013). Approaches to dog health education
programs in Australian rural and remote
Indigenous communities: four case studies.
Health Promotion International, 28(3), 322-332.
[More Information]</a>
Mustiana, A., Abdurrahman, M.,
Hernandez-Jover, M., Ward, M., Putra, A.,
Toribio, J. (2013). Assessment of the risk for
rabies introduction and establishment in
Indonesia. 2013 AVA Annual Conference: Into
the Future, St Leonards: Australian Veterinary
Schembri, N., Hernandez-Jover, M., Toribio, J.,
Holyoake, T. (2013). Demographic and
production practices of pig producers trading at
saleyards in eastern Australia. Australian
Veterinary Journal, 91(12), 507-516. <a
re Information]</a>
Sawford, K., Taylor, M., Dhand, N., Toribio, J.
(2013). Engaging different stakeholder groups in
a consultation process to guide research into
Hendra virus risk perception and risk mitigation.
Australian and New Zealand College of
Veterinary Scientists Science week.
Rast, L., Nampanya, S., Khounsy, S., Toribio, J.,
Windsor, P. (2013), Liver fluke in large
ruminants in northern Lao PDR.
Schemann, K., Firestone, S., Taylor, M., Toribio,
J., Ward, M., Dhand, N. (2013). Perceptions of
vulnerability to a future outbreak: a study of
horse managers affected by the first Australian
equine influenza outbreak. BMC Veterinary
Research, 9(7), 1-10. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Rast, L., Lee, S., Nampanya, S., Toribio, J.,
Khounsy, S., Windsor, P. (2013). Prevalence and
clinical impact of Toxocara vitulorum in cattle
and buffalo calves in northern Laos PDR.
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 45,
539-546. <a
6-4">[More Information]</a>
Ward, M., Hernandez-Jover, M., Toribio, J.
(2013). Rabies in Indonesia: do we need to
worry? 2013 College Science Week Scientific
Meeting, Australia: Australian Veterinary
Schembri, N., Sawford, K., Toribio, J., Dhand,
N., Kung, N., Field, H., Moloney, B., Taylor, M.
(2013). Risk awareness and the uptake of
on-farm biosecurity and management practices
by horse owners to prevent Hendra Virus
transmission – The HHALTER project. MBI:
“tackling infection, locally and globally�?.
Rast, L., Khounsy, S., Toribio, J., Windsor, P.
(2013). The challenge of achieving Toxocara
vitulorum and Fasciola gigantica control in
developing tropical smallholder large ruminant
farming systems: a case study from Laos. 24th
International Conference of the World
Association for Advancement of Veterinary
Parasitology, N/A: N/A.
Rast, L., Khounsy, S., Toribio, J., Windsor, P.
(2013). The prevalence and cost benefits of
control of Toxocara vitulorum in Laos. 24th
International Conference of the World
Association for Advancement of Veterinary
Parasitology, N/A: N/A.
Firestone, S., Lewis, F., Schemann, K., Ward,
M., Toribio, J., Dhand, N. (2013). Understanding
the associations between on-farm biosecurity
practice and equine influenza infection during
the 2007 outbreak in Australia. Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 110(1), 28-36. <a
3.02.003">[More Information]</a>
Schemann, K., Lewis, F., Firestone, S., Ward,
M., Toribio, J., Taylor, M., Dhand, N. (2013).
Untangling the complex inter-relationships
between horse managers' perceptions of
effectiveness of biosecurity practices using
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
Bayesian graphical modelling. Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 110, 37-44. <a
3.02.004">[More Information]</a>
Epidemiological investigations into the 2007
equine influenza outbreak in australia. Australian
Veterinary Association Annual Conference,
Darwin: Australian Veterinary Association.
Adiputra, N., Ambarawati, A., Yusuf, I., Hunter,
C., Toribio, J., Booy, R., Birden, H. (2013).
WHO Report: A Community Response to Avian
Influenza in Bali Indonesia. Indonesia: Udayama
Dowd, K., Taylor, M., Toribio, J., Hooker, C.,
Dhand, N. (2012). Factors influencing
veterinarians' use of personal protective
equipment. 13th International Symposium on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics,
Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Muktasam, I., Gerudug, I., Hunter, C., Toribio,
J., Booy, R., Birden, H. (2013). WHO Report: A
Community Response to Avian Influenze in
Lombok Indonesia. Indonesia: Mataram
Dowd, K., Taylor, M., Toribio, J., Hooker, C.,
Dhand, N. (2013). Zoonotic disease risk
perceptions and infection control practices of
Australian veterinarians: call for change in work
culture. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
111(1-2), 17-24. <a
3.04.002">[More Information]</a>
Hernandez-Jover, M., Schembri, N., Toribio, J.,
Holyoake, P., Martin, P. (2012). A comparative
assessment of the risks of introduction and
spread of foot and mouth disease among pig
farms in Australia. 13th International Symposium
on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics,
Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Ward, M., Mustiana, A., Hernandez-Jover, M.,
Toribio, J. (2012). Addressing rabies spread in
eastern Indonesia using risk assessment
framework. Emerging Infectious Diseases
Symposium, Australia: CSIRO.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Schemann, K., Toribio, J.
(2012). Assessment of biosecurity risks posed by
the poultry exhibition sector in Australia. 13th
International Symposium on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics, Netherlands:
Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Scott-Orr, H., Geong, M., Do Karmo, A.,
Toribio, J., Ward, M. (2012). Brucellosis in West
and East Timor. 13th International Symposium
on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics,
Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Firestone, S., Jewell, C., Garner, M., Moloney,
B., Toribio, J., Ward, M., Dhand, N. (2012).
Development of a real-time Bayesian model of
equine influenza spread in Australia. 13th
International Symposium on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics, Netherlands:
Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Dhand, N., Firestone, S., Schemann, K., Ward,
M., Toribio, J., Taylor, M., Christley, R.,
Moloney, B., Cogger, N., Kung, N. (2012).
Schemann, K., Firestone, S., Taylor, M., Toribio,
J., Ward, M., Dhand, N. (2012). From the
Horse's Mouth: Perceptions of the Management
of the 2007 Equine Influenza Outbreak in
Australia. Transboundary and Emerging
Diseases, 59(6), 503-516. <a
2.01305.x">[More Information]</a>
Schemann, K., Firestone, S., Taylor, M., Toribio,
J., Ward, M., Dhand, N. (2012). Horse managers'
perceived vulnerability to a future equine
influenza outbreak: application of behavioural
theory. 13th International Symposium on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics,
Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Taylor, M., Toribio, J., Dhand, N., Kung, N.,
Field, H., Moloney, B., Wright, T. (2012). Horse
Owners and Hendra virus: A longitudinal cohort
study to Evaluate Risk. Zoonoses, Sydney:
Australian Society for HIV Medicine.
Schemann, K., Firestone, S., Taylor, M., Toribio,
J., Ward, M., Dhand, N. (2012). Horse owners'/
managers' perceptions about effectiveness of
biosecurity measures based on their experiences
during the 2007 equine influenza outbreak in
Australia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
106(2), 97-107. <a
2.01.013">[More Information]</a>
Leslie, E., Christley, R., Geong, M., Ward, M.,
Toribio, J. (2012). Informal pig movements
across eastern Indonesia: risk for classical swine
fever transmission. 13th International
Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and
Economics, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic
Hamilton, S., East, I., Toribio, J., Garner, M.
(2012). Modelling costs of highly pathogenic
avian influenza control in Australia. 13th
International Symposium on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics, Netherlands:
Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Firestone, S., Lewis, F., Schemann, K., Ward,
M., Toribio, J., Dhand, N. (2012). Network
modelling links between biosecurity practice and
infection during the 2007 equine influenza
outbreak in Australia. Emerging Infectious
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
Diseases Symposium, Australia: CSIRO.
Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Toribio, J., Rushton, J. (2012). Participatory
Epidemiology: The Emergence of a
Sub-Disipline. The Veterinary Journal, 19(2),
145-146. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Dhand, N., Dowd, K., Taylor, M., Toribio, J.,
Hooker, C. (2012). Zoonotic disease perceptions
and practices of australian veterinarians.
Australian Veterinary Association Annual
Conference, Darwin: Australian Veterinary
Bulu, P., Robertson, I., Toribio, J., Geong, M.
(2012). Pig husbandry and management adopted
by farmers and their impacts to CSF transmission
in West Timor, Indonesia. International
Seminar: Strategy to Manage Bio-Eco-Health for
Stabilizing the Animal Health and Productivity to
Support Public Health, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Leslie, E., Cogger, N., Toribio, J. (2012).
Quantitative risk assessment of formal pig
movements in eastern Indonesia and
transmission of classical swine fever. 13th
International Symposium on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics, Netherlands:
Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Firestone, S., Cogger, N., Ward, M., Toribio, J.,
Moloney, B., Dhand, N. (2012). The effect of
humidity, air temperature and wind on local
spread during the 2007 equine influenza outbreak
in Australia. 13th International Symposium on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics,
Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Firestone, S., Cogger, N., Ward, M., Toribio, J.,
Moloney, B., Dhand, N. (2012). The Influence of
Meteorology on the Spread of Influenza:
Survival Analysis of an Equine Influenza
(A/H3N8) Outbreak. PloS One, 7(4), 1-16. <a
5284">[More Information]</a>
Pearson, H., Lapidge, S., Hernandez-Jover, M.,
Toribio, J. (2012). The risk of wild animals
exposing domestic pigs to pathogens in
Australia. 13th International Symposium on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics,
Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Gimour, J., Schembri, N.,
Sysak, T., Harvey (Holyoake), P., Beilin, R.,
Toribio, J. (2012). Use of stakeholder analysis to
inform risk communication and extension
strategies for improved biosecurity amongst
small-scale pig producers. Preventive Veterinary
Medicine, 104(3-4), 258-270. <a
1.12.006">[More Information]</a>
Schemann, K., Gillespie, J., Toribio, J., Ward,
M., Dhand, N. (2012). Using mixed methods to
delineate the policy network and evaluate policy
decision-making in response to the 2007
Australian equine influenza outbreak. 13th
International Symposium on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics, Netherlands:
Firestone, S., Schemann, K., Toribio, J., Ward,
M., Dhand, N. (2011). A case-control study of
risk factors for equine influenza spread onto
horse premises during the 2007 epidemic in
Australia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
100(1), 53-63. <a
1.03.002">[More Information]</a>
Roche, S., Cogger, N., Toribio, J. (2011).
Assessing the risk of highly pathogenic avian
influenza (HPAI H5N1) spread through poultry
movements in the market chains of Bali.
Australian College of Veterinary Scientists
Science Week 2011, Australia: Australian
College of Veterinary Scientists.
Collins, A., Fell, S., Pearson, H., Toribio, J.
(2011). Colonisation and shedding of Lawsonia
intracellularis in experimentally inoculated
rodents and in wild rodents on pig farms.
Veterinary Microbiology, 150(3-4), 384-388. <a
.020">[More Information]</a>
Hernandez-Jover, M., Cogger, N., Martin, P.,
Schembri, N., Harvey (Holyoake), P., Toribio, J.
(2011). Evaluation of post-farm - gate passive
surveillance in swine for the detection of foot
and mouth disease in Australia. Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 100(3-4), 171-186. <a
1.03.011">[More Information]</a>
Schemann, K., Firestone, S., Taylor, M., Toribio,
J., Dhand, N. (2011). Horse industry participants'
perceptions of biosecurity effectiveness:
veterinarians emerging as important information
providers. Society for Veterinary Epidemiology
and Preventive Medicine Annual Conference,
Germany: N/A.
Schemann, K., Taylor, M., Toribio, J., Dhand, N.
(2011). Horse owners' biosecurity practices
following the first equine influenza outbreak in
Australia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
102(4), 304-314. <a
1.08.002">[More Information]</a>
Leslie, E., Geong, M., Ward, M., Toribio, J.
(2011). Informal Pig Movements Across Eastern
Indonesia - Risk for Classical Swine Fever
Transmission. Australian College of Veterinary
Scientists Science Week 2011, Australia:
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
Australian College of Veterinary Scientists.
9.00543.x">[More Information]</a>
Abdurrahman, M., Ambarawati, A., Toribio, J.,
Kurscheid, C., Fenwick, S., Millar, J. (2011).
Peoples' Perception of HPAI: Lessons Learned
From Live Bird Movement Studies In Bali And
Lombok - Indonesia. 1st One Health Congress,
Melbourne: Springer.
Pearson, H., Lapidge, S., Hernandez-Jover, M.,
Toribio, J. (2010). Assessment of the risk of
disease transmission from wildlife to domestic
pigs in Australia. Society for Risk Analysis
Australian and New Zealand Annual Conference
(SCA-ANZ 2010), Sydney.
Rast, L., Lee, S., Toribio, J. (2011). Survey for
Toxocara vitulorum in cattle and buffalo calves
in northern Lao and clinical impact. Australian
Society for Parasitology Annual Conference
2011, N/A: N/A.
Dusan, F., Toribio, J., East, I. (2010).
Assessment of the risks of communicable disease
transmission through the movement of poultry
exhibited at agricultural shows in New South
Wales. Australian Veterinary Journal, 88(9),
333-341. <a
0.00613.x">[More Information]</a>
Toribio, J., Geong, M., Drayton, E., Robertson,
I., Mahardika, N. (2011). Update on Classical
Swine Fever in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia.
Australian College of Veterinary Scientists
Science Week 2011, Australia: Australian
College of Veterinary Scientists.
Schemann, K., Firestone, S., Taylor, M., Toribio,
J., Dhand, N. (2011). Veterinarians as Important
Biosecurity Information Providers During the
2007 Equine Influenza Outbreak in New South
Wales, Australia. 1st One Health Congress,
Melbourne: Springer.
Dhand, N., Johnson, W., Toribio, J. (2010). A
Bayesian Approach to Estimate OJD Prevalence
from Pooled Fecal samples of Variable Pool size.
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and
Environmental Statistics, 15(4), 452-473. <a
2-8">[More Information]</a>
Schembri, N., Holyoake, P., Hernandez-Jover,
M., Toribio, J. (2010). A qualitative study of the
management and biosecurity practices of 13
interviewed pig owners selling via informal
means in New South Wales, Australia. Animal
Production Science, 50(9), 852-862. <a
re Information]</a>
Roche, S., Ward, M., Cogger, N., Toribio, J.
(2010). Assessing the risk of highly pathogenic
avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 spread in poultry
market chains in Bali based on spatial disease
surveillance. GEOVet 2010, N/A: N/A.
Roche, S., Cogger, N., Toribio, J. (2010).
Assessing the risk of HPAI spread in poultry
market chains in Bali. Society for Risk Analysis
Australian and New Zealand Annual Conference
(SCA-ANZ 2010), Sydney.
Schemann, K., Hernandez-Jover, M., Hall, W.,
Holyoake, P., Toribio, J. (2010). Assessment of
current disease surveillance activities for pigs
post-farmgate in New South Wales. Australian
Veterinary Journal, 88(3), 75-83. <a
Hernandez-Jover, M., Schembri, N., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P., Martin, T. (2010).
Assessment of the risks of Foot and Mouth
Disease introduction and spread among pig farms
in Australia. Society for Risk Analysis Australian
and New Zealand Annual Conference (SCA-ANZ
2010), Sydney.
Schemann, K., Taylor, M., Toribio, J., Dhand, N.
(2010). Characterisation of Australian horse
owners with low levels of biosecurity
compliance following the 2007 outbreak of
equine influenza. Australian Epidemiological
Association (AEA) Annual Conference 2010,
Sydney, NSW.
Toribio, J., Hernandez-Jover, M., Schembri, N.,
Holyoake, T., Martin, T. (2010). Comparative
assessment of the biosecurity risks associated
with small and large scale pig producers. Global
Biosecurity Conference 2010: Safeguarding
Agriculture and the Environment, Brisbane,
Australia: Springer.
Geong, M., Toribio, J. (2010). Establishing
preborder biosecurity - avian influenza control
and poultry trade in East Nusa Tenggara
province, eastern Indonesia. Animal Biosecurity
in the Mekong: future directions for research
and development, Canberra: Australian Centre
for International Agricultural Research
Dhand, N., Sergeant, E., Toribio, J., Whittington,
R. (2010). Estimation of sensitivity and
flock-sensitivity of pooled faecal culture for
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in
sheep. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 95,
248-257. <a
0.03.013">[More Information]</a>
Schembri, N., Hernandez-Jover, M., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2010). Feeding of
prohibited substances (swill) to pigs in Australia.
Australian Veterinary Journal, 88(8), 294-300.
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
0.00604.x">[More Information]</a>
Leslie, E., Geong, M., Ward, M., Toribio, J.
(2010). Formal pig movements across Eastern
Indonesia – Risk for Classical Swine Fever
transmission. Society for Risk Analysis
Australian and New Zealand Annual Conference
(SCA-ANZ 2010), Sydney.
Leslie, E., Geong, M., Ward, M., Toribio, J.
(2010). Informal pig movements across Eastern
Indonesia: high risk movement pathways for
Classical Swine Fever. GEOVet 2010, N/A: N/A.
White, P., Windsor, P., Dhand, N., Toribio, J.
(2010). Risk factors for congenital
chondrodystrophy of unknown origin in beef
cattle herds in south-eastern Australia.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 96, 36-48. <a
0.05.011">[More Information]</a>
Firestone, S., Schemann, K., Toribio, J., Ward,
M., Dhand, N. (2010). Risk factors for the
infection of horse premises by equine influenza
in New South Wales. Global Biosecurity
Conference 2010: Safeguarding Agriculture and
the Environment, Brisbane, Australia: Springer.
Leslie, E., Geong, M., Ward, M., Toribio, J.
(2010). Spatial networks: An example of pig
movements in Eastern Indonesia and Classical
Swine Fever risk. 4th International Symposium
on Geospatial Health: A One Health Approach
to Geospatial Health, Melbourne, Australia:
Geospatial Health.
White, P., Toribio, J., Windsor, P. (2010).
Studies of the epidemiology and risk factors
involved in the pathogenesis of congenital
chondrodystrophy of unknown origin in
Australia. XXVI World Buiatrics Congress,
Chile: Cattle Congress.
White, P., Ward, M., Toribio, J., Windsor, P.
(2010). The association between congenital
chondrodystrophy of unknown origin (CCUO) in
beef cattle and drought in south-eastern
Australia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
94(3-4), 178-184. <a
0.02.002">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, R., Toribio, J., Wigney, D. (2010). The
Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) in
Australia and New Zealand: A survey of owners'
experiences with their greyhounds one month
after adoption. Applied Animal Behaviour
Science, 124, 121-135. <a
02.006">[More Information]</a>
Toribio, J., Eagles, D., Cogger, N. (2010).
Visitor entry to sector 3 poultry farms in Bali and
South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Qualitative risk
assessment for introduction of HPAI. Society for
Risk Analysis Australian and New Zealand
Annual Conference (SCA-ANZ 2010), Sydney.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Gilmour, J., Schembri, N.,
Beilin, R., Sysak, T., Harvey (Holyoake), P.,
Toribio, J. (2009). A stakeholder mapping
approach for developing extension activities to
reduce biosecurity risks among the small-scale
pig producers. Annual National Workshop 2009
Australian Biosecurity Cooperative Research
Centre for Emerging Infectious Disease.
Australian Biosecurity Cooperative Research
Dhand, N., Toribio, J., Whittington, R. (2009).
Adsorption of MAP organisms to soil particles.
10th International Colloquium on
Paratuberculosis, Minnesota: University of
Dhand, N., Toribio, J., Whittington, R. (2009).
Adsorption of Mycobacterium avium
subsp.paratuberculosis to soil particles. Applied
and Environmental Microbiology, 75(17),
5581-5585. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Toribio, J., Forsyth, H., Laxton, R., Whittington,
R. (2009). An Innovative Approach to
Post-graduate Education in Veterinary Public
Health. Journal of Veterinary Medical
Education, 36(1), 114-121. <a
[More Information]</a>
Johnson, J., Stevenson, M., Thornton, R., Durr,
P., Toribio, J., Fenwick, S. (2009). Analyses of
the movement of poultry to and from live bird
markets in Bali, Indonesia. 12th Symposium of
the International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE 2009, New
Zealand: International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Gilmour, J., Schembri, N.,
Sysak, T., Harvey (Holyoake), P., Beilin, R.,
Toribio, J. (2009). Applying stakeholder
mapping and 'mental models' approach to
developing a framework for extension activities
to reduce biosecurity risks among small-scale
sector of the pig industry. 2nd annual Biosecurity
Symposium, Sydney, NSW: Presentation.
Hamilton, S., East, I., Toribio, J., Garner, M.
(2009). Are the Australian poultry industries
vulnerable to large outbreaks of highly
pathogenic avian influenza? Australian
Veterinary Journal, 87(5), 165-174. <a
9.00423.x">[More Information]</a>
Schemann, K., Hernandez-Jover, M., Hall, W.,
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
Holyoake, P., Toribio, J. (2009). Assessment of
current disease surveillance for pigs at livestock
markets and abattoirs in New South Wales
(NSW), Australia. 12th Symposium of the
International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE 2009, New
Zealand: International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Schembri, N., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P., Martin, T. (2009).
Assessment of the risks to animal biosecurity
associated with small-scale pig producers.
Annual National Workshop 2009 Australian
Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre for
Emerging Infectious Disease. Australian
Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre.
Dhand, N., Eppleston, J., Whittington, R.,
Toribio, J. (2009). Association of farm soil
characteristics with ovine Johne's disease in
Australia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
89(1-2), 110-120. <a
9.02.017">[More Information]</a>
Cha, E., Toribio, J., Thomson, P., Harvey
(Holyoake), P. (2009). Biosecurity practices and
the potential for exhibited pigs to consume swill
at agricultural shows in Australia. Preventive
Veterinary Medicine, 91(2-4), 122-129. <a
9.05.010">[More Information]</a>
Schembri, N., Hernandez-Jover, M., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2009). Biosecurity
practices of small-scale producers trading pigs at
saleyards in Eastern Australia. 12th Symposium
of the International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE 2009, New
Zealand: International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Sithole, F., Toribio, J., Schembri, N., Harvey
(Holyoake), P. (2009). Challenges posed by the
traceability of weaner pigs following live
auction. Australian Veterinary Journal, 87(4),
125-129. <a
9.00407.x">[More Information]</a>
Toribio, J., Norris, J., White, J., Dhand, N.,
Hamilton, S., Malik, R. (2009). Demographics
and husbandry of pet cats living in Sydney,
Australia: results of cross-sectional survey of pet
ownership. Journal of Feline Medicine and
Surgery, 11(6), 449-461. <a
10">[More Information]</a>
Dhand, N., Sergeant, E., Toribio, J., Whittington,
R. (2009). Estimation of sensitivity and
flock-sensitivity of pooled faecal culture for
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in
sheep. 12th Symposium of the International
Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and
Economics ISVEE 2009, New Zealand:
International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Cogger, N., Schembri, N.,
Martin, P., Harvey (Holyoake), P., Toribio, J.
(2009). Evaluating Post-Farm-Gate Disease
Surveillance for the Pig Industry in Australia:
Livestock Markets and Abattoirs. 12th
Symposium of the International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE
2009, New Zealand: International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Schembri, N., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2009). Evaluation of the
implementation of new traceability and food
safety requirements in the pig industry in eastern
Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal, 87(10),
387-396. <a
9.00483.x">[More Information]</a>
White, P., Windsor, P., Toribio, J. (2009).
Investigations into a congenital
chondrodystrophy of unknown origin in beef
cattle herds of southeastern Australia. 12th
Symposium of the International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE
2009, New Zealand: International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Schembri, N., Toribio, J.
(2009). Live Bird Sales Research: Qualitative
study of the biosecurity practices of live bird
sales and producers selling through these
locations in Australia. Government and Industry
Avian Influenza Forum III 2009.
Eagles, D., Toribio, J. (2009). Qualitative risk
assessment: pathways for entry of HPAI to
Sector 3 poultry enterprises in Bali, Indonesia.
12th Symposium of the International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE
2009, New Zealand: International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Toribio, J., Morton, J., Morton, J. (2009).
Undergraduate Veterinary Students' Perceptions
of the Usefulness, Focus and Application of
Epidemiology before and after Epidemiology
Courses. Journal of Veterinary Medical
Education, 100, 53-63. <a
[More Information]</a>
Zwijnenberg, R., Smythe, L., Symonds, M.,
Dohnt, M., Toribio, J. (2008). A cross-sectional
study of canine leptospirosis in animal shelter
populations in mainland Australia. Australian
Veterinary Journal, 86(8), 317-323. <a
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
8.00324.x">[More Information]</a>
White, P., Windsor, P., Toribio, J. (2008). Acorn
calf disease in Australia. Australian Association
of Cattle Veterinarians Annual Conference
AACV 2008, Australia: The Australian
Association of Cattle Veterinarians.
Toribio, J., Schembri, N., Hernandez-Jover, M.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2008). Assessing and
communicating the biosecurity risk posed by
small-scale pig production in Eastern Australia.
Society for Risk Analysis Australia and New
Zealand Annual Conference (SRA-ANZ 2008),
Melbourne: University of Melbourne.
Benigno, C., Santos, I., Toribio, J., Webb, R.
(2008). Assessing HPAI Health Risks to Humans
Along the Market Chain in the Philippines.
Symposium of the National Centre for
Biosecurity, Canberra, Australia.
Dhand, N., Eppleston, J., Whittington, R.,
Toribio, J. (2008). Association of farm
management and soil risk factors with ovine
Johne's disease in Australia. 9th International
Colloquium on Paratuberculosis ICP 2007,
United States: International Association for
Hernandez-Jover, M., Schembri, N., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2008). Biosecurity risks
associated with current identification practices of
producers trading live pigs at livestock sales.
Animal, 2(11), 1692-1699. <a
3066">[More Information]</a>
Hernandez-Jover, M., Cogger, N., Schembri, N.,
Martin, P., Harvey (Holyoake), P., Toribio, J.
(2008). Evaluating the likelihood of disease
detection in pigs at saleyards and abattoirs using
scenario tree modeling. Society for Risk Analysis
Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference
(SRA-ANZ 2008), Melbourne: University of
Bush, R., Windsor, P., Toribio, J., Webster, S.
(2008). Financial modelling of the potential cost
of Ovine Johne's disease and the benefit of
vaccinating sheep flocks in southern New South
Wales. Australian Veterinary Journal, 86(10),
398-403. <a
8.00347.x">[More Information]</a>
Hernandez-Jover, M., Wu, M., Schembri, N.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P., Toribio, J. (2008).
Technical note: Evaluation of the Official
Identification System for Pigs for sale in NSW.
Journal of Animal Science, 86, 472-475. <a
[More Information]</a>
Toribio, J., Sergeant, E. (2007). A comparison of
methods to estimate the
prevalence of ovine Johne's infection from
pooled faecal samples. Australian Veterinary
Journal, 85(8), 317-324.
Schembri, N., Hernandez-Jover, M., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2007). A survey of
extension methodologies for farmers who trade
pigs in saleyards in Eastern Australia. Canadian
Association of Veterinary Epidemiology
Preventative Medicine Conference 2007,
Canada: International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Schembri, N., Hernandez-Jover, M., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2007). Are small-scale
pig producers who trade through saleyards a
biosecurity risk? Society for Risk Analysis
Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference
(SRA-ANZ 2007), Hobart, Tasmania.
Schembri, N., Hernandez-Jover, M., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2007). Disease reporting
and biosecurity practices of pig producers who
trade at saleyards in eastern Australia. Canadian
Association of Veterinary Epidemiology
Preventative Medicine Conference 2007,
Canada: International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Schembri, N., Hernandez-Jover, M., Toribio, J.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2007). Do producers
trading pigs at saleyards in eastern Australia pose
an emergency animal disease threat? Annual
National Workshop of the Australian Biosecurity
Cooperative Research Centre for Emerging
Infectious Disease 2007, Australia: Australian
Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Wu, M., Schembri, N.,
Harvey (Holyoake), P., Toribio, J. (2007).
Evaluation of the official identification system
for pigs for sale in New South Wales. Annual
National Workshop of the Australian Biosecurity
Cooperative Research Centre for Emerging
Infectious Disease 2007, Australia: Australian
Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre.
Schembri, N., Sithole, F., Toribio, J.,
Hernandez-Jover, M., Harvey (Holyoake), P.
(2007). Lifetime traceability of weaner pigs in
concrete-based and deep-litter production
systems in Australia. Journal of Animal Science,
85(11), 3123-3130.
Hernandez-Jover, M., Cogger, N., Schembri, N.,
Toribio, J., Harvey (Holyoake), P. (2007).
Post-farm gate disease surveillance of pigs in
Eastern Australia. Society for Risk Analysis
Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference
(SRA-ANZ 2007), Hobart, Tasmania.
Norris, J., Bell, E., Hales, L., Toribio, J., White,
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
J., Wigney, D., Baral, R., Malik, R. (2007).
Prevalence of feline immunodeficiency virus
infection in domesticated and feral cats in eastern
Australia. Journal of Feline Medicine and
Surgery, 9, 300-308.
Schembri, N., Toribio, J., Sithole, F., Harvey
(Holyoake), P. (2007). Review of identification
and traceability legislation
for pigs in Australia. Australian Veterinary
Journal, 85(7), 255-260.
Dhand, N., Eppleston, J., Whittington, R.,
Toribio, J. (2007). Risk factors for ovine Johne's
disease in infected sheep flocks in Australia.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 82, 51-71.
Dhand, N., Johnson, W., Whittington, R.,
Toribio, J. (2006). A Bayesian approach to
estimate OJD prevalence from pooled faecal
samples of variable pool size. 11th Symposium of
the International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE 2006, New
Zealand: International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Cha, E., Harvey (Holyoake), P., Toribio, J.
(2006). A preliminary study of the risks of foot
and mouth disease involving pigs at agricultural
shows. 2006 APV Conference, Melbourne.
Hamilton, S., Garner, M., Toribio, J. (2006). An
Approach to Modelling Avian Influenza
Outbreaks in Australian Poultry Industry. 18th
Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium
(APSS 2006), Sydney: The University Publishing
Service, University of Sydney.
Hamilton, S., Toribio, J., East, I., Garner, M.
(2006). An approach to modelling high
pathogenic avian influenza spread in Australian
poultry. 11th Symposium of the International
Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and
Economics ISVEE 2006, New Zealand:
International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Shephard, R., Cameron, A., Toribio, J.,
Thomson, P. (2006). Can Syndromic
Surveillance Play a Role Within a Modern
National Veterinary Surveillance System? 14th
FAVA Congress and the Food Safety &
Biosecurity, and Epidemiology & Animal Health
Management Branches of the NZVA, New
Zealand: New Zealand Veterinary Association
Dhand, N., Toribio, J. (2006). Combining the
Power of ODS, Data Set Concatenation, and
DDE to Output Customized Statistical Results
from SAS® to Microsoft Excel. 31st SAS Users
Group International Conference (SUGI) 2006,
North Carolina: SAS Institute Inc, Cary , North
Shephard, R., Toribio, J., Cameron, A.,
Thomson, P., Baldock, F. (2006). Development
of the Bovine Syndromic Surveillance System
(BOSSS). 11th Symposium of the International
Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and
Economics ISVEE 2006, New Zealand:
International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Toribio, J., Malikides, N., Sergeant, E., Laxton,
R., Forsyth, H., Whittington, R. (2006).
Engaging Animal Health Professionals Online in
Postgraduate Epidemiology Training. 11th
Symposium of the International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE
2006, New Zealand: International Symposia on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Dhand, N., Eppleston, J., Whittington, R.,
Toribio, J. (2006). Epidemiological study of risk
factors for ovine Johne's disease. 11th
Symposium of the International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE
2006, New Zealand: International Symposia on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Bush, R., Toribio, J., Windsor, P., Webster, S.
(2006). Financial modelling of the impact of
ovine Johne's disease. 11th Symposium of the
International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE 2006, New
Zealand: International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Shephard, R., Toribio, J., Cameron, A.,
Thomson, P., Baldock, F. (2006). Incorporating
the Bovine Syndromic Surveillance System
(BOSSS) within an animal health surveillance
network. 11th Symposium of the International
Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and
Economics ISVEE 2006, New Zealand:
International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Bush, R., Windsor, P., Toribio, J. (2006). Losses
of adult sheep due to ovine Johne's disease in 12
infected flocks over a 3-year period. Australian
Veterinary Journal, 84(7), 246-253.
Schembri, N., Toribio, J., Harvey (Holyoake), P.
(2006). Management Practices of pork producers
in peri-urban and regional areas that potentiate
the risk of exotic disease introduction and
dissemination. 2006 APV Conference,
Schembri, N., Sithole, F., Toribio, J., Harvey
(Holyoake), P. (2006). Pig Identification and
Traceability in Australia. 11th Symposium of the
International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE 2006, New
Zealand: International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
Bell, E., Toribio, J., White, J., Malik, R., Norris,
J. (2006). Seroprevalence study of Feline
Coronavirus in owned and feral cats in Sydney,
Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal, 84(3),
Shephard, R., Toribio, J., Cameron, A.,
Thomson, P., Baldock, F. (2006). Simulation
testing of the disease detection performance of
the Bovine Syndromic Surveillance System
(BOSSS). 11th Symposium of the International
Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and
Economics ISVEE 2006, New Zealand:
International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Hamilton, S., Garner, M., Toribio, J. (2006).
Spatial analysis of contacts between regions and
sectors of the Australian poultry industry. 11th
Symposium of the International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE
2006, New Zealand: International Symposia on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Bush, R., Toribio, J., Windsor, P. (2006). The
impact of malnutrition and other causes of losses
of adult sheep in 12 flocks during drought.
Australian Veterinary Journal, 84(7), 254-260.
Sithole, F., Toribio, J., Schembri, N., Harvey
(Holyoake), P. (2006). Traceability challenges
posed by the sale of weaner pigs at live auction.
11th Symposium of the International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE
2006, New Zealand: International Symposia on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Whittington, R., Dixon, R., Windsor, P.,
Hodgson, J., Toribio, J. (2006). Undergraduate
teaching of veterinary public health at the
University of Sydney. 2006 Australian
Veterinary Association Annual Conference, St
Leonards, NSW: Australian Veterinary
Toribio, J., Morton, J. (2006). Undergraduate
Veterinary Students' Perceptions Of
Epidemiology Before and After Epidemiology
Courses. 11th Symposium of the International
Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and
Economics ISVEE 2006, New Zealand:
International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Sithole, F., Schembri, N., Harvey (Holyoake), P.,
Toribio, J. (2006). Use of saleyard data to locate
pig farms and quantify pig movements in
peri-urban areas. 11th Symposium of the
International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE 2006, New
Zealand: International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Shephard, R., Martin, T., Cameron, A., Toribio,
J., Thomson, P. (2006). Using Syndromic
Surveillance Data for Estimating Confidence in
Disease Freedom with Scenario Trees. 14th
FAVA Congress and the Food Safety &
Biosecurity, and Epidemiology & Animal Health
Management Branches of the NZVA, New
Zealand: New Zealand Veterinary Association
Schembri, N., Sithole, F., Toribio, J., Harvey
(Holyoake), P. (2006). What is the best method
of identifying weaner pigs for effective
traceability? Australian Association of Pig
Veterinarians Conference AAPV 2005, Australia:
Australian Association of Pig Veterinarians.
Toribio, J., Lanada, E., More, S., Cotiw-an, B.,
Taveros, A. (2005). A longitudinal study of
growing pigs raised by smallholder farmers in
the Philippines. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
70(1-2), 75-93.
Lanada, E., Toribio, J., More, S., Cotiw-an, B.,
Taveros, A. (2005). A longitudinal study of sows
and boars raised by smallholder farmers in the
Philippines. Preventive Veterinary Medicine,
70(1-2), 95-113.
More, S., Toribio, J., Lanada, E., Taveros, A.,
Cotiw-an, B. (2005). A longitudinal study of
unweaned piglets raised by smallholder farmers
in the Philippines. Preventive Veterinary
Medicine, 70(1-2), 115-131.
Clark, R., Timms, J., Bacusmo, J., Bond, H.,
Gabunada, F., Madzivhandila, T., Matjuda, L.,
Motiang, D., Nengovhela, N., Taveros, A.,
Toribio, J. (2005). A model for achieving
sustainable improvement and innovation in
regions. 2005 International Conference on
Engaging Communities, Brisbane: Queensland
Toribio, J., Bush, R., Windsor, P. (2005). A
Study of the Biological and Economic Impact of
OJD in affected Sheep Flocks in NSW: 12 farm
mortality study.
Bush, R., Windsor, P., Toribio, J. (2005).
Biological and financial losses due to ovine
Johne's disease in 12 infected flocks in Australia.
8th International Colloquium on
Paratuberculosis ICP 2005, United States:
International Association for Paratuberculosis.
Toribio, J., Sergeant, E. (2005). Comparison of
methods for estimation of OJD prevalence from
pooled faecal samples. 8th International
Colloquium on Paratuberculosis ICP 2005,
United States: International Association for
Clark, R., Timms, J., Bacusmo, J., Bond, H.,
Espinosa, E., Gabunada, F., Madzivhandila, T.,
Matjuda, L., Motiang, D., Nengovhela, N.,
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
Toribio, J. (2005). Designing and Managing
R&D Projects to Achieve Outcomes from the
Outset. 2005 International Conference on
Engaging Communities, Brisbane: Queensland
Bush, R., Toribio, J., Windsor, P., Webster, S.
(2005). Economic modelling of the impact of
OJD. MLA OJD Harvest Year Conference, North
Sydney, N.S.W: Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd.
Toribio, J., Dhand, N., Whittington, R. (2005).
Identification of risk factors for OJD
infection-level in sheep flocks.
Dhand, N., Whittington, R., Toribio, J. (2005).
Identification of risk factors for OJD prevalence
level in Australian sheep flocks. 8th
International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis
ICP 2005, United States: International
Association for Paratuberculosis.
Toribio, J., Laxton, R., Forsyth, H. (2005).
Improving student experience of virtual
teamwork in an online postgraduate coursework
program in Veterinary Science. Higher
Education Research and Development Society of
Australasia Annual Conference - HERDSA 2005,
Sydney: Institute for Teaching and Learning.
Schembri, N., Sithole, F., Toribio, J., Harvey
(Holyoake), P. (2005). Improving the traceability
of pigs sold in peri-urban areas-a review of
current legislation. Australian Biosecurity CRC
Conference (AB-CRC), Perth: Australian
Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre.
Bush, R., Toribio, J., Windsor, P., Webster, S.
(2005). Modeling the on-farm financial impact of
ovine Johne's disease in Australia. 8th
International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis
ICP 2005, United States: International
Association for Paratuberculosis.
Toribio, J., Forsyth, H., Whittington, R. (2005).
Progression of Veterinary Public Health
Management - University of Sydney. Australian
College of Veterinary Scientists Annual Meeting,
College of Veterinary Scientists.
Dhand, N., Eppleston, J., Whittington, R.,
Toribio, J. (2005). Risk factors for OJD
prevalence in infected flocks. MLA OJD Harvest
Year Conference, North Sydney, N.S.W: Meat &
Livestock Australia Ltd.
Bush, R., Windsor, P., Toribio, J. (2005). The
on-farm biological and financial impact of ovine
Johne's disease in Australia. 6th International
Sheep Veterinary Congress, Hersonissos, Crete,
Greece: Triacna Tours and Congresses.
Sithole, F., Schembri, N., Harvey (Holyoake), P.,
Toribio, J. (2005). Use of saleyard data to
quantify pig movements in peri-urban areas
(poster presentation). Australian Biosecurity
CRC Conference (AB-CRC), Perth: Australian
Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre.
Toribio, J., Forsyth, H., Malikides, N.,
Whittington, R. (2005). Veterinary Public Health
Management at the University of Sydney. Food
Safety & Biosecurity and Epidemiology
Branches of the New Zealand Veterinary
Assocation Conference 2005, Palmerston North:
Bush, R., Toribio, J., Windsor, P. (2004). A
review of the on-farm economics of ovine
Johne's disease. 2004 Australian Sheep
Veterinary Society. Australian Sheep Veterinary
Toribio, J. (2004). Evaluating the company line.
Pig Special Interest Group, Australian
Veterinary Conference.
Toribio, J., Laxton, R., O'Donnell, L., van
Schaik, G., Lloyd, J., Rose, R., Whittington, R.
(2003). An innovative postgraduate program in
Veterinary Public Health Management at the
University of Sydney. 10th Symposium of the
International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE 2003, New
Zealand: International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Toribio, J., More, S., Cotiw-an, B. (2003).
Comparison of methods to estimate profit from
smallholder pig raising in the Philippines. 10th
Symposium of the International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE
2003, New Zealand: International Symposia on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Taylor, R., Barton, J., Collins, H., Bosward, K.,
Krockenberger, M., Hodgson, J., Marcus, G.,
Norris, J., Sangster, N., Sheehy, P., Tammen, I.,
Toribio, J., Van Ekris-Schouten, I., Windsor, P.,
Zaki, S. (2003). Developing graduate attributes
in team work throughout a professional
curriculum. Graduates for the world. A
Vice-Chancellors' teaching and learning
showcase of scholarly reflection & inquiry,
Sydney Australia: University of Sydney.
Toribio, J., Reddacliff, L., Eppleston, J.,
Windsor, P., Whittington, R. (2003).
Epidemiological considerations on the use of
pooled faecal culture in an on-farm trial of the
Gudair vaccine in Australia. 10th Symposium of
the International Society for Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE 2003, New
Zealand: International Symposia on Veterinary
Epidemiology and Economics.
Windsor, P., Eppleston, J., Sergeant, E.,
Reddacliff, L., McGregor, H., Bush, R., Toribio,
Publications for Jenny-Ann Toribio
J., Whittington, R. (2003). Monitoring the
efficiency of GudairTM vaccine in Australia.
2003 Australian Sheep Veterinary Society,
Cairns, AU: Australian Sheep Veterinary
Bush, R., Toribio, J., Windsor, P. (2003).
Mortality due to Ovine Johne's disease (OJD) preliminary results of a 12 month study. 10th
Symposium of the International Society for
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics ISVEE
2003, New Zealand: International Symposia on
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics.
Bush, R., Toribio, J., Windsor, P. (2003).
Mortality due to ovine Johne's disease preliminary results of a 12 month study. 2003
Australian Sheep Veterinary Society, Cairns,
AU: Australian Sheep Veterinary Society.