Copy Course Components - Include associated files| Update

Copy Course Components - Include associated files| Update
This update makes it easier and faster for instructors to include associated files when copying
components from one course to another. Previously, instructors had to use the Course Files tool as well as
select content in order to copy all associated files and prevent broken links. Now, when instructors use
the Include associated files feature, D2L imports all files associated with selected course components to
the new course. Users can select which content modules to copy rather than having to copy them all.
By default, this feature is turned on.
When the box is checked, all course files associated with the course component are copied to the new course.
Links and images in copied files remain intact. In addition, for content topics and modules, the feature
analyzes HTML, HTM, and CSS files to retrieve any files referenced within them, such as embedded
images, media, JavaScript, and CSS files. All these files are also copied, maintaining links and styles.
At this time, only direct links to files are processed. A D2L Quicklink is not processed. Instructors must
manually select assignments, discussion topics, and content outside the course to copy any items
associated by Quicklinks. A warning alerts users to what files did not copy.
See the list below for components and files included in the new feature.
Overview description
Module and topic descriptions
Topic files
Question Library
Sections - messages, comments, feedback
Questions - question text, answer options, feedback, and hints
Sections - messages, comments, feedback
Questions - question text, answer options, feedback, and hints
Page header and footer
Submission view message
Forum and topic descriptions
Sections - messages, comments, feedback
Questions - question text, answer options, feedback, and hints
Submission message
Page footer
Self Assessments
Sections - messages, comments, feedback
Questions - question text, answer options, feedback, and hints
Page header and footer
This feature implements PIE item D171.
Look and Feel
Tool Change
Impact of Change
Technical Details
Moderate change to look and feel
with the introduction of the Include
associated files option.
The Copy Course Components >
Select Components workflow is still a
synchronous, web request-based
process. When copying courses that
are very large, users may encounter a
timeout error. To avoid the timeout
error, users may copy associated files
manually, or select the Copy All
Moderate tool change as the default
to copy all associated files is turned
on; however, users still have the
option to copy files manually.
Moderate change to workflow as the
process of copying all content files is
easier, faster, and streamlined. Users
do not have to know where to search
for associated files to copy them.
By default, this feature is enabled. If
you encounter issues with the feature
and want to disable it, contact D2L
Support to ask them to disable the
ociatedFilesFeature feature toggle.
Next Steps