Data Lab Application to vary a current Access to Microdata Agreement

Data Lab
Application to vary a current Access to Microdata Agreement
Part 1: Instructions
We are happy to discuss your proposal with us prior to sending in your application.
Please note that if you wish to significantly change the research scope then a
new Data Lab application will be required.
Applicants seeking to vary their current Access to Microdata Agreement are asked to
complete this application form and return it to:
Microdata Access Team
Statistics New Zealand
PO Box 2922
0508 525 525
All microdata access is at the discretion of the Government Statistician. The following
is a list of important issues that you should consider when preparing your application.
Public interest value
The proposed research must be of public interest.
All proposed research outputs must protect the
confidentiality of information supplied by respondents.
Ability of the research The research team must have the skills and experience
needed to use microdata.
Statistics Act
All access to microdata must be consistent with the
requirements of the Statistics Act 1975.
Availability of
Applications are unlikely to be successful where there
alternatives to
are good alternatives to using microdata.
Project Title
The name of the existing project.
Version 4
Please tick the relevant sections (Part 3: proposed variation)
Additional researcher/s
Additional research question
Additional data
Additional software
Time extension
Alternative research facility
Part 2: Applicant and project details
Lead Researcher
Provide the name and contact details of the lead
Alternative contact
If the Lead Researcher cannot be contacted during
the application process, please provide an
alternative contact person who can discuss the
application and assist in resolving any problems.
Provide the name and contact details of the
organisation requesting access to microdata. If this
is a joint project, please list the other organisation.
Authorised Signee
Provide the name and position of the person who is
authorised to sign a contract with Statistics New
Zealand for microdata access, if this application is
Does the organisation support this
research proposal?
Version 4
Project Title
The name of the proposed project.
Part 3: Details of the proposed variation
A. Addition of a researcher(s) to the current project team
List the names and work affiliations of the
researchers who will carry out the work of the
Attach a CV for each researcher. The CV should
include an up to date:
 employment history;
 examples of peer-reviewed research
publications; (if any)
 a certified academic record from the
issuing institution;
 and the details of 2 referees that we can
No researcher will be given access to microdata until they
have signed a declaration of secrecy, as required by the
Statistics Act 1975.
Note that quantitative research skills would be required for
undertaking research.
Researcher(s) Name
Are any of the named researchers the
subject of a current disciplinary review or
research ethics complaint?
(If the answer is yes, we may seek further
SAS Required Y/N
Version 4
List the names and work affiliations of the
researchers who will need to view phase 1 output
but will not be working directly with the data.
Are any of the named researchers the subject of a
current disciplinary process or research ethics
complaint (If the answer is yes, we may seek further
Version 4
B. Additional Research Question to be Addressed
Research question
Please outline the new research question(s) that you wish
to address.
Please note that if you wish to significantly change the
research scope then a new Data Lab application will be
Research Question:
Objectives and
anticipated outcomes.
The research
methodology and
design that will be
Please indicate how
this research will
contribute to the
public good.
Describe how the
results of the
research will be
Does this research proposal require ethics
approval? If so please provide a copy of the
Version 4
C. Additional Data
Data requirements
Please list all specific data requirements, in relation
to the research question(s).
D. Available Software
Standard Data Lab
Statistics NZ provides access to the following
software for use in the Data lab.
Microsoft Office Suite (user support provided)
Microsoft Studio Express – SQL (user support provided)
Stata (no user support)
R (no user support)
Specialised software
Statistics NZ may be able to host additional
software at an additional cost, and without user
support, if your licence permits it.
Version 4
E. Time Extension
New completion time:
Time extension is usually provided for a
maximum of 12 months.
Please provide an explanation as to why a time
extension is necessary.
F. Microdata Access from an Alternative Research Facility
Existing/New Research
Facility Details
This section can be used for an existing research
facility or for setting up a new research facility
(please fill in appendix 2 if you wish to set up a new
research facility)
Physical Address
Access to microdata at an alternative research facility is subject to
confirmation that the requirements listed in appendix 2 have been meet.
Contact details for IT
liaison for the research
The names of the
researchers on this
project who wish to
access microdata from
the alternative research
Please fill out this form & send it to (we only
require a completed Microsoft Word version of this variation)
Version 4
Appendix 1: Pricing
The Data Lab operates on a cost-recovery basis. Unsuccessful applications to use
the Data Lab do not incur any charge.
Advice to applicant
Assessment and approval (no charge for
unsuccessful applications)
Assessment of variations to an existing
microdata access contract
Confidentiality training session
Dataset creation (where a standard
dataset is not available)
Output confidentiality checking
Purchase/licence for custom software
Data Lab user setup
Setup for access to Data Lab from
researcher's place of work
Microdata access (connection to
Statistics NZ server
User support (available Monday - Friday,
8:30am - 5:00pm)
no. of hours @ $115/hr
no. of hours @ $115/hr after 15 hours
actual cost
Please note the prices above exclude GST
Version 4
Appendix 2: Security checklist for new research facilities
Physical security
Access will only be permitted at the specified premises (the “approved research
The research facility can be locked to prevent unauthorised access
Procedures are in place to prevent unauthorised people from observing
The remote access terminal is locked whenever it is not in use
The remote access terminal session is ended (user logs off) when it is no longer
The remote access terminal screen and keyboard are positioned so that they
cannot be seen
by unauthorised people (including people outside the building)
The approved research facility is not a private residence
The approved research facility is not a publically accessible place
The approved research facility is not an open plan office
Researcher security and confidentiality practices
All researchers have completed a Statistics NZ approved security and
confidentiality training session
All researchers have confirmed they will not communicate information protected
by the Statistics Act with any individual not approved by Statistics NZ
All researchers have confirmed they will not transfer information out of the
remote access to microdata service except as authorised by Statistics NZ
All researchers have confirmed they will keep their remote access to microdata
log-on details private and will not share them will any other individual
All researchers have confirmed they will not attempt to reverse engineer the
system in any way
All researchers have confirmed they will inform Statistics NZ as soon as
possible if they believe a security breach may have occurred, or may occur.
Monitoring and audit
All researchers have given consent to Statistics New Zealand keeping
information including their cell phone number and their session activity in order
to manage the remote access system, account billing, and for auditing
The research organisation agrees that Statistics NZ or its agent may conduct
physical audits of the approved research facility and IT systems.
Version 4
Service support
The research organisation agrees to provide Statistics NZ or its agent with
access to any IT equipment supplied by Statistics NZ as necessary to maintain
the equipment
You acknowledge that support for the remote access system and general
enquiries about the microdata will be available from 8.30 – 5.00 pm Monday to
Friday, excepting Public Holidays and may be limited in special circumstances
where advised.
IT Systems Security
The research organisation has IT systems security policies in place to manage
the risks of unauthorised access to IT facilities, servers and network devices,
network infrastructure, and IT equipment
Only authorised staff can manage, maintain or dispose of servers, network
devices and IT equipment
The research organisation minimises administrative privileges following the
‘need to have’ principle on all IT equipment
The research organisation operates a firewall to prevent unauthorised access to
its IT systems
The research organisation maintains up to date anti-virus software on all IT
The research organisation maintains up to date operating system and third party
software patches on all IT equipment
Security of information collected under the Statistics Act 1975
You agree that Statistics New Zealand may remove access to the system
without notice if security or confidentiality concerns are identified by Statistics
New Zealand.
Version 4