BVSC(HONS) APPLICATION FORM PROPOSED RESEARCH TITLE APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: Student ID: Address: Phone: email: SUPERVISOR INFORMATION Name: Address: Phone: email: SUPERVISOR INFORMATION Name: Address: Phone: email: Enrolment in Honours Electives is subject to approval by the Honours Committee BVSc(Hons) application form 2014 INTRODUCTION Introduce your research area and research problem; provide an overview of the background to this problem; indicate the scope of you research; present a case for why this research will be valuable. STATEMENT OF AIMS AND OBJECTIVES What is the overall aim of this research; what are the objectives which will be met to achieve this aim? STATEMENT OF METHODS How will you answer the research question and achieve your research aims and objectives? STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS What are the financial implications of your research and how will this project be funded? STATEMENT OF ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS What are the ethical implications of your research and how will these be addressed? STATEMENT OF TIMESCALE What are the major milestones for your research to be completed on schedule; attach a Gantt chart summarising the tasks required to complete this research, key dates and milestones and who is responsible for each BVSc(Hons) application form 2014