COMPARISON OF ANNUAL CALCULATED AND ANNUAL MEASURED RUNOFF IN THE BLACK CREEK WATERSHED Giovanni J. Del Papa B.S. Humboldt State University, 1996 PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in CIVIL ENGINEERING at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO SUMMER 2010 ©2010 Giovanni J. Del Papa ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii COMPARISON OF ANNUAL CALCULATED AND ANNUAL MEASURED RUNOFF IN THE BLACK CREEK WATERSHED A Project by Giovanni J. Del Papa Approved by: _________________________________________, Committee Chair Saad Merayyan, PhD __________________________________________, Second Reader John Johnston, PhD, P.E. ____________________________________ Date iii Student: Giovanni J. Del Papa I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the Project. _________________________________, Graduate Coordinator _______________ Cyrus Aryani, PhD, P.E., G.E. Date Department of Civil Engineering iv Abstract of COMPARISON OF ANNUAL CALCULATED AND ANNUAL MEASURED RUNOFF IN THE BLACK CREEK WATERSHED by Giovanni J. Del Papa Long-duration rainfall totals are sometimes used to calculate runoff volumes for sizing and design of storm water containment structures. Rainfall totals are also used to determine runoff-volume-based fines for illicit storm water dischargers. The objective of this project is to evaluate how well the Soil Conservation Service Method estimates annual runoff based upon annual accumulated rainfall. In particular, calculations of annual runoff using a single value of annual rainfall with daily and storm event runoff coefficients were performed to test how well calculated annual runoff volume compares to measured annual runoff volume. The Black Creek watershed located in the Central California foothills was selected for the current study because it is gaged, and its land use has not changed much over the data record under evaluation. Land use and soil type data from Calaveras County were used to produce an area-weighted runoff coefficient (one of four cases analyzed). Topography data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangles were used to delineate the watershed. Sixteen years of overlapping runoff and rainfall data from the USGS and the California State Climatologist were utilized in v the project. The USGS data provided measured runoff volumes, and the California State Climatologist data provided measured rainfall totals for the same set of years. Additionally, 38 individual Black Creek hyetographs and their corresponding hydrographs were selected from the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC). The CDEC data allowed for the empirical development of minimum, average, and maximum runoff coefficients (the other three cases analyzed). The CDEC data provided less data overlap than the other two sources and was used only to derive runoff coefficients. Based upon the data and the assumptions used in this project, the calculated annual runoff volumes overestimate the actual measured annual runoff at the 99.99 percent significance level for all four cases investigated. The average theoretical runoff volumes were 77 to 135 percent higher than the measured runoff volumes over the 16 water years of data for the four cases investigated. vi A CN value was calculated based upon the 16 years to data by minimizing the sum of the squared residuals (the difference between the calculated and measured runoff volumes). This CN value is much lower than those of the four cases analyzed and may represent an “annual” runoff coefficient for the Black Creek watershed. These results appear consistent with the work of Critchley et. al. (1991) and they could serve as a warning for those considering using event-based calculations and runoff coefficients for estimating long-duration runoff from long-duration rainfall totals. These results could be incentive to the hydrologic industry to investigate and develop better volume-based hydrologic methods to estimate long-duration runoff volumes. _________________________________________, Committee Chair Saad Merayyan, PhD _________________________________________ Date vii DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this project in loving memory of my father who, among many other things, faithfully collected and recorded rainfall data in a spiral bound notebook during my childhood. viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The concept of this project has been on my mind for the better part of the last decade, and I want to thank my advisor Professor Saad Merayyan for allowing me to pursue this work and for his mentoring and advice. I would also like to thank the following: All of my engineering instructors who helped to prepare me to take on and complete such a project. My friends and family who stood behind me during the preparation of this project. Condor Earth Technologies, Inc. for allowing me the time and for their support during the preparation of this project. Thanks to you all. Giovanni J. Del Papa ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ............................................................................................................................. viii Acknowledgments.................................................................................................................... ix List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... xi List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ xii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................... 5 Rational Method .......................................................................................................... 5 Soil Conservation Service Method .............................................................................. 8 Hydrograph Methods ................................................................................................. 12 Long-Term Runoff Approaches by Others ................................................................ 14 3. METHODS AND ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 17 Description of the Study Area.................................................................................... 19 Sources of the Data .................................................................................................... 23 Hydrologic Data ......................................................................................................... 26 CN Weighting ............................................................................................................ 27 Back-Calculated CN Values ...................................................................................... 29 Comparison of Calculated and Measured Runoff Volumes ...................................... 36 4. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS........................................................................................... 41 5. CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................... 45 Appendices on CD .................................................................................................................. 47 Appendix A. USGS Daily Flow Data Appendix B. State Climatologist Yearly Rainfall Totals Appendix C. CDEC Hourly Rainfall and Flow Data Appendix D. GIS Polygon Data Used for Weighted Appendix E. Hyetographs and Hydrographs from 38 Black Creek Storms Appendix F. Calculations of Differences between Calculated and Measured Water Year Runoff ............................................................................................................. 48 References ............................................................................................................................... 54 x LIST OF TABLES 1. Table 1 Geographic Adjustment Factor ..................................................................... 27 2. Table 2 Land Use and Soil Type................................................................................ 28 3. Table 3 CN(II) Values ............................................................................................... 28 4. Table 4 CN Weighting ............................................................................................... 29 5. Table 5 Back-Calculated CN Values of Selected Storms .......................................... 35 6. Table 6 Summary of Average Measured and Calculated Runoff Volumes ............... 37 7. Table 7 Summary of Statistics and Confidence Intervals .......................................... 42 xi LIST OF FIGURES 1. Figure 1. Black Creek Watershed Location Map....................................................... 21 2. Figure 2. Black Creek Watershed Map ...................................................................... 22 3. Figure 3. Black Creek Land Use Map ....................................................................... 24 4. Figure 4. Black Creek Hydrologic Soils Map ............................................................ 25 5. Figure 5. Black Creek Hydrograph Example – January 25, 2001 Storm................... 32 6. Figure 6. Dot Plot of CN Values for Selected Storms from 1997 to 2001 .............................................................................................................. 34 7. Figure 7. Measured versus Calculated Runoff ........................................................... 38 8. Figure 8. Measured versus Calculated Runoff CN = 31.52 ....................................... 40 xii 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of the current study is to evaluate how well a theoretical method estimates long-duration storm water runoff based upon long-duration accumulated rainfall. For the purposes of this study, long-duration is defined as a time period longer than that of a single storm event. In particular, this study considers annual water year rainfall and runoff totals. Storm water discharges are regulated under the amended Clean Water Act (EPA, 1987), these regulations have placed requirements on certain dischargers to monitor and test their storm water runoff quality. Waivers to monitoring and testing have included containing all annual runoff, all runoff from certain storms, and/or all runoff from selected wet seasons have been provided as possible alternatives to monitoring and testing. Additionally, illicit dischargers can be fined based upon the volume of runoff discharged over the period of violation. One example of an enforcement action is the Administrative Civil Liability Complaint R5-2009-0541 imposed on the Madera County Road Department by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (California Regional Water Quality Control Board, 2009). In that administrative civil liability (ACL) example there were 242 days during the rainy season of non-compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity Order 99-08DWQ (NPDES No. CAS000002) (Construction General Permit). According to this ACL, the discharger could be fined $10,000 per violation per day plus $10 per gallon of storm 2 water, when the volume of untreated water discharged exceeds 1,000 gallons. This ACL example does not include calculations of runoff volume or a per gallon fine. Hydrograph methods and simplistic methods such as the Rational Method and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Method are commonly utilized to estimate runoff from a single storm event. These methods are often used to determine the peak volumetric flow rate and/or volume of runoff from a storm event with a selected return interval. Agencies typically require that storm drain pipes be sized to pass the peak volumetric flow from a specific storm (e.g. the 10-year, 24-hour storm) and that detention basins be sized to contain up to double the runoff volume produced from a specified storm. For example, the San Joaquin County Department of Public Works generally requires that storm drains be designed to pass the peak flow of a 10-year storm or that retention basins be sized to contain the runoff from two 10-year, 48-hour storms in urban areas (San Joaquin County, 1997). Many of these methods can be calibrated to closely predict runoff from single storm events. The more difficult problem is how to predict the runoff from a year of rainfall on an ungaged watershed. For yearly rainfall totals, rainfall depths for various return periods can be determined from probabilistic and statistical methods. The 100-year wet season, for example, represents the depth of annual rainfall total that would have a 1/100 chance of being exceeded in any given year. The rainfall total for a given year would consist of many storms contributing to the annual total. These time-distributed storms would result in many individual runoff hydrographs. It may be tempting to apply a shortterm rainfall-runoff method such as the Rational Method to the season’s total rainfall to 3 quickly calculate a yearly runoff volume. The validity of this approach is the subject of this project. This project investigates how well one method used for short-term predictions of runoff predicts runoff from longer term, multiple storm event rainfall accumulation. In particular, the original Soil Conservation Service (SCS) equation for runoff volume is applied to a small, gaged watershed to determine whether the method underestimates, matches, or overestimates measured yearly runoff volumes. This project could be considered an exploratory exercise in volume-based hydrology (VBH) because it considers runoff volume using the original volume-based form of the SCS equation. Reese (2009) argues for a shift from peak flow-based hydrology to VBH because the rate at which the volume of runoff moves through a watershed is the basis for flow-based hydrology. Reese (2009) describes VBH as a means to address water scarcity, runoff volume reduction , stormwater pollution reduction, erosion reduction and habit protection, and flood control. The intent of this project is to perform a single calculation of annual runoff using a single value of annual rainfall and storm event runoff coefficients to test how well the calculated (theoretical) annual runoff volumes compare to measured annual runoff volumes. The scope of the project includes: 1. Selecting a gaged watershed with historical flow data and nearby annual rainfall data. 2. Estimating runoff coefficients for the watershed based on land use, the hydrologic condition, and the hydrologic soil type of the watershed. 4 3. Calculating water year runoff volumes based upon the water year rainfall totals using the estimated runoff coefficients 4. Comparing the water year calculated runoff volumes to the actual measured water year runoff volumes and determining the statistical significance of the differences of the two samples. 5 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Early civilizations such as those along the Tigris and Euphates Rivers, the Nile River, the Indus River in India, and the Huang-Ho River in China are evidence of early civilization’s realization of the importance of water for survival (Biswas, 1970). Evidence exists of man-made hydraulic structures dating back to 4,000 B.C. (Bedient, et al., 2008). Early water supply, drainage, and containment structures were probably designed by trial and error. If a supply channel did not supply enough water it was likely enlarged over time until the capacity met the demand. Eventually engineering philosophy evolved from simply reacting to natural events to trying to predict them. Philosophy of controlling nature evolved into one of trying to understand nature. Rain gages emerged at different times in different parts of the world with some of the earlier recorded gages in India in the fourth century B.C. (Biswas, 1970). During the 1600’s, the first documented quantitative hydrologists emerged. During this time the French naturalist Pierre Perrault published “The Origin of Springs”, one of the first recorded comparisons of rainfall and stream flow response based upon his observations of the Seine River (Biswas, 1970). Rational Method In the mid-1800’s Irish engineers including Thomas Mulvaney investigated a relationship between event-based rainfall and peak discharge that eventually evolved to become the 6 widely known Rational Method (Beven, 2001). The general form of the Rational Method is: Q p kCIA Eq. 1 where: Qp = peak flow rate in cubic feet (meters) per second k = conversion factor 1.008 (English) or 1/360 (metric) C = dimensionless runoff coefficient of the watershed I = rainfall intensity in units of inches (millimeters) per hour for a selected return period and duration equal to the time of concentration tc tc = the time for rainfall in the most remote location of the watershed to appear as runoff at the watershed outlet A = area of the watershed in units of acres (hectares) The early form of this Rational Method equation was designed to predict peak flow and was not intended to predict the entire runoff hydrograph. Reese (2006) describes the Rational Method as a conveyance model designed for peak flow. This Rational Method approach is likely the first recorded academic approach to estimating flood flow for the purpose of sizing drainage conveyances (Biswas, 1970). The Rational Method also has volumetric forms. An example in English units taken from the Improvement Standards for San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (San Joaquin County, 1997) is: 7 V CAR 12 Eq. 2 where: V = volume of runoff in units of acre-feet C = representative runoff coefficient of the watershed A = area of the watershed in units of acres R = rainfall depth of the selected event in units of inches The Rational Method is simplistic and is likely the most widely-used method to design storm drain systems (Chow, et al., 1988). It is widely used by government agencies and municipalities around the Central Valley in California. Many of these agencies require use of the Rational Method or forms of it in the design of storm drainage features unless the method faces limitations or other methods can be justified and approved. One limit to the use of the Rational Method is watershed area. In large watersheds, surface storage and hydrograph timing become an issue affecting the accuracy of the Rational Method. Bedient et al. (2008) limit use of the Rational Method to watershed surface areas of a few square miles. The San Joaquin County Hydrology Manual limits the use of the Rational Method to watershed surface areas less than 640 acres (San Joaquin County, 1997). The Improvement Standards for San Joaquin County Department of Public Works limit the use of the Rational Method to watersheds generally less than 200 acres (San Joaquin County, 1997). 8 The Merced County Storm Drainage Design Manual (Merced County, undated) no longer specifies use of the Rational Method but now specifies the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Method outlined in Technical Release 55 (TR-55) (NRCS, 1986). NRCS is the acronym for the Natural Resources Conservation Service which was formerly the SCS. Additionally, the Merced County Storm Drainage Design Manual states that “the American Public Works Association recommends that the Rational Method be used for drainage areas not exceeding 20 acres in size” (Merced County, undated). The focus of this project is on areas larger than those recommended for the Rational Method. Soil Conservation Service Method In the mid 1900’s the SCS investigated methods for determining rainfall loses within a watershed. Victor Mockus presented the SCS Method for estimating direct runoff from storm rainfall in Chapter 10, Section 4, Hydrology, of the National Engineering Handbook (SCS, 1972). Victor Mockus is one of the main developers of the SCS Method and is the author of the above-referenced Chapter 10 of the National Engineering Handbook. The SCS Method was originally designed to predict the volume of runoff based upon daily rainfall (Reese, 2006). In the following description of the SCS Method, the variable (Q) for actual runoff potential, as presented by Victor Mockus (SCS, 1972), has been replaced with (Pe) to avoid confusion with the industry’s use of the symbol Q as the peak flow or peak discharge in units of volume per time. 9 The SCS assumes that the depth of runoff (Pe) is always less than the total depth of storm rainfall (P) and that the depth of runoff being retained in the watershed (Fa) is less than or equal to a maximum storage potential (S). Additionally, there is an amount of water lost or abstracted (Ia) before ponding begins, so the total potential runoff is: Pe P I a Eq. 3 The general hypothesis is that the ratio of actual storage to storage potential is equal to the ratio of actual runoff to runoff potential. The ratio equality is presented as: Fa Pe S P Ia Eq. 4 To balance mass: P Pe I a Fa Eq. 5 Solving the Equation 5 for Fa, substituting Fa into Equation 4, and solving for Pe results in the general form of the SCS equation: Pe P I a 2 P I a S Eq. 6 Based upon experimental study watersheds, the initial abstraction Ia is 20 percent of the potential for storage S or Ia =0.2S (Chow, et al., 1988). Substituting Ia = 0.2S into the general equation results in: Pe 2 P 0.2S P 0.8S Eq. 7 10 The SCS plotted Equation 7 for many watersheds to produce a range of curves that empirically relate rainfall depth to runoff depth. These curves were then standardized using a dimensionless curve numbering (CN) system where the CN would range from 0 to 100. A CN of 100 would represent completely impervious conditions. The relationship between the storage potential S and the CN value is given by the relationship below: S CN 10 1000 Eq. 8 It should be noted that the CN curves developed by the SCS are dependent on the assumption that the initial abstraction Ia is 0.2S. Reese (2006) states that the value of 0.2S may not be appropriate for all circumstances, and that varying Ia would require developing an entirely new set of CN curves. CN values take into consideration the land use, the hydrologic condition, and the hydrologic soil type of the watershed (McCuen, 2005). The hydrologic soil types are broken down into A, B, C, and D where A is the most permeable with the lowest runoff potential and D is the least permeable with the highest runoff potential. Hydrologic soil type B is less permeable than A, C is less permeable than B, and D is less permeable than C. Soils classified as A likely consist of loose sandy soils whereas soils classified as D likely consist of dense clay or rock. The SCS has tabulated CN values for various soil types, land uses, and land conditions. Because watersheds usually consist of a mix of soil types and land uses, a CN value representative of the entire watershed of interest is usually estimated by the method of area-weighting to produce a composite CN value. The area-weighting of CN values can be generalized as: 11 m CN w CN i 1 Ai i Eq. 9 m A i 1 i where: CN w = weighted CN value of the entire watershed m = number of subareas of the watershed CNi = CN value of subarea i based upon its soil, land use, and land condition Ai = area of subarea i The antecedent moisture content of a watershed’s soils also impacts the CN value. The SCS lists three antecedent moisture conditions (AMC). The driest conditions is AMC(I) and the wettest is AMC(III) with AMC(II) falling in between these two values. The values for CN(I) (i.e. the CN associated with the driest AMC) and CN(III) were empirically derived to fit the lower and upper thirds of the CN(II) curves, respectively (SCS, 1972). From Chow et al. (1988), the applicable curve numbers can be calculated from: CN ( I ) 4.2CN ( II ) 10 0.058CN ( II ) Eq. 10 and CN ( III ) 23CN ( II ) 10 0.13CN ( II ) Eq. 11 Mockus stated in an 1996 verbal interview with Victor Ponce of San Diego State University, “that SCS developed the runoff curve number method for small basins, less 12 than 400 square miles” and that “the method was developed for events, but it was based on daily data, because that was the only data available in large quantities” (Ponce, 1996). Advantages of the SCS Method include the consideration of soil types, antecedent moisture conditions, and initial abstraction. An apparent disadvantage of the SCS Method is that the CN curves are based upon daily rainfall totals and the assumption that Ia is 0.2S. Recently, the SCS Method has become more widely used because the tabulated curve numbers ease the incorporation of soil and vegetation data sets in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for use in rainfall-runoff modeling (Beven, 2001). This is one of the major reasons it was selected for this project. Hydrograph Methods To predict rainfall-runoff response over time, storage and routing come into play. A hydrograph consists of the runoff response with time on the x-axis and the volumetric flow rate plotted on the y-axis for a particular point of interest in a watershed. Components of a typical hydrograph include a rising limb, a crest, and a receding limb. The crest of the hydrograph represents the peak volumetric flow rate of the storm event. The area under the hydrograph represents the total volume of runoff generated from a rain event. The shape of a hydrograph is dependent on the characteristics of the watershed and the duration and intensity of the storm event (Bedient, et al., 2008). Probably the first attempt at considering the effects of time and area were made by Ross in 1921 (Beven, 2001). Ross considered a watershed to be divided up into zones with each zone having a different travel time to the watershed’s outlet. The closest zone to the 13 outlet would produce runoff in the first time step; the next zone would contribute in two time steps, and so on. The resulting histogram at the watershed outlet would represent the time-area summation of these pulses considering the delays for each zone to contribute its pulse. In 1932 Sherman considered the time delays of runoff as a time distribution without considerations of individual areas. He then normalized the runoff response into what he referred to as a “unitgraph” which we now call a unit hydrograph (Beven, 2001). The unit hydrograph can be scaled up to represent different volumes of effective rainfall runoff. The question of how much effective rainfall (the portion of total rainfall that becomes actual runoff) to route still presented a problem. Effective rainfall is influenced by such things as rainfall intensity and duration, soil types, land cover, and antecedent moisture condition. In 1933 Robert Horton considered runoff generation as occurring after the infiltration capacity of a soil is reached (Beven, 2001). Since that time many other excess infiltration equations have been developed. The unit hydrograph and an infiltration equation are the basic components of a hydrologic model. Because there may likely be streamflow before a storm occurs, the consideration of baseflow becomes important. It was found that effective rainfall is more closely related to gaged discharge if the hydrograph is separated into baseflow and a storm runoff component (Beven, 2001). A variety of hydrograph methods have been developed including Snyder’s, Clark’s, and the SCS unit hydrograph methods (Bedient, et al., 2008). Unit hydrograph methods such as the SCS unit hydrograph, Snyder’s method, and the Clark’s method are frequently used due to their accuracy and simplicity (Bedient, et al., 2008). The SCS unit hydrograph utilizes Equation 7, described above, to determine the total depth/volume 14 of runoff under the hydrograph, but takes the concept of the SCS Method beyond just depth or volume of runoff to evaluate total runoff over time. The SCS unit hydrograph distributes the total runoff volume from Equation 7 over time by considering the peak flow rate, the time it takes to reach a peak flow, and the time it takes for the peak flow to recede. Hydrograph methods were not considered in the current study because the focus of the project is on the relationship of long-duration rainfall-runoff, and not on any single storm event hydrograph. To utilize individual hydrographs, one would need to have all of the individual hydrographs for the duration of interest. For ungaged watersheds this would not be possible. Long-Term Runoff Approaches by Others Others have contemplated evaluating long-term runoff based upon the long-term precipitation record. For example, in the paper “Modifications to the SCS-CN Method for Long-Term Hydrologic Simulation” (Geetha et al., 2007), two modified SCS Methods are considered for long-term, day-to-day, continuous simulation. These modified methods allow for a daily estimation of runoff that can be summed to estimate yearly and long-term runoff. The first allows for varying the CN between CN(I), CN(II), and CN(III) based upon the cumulative rainfall over the previous five days. Prior to estimating the current day’s runoff, the CN value is selected based upon predetermined, discrete rainfall criteria. If the 5-day rainfall is below a lower threshold then CN(I) is used, if it is greater than an upper threshold then CN(III) is used, and if it falls between 15 the upper and lower threshold then CN(II) is used. In the second method, daily CN values are not allowed to vary directly by prior rainfall but by antecedent soil moisture. The antecedent moisture amount is still based upon the previous five days of rainfall, but available soil storage each day is tracked and utilized to directly estimate the CN value of the current day allowing for more of a continuous estimating of CN as opposed to the discrete method described above. The work of Geetha et al., (2007) describes the successful application of these modified methods for predicting long-term runoff based upon long-term rainfall given gaged information for model calibration. These methods would not be applicable in a watershed where daily rainfall data is unavailable or for statistical wet seasons, such as the 100-year wet season where the distribution of day-today rainfall would not be available. In the manual, “Water Harvesting- A Manual for Design and Construction of Water Harvesting Schemes for Plant Production”, Critchley et al., (1991) consider design of water harvesting schemes to support annual crops. The authors of this document discourage the use of runoff coefficients derived for watersheds from other geographical areas. They also discourage using runoff coefficients derived from large watersheds for small watersheds. Instead, they recommend that runoff coefficients be empirically derived/back-calculated from measured rainfall and runoff in the project area. They suggested that the runoff coefficient (K) be derived from: K Runoff (units of depth) Rainfall (units of depth) Eq. 12 16 Where runoff is a percentage (K) of rainfall for the rainstorm of interest as shown below: Runoff K x Rainfall Eq. 13 They also state that not every rainfall event will produce runoff because threshold rainfall, the amount of water stored in a watershed before runoff begins, must be exceeded prior to runoff forming. Additionally, Critchley et al., (1991) describe assessing annual or seasonal runoff coefficients. The annual or seasonal runoff coefficient is estimated by: K Yearly (seasonal) Total Runoff (units of depth) Yearly (seasonal) Total Rainfall (units of depth) Eq. 14 Furthermore, the authors discuss the difference between annual runoff coefficients and runoff coefficients derived from individual storms. According to Critchley, et al.: “The annual (seasonal) runoff coefficient differs from the runoff coefficients derived from individual storms as it takes into account also those rainfall events which did not produce any runoff. The annual (seasonal) runoff coefficient is therefore always smaller than the arithmetic mean of runoff coefficients derived from individual runoff-producing storms.” On the other hand, in the Stormwater Effects Handbook, Burton and Pitt, (2002) state that small rain depths are associated with small volumetric runoff coefficients (Rv) whereas larger rains produce larger Rv values. An average Rv value is assumed to overestimate small rains and under-predict larger rains although the annual average may be acceptable given that the rainfall data is representative of a complete set of annual rain. 17 Chapter 3 METHODS AND ANALYSIS The intent of this project is to investigate the potential difference between annual calculated runoff volumes and annual measured runoff volumes. The project entails selection of a small, gaged watershed, free of major dams and free of changes in land use over the period of the data set in order to compare calculated and measured annual total runoff volumes on a yearly basis. To make this comparison, annual runoff volumes are compiled along with annual rainfall totals for the same time period. A single calculation of annual runoff is performed based upon a single value of annual rainfall using CN values from literature and back-calculated event CN values. Water year rainfall totals are transformed into theoretical runoff depths using the SCS Method. These theoretical runoff depths are then transformed into theoretical runoff volumes by multiplying by the watershed area. The total measured runoff volume and the calculated runoff volume are then compared on a yearly basis. Statistical analysis is used to determine if the two samples, measured and calculated, are from the same population, and a visual evaluation is made to see how the samples compare to one another. The two samples are considered dependent because the values in each sample rely on the same input, i.e. the annual rainfall. For this reason, the samples are treated as paired observations. The purpose of pairing the observations is to reduce the experimental variance error (Walpole, et al., 2007). The differences between the measured and calculated runoff for each year are calculated to develop a confidence interval around the true mean of the sample 18 differences. As presented in Walpole (2007), the structure of the confidence interval is as follows: d t , 2 sd n d d t , 2 sd n Eq. 15 where: d = sample mean of differences sd = standard deviation of differences n = number of observations in sample d = true mean of the population of differences t/2, = critical value from t-distribution = n-1 degrees of freedom = one minus the decimal confidence level If zero is not contained in the confidence interval then the samples are statistically different at the selected confidence level, where the confidence level is 1 – . If zero is contained in the confidence interval then the samples are not statistically different at the selected confidence interval. As stated in the previous chapter, the Rational Method was not considered in the current analysis due to the size of the selected watershed. Hydrograph methods were not considered in the current analysis because they focus on relatively short–duration (event) rainfall-runoff relationships and the water year consists of many hydrographs. Utilizing hydrograph methods for long-term runoff estimations would require a watershed to have 19 daily and/or event rainfall data which is not always the case. Attempting to use hydrograph methods for statistical return periods such as the 100-year wet season would require that the distribution of event rainfall making up such a season be available. The purpose of the current analysis was not to calibrate or accurately model a particular watershed, but to use a gaged watershed to evaluate the SCS Method of relating long-duration rainfall depth to long-duration runoff volume. Description of the Study Area The Black Creek watershed was selected for analysis in the current study. Black Creek is located in the Sierra Nevada foothills approximately 35 miles east of Stockton, California. Figure 1 depicts the general location of the Black Creek watershed. Black Creek flows into Tulloch Reservoir on the Stanislaus River. Tulloch Reservoir is part of the Tri-Dam Project that includes Beardsley Reservoir, Donnells Reservoir, and Tulloch Reservoir. The Tri-Dam project supplies water to irrigation districts serving the nearby areas of the San Joaquin Valley (Oakdale and South San Joaquin Irrigation Districts, 2010). The Black Creek watershed was selected because it is relatively small in size, it is not influenced by runoff related to melting of a snow pack, it does not contain any major reservoirs, and due to its rural nature, its land use likely has not changed much over the last 50 years. The Black Creek watershed also has a gaging station located near the bridge on O’Byrnes Ferry Road in Calaveras County. The gaging station is operated by 20 the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) and collects both stream flow data and rainfall data. The watershed was delineated utilizing topography from four 7.5 minute USGS Quadrangles entitled “Angels Camp”, “Copperopolis”, “New Melones Dam”, and “Salt Springs Valley”. Figure 2 depicts the delineated watershed overlaid on the USGS quadrangles and the location of the gaging station at the outlet of the watershed. 21 FIGURE 1. BLACK CREEK WATERSHED LOCATION MAP 22 FIGURE 2. BLACK CREEK WATERSHED MAP 23 The delineated watershed is approximately 14.36 square miles or 9,189 acres. The land use consists of grasslands, sparse oak trees and grassland, dense stands of oaks and other trees, and areas of brush. The topography varies from mild rolling hills to steeper terrain. Figure 3 shows vegetation and land use of the watershed as depicted on aerial photographs furnished on the Calaveras County website (Calaveras County, 2002). The hydrologic soil type of the watershed is primarily C with a small percentage of D. Figure 4 depicts the hydrologic soil types of the watershed. The hydrologic soil types of the watershed are based upon the GIS coverage furnished on the Calaveras County website (Calaveras County, 2003) and the Calaveras County Soil-Vegetation Handbook (Stone and Irving, 1982). Sources of the Data The United States Geological Survey (USGS) gaging station on Black Creek was the main source of hydrologic data. The USGS website provided approximately 26 years of daily flow data for the station from August 24, 1982 to September 9, 2009 (USGS, 2009). Appendix A contains the daily flow data from the USGS. 24 FIGURE 3. BLACK CREEK LAND USE MAP 25 FIGURE 4. BLACK CREEK HYDROLOGIC SOILS MAP 26 Daily rainfall data was not available on the USGS website, but the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) State Climatologist website provided 20 years of annual rainfall totals for the New Melones Dam station from 1979 to 1999 (California Department of Water Resources, 1999). The New Melones Dam station is located approximately 5.5 miles to the east of the Black Creek station. Appendix B contains the data from the State Climatologist. DWR’s California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) website provided approximately 12 years of hourly tipping bucket rainfall data from September 23, 1997 to September 13, 2009 for the Black Creek station (California Department of Water Resources, 2009). Additionally, the CDEC website provided approximately 12.5 years of hourly flow data from March 7, 1997 to September 13, 2009 for this station (California Department of Water Resources, 2009). Appendix C contains the hourly rainfall and flow data from CDEC. Hydrologic Data The 16-year overlap between the USGS daily flow data and the State Climatologist water year totals was selected for this study because it provided the largest overlap of measured rainfall and measured stream flow. The New Melones Dam rainfall data were geographically adjusted to the Black Creek Station using a ratio of annual average rainfall from the GIS raster of annual average precipitation in California produced by Daily and Taylor (1998). The GIS raster is an isohyetal map coverage of 27 average rainfall in California. Table 1 depicts the annual average precipitation taken from the GIS raster at New Melones and at the Black Creek station. The geographic adjustment factor is then calculated as the ratio of the average annual precipitation values shown in Table 1. Table 1 – Geographic Adjustment Factor Station Average Annual Rainfall from GIS Raster (inches) Black Creek 24.03 New Melones Dam 26.72 Adjustment Factor 0.8993 The New Melones rainfall data from the State Climatologist was then multiplied by 0.8993 (the calculated geographic adjustment factor) to adjust this data to the Black Creek watershed. The daily flow data from the USGS was processed into water year volumetric totals. CN Weighting An area- weighted CN value was calculated using hydrologic soils type and land uses. The soil data and land use data were analyzed using GIS methods to determine the acreages of soil and land use combinations. Table 2 provides the results from the GIS analysis of the land use and soil type acreages for the Black Creek watershed. Appendix D contains GIS polygon data used to generate Table 2. 28 Grass and Trees Brush Woods Total Table 2 – Land Use and Soil Type Soil Type C Soil Type D Alluvial (acres) (acres) (acres) 5,305.17 1,958.44 20.30 489.98 11.39 0.00 1,175.92 227.90 0.00 6,971.07 2,197.73 20.30 Total (acres) 7,283.91 501.37 1,403.82 9,189.10 CN values for antecedent moisture condition II, CN(II), taken from Chow et al. (1988) for the land use and soil types are shown in Table 3. Table 3 – CN(II) Values (Chow et al., 1988) Table 3 – CN Values Soil Type C Soil Type D Land Use Grass and Trees Brush Woods 74 70 70 80 77 77 Alluvial 98 98 98 The alluvial category is actually listed by Stone and Irving (1982) as an unclassified soil type, described only as “higher alluvial terraces and plains”. It is assumed to be a cemented alluvium for the purpose of this study. Table 4 depicts the calculations for the weighted CN (CNw). 29 Complex Grass C Grass D Grass Alluvial Brush C Brush D Woods C Woods D Total Table 4 – CN Weighting Area Ai (acres) CNi Ai*CNi 5305.17 74 392582.33 1958.44 80 156675.45 20.30 489.98 11.39 1175.92 227.90 9189.11 98 70 77 70 77 CNw 1989.49 34298.91 877.40 82314.56 17548.19 686286.33 74.68 The resulting area-weighted CN(II) is 74.68. The resulting area-weighted CN(I) and CN(III) are 55.33 and 87.15, respectively based upon Equations 10 and 11. Back-Calculated CN Values It is possible that CN values from literature may not be representative of the conditions in the watershed of interest. CN values from literature do not directly account for AMCs between AMC(I) and AMC(II) or between AMC(II) and AMC(III) or conditions dryer than AMC (I) and wetter than AMC(III). Additionally, CN values from literature may not be representative of the exact soil types and land use within the watershed of interest. Back-calculated CN values inherently represent the antecedent moisture conditions, the land use, and soils of the watershed at the time of the actual storm event under consideration. For this reason, the hourly rainfall and stream flow data from CDEC for the Black Creek station were used to back-calculate CN values for 30 selected storms between 1997 and 2001. Additionally, CN weighting is the common method for watersheds without rainfall and flow data, so the back-calculated values provide for a check of the reasonableness of the CN values from literature. Each month of hourly rainfall and runoff data was reviewed and some of the isolated storms that produced runoff were selected for analysis. Rainfall and runoff events that merged together were for the most part not selected for analysis. Multiple back-to-back storms that created problems in separating one storm from the other and problems separating their baseflows were avoided. Additionally, if there were data missing during the storm, the storm was not selected unless the break in missing data was generally on the order of three hours or less. In the case where there was an hour or two of flow data missing, the missing data was interpolated for use in the analysis. A total of 38 runoff-producing storms were selected. It should be noted that an attempt was made to select storms from all months of the wet season. With this in mind, the selected storms are still not likely to be representative of the entire data record. Figure 5 depicts the January 25, 2001 storm which provides an example hyetograph and hydrograph of a evaluated storm. The hydrograph shows the flow rate in cubic feet per second on the y– axis and the date and time on the x-axis. Additionally, the hyetograph shows incremental hourly rainfall in inches depicted on the secondary y-axis. Appendix E contains the hydrographs and hyetographs of the 38 storms selected for use in this study. The direct runoff volume was estimated by first removing base flow using the constant discharge or straight line method as presented in Chow, et. al, (1988). The area under the hydrograph was estimated by dividing the hydrograph into trapezoids and then 31 summing the areas of the trapezoids to calculate with the total volume using Equation 17 as presented in Bedient, et al., (2008). V Q dt Eq. 16 where: V = volume of direct runoff (acre-inches in this study) dt = time step (one hour in this study) Q = average flow rate over the time step (cfs converted to acre-inches per hour in this study) 32 FIGURE 5. BLACK CREEK HYDROGRAPH EXAMPLE – JANUARY 25, 2001 STORM 33 The resulting direct runoff volume of the storm in acre-inches was then converted into depth of excess precipitation Pe by dividing by the acreage of the watershed. Pe and the total measured precipitation P for the event were then used in the general form of the SCS equation with the assumption that Ia is 0.2S. The general form of the SCS Method equation is presented again below, Pe P 0.2S 2 P 0.8S Eq. 7 Equation 7 was then solved for S. Then the CN value for the storm was back calculated from: S CN 10 1000 Eq. 8 Rearranging Equation 8 for CN results in: CN 1000 ( S 10) Eq. 17 A dot plot graph showing the resulting CNs for the 38 selected storms is presented in Figure 6. Figure 6 also shows the CN(I), CN(II), and CN(III) from the CN weighting to allow the reader to compare them to the back-calculated CN values. Table 5 provides a summary of the selected storms and the back-calculated CN values. 34 FIGURE 6. DOT PLOT OF CN VALUES OF SELECTED STORMS FROM 1997 TO 2001 35 Table 5 – Back-Calculated CN Values of Selected Storms Storm Date 12/12/1997 4/23/1998 5/2/1998 5/4/1998 5/16/1998 5/28/1998 10/24/1998 11/23/1998 12/3/1998 12/5/1998 12/13/1998 12/20/1998 1/31/1999 2/6/1999 2/20/1999 2/25/1999 3/3/1999 3/8/1999 3/30/1999 4/5/1999 5/2/1999 11/19/1999 4/16/2000 5/6/2000 5/14/2000 10/26/2000 1/8/2001 1/23/2001 1/25/2001 2/9/2001 2/19/2001 4/6/2001 4/18/2001 11/24/2001 11/28/2001 12/14/2001 12/20/2001 12/30/2001 Minimum Average Maximum Rainfall P (inches) 0.35 1.12 0.80 0.92 0.48 1.20 0.40 0.28 0.52 0.20 0.24 0.12 0.72 4.48 1.12 0.24 0.60 0.48 0.44 1.56 0.52 0.68 1.60 0.80 2.00 1.28 0.48 0.96 0.52 1.64 1.28 0.96 1.08 0.76 0.52 0.48 1.08 0.68 Runoff Pe (inches) 0.0049 0.0617 0.0409 0.0610 0.0288 0.0475 0.0016 0.0021 0.0079 0.0015 0.0035 0.0019 0.1647 3.8183 0.5213 0.0187 0.0893 0.0378 0.0118 0.2505 0.0093 0.0051 0.0480 0.0091 0.0690 0.0052 0.0044 0.0118 0.0277 0.2842 0.4940 0.0133 0.0292 0.0021 0.0031 0.0052 0.0882 0.3263 CN 88.25 75.68 81.01 80.05 88.17 72.66 85.24 89.67 83.62 92.38 91.65 95.7 90.42 94.21 92.55 82.25 60.14 69.78 76.16 77.64 83.96 78.17 65.17 76.15 60.68 64.37 83.83 72.9 86.91 77.54 89.53 73.2 73.07 74.75 82.1 84.1 78.6 95.53 60.14 80.73 95.70 36 The maximum back-calculated CN value from the selected storms is 95.70 and occurred in December of 1998. The minimum back-calculated CN value is 60.14 and occurred in March of 1999. The average back-calculated CN value from the 38 storms is 80.73. This range of back-calculated CN values nearly encompass the range of antecedent moisture condition CNs from CN(I) (55.33) to CN(III) (87.15) described in the CN Weighting section and shown on Figure 6. Due to their empirical nature, the back-calculated CN values inherently reflect the actual moisture, soil, and land use conditions of the watershed that occurred during the selected storm. The back-calculated values are generally in agreement with the CN values from literature. Comparison of Calculated and Measured Runoff Volumes Water year measured flow volumes from 1983 to 1999 were generated from average daily flow rates in cubic feet per second recorded at the USGS Black Creek station. Theoretical water year flow volumes were then calculated from the State Climatologist annual rainfall totals (P) using the weighted and back-calculated CN values in Equations 7 and 8. Four cases comparing the calculated and measured runoff volumes were investigated. Case 1 uses the area-weighted CN(II) based upon Chow et al. (1988); Case 2 is the minimum back-calculated CN; Case 3 is the average back-calculated CN; and Case 4 is the maximum back-calculated CN. Averages for the calculated and measured annual runoff volumes were then calculated over the 16 years of data for each of the cases investigated. Table 6 presents a summary of the average calculated and average measured runoff volumes rounded to the nearest 5 acre-feet (ac-ft) for the 16 37 water years evaluated. Table 6 also shows the percent difference between the average calculated and average measured runoff volumes. Detailed calculations of the data presented in Table 6 can be found in Appendix F. Table 6 – Summary of Average Measured and Calculated Runoff Volumes Case Description CN Value Average Average Percent Measured Calculated Difference Runoff (ac-ft) Runoff (acft) 1 2 3 4 Weighted Min BackCalculated Avg BackCalculated Max BackCalculated 74.68 7,505 15,344 104 60.14 7,505 13,290 77 80.73 7,505 16,080 114 95.70 7,505 17,670 135 Figures 7 is a plot of measured runoff versus the calculated runoff for each year analyzed and for each of the four cases. This plot also shows the equality line y = x between calculated and measured runoff. In every case, the calculated runoff exceeds the equality line including Case 2, the lowest CN value considered in the four cases. 38 Figure 7. MEASURED RUNOFF VERSUS CALCULATED RUNOFF 39 All of the cases analyzed exceeded the measure runoff indicating that the CN values were too high. Consequently, the Excel Solver function was used to find the CN value that would minimize the sum of the residuals squared as defined by Equation 19. r n 2 2 Vci Vmi Eq. 18 i 1 where: r = the residual Vci - Vmi n = number of residual (16 years in this study) Vci = calculated volume of runoff from year i Vmi = measured volume of runoff from year i The calculated CN value from the Excel Solver minimization is 31.52 which is significantly less than the values used in the four cases analyzed. Figure 8 is a plot of measured runoff versus the calculated runoff using the calculated CN value. Figure 8 illustrates a much better correlation between measured and calculated annual runoff than those shown in Figure 7. Appendix F contains the calculation table for the calculated CN of 31.52. 40 Figure 8. MEASURED RUNOFF VERSUS CALCULATED RUNOFF CN = 31.52 41 Chapter 4 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS This chapter contains a comparison of the back-calculated CNs to CNs from literature as well as a discussion of the results of comparing measured annual runoff to calculated runoff using the SCS Method. Recall that CN(I) represents the drier range of AMC and that CN(III) represents the wetter AMC with CN(II) falling in between. Referring back to Figure 6, the backcalculated CNs for the most part span the range of the area-weighted CNs calculated from literature sources. The back-calculated values seem to extend a little higher than the CN(III) in the wetter months (November, December, January, and February). The CN(II) value seems to fall midway between the back-calculated data especially for the months of May and October. All the back-calculated CNs exceed the CN(I) value. No runoffproducing storms during the drier summer months (June through September) were included in the selection of the 38 storms used in the back-calculations so it is not possible to make a sound comparison of CNs for the drier months. It should be expected that the range of back-calculated values would encompass the full range of weighted CNs because the CN(I) and CN(III) values were empirically derived by the SCS to fit the lower and upper thirds of the CN(II) curves (SCS, 1972). So extreme AMC values should produce actual or back-calculated CN values that fluctuate beyond the SCScalculated range from CN(I) to CN(III). Again, it is not possible in this study to make a 42 conclusion about CN(I) during the summer months because no runoff-producing storms were found in the data set utilized. Prior to initiating this study, there was an expectation that the calculated runoff would exceed the measured runoff. Referring to Figure 7, the calculated runoff volumes did exceed the measured runoff volumes for the 16 years of data and for all four cases analyzed. For the 16 water years of data, the difference between theoretical and measured runoff was statistically significant at the 99.99 percent level for all four cases analyzed. Table 7 summarizes the statistical analysis performed including the lower limits (LL) and upper limits (UL) of the confidence level intervals rounded to the nearest one acre-foot. Note that zero is not contained in any of the confidence intervals indicating that the population means are different at the indicated significance level. Case 1 2 3 4 Table 7 - Summary of Statistics and Confidence Intervals n n-1 t/2 Description Statistical LL Significance (ac-ft) Level Weighted Min BackCalculated Avg BackCalculated Max BackCalculated UL (ac-ft) 0.9999 0.9999 0.0001 0.0001 16 16 15 15 5.239 5.239 3,090 1,225 12,587 10,345 0.9999 0.0001 16 15 5.239 3,782 13,367 0.9999 0.0001 16 15 5.239 5,323 15,006 Of considerable interest is the best-fit calculated CN of 31.52. This value is considerably less than the back-calculated CNs based on storm events and the CNs from the literature. Recall that the tabulated CNs developed by the SCS are based upon daily rainfall. Likewise, the back-calculated CN values represent event rainfall. The lower CN value of 43 31.52, based on annual runoff appears to be an example of the smaller “annual” runoff coefficient described in Critchley et al. (1991). In the four cases analyzed the calculated runoff volume exceeds the measured runoff volume. This finding could have design and cost implications if event-based CNs are used for storm water containment structures that have annual runoff or long-term runoff design criteria Use of event-based runoff coefficients for design of long-duration containment systems could lead to conservatively over sizing the system. However, over sizing the system would inherently lead to additional construction and land costs beyond that required to capture the actual runoff volume. Additionally, the overestimation, if used to fine long-duration dischargers could lead to fines in excess of that “earned” for the volume actually discharged. Probably the biggest reason for the overestimation of calculated runoff is due to using CN values which were originally generated from daily and event rainfall in a calculation based on annual rainfall. The basic form of the SCS equation is blind to the rainfall distribution in time and only considers total runoff depth or volume based upon total rainfall. Depending on the size and duration of the storm event and the antecedent moisture conditions not all recorded rainfall events may lead to runoff even though they are included in the cumulative rainfall total. Additionally as mentioned in Reese (2009), the assumption that Ia equals 0.2S may not be correct for the circumstances including those of the Black Creek watershed. A higher value of Ia might assist in reducing calculated runoff down towards equality with the measured runoff but would require developing a new set of CN curves. It may be better to develop annual runoff 44 coefficients or to evaluate annual runoff volume by summing individual storm event volumes if storm event data is available in the watershed of interest. In many cases, storm event data is not available. Critchley et al. (1991) discusses generating annual runoff coefficients because they take into account those rainfall events that do not produce runoff. For example, a watershed may receive ten isolated 0.1 inch rainfall events of which none result in runoff. In the annual data set, this would be one inch of rain that likely would not have contributed to the runoff total even though it would be included in the calculation for the annual runoff. For this reason, the annual CN values would be expected to be smaller than the event-based CN values. The CN value of 31.52 calculated in this study indeed fits with this expectation and seems to collaborate with Critchley et al. (1991). 45 Chapter 5 CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this project was to evaluate the ability of the SCS Method, using CN values generated from daily and storm event data, to estimate annual storm water runoff based on annual accumulated rainfall. Sixteen years of gaged annual runoff volumes were compared to calculated runoff. Four cases were analyzed in this study which included an area-weighted CN assuming AMC(II), and minimum, average, and maximum CN values back-calculated from 38 actual storm events in the Black Creek watershed. The results of this study indicate that the SCS Method utilizing CN values from the literature and CN values back-calculated from storm events overestimate the annual runoff at the 99.99 percent significance level for all four cases. Average values of calculated runoff were 77 to 135 percent larger than the average measured runoff volumes. A CN value of 31.52 was calculated from the 16 years of data. This may represent an “annual” CN value for calculating annual runoff. A relationship between annual and event CN values can not be made from this study because the CN value of 31.52 only represents a single data point. This could present an opportunity for future work. Future work could include the development of “annual” CN values by conducting similar analyses on many other watersheds of varying characteristics. It may be possible to develop a relationship between the “daily” CN values from literature for use in 46 generating “annual” CN values. Other future work could include developing “annual” Rational Method C values using a methodology similar to the one presented here. The results of this study could serve as a warning for those considering using event-based or daily-based calculations and runoff coefficients for estimating longduration runoff from long-duration rainfall totals. The results of this study could be incentive to the hydrologic industry to investigate and develop better volume-based hydrologic methods to estimate long-duration runoff volumes. The results of this study are based upon the assumptions provided herein and a limited number of data collected by others. They are applicable to only the Black Creek watershed as delineated in this study. Changes to the land use of the watershed will likely change these results. Watersheds of differing sizes, terrains, soil types, land uses, and storm patterns will likely produce different results. 47 APPENDICES ON CD 48 APPENDIX F Calculations of Differences between Calculated and Measured Water Year Runoff 9717.32 4323.99 14229.24 1538.06 234.33 1284.79 596.61 2411.72 4397.97 10933.35 584.83 14791.97 9912.44 16277.32 20738.86 8107.68 7505.03 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Average Percent Greater Std. Deviation n Confindence Interval t/2 LL UL Water Year Measured Runoff Volume Vm (ac-ft) 12.69 5.65 18.58 2.01 0.31 1.68 0.78 3.15 5.74 14.28 0.76 19.32 12.94 21.26 27.08 10.59 24.06 21.08 32 14.14 13.67 18.48 17.75 17.6 14.33 40.37 17.84 47.58 31.4 32.09 52.75 24.8 Measured Rainfall Depth P (in) Case 1 CN = 74.68 Measured Runoff Depth Pe (in) 21.64 18.96 28.78 12.72 12.29 16.62 15.96 15.83 12.89 36.31 16.04 42.79 28.24 28.86 47.44 22.30 Geographically Adjusted Rain 0.8993*P (in) Weighted 18.04 15.42 25.07 9.39 8.99 13.15 12.51 12.38 9.56 32.53 12.59 38.97 24.54 25.15 43.60 18.69 Calculated Runoff Depth Pet (in) 15343.72 104% 13815.30 11807.78 19201.35 7192.75 6885.15 10066.38 9579.66 9479.79 7317.35 24911.57 9639.60 29844.71 18793.02 19262.61 33387.19 14315.30 Calculated Runoff Volume Vc (ac-ft) 3625.45 16 15 0.9999 0.0001 5.2391 3,090 12,587 7838.69 4097.98 7483.79 4972.11 5654.69 6650.82 8781.58 8983.05 7068.06 2919.38 13978.22 9054.78 15052.74 8880.59 2985.30 12648.33 6207.62 Volume Difference Vc - Vm (ac-ft) 49 9717.32 4323.99 14229.24 1538.06 234.33 1284.79 596.61 2411.72 4397.97 10933.35 584.83 14791.97 9912.44 16277.32 20738.86 8107.68 7505.03 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Average Percent Greater Std. Deviation n Confindence Interval t/2 LL UL Water Year Measured Runoff Volume Vm (ac-ft) 12.69 5.65 18.58 2.01 0.31 1.68 0.78 3.15 5.74 14.28 0.76 19.32 12.94 21.26 27.08 10.59 24.06 21.08 32 14.14 13.67 18.48 17.75 17.6 14.33 40.37 17.84 47.58 31.4 32.09 52.75 24.8 Measured Rainfall Depth P (in) Case 2 CN = 60.14 Measured Runoff Depth Pe (in) 21.64 18.96 28.78 12.72 12.29 16.62 15.96 15.83 12.89 36.31 16.04 42.79 28.24 28.86 47.44 22.30 Geographically Adjusted Rain 0.8993*P (in) 15.31 12.82 22.11 7.20 6.84 10.67 10.08 9.95 7.35 29.41 10.15 35.75 21.60 22.19 40.32 15.94 Calculated Runoff Depth Pet (in) Minimum Back-Calculated 13289.91 77% 11727.57 9813.28 16933.97 5514.21 5235.38 8170.64 7715.28 7622.08 5627.52 22519.55 7771.27 27375.84 16536.65 16993.61 30874.59 12207.08 Calculated Runoff Volume Vc (ac-ft) 3481.31 16 15 0.9999 0.0001 5.2391 1,225 10,345 5784.88 2010.24 5489.29 2704.72 3976.15 5001.05 6885.84 7118.68 5210.36 1229.55 11586.20 7186.44 12583.86 6624.21 716.29 10135.73 4099.40 Volume Difference Vc - Vm (ac-ft) 50 9717.32 4323.99 14229.24 1538.06 234.33 1284.79 596.61 2411.72 4397.97 10933.35 584.83 14791.97 9912.44 16277.32 20738.86 8107.68 7505.03 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Average Percent Greater Std. Deviation n Confindence Interval t/2 LL UL Water Year Measured Runoff Volume Vm (ac-ft) 12.69 5.65 18.58 2.01 0.31 1.68 0.78 3.15 5.74 14.28 0.76 19.32 12.94 21.26 27.08 10.59 24.06 21.08 32 14.14 13.67 18.48 17.75 17.6 14.33 40.37 17.84 47.58 31.4 32.09 52.75 24.8 Measured Rainfall Depth P (in) Case 3 CN = 80.73 Measured Runoff Depth Pe (in) 21.64 18.96 28.78 12.72 12.29 16.62 15.96 15.83 12.89 36.31 16.04 42.79 28.24 28.86 47.44 22.30 Geographically Adjusted Rain 0.8993*P (in) 19.02 16.37 26.10 10.24 9.83 14.06 13.42 13.28 10.41 33.59 13.50 40.05 25.56 26.18 44.69 19.67 Calculated Runoff Depth Pet (in) Average Back-Calculated 16079.80 114% 14561.21 12532.78 19986.12 7842.65 7527.85 10768.63 10274.55 10173.11 7970.05 25722.26 10335.43 30670.99 19575.46 20047.72 34222.20 15065.73 Calculated Runoff Volume Vc (ac-ft) 3659.19 16 15 0.9999 0.0001 5.2391 3,782 13,367 8574.77 4843.89 8208.79 5756.87 6304.59 7293.53 9483.84 9677.94 7761.39 3572.08 14788.91 9750.60 15879.02 9663.03 3770.41 13483.35 6958.06 Volume Difference Vc - Vm (ac-ft) 51 9717.32 4323.99 14229.24 1538.06 234.33 1284.79 596.61 2411.72 4397.97 10933.35 584.83 14791.97 9912.44 16277.32 20738.86 8107.68 7505.03 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Average Percent Greater Std. Deviation n Confindence Interval t/2 LL UL Water Year Measured Runoff Volume Vm (ac-ft) 12.69 5.65 18.58 2.01 0.31 1.68 0.78 3.15 5.74 14.28 0.76 19.32 12.94 21.26 27.08 10.59 24.06 21.08 32 14.14 13.67 18.48 17.75 17.6 14.33 40.37 17.84 47.58 31.4 32.09 52.75 24.8 Measured Rainfall Depth P (in) Case 4 CN = 95.70 Measured Runoff Depth Pe (in) 21.64 18.96 28.78 12.72 12.29 16.62 15.96 15.83 12.89 36.31 16.04 42.79 28.24 28.86 47.44 22.30 Geographically Adjusted Rain 0.8993*P (in) 21.11 18.43 28.25 12.19 11.77 16.09 15.44 15.30 12.36 35.77 15.52 42.26 27.71 28.33 46.90 21.77 Calculated Runoff Depth Pet (in) Maximum Back-Calculated 17669.69 135% 16163.48 14112.23 21629.78 9336.69 9013.42 12322.79 11820.43 11717.21 9467.39 27392.83 11882.37 32357.49 21216.68 21691.74 35917.55 16672.89 Calculated Runoff Volume Vc (ac-ft) 3696.44 16 15 0.9999 0.0001 5.2391 5,323 15,006 10164.66 6446.16 9788.24 7400.53 7798.63 8779.09 11038.00 11223.82 9305.49 5069.42 16459.48 11297.54 17565.52 11304.24 5414.43 15178.70 8565.21 Volume Difference Vc - Vm (ac-ft) 52 Sum Average Percent Greater Std. Deviation 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Water Year 7505.03 12.69 5.65 18.58 2.01 0.31 1.68 0.78 3.15 5.74 14.28 0.76 19.32 12.94 21.26 27.08 10.59 Pe (in) Vm (ac-ft) 9717.32 4323.99 14229.24 1538.06 234.33 1284.79 596.61 2411.72 4397.97 10933.35 584.83 14791.97 9912.44 16277.32 20738.86 8107.68 Measured Runoff Depth Measured Runoff Volume 24.06 21.08 32 14.14 13.67 18.48 17.75 17.6 14.33 40.37 17.84 47.58 31.4 32.09 52.75 24.8 P (in) 21.64 18.96 28.78 12.72 12.29 16.62 15.96 15.83 12.89 36.31 16.04 42.79 28.24 28.86 47.44 22.30 0.8993*P (in) Geographically Adjusted Rain Calculated CN = 31.52 Measured Rainfall Depth 7.66 5.88 12.93 2.33 2.13 4.43 4.05 3.97 2.41 19.03 4.10 24.57 12.52 13.00 28.65 8.13 Pet (in) 7455.58 -1% 5869.44 4500.31 9904.64 1783.38 1630.75 3393.73 3100.29 3041.02 1846.44 14571.06 3136.02 18810.97 9584.05 9952.92 21940.57 6223.73 Vc (ac-ft) Calculated Calculated Runoff Depth Runoff Volume 2990.27 -49.45 -3847.88 176.32 -4324.60 245.31 1396.42 2108.94 2503.68 629.30 -2551.54 3637.72 2551.20 4018.99 -328.39 -6324.40 1201.72 -1883.95 r = Vc - Vm (ac-ft) Volume Difference 134165130.53 14806209.62 31088.64 18702164.80 60179.20 1949987.54 4447623.54 6268417.84 396012.39 6510332.01 13232974.75 6508602.40 16152304.96 107838.89 39997997.65 1444126.17 3549270.11 r2 53 54 REFERENCES Beven, K. 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