Vendor Number Request A BCPS vendor number is required before any payments can be processed. Please include a BCPS vendor number on all submissions. To avoid IRS penalties, BCPS now requires a W-9 to be submitted for all vendors. If you do not know your vendor number, please contact the Title II, Part A fiscal assistant at 443-809-6402. Individuals that work at your school: Complete the BCPS Vendor Number Request form and the W-9 form found on the BCPS Title II, Part A web page located at Fax both forms to the BCPS Office of Purchasing at 410-887-7831. Purchasing will notify your school of the vendor number issued through the contact information you provide on the Vendor Number Request form. Businesses: Visit the Vendor Self Service Center located at to apply for a vendor number. Complete a W-9 form and fax it to Purchasing at 410-887-7831. Once the registration has been processed, the vendor will receive a vendor number by email. The vendor number will not be “active” until the W-9 has been processed. Notes: In addition to partnerships, corporations, etc., “businesses” for our purposes are classified as individuals you want to pay for services that are not employed by your school. For individuals, your vendor name must be your legal name. Make sure the vendor informs you of their vendor number when they receive it so you can complete the required payment forms.