Publications for Zihuai Lin 2016

Publications for Zihuai Lin
Publications for Zihuai Lin
Chen, H., Ma, Y., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B.
(2016). Distributed Power Control in
Interference Channels with QoS Constraints and
RF Energy Harvesting: A Game-Theoretic
Approach [In Press]. IEEE Transactions on
Vehicular Technology. <a
34">[More Information]</a>
Wang, P., Mao, G., Lin, Z., Ding, M., Liang, W.,
Ge, X., Lin, Z. (2016). Performance Analysis of
Raptor Codes under Maximum Likelihood
Decoding. IEEE Transactions on
Communications, 64(3), 906-917. <a
522403">[More Information]</a>
Ding, M., Wang, P., Lopez-Perez, D., Mao, G.,
Lin, Z. (2016). Performance Impact of LoS and
NLoS Transmissions in Dense Cellular
Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, 15(3), 2365-2380. <a
391">[More Information]</a>
Gerami, M., Xiao, M., Li, J., Fischione, C., Lin,
Z. (2016). Repair for distributed storage systems
with packet erasure channels and dedicated
nodes for repair. IEEE Transactions on
Communications, 64(4), 1367-1383. <a
532879">[More Information]</a>
Chen, Y., Li, J., Chen, H., Lin, Z., Mao, G., Cai,
J. (2015). A Belief Propagation Approach for
Distributed User Association in Heterogeneous
Networks. IEEE 25th Annual International
Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications (PIMRC2014),
Piscataway: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
36460">[More Information]</a>
Zhou, J., Feng, Z., Lin, Z. (2015). A novel defect
tracking algorithm for ink-jet printing video
based on particle filter framework. Journal of
Digital Information Management, 13(6),
Ding, M., Lopez-Perez, D., Mao, G., Lin, Z.
(2015). Approximation of uplink inter-cell
interference in FDMA small cell networks. 2015
IEEE Global Communications Conference
(GLOBECOM), Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE.
7417160">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Li, J., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B. (2015).
Compressive Soft Forwarding in Network Coded
Multiple Access Relay Channels. IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 64(5),
2138-2144. <a
59">[More Information]</a>
Ma, Y., Chen, H., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B.
(2015). Distributed and Optimal Resource
Allocation for Power Beacon-Assisted
Wireless-Powered Communications. IEEE
Transactions on Communications, 63(10),
3569-3583. <a
468215">[More Information]</a>
Li, J., Chen, Y., Lin, Z., Chen, W., Vucetic, B.,
Hanzo, L. (2015). Distributed caching for data
dissemination in the downlink of heterogeneous
networks. IEEE Transactions on
Communications, 63(10), 3553-3568. <a
455500">[More Information]</a>
Ma, Y., Chen, H., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B.
(2015). Distributed resource allocation for power
beacon-assisted wireless-powered
communications. 2015 IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC),
Piscataway, New Jersey, USA: (IEEE) Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
24">[More Information]</a>
Wang, X., Lin, Z. (2015). High-resolution
through-wall ghost imaging algorithm using
chaotic modulated signal. 2015 IEEE
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2015),
Piscataway: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
78249">[More Information]</a>
Yue, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B., Mao, G., Xiao, M.,
Bai, B., Pang, K. (2015). Network code division
multiplexing for wireless relay networks. IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications,
14(10), 5736-5749. <a
581">[More Information]</a>
Ma, Y., Lin, Z., Li, J., Mao, G., Vucetic, B.
(2015). Network coded non-binary LDGM codes
based on lattices for a multi-access relay system.
2015 IEEE 26th International Symposium on
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC), Piscataway, New
Jersey: IEEE. <a
43278">[More Information]</a>
Wang, P., Mao, G., Lin, Z., Ge, X., Anderson, B.
(2015). Network Coding based Wireless
Broadcast with Performance Guarantee. IEEE
Publications for Zihuai Lin
Transactions on Wireless Communications,
14(1), 532-544. <a
618">[More Information]</a>
Zhai, D., Lin, Z. (2015). RSS-based indoor
positioning with biased estimator and local
geographical factor. 2015 22nd International
Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2015),
Piscataway, New Jersey, USA: (IEEE) Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
18">[More Information]</a>
Ma, Y., Chen, H., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B., Li, X.
(2015). Spectrum sharing in RF-powered
cognitive radio networks using game theory.
2015 IEEE 26th International Symposium on
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC), Piscataway, New
Jersey: IEEE. <a
43442">[More Information]</a>
Yin, X., Zhao, S., Lin, Z., Zhang, H., Browne,
M. (2015). Unfalsified Control with Channel
Probing in Ad Hoc Power Control. JIT Journal
of Internet Technology, 16(1), 95-105. <a
140114">[More Information]</a>
Ding, M., Lopez-Perez, D., Mao, G., Wang, P.,
Lin, Z. (2015). Will the Area Spectral Efficiency
Monotonically Grow as Small Cells Go Dense?
2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference
(GLOBECOM), Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE.
7416981">[More Information]</a>
Qiu, J., Tao, C., Liu, L., Lin, Z., Tan, Z. (2014).
A novel hybrid CDL-based multipath
propagation model for the high-speed railway at
2.35 GHz. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(35),
4976-4987. <a
5-y">[More Information]</a>
Wang, P., Mao, G., Lin, Z., Ge, X. (2014). An
Efficient Network Coding based Broadcast
Scheme with Reliability Guarantee. 2014 IEEE
International Conference on Communications
(ICC 2014), Piscataway: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
60">[More Information]</a>
Yue, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B. (2014). Distributed
Fountain Codes With Adaptive Unequal Error
Protection in Wireless Relay Networks. IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications,
13(8), 4220-4231. <a
632">[More Information]</a>
Liu, L., Tao, C., Sun, R., Chen, H., Lin, Z.
(2014). Markov Chain Based Channel
Characterization for High Speed Railway in
Viaduct Scenarios. 2014 IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC 2014),
Piscataway: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
63">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Li, J., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B. (2014).
Network Coded Soft Forwarding for Multiple
Access Relay Channels with Compressive
Sensing. 2014 IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC 2014), Piscataway:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
49">[More Information]</a>
Liu, L., Tao, C., Sun, R., Chen, H., Lin, Z.
(2014). Non-stationary channel characterization
for high-speed railway under viaduct scenarios.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(35), 4988-4998. <a
6-x">[More Information]</a>
Yue, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B. (2014). On
estimation of protection parameters for unequal
error protection distributed fountain codes in
wireless relay networks. 2014 IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference
(WCNC 2014), Piscataway, USA: IEEE. <a
52073">[More Information]</a>
Li, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B., Xiao, M., Chen, W.
(2014). One-Bit Soft Forwarding for Network
Coded Uplink Channels with Multiple Sources.
2014 IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC 2014), Piscataway:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
45">[More Information]</a>
Wei, K., Mao, G., Zhang, W., Yang, Y., Lin, Z.,
Chen, C. (2014). Optimal Microcell Deployment
for Effective Mobile Device Energy Saving in
Heterogeneous Networks. 2014 IEEE
International Conference on Communications
(ICC 2014), Piscataway: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
54">[More Information]</a>
Yue, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B., Mao, G., Aulin, T.
(2014). Performance Analysis of Distributed
Raptor Codes in Wireless Relay Networks. 2014
11th Annual IEEE International Conference on
Sensing, Communication, and Networking
(SECON 2014), Piscataway: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
Publications for Zihuai Lin
90357">[More Information]</a>
Yue, J., Lin, Z., Bai, B., Vucetic, B. (2014).
Performance Analysis of Unequal Error
Protection Distributed Network Coding Based on
Fountain Codes. IEEE Wireless Communications
Letters, 3(3), 285-288. <a
14.140036">[More Information]</a>
Wei, S., Li, J., Chen, W., Su, H., Lin, Z.,
Vucetic, B. (2014). Power Adaptive Network
Coding for a Non-Orthogonal Multiple-Access
Relay Channel. IEEE Transactions on
Communications, 62(3), 872-887. <a
13114.130303">[More Information]</a>
Liu, Y., Lin, Z., Hao, P., Hong, N. (2014). Rate
Flexible Coded Digital Phase Modulation (DPM)
over Rings. 2014 8th International Conference
on Future Generation Communication and
Networking (FGCN), Piscataway, NJ: IEEE
Computer Society. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Wang, P., Mao, G., Lin, Z. (2014).
Reliability-constrained broadcast using network
coding without feedback. 2014 IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference
(WCNC 2014), Piscataway, USA: IEEE. <a
52899">[More Information]</a>
Qiu, J., Lin, Z., Hardjawana, W., Vucetic, B.,
Tao, C., Tan, Z. (2014). Resource allocation for
OFDMA system under high-speed railway
condition. 2014 IEEE Wireless Communications
and Networking Conference (WCNC 2014),
Piscataway, USA: IEEE. <a
52832">[More Information]</a>
Xu, J., Li, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B. (2014). Soft
information forwarding design for a two-way
relaying channel. 2014 IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference
(WCNC 2014), Piscataway, USA: IEEE. <a
52360">[More Information]</a>
Yue, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B., Xiao, P. (2014). The
Design of Degree Distribution for Distributed
Fountain Codes in Wireless Sensor Networks.
2014 IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC 2014), Piscataway:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
46">[More Information]</a>
Li, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B., Xu, J., Xiao, M.,
Chen, W. (2014). Threshold-Based One-Bit Soft
Forwarding for a Network Coded Multi-Source
Single-Relay System. IEEE Transactions on
Communications, 62(5), 1604-1620. <a
30814.130621">[More Information]</a>
Mao, G., Lin, Z., Zhang, W. (2013). A Capacity
Upper Bound for Large Wireless Networks with
Generally Distributed Nodes. GLOBECOM 2013
- 2013 IEEE Global Communications
Conference, Piscataway, NJ, USA: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
6831095">[More Information]</a>
Li, Y., Lin, Z., Li, J., Vucetic, B. (2013). A soft
information delivery scheme in two-way relay
channels with network coding. 24th Annual
IEEE International Symposium on Personal,
Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications,
Piscataway, New Jersey, United States of
America: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
66112">[More Information]</a>
Li, J., Xu, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B. (2013).
Achievable rate for a multi-source relaying
system. 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications
and Networking Conference (WCNC),
Piscataway, NJ: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers. <a
54987">[More Information]</a>
Xiao, P., Lin, Z., Wu, Y., Schneider, C. (2013).
Application of WLF to OFDMA MU-MIMO
Systems I: Frequency-Domain Equalization. The
10th International Symposium on Wireless
Communication Systems (ISWCS) 2013, Berlin,
Germany: VDE.
Lin, Z., Xiao, P., Wu, Y., Schneider, C. (2013).
Application of WLF to OFDMA MU-MIMO
Systems II: Frequency-Domain Packet
Scheduling. The 10th International Symposium
on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS)
2013, Berlin, Germany: VDE.
Li, J., Chen, W., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B. (2013).
Design of Physical Layer Network Coded LDPC
Code for a Multiple-Access Relaying System.
IEEE Communications Letters, 17(4), 749-752.
21913.122843">[More Information]</a>
Pang, K., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B. (2013).
Distributed Network-Channel Codes Design with
Short Cycles Removal. IEEE Wireless
Communications Letters, 2(1), 62-65. <a
Publications for Zihuai Lin
12.120626">[More Information]</a>
90513.120913">[More Information]</a>
Ma, L., Lin, Z., Zhang, Z., Mao, G., Vucetic, B.
(2013). Improving reliability in lossy wireless
networks using network coding. 2013 IEEE
International Conference on Communications
Workshops, Piscataway, United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
9250">[More Information]</a>
Wu, Y., Shum, K., Lin, Z., Wong, W., Shen, L.
(2013). Protocol sequences for mobile ad hoc
networks. 2013 IEEE International Conference
on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
68">[More Information]</a>
Chen, Y., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B., Cai, J. (2013).
Inter-cell Interference Management for
Heterogenous Networks based on Belief
Propagation Algorithms. 2013 IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference
(WCNC), Piscataway, NJ: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
54710">[More Information]</a>
Xiao, P., Lin, Z., Wu, Y. (2013). Mutual
Information Based Packet Scheduling
for Linearly Precoded Multiuser MIMO Systems.
19th European Wireless Conference 2013,
Berlin, Germany: VDE.
Ma, Y., Huang, T., Li, J., Yuan, J., Lin, Z.,
Vucetic, B. (2013). Novel Nested Convolutional
Lattice Codes for
Multi-Way Relaying Systems over Fading
Channels. 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications
and Networking Conference (WCNC),
Piscataway, NJ: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers. <a
54983">[More Information]</a>
Li, J., Karim, M., Yuan, J., Chen, Z., Lin, Z.,
Vucetic, B. (2013). Novel Soft Information
Forwarding Protocols in Two-Way Relay
Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology, 62(5), 2374-2381. <a
03">[More Information]</a>
Li, J., Lin, Z., Xu, J., Vucetic, B. (2013). On The
Physical Layer Network Coded LDPC
Codes for A Multiple-Access Relaying System.
2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and
Networking Conference (WCNC), Piscataway,
NJ: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
55029">[More Information]</a>
Yue, J., Lin, Z., Vucetic, B., Mao, G., Aulin, T.
(2013). Performance Analysis of Distributed
Raptor Codes in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61(10),
4357-4368. <a
Ma, L., Lin, Z., Zhang, Z., Mao, G., Vucetic, B.
(2013). Reliability of All-to-all Broadcast with
Network Coding. GLOBECOM 2013 - 2013
IEEE Global Communications Conference,
Piscataway, NJ, USA: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
6831367">[More Information]</a>
Mao, G., Lin, Z., Ge, X., Yang, Y. (2013).
Towards a Simple Relationship to Estimate the
Capacity of Static and Mobile Wireless
Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, 12(8), 3883-3895. <a
13.121276">[More Information]</a>
Yue, J., Lin, Z., Li, J., Bai, B., Vucetic, B.
(2013). Unequal error protection distributed
network-channel coding based on LT codes for
wireless sensor networks. 2013 IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference
(WCNC), Piscataway, NJ: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
54782">[More Information]</a>
Yue, J., Pang, K., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Bai, B.,
Vucetic, B. (2012). Design and Performance
Analysis of Distributed Network-Channel Codes
for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Global
Communications Conference
(GLOBECOM2012), Piscataway: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
6503768">[More Information]</a>
Pang, K., Lin, Z., Uchoa-Filho, B., Vucetic, B.
(2012). Distributed Network Coding for Wireless
Sensor Networks Based on Rateless LT Codes.
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 1(6),
561-564. <a
12.120465">[More Information]</a>
Xiao, P., Lin, Z., Mao, J. (2012). MIMO
Transmit Diversity: Theoretical Analyses and
Practical Applications. In Khoa N Le (Eds.),
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
with Diversity for Future Wireless Systems, (pp.
163-218). Sharjah, U.A.E: Bentham Science
Publications for Zihuai Lin
Mao, J., Lin, Z., Xiao, P. (2012). Mobile
WiMAX MIMO Beamforming Algorithms and
Simulations. In Khoa N Le (Eds.), Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing with Diversity
for Future Wireless Systems, (pp. 436-489).
Sharjah, U.A.E: Bentham Science Publishers.
Ma, Y., Lin, Z., Chen, H., Vucetic, B. (2012).
Multiple Interpretations for Multi-source
Multi-destination Wireless Relay Network
Coded Systems. 2012 IEEE 23rd International
Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications - (PIMRC), Piscataway,
NJ: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. <a
62730">[More Information]</a>
Pang, K., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B. (2011).
Design of Distributed Network-Channel Codes
for Wireless Sensor Networks. 2011 IEEE
International Conference on Communications
(ICC) ICC 2011, Piscataway, USA: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
9">[More Information]</a>
Xiao, P., Lin, Z., Fagan, A., Cowan, C., Vucetic,
B., Wu, Y. (2011). Frequency-domain
equalization for OFDMA-based
multiuser MIMO systems with improper
modulation schemes. Eurasip Journal on
Advances in Signal Processing, 2011 (73), 1-8.
-73">[More Information]</a>
Joint Network-Channel Code Design for Real
Wireless Relay Networks. 6th International
Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative
Information Processing, USA: (IEEE) Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Lin, Z., Xiao, P., Vucetic, B., Cowan, C. (2010).
Multiuser Scheduler and FDE Design for
SC-FDMA MIMO Systems. 2010 IEEE
International Conference on Communications,
USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Pang, K., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B. (2010).
Performance Evaluation of Joint
Network-Channel Coding under A Real Network
Topology Model. 2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular
Technology Conference, Piscataway: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Xiao, P., Lin, Z., Wu, Y., Cowan, C. (2010).
Suboptimal and Optimal MIMO-OFDM Iterative
Detection Schemes. 2010 IEEE Global
Telecommunications Conference, USA: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Lin, Z., Vucetic, B. (2009). Analytical upper
bounds for convolutional coded CPM over rings.
IEEE Communications Letters, 13(6), 372-374.
90106">[More Information]</a>
Lin, Z., Vucetic, B. (2009). Performance analysis
for convolutional coded CPM over rings. IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8(9),
4848-4854. <a
11">[More Information]</a>
Xiao, P., Lin, Z., Cowan, C. (2010). Analysis of
Channel Capacity for LTE Downlink Multiuser
MIMO Systems. 2010 IEEE 72nd Vehicular
Technology Conference, Piscataway: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Lin, Z., Xiao, P., Vucetic, B. (2009). SINR
distribution for LTE downlink multiuser MIMO
systems. IEEE International Conference on
Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing ICASSP
2009, Piscataway, USA: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
60213">[More Information]</a>
Lin, Z., Xiao, P., Vucetic, B., Sellathurai, M.
(2010). Analysis of receiver algorithms for LTE
SC-FDMA based uplink MIMO systems. IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, 9(1),
60-65. <a
90199">[More Information]</a>
Lin, Z., Vucetic, B. (2009). Spatial frequency
scheduling for long term evolution single carrier
frequency division multiple access-based uplink
multiple-input multiple-output systems. IET
Communications, 3(7), 1163-1169. <a
22">[More Information]</a>
Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B. (2010). Distributed
Network Channel Coding for Multiple Access
Relay Interference Channels. 2010 IEEE 71st
Vehicular Technology Conference, Piscataway:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Lin, Z., Xiao, P., Sorenson, T., Vucetic, B.
(2009). Spatial frequency scheduling for uplink
SC-FDMA based linearly precoded multiuser
MIMO systems. European Transactions on
Telecommunications, 21(3), 213-223. <a
Pang, K., Lin, Z., Li, Y., Vucetic, B. (2010).
Publications for Zihuai Lin
Lin, Z., Vucetic, B., Mao, J. (2008). Ergodic
Capacity of LTE Downlink Multiuser MIMO
Systems. 2008 IEEE International Conference
on Communications (ICC), New Jersey, NY:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2008). Joint Source and
Channel Coding using Punctured Ring
Convolutional Coded CPM. IEEE Transactions
on Communications, 56(5), 712-723. <a
60138">[More Information]</a>
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2008). On Combined Ring
Convolutional Coded Quantisation and CPM for
Joint source/Channel Coding. European
Transactions on Telecommunications, 19(4),
443-453. <a
Lin, Z., Vucetic, B. (2008). Power and Rate
Adaptation for Wireless Network Coding with
Opportunistic Scheduling. 2008 IEEE
International Symposium on Information Theory
(ISIT 2008), Toronto, Ontario, Canada: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Lin, Z. (2008). Ring Convolutional Coded CPM
for Joint Source/Channel Coding. 2008 IEEE
International Conference on Communications
(ICC), New Jersey, NY: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Figueiredo, D., Lin, Z., Sorensen, T. (2007).
Average Error Probability of MIMO Diversity
Systems in the Presence of Multiple Interferers.
4th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless
Communication Systems 2007 (ISWCS 2007),
USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Lin, Z., Sorensen, T., Mogensen, P. (2007).
Downlink SINR distribution of linearly precoded
multiuser MIMO systems. IEEE
Communications Letters, 11(11), 850-852.
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2007). On Joint Source and
Channel Coding Using Trellis Coded CPM:
Analytical Bounds on the Channel Distortion.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
53(9), 3081-3094.
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2005). A Power and
Bandwidth Efficient Joint Source and Channel
Coding Scheme. 2005 IEEE International
Conference on Communications ICC 2005,
United States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2005). An Iterative Approach
to Joint Source-Channel Decoding of Combined
TCQ/CPM. 2005 IEEE International Conference
on Communications ICC 2005, United States:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2005). Iterative Decoding for
Joint Source-Channel Coding Using Combined
TCQ/CPM. 2005 IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference
WCNC 2005, United States: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2005). Joint Source and
Channel Coding using Ring Convolutional coded
CPM. 2005 IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory ISIT 2005, United States:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2005). Joint Source and
Channel Coding using Trellis Coded CPM: Soft
Decoding. IEEE Data Compression Conference
(DCC) 2005, USA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers.
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2005). Joint Source-Channel
Coding Using Combined TCQ/CPM. 5th
International ITG Conference on Source and
Channel Coding (SCC), Germany: Margret
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2005). Joint Source-Channel
Coding Using Combined TCQ/CPM: Iterative
Decoding. IEEE Transactions on
Communications, 53(12), 1991-1995.
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2005). Upper Bounds On the
Channel Distortion of Combined TCQ/CPM
Systems. 2005 IEEE International Conference
on Communications ICC 2005, United States:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2003). New Lower Bounds on
the Symbol Error Probability for MLSD of CPM
Signals on the AWGN Channel. IEE
Proceedings - Communications, 150(5),
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2005). A New Trellis Source
Encoding Method and its Application on Joint
Source and Channel Coding. IEEE ITSOC
Information Theory Workshop 2005 on Coding
and Complexity ITW2005, United States: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Lin, Z., Aulin, T. (2003). Symbol Error
Probability Bounds for CPM Signaling over
AWGN Channels. IEEE International
Conference on Communications ICC 2003, USA:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics
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