Medieval Europe: Group Presentation Rubric Category Content 4 Presentation includes many specific details along with many supports from the research about how the institution contributed to the Middle Ages. Group selects an appropriate multimedia tool to enhance their presentation through a variety of print, image, audio and video. Makes thoughtful choices about font, color, graphics and effects to enhance rather than distract from the presentation. There is an appropriate method of development, pacing, transitions and closure to assist audience comprehension. 3 Presentation includes details about how the institution contributed to the Middle Ages. Few supports from the research are used. Group selects an appropriate multimedia tool to enhance their presentation through a variety of print, image, audio and video. Makes appropriate choices about font, color, graphics and effects to enhance the presentation. 2 Limited information is given in the presentations about how the institution contributed to the Middle Ages. 1 Presentation is limited and no information is given on how the institution contributed to the Middle Ages. Group selects a multimedia tool and includes a variety of print, image, audio and video. Font, color, graphics or effects may distract from the presentation. Group selects multimedia tool for presentation but may not include a variety of print, image, audio and video. Font, color, graphics or effects distract rather than enhance the presentation. There is an appropriate method of development, pacing, transitions and closure. Method of development, pacing, transitions or closure are unclear or missing. Collaboration Group effectively delegates tasks, manages time efficiently, and contributes equally. Group delegates tasks, manages time efficiently, and contributes equally. Mechanics and Ethics Final product looks professional, demonstrating careful attention to revision. All content is cited appropriately according to teacher instruction. Final product looks professional demonstrating attention to revision. All content is cited appropriately according to teacher instruction. There may be lapses in development, pacing, transitions or closure which distracts audience comprehension. Group may not have delegated tasks well, managed time efficiently, or contributed equally. Final product demonstrates some attention to revision. Content is cited appropriately but may have lapses. Design Organization Teacher Comments Group did not delegate tasks, manage time efficiently, or contributes equally. Final product demonstrates little attention to revision. Content is not cited appropriately.