1 2 3 4 5 1. The Question Marketing and advertising constantly influence the choices we make as consumers. Each time you buy something you are acting upon a variety of factors that influence your purchase. Some of these factors may influence you in subtle ways. How do gimmicks and hype influence spending decisions? Created by Fran Glick BCPS Research Module or Slam Dunk Model, Copyright 2005, Baltimore County Public Schools, MD, all rights reserved. The models may be used for educational, non-profit school use only. All other uses, transmissions, and duplications are prohibited unless permission is granted expressly. This lesson is based on Jamie McKensie’s Slam Dunk Lesson module available at http://questioning.org/module2/quick.html. 6 Next 1 2. Information Sources Visit the website below and read to find out about the factors that go into influencing your spending choices. As you read, use the organizer on the next slide to take notes on what you have learned. Be prepared to be surprised! Are You Bamboozled by Advertising? 2 3 4 5 6 Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next 3. The Student Activity Use the organizer to the right to collect data on the impact of advertising on your spending choices. Take notes on each section so that you can share your new knowledge and understanding in the next section of this activity. Advertising Tricks Are Sales Always Bargains? Buy One Get One Free? What About Asterisks? Why is fine print important? What about image sell? What about claims? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next 4. The Assessment Activity Were you surprised? Did you learn things you did not know? Have you learned things that will influence your behavior in the future? Many teens would benefit from an understanding of what you have learned. Create an informational brochure or a video commercial that will summarize what you have learned and will help you share your understanding with others. Your brochure can be made by hand or you can use Microsoft Publisher to create it. For tips on using Publisher click here. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next 5. Enrichment Activities If you would like to learn more about this topic and other elements of media and its influence. The following are excellent sites about the influence of marketing practices. • The Merchants of Cool • The Persuaders • Buying Smart 1 2 3 4 5 6. Teacher Support Materials Lesson Focus/Objective: Define and identify the effects of advertising and marketing practices on consumer choices. Maryland Family and Consumer Sciences VSCDRAFT, 2004. FCSNS 3.5.3- Examine features, prices, product information, styles and performance of consumer goods. FCSNS 3.5.7;3.5.8- Educate an audience to help them make an informed choice related to the selection of goods, services, and products. Differentiation: Provide copy of all text with information needed for lesson highlighted. Review glossary skills Some of the Graphic Organizer may need to be completed. (word box would assist students in completion) Allow students to rate with only agree or disagree. Time Management Strategies: One 45minute class periods are recommended—for reading the article and taking notes and the brochure can be completed for a home assignment.. 6