Request by Curriculum Office for Content to Be Uploaded to Safari Montage Make sure that the digital content complies with the following Baltimore County Public School policies and rules: o Telecommunications Policy 6202 and Rule 6202; Telecommunications Policy 4006 and Rule 4006. It is critical that you affirm that NO child’s likeness (voice, image, name) appears in the digital content IF the parent/guardian opted that their child not appear in BCPS publications and communications. o Copyright as identified in the Baltimore County Public Schools Copyright and Intellectual Property Rule 1120 It is critical that you affirm that NO child’s intellectual property appears in the digital content IF the parent/guardian opted that their child’s intellectual property not appear in BCPS publications and communications. In addition, permission to use intellectual property must be obtained when content is gathered from other sources such as YouTube, TeacherTube, website, etc. See required Copyright Permission Request form. o Selection criteria as outlined in the Selection of Instructional Materials Rule 6002, e.g., accurate and current in terms of content; representative of the pluralistic nature and diversity of a global society; free of bias and stereotype; representative of differing viewpoints and perspectives on controversial subjects. Check to make sure that the file you want uploaded is a valid file format. If it is, simply type the file format in the text box below. If it is not, please convert the file first using the directions, Converting Flipcam Files. Valid File Formats: Video: MOV, MP4, WMV, FLV, MPG Audio: MP3 Image: JPG, BMP, GIF Interactive: SWF Document: TXT, RTF, PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, ODT, SDW, ODS, SDC, ODG, ODF, SDD, SDP, ODP, .PAGE, .KEY, .NUMBERS Whiteboard: FLP, FLIPCHART, AS3A, .XBK, .NOTEBOOK e-texts: .LIT and .EPUB Create a folder containing the digital asset file and any related documents you would like uploaded with it (teacher guide, quiz, etc.) Save this folder to a Flash drive or CD. Submit content (on Flash drive or CD) with this Request form to BCPS Office of Library Information Services, attention Donna Gruzs. Each digital asset must be accompanied by a Request form. 1. Name of curriculum writer submitting digital content: 2. Date submitted: 3. Name the digital content using the file naming protocol with no caps or spaces. This is important in order to easily identify content for uploading and managing files. Once you have established the file name, copy and paste it into the file name text box below. (NOTE: This should be the name of the file as it appears on the flash drive or CD) File name: Use this file-naming protocol: subject_gr#_unit_activity#_assetletter Examples: science_gr5_weathertheweather_1.a.1_a science_gr5_weathertheweather_1.a.1_b 4. Create a meaningful title (less than 60 characters) for the content to be uploaded, because every word in the title is searchable. Copy the title into the Title text box below: Title: 5. Grade Level or Range to 6. Copyright Date or Production Date 7. Write a brief description of the content that you are submitting in the text box below. Be sure to include the subject area, grade level, unit and activity number (where applicable), and key words which will allow other users to search for your digital content efficiently. You are limited to 1,000 characters. Example: Your Description: Watch third grade students at Vincent Farm Elementary hold a grand conversation about the picture book, In My Momma’s Kitchen. The vignette illustrates the characteristics of an effective grand conversation, i.e., purposeful in that they facilitate literature knowledge and skills acquisition, while reinforcing the beliefs of community in the classroom. The video can be used as a stand alone professional development, like in a lesson study, or as part of a larger initiative on comprehension. Key words: comprehension, grand conversation, teachers, professional development, third grade, reading/language arts Type your description here. 8. Enable content for HOME access. When this is enabled, teachers, students, and their families will have remote access to the content using the BCPS student assigned user name and password (internal used for login to school computers, etc.). In other words, if you do NOT want students and their families to view the uploaded content, do NOT enable HOME access. Yes No 9. Enable users (staff and students) to download content and save to computer or other devices. Yes No 10. Copy and paste the appropriate MD State Curriculum Standards, Indicator, Objective Standard: Indicator: Objective: