HYDROSTATIC TEST AND STRESS ANALYSIS ON SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER Deepak Sharma B Tech , Punjab Technical University , India 2007 PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO SUMMER 2011 HYDROSTATIC TEST AND STRESS ANALYSIS ON SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER A Project by Deepak Sharma Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Akihiko Kumagai, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: Deepak Sharma I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the Project. __________________________, Department Chair Susan L. Holl, Ph.D Department of Mechanical Engineering iii ________________ Date Abstract of THE HYDROSTATIC TEST AND THE STRESS ANALYSIS ON SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER by Deepak Sharma The hydrostatic test is performed on a computer model of a heat exchanger to see if there is any leakage in the heat exchanger. This test is performed on different parts separately based on the calculations specified in the book of ASME SEC VIII DIV-1 2007 ED. Maximum allowable pressure (MAWP) for different parts is determined and then is multiplied by a factor of 1.3. The test is then performed on different parts based on those values continuously for 30 minutes. This test easily tells where the leakage is which usually occurs in the joints which are welded. This test is performed along with FEA before installing the heat exchanger. Once the CAD model is developed, FEA is done to analyze the design thus saving money and time by reducing number of prototypes. Through FEA we can optimize the size so as to reduce the weight of heat exchanger. Through FEA we take a look at the entire design and understands how load is transferred between parts and also where critical areas of design are located. Thus we can test a design before actually building it, therefore saving the time and cost. _______________________, Committee Chair Akihiko Kumagai, Ph.D. _______________________ Date iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is my distinct honor and proud privilege to acknowledge with gratitude to keen interest taken by Professor Akihiko Kumagai, his ever-inspiring suggestions; constant supervision and encouragement that made it possible to pursue and complete this project efficiently. Here I also thank to the department of Mechanical Engineering and Department Chair Professor Susan L. Holl who always guide me on proper way. Finally I thank all the people who extended their support directly or indirectly to make this project a complete success. In addition, it is a great pleasure to acknowledge the help of many individuals without whom this project would not have been possible. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................... v List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. ix List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. xi 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1 2. HYDROSTATIC TEST ............................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Test pressure determination for Tube side chamber .............................................................. 4 2.2 Test pressure determination for Shell side chamber .............................................................. 5 2.3 Determination of MAWP for Front Channel ......................................................................... 7 2.4 Determination of MAWP for Shell........................................................................................ 8 2.5 Determination of MAWP for Front Head ............................................................................ 10 2.6 Determination of MAWP for Straight Flange on Front Head ............................................. 11 2.7 Determination of MAWP for Straight Flange on Rear Head .............................................. 12 2.8 Determination of MAWP for Rear Head ............................................................................. 13 2.9 Tube Side Nozzle (N1) ....................................................................................................... 14 2.10 Shell side inlet Nozzle (N10)............................................................................................. 17 2.11 Shell side inlet Nozzle (N11)............................................................................................. 19 2.12 Shell side outlet Nozzle (N12)........................................................................................... 20 vi 2.13 Shell side outlet Nozzle (N13)........................................................................................... 23 2.14 Shell side outlet Nozzle (N14)........................................................................................... 24 2.15 Tube side inlet Nozzle (N2)............................................................................................... 26 2.16 Tube side inlet Nozzle (N3)............................................................................................... 27 2.17 Tube side outlet Nozzle (N4)............................................................................................. 29 2.18 Tube side outlet Nozzle (N5)............................................................................................. 32 2.19 Tube side outlet Nozzle (N6)............................................................................................. 33 2.20 Shell side inlet Nozzle (N9)............................................................................................... 35 2.21 Shell Side Flange ............................................................................................................... 39 2.22 Shell Side Flange (front) - Flange hub .............................................................................. 43 2.23 Saddle ................................................................................................................................ 45 2.24 Pass Partition Plate ............................................................................................................ 52 2.25 Tubes ................................................................................................................................. 53 3. STRESS ANALYSIS................................................................................................................. 56 3.1 Description of FEA on nozzle ............................................................................................. 56 3.2 Description of FEA on saddle ............................................................................................. 62 4. RESULTS .................................................................................................................................. 68 4.1 Pressure summary for tube and shell ................................................................................... 68 4.2 Thickness on different parts of heat exchanger ................................................................... 69 vii 4.3 Weight of heat exchanger .................................................................................................... 70 4.4 Baffle ................................................................................................................................... 71 4.5 Study results of nozzle......................................................................................................... 72 4.6 Study results of saddle ......................................................................................................... 73 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................... 74 5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 74 5.2 Future scope of work ........................................................................................................... 74 References ...................................................................................................................................... 75 viii LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Table 2.1 Pressure on Tube side ......................................................................................... 4 2. Table 2.2 Pressure on Shell side ......................................................................................... 5 3. Table 3.1 Study properties of nozzle ................................................................................ 57 4. Table 3.2 Units.................................................................................................................. 57 5. Table 3.3 Material properties ............................................................................................ 58 6. Table 3.4 Structural Properties ......................................................................................... 58 7. Table 3.5 Load on nozzle .................................................................................................. 59 8. Table 3.6 Mesh information.............................................................................................. 59 9. Table 3.7 Study properties ................................................................................................ 62 10. Table 3.8 Units.................................................................................................................. 63 11. Table 3.9 Material Properties............................................................................................ 63 12. Table 3.10 Structural Properties ....................................................................................... 64 13. Table 3.11 Load ................................................................................................................ 64 14. Table 3.12 Mesh Properties……………………………………………………………...65 15. Table 4.1 Pressure Summary for tube side ....................................................................... 68 16. Table 4.2 Pressure Summary for Shell Side ..................................................................... 69 17. Table 4.3 Thickness Summary.......................................................................................... 69 18. Table 4.4 Weight Summary of vessel ............................................................................... 70 19. Table 4.5 Weight Summary of attachments ...................................................................... 70 20. Table 4.6 Baffle Summary ................................................................................................ 71 21. Table 4.7 Summary of FEA on nozzle.............................................................................. 72 ix 22. Table 4.8 Summary of FEA on Saddle ............................................................................. 73 x LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Figure 2.1 Tube Side Inlet 1 ............................................................................................. 14 2. Figure 2.2 Shell side Inlet N10 ......................................................................................... 17 3. Figure 2.3 Shell side inlet N11 ......................................................................................... 19 4. Figure 2.4 Shell side outlet N12 ....................................................................................... 20 5. Figure 2.5 Shell side outlet N13 ....................................................................................... 23 6. Figure 2.6 Shell side Outlet N14....................................................................................... 24 7. Figure 2.7 Tube side inlet N2 ........................................................................................... 26 8. Figure 2.8 Tube side inlet N3 ........................................................................................... 27 9. Figure 2.9 Tube side outlet N4 ......................................................................................... 29 10. Figure 2.10 Tube side outlet N5 ....................................................................................... 32 11. Figure 2.11 Tube side outlet N6 ....................................................................................... 33 12. Figure 2.12 Shell side inlet N9 ......................................................................................... 35 13. Figure 2.13 Detail view of shell and tube heat exchanger ................................................ 38 14. Figure 2.14 Shell side flange ............................................................................................ 39 15. Figure 2.15 Closed view of shell and tube heat exchanger ............................................... 55 16. Figure 3.1 Stress in nozzle during FEA ............................................................................ 60 17. Figure 3.2 Displacement in nozzle during FEA................................................................ 61 18. Figure 3.3 Stress on Saddle during FEA ........................................................................... 66 19. Figure 3.4 Displacement in Saddle during FEA ............................................................... 66 xi 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION A heat exchanger is a device in which heat is transferred from one fluid to another. The most commonly type used heat exchanger is shell and tube heat exchanger. One fluid runs inside the tubes and the other one runs over it and thus heat is transferred from one fluid to another. These types of heat exchangers are mostly used in oil refineries, refrigeration, power generation etc. The main purpose in the heat exchanger design is to determine the overall cost of heat exchanger. The shell and tube heat exchanger was introduced in 1900s to meet the ever increasing demand of the industry. During the course of the time it proved to be the best type of heat exchanger used in the industry. Lots of improvements were done and various progresses has been made especially in the calculation of true mean temperature difference in the tubes. The objective of the project here is to design a shell and tube heat exchanger using the given values which were calculated using specified pressure drops. So in this project I have continued that work and designed the heat exchanger. Then certain tests are performed that is the hydrostatic test and stress analysis. These tests are performed before the installation of heat exchanger thus helping in reducing the time and money. Hydrostatic test is performed to check the leakage in the system. It involves more calculations and some new factors like nozzle schedule etc are used which are commonly used in the modern industries. Stress analysis or finite element analysis is performed to determine the strength of the material involved in the heat exchanger. The first chapter deals with the brief introduction of the heat exchanger. The second chapter deals with the hydrostatic test. In this chapter various calculations have been made taking 2 each part separately. In the third chapter stress analysis on the saddle is done keeping in mind given load conditions. The fourth chapter deals with stress analysis on the nozzle showing various displacement that occur on it when the given load is applied on it. 3 Chapter 2 HYDROSTATIC TEST To start with first we have to decide the NPS (nominal pipe size). NPS is a set of standard pipe sizes used for low or high pressure and temperature. It was set up by American Standards Association in 1927.Pipe size is specified according to two variables NPS for diameter Schedule for wall thickness Now for the given schedule, the wall thickness remains the same but the outside diameter of the pipe increases. And for the given NPS , the outside diameter remains the same but the wall thickness increases with the schedule. The pipe outside diameter and wall thickness is obtained according to the NPS and schedule of the pipe. Based on this theory the nozzle summary, pressure summary, thickness summary is calculated. A hydrostatic test is a test in which leaks are found in the pipelines of the pressure vessel such as heat exchanger. Hydro testing of pipes are done to ensure there is no leaks and to expose defective materials such as corrosive materials which are not visible to the naked eye. Hydrostatic test is very important to ensure the proper functioning of the heat exchanger under the industrial conditions. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) requires hydrostatic test to ensure that the heat exchanger is intact and all the parts are tight enough to withstand the high pressure and temperature. According to the ASME the test should be performed at 1.3 times the MAWP(maximum allowable working pressure). According to ASME the test should be performed at higher pressure but mostly tests are performed at 1.3 times the MAWP. The test is 4 performed for 30 minutes to ensure there is no leakage. The test is performed on tubes and shell sides separately in such a way that leaks can be determined easily. After the test is over, inspection is done to ensure there is no leakage in any part of the heat exchanger. This inspection is done at a pressure equal to test pressure divided by1.3. hydrostatic test is performed every 2 years for high pressure heat exchanger and every 5 years for low pressure heat exchanger. Calculations 2.1 Test pressure determination for Tube side chamber Shop hydrostatic test gauge pressure is 845 psi at 70 °F (the chamber MAWP = 650 psi) The shop test is performed with the vessel in the horizontal position. Table 2.1 Pressure on Tube side Local test Test liquid UG-99 UG-99 Stress during Allowable pres(psi) static head stress pressure psi ratio factor Front Head 846.358 1.358 1 1.30 Straight (1) Front Flange on Tubes Channel Front Head Front 846.358 1.358 1 846.358 1.358 846.272 TS Inlet Tubesheet TS Inlet (N1) TS Inlet Aux1 (N2) TS Outlet Aux2 (N3) TS Outlet (N4) TS Outlet Aux1 (N5) Identifier Aux2 (N6) test psi test stress Stress psi excessive? 18,891 34,200 No 1.30 21,410 34,200 No 1 1.30 21,410 34,200 No 1.272 1 1.30 3,707 23,400 No 846.358 1.358 1 1.30 846.597 1.597 1 1.30 23,719 48,600 No 846.428 1.428 1 1.30 3,764 48,600 No 846.428 1.428 1 1.30 3,764 48,600 No 845.217 0.217 1 1.30 23,681 48,600 No 845.196 0.196 1 1.30 3,758 48,600 No 845.196 0.196 1 1.30 3,758 48,600 No See tubesheet report 5 Notes: Front Head limits the UG-99 stress ratio. PL stresses at nozzle openings have been estimated using the method described in PVP-Vol. 399, pages 77-82. (3) VIII-2, AD-151.1(b) used as the basis for nozzle allowable test stress. The zero degree angular position is assumed to be up, and the test liquid height is assumed to the top-most flange. The test temperature of 70 °F is warmer than the minimum recommended temperature of 10 °F so the brittle fracture provision of UG-99(h) has been met. 2.2 Test pressure determination for Shell side chamber Hydrostatic test gauge pressure is 845 psi at 70 °F (the chamber MAWP = 650 psi) The shop test is performed with the vessel in the horizontal position. Table 2.2 Pressure on Shell side Identifier Local test Test UG-99 UG-99 Stress Allowa pressure liquid stress pressure during test ble test Stress psi static ratio factor psi stress excess head Shell (1) Straight Flange on Rear Head Rear Head 846.358 846.362 846.362 1.358 psi 1.362 1.362 psi 1 1 1 1.30 1.30 1.30 21,410 25,950 23,360 34,200 34,200 34,200 ive? N N o N o o 6 Tubes 846.272 1.272 N/A 1.30 Front 846.358 1.358 1 1.30 Shell Side Tubesheet 846.358 1.358 1 1.30 42,6 51,300 No SS Inlet Flange (front) 845.217 0.217 1 1.30 82 23,6 48,600 No SS Inlet 845.196 0.196 1 1.30 81 3,75 48,600 No SS Inlet Aux1 (N10) 845.196 0.196 1 1.30 8 3,75 48,600 No Aux2 (N11) SS Outlet 846.597 1.597 1 1.30 8 23,7 48,600 No (N12) SS Outlet 846.428 1.428 1 1.30 19 3,76 48,600 No Aux1 (N13) SS Outlet 846.428 1.428 1 1.30 4 3,76 48,600 No (N9) Aux2 (N14) NI NI NI See tubesheet report 4 Notes: Shell limits the UG-99 stress ratio. NI indicates that test stress was not investigated. PL stresses at nozzle openings have been estimated using the method described in PVP-Vol. 399, pages 77-82. (4) VIII-2, AD-151.1(b) used as the basis for nozzle allowable test stress. The zero degree angular position is assumed to be up, and the test liquid height is assumed to the top-most flange. The test temperature of 70 °F is warmer than the minimum recommended temperature of 10 °F so the brittle fracture provision of UG-99(h) has been met. 7 2.3 Determination of MAWP for Front Channel Component: Cylinder Material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 22) Material is impact test exempt per UG-20(f) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0.625 in Internal design pressure: P = 650 psi @ 400°F Static liquid head: Pth = 1.3582 psi (SG=1.0000, Hs=37.6250", Horizontal test head) Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0.0000" Outer C = 0.0000" Design MDMT = -20.00°F No impact test performed Rated MDMT = -20.00°F Material is not normalized Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice PWHT is not performed Radiography: Longitudinal joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1 Left circumferential joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1 Right circumferential joint - Full UW-11(a) ype 1 Estimated weight: New = 421.7529 lb corr = 421.7529 lb Capacity: New = 78.4174 gal ID = 31.0000" Length Lc = 24.0000" t = 0.6250" corr = 78.4174 gal 8 Design thickness, (at 400.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) t = P*R/(S*E - 0.60*P) + Corrosion = 650.00*15.5000/(20000*1.00 - 0.60*650.00) + 0.0000 = 0.5138" (2.1) Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 400.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) – Ps = 20000*1.00*0.6250 / (15.5000 + 0.60*0.6250) - 0.0000 = 787.4016 psi (2.2) Maximum allowable pressure, (at 70.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) = 20000*1.00*0.6250 / (15.5000 + 0.60*0.6250) = 787.4016 psi (2.3) % Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d) = (50 * t / Rf) * (1 - Rf / Ro) = (50 * 0.6250 / 15.8125) * (1 - 15.8125 / ∞) = 1.9763 % (2.4) 2.4 Determination of MAWP for Shell Component: Cylinder Material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 22) Material is impact test exempt per UG-20(f) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0.625 in Internal design pressure: P = 650 psi @ 400°F 9 Static liquid head: Pth = 1.3582 psi (SG=1.0000, Hs=37.6250", Horizontal test head) Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0.0000" Outer C = 0.0000" Design MDMT = -20.00°F Rated MDMT = -20.00°F No impact test performed Material is not normalized Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice PWHT is not performed Radiography: Longitudinal joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1 Left circumferential joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1 Right circumferential joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1 Estimated weight: New = 1687.0117 lb corr = 1687.0117 lb Capacity: New = 223.4131 gal corr = 223.4131 gal ID = 31.0000" Length Lc = 96.0000" t = 0.6250" Design thickness, (at 400.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) t = P*R/(S*E - 0.60*P) + Corrosion = 650.00*15.5000/(20000*1.00 - 0.60*650.00) + 0.0000 = 0.5138" (2.5) 10 Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 400.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) - Ps = 20000*1.00*0.6250 / (15.5000 + 0.60*0.6250) - 0.0000 = 787.4016 psi (2.6) Maximum allowable pressure, (at 70.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) = 20000*1.00*0.6250 / (15.5000 + 0.60*0.6250) = 787.4016 psi (2.7) % Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d) = (50 * t / Rf) * (1 - Rf / Ro) = (50 * 0.6250 / 15.8125) * (1 - 15.8125 / ∞) = 1.9763 % (2.8) 2.5 Determination of MAWP for Front Head Component: Ellipsoidal Head Material Specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p.18, ln. 22) Straight Flange governs MDMT Internal design pressure: P = 650 psi @ 400 °F Static liquid head: Ps= 0 psi (SG=1, Hs=0" Operating head) Pth= 1.3582 psi (SG=1, Hs=37.625" Horizontal test head) Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0" Design MDMT = -20°F No impact test performed Outer C = 0" 11 Rated MDMT = -20°F Material is not normalized Material is not produced to fine grain practice PWHT is not performed Do not Optimize MDMT / Find MAWP Result Summary The governing factor is internal pressure Minimum thickness = 0.0625” + 0” = 0.0625” Design thickness due to internal pressure = 0.5054” Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) = 803.21 psi Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) = 803.21 psi The head internal pressure design thickness is 0.5054". % Extreme fiber elongation = (75*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro) = (75*0.625 / 5.5825)*(1 - 5.5825 / ∞) = 8.3968% (2.9) The extreme fiber elongation exceeds 5 percent. Heat treatment may be required. 2.6 Determination of MAWP for Straight Flange on Front Head Design thickness, (at 400.00°F) t = P*R/(S*E - 0.60*P) + Corrosion = 650.00*15.5000/(20000*1.00 - 0.60*650.00) + 0.0000 = 0.5138" (2.10) 12 Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 400.00°F) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) - Ps = 20000*1.00*0.6250 / (15.5000 + 0.60*0.6250) - 0.0000 = 787.4016 psi (2.11) Maximum allowable pressure, (at 70.00°F) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) = 20000*1.00*0.6250 / (15.5000 + 0.60*0.6250) = 787.4016 psi (2.12) % Extreme fiber elongation = (50 * t / Rf) * (1 - Rf / Ro) = (50 * 0.6250 / 15.8125) * (1 - 15.8125 / ∞) = 1.9763 % (2.13) 2.7 Determination of MAWP for Straight Flange on Rear Head Design thickness, (at 400.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) t = P*R/(S*E - 0.60*P) + Corrosion = 650.00*15.6158/(20000*1.00 - 0.60*650.00) + 0.0000 = 0.5177" (2.14) Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 400.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) – Ps = 20000*1.00*0.5177 / (15.6158 + 0.60*0.5177) - 0.0000 = 650.1148 psi (2.15) 13 Maximum allowable pressure, (at 70.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) = 20000*1.00*0.5177 / (15.6158 + 0.60*0.5177) = 650.1148 psi (2.16) % Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d) = (50 * t / Rf) * (1 - Rf / Ro) = (50 * 0.5177 / 15.8746) * (1 - 15.8746 / ∞) = 1.6306 % (2.17) 2.8 Determination of MAWP for Rear Head Design thickness for internal pressure, (Corroded at 400 °F) UG-32(d)(1) t = P*D/(2*S*E - 0.2*P) + Corrosion = 650*31.2316/(2*20,000*1 - 0.2*650) + 0 = 0.5092" (2.18) The head internal pressure design thickness is 0.5092". Maximum allowable working pressure, (Corroded at 400 °F) UG-32(d)(1) P = 2*S*E*t/(D + 0.2*t) - Ps = 2*20,000*1*0.5092/(31.2316 +0.2*0.5092) - 0 = 650.04 psi The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) is 650.04 psi. Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 70 °F) UG-32(d)(1) P = 2*S*E*t/(D + 0.2*t) - Ps (2.19) 14 = 2*20,000*1*0.5092/(31.2316 +0.2*0.5092) - 0 = 650.04 psi (2.20) The maximum allowable pressure (MAP) is 650.04 psi. % Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d) = (75*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro) = (75*0.5177 / 5.5682)*(1 - 5.5682 / ∞) = 6.9731% The extreme fiber elongation exceeds 5 percent. Heat treatment may be required. Results The governing condition is internal pressure Minimum thickness Design thickness due to internal pressure Maximum allowable working pressure(MAWP) Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) = 0.0625” + 0” = 0.0625” = 0.5092” = 650.04” = 650.04 psi 2.9 Tube Side Nozzle (N1) Figure 2.1 Tube Side Inlet 1 15 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.12371). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.625 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*2.6125/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0866 in (2.21) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = = P*R/(S*E - 0.6*P) = 650*15.5/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) 0.5138 in (2.22) Area required per UG-37(c) Allowable stresses: Sn = 20,000, Sv = 20,000 psi fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn/Sv = 1 fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn/Sv = 1 A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1) = 5.225*0.5138*1 + 2*0.7*0.5138*1*(1 - 1) = 2.6844 in2 Area available from FIG. UG-37.1 A1 = larger of the following= 0.5812 in2 = d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1) = 5.225*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138) - 2*0.7*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138)*(1 - 1) (2.23) 16 = 0.5812 in2 = 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1) = 2*(0.625 + 0.7)*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138) - 2*0.7*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138)*(1 - 1) = 0.2948 in2 (2.24) A2 = smaller of the following= 1.9169 in2 = 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t = 5*(0.7 - 0.0866)*1*0.625 = 1.9169 in2 = 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*tn = 5*(0.7 - 0.0866)*1*0.7 = 2.1469 in2 A41 = = 0.8752*1 = 0.7656 in2 (2.25) Leg2*fr2 Area = A1 + A2 + A41 = 0.5812 + 1.9169 + 0.7656 = 3.2637 in2 (2.26) As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate. Allowable stresses in joints UG-45(c) and UW-15(c) Groove weld in tension: 0.74*20,000 = 14,800 psi Nozzle wall in shear: 0.7*20,000 = 14,000 psi Inner fillet weld in shear: 0.49*20,000 = 9,800 psi 17 2.10 Shell side inlet Nozzle (N10) Figure 2.2 Shell side Inlet N10 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.09576). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.154 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*0.39/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0129 in (2.27) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = P*Ro/(S*E + 0.4*P) = 650*3.3125/(20,000*1 + 0.4*650) = 0.1063 in This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a) (2.28) 18 UW-16(d) Weld Check tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.135 in t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.0945 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.1875 = 0.1312 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.106 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 0.2372 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. UG-45 Nozzle Neck Thickness Check Wall thickness per UG-45(a): tr1 = 0.0319 in (E =1) Wall thickness per UG-45(b)(1):tr2 = 0.1253 in Wall thickness per UG-16(b): tr3 = 0.0815 in Standard wall pipe per UG-45(b)(4): tr4 = 0.1179 in The greater of tr2 or tr3: tr5 = 0.1253 in The lesser of tr4 or tr5: tr6 = 0.1179 in Required per UG-45 is the larger of tr1 or tr6 = 0.1179 in Available nozzle wall thickness new, tn = 0.154 in The nozzle neck thickness is adequate. 19 2.11 Shell side inlet Nozzle (N11) Figure 2.3 Shell side inlet N11 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.09576). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.154 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Limits of reinforcement per UG-40 Parallel to the vessel wall: (Rn + tn + t )= 1.225 in Normal to the vessel wall outside: 2.5*(tn - Cn) + te = 0.3375 in (2.29) Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*0.39/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0129 in (2.30) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = P*Ro/(S*E + 0.4*P) 20 = 650*3.3125/(20,000*1 + 0.4*650) = 0.1063 in (2.31) This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a) UW-16(d) Weld Check tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.135 in t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.0945 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.1875 = 0.1312 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.106 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 0.2372 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. 2.12 Shell side outlet Nozzle (N12) Figure 2.4 Shell side outlet N12 21 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.12371). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.625 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*2.6125/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0866 in (2.32) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = P*R/(S*E – 0.6*P) = 650*15.5/(20,000*1 – 0.6*650) = 0.5138 in (2.33) Area required per UG-37(c) Allowable stresses: Sn = 20,000, Sv = 20,000 psi fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn/Sv = 1 fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn/Sv = 1 A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1) = 5.225*0.5138*1 + 2*0.7*0.5138*1*(1 - 1) = 2.6844 in2 Area available from FIG. UG-37.1 A1 = larger of the following= 0.5812 in2 (2.34) 22 = d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1) = 5.225*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138) - 2*0.7*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138)*(1 - 1) = 0.5812 in2 = 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1) = 2*(0.625 + 0.7)*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138) - 2*0.7*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138)*(1 - 1) = 0.2948 in2 (2.35) A2 = smaller of the following= 1.9169 in2 = 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t = 5*(0.7 - 0.0866)*1*0.625 = 1.9169 in2 = 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*tn = 5*(0.7 - 0.0866)*1*0.7 = 2.1469 in2 A41 = = 0.8752*1 = 0.7656 in2 (2.36) Leg2*fr2 (2.37) Area = A1 + A2 + A41 = 0.5812 + 1.9169 + 0.7656 = 3.2637 in2 As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate. Allowable stresses in joints UG-45(c) and UW-15(c) (2.38) 23 Groove weld in tension: 0.74*20,000 = 14,800 psi Nozzle wall in shear: 0.7*20,000 = 14,000 psi Inner fillet weld in shear: 0.49*20,000 = 9,800 psi 2.13 Shell side outlet Nozzle (N13) Figure 2.5 Shell side outlet N13 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.09576). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.154 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*0.39/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0129 in (2.39) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = P*Ro/(S*E + 0.4*P) = 650*3.3125/(20,000*1 + 0.4*650) = 0.1063 in (2.40) 24 This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a) UW-16(d) Weld Check tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.135 in t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.0945 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.1875 = 0.1312 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.106 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 0.2372 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. 2.14 Shell side outlet Nozzle (N14) Figure 2.6 Shell side Outlet N14 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.09576). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.154 in 25 Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*0.39/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0129 in (2.41) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = P*Ro/(S*E + 0.4*P) = 650*3.3125/(20,000*1 + 0.4*650) = 0.1063 in This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a) UW-16(d) Weld Check tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.135 in t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.0945 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.1875 = 0.1312 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.106 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 0.2372 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. (2.42) 26 2.15 Tube side inlet Nozzle (N2) Figure 2.7 Tube side inlet N2 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.09576). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.154 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*0.39/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0129 in (2.43) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = P*Ro/(S*E + 0.4*P) = 650*3.3125/(20,000*1 + 0.4*650) = 0.1063 in This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a) (2.44) 27 UW-16(d) Weld Check tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.135 in t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.0945 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.1875 = 0.1312 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.106 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 0.2372 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. 2.16 Tube side inlet Nozzle (N3) Figure 2.8 Tube side inlet N3 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.09576). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.154 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F 28 Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*0.39/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0129 in (2.45) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = P*Ro/(S*E + 0.4*P) = 650*3.3125/(20,000*1 + 0.4*650) = 0.1063 in This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a) UW-16(d) Weld Check tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.135 in t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.0945 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.1875 = 0.1312 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.106 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 0.2372 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. (2.46) 29 2.17 Tube side outlet Nozzle (N4) Figure 2.9 Tube side outlet N4 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.12371). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.625 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*2.6125/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0866 in (2.47) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = = P*R/(S*E - 0.6*P) = 650*15.5/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) 0.5138 in (2.48) 30 Area required per UG-37(c) Allowable stresses: Sn = 20,000, Sv = 20,000 psi fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn/Sv = 1 fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn/Sv = 1 A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1) = 5.225*0.5138*1 + 2*0.7*0.5138*1*(1 - 1) = 2.6844 in2 (2.49) Area available from FIG. UG-37.1 A1 = larger of the following= 0.5812 in2 = d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1) = 5.225*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138) - 2*0.7*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138)*(1 - 1) = 0.5812 in2 = 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1) = 2*(0.625 + 0.7)*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138) - 2*0.7*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138)*(1 - 1) = 0.2948 in2 A2 = smaller of the following= 1.9169 in2 = 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t = 5*(0.7 - 0.0866)*1*0.625 = 1.9169 in2 = 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*tn = 5*(0.7 - 0.0866)*1*0.7 (2.50) 31 = 2.1469 in2 A41 = = 0.8752*1 = 0.7656 in2 (2.51) Leg2*fr2 (2.52) Area = A1 + A2 + A41 = 0.5812 + 1.9169 + 0.7656 = 3.2637 in2 (2.53) As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate. UW-16(d) Weld Check tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.625 in t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.25 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.875 = 0.6125 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.5625 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 1.175 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. Allowable stresses in joints UG-45(c) and UW-15(c) Groove weld in tension: 0.74*20,000 = Nozzle wall in shear: 14,800 psi 0.7*20,000 = 14,000 psi Inner fillet weld in shear: 0.49*20,000 = 9,800 psi 32 2.18 Tube side outlet Nozzle (N5) Figure 2.10 Tube side outlet N5 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.09576). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.154 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Limits of reinforcement per UG-40 Parallel to the vessel wall: (Rn + tn + t )= 1.225 in Normal to the vessel wall outside: 2.5*(tn - Cn) + te = 0.3375 in Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*0.39/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0129 in (2.54) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = P*Ro/(S*E + 0.4*P) 33 = 650*3.3125/(20,000*1 + 0.4*650) = 0.1063 in (2.55) This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a) UW-16(d) Weld Check tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.135 in t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.0945 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.1875 = 0.1312 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.106 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 0.2372 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. 2.19 Tube side outlet Nozzle (N6) Figure 2.11 Tube side outlet N6 34 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.09576). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.154 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*0.39/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0129 in (2.56) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) tr = P*Ro/(S*E + 0.4*P) = 650*3.3125/(20,000*1 + 0.4*650) = 0.1063 in This opening does not require reinforcement per UG-36(c)(3)(a) UW-16(d) Weld Check t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.0945 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.1875 = 0.1312 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.106 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 0.2372 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. (2.57) 35 2.20 Shell side inlet Nozzle (N9) Figure 2.12 Shell side inlet N9 Calculations for internal pressure 650 psi @ 400 °F Nozzle is impact test exempt to -155 °F per UCS-66(b)(3) (coincident ratio = 0.12371). Nozzle UCS-66 governing thk: 0.625 in Nozzle rated MDMT: -155 °F Nozzle required thickness per UG-27(c)(1) trn = P*Rn/(Sn*E - 0.6*P) = 650*2.6125/(20,000*1 - 0.6*650) = 0.0866 in (2.58) Required thickness tr from UG-37(a) Tr = P*R/(S*E – 0.6*P) = 650*15.5/(20,000*1 – 0.6*650) = 0.5138 in Area required per UG-37(c) Allowable stresses: Sn = 20,000, Sv = 20,000 psi fr1 = lesser of 1 or Sn/Sv = 1 (2.59) 36 fr2 = lesser of 1 or Sn/Sv = 1 A = d*tr*F + 2*tn*tr*F*(1 - fr1) = 5.225*0.5138*1 + 2*0.7*0.5138*1*(1 - 1) = 2.6844 in2 (2.60) Area available from FIG. UG-37.1 A1 = larger of the following= 0.5812 in2 = d*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1) = 5.225*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138) - 2*0.7*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138)*(1 - 1) = 0.5812 in2 = 2*(t + tn)*(E1*t - F*tr) - 2*tn*(E1*t - F*tr)*(1 - fr1) = 2*(0.625 + 0.7)*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138) - 2*0.7*(1*0.625 - 1*0.5138)*(1 - 1) = 0.2948 in2 (2.61) A2 = smaller of the following= 1.9169 in2 = 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*t = 5*(0.7 - 0.0866)*1*0.625 = 1.9169 in2 = 5*(tn - trn)*fr2*tn = 5*(0.7 - 0.0866)*1*0.7 = 2.1469 in2 A41 = Leg2*fr2 (2.62) 37 = 0.8752*1 = 0.7656 in2 (2.63) Area = A1 + A2 + A41 = 0.5812 + 1.9169 + 0.7656 = 3.2637 in2 As Area >= A the reinforcement is adequate. UW-16(d) Weld Check tmin = lesser of 0.75 or tn or t = 0.625 in t1(min) or t2(min) = lesser of 0.25 or 0.7*tmin = 0.25 in t1(actual) = 0.7*Leg = 0.7*0.875 = 0.6125 in The weld size t1 is satisfactory. t2(actual) = 0.5625 in The weld size t2 is satisfactory. t1 + t2 = 1.175 >= 1.25*tmin The combined weld sizes for t1 and t2 are satisfactory. The nozzle neck thickness is adequate. (2.64) 38 Figure 2.13 Detail view of shell and tube heat exchanger Here is the detail view of shell and tube heat exchanger. This heat exchanger is designed based on the heat exchanger designed earlier using specified pressure drop. Total number of nozzles in this heat exchanger is 10. Numbers of Baffles used are 4.this heat exchanger designed covers less space on floor and is more cost efficient. 39 2.21 Shell Side Flange Figure 2.14 Shell side flange Flange calculations for Internal Pressure + Weight Only Gasket details from facing sketch 1(a) or (b), Column II Gasket width N = 1.0497 in b0 = N/2 = 0.5249 in Effective gasket seating width, b = 0.5*b01/2 = 0.3622 in G = (OD of contact face) - 2b = 32.375 in hG = (C - G)/2 = (35 - 32.375)/2 = 1.3125 in hD = R + g1/2 = 1 + 1/2 = 1.5 in 40 hT = (R + g1 + hG)/2 = (1 + 1 + 1.3125)/2 = 1.6563 in Hp = 2*b*3.14*G*m*P = 2*0.3622*3.14*32.375*1.5603*650 = 74,686.02 lbf H = 0.785*G2*P = 0.785*32.3752*650 = 534,813.75 lbf HD = 0.785*B2*P = 0.785*312*650 = 490,350.25 lbf HT = H - HD = 534,813.8 - 490,350.3 = 44,463.5 lbf (2.65) Wm1 = H + Hp = 534,813.8 + 74,686.02 = 609,499.75 lbf (2.66) Wm2 = 3.14*b*G*y = 3.14*0.3622*32.375*5,500 = 202,511.91 lbf Required bolt area, Am = greater of Am1, Am2 = 24.37999 in2 Am1 = Wm1/Sb = 609,499.8/25,000 = 24.38 in2 (2.67) 41 Am2 = Wm2/Sa = 202,511.9/25,000 = 8.1005 in2 Total area for 20- 1.5 in dia bolts, corroded, Ab = 28.1 in2 W = (Am + Ab)*Sa/2 = (24.38 + 28.1)*25,000/2 = 655,999.88 lbf (2.68) MD = HD*hD = 490,350.3*1.5 = 735,525.4 lb-in MT = HT*hT = 44,463.5*1.6563 = 73,642.7 lb-in HG = Wm1 - H = 609,499.8 - 534,813.8 = 74,686 lbf MG = HG*hG = 74,686*1.3125 = 98,025.4 lb-in Mo = MD + MT + MG = 735,525.4 + 73,642.7 + 98,025.4 = 907,193.4 lb-in Mg = W*hG = 655,999.9*1.3125 = 860,999.8 lb-in (2.69) The bolts are adequately spaced so the TEMA RCB-11.23 load concentration factor does not apply. Stresses at operating conditions - VIII-1, Appendix 2-7 f=1 L = (t*e + 1)/T + t3/d = (3*0.1931 + 1)/1.838313 + 33/67.032 = 1.261815 (2.70) SH = f*Mo/(L*g12*B) = 1*907,193.4/(1.261815*12*31) = 23,192 psi SR = (1.33*t*e + 1)*Mo/(L*t2*B) (2.71) 42 = (1.33*3*0.1931 + 1)*907,193.4/(1.261815*32*31) = 4,562 psi (2.72) ST = Y*Mo/(t2*B) - Z*SR = 10.6729*907,193.4/(32*31) - 5.5058*4,562 = 9,587 psi (2.73) Allowable stress Sfo = 20,000 psi Allowable stress Sno = 20,000 psi ST does not exceed Sfo SH does not exceed Min[ 1.5*Sfo, 2.5*Sno ] = 30,000 psi SR does not exceed Sfo 0.5(SH + SR) = 13,877 psi does not exceed Sfo 0.5(SH + ST) = 16,390 psi does not exceed Sfo Stresses at gasket seating - VIII-1, Appendix 2-7 SH = f*Mg/(L*g12*B) = 1*860,999.8/(1.261815*12*31) = 22,011 psi (2.74) SR = (1.33*t*e + 1)*Mg/(L*t2*B) = (1.33*3*0.1931 + 1)*860,999.8/(1.261815*32*31) = 4,330 psi (2.75) ST = Y*Mg/(t2*B) - Z*SR = 10.6729*860,999.8/(32*31) - 5.5058*4,330 = 9,099 psi (2.76) 43 Allowable stress Sfa = 20,000 psi Allowable stress Sna = 20,000 psi ST does not exceed Sfa SH does not exceed Min[ 1.5*Sfa, 2.5*Sna ] = 30,000 psi SR does not exceed Sfa 0.5(SH + SR) = 13,170 psi does not exceed Sfa 0.5(SH + ST) = 15,555 psi does not exceed Sfa Flange rigidity per VIII-1, Appendix 2-14 J = 52.14*V*Mo/(L*E*g02*KI*h0) = 52.14*0.3008*907,193.4/(1.2618*27,900,000*0.6252*0.3*4.4017) = 0.7836226 (2.77) The flange rigidity index J does not exceed 1; satisfactory. 2.22 Shell Side Flange (front) - Flange hub Component: Flange hub Material specification: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 22) Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66 Curve D = -48 °F Fig UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction = 17.8 °F, (coincident ratio = 0.8220296) Rated MDMT is governed by UCS-66(b)(2) UCS-66 governing thickness = 0.625 in Internal design pressure: P = 650 psi @ 400°F Static liquid head: Not Considered Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0.0000" Outer C = 0.0000" 44 Design MDMT = -20.00°F Rated MDMT = -55.00°F No impact test performed Material is normalized Material is produced to Fine Grain Practice PWHT is not performed Radiography: Longitudinal joint - Seamless No RT Left circumferential joint - N/A Right circumferential joint - Full UW-11(a) Type 1 Estimated weight: New = 34.4515 lb corr = 34.4515 lb Capacity: corr = 6.5348 gal New = 6.5348 gal ID = 31.0000" Length Lc = 2.0000" t = 0.6250" Design thickness, (at 400.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) t = P*R/(S*E - 0.60*P) + Corrosion = 650.00*15.5000/(20000*1.00 - 0.60*650.00) + 0.0000 = 0.5138" (2.78) Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 400.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) - Ps = 20000*1.00*0.6250 / (15.5000 + 0.60*0.6250) - 0.0000 = 787.4016 psi (2.79) 45 Maximum allowable pressure, (at 70.00°F) UG-27(c)(1) P = S*E*t/(R + 0.60*t) = 20000*1.00*0.6250 / (15.5000 + 0.60*0.6250) = 787.4016 psi (2.80) % Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d) = (50 * t / Rf) * (1 - Rf / Ro) = (50 * 0.6250 / 15.8125) * (1 - 15.8125 / ∞) = 1.9763 % (2.81) 2.23 Saddle Saddle material:A36 Saddle construction is: Web at edge of rib Saddle allowable stress: Ss = 24,000 psi Saddle yield stress: Sy = 36,000 psi Saddle distance to datum: Tangent to tangent length: Saddle separation: 17.0625 in L= 133.2 Ls = 70.6875 in Vessel radius: R = 16.125 in Tangent distance left: Al = 43.45 in Tangent distance right: Ar = 19.0625 in Tubesheet distance left: Atsl = 15.6 Saddle height: Hs = 28.125 in Saddle contact angle: θ= 120° in in 46 Wear plate thickness: tp = 0.25 Wear plate width: Wp = 7 in in Wear plate contact angle: θw = 132° Web plate thickness: ts = 0.25 Base plate length: E = 32 in Base plate width: F= in Base plate thickness: tb = 0.375 6 in in Number of stiffener ribs: n= 3 Largest stiffener rib spacing: di = 15.375 in Stiffener rib thickness: tw = 0.25 in Saddle width: B = 5 in Anchor bolt size & type: Anchor bolt material: 1 inch series 8 threaded SA-193 B8 Anchor bolt allowable shear: 18,800 psi Anchor bolt corrosion allowance: 0 in Anchor bolts per saddle:4 Base coefficient of friction: µ= 0.45 Weight on left saddle: operating corr = 5,104 lb, test new = 7,568 lb Weight on right saddle: operating corr = 1,646 lb, test new = 2,731 lb Weight of saddle pair = 180 lb 47 Notes: (1) Saddle calculations are based on the method presented in "Stresses in Large Cylindrical Pressure Vessels on Two Saddle Supports" by L.P. Zick. (2) If CL of tube sheet is located within a distance of Ro/2 to CL of saddle, the shell is assumed stiffened as if tube sheet is a bulk head. Longitudinal stress between saddles (Weight ,Operating, right saddle loading and geometry govern) S1 = +- 3*K1*Q*(L/12) / (π*R2*t) = 3*0.3706*1,646*(133.2/12) / (π*15.81252*0.625) = 41 psi Sp = P*R/(2*t) = 650*15.5/(2*0.625) = 8,060 psi (2.82) Maximum tensile stress S1t = S1 + Sp = 8,101 psi Maximum compressive stress (shut down) S1c = S1 = 41 psi Tensile stress is acceptable (<=1*S*E = 20,000 psi) Compressive stress is acceptable (<=1*Sc = 15,071 psi) Longitudinal stress at the left saddle (Weight ,Operating) Le = 2*(Left head depth)/3 + L + 2*(Right head depth)/3 = 2*8.375/3 + 133.2 + 2*8.3171/3 = 144.3281 in w = Wt/Le = 6,750/144.3281 = 46.77 lb/in (2.83) 48 Bending moment at the left saddle: Mq = w*(2*H*Al/3 + Al2/2 - (R2 - H2)/4) = 46.77*(2*8.375*43.45/3 + 43.452/2 - (16.1252 - 8.3752)/4) = 53,272.9 lb-in (2.84) S2 = +- Mq*K1'/ (π*R2*t) = 53,272.9*9.3799/ (π*15.81252*0.625) = 1,018 psi (2.85) Sp = P*R/(2*t) = 650*15.5/(2*0.625) = 8,060 psi (2.86) Maximum tensile stress S2t = S2 + Sp = 9,078 psi Maximum compressive stress (shut down) S2c = S2 = 1,018 psi Tensile stress is acceptable (<=1*S = 20,000 psi) Compressive stress is acceptable (<=1*Sc = 15,071 psi) Tangential shear stress in the shell (left saddle, Weight ,Operating) Qshear = Q - w*(a + 2*H/3) = 5,104 - 46.77*(43.45 + 2*8.375/3) = 2,810.79 lbf (2.87) S3 = K2.2*Qshear/(R*t) = 1.1707*2,810.79/(15.8125*0.625) = 333 psi (2.88) 49 Tangential shear stress is acceptable (<= 0.8*S = 16,000 psi) Circumferential stress at the left saddle horns (Weight ,Operating) S4 = -Q/(4*t*(b+1.56*Sqr(Ro*t))) - 3*K3*Q/(2*t2) = -5,104/(4*0.625*(5+1.56*Sqr(16.125*0.625))) - 3*0.0503*5,104/(2*0.6252) = -1,191 psi (2.89) Circumferential stress at saddle horns is acceptable (<=1.5*Sa = 30,000 psi) The wear plate was not considered in the calculation of S4 because the wear plate width is not at least {B +1.56*(Rotc)0.5} =9.9524 in Ring compression in shell over left saddle (Weight ,Operating) S5 = K5*Q/((t + tp)*(ts + 1.56*Sqr(Ro*tc))) = 0.7603*5,104/((0.625 + 0.25)*(0.25 + 1.56*Sqr(16.125*0.875))) = 726 psi (2.90) Ring compression in shell is acceptable (<= 0.5*Sy = 16,250 psi) Saddle splitting load (left, Weight ,Operating) Area resisting splitting force = Web area + wear plate area Ae = Heff*ts + tp*Wp = 5.375*0.25 + 0.25*7 = 3.0938 in2 (2.91) S6 = K8*Q / Ae = 0.2035*5,104 / 3.0938 = 336 psi Stress in saddle is acceptable (<= (2/3)*Ss = 16,000 psi) (2.92) 50 Shear stress in anchor bolting, one end slotted Maximum seismic or wind base shear = 0 lbf Thermal expansion base shear = W*µ = 5,194 * 0.45= 2,337.3 lbf Corroded root area for a 1 inch series 8 threaded bolt = 0.551 in2 ( 4 per saddle ) Bolt shear stress = 2,337.3/(0.551*4) = 1,060 psi Anchor bolt stress is acceptable (<= 18,800 psi) Web plate buckling check (Escoe pg 251) Allowable compressive stress Sc is the lesser of 24,000 or 8,870 psi: (8,870) Sc = Ki*π2*E/(12*(1 - 0.32)*(di/tw)2) = 1.28*π2*29E+06/(12*(1 - 0.32)*(15.375/0.25)2) = 8,870 psi (2.93) Allowable compressive load on the saddle be = di*ts/(di*ts + 2*tw*(b - 1)) = 15.375*0.25/(15.375*0.25 + 2*0.25*(5 - 1)) = 0.6578 (2.94) Fb = n*(As + 2*be*tw)*Sc = 3*(1.1875 + 2*0.6578*0.25)*8,870 = 40,351.84 lbf (2.95) Saddle loading of 7,658 lbf is <= Fb; satisfactory. Primary bending + axial stress in the saddle due to end loads (assumes one saddle slotted) σb = V * (Hs - xo)* y / I + Q / A = 0 * (28.125 - 13.3353)* 3.2917 / 14.87 + 5,104 / 10.5448 51 = 484 psi (2.96) The primary bending + axial stress in the saddle <= 24,000 psi; satisfactory. Secondary bending + axial stress in the saddle due to end loads (includes thermal expansion, assumes one saddle slotted) σb = V * (Hs - xo)* y / I + Q / A = 2,337.3 * (28.125 - 13.3353)* 3.2917 / 14.87 + 5,104 / 10.5448 = 8,135 psi (2.97) The secondary bending + axial stress in the saddle < 2*Sy= 72,000 psi; satisfactory. Saddle base plate thickness check (Roark sixth edition, Table 26, case 7a) where a = 15.375, b = 5.75 in tb = (β1*q*b2/(1.5*Sa))0.5 = (2.2393*40*5.752/(1.5*24,000))0.5 = 0.2864 in (2.98) The base plate thickness of 0.375 in is adequate. Foundation bearing check Sf = Qmax / (F*E) = 7,658 / (6*32) = 40 psi Concrete bearing stress < 750 psi ; satisfactory. (2.99) 52 2.24 Pass Partition Plate Minimum Front Pass Partition Plate Thickness Front tube side pressure drop: q= 1 psi Front pass plate material: SA-516 70 (II-D p. 18, ln. 22) Front pass plate allowable stress: S = 20,000 psi Front pass plate dimension: a = 30.9375 in Front pass plate dimension: b = 33.75 in Front pass plate thickness, new: T = 0.5625 in Front pass plate corrosion allowance: Front pass plate fillet weld leg size, new C = 0.0625 in 0.25 in From TABLE RCB-9.131 t = 0.5 From TABLE RCB-9.132, three sides fixed, a/b = 0.9167, B = 0.2624 t = b*(q*B/(1.5*S))1/2 + C = 33.75*(1*0.2624/(1.5*20,000.00))1/2 + 0.0625 = 0.1623 in The pass partition plate thickness of 0.5625 in is adequate. Pass partition minimum weld size = 0.75*t + C/0.7= 0.1641 in The pass partition fillet weld size of 0.25 in is adequate. (2.100) 53 2.25 Tubes Component: Tubes Material specification: SA-179 Smls tube (II-D p. 6, ln. 11) Material is impact test exempt per UCS-66(d) (NPS 4 or smaller pipe) Internal design pressure: P = 650 psi @ 400°F External design pressure: Pe = 650 psi @ 400°F Static liquid head: Pth = 1.2724 psi (SG=1.0000, Hs=35.2500", Horizontal test head) Corrosion allowance: Inner C = 0.0000" Design MDMT = -20.00°F Rated MDMT = -155.00°F Outer C = 0.0000" No impact test performed Material is not normalized Material is not produced to Fine Grain Practice PWHT is not performed Estimated weight: New = 5.2439 lb corr = 5.2439 lb Capacity: corr = 0.1193 gal OD = 0.7500" New = 0.1193 gal Length Lc = 80.0000" t = 0.0850" Design thickness, (at 400.00°F) Appendix 1-1 t = P*Ro/(S*E + 0.40*P) + Corrosion = 650.00*0.3750/(13400*1.00 + 0.40*650.00) + 0.0000 = 0.0179" (2.101) 54 Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 400.00°F) Appendix 1-1 P = S*E*t/(Ro - 0.40*t) - Ps = 13400*1.00*0.0744 / (0.3750 - 0.40*0.0744) - 0.0000 = 2886.6765 psi (2.102) Maximum allowable pressure, (at 70.00°F) Appendix 1-1 P = S*E*t/(Ro - 0.40*t) = 13400*1.00*0.0744 / (0.3750 - 0.40*0.0744) = 2886.6765 psi (2.103) External Pressure, (Corroded & at 400.00°F) UG-28(c) L/Do = 80.0000/0.7500 = 50.0000 Do/t = 0.7500/0.033147 = 22.6263 From table G: A = 0.002230 From table CS-1: B = 11030.3105 psi Pa = 4*B/(3*(Do/t)) = 4*11030.3105/(3*(0.7500/0.033147)) = 650.0004 psi Design thickness for external pressure Pa = 650.0004 psi = t + Corrosion = 0.033147 + 0.0000 = 0.0331" Maximum Allowable External Pressure, (Corroded & at 400.00°F) UG-28(c) L/Do = 80.0000/0.7500 = 50.0000 Do/t = 0.7500/0.0744 = 10.0840 From table G: A = 0.010996 (2.104) 55 From table CS-1: B = 12939.5146 psi Pa = 4*B/(3*(Do/t)) = 4*12939.5146/(3*(0.7500/0.0744)) = 1710.8915 psi (2.105) Figure 2.15 Closed view of shell and tube heat exchanger 56 Chapter 3 STRESS ANALYSIS Stress analysis is a part of engineering that decides the stress in the given part when it is subjected to a particular type of load. That means it tells us whether that particular part can withstand that particular or different types of load or not. Stress analysis is required for different types of materials like those involved in heat exchangers, tunnels etc. it is a very important factor considering the design of the various mechanical parts. The main purpose of the stress analysis is to determine the strength of the material or a collection of materials that in turn are used in different bodies like heat exchangers automobiles etc . The material’s maximum tensile strength, fatigue and other factors are noted down and then the given force is applied to check whether the tensile strength, fatigue are less than that of the material. There is one more important factor considered and that one is factor of safety. It defines the capacity of the system beyond the actual given load that is how much the system is stronger than it usually is for a given particular load. In that case factor of safety comes into place. Numerically it is defined as Factor of safety = Material strength Design Load Factor of safety is different for different mechanical components. For example in case of heat exchangers it is taken as 3.5 – 4. Now here we are doing the FEA analysis on different parts of the heat exchanger separately. First we are performing on the test on nozzle. 3.1 Description of FEA on nozzle Nozzle Finite element analysis (FEA) is done to calculate the stresses and flexibility of the meshing of the nozzle and shell. This also calculates the given number of loads on the nozzle 57 and estimates its functioning over wide range of operating conditions. This also is done to increase the safety of the equipment. Below are the steps which we do while doing the stress analysis: Step 1 Table 3.1 Study properties of nozzle Study name Study 1 Analysis type Static Mesh Type: Solid Mesh Solver type FFE Plus Inplane Effect: Off Soft Spring: Off Inertial Relief: Off Thermal Effect: Input Temperature Zero strain temperature 298.000000 Units Kelvin This step includes the general properties of the material chosen. These are the steps that are performed while doing the finite element analysis of any part. Each value has to be filled out according to its characteristics. Step 2 Table 3.2 Units Unit system: SI Length/Displacement mm 58 Temperature Kelvin Angular velocity rad/s Stress/Pressure N/m^2 This table tells us the system of units used. The system used here is SI system and the units are chosen accordingly. Step 3 Table 3.3 Material properties No. Body Name 1 2 Material Mass Volume Solid Body SA516 Steel 1(CirPattern1) 26.937 kg 0.00343146 m^3 SolidBody 1(Cut- SA516 Steel Extrude2) 193.166 kg 0.0246071 m^3 The material chosen here is SA 516 steel. This is chosen because it is the most cost effective and it withstands the given loads without any failure. Step 4 Table 3.4 Structural Properties Property Name Value Units Value Type Elastic modulus 2e+011 N/m^2 Constant Poisson's ratio 0.26 NA Constant Shear modulus 7.93e+010 N/m^2 Constant Mass density 7850 kg/m^3 Constant Tensile strength 4e+008 N/m^2 Constant Yield strength 2.5e+008 N/m^2 Constant 59 This table tells here the general properties of the SA 516 steel like what is its yield strength, Poisson’s ratio etc. Step 5 Table 3.5 Load on nozzle Load name Selection set Loading type Force-1 <Shell1-1, Nozzle-1> on 2 Face(s) apply Sequential Loading normal force 4.48 N using uniform distribution Description Load acting tangentially The loading on the nozzle is sequential loading that is it is acting uniformly from all sides as can be seen in the figure 3.16. Step 6 Table 3.6 Mesh information Mesh Type: Solid Mesh Mesher Used: Standard mesh Automatic Transition: Off Smooth Surface: On Jacobian Check: 4 Points Element Size: 37.615 mm Tolerance: 1.8807 mm Quality: High Number of elements: 9720 Number of nodes: 19469 Time to complete mesh(hh;mm;ss): 00:00:06 60 Computer name: MT6 This table clearly tells the type of mesh and number of nodes in nozzle while performing the test. The time effectiveness can also be seen from the fact that after all the values were put in, it took only 6 sec to complete the analysis. Thus this test clearly reduces the time from design to production. Figure 3.16 Stress in nozzle during FEA As we can see in the figure there is no red region in any part of the nozzle. So nozzle can withstand the given load . 61 Figure 3.17 Displacement in nozzle during FEA There is small red portion in the bottom as can be seen in the figure. But when we see the corresponding values on the right hand side, we find that they are vey less. It is approximately equal to 0.0000139mm which is very less and can be neglected. 62 3.2 Description of FEA on saddle Stress analysis on the saddle is done to predict the stress distributions in the heat exchanger. FEA is used where number of saddles is two or more. The saddle should be designed to meet two loading conditions: Primary load failures Secondary/fatigue failures The first one includes the excessive distortion due to pressure more than the given pressure. This is an important factor and should be kept in mind while designing the saddle. The second one includes the crack that can occur in the saddle due to excessive pressure or due to ageing of the material. Below are the steps which we do while doing the stress analysis: Step 1 Table 3.7 Study properties Study name Study 1 Analysis type Static Mesh Type: Solid Mesh Solver type FFE Plus Inplane Effect: Off Soft Spring: Off Inertial Relief: Off 63 Thermal Effect: Input Temperature Zero strain temperature 298.000000 Units Kelvin This step includes the general properties of the material chosen. These are the steps that are performed while doing the finite element analysis of any part. Each value has to be filled out according to its characteristics. Step 2 Table 3.8 Units Unit system: SI Length/Displacement mm Temperature Kelvin Angular velocity rad/s Stress/Pressure N/m^2 This table tells us the system of units used. The system used here is SI system and the units are chosen accordingly. Step 3 Table 3.9 Material Properties No. Body Name Material Mass Volume 1 SolidBody 1(Boss-Extrude4) SA 516Steel 39.2619 kg 0.00500151 m^3 64 The material chosen here is SA 516 steel. This is chosen because it is the most cost effective and it withstands the given loads without any failure. Step 4 Table 3.10 Structural Properties Property Name Value Units Value Type Elastic modulus 2e+011 N/m^2 Constant Poisson's ratio 0.26 NA Constant Shear modulus 7.93e+010 N/m^2 Constant Mass density 7850 kg/m^3 Constant Tensile strength 4e+008 N/m^2 Constant Yield strength 2.5e+008 N/m^2 Constant This table tells here the general properties of the SA 516 steel like what is its yield strength, Poisson’s ratio etc. Step 5 Table 3.11 Load Load name Selection set Loading type Force-1 <Bracket> on 1 Face(s) apply Sequential Loading normal force 23314 N using uniform distribution Description 65 The loading on the saddle is sequential loading that is it is acting uniformly from all sides as can be seen in the figure 3.16. Step 6 Table 3.12 Mesh Properties Mesh Type: Solid Mesh Mesher Used: Standard mesh Automatic Transition: Off Smooth Surface: On Jacobian Check: 4 Points Element Size: 0.94752 in Tolerance: 0.047376 in Quality: High Number of elements: 7875 Number of nodes: 16077 Time to complete mesh(hh;mm;ss): 00:00:04 Computer name: MT6 This table clearly tells the type of mesh and number of nodes in saddle while performing the test. The time effectiveness can also be seen from the fact that after all the values were put in, it took only 4 sec to complete the analysis. Thus this test clearly reduces the time from design to production. 66 Figure 3.18 Stress on Saddle during FEA The stresses during performing the FEA can be seen in the picture. It is clearly seen that is very few red zone that is very few danger zones and that can be neglected. Figure 3.19 Displacement in Saddle during FEA 67 The displacement analysis is done and it is clearly seen in the picture that there are very few red zones in the saddle. When we check the values corresponding to the red zones, they are found to be very less and can be neglected. 68 Chapter 4 RESULTS All the results that came above after doing the hydrostatic test proves that this heat exchanger will work very well in the given conditions. Hydrostatic test is a must for long functioning of the heat exchanger. This test is performed on different parts separately and based on that test full result summary is given below in the tables:4.1 Pressure summary for tube and shell Table 4.1 Pressure Summary for tube side Identifier Front Head Straight Flange on Front Head Front Channel Front Tubesheet Tubes TS Inlet (N1) TS Inlet Aux1 (N2) TS Inlet Aux2 (N3) TS Outlet (N4) TS Outlet Aux1 (N5) TS Outlet Aux2 (N6) P T Desig Desi n gn ( (° psi) F) Te Total MD MD exter Corrosio nal MT MT n (° (°F) Exemp Allo tion F) wan ce 650.0 400.0 803.2 803.2 0.00 400.0 -20 Note 1 0.000 ( 650.0 400.0 1787.4 1787.4 N/A 400.0 -20 Note 2 0.000i 650.0 400.0 0787.4 0787.4 N/A 400.0 -20 Note 2 0.000n 0 0 650.0 400.0 796.0 928.3 680.7 400.0 -20 Note 3 0.125) 1 82886. 1710. 9 650.0 400.0 2886. 400.0 -155 Note 4 0.000 68 68 89 650.0 400.0 650.0 650.0 N/A 400.0 -54 Note 5 0.019 650.0 400.0 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -155 Note 6 0.019 650.0 400.0 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -155 Note 6 0.019 650.0 400.0 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -54 Note 5 0.019 650.0 400.0 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -155 Note 6 0.019 650.0 400.0 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -155 Note 6 0.019 0 0 MA MAP MA WP ( psi) EP ( ( psi) psi) Impac t Test No No No No No No No No No No No The MAWP for different parts of the heat exchanger are calculated and are as shown in the table. It is now multiplies by 1.3 to perform the hydrostatic test. 69 Table 4.2 Pressure Summary for Shell Side P Design ( psi) T Desi gn (°F ) 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 Te Total MA M MA MD MDM Impact extern Corrosi Test WP AP EP ( MT T al on ( ( psi) (°F Exempt (°F All psi) psi) ) ion ) ow Front 650.0 680.7 991.7 796.0 400.0 -20.0 Note 3 0.125 No anc Tubesheet 9 3 1 Shell 650.0 787.4 787.4 N/A 400.0 -20.0 Note 2 0.000 No e 0650.1 0650.1 N/A 400.0 -20.0 Note 8 0.000 Straight 650.0 No ( Flange on 1 1 Rear Head 650.0 650.0 650.0 0.00 400.0 -20.0 Note 7 0.000i No Rear Head 4 4 n Tubes 650.0 1710. 1710. 2886. 400.0 N/A N/A 0.000 No 89 89 68 Shell Side 650.0 749.1 749.1 0.00 400.0 -55.0 Note 9 0.000) No Flange 8 8 Shell Side 650.0 787.4 787.4 N/A 400.0 -55.0 Note 10 0.000 No (front) Flange 0650.0 0N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Saddle 650.0 N/A N/A (front) 0 SS Inlet 650.0 650.0 650.0 N/A 400.0 -155 Note 6 0.019 No Flange Hub Aux1 (N10) 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -155 Note 6 0.019 No SS Inlet 650.0 Aux2 (N11) 650.0 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -54.0 Note 5 0.019 No SS Outlet (N12) 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -155 Note 6 0.019 No SS Outlet 650.0 Aux1 (N13) 650.0 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -155 Note 6 0.019 No SS Outlet Aux2 (N14) 650.0 0650.0 0650.0 N/A 400.0 -54.0 Note 5 0.019 No SS Inlet (N9) 0 0 The MAWP for different parts of the heat exchanger are calculated on the shell side and Identifier are as shown in the table. It is now multiplies by 1.3 to perform the hydrostatic test. After performing the test it was found that there is no leakage in the system. 4.2 Thickness on different parts of heat exchanger Table 4.3 Thickness Summary Component Identifier Front Head Material SA-516 70 Diameter Length Nominal Design Joint Load t t (in) (in) E (in) (in) 31.00 ID 8.38 0.6250 0.5054 1.000 Internal Straight Flange on Front Head SA-516 70 31.00 ID 2.00 0.6250 0.5138 1.000 Internal Front Channel SA-516 70 31.00 ID 24.00 0.6250 0.5138 1.000 Internal Front Tubesheet SA-516 70 3.70 Tubes 37.25 OD SA-179 Smls 0.7500 tube OD 3.7000 80.00 0.0850 3.6176 1.000 Unknow n 0.0331 1.000 External 70 Shell SA-516 70 31.00 ID 96.00 0.6250 0.5138 1.000 Internal Straight Flange on Rear Head SA-516 70 31.23 ID 2.00 0.5177 0.5177 1.000 Internal Rear Head 31.23 ID 8.32 0.5092 0.5092 1.00 SA-516 70 Internal Here is the summary of thickness of different parts of the heat exchanger. The material used here is SA 51670. Each dimension like length, breadth etc are calculated on every part. 4.3 Weight of heat exchanger Table 4.4 Weight Summary of vessel Weight ( lb) Contributed by Vessel Elements Component Metal New* Front Head Front Channel Front Tubesheet Shell Tubes Rear Head Saddle TOTAL: 240.97 409.56 911.67 1,674.82 2,601.00 197.83 180.00 6,215.84 Metal Insulation Corroded* & Supports Lining Piping Operating Test + Liquid Liquid Liquid 240.97 409.56 880.87 1,674.82 2,601.00 197.83 180.00 6,185.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 195.26 656.52 0.00 1,971.90 493.61 199.25 0.00 3,516.53 This table tells us the total weight of the heat exchanger. When we add all the values it comes out to be 6962 lb . Table 4.5 Weight Summary of attachments Component Weight ( lb) Contributed by Attachments Nozzles & Body Flanges Packed Trays & Rings Flanges Beds Supports & Vertical Loads 71 New Front Head Front Channel Front Tubesheet Shell Rear Head TOTAL: 0.00 0.00 0.00 339.24 0.00 339.24 Corroded New Corroded 0.00 0.00 0.00 339.24 0.00 339.24 0.00 134.37 0.00 134.37 0.00 268.75 0.00 134.94 0.00 134.94 0.00 269.88 Clips 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 137.40¹ 0.00 137.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Vessel operating weight, Corroded: 6,930 lb Vessel operating weight, New: 6,962 lb Vessel empty weight, Corroded: 6,930 lb Vessel empty weight, New: 6,962 lb Vessel test weight, New: 10,479 lb Vessel center of gravity location - from datum - lift condition Vessel Lift Weight, New: 6,961 lb Center of Gravity: 67.77" 4.4 Baffle Table 4.6 Baffle Summary Distance from Baffle Front Tubesheet (in) Cut Distance from Cut Direction Center (in) Name Baffle Weight (lb) Baffle 17.500 Downwards 6.200 34.349 #1 Baffle 35.000 Upwards 6.200 34.349 #2 72 Baffle 52.500 Downwards 6.200 34.349 #4 Baffle 70.000 Upwards 6.200 34.349 #3 For better efficiency the baffles should be cut accordingly as shown in the table. The distance of the baffles from the tubesheet is specified accordingly with their direction of cut. 4.5 Study results of nozzle Table 4.7 Summary of FEA on nozzle Name Type Min Stress1 VON: von 2.12762 Mises Stress N/m2 Location (-827.723 mm, Node: 8470 342.867 mm, Max Location 847.1 N/m2 Node: 19227 (-566.039 mm,0.003288 05 mm,401.287 208.502 mm) Displaceme nt1 URES: Resultant Displacement 6.84308e012 mm (-566.039 mm, 1.34909e005 mm (-326.784 mm, Node: 5042 -6.85283e012 mm, Node: 15863 -3.582e005 mm, 401.287 mm) -409.224 mm) As the diagram clearly indicates that the min stress is 2.12762 N/m2 and the maximum stress is 847.1 N/m2 and the colour in the diagram is blue which clearly shows that nozzle will work perfectly in the given working conditions when max stress is applied. 73 4.6 Study results of saddle Table 4.8 Summary of FEA on Saddle Name Type Min Stress1 VON: von 165.412 Mises Stress N/m2 Location Max Location (-5.64706 in, 3.15364e+007 N/m2 (0.473022 in, Node: 15894 11.7122 in, 0 in, Node: 7112 -2.5 in) -3.5639 in) Displacement1 URES: Resultant Displacement 0 mm (-16 in, 0.255345 mm Node: 1362 0 in, Node: 280 (8.70051 in, 13.8879 in, -3 in) -3.56437 in) The maximum stress in case of saddle is 3.15364 N/m2 and the minimum stress is 165.412 N/m2 and it works perfectly fine under the given load conditions. 74 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE OF WORK 5.1 Conclusion Both Hydrostatic test and Stress analysis proves that the new shell and tube heat exchanger which is designed using specified pressure drops can be used in the industry. The calculations done in the hydrostatic test is based on the ASME SEC VIII DIV-1 2007 ED. The overall cost of this heat exchanger would be approximately $ 19000. There was no specific leakage found during the hydrostatic test performed separately on different parts. The hydrostatic test performed should never exceed 1.3 times the MAWP. During the FEA there is a slight displacement both in nozzle and saddle which looks alarming but actually the red zone corresponds to a very low value which can be neglected. 5.2 Future scope of work The hydrostatic test performed here is only limited to coolant being hot water and fluid to be cooled is steam. New set of calculations has to be performed when using different fluids. Other tests have to be performed before the installation of heat exchanger where leakage is not an issue as this test is performed where leakage is a major issue. There was a fiber elongation which exceeds 5 percent, so heat treatment might be needed. 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