Publications for Warwick Britton 2016

Publications for Warwick Britton
Publications for Warwick Britton
6-0">[More Information]</a>
Florido, M., Pillay, R., Gillis, C., Xia, Y.,
Turner, S., Triccas, J., Stambas, J., Britton, W.
(2015). Epitope-specific CD4(+) , but not
CD8(+) , T-cell responses induced by
recombinant influenza A viruses protect against
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. European
Journal of Immunology, 45(3), 780-793. <a
[More Information]</a>
Stifter, S., Bhattacharyya, N., Pillay, R., Florido,
M., Triccas, J., Britton, W., Feng, C. (2016).
Functional Interplay between Type I and II
Interferons Is Essential to Limit Influenza A
Virus-Induced Tissue Inflammation. PLoS
Pathogens, 12(1), 1-20. <a
5378">[More Information]</a>
Parumasivam, T., Chan, J., Pang, A., Quan, D.,
Triccas, J., Britton, W., Chan, K. (2016). In Vitro
Evaluation of Inhalable Verapamil-Rifapentine
Particles for Tuberculosis Therapy. Molecular
Pharmaceutics, 13(3), 979-989. <a
eut.5b00833">[More Information]</a>
Pinto (Pinto-Nadanachandran), R., Nambiar, J.,
Leotta, L., Counoupas, C., Britton, W., Triccas,
J. (2016). Influence of phthiocerol
dimycocerosate on CD4�?� T cell priming and
persistence during Mycobacterium tuberculosis
infection. Tuberculosis, 99, 25-30. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Leung, S., Parumasivam, T., Gao, F., Carrigy,
N., Vehring, R., Finlay, W., Morales, S., Britton,
W., Kutter, E., Chan, K. (2016). Production of
Inhalation Phage Powders Using Spray Freeze
Drying and Spray Drying Techniques for
Treatment of Respiratory Infections.
Pharmaceutical Research, 33(6), 1486-1496. <a
2-6">[More Information]</a>
Parumasivam, T., Leung, S., Quan, D., Triccas,
J., Britton, W., Chan, K. (2016).
Rifapentine-loaded PLGA microparticles for
tuberculosis inhaled therapy: Preparation and in
vitro aerosol characterization. European Journal
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 88, 1-11. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Giltrap, A., Dowman, L., Nagalingam, G.,
Ochoa, J., Linington, R., Britton, W., Payne, R.
(2016). Total synthesis of teixobactin. Organic
Letters, 18(11), 2788-2791. <a
24">[More Information]</a>
Fox, G., Loan, L., Viet Nhung, N., Loi, N., Sy,
D., Britton, W., Marks, G. (2015). Barriers to
adherence with tuberculosis contact investigation
in six provinces of Vietnam: a nested
case-control study. BMC Infectious Diseases,
15(1), 1-8. <a
Barry, S., Chan, B., Ellis, M., Yang, Y., Plit, M.,
Guan, G., Wang, X., Britton, W., Saunders, B.
(2015). Identification of miR-93 as a suitable
miR for normalizing miRNA in plasma of
tuberculosis patients. Journal of Cellular and
Molecular Medicine, 19(7), 1606-1613. <a
More Information]</a>
Hare, N., Chan, B., Chan, E., Kaufman (nee
Alexander), K., Britton, W., Saunders, B. (2015).
Microparticles released from Mycobacterium
tuberculosis-infected human macrophages
contain increased levels of the type I interferon
inducible proteins including ISG15. Proteomics,
15(17), 3020-3029. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Chan, J., Tyne, A., Pang, A., McLachlan, A.,
Perera, V., Chan, J., Britton, W., Chan, K., Duke,
C., Young, P., Traini, D. (2015). Murine
pharmacokinetics of rifapentine delivered as an
inhalable dry powder. International Journal of
Antimicrobial Agents, 45(3), 319-323. <a
4.11.009">[More Information]</a>
Chan, J., Duke, C., Ong, H., Chan, J., Tyne, A.,
Chan, H., Britton, W., Young, P., Traini, D.
(2014). A Novel Inhalable Form of Rifapentine.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 103(5),
1141-1421. <a
e Information]</a>
Chan, J., Tyne, A., Pang, A., Chan, H., Young,
P., Britton, W., Duke, C., Traini, D. (2014). A
Rifapentine-Containing Inhaled Triple Antibiotic
Formulation for Rapid Treatment of Tubercular
Infection. Pharmaceutical Research, 31(5),
1239-1253. <a
5-7">[More Information]</a>
Weber-Chrysochoou, C., Crisafulli, D., Kemp,
A., Britton, W., Marks, G., Investigators, C.
(2014). Allergen-specific IL-5 responses in early
childhood predict asthma at age eight. PloS One,
9(5), 1-7. <a
Publications for Warwick Britton
7995">[More Information]</a>
Fox, G., Marks, G., Britton, W. (2014). Current
transmission prevention methods: reducing
disease spread from infected individuals. Clinical
Insights: Tuberculosis Prevention, (pp. 53-75).
United Kingdom: Future Medicine Ltd.
cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials, 14(1),
1-7. <a
42">[More Information]</a>
Majumdar, S., Marais, B., Denholm, J., Britton,
W. (2014). Drug-resistant tuberculosis:
collaborative regional leadership required.
Medical Journal of Australia, 200(5), 241-242.
More Information]</a>
Florido, M., Grima, M., Gillis, C., Xia, Y.,
Turner, S., Triccas, J., Stambas, J., Britton, W.
(2013). Influenza A Virus Infection Impairs
Mycobacteria-Specific T Cell Responses and
Mycobacterial Clearance in the Lung during
Pulmonary Coinfection. The Journal of
Immunology, 191(1), 302-311. <a
24">[More Information]</a>
Fox, G., Sy, D., Viet Nhung, N., Yu, B., Ellis,
M., Hung, N., Cuong, N., Lien, L., Marks, G.,
Saunders, B., Britton, W. (2014). Polymorphisms
of SP110 Are Associated with both Pulmonary
and Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis among the
Vietnamese. PloS One, 9(7), e99496. <a
9496">[More Information]</a>
Tran, A., Wen, D., West, N., Baker, E., Britton,
W., Payne, R. (2013). Inhibition studies on
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
uridyltransferase (GlmU). Organic and
Biomolecular Chemistry, 11(46), 8113-8126. <a
More Information]</a>
Chan, J., Tyne, A., Chan, H., Young, P., Britton,
W., Duke, C., Traini, D. (2013). A novel inhaled
antibiotic powder to shorten treatment time for
latent tuberculosis. RDD Europe 2013
Respiratory Drug Delivery, Richmond, VA:
Virginia Commonwealth University.
Gunaratnam, P., Britton, W., Hofmeyr, A.
(2013). Bug breakfast in the bulletin: Leprosy.
NSW Public Health Bulletin, 24(1), 50-50.
Fox, G., Barry, S., Britton, W., Marks, G. (2013).
Contact investigation for tuberculosis: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. European
Respiratory Journal, 41(1), 140-156. <a
812">[More Information]</a>
Burke, C., Liu, M., Britton, W., Triccas, J.,
Thomas, T., Smith, A., Allen, S., Salomon, R.,
Harry, E. (2013). Harnessing single cell sorting
to identify cell division genes and regulators in
bacteria. PloS One, 8(4), 1-13. <a
0964">[More Information]</a>
Pinto, R., Leotta, L., Shanahan, E., West, N.,
Leyh, T., Britton, W., Triccas, J. (2013). Host
cell-induced components of the sulfate
assimilation pathway are major protective
antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 207(5), 778-785.
More Information]</a>
Fox, G., Nhung, N., Sy, D., Britton, W., Marks,
G. (2013). Household contact investigation for
tuberculosis in Vietnam: study protocol for a
Walters, S., Kieckbusch, J., Nagalingam, G.,
Swain, A., Latham, S., Grau, G., Britton, W.,
Combes, V., Saunders, B. (2013). Microparticles
from Mycobacteria-Infected Macrophages
Promote Inflammation and Cellular Migration.
The Journal of Immunology, 190(2), 669-677. <a
56">[More Information]</a>
Ritz, N., Casalaz, D., Hanekom, W., Britton, W.,
Dutta, B., Donath, S., Connell, T., Tebruegge,
M., Robins-Browne, R., Curtis, N. (2013).
Reply: Bacille calmette-guérin vaccine: Innate
immunity and nonspecific effects. American
Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
Medicine, 187(7), 779-780. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Tyne, A., Chan, J., Shanahan, E., Atmosukarto,
I., Chan, K., Britton, W., West, N. (2013).
TLR2-targeted secreted proteins from
Mycobacterium tuberculosis are protective as
powdered pulmonary vaccines. Vaccine, 31(40),
4322-4329. <a
7.022">[More Information]</a>
Giltrap, A., Cergol, K., Pang, A., Britton, W.,
Payne, R. (2013). Total Synthesis of Fellutamide
B and Deoxy-Fellutamides B, C, and D. Marine
Drugs, 11(7), 2382-2397. <a
More Information]</a>
Ritz, N., Strach, M., Yau, C., Dutta, B.,
Tebruegge, M., Connell, T., Hanekom, W.,
Britton, W., Robins-Browne, R., Curtis, N.
(2012). A comparative analysis of polyfunctional
Publications for Warwick Britton
T cells and secreted cytokines induced by Bacille
Calmette-Guerin immunisation in children and
adults. PloS One, 7(7), 1-12. <a
7535">[More Information]</a>
Fox, G., Nhung, N., Sy, D., Lien, L., Cuong, N.,
Britton, W., Marks, G. (2012). Contact
investigation in households of patients with
tuberculosis in hanoi, Vietnam: a prospective
cohort study. PloS One, 7(11), 1-7. <a
9880">[More Information]</a>
Tran, A., West, N., Britton, W., Payne, R.
(2012). Elucidation of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis Type II Dehydroquinase Inhibitors
using a Fragment Elaboration Strategy.
ChemMedChem: chemistry enabling drug
discovery, 7(6), 1031-1043. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Blumenthal, A., Nagalingam, G., Huch, J.,
Walker, L., Guillemin, G., Smythe, G., Ehrt, S.,
Britton, W., Saunders, B. (2012). M. tuberculosis
Induces Potent Activation of IDO-1, but This Is
Not Essential for the Immunological Control of
Infection. PloS One, 7(5), 1-11. <a
7314">[More Information]</a>
Nambiar, J., Pinto, R., Aguilo, J., Takatsu, K.,
Martin, C., Britton, W., Triccas, J. (2012).
Protective immunity afforded by attenuated,
PhoP-deficient Mycobacterium tuberculosis is
associated with sustained generation of CD4+
T-cell memory. European Journal of
Immunology, 42(2), 385-392. <a
[More Information]</a>
Gracey, D., Garsia, R., Britton, W., McKenzie,
P. (2012). Rapid recovery of renal function after
pulse steroid therapy in a human
immunodeficiency virus-infected patient with
glomerulonephritis. Internal Medicine Journal,
42(12), 1363-1365. <a
re Information]</a>
Manos-Turvey, A., Cergol, K., Salam, N.,
Bulloch, E., Chi, G., Pang, A., Britton, W., West,
N., Baker, E., Lott, J., Payne, R. (2012).
Synthesis and evaluation of M. tuberculosis
salicylate synthase (MbtI) inhibitors designed to
probe plasticity in the active site. Organic and
Biomolecular Chemistry, 10(46), 9223-9236. <a
[More Information]</a>
Ritz, N., Dutta, B., Donath, S., Casalaz, D.,
Connell, T., Tebruegge, M., Robins-Browne, R.,
Hanekom, W., Britton, W., Curtis, N. (2012).
The Influence of Bacille Calmette-Guerin
Vaccine Strain on the Immune Response against
Tuberculosis: A Randomized Trial. American
Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
Medicine, 185(2), 213-222. <a
14OC">[More Information]</a>
Kao, F., Mahmuda, S., Pinto, R., Triccas, J.,
West, N., Britton, W. (2012). The Secreted
Lipoprotein, MPT83, of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis Is Recognized during Human
Tuberculosis and Stimulates Protective Immunity
in Mice. PloS One, 7(5), 1-12. <a
4991">[More Information]</a>
West, N., Thomson, S., Triccas, J., Medveczky,
C., Ramshaw, I., Britton, W. (2011). Delivery of
a multivalent scrambled antigen vaccine induces
broad spectrum immunity and protection against
tuberculosis. Vaccine, 29(44), 7759-7765. <a
7.109">[More Information]</a>
West, N., Cergol, K., Xue, M., Randall, E.,
Britton, W., Payne, R. (2011). Inhibitors of an
essential mycobacterial cell wall lipase
(Rv3802c) as tuberculosis drug leads. Chemical
Communications, 47(18), 5166-5168. <a
More Information]</a>
Fox, G., Britton, W. (2011). Learning from the
genetics of enteric tuberculosis. Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 26(7),
1086-1088. <a
1.06763.x">[More Information]</a>
Tran, A., Cergol, K., West, N., Randall, E.,
Britton, W., Bokhari, S., Ibrahim, M., Lapthorn,
A., Payne, R. (2011). Synthesis and Evaluation
of Potent Ene-yne inhibitors of type II
Dehydroquinases as Tuberculosis Drug Leads.
ChemMedChem: chemistry enabling drug
discovery, 6(2), 262-265. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Shanahan, E., Pinto (Pinto-Nadanachandran), R.,
Triccas, J., Britton, W., West, N. (2010).
Cutinase-like protein-6 of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis is recognised in tuberculosis patients
and protects mice against pulmonary infection as
a single and fusion protein vaccine. Vaccine,
28(5), 1341-1346. <a
1.010">[More Information]</a>
Spratt, J., Britton, W., Triccas, J. (2010). In vivo
persistence and protective efficacy of the bacille
Calmette Guerin vaccine overexpressing the
Publications for Warwick Britton
HspX latency antigen. Bioengineered Bugs, 1(1),
61-65. <a
>[More Information]</a>
infection. The Journal of Immunology, 182(11),
7172-7177. <a
94">[More Information]</a>
Musicki, K., Briscoe, H., Britton, W., Saunders,
B. (2010). LIGHT contributes to early but not
late control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
infection. International Immunology, 22(5),
353-358. <a
>[More Information]</a>
West, N., Chow, F., Randall, E., Wu, J., Chen, J.,
Ribeiro, J., Britton, W. (2009). Cutinase-like
proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis:
characterization of their variable enzymatic
functions and active site identification. The F A S
E B Journal, 23(6), 1-11. <a
More Information]</a>
Nambiar, J., Ryan, A., Kong, C., Britton, W.,
Triccas, J. (2010). Modulation of pulmonary DC
function by vaccine-encoded GM-CSF enhances
protective immunity against Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infection. European Journal of
Immunology, 40(1), 153-161. <a
[More Information]</a>
Wozniak, T., Saunders, B., Ryan, A., Britton, W.
(2010). Mycobacterium bovis BCG-Specific
Th17 Cells Confer Partial Protection against
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in the
Absence of Gamma Interferon. Infection and
Immunity, 78(10), 4187-4194. <a
More Information]</a>
Britton, W., Saunders, B. (2010). Pathology and
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections. In Stefan
H. E. Kaufmann, Barry Rouse, David Sacks
(Eds.), Immunology of Infectious Diseases, (pp.
260-265). United States of America: ASM Press.
Tran, A., Cergol, K., Britton, W., Bokhari, S.,
Ibrahim, M., Lapthorn, A., Payne, R. (2010).
Rapid assembly of potent type II dehydroquinase
inhibitors via "click" chemistry. MedChemComm
(Medicinal Chemistry Communications), 1(4),
271-275. <a
More Information]</a>
Crellin, P., Vivian, J., Scoble, J., Chow, F., West,
N., Brammananth, R., Proellocks, N., Shahine,
A., Le Nours, J., Wilce, M., Britton, W., et al
(2010). Tetrahydrolipstatin inhibition, functional
analyses, and three-dimensional structure of a
lipase essential for mycobacterial viability.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(39),
30050-30060. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, A., Nambiar, J., Wozniak, T., Roediger,
B., Shklovskaya, E., Britton, W., Fazekas de St
Groth, B., Triccas, J. (2009). Antigen load
governs the differential priming of CD8 T cells
in response to the bacille Calmette Guerin
vaccine or Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Maddocks, S., Scandurra, G., Nourse, C., Bye,
C., Williams, R., Slobedman, B., Cunningham,
A., Britton, W. (2009). Gene expression in
HIV-1/Mycobacterium tuberculosis co-infected
macrophages is dominated by M. tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis, 89(4), 285-293. <a
03">[More Information]</a>
Hagge, D., Saunders, B., Ebenezer, G., Ray, N.,
Marks, V., Britton, W., Krahenbuhl, J., Adams,
L. (2009). Lymphotoxin-alpha and TNF have
essential but independent roles in the evolution
of the granulomatous response in experimental
leprosy. The American Journal of Pathology,
174(4), 1379-1389. <a
50">[More Information]</a>
Weir, R., Fine, P., Floyd, S., Stenson, S.,
Carolynne, S., Branson, K., Britton, W., Huygen,
K., Singh, M., Black, G., et al (2008).
Comparison of IFN-gamma responses to
mycobacterial antigens as markers of response to
BCG vaccination. Tuberculosis, 88(1), 31-38. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
O'Garra, A., Britton, W. (2008). Cytokines in
Tuberculosis. In S.H.E. Kaufmann; W. J.
Britton (Eds.), Handbook of Tuberculosis:
Immunology and Cell Biology, (pp. 185-225).
Germany: Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbH & Co.
Kaufmann, S., Britton, W. (2008). Handbook of
Tuberculosis: Immunology and Cell Biology.
Germany: Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbH & Co.
West, N., Wozniak, T., Valenzuela, J., Feng, C.,
Sher, A., Ribeiro, J., Britton, W. (2008).
Immunological diversity within a family of
cutinase-like proteins of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Vaccine, 26(31), 3853-3859. <a
5.007">[More Information]</a>
Scandurra, G., Britton, W., Triccas, J. (2008).
Inactivation of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Publications for Warwick Britton
fadB4 gene results in increased virulence in host
cell and mice. Microbes and Infection, 10, 38-44.
001">[More Information]</a>
Ritz, N., Hanekom, W., Robins-Browne, R.,
Britton, W., Curtis, N. (2008). Influence of BCG
vaccine strain on the immune response and
protection against tuberculosis. FEMS
Microbiology Reviews, 32(5), 821-841. <a
8.00118.x">[More Information]</a>
Britton, W., Triccas, J. (2008). The constituents
of the cell envelope and their impact on the host
immune system. In Daffe M; Reyrat J-M (Eds.),
The Mycobacterial Cell Envelope, (pp. 249-270).
Washington DC: ASM Press.
Britton, W., Ritz, N., Robins-Browne, R., Curtis,
N. (2007). Does BCG strain matter?
Almqvist, C., Li, Q., Britton, W., Kemp, A.,
Xuan, W., Tovey, E., Marks, G. (2007). Early
predictors for developing allergic disease and
asthma - separate steps in the 'allergic march'.
Allergy, 62(Suppl. 83), 65.
Almqvist, C., Li, Q., Britton, W., Kemp, A.,
Xuan, W., Tovey, E., Marks, G. (2007). Early
predictors for developing allergic disease and
asthma: examining separate steps in the 'allergic
march'. Clinical and Experimental Allergy,
37(9), 1296-1302. <a
7.02796.x">[More Information]</a>
Triccas, J., Shklovskaya, E., Spratt, J., Ryan, A.,
Palindera, U., Fazekas de St Groth, B., Britton,
W. (2007). Effects of DNA- and Mycobacterium
bovis BCG-based delivery of Flt3 ligand on
protective immunity to Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Infection and Immunity, 75(11),
5368-5375. <a
&list_uids=17724075">[More Information]</a>
Weber-Chrysochoou, C., Crisafulli, D.,
Almqvist, C., Li, Q., Kemp, A., Britton, W.,
Marks, G. (2007). IL-5 T-cell responses to house
dust mite are associated with the development of
allergen-specific IgE responses and asthma in the
first 5 years of life. Journal of Allergy and
Clinical Immunology, 120(2), 286-292. <a
&list_uids=17666216">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, A., Wozniak, T., Shklovskaya, E.,
O'Donnell, M., Fazekas de St Groth, B., Britton,
W., Triccas, J. (2007). Improved protection
against disseminated tuberculosis by
Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin
secreting murine GM-CSF Is associated with
expansion and activation of APCs. The Journal
of Immunology, 179(12), 8418-8424. <a
&list_uids=18056388">[More Information]</a>
Saunders, B., Britton, W. (2007). Life and death
in the granuloma: immunopathology of
tuberculosis. Immunology and Cell Biology, 85,
103-111. <a
&list_uids=17213830">[More Information]</a>
Saunders, B., Britton, W. (2007). Review: Life
and death in the granuloma: immunopathology of
tuberculosis. Immunology and Cell Biology,
85(2), 103-111. <a
&list_uids=17213830">[More Information]</a>
Britton, W., Fernando, S., Saunders, B., Sluyter,
R., Wiley, J. (2007). The genetic control of
susceptibility to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
In Gregory Bock(Organizer) and Jamie Goode
(Eds.), Decoding the Genomic Control of
Immune Reactions, (pp. 79-92). United
Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. <a
&list_uids=17534067">[More Information]</a>
Fernando, S., Saunders, B., Sluyter, R., Skarratt,
K., Goldburg, H., Marks, G., Wiley, J., Britton,
W. (2006). A Polymorphism in the P2X7 Gene
Increases Susceptibility to Extrapulmonary
Tuberculosis. American Journal of Respiratory
and Critical Care Medicine, 175(4), 360-366. <a
&list_uids=17095747">[More Information]</a>
Shemon, A., Sluyter, R., Fernando, S., Clarke,
A., Dao-Ung, L., Skarratt, K., Saunders, B., Tan,
K., Gu, B., Fuller, S., Britton, W., Wiley, J., et al
(2006). A Thr(357) to Ser polymorphism in
homozygous and compound heterozygous
subjects causes absent or reduced P2X(7)
function and impairs ATP-induced mycobacterial
killing by macrophages. Journal of Biological
Chemistry, 281(4), 2079-2086. <a
&list_uids=16263709">[More Information]</a>
Scandurra, G., Ryan, A., Pinto
(Pinto-Nadanachandran), R., Britton, W.,
Triccas, J. (2006). Contribution of L-Alanine
Dehydrogenase to In Vivo Persistence and
Protective Efficacy of the BCG Vaccine.
Publications for Warwick Britton
Microbiology and immunology, 50(10), 805-810.
&list_uids=17053316">[More Information]</a>
&list_uids=17074853">[More Information]</a>
Musicki, K., Briscoe, H., Tran, S., Britton, W.,
Saunders, B. (2006). Differential requirements
for soluble and transmembrane tumor necrosis
factor in the immunological control of primary
and secondary Listeria monocytogenes infection.
Infection and Immunity, 74(6), 3180-3189. <a
&list_uids=16714545">[More Information]</a>
Saunders, B., Fernando, S., Marks, G., Sluyter,
R., Wiley, S., Britton, W. (2005). A single
nucleotide polymorphism in the P2X7 gene lends
susceptibility to extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
35th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Australasian Society for Immunology 2005,
Denmark: Blackwell Munksgaard.
Scandurra, G., Williams, R., Triccas, J., Pinto
(Pinto-Nadanachandran), R., Gicquel, B.,
Slobedman, B., Cunningham, A., Britton, W.
(2006). Effect of phthiocerol dimycocerosate
deficiency on the transcriptional response of
human macrophages to Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Microbes and Infection, 9(1),
87-95. <a
&list_uids=17194612">[More Information]</a>
Fernando, S., Britton, W. (2006). Genetic
susceptibility to mycobacterial disease in
humans. Immunology and Cell Biology, 84(2),
125-137. <a
&list_uids=16519730">[More Information]</a>
Wozniak, T., Ryan, A., Britton, W. (2006).
Interleukin-23 Restores Immunity to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in
IL-12p40-Deficient Mice and Is Not Required
for the Development of IL-17-Secreting T Cell
Responses. The Journal of Immunology, 177(12),
8684-8692. <a
&list_uids=17142769">[More Information]</a>
Wozniak, T., Ryan, A., Triccas, J., Britton, W.
(2006). Plasmid interleukin-23 (IL-23), but not
plasmid IL-27, enhances the protective efficacy
of a DNA vaccine against Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infection. Infection and Immunity,
74(1), 557-565. <a
&list_uids=16369012">[More Information]</a>
Ryan, A., Spratt, J., Britton, W., Triccas, J.
(2006). Secretion of functional Monocyte
Chemotactic Protein-3 by recombinant
Mycobacterium bovis BCG attenuates vaccine
virulence and maintains protective efficacy
against M. tuberculosis infection. Infection and
Immunity, 75(1), 523-526. <a
Shemon, A., Sluyter, R., Fernando, S., Clarke,
A., Dao-Ung, L., Skarratt, K., Saunders, B., Tan,
K., Gu, B., Fuller, S., Britton, W., Wiley, J., et al
(2005). A Thr(357) to ser polymorphism in
homozygous and compound heterozygous
subjects causes absent or reduced P2X7 function
and impairs ATP-induced mycobacterial killing
by macrophages. 35th Annual Scientific Meeting
of the Australasian Society for Immunology
2005, Denmark: Blackwell Munksgaard.
Spratt, J., Ryan, A., Britton, W., Triccas, J.
(2005). Epitope-tagging vectors for the
expression and detection of recombinant proteins
in mycobacteria. Plasmid, 53(3), 269-273. <a
&list_uids=15848231">[More Information]</a>
Palendira, U., Spratt, D., Britton, W., Triccas, J.
(2005). Expanding the antigenic repertoire of
BCG improves protective efficacy against
aerosol Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
Vaccine, 23(14), 1680-1685. <a
&list_uids=15705472">[More Information]</a>
Fernando, S., Saunders, B., Sluyter, R., Skarratt,
K., Wiley, J., Britton, W. (2005). Gene Dosage
Determines the Negative Effects
of Polymorphic Alleles of the P2X7 Receptor on
Adenosine Triphosphate–Mediated Killing of
Mycobacteria by Human Macrophages. The
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 192(1), 149-155.
&list_uids=15942904">[More Information]</a>
Roach, D., Briscoe, H., Saunders, B., Britton, W.
(2005). Independent protective effects for tumor
necrosis factor and lymphotoxin alpha in the host
response to Listeria monocytogenes infection.
Infection and Immunity, 73(8), 4787-4792. <a
&list_uids=16040991">[More Information]</a>
Britton, W., Gilbert, G., Wheatley, J., Leslie, D.,
Rothel, J., Jones, S., Bradley, P. (2005).
Publications for Warwick Britton
Sensitivity of human gamma interferon assay and
Complex. Microbiology, 150(6), 1681-1686.
tuberculin skin testing for detecting infection
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients with
culture positive tuberculosis. Tuberculosis,
85(3), 137-145. <a
&list_uids=15850752">[More Information]</a>
Demangel, C., Zhou, J., Choo, A., Shoebridge,
G., Halliday, G., Britton, W. (2005). Single chain
antibody fragments for the selective targeting of
antigens to dendritic cells. Molecular
Immunology, 42(8), 979-985. <a
&list_uids=15829289">[More Information]</a>
Saunders, B., Tran, S., Ruuls, S., Sedgwick, J.,
Briscoe, H., Britton, W. (2005). Transmembrane
TNF is sufficient to initiate cell migration and
granuloma formation and provide acute, but not
long-term, control of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infection. The Journal of
Immunology, 174(8), 4852-4859. <a
&list_uids=15814712">[More Information]</a>
Britton, W., Lockwood, D. (2004). Leprosy. The
Lancet, 363(9416), 1209-1219.
Pinto (Pinto-Nadanachandran), R., Saunders, B.,
Britton, W., Camacho, L., Gicquel, B., Triccas, J.
(2004). Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Defective
In Phthiocerol Dimycocerosate Translocation
Provides Greater Protective Immunity Against
Tuberculosis Than The Existing Bacille
Calmette-Gu?Rin Vaccine. The Journal of
Infectious Diseases, 189(1), 105-112.
Briscoe, H., Britton, W., Saunders, B. (2004). T
Cell-Derived Tumour Necrosis Factor Is
Essential, But Not Sufficient, For Protection
Against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 137(2),
van Broekhoven, C., Parish, C., Demangel, C.,
Britton, W., Altin, J. (2004). Targeting Dendritic
Cells With Antigen-Containing Liposomes: A
Highly Effective Procedure For Induction Of
Antitumor Immunity And For Tumor
Immunotherapy. Cancer Research, 64(12),
Pinto (Pinto-Nadanachandran), R., Tang, Q.,
Britton, W., Leyh, T., Triccas, J. (2004). The
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Cysd And Cysnc
Genes Form A Stress-Induced Operon That
Encodes A Tri-Functional Sulfate-Activating
Saunders, B., Fernando, S., Sluyter, R., Britton,
W., Wiley, J. (2003). A loss-of-function
polymorphism in the human P2X7 receptor
abolishes ATP-mediated killing of Mycobacteria.
The Journal of Immunology, 171(10),
Mihrshahi, S., Peat, J., Marks, G., Mellis, C.,
Tovey, E., Webb, K., Britton, W., Leeder, S.
(2003). Eighteen-month outcomes of house dust
mite avoidance and dietary fatty acid
modification in the Childhood Asthma
Prevention Study (CAPS). Journal of Allergy
and Clinical Immunology, 111(1), 162-168. <a
&list_uids=12532113">[More Information]</a>
Black, G., Weir, R., Chaguluka, S., Warndorff,
D., Crampin, A., Mwaungulu, L., Sichali, L.,
Floyd, S., Bliss, L., Jarman, E., Britton, W., et al
(2003). Gamma interferon responses induced by
a panel of recombinant and purified
mycobacterial antigens in healthy,
non-mycobacterium bovis BCG-Vaccinated
Malawian young adults. Clinical and Diagnostic
Laboratory Immunology, 10(4), 602-611.
Spratt, J., Britton, W., Triccas, J. (2003).
Identification of strong promoter elements of
Mycobacterium smegmatis and their utility for
foreign gene expression in mycobacteria. FEMS
Microbiology Letters, 224(1), 139-142.
Britton, W., Palendira, U. (2003). Improving
vaccines against tuberculosis. Immunology and
Cell Biology, 81(1), 34-45.
Pinto, R., Saunders, B., Camacho, L., Britton,
W., Gicquel, B., Triccas, J. (2003).
Mycobacterium tuberculosis defective in
phthiocerol dimycocerosate translocation
provides greater protective immunity against
tuberculosis than existing Bacille
Calmette-Guerin Vaccine. The Journal of
Infectious Diseases, 11, 105-112.
Martin, E., Kamath, A., Briscoe, H., Britton, W.
(2003). The combination of plasmid
interleukin-12 with a single DNA vaccine is
more effective than Myobacterium bovis (bacille
Calmette-Guerin) in protecting against systemic
Mycobacterim avium infection. Immunology,
109(2), 308-314.
Marks, G., Ng, K., Zhou, J., Toelle, B., Xuan,
W., Belousova, E., Britton, W. (2003). The effect
of neonatal BCG vaccination on atopy and
asthma at age 7 to 14 years: A historical cohort
study in a community with a very low prevalence
of tuberculosis infection and a high prevalence of
atopic disease. Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Publications for Warwick Britton
Immunology, 111(3), 541-549.
Immunology, 168(9), 4620-4627.
Demangel, C., Bertolino, P., Britton, W. (2002).
Autocrine IL-10 impairs dendritic cell
(DC)-derived immune responses to
mycobacterial infection by suppressing DC
trafficking to draining lymph nodes and local
IL-12 production. European Journal of
Immunology, 32(4), 994-1002.
Britton, W., Martin, E., Triccas, J., Kamath, A.,
Winter, N. (2001). Comparative protective
effects of recombinant DNA and Mycobacterium
bovis bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccines againts
M. avium infection. Clinical and Experimental
Immunology, 126, 482-487.
Saunders, B., Dane, A., Briscoe, H., Britton, W.
(2002). Characterization of immune responses
during infection with Mycobacterium avium
strains 100, 101 and the recently sequenced 104.
Immunology and Cell Biology, 80(6), 544-549.
Umaimainthan, P., Kamath, A., Feng, C., Martin,
E., Chaplin, P., Triccas, J., Britton, W. (2002).
Coexpression of interleukin-12 chains by a
self-splicing vector increases the protective
cellular immune response of DNA and
Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccines against
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection and
Immunity, 70(4), 1949-1956.
Triccas, J., Sun, L., Umaimainthan, P., Britton,
W. (2002). Comparative affects of
plasmid-encoded interleukin 12 and interleukin
18 on the protective efficacy of DNA vaccination
againt Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Immunology
and Cell Biology, 80(1), 346-350.
Marks, G., Zhou, J., Yang, H., Joshi, P., Bishop,
A., Britton, W., The Caps Investigators, (.
(2002). Cord blood mononuclear cell cytokine
responses in relation to maternal house dust mite
allergen exposure. Clinical and Experimental
Allergy, 32(3), 355-360.
Pinto (Pinto-Nadanachandran), R., Britton, W.,
Triccas, J. (2002). Destabilized green fluorescent
protein for monitoring transient changes in
mycobacterial gene expression. Research in
Microbiology, 153(6), 379-383.
Karihaloo, C., Tovey, E., Mitakakis, T., Britton,
W., Duffy, D. (2002). Evidence for the genetic
control of immunoglobulin E reactivity to the
allergens of Alternaria alternata. Clinical and
Experimental Allergy, 32, 1316-1322.
Umaimainthan, P., Bean, A., Feng, C., Britton,
W. (2002). Lymphocyte recruitment and
protective efficacy against pulmonary
mycobacterial infection are independent of the
route of prior Mycobacterium bovis BCG
immunization. Infection and Immunity, 70(3),
Roach, D., Bean, A., Demangel, C., France, M.,
Briscoe, H., Britton, W. (2002). TNF regulates
chemokine induction essential for cell
recruitment, granuloma formation, and clearance
of mycobacterial infection. The Journal of
Feng, C., Britton, W., Demangel, C., Kamath,
A., Macdonald, M. (2001). Dendritic cells
infected with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus
Calmette Guerin activate CD8+ T cells with
specificity for a novel mycobacterial epitope.
International Immunology, 13, 451-458.
Britton, W., Roche, P., Triccas, J., Martin, E.
(2001). DNA encoding a single mycobacterial
antigen protects against leprosy infection.
Vaccine, 19, 1391-1396.
Roach, D., Martin, E., Briscoe, H., Britton, W.,
Bean, A., Rennick, D. (2001). Endogenous
inhibition of antimycobacterial immunity by
IL-10 varies between mycobacterial species.
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 54,
Feng, C., Britton, W., Blanchard,, T., Smith, G.,
Hill, A. (2001). Induction of CD8+
T-lymphocyte responses to a secreted antigen of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis by an attenuated
vaccine virus. Immunology and Cell Biology, 79,
Britton, W., Triccas, J., Gicquel,, B. (2001).
Isolation of strong expression signals of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbiology, 147,
Feng, C., Umaimainthan, P., Britton, W.,
Demangel, C., Spratt, J., Malin, A. (2001).
Priming by DNA immunization augments
protective efficacy of Mycobacterium bovis
bacille Calmette-Guerin against tuberculosis.
Infection and Immunity, 69, 4174-4176.
Roach, D., Briscoe, H., Saunders, B., France, M.,
Riminton, S., Britton, W. (2001). Secreted
lymphotoxin-alpha is essential for the control of
an intracellular bacterial infection. The Journal
of Experimental Medicine, 193, 239-246.
Umaimainthan, P., Feng, C., Britton, W.,
Demangel, C., Heath, A., Bean, A. (2001).
Stimulation of dendritic cells via CD40 enhances
immune responses to Mycobacterium
tuberculosis infection. Infection and Immunity,
69, 2456-2461.
Britton, W., Roche, P., Neupane,, K., Failbus, S.,
Kamath, A. (2001). Vaccination with DNA of
the Mycobaterium tuberculosis 85B antigen
protects mouse foot pad against infection with
M. leprae. International Journal of Leprosy and
Publications for Warwick Britton
Other Mycobacterial Diseases, 69, 93-98.