Publications for Thomas Roberts 2016


Publications for Thomas Roberts


Daneri-Castro, S., Svensson, B., Roberts, T.

(2016). Barley germination: Spatio-temporal considerations for designing and interpreting

'omics' experiments. Journal of Cereal Science ,

70, 29-37. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Reis, R., Eamens, A., Roberts, T., Waterhouse,

P. (2016). Chimeric DCL1 – partnering proteins provide insights into the MicroRNA pathway.

Frontiers in Plant Science , 6, 1-11. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Liu, S., Truong, H., Khoddami, A., Moss, A.,

Thomson, P., Roberts, T., Selle, P. (2016).

Comparative performance of broiler chickens offered ten equivalent diets based on three grain sorghum varieties as determined by response surface mixture design. Animal Feed Science and

Technology , 218, 70-83.


Khoddami, A., Truong, H., Liu, S., Roberts, T.,

Selle, P. (2015). Concentrations of specific phenolic compounds in six red sorghums influence nutrient utilisation in broiler chickens.

Animal Feed Science and Technology , 210,

190-199. <a href="

.09.029">[More Information]</a>

Narsai, R., Edwards, J., Roberts, T., Whelan, J.,

Joss, G., Atwell, B. (2015). Mechanisms of growth and patterns of gene expression in oxygen-deprived rice coleoptiles. Plant Journal ,

82(1), 25-40. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>

Truong, H., Neilson, K., McInerney, B.,

Khoddami, A., Roberts, T., Liu, S., Selle, P.

(2015). Performance of broiler chickens offered nutritionally-equivalent diets based on two red grain sorghums with quantified kafirin concentrations as intact pellets or redground mash following steam-pelleting at 65 or97°C conditioning temperatures. Animal Nutrition , 1,

220-228. <a href="

002">[More Information]</a>

Khoddami, A., Roberts, T. (2015). Pomegranate oil as a valuable pharmaceutical and nutraceutical. Lipid Technology , 27(2), 40-42. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Cohen, M., Roberts, T., Fluhr, R. (2015). Serpins

Publications for Thomas Roberts in Plants. In M Geiger, F Wahlmuller and M

Furtmuller (Eds.), The Serpin Family: Proteins with Multiple Functions in Health and Disease ,

(pp. 15-28). Cham: Springer International

Publishing. <a href="

1-5_2">[More Information]</a>


Liu, S., Selle, P., Khoddami, A., Roberts, T.,

Cowieson, A. (2014). Graded inclusions of sodium metabisulphite insorghum-based diets: II.

Modification of starch pasting properties in vitro and beneficial impacts on starch digestion dynamics in broiler chickens. Animal Feed

Science and Technology , 190, 68-78. <a href="

.12.016">[More Information]</a>

Naz, R., Bano, A., Wilson, N., Guest, D.,

Roberts, T. (2014). Pathogenesis-Related Protein

Expression in the Apoplast of Wheat Leaves Protected

Against Leaf Rust Following Application of

Plant Extracts. Phytopathology , 104(9), 933-944.

<a href="

317-R">[More Information]</a>

Liu, S., Khoddami, A., Roberts, T., Selle, P.

(2014). Phenolic Compounds and Phytate

Influence Starch and Protein Digestion Rates in

Sorghum-based Broiler Diets. 25th Annual

Australian Poultry Science Symposium , Sydney:

University of Sydney.

Khoddami, A., Che Man, Y., Roberts, T. (2014).


?chemical properties and fatty acid profile of seed oils from pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) extracted by cold pressing.

European Journal of Lipid Science and

Technology , 116(5), 553-562. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Truong, H., Yu, S., Peron, A., Cadogan, D.,

Khoddami, A., Roberts, T., Liu, S., Selle, P.

(2014). Phytase supplementation of maize-, sorghum- and wheat-based broiler diets with identified starch pasting properties influences phytate (IP6) and sodium jejunal and ileal digestibility. Animal Feed Science and

Technology , 198, 248-256. <a href="

.10.007">[More Information]</a>


Walczyk, N., Smith, P., Tovey, E., Wright, G.,

Fleischfresser, D., Roberts, T. (2013). Analysis of crude protein and allergen abundance in peanuts (arachis hypogaea cv. walter) from three growing regions in Australia. Journal of

Publications for Thomas Roberts

Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 61(15),

3714-3725. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a>

Roberts, T., Lampl, N., Curmi, P., Fluhr, R.

(2013). AtSerpin1, an inhibitor in vivo of the papain-like cysteine protease RD21. ICAR2013:

24th International Conference on Arabidopsis

Research , Sydney, Australia.

Khoddami, A., Wilkes, M., Roberts, T. (2013).

Effect of malting on phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in four Australian sorghums.

ICC Conference 2013 in Association with the

63rd Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference ,

Australia: International Association for Cereal

Science and Technology.

Khoddami, A., Wilkes, M., Roberts, T. (2013).

Techniques for Analysis of Plant Phenolic

Compounds. Molecules , 18(2), 2328-2375. <a href="

328">[More Information]</a>


Vella, N., Joss, T., Roberts, T. (2012).

Chilling-induced ultrastructural changes to mesophyll cells of Arabidopsis grown under short days are almost completely reversible by plant re-warming. Protoplasma , 249, 1137-1149.

<a href="

3-5">[More Information]</a>

Edwards, J., Roberts, T., Atwell, B. (2012).

Preferential allocation of energy to protein synthesis in rice coleoptiles under oxygen deprivation. ComBio2012 , Adelaide, SA.

Edwards, J., Roberts, T., Atwell, B. (2012).

Quantifying ATP turnover in anoxic coleoptiles of rice (Oryza sativa) demonstrates preferential allocation of energy to protein synthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany , 63(12), 4389-4402. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a>

Fluhr, R., Lampl, N., Roberts, T. (2012). Serpin protease inhibitors in plant biology. Physiologia

Plantarum , 145(1), 95-102. <a href="

1.01540.x">[More Information]</a>

Francis, S., Ersoy, R., Ahn, J., Atwell, B.,

Roberts, T. (2012). Serpins in rice: protein sequence analysis, phylogeny and gene expression during development. BMC Genomics ,

13(1), 1-17. <a href="

49">[More Information]</a>


Roberts, T., Lampl, N., Davydov, O., Joss, T.,

Harrop, S., Curmi, P., Fluhr, R. (2011).

AtSerpin1 from Arabidopsis: X-ray crystal structure and identification of RD21, a papain-like cysteine protease, as the major target.

6th International Symposium on the Chemistry and Biology of Serpins , Chapel Hill, North

Carolina, USA.

Roberts, T., Ahn, J., Lampl, N., Fluhr, R. (2011).

Plants and the Study of Serpin Biology. 499,

347-366. <a href="

71-0.00017-1">[More Information]</a>

Roberts, T., Joss, T., Lampl, N., Fluhr, R.,

Harrop, S., Curmi, P. (2011). Structure, mechanism and inhibitory specificity of the serpin family of protease inhibitors in plants. 1st

International Conference on Plant Proteases ,

Hemavan, Sweden.


Lampl, N., Budai-Hadrian, O., Davydov, O.,

Joss, T., Harrop, S., Curmi, P., Roberts, T.,

Fluhr, R. (2010). Arabidopsis AtSerpin1: crystal structure and in vivo interaction with its target protease RESPONSIVE TO DESICCATION-21

(RD21). Journal of Biological Chemistry ,

285(18), 13550-13560. <a href="

5">[More Information]</a>

Jerkovic, A., Kriegel, A., Bradner, J., Atwell, B.,

Roberts, T., Willows, R. (2010). Strategic

Distribution of Protective Proteins within Bran Layers of Wheat Protects the

Nutrient-Rich Endosperm. Plant Physiology ,

152(3), 1459-1470. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Edwards, J., Roberts, T., Atwell, B. (2010).

Surviving an energy crisis: ATP usage in anoxic rice coleoptiles is dominated by protein synthesis. ComBio2010 , Melbourne, Australia.

Walczyk, N., Smith, P., Tovey, E., Beggs, P.,

Roberts, T. (2010). The impact of climate change on the allergenicity of peanuts. 4th Annual

Meeting of EuroBAT , Munich, Germany.

Walczyk, N., Smith, P., Tovey, E., Beggs, P.,

Roberts, T. (2010). The impact of climate change on the allergenicity of peanuts. 4th International

Symposium of Molecular Allergology (ISMA) ,

Munich, Germany.

Walczyk, N., Tovey, E., Smith, P., Beggs, P.,

Roberts, T. (2010). The impact of climate change on the allergenicity of peanuts. 4th International

Symposium of the 'Sonderforschungsbereich

429' , Potsdam, Germany.


Peterson, R., Bradner, J., Roberts, T.,

Nevalainen, H. (2009). Fungi from koala

(Phascolarctos cinereus) faeces exhibit a broad range of enzyme activities against recalcitrant substrates. Letters in Applied Microbiology ,

48(2), 218-225. <a href="

8.02513.x">[More Information]</a>

Mak, Y., Willows, R., Roberts, T., Wrigley, C.,

Sharp, P., Copeland, L. (2009). Germination of

Wheat: A Functional Proteomics Analysis of the

Embryo. Cereal Chemistry , 86(3), 281-289. <a href="

281">[More Information]</a>

Budai-Hadrian, O., Lampl, N., Davydov, O.,

Miersch, O., Vasternack, C., Joss, T., Harrop, S.,

Curmi, P., Roberts, T., Fluhr, R. (2009).

Regulatory role in defence and crystal structure of the Arabidopsis protease inhibitor AtSerpin1.

ComBio2009 , Christchurch, NZ.

Ahn, J., Atwell, B., Roberts, T. (2009). Serpin genes AtSRP2 and AtSRP3 are required for normal growth sensitivity to a DNA alkylating agent in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology , 9,

1-11. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>


Roberts, T., Hejgaard, J. (2008). Serpins in plants and green algae. Functional and

Integrative Genomics , 8(1), 169-27. <a href="

9-2">[More Information]</a>


Hejgaard, J., Roberts, T. (2007). Plant Serpins.

In Silverman GA and Lomas DA (Eds.),

Molecular and Cellular Aspects of the

Serpinopathies and Disorders in Serpin Activity ,

(pp. 279-300). New Jersey: World Scientific


Haynes, P., Roberts, T. (2007). Subcellular shotgun proteomics in plants: looking beyond the usual suspects. Proteomics. Proteomics , 7(16),

2963-2975. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>


Mak, Y., Willows, R., Roberts, T., Wrigley, C.,

Sharp, P., Copeland, L. (2006). Black Point is associated with reduced levels of stress, disease- and defence-related proteins in wheat grain.

Molecular Plant Pathology , 7(3), 177-189.


Hejgaard, J., Laing, W., Marttila, S., Gleave, A.,

Roberts, T. (2005). Serpins in fruit and vegetative tissues of apple (Malus domestica):

Publications for Thomas Roberts expression of four serpins with distinct reactive centres and characterization of a major inhibitory seed form, MdZ1b. Functional Plant Biology ,

32(6), 517-527. <a href="">[Mor e Information]</a>


Austin, C., Mizdrak, J., Matin, A., Sirijovski, N.,

Kosim-Satyaputra, P., Willows, R., Roberts, T.,

Truscott, R., Polekhina, G., Parker, M., et al

(2004). Optimised expression and purification of recombinant human indoleamine

2,3-dioxygenase. Protein Expression and

Purification , 37, 392-398.

Roberts, T., Hejgaard, J., Saunders, N.,

Cavicchioli, R., Curmi, P. (2004). Serpins in

Unicellular Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria:

Sequence Analysis and Evolution. Journal of

Molecular Evolution , 59(4), 437-447. <a href="

5-6">[More Information]</a>


Roberts, T., Marttila, S., Rasmussen, S.,

Hejgaard, J. (2003). Differential gene expression for suicide-substrate serine proteinase inhibitors

(serpins) in vegetative and grain tissues of barley. Journal of Experimental Botany , 54(391),

2251-2263. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a>

Willows, R., Lake, V., Roberts, T., Beale, S.

(2003). Inactivation of Mg Chelatase during

Transition from Anaerobic to Aerobic Growth in

Rhodobacter capsulatus. Journal of Bacteriology ,

185(11), 3249-3258. <a href="

3258.2003">[More Information]</a>


Hansson, A., Willows, R., Roberts, T., Hansson,

M. (2002). Three semidominant barley mutants with single amino acid substitutions in the smallest magnesium chelatase subunit form defective AAA+ hexamers. Proceedings of the

National Academy of Sciences of the United

States of America (PNAS) , 99(21), 13944-13949.

<a href="

">[More Information]</a>


Ostergaard, H., Rasmussen, S., Roberts, T.,

Hejgaard, J. (2000). Inhibitory Serpins from

Wheat Grain with Reactive Centers Resembling

Glutamine-rich Repeats of Prolamin Storage

Proteins: Cloning and Characterization of Five

Major Molecular Forms. Journal of Biological

Chemistry , 275(43), 33272-33279. <a

Publications for Thomas Roberts href="

">[More Information]</a>

Roberts, T., Marttila, S., Rasmussen, S.,

Hejgaard, J. (2000). Serpins in vegetative and seed tissues of barley. ComBio2000 , Wellington,

New Zealand.


Roberts, T., Lees, E. (1997). Glyoxylate aminotransferase activities in developing fruits of legumes. Journal of Biochemistry, Molecular

Biology and Biophysics , 1, 63-71.


Melo, A., Roberts, T., Moller, I. (1996).

Evidence for the presence of two rotenone-insensitive internal NAD(P)H dehydrogenases coupled to the electron transport chain in plant mitochondria. Biochimica et

Biophysica Acta , 1276, 133-139.

Roberts, T., Rasmusson, A., Moller, I. (1996).

Platanetin and 7-iodo-acridone-4-carboxylic acid are not specific inhibitors of respiratory

NAD(P)H dehydrogenases in potato tuber mitochondria. Physiologia Plantarum , 96,


Moller, I., Roberts, T., Rasmusson, A. (1996).

Ubiquinone-1 lnduces Externa1

Deamino-NADH Oxidation in Potato Tuber

Mitochondria. Plant Physiology , 112(1), 75-78.


Roberts, T., Fredlund, K., Moller, I. (1995).

Direct evidence for the presence of two external

NAD(P)H dehydrogenases coupled to the electron transport chain in plant mitochondria.

FEBS Letters , 373, 307-309.

Roberts, T. (1995), Glyoxylate aminotransferases and ureide catabolism in the developing fruits of legumes (PhD thesis) .


Roberts, T., Lees, E. (1992). Glyoxylate aminotransferases in developing fruits of french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). 32nd Annual General

Meeting of the Australian Society of Plant

Physiologists , Melbourne.


Roberts, T. (1989), Biochemical response of cabbage seedlings to high levels of copper

(BScAgr (Hons) thesis) .
