Publications for Steven Kamper 2016

Publications for Steven Kamper
Publications for Steven Kamper
Williams, A., Wiggers, J., O'Brien, K.,
Wolfenden, L., Yoong, S., Campbell, E.,
Robson, E., McAuley, J., Haskins, R., Kamper,
S., Williams, C. (2016). A randomised controlled
trial of a lifestyle behavioural intervention for
patients with low back pain, who are overweight
or obese: study protocol. BMC Musculoskeletal
Disorders, 17(70), 1-8. <a
2-1">[More Information]</a>
Lee, H., McAuley, J., Hubscher, M., Kamper, S.,
Traeger, A., Moseley, G. (2016). Does changing
pain-related knowledge reduce pain and improve
function through changes in catastrophizing?
Pain, 157(4), 922-930. <a
00000472">[More Information]</a>
Hall, A., Kamper, S., Emsley, R., Maher, C.
(2016). Does pain-catastrophising mediate the
effect of tai chi on treatment outcomes for people
with low back pain? Complementary Therapies
in Medicine, 25, 61-66. <a
13">[More Information]</a>
Phan, K., Jia, F., Kamper, S. (2016). Effects of
regular physical exercise training in adults with
chronic kidney disease. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 50(5), 317-318. <a
5240">[More Information]</a>
Traeger, A., Henschke, N., Hubscher, M.,
Williams, C., Kamper, S., Maher, C., Moseley,
G., McAuley, J. (2016). Estimating the Risk of
Chronic Pain: Development and Validation of a
Prognostic Model (PICKUP) for Patients with
Acute Low Back Pain. PLoS Medicine, 13(5),
1-21. <a
02019">[More Information]</a>
Ravensbergen, H., Mann, D., Kamper, S. (2016).
Expert consensus statement to guide the
evidence-based classification of Paralympic
athletes with vision impairment: A Delphi study.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(7),
386-391. <a
5434">[More Information]</a>
Swain, M., Lystad, R., Henschke, N., Maher, C.,
Kamper, S. (2016). Match injuries in amateur
Rugby Union: a prospective cohort study - FICS
Biennial Symposium Second Prize Research
Award. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 24,
1-8. <a
8-7">[More Information]</a>
O'Brien, K., Wiggers, J., Williams, A.,
Campbell, E., Wolfenden, L., Yoong, S.,
Robson, E., McAuley, J., Haskins, R., Kamper,
S., Williams, C. (2016). Randomised controlled
trial of referral to a telephone-based weight
management and healthy lifestyle programme for
patients with knee osteoarthritis who are
overweight or obese: a study protocol. BMJ
Open, 6(3), 1-9. <a
10203">[More Information]</a>
Apeldoorn, A., van Helvoirt, H., Meihuizen, H.,
Tempelman, H., Vandeput, D., Knol, D.,
Kamper, S., Ostelo, R. (2016). The influence of
centralization and directional preference on
spinal control in patients with nonspecific low
back pain. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports
Physical Therapy, 46(4), 258-269. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Hurley, D., Hall, A., Currie-Murphy, L., Pincus,
T., Kamper, S., Maher, C., McDonough, S.,
Lonsdale, C., Walsh, N., Guerin, S., et al (2016).
Theory-driven group-based complex intervention
to support self-management of osteoarthritis and
low back pain in primary care physiotherapy:
protocol for a cluster randomised controlled
feasibility trial (SOLAS). BMJ Open, 6(1), 1-14.
10728">[More Information]</a>
van Helvoirt, H., Apeldoorn, A., Knol, D., Arts,
M., Kamper, S., Van Tulder, M., Ostelo, R.
(2016). Transforaminal epidural steroid
injections influence Mechanical Diagnosis and
Therapy (MDT) pain response classification in
candidates for lumbar herniated disc surgery.
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal
Rehabilitation, 29, 351-359. <a
More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Moseley, A., Herbert, R., Maher, C.,
Elkins, M., Sherrington, C. (2015). 15 years of
tracking physiotherapy evidence on PEDro,
where are we now? British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 49(14), 507-509. <a
4468">[More Information]</a>
Haanstra, T., Tilbury, C., Kamper, S., Tordoir,
R., Vliet Vlieland, T., Nelissen, R., Cuijpers, P.,
de Vet, H., Dekker, J., Knol, D., et al (2015).
Can Optimism, Pessimism, Hope, Treatment
Credibility and Treatment Expectancy Be
Distinguished in Patients Undergoing Total Hip
and Total Knee Arthroplasty? PloS One, 10(7),
1-15. <a
Publications for Steven Kamper
3730">[More Information]</a>
Traeger, A., Henschke, N., Hubscher, M.,
Williams, C., Kamper, S., Maher, C., Moseley,
G., McAuley, J. (2015). Development and
validation of a screening tool to predict the risk
of chronic low back pain in patients presenting
with acute low back pain: a study protocol. BMJ
Open, 5(7), 1-7. <a
07916">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Kongsted, A., Haanstra, T.,
Hestbaek, L. (2015). Do recovery expectations
change over time? European Spine Journal,
24(2), 218-226. <a
0-1">[More Information]</a>
Haanstra, T., Kamper, S., Williams, C.,
Spriensma, A., Lin, C., Maher, C., de Vet, H.,
Ostelo, R. (2015). Does adherence to treatment
mediate the relationship between patients'
treatment outcome expectancies and the
outcomes pain intensity and recovery from acute
low back pain? Pain, 156(8), 1530-1536. <a
00000198">[More Information]</a>
Lee, H., Hübscher, M., Moseley, G., Kamper, S.,
Traeger, A., Mansell, G., McAuley, J. (2015).
How does pain lead to disability? A systematic
review and meta-analysis of mediation studies in
people with back and neck pain. Pain, 156(6),
988-997. <a
00000146">[More Information]</a>
Hall, A., Kamper, S., Hernon, M., Hughes, K.,
Kelly, G., Lonsdale, C., Hurley, D., Ostelo, R.
(2015). Measurement Tools for Adherence to
Non-Pharmacologic Self-Management Treatment
for Chronic Musculoskeletal Conditions: A
Systematic Review. Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96(3), 552-562. <a
05">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Grootjans, S., Michaeleff, Z.,
Maher, C., McAuley, J., Sterling, M. (2015).
Measuring Pain Intensity in Patients with Neck
Pain: Does It Matter How You Do It? Pain
Practice, 15(2), 159-167. <a
ore Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Apeldoorn, A., Chiarotto, A.,
Smeets, R., Ostelo, R., Guzman, J., Tulder, M.
(2015). Multidisciplinary biopsychosocial
rehabilitation for chronic low back pain:
Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis.
BMJ, 350, 1-11. <a
e Information]</a>
Hespanhol Junior, L., Kamper, S. (2015).
Prevention of non-contact anterior cruciate
ligament injuries: PEDro synthesis. British
Journal of Sports Medicine, 49(2), 133-134. <a
3951">[More Information]</a>
Gomes, J., Kingma, M., Kamper, S., Maher, C.,
Ferreira, P., Marques, A., Ferreira, M. (2015).
The association between symptom severity and
physical activity participation in people seeking
care for acute low back pain. European Spine
Journal, 24(3), 452-457. <a
3-y">[More Information]</a>
Henschke, N., Kamper, S., Maher, C. (2015).
The Epidemiology and Economic Consequences
of Pain. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 90(1),
139-147. <a
9.010">[More Information]</a>
Lee, H., Moseley, G., Hubscher, M., Kamper, S.,
Traeger, A., Skinner, I., McAuley, J. (2015).
Understanding how pain education causes
changes in pain and disability: protocol for a
causal mediation analysis of the PREVENT trial.
Journal of Physiotherapy, 61(3), 156-156. <a
04">[More Information]</a>
Swain, M., Henschke, N., Kamper, S., Downie,
A., Koes, B., Maher, C. (2014). Accuracy of
clinical tests in the diagnosis of anterior cruciate
ligament injury: a systematic review.
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 22, 1-10. <a
5-8">[More Information]</a>
Ferreira, M., Ferreira, P., Henschke, N., Kamper,
S., Koes, B., Hayden, J., Maher, C. (2014). Age
does not modify effects of treatment on pain of
patients with low back pain – secondary analysis
of randomized controlled trials. European
Journal of Pain, 18(7), 932-938. <a
3.00438.x">[More Information]</a>
Swain, M., Henschke, N., Kamper, S., Gobina,
I., Ottová-Jordan, V., Maher, C. (2014). An
international survey of pain in adolescents. BMC
Public Health, 14(1), 1-7. <a
47">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Moseley, A., Elkins, M. (2014).
Clinical trials in sports physiotherapy. Building
on five decades of research to produce even
better trials: a critical review and tips for
improvements. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 48(5), 346-348. <a
Publications for Steven Kamper
2968">[More Information]</a>
Diong, J., Kamper, S. (2014). Cold water
immersion (cryotherapy) for preventing muscle
soreness after exercise. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 48(18), 1388-1389. <a
2433">[More Information]</a>
Mansell, G., Hill, J., Kamper, S., Kent, P., Main,
C., van der Windt, D. (2014). How Can We
Design Low Back Pain Intervention Studies to
Better Explain the Effects of Treatment? Spine,
39(5), E305-E310. <a
0000144">[More Information]</a>
Michaleff, Z., Kamper, S., Maher, C., Evans, R.,
Broderick, C., Henschke, N. (2014). Low back
pain in children and adolescents: a systematic
review and meta-analysis evaluating the
effectiveness of conservative interventions.
European Spine Journal, 23(10), 2046-2058. <a
1-1">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Ostelo, R., Rubinstein, S.,
Nellensteijn, J., Peul, W., Arts, M., van Tulder,
M. (2014). Minimally invasive surgery for
lumbar disc herniation: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. European Spine Journal, 23(5),
1021-1043. <a
1-2">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Apeldoorn, A., Chiarotto, A.,
Smeets, R., Ostelo, R., Guzman, J., van Tulder,
M. (2014). Multidisciplinary biopsychosocial
rehabilitation for chronic low back pain.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 9,
1-116. <a
0963.pub3.">[More Information]</a>
Leininger, B., Kamper, S. (2014). No strong
evidence that the addition of joint mobilisation to
an exercise programme improves outcomes for
shoulder dysfunction. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 48(15), 1196-1197. <a
2516">[More Information]</a>
Maher, C., Elkins, M., Herbert, R., Moseley, A.,
Sherrington, C., Kamper, S. (2014). On
"Identifying items to assess methodological
quality.." Armio-Olivo A, Cummings GC,
Fuentes J, et al. Phys Ther. 2014;94:1272-1284.
Physical Therapy, 94(12), 1826-1826. <a
826.1">[More Information]</a>
de Kleuver, M., Lewis, S., Germscheid, N.,
Kamper, S., Alanay, A., Berven, S., Cheung, K.,
Ito, M., Lenke, L., Polly, D., et al (2014).
Optimal surgical care for adolescent idiopathic
scoliosis: an international consensus. European
Spine Journal, 23(12), 2603-2618. <a
6-1">[More Information]</a>
Macedo, L., Maher, C., Hancock, M., Kamper,
S., McAuley, J., Stanton, T., Stafford, R.,
Hodges, P. (2014). Predicting Response to Motor
Control Exercises and Graded Activity for
Patients With Low Back Pain: Preplanned
Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled
Trial. Physical Therapy, 94(11), 1543-1545. <a
More Information]</a>
van Helvoirt, H., Apeldoorn, A., Ostelo, R.,
Knol, D., Arts, M., Kamper, S., Van Tulder, M.
(2014). Transforaminal epidural steroid
injections followed by mechanical diagnosis and
therapy to prevent surgery for lumbar disc
herniation. Pain Medicine, 15(7), 1100-1108. <a
ore Information]</a>
Kamper, S. (2013). Connecting pain science
research to physiotherapy practice. Journal of
Physiotherapy, 59(1), 62-63. <a
70156-5">[More Information]</a>
Michaleff, Z., Kamper, S. (2013). PEDro
systematic review update: the effectiveness of
physiotherapy exercises in subacromical
impingement syndrome. British Journal of
Sports Medicine, 47(14), 927-928. <a
2750">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Williams, C. (2013). The placebo
effect: powerful, powerless or redundant? British
Journal of Sports Medicine, 47(1), 6-9. <a
1472">[More Information]</a>
Mansell, G., Kamper, S., Kent, P. (2013). Why
and how back pain interventions work: What can
we do to find out. Best Practice and Research:
Clinical Rheumatology, 27(5), 685-697. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Maher, C., Costa (nee Menezes), L.,
McAuley, J., Hush, J., Sterling, M. (2012). Does
fear of movement mediate the relationship
between pain intensity and disability in patients
following whiplash injury? A prospective
longitudinal study. Pain, 153(1), 113-119. <a
23">[More Information]</a>
Farag, I., Sherrington, C., Kamper, S., Ferreira,
M., Moseley, A., Lord, S., Cameron, I. (2012).
Publications for Steven Kamper
Measures of physical functioning after hip
fracture: construct validity and responsiveness of
performance-based and self-reported measures.
Age and Ageing, 41(5), 659-664. <a
More Information]</a>
Williams, C., Kamper, S. (2012). Non-specific
effects of acupuncture - Does the placebo effect
play an important role? British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 46(8), 578-579. <a
1229">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Maher, C., Buchbinder, R. (2012).
Nonspecific low back pain: Manage initially with
reassurance, activity and analgesia. Medicine
Today, 13(11), 18-28.
Kamper, S. (2012). Pain intensity ratings.
Journal of Physiotherapy, 58(1), 61-61. <a
70077-2">[More Information]</a>
Hush, J., Kamper, S., Stanton, T., Ostelo, R.,
Refshauge, K. (2012). Standardized
measurement of recovery from nonspecific back
pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 93(5), 849-855. <a
35">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Grootjans, S. (2012). Surgical versus
conservative treatment for acute ankle sprains.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46(1), 77-78.
0722">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Michaleff, Z. (2011). Effects of
resistance training in children and adolescents: a
meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 45(9), 755-755. <a
&list_uids=21642265">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Moseley, A. (2011). Neuromuscular
training reduces the risk of lower limb injuries.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(1), 75-76.
5">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Hancock, M., Maher, C. (2011).
Optimal Designs for Prediction Studies of
Whiplash. Spine, 36(Number 25S), S268-S274.
2388202">[More Information]</a>
Sterling, M., McLean, S., Sullivan, M., Elliott, J.,
Buitenhuis, J., Kamper, S. (2011). Potential
Processes Involved in the Initiation and
Maintenance of Whiplash-Associated Disorders.
Spine, 36(25 Supp), S322-S329. <a
238853f">[More Information]</a>
Sterling, M., Carroll, L., Kasch, H., Kamper, S.,
Stemper, B. (2011). Prognosis After Whiplash
Injury: Where to From Here? Spine, 36(Number
25S), S330-S334. <a
2388523">[More Information]</a>
McAuley, J., Stanton (Liddle), T., Kamper, S.,
Macedo, L. (2011). Psychological approaches
have not been demonstrated to be effective for
fibromyalgia. Pain, 152(4), 956-956. <a
21">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Maher, C., Hush, J., Pedler, A.,
Sterling, M. (2011). Relationship Between
Pressure Pain Thresholds and Pain Ratings in
Patients With Whiplash-associated Disorders.
Clinical Journal of Pain, 27(6), 495-501. <a
0e1185">[More Information]</a>
Herbert, R., de Noronha, M., Kamper, S. (2011).
Stretching to prevent or reduce muscle soreness
after exercise (Review). Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, 2011 (7), Art. No.:
CD004577-1-Art. No.: CD004577-47. <a
4577.pub3.">[More Information]</a>
Hall, A., Kamper, S., Maher, C., Latimer, J.,
Ferreira, M., Nicholas, M. (2011). Symptoms of
depression and stress mediate the effect of pain
on disability. Pain, 152(5), 1044-1051. <a
14">[More Information]</a>
Ferreira, M., Smeets, R., Kamper, S., Ferreira,
P., Machado, L. (2010). Can We Explain
Heterogeneity Among Randomized Clinical
Trials of Exercise for Chronic Back Pain? A
Meta-Regression Analysis of Randomized
Controlled Trials. Physical Therapy, 90(10),
1383-1403. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Ostelo, R., Knol, D., Maher, C., de
Vet, H., Hancock, M. (2010). Global Perceived
Effect scales provided reliable assessments of
health transition in people with musculoskeletal
disorders, but ratings are strongly influenced by
current status. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
63(7), 760-766.e1. <a
9.009">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Stanton (Liddle), T., Williams, C.,
Maher, C., Hush, J. (2010). How is recovery
Publications for Steven Kamper
from low back pain measured? A systematic
review of the literature. European Spine Journal,
DOI 10.1007/s00586-010-1477-8, 1-10. <a
&list_uids=20552378">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Maher, C., Herbert, R., Hancock,
M., Hush, J., Smeets, R. (2010). How little pain
and disability do patients with low back pain
have to experience to feel that they have
recovered? European Spine Journal, 19(9),
1495-1501. <a
6-1">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Maher, C., Hancock, M., Koes, B.,
Croft, P., Hay, E. (2010). Treatment-based
subgroups of low back pain: A guide to appraisal
of research studies and a summary of current
evidence. Best Practice and Research: Clinical
Rheumatology, 24(2), 181-191. <a
03">[More Information]</a>
Machado, L., Kamper, S., Herbert, R., Maher,
C., McAuley, J. (2009). Analgesic effects of
treatments for non-specific low back pain: a
meta-analysis of placebo-ontrolled randomized
trials. Rheumatology (Print Edition), 48(5),
520-527. <a
n470">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Maher, C., Mackay, G. (2009).
Global rating of change scales: a review of
strengths and weaknesses and considerations for
design. The Journal of Manual and Manipulative
Therapy, 17(3), 163-170. <a
&list_uids=20046623">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Maher, C., Herbert, R., Hancock,
M., Hush, J., Smeets, R. (2009). How little pain
and disability do patients with low back pain
have to experience to feel they have recovered?
Australian Physiotherapy Association
Conference Week APA 2009, Australia:
Australian Physiotherapy Association.
Kamper, S., Ostelo, R., Knol, D., de Vet, H.,
Maher, C., Hancock, M. (2009). Reliability and
Validity of Global Perceived Effect Scales. 10th
International Forum on Primary Care Research
on Low Back Pain: LBP Forum X 2009, United
States: Harvard School of Public Health.
Kamper, S., Rebbeck, T., Maher, C., McAuley,
J., Sterling, M. (2008). Course and prognostic
factors of whiplash: A systematic review and
meta-analysis. Pain, 138(3), 617-629. <a
19">[More Information]</a>
Machado, L., Kamper, S., Herbert, R., Maher,
C., McAuley, J. (2008). Imperfect placebos are
common in low back pain trials: a systematic
review of the literature. European Spine Journal,
17(7), 889-904. <a
4-3">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Machado, L., Herbert, R., Maher,
C., McAuley, J. (2008). Trial methodology and
patient characteristics did not influence the size
of placebo effects on pain. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology, 61(3), 256-260. <a
3.017">[More Information]</a>
Kamper, S., Maher, C., Refshauge, K., McAuley,
J. (2006). Meta-analysis of exercise for chronic
low back pain. 8th International Forum on
Primary Care Research on Low Back Pain: LBP
Forum VIII 2006.
Machado, L., Herbert, R., Kamper, S., Maher, C.
(2006). Using placebo controls in low back pain
research. Part 1: Acupuncture, manual therapy
and exercise. International Forum VIII for
Primary Care Research on Low Back Pain, N/A:
Kamper, S., McAuley, J., Refshauge, K., Maher,
C. (2005). Exercise interventions for chronic low
back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis.
International Association for the Study of Pain
(IASP) 11th World Congress on Pain, 2005,
Australia: International Association for the Study
of Pain Press.
Kamper, S., Maher, C., Refshauge, K., McAuley,
J. (2005). Meta-analysis of exercise for chronic
low back pain. Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Australia 14th Biennial Conference 2005,
Australia: Australian Physiotherapy Association.