Publications for Sarah White 2016

Publications for Sarah White
Publications for Sarah White
Francis, A., Didsbury, M., Lim, W., Kim, S.,
White, S., Craig, J., Wong, G. (2016). The
impact of socioeconomic status and geographic
remoteness on access to pre-emptive kidney
transplantation and transplant outcomes among
children. Pediatric Nephrology, 31(6),
1011-1019. <a
9-z">[More Information]</a>
Wyld, M., Lee, C., Zhou, X., White, S., Shaw, J.,
Morton, R., Colagiuri, S., Chadban, S. (2015).
Cost to Government and Society of Chronic
Kidney Disease Stage 1-5, a National Cohort
Study. Internal Medicine Journal, 45(7),
741-747. <a
re Information]</a>
Zykova, S., Storhaug, H., Toft, I., Chadban, S.,
Jenssen, T., White, S. (2015). Cross-sectional
analysis of nutrition and serum uric acid in two
Caucasian cohorts: the AusDiab Study and the
Tromsø study. Nutrition Journal, 14(49), 1-11.
2-1">[More Information]</a>
Martin, D., White, S. (2015). Financial
Incentives for Living Kidney Donors: Are They
Necessary? American Journal of Kidney
Diseases, 66(3), 389-395. <a
41">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Zinsser, D., Paul, M., Levine, G.,
Shearon, T., Ashby, V., Magee, J., Li, Y.,
Leichtman, A. (2015). Patient Selection and
Volume in the Era Surrounding Implementation
of Medicare Conditions of Participation for
Transplant Programs. Health Services Research,
50(2), 330-350. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Muralidharan, A., White, S. (2015). The Need
for Kidney Transplantation in Low- and
Middle-Income Countries in 2012: An
Epidemiological Perspective. Transplantation,
99(3), 476-481. <a
00657">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Chadban, S. (2014). Diabetic Kidney
Disease in Australia: Current Burden and Future
Projections. Nephrology, 19(8), 450-458. <a
re Information]</a>
Wong, G., Medway, M., Didsbury, M., Tong, A.,
Turner, R., Mackie, F., McTaggart, S., Walker,
A., White, S., Howard, K., Craig, J., et al (2014).
Health and wealth in children and adolescents
with chronic kidney disease (K-CAD study).
BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1-5.
Muller, E., White, S., Delmonico, F. (2014).
Regional perspective: developing organ
transplantation in sub-saharan Africa.
Transplantation, 97(10), 975-976. <a
00144">[More Information]</a>
Martin, D., White, S. (2014). Risk, regulation,
and financial incentives for living kidney
donation. The American Journal of Bioethics,
14(10), 46-48. <a
947045">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Hirth, R., Mahíllo, B.,
Domínguez-Gil, B., Delmonico, F., Noel, L.,
Chapman, J., Matesanz, R., Carmona, M.,
Alvarez, M., et al (2014). The global diffusion of
organ transplantation: Trends, Drivers and policy
implications. Bulletin of the World Health
Organization, 92(11), 826-835. <a
>[More Information]</a>
White, S. (2013). Is it time for a lifestyle
approach to the burden of chronic kidney
disease? Hypertension Research, 36(4), 295-296.
More Information]</a>
Storhaug, H., Norvik, J., Toft, I., Eriksen, B.,
Lochen, M., Zykova, S., Solbu, M., White, S.,
Chadban, S., Jenssen, T. (2013). Uric acid is a
risk factor for ischemic stroke and all-cause
mortality in the general population: A gender
specific analysis from The Tromso Study. BMC
Cardiovascular Disorders, 13(11), 1-10. <a
15">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Leichtman, A. (2012). Does reduced
glomerular filtration rate equate to chronic
kidney disease? BMJ, 344(7850), 1-2. <a
re Information]</a>
Jun, M., Lo, C., Badve, S., Pilmore, H., White,
S., Hawley, C., Cass, A., Perkovic, V., Zoungas,
S. (2012). Glucose lowering therapies for chronic
kidney disease and kidney transplantation
(Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, 2012 (8), 1-13. <a
9966">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Sarah White
White, S., Leichtman, A., O'Connor, K.,
Lipkowitz, G., Pietroski, R., Stoff, J., Belcher, J.,
Meyer, K., Merion, R., Port, F., et al (2012).
Predictors of liver donation without kidney
recovery in a cohort of expanded criteria donors:
identifying opportunities to improve expanded
criteria donor kidney utilization. Transplantation
Proceedings, 44(7), 2223-2226. <a
12.07.103">[More Information]</a>
Mahillo, B., Carmona, M., Alvarez, M., White,
S., Noel, L., Matesanz, R. (2011). 2009 Global
Data in Organ Donation and Transplantation:
Activities, Laws, and Organization.
Transplantation, 92(10), 1069-1074. <a
360b1">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Yu, R., Craig, J., Polkinghorne, K.,
Atkins, R., Chadban, S. (2011). Diagnostic
Accuracy of Urine Dipsticks for Detection of
Albuminuria in the General Community.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 58(1),
19-28. <a
26">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Dunstan, D., Polkinghorne, K., Atkins,
R., Cass, A., Chadban, S. (2011). Physical
inactivity and chronic kidney disease in
Australian adults: The AusDiab study. Nutrition,
Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 21(2),
104-112. <a
8.010">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Polkinghorne, K., Chadban, S. (2011).
Population prevalance of proteinuria and
diagnostic accuracy of urine dipsticks. American
Journal of Kidney Diseases, 58. <a
&list_uids=22099576">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Polkinghorne, K., Atkins, R.,
Chadban, S. (2010). Comparison of the
prevalence and mortality risk of CKD in
Australia using the CKD Epidemiology
Collaboration (CKD-EPI) and Modification of
Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study GFR
estimating equations: the AusDiab (Australian
Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle) Study.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 55(4),
660-670. <a
11">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., White, S., Salkeld, G., McDonald,
S., Craig, J., Chadban, S., Cass, A. (2010).
Cost-Effectiveness of Screening and Optimal
Management for Diabetes, Hypertension, and
Chronic Kidney Disease: A Modeled Analysis.
Value in Health, 13(2), 196-208. <a
9.00668.x">[More Information]</a>
Lynch, B., White, S., Owen, N., Healy, G.,
Chadban, S., Atkins, R., Dunstan, D. (2010).
Television Viewing Time and Risk of Chronic
Kidney Disease in Adults: The AusDiab Study.
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 40(3), 265-274.
9-1">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Polkinghorne, K., Cass, A., Shaw, J.,
Atkins, R., Chadban, S. (2009). Alcohol
consumption and 5-year onset of chronic kidney
disease: the AusDiab study. Nephrology,
Dialysis, Transplantation, 24(8), 2464-2472. <a
ore Information]</a>
White, S., Perkovic, V., Cass, A., Chang, C.,
Poulter, N., Spector, T., Haysom, L., Craig, J., Al
Salmi, I., Chadban, S., Huxley, R. (2009). Is
Low Birth Weight an Antecedent of CKD in
Later Life? A Systematic Review of
Observational Studies. American Journal of
Kidney Diseases, 54(2), 248-261. <a
42">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., White, S., McDonald,
S., Chadban, S., Craig, J., Cass, A. (2009). The
cost-effectiveness of increasing kidney
transplantation and home-based dialysis.
Nephrology, 14(1), 123-132. <a
8.01073.x">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Chadban, S., Jan, S., Chapman, J.,
Cass, A. (2008). How can we achieve global
equity in provision of renal replacement therapy.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization,
86(3), 229-237. <a
>[More Information]</a>
White, S., Polkinghorne, K., Cass, A., Shaw, J.,
Atkins, R., Chadban, S. (2008). Limited
knowledge of kidney disease in a survey of
AusDiab study participants. Medical Journal of
Australia, 188(4), 204-208. <a
&list_uids=18279125">[More Information]</a>
White, S., McGeechan, K., Jones, M., Cass, A.,
Chadban, S., Polkinghorne, K., Perkovic, V.,
Roderick, P. (2008). Socioeconomic
Disadvantage and Kidney Disease in the United
Publications for Sarah White
States, Australia, and Thailand. American
Journal of Public Health, 98(7), 1306-1313. <a
20">[More Information]</a>
Cass, A., Chadban, S., Craig, J., Howard, K.,
McDonald, S., Salkeld, G., White, S. (2006). The
economic impact of end-stage kidney disease in
Cass, A., Chadban, S., Atkins, R., White, S.
(2005). Chronic kidney disease in the general
population. Advances in Chronic Kidney
Disease, 12(1), 5-13. <a
09">[More Information]</a>
White, S., Belov, L., Barber, N., Hodgkin, P.,
Christopherson, R. (2005). Immunophenotypic
changes induced on human HL60 leukaemia
cells by 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and
12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate.
Leukemia Research: clinical and laboratory
studies, 29(10), 1141-1151. <a
&list_uids=16111532">[More Information]</a>