UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION UNIT SPECIFIC PLAN Each department, unit or group covered under the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard, 29 CFR 1910.134, and the UofL Respiratory Protection Program must develop a unit-specific plan for the respiratory hazards encountered in that work area. A completed plan is required for all departments with employees who are required to use or voluntarily wear respirators during work, for both routine tasks and emergencies. Individual plans must establish policies and procedures SPECIFICALLY addressing hazard assessment, respirator selection and use, medical evaluation and qualification, fit testing, training and recordkeeping for their respective units. This template is provided as a guide for the development of the required written plan. Individual departments and supervisors can use this template to design a Respiratory Protection Plan customized for their workplace by inserting the appropriate information as indicated in this document. A copy of the UofL Respiratory Protection Program Must be included with the Unit-Specific Plan If you have questions or require assistance with completing or implementing this plan, please contact the University of Louisville, Department of Environment Health and Safety, Industrial Hygiene Section. Respiratory Protection Program Administrator: 852-2961 University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE UNIT SPECIFIC RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PLAN Table of Contents Identification and Responsibility ..................................................................................... 3 Written Unit-Specific Plan ............................................................................................... 3 Hazard Assessment ........................................................................................................... 3 Medical Evaluation and Certification ............................................................................. 4 Education and Training ................................................................................................... 5 Fit Testing .......................................................................................................................... 6 Respirator Selection .......................................................................................................... 7 Respirator Inspection, Cleaning, Storage, and Maintenance ....................................... 8 Documentation and Recordkeeping ................................................................................ 9 Program Evaluation........................................................................................................ 10 Supporting Documents ................................................................................................... 10 University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE UNIT SPECIFIC RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PLAN This document is a summary of the main requirements of the UofL Respiratory Protection Program as it applies to this unit. It identifies the individuals responsible for implementing these requirements and sets the specific procedures used to ensure compliance with the UofL policy and OSHA Standards. This document is used in conjunction with the UofL Respiratory Protection Program, which explains these requirements in detail. Therefore, a copy of the Respiratory Protection Program must be accessible and maintained with this plan. Identification and Responsibility In accordance with the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard, 1910.134, and the UofL Respiratory Protection Program, the following plan has been developed for the following unit: Dept, School, or Unit Location: Campus, Bldg, Rm. # Responsible Supervisor, PI, Manager or PD Job Title or Position Preparation Date The Responsible Supervisor, (supervisor) as defined in the UofL Respiratory Protection Program is ultimately accountable and responsible for ensuring that the Unit-Specific Respiratory Protection Plan is complete and implemented as described, and that it is understood and followed by the employees under their charge. Written Unit-Specific Plan Unit-Specific Respiratory Protection Plan and UofL Respiratory Protection Program are accessible to employees in the following location(s): While the supervisor is responsible for implementing each of the elements described within the written Respiratory Protection Plan, it is permissible to delegate some tasks to other capable employees, provided the roles are clearly documented and understood. Hazard Assessment University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 When an overexposure to an airborne contaminant is suspected, either during routine operations or during a foreseeable emergency, it is important that a thorough hazard evaluation be conducted. The DEHS Respirator Protection Program Administrator must be notified of any workplace conditions where airborne contaminants may be present and potential worker exposure may exist. DEHS must also be notified for a re-assessment when there are changes in workplace conditions or operations that may affect employee exposure. Initial and periodic workplace assessments must be conducted by the responsible supervisor, or designee, to ensure DEHS is contacted for hazard assessments in a timely manner. Assessment of Bioaerosols: Please contact the Biosafety Officer or call 852-6670 for information concerning respirator use for biological hazards. Workplace Review and Hazard Assessment – Responsibility: The following employee(s) are responsible for conducting initial and periodic review of workplace conditions and operations for potential worker exposures AND contacting DEHS for a Hazard Assessment: Workplace Review and Hazard Assessment – Procedure: The following procedures are used for conducting the initial and periodic review of workplace conditions and operations for potential respiratory hazards: Medical Evaluation and Certification Employees slated for respirator use, either in required-use or voluntary-use situations, must receive medical respirator certification before respirator use is permitted. Exception: Medical Evaluations are not required for Voluntary Use of filtering facepiece respirators (dust masks). The medical evaluation for Respirator Qualification is conducted using the Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire. The employee’s supervisor, or designee, provides each employee who uses a respirator (except voluntary use of a dust mask) with a copy of Medical Questionnaire and is responsible for assuring the questionnaire is administered confidentially during the employee’s normal working hours or at time and place convenient to the employee and delivered to the physician or clinic. The responsible supervisor, or designee, must also provide the clinic or physician with specific information about the employee’s work place conditions. The worksheet, Worksite Information Regarding Respirator Use is provided to help collect the needed information. University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 Medical Evaluation - Responsibility: The following employee(s) are responsible for ensuring all employees covered under this section are provided with the Respirator Medical Evaluation and Questionnaire and Respirator Certification Medical Evaluation – Procedure: The following procedures are used for providing employees, at no charge to the employee, with the Medical Evaluation Questionnaire for Respirators, including any follow-up diagnostic tests or procedures deemed necessary by the Physician: . The following procedures are used for providing physician with employee’s workplace information, including use of Worksite Information Regarding Respirator Use . Medical Certification Records: The following procedures are used for obtaining and maintaining Medical Certification for Respirator Use Education and Training Respiratory Protection Training is mandatory for employees who wear respiratory protection against hazardous air contaminants and their supervisors. Training - Responsibility: The following employee(s) are responsible for ensuring all employees covered under this plan receive all required Respiratory Protection Training and/or Information The responsible supervisor, or designee, must assure each employee required to wear a respirator receives the UofL General Respiratory Protection Training provided by DEHS prior to initial use of a respirator and annually thereafter, as long as the employee continues to use respiratory protection. UofL General Training - Procedure: Describe the methods used to ensure employees are provided with initial and annual/refresher UofL General Respiratory Protection. The supervisor or the designee will conduct the unit- specific training focusing on the specifics of the unit’s respiratory protection plan and the respiratory hazards that employees may encounter. University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 This training will be provided before the employee is assigned to wear a respirator, and whenever a new hazard is introduced into the work area, or if re-training appears necessary to ensure safe use of respirators. Unit Specific Training - Responsibility: The following employee(s) are responsible for ensuring employees receive the unit-specific Respiratory Protection Training . Unit-Specific Training - Procedure: Describe the methods used to ensure employees are provided with initial and annual/refresher Unit-Specific Training including the contents of the training. For employees who choose to wear a respirator but are not required to do so, the responsible supervisor, or designee, must provide the advisory information: Information for Employees for Voluntary Use of Respirators. Information for Voluntary Use - Responsibility: The following employee(s) is responsible for ensuring employees who voluntarily wear a respirator when not required, are provided with the required information Information for Voluntary Use - Procedure: Describe the methods used to ensure employees are provided with information and training appropriate for voluntary use of respirators, including elastomeric or filtering facepiece (dust mask) Fit Testing Fit testing is mandatory for employees required to wear a tight fitting respirator for their job, including both elastomeric and filtering facepiece respirators. Fit Testing is conducted by DEHS; please contact the Respiratory Protection Program Administrator to schedule fit testing. If the fit testing is not conducted by DEHS, the responsible supervisor, or designee, must ensure the testing is conducted in accordance with OSHA Quantitative or Qualitative fit test procedures and must ensure the employee will wear on the job, the exact brand, model and size of the respirator(s) they were successfully fit tested. Fit Test records must be forwarded to DEHS prior to the employee’s use of the respirator. Fit testing is required: Before a respirator is provided or used in the work place. At least annually Whenever an employee switches to a different tight fitting respirator (e.g. different size, make, model or type) University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 When there are changes in the employee’s physical condition that could affect the respirator fit (e.g. an obvious change in body weight, facial scarring, extensive dental work, or cosmetic surgery) either reported by the employee, observed by the employee’s supervisor, PLHCP or the Program Administrator. When an employee reports that their respirator does not fit properly (e.g. smelling a contaminant while wearing the respirator with new cartridges, hearing or feeling air leaking around the facepiece). Fit testing will not be conducted until DEHS has a copy of the employee’s signed Medical Qualification for Respirator Use. Fit Testing - Responsibility: The following employee(s) are responsible for ensuring employees are provided with fit testing as required. Fit Testing - Procedure: Describe the methods used to ensure employees are provided with initial and annual Fit testing. Include procedures to provide DEHS with Medical Certification documents. Respirator Selection and Use The responsible supervisor, or designee, will provide employees the appropriate type(s) of respirator and filter or cartridge/canister, with guidance as needed from DEHS Industrial Hygiene section. The respirator must be approved by the Respiratory Protection Administrator prior to use. Appropriate respirators will be selected that are NIOSH certified and adequate to protect the health of the employee and ensure compliance with all other OSHA requirements, under routine and reasonably foreseeable emergencies. Respiratory protection may also be provided for substances not regulated by OSHA, but may be of concern due to their toxicity (i.e. hazardous substances used in research, cytotoxic or other hazardous drugs). Respirator Selection - Responsibility: The following employee(s) are responsible for ensuring employees are provided with appropriate respirators and accessories Respirator Selection - Procedure: Describe the methods used for the following: How to Identify Potential Respiratory Hazards When and How to Contact DEHS University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 Purchase and Issuance of Respirators - Responsibility: The following individuals are responsible for providing the appropriate respirators, parts and components for selected for employees. Purchase and Issuance of Respirators - Procedure: Describe the methods used to ensure employees are provided with the approved respirator(s), parts and components, selected for them initially and thereafter. Change-Out Schedules For all filters and cartridges/canisters change-out schedules will be developed by the responsible supervisor or designee. Respirator Change-Out Schedule - Responsibility: The following employee(s) are responsible for developing the respirator change-out schedule. . Respirator Change-Out Schedule - Procedure: Describe the method used to determine the cartridge change-out schedule . Complete for each process, contaminant or type of respirator, the associated Cartridge/Canister Change-Out Schedule. Respirator Cartridge Change-Out Schedule Task or Process Specific Air Contaminant Respirator & Cartridge Type Time of Cartridge Change Respirator Inspection, Cleaning, Storage, and Maintenance All respiratory equipment must be clean, sanitary and in good working order. A checklist for inspection, cleaning and sanitizing respirators may be useful for employees assigned to cleaning their own respirator. Only the respirator manufacturer’s NIOSH Certified parts, designed for that respirator, may be used. No components may be replaced or repairs made beyond those recommended by the manufacturer. Only those people who are appropriately trained to perform respirator repair and maintenance may do so. Under no circumstance may an employee use a defective respirator. University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 Respirator Cleaning, storage and maintenance - Responsibility: The following employee(s) are responsible for ensuring respirators are appropriately inspected, cleaned, stored and maintained. . Respirator Cleaning and Storage Description/Location of Respirator Cleaning Station Cleaner and Disinfectant used Location of Respirator Storage Cleaning Schedule . Respirator Repair and Maintenance: Describe the methods used to provide repair, parts, and service and maintenance for respirators. The responsible supervisor or designee must certify in writing that monthly inspection of respirators maintained for emergency use. Care of Respirators for Emergency Use: Describe the special procedures for monthly inspection Documentation and Recordkeeping Written information regarding the medical evaluations, medical opinions related to the worker’s ability to wear a respirator, fit testing, inspection of emergency use respirators and the overall respiratory protection program must be maintained. The information is necessary to facilitate employee involvement, to assist in auditing the program, and provide a record for compliance determination. The documents must be available Respiratory Protection Program: The responsible supervisor who has an employee included in the Respiratory Protection Program must have a copy of this document readily available to employees and for inspection by OSHA representatives. Unit Specific Respiratory Plan: This Plan must be specific to the work place conditions, as well be must be maintained and updated whenever there are changes in workplace conditions or operations that may affect employee exposure. This document must be readily available to employees and for inspection by DEHS or OSHA representatives. University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 Medical Evaluation: These records will be maintained by the Health Services Office (or other health care provider) for the duration of the employee’s employment with UofL plus 30 years. The Physician’s Certification for Respirator Use: This form states whether the employee may or may not wear a respirator. Responsible supervisors must obtain a copy, and forward a copy to the Program Administrator prior to respirator training and fit testing. The document must be available for inspection by DEHS or OSHA representatives. Fit Test and Training Records: Records of General and Unit Specific Respiratory Protection Training and Fit Testing will be maintained by supervisor or designee and be readily available for inspection by DEHS or OSHA representatives. Recordkeeping - Responsibility: The following employee(s) are responsible for ensuring all records are established and maintained according to the UofL Respiratory Protection Program . Recordkeeping - Procedure: The required records are kept in the following locations UofL Respiratory Protection Program: Unit Specific Respiratory Protection Plan: Physician’s Certification for Respirator Use: Fit Test and Training Records: Program Evaluation The responsible supervisor must ensure the on-going assessment of their work areas, and review and update this written Respiratory Protection Plan as necessary to ensure the plan is effectively implemented. Supervisors must notify DEHS whenever workplace conditions may exist or change that may affect employee exposure to respiratory hazards. Supporting Documents UofL Respiratory Protection Program University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007 The OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard 29 CFR 1910.34 Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire Worksite Information Regarding Respirator Use (supervisor prepares for MD) Respirator Selection and Use Worksheet Information for Employees for Voluntary Use of Respirators Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Respirator OSHA Information for Cartridge Change-Out Schedule University of Louisville Department of Environmental Health & Safety Modified on October 25, 2007