Modeling Complex Interactions of Overlapping River and Road Networks in a Changing Landscape El Yunque National Forest, Mameyes Watershed River Road Networks Flows of energy through river and road networks, as well as food webs, have some fundamental similarities A hierarchy of physical processes is altered by distinct thresholds of human access and use of rivers Different locations within the spatial hierarchy of a drainage network alter access and intensities of land use as well as species diversity Aquatic food webs respond to selective harvest of species and cumulative additions of nonnative species Project Model Integrated, individual based modeling framework Physical models Social models Integrated models Biological models Study Watersheds Rio Espiritu Santo Rio Mameyes Rio Fajardo River-Road Intersections Study Sites in the Rio Espiritu Santo and Rio Mameyes watersheds Education Resources GIS data and Field data State of the Watershed Handbook Interacting Networks in the Rain Forest of Puerto Rico, University of Pennsylvania GIS Demonstration Projects htm