Publications for Petra Macaskill 2016

Publications for Petra Macaskill
Publications for Petra Macaskill
Caldwell, P., Sureshkumar, P., Kerr, M.,
Hamilton, S., Teixeira-Pinto, A., Macaskill, P.,
Craig, J. (2016). A randomised controlled trial of
a code-word enuresis alarm. Archives of Disease
in Childhood, 101(4), 326-331. <a
5-308564">[More Information]</a>
Jacklyn, G., Glasziou, P., Macaskill, P., Barratt,
A. (2016). Meta-analysis of breast cancer
mortality benefit and overdiagnosis adjusted for
adherence: Improving information on the effects
of attending screening mammography. British
Journal of Cancer, 114(11), 1269-1276. <a
ore Information]</a>
Marinovich, M., Houssami, N., Macaskill, P.,
von Minckwitz, G., Blohmer, J., Irwig, L.
(2015). Accuracy of ultrasound for predicting
pathologic response during neoadjuvant therapy
for breast cancer. International Journal of
Cancer, 136(11), 2730-2737. <a
e Information]</a>
Marinovich, M., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L.,
Sardanelli, F., Mamounas, E., von Minckwitz,
G., Guarneri, V., Partridge, S., Wright, F., Choi,
J., Houssami, N., et al (2015). Agreement
between MRI and pathologic breast tumor size
after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and comparison
with alternative tests: Individual patient data
meta-analysis. BMC Cancer, 15(1), 1-12. <a
4-4">[More Information]</a>
Palmer, S., Teixeira-Pinto, A., Saglimbene, V.,
Craig, J., Macaskill, P., Tonelli, M., de Berardis,
G., Ruospo, M., Strippoli, G. (2015). Association
of Drug Effects on Serum Parathyroid Hormone,
Phosphorus, and Calcium Levels With Mortality
in CKD: A Meta-analysis. American Journal of
Kidney Diseases, 66(6), 962-971. <a
36">[More Information]</a>
Viecelli, A., Lim, W., Macaskill, P., Chapman,
J., Craig, J., Clayton, P., Cohney, S., Carroll, R.,
Wong, G. (2015). Cancer-Specific and All-Cause
Mortality in Kidney Transplant Recipients With
and Without Previous Cancer. Transplantation,
99(12), 2586-2592. <a
00760">[More Information]</a>
De, S., Williams, G., Teixeira-Pinto, A.,
Macaskill, P., McCaskill, M., Isaacs, D., Craig, J.
(2015). Lack of Accuracy of Body Temperature
for Detecting Serious Bacterial Infection in
Febrile Episodes. The Pediatric Infectious
Disease Journal, 34(9), 940-944. <a
000771">[More Information]</a>
Svahn, T., Macaskill, P., Houssami, N. (2015).
Radiologists' interpretive efficiency and
variability in true- and false-positive detection
when screen-reading with tomosynthesis
(3D-mammography) relative to standard
mammography in population screening. The
Breast, 24(6), 687-693. <a
012">[More Information]</a>
De, S., Williams, G., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P.,
McCaskill, M., Isaacs, D., Craig, J. (2015).
Republished: value of white cell count in
predicting serious bacterial infection in febrile
children under 5 years of age. Postgraduate
Medical Journal, 91(1073), 493-499. <a
13-304754rep">[More Information]</a>
Moons, K., Altman, D., Reitsma, J., Ioannidis, J.,
Macaskill, P., Steyerberg, E., Vickers, A.,
Ransohoff, D., Collins, G. (2015). Transparent
Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for
Individual Prognosis or Diagnosis (TRIPOD):
explanation and elaboration. Annals of Internal
Medicine, 162(1), W1-W73. <a
re Information]</a>
McGeechan, K., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L.,
Bossuyt, P. (2014). An assessment of the
relationship between clinical utility and
predictive ability measures and the impact of
mean risk in the population. BMC Medical
Research Methodology, 14(July), 1-12. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Houssami, N., Turner, R., Macaskill, P.,
Turnbull, L., McCready, D., Tuttle, T.,
Vapiwala, N., Solin, L. (2014). An Individual
Person Data Meta-Analysis of Preoperative
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Breast Cancer
Recurrence. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 32(5),
392-401. <a
15">[More Information]</a>
Houssami, N., Macaskill, P., Bernardi, D.,
Caumo, F., Pellegrini, M., Brunelli, S.,
Tuttobene, P., Bricolo, P., Fanto, C., Valentini,
M., et al (2014). Breast screening using
2D-mammography or integrating digital breast
tomosynthesis (3D-mammography) for
single-reading or double-reading - Evidence to
guide future screening strategies. European
Journal of Cancer, 50(10), 1799-1807. <a
Publications for Petra Macaskill
7">[More Information]</a>
Bernardi, D., Caumo, F., Macaskill, P., Ciatto,
S., Pellegrini, M., Brunelli, S., Tuttobene, P.,
Bricolo, P., Fanto, C., Valentini, M., Houssami,
N., et al (2014). Effect of integrating
3D-mammography (digital breast tomosynthesis)
with 2D-mammography on radiologists'
true-positive and false-positive detection in a
population breast screening trial. European
Journal of Cancer, 50(7), 1232-1238. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Caumo, F., Bernardi, D., Ciatto, S., Macaskill,
P., Pellegrini, M., Brunelli, S., Tuttobene, P.,
Bricolo, P., Fanto, C., Valentini, M., Houssami,
N., et al (2014). Incremental effect from
integrating 3D-mammography (tomosynthesis)
with 2D-mammography: Increased breast cancer
detection evident for screening centres in a
population-based trial. The Breast, 23(1), 76-80.
006">[More Information]</a>
Downie, A., Williams, C., Henschke, N.,
Hancock, M., Ostelo, R., de Vet, H., Macaskill,
P., Irwig, L., Van Tulder, M., Koes, B., Maher,
C. (2014). Red flags to screen for malignancy
and fracture in patients with low back pain.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48(20), 1518.
Turner, R., Walter, S., Macaskill, P., McCaffery,
K., Irwig, L. (2014). Sample size and power
when designing a randomized trial for the
estimation of treatment, selection, and preference
effects. Medical Decision Making, 34(6),
711-719. <a
264">[More Information]</a>
Houssami, N., Macaskill, P., Marinovich, M.,
Morrow, M. (2014). The association of surgical
margins and local recurrence in women with
early-stage invasive breast cancer treated with
breast-conserving therapy: a meta-analysis.
Annals of Surgical Oncology, 21(3), 717-730. <a
0-5">[More Information]</a>
De, S., Williams, G., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P.,
McCaskill, M., Isaacs, D., Craig, J. (2014).
Value of white cell count in predicting serious
bacterial infection in febrile children under 5
years of age. Archives of Disease in Childhood,
99(6), 493-499. <a
3-304754">[More Information]</a>
De, S., Williams, G., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P.,
McCaskill, M., Isaacs, D., Craig, J. (2013).
Accuracy of the "traffic light" clinical decision
rule for serious bacterial infections in young
children with fever: a retrospective cohort study.
BMJ, 346, 1-9. <a
e Information]</a>
Ciatto, S., Houssami, N., Bernardi, D., Caumo,
F., Pellegrini, M., Brunelli, S., Tuttobene, P.,
Bricolo, P., Fanto, C., Valentini, M., Macaskill,
P., et al (2013). Integration of 3D digital
mammography with tomosynthesis for
population breast-cancer screening (STORM): a
prospective comparison study. The Lancet
Oncology, 14(7), 583-589. <a
70134-7">[More Information]</a>
Marinovich, M., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L.,
Sardanelli, F., von Minckwitz, G., Mamounas,
E., Brennan, M., Ciatto, S., Houssami, N. (2013).
Meta-analysis of agreement between MRI and
pathologic breast tumour size after neoadjuvant
chemotherapy. British Journal of Cancer,
109(6), 1528-1536. <a
More Information]</a>
Marinovich, M., Houssami, N., Macaskill, P.,
Sardanelli, F., Irwig, L., Mamounas, E., von
Minckwitz, G., Brennan, M., Ciatto, S. (2013).
Meta-Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
in Detecting Residual Breast Cancer After
Neoadjuvant Therapy. Journal of the National
Cancer Institute, 105(5), 321-333. <a
ore Information]</a>
Kim, S., Macaskill, P., Sureshkumar, P., Hodson,
E., Williams, R., Vukasin, N., Kearns, R.,
Daylight, J., Lyle, D., Craig, J. (2013).
Prevalence of early markers of chronic kidney
and cardiovascular disease in aboriginal and
non-aboriginal children: results of 6 year
population based cohort study. World Congress
of Nephrology 2013, Brussels, Belgium:
International Society of Nephrology.
Downie, A., Williams, C., Henschke, N.,
Hancock, M., Ostelo, R., de Vet, H., Macaskill,
P., Irwig, L., van Tulder, M., Koes, B., Maher, C.
(2013). Red flags to screen for malignancy and
fracture in patients with low back pain:
systematic review. BMJ: British Medical
Journal, 347, 1-9. <a
re Information]</a>
Henschke, N., Maher, C., Ostelo, R., de Ver, H.,
Macaskill, P., Irwig, L. (2013). Red flags to
screen for malignancy in patients with low-back
pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
(2), 1-42. <a
Publications for Petra Macaskill
8686.pub2">[More Information]</a>
3">[More Information]</a>
Williams, C., Henschke, N., Maher, C., van
Tulder, M., Koes, B., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L.
(2013). Red flags to screen for vertebral fracture
in patients presenting with low-back pain.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1,
1-56. <a
8643.pub2">[More Information]</a>
Hancock, M., Maher, C., Macaskill, P., Latimer,
J., Kos, W., Pik, J. (2012). MRI findings are
more common in selected patients with acute low
back pain than controls? European Spine
Journal, 21(2), 240-246. <a
5-7">[More Information]</a>
Lucas, N., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Moran, R.,
Rickards, L., Turner, R., Bogduk, N. (2013). The
reliability of a quality appraisal tool for studies
of diagnostic reliability (QAREL). BMC Medical
Research Methodology, 13, 1-6. <a
11">[More Information]</a>
Williams, G., Macaskill, P., Kerr, M., Fitzgerald,
D., Isaacs, D., Codarini, M., McCaskill, M.,
Prelog, K., Craig, J. (2013). Variability and
accuracy in interpretation of consolidation on
chest radiography for diagnosing pneumonia in
children under 5 years of age. Pediatric
Pulmonology, 48(12), 1195-1200. <a
ore Information]</a>
Turner, R., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L.,
Reddel, H. (2012). Control charts demonstrated
limited utility for the monitoring of lung function
in asthma. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
65(1), 53-61. <a
4.012">[More Information]</a>
Marinovich, M., Sardanelli, F., Ciatto, S.,
Mamounas, E., Brennan, M., Macaskill, P.,
Irwig, L., von Minckwitz, G., Houssami, N.
(2012). Early prediction of pathologic response
to neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer:
Systematic review of the accuracy of MRI. The
Breast, 21(5), 669-677. <a
006">[More Information]</a>
Walter, S., Macaskill, P., Lord, S., Irwig, L.
(2012). Effect of dependent errors in the
assessment of diagnostic or screening test
accuracy when the reference standard is
imperfect. Statistics in Medicine, 31(11-12),
1129-1138. <a
e Information]</a>
Houssami, N., Macaskill, P., von Minckwitz, G.,
Marinovich, M., Mamounas, E. (2012).
Meta-analysis of the association of breast cancer
subtype and pathologic complete response to
neoadjuvant chemotherapy. European Journal of
Cancer, 48(18), 3342-3354. <a
Walter, S., Turner, R., Macaskill, P., McCaffery,
K., Irwig, L. (2012). Optimal allocation of
participants for the estimation of selection,
preference and treatment effects in the two-stage
randomised trial design. Statistics in Medicine,
31(13), 1307-1322. <a
e Information]</a>
Adelstein, B., Macaskill, P., Turner, R., Irwig, L.
(2012). Patients who take their symptoms less
seriously are more likely to have colorectal
cancer. BMC Gastroenterology, 12, 1-9. <a
30">[More Information]</a>
Houssami, N., Ambrogetti, D., Marinovich, M.,
Bianchi, S., Macaskill, P., Vezzosi, V.,
Mamounas, E., Ciatto, S. (2011). Accuracy of a
Preoperative Model for Predicting Invasive
Breast Cancer in Women with Ductal
Carcinoma-in-situ on Vacuum-Assisted Core
Needle Biopsy. Annals of Surgical Oncology,
18(5), 1364-1371. <a
8-9">[More Information]</a>
Hancock, M., Maher, C., Macaskill, P., Latimer,
J., Koss, W., Pik, J. (2011). Can MRI fi ndings
differentiate between patients with low back pain
and controls? APA Physiotherapy Conference
2011, NA.
McCaffery, K., Turner, R., Macaskill, P., Walter,
S., Chan, S., Irwig, L. (2011). Determining the
Impact of Informed Choice : Separating
Treatment Effects from the Effects of Choice and
Selection in Randomized Trials. Medical
Decision Making, 31(2), 229-236. <a
919">[More Information]</a>
Brennan, M., Turner, R., Ciatto, S., Marinovich,
M., French, J., Macaskill, P., Houssami, N.
(2011). Ductal Carcinoma in Situ at Core-Needle
Biopsy: Meta-Analysis of Underestimation and
Predictors of Invasive Breast Cancer. Radiology,
260(1), 119-128. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Houssami, N., Macaskill, P., Balleine, R., Bilous,
M., Pegram, M. (2011). HER2 discordance
between primary breast cancer and its paired
Publications for Petra Macaskill
metastasis: Tumor biology or test artefact?
Insights through meta-analysis. Breast Cancer
Research and Treatment, 129(3), 659-674. <a
2-x">[More Information]</a>
Herbert, R., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P., Walter, S.
(2011). Interval Estimation for the Difference of
Two Independent Variances. Communications in
Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 40(5),
744-758. <a
552824">[More Information]</a>
Adelstein, B., Macaskill, P., Chan, S., Katelaris,
P., Irwig, L. (2011). Most bowel cancer
symptoms do not indicate colorectal cancer and
polyps: a systematic review. BMC
Gastroenterology, 11, 65-1-65-10. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Houssami, N., Ciatto, S., Turner, R., Cody, H.,
Macaskill, P. (2011). Preoperative
Ultrasound-Guided Needle Biopsy of Axillary
Nodes in Invasive Breast Cancer: Meta-Analysis
of Its Accuracy and Utility in Staging the Axilla.
Annals of Surgery, 254(2), 243-251. <a
21f1564">[More Information]</a>
Sterne, J., Sutton, A., Ioannidis, J., Terrin, N.,
Jones, D., Lau, J., Carpenter, J., Rucker, G.,
Harbord, R., Schmid, C., Macaskill, P., et al
(2011). Recommendations for examining and
interpreting funnel plot asymmetry in
meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials.
BMJ: British Medical Journal, 343, 302-307. <a
ore Information]</a>
Palmer, S., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P., Pellegrini,
F., Craig, J., Elder, G., Strippoli, G. (2011).
Serum Levels of Phosphorus, Parathyroid
Hormone, and Calcium and Risks of Death and
Cardiovascular Disease in Individuals With
Chronic Kidney Disease. JAMA: The Journal of
the American Medical Association, 305(11),
1119-1127. <a
[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Chapman, J., Tong, A.,
Bourke, M., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P., Hope, R.,
Williams, N., Kieu, A., Allen, R., Chadban, S.,
Pollock, C., Webster, A., Craig, J., et al (2011).
Test performance of faecal occult blood testing
for the detection of bowel cancer in people with
chronic kidney disease (DETECT) protocol.
BMC Public Health, 11(June), A516-1-A516-7.
16">[More Information]</a>
Adelstein, B., Macaskill, P., Turner, R.,
Katelaris, P., Irwig, L. (2011). The value of age
and medical history for predicting colorectal
cancer and adenomas in people referred for
colonoscopy. BMC Gastroenterology, 11(2011),
A97-1-A97-10. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Walter, S., Forbes, A., Chan, S., Macaskill, P.,
Irwig, L. (2011). When should one adjust for
measurement error in baseline variables in
observational studies? Biometrical Journal,
53(1), 28-39. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Williams, G., Macaskill, P., Chan, S., Turner, R.,
Hodson, E., Craig, J. (2010). Absolute and
relative accuracy of rapid urine tests for urinary
tract infection in children: a meta-analysis. The
Lancet Infectious Diseases, 10(4), 240-250. <a
70031-1">[More Information]</a>
Hayen, A., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Bossuyt, P.
(2010). Appropriate statistical methods are
required to assess diagnostic tests for
replacement, add-on, and triage. Journal of
Clinical Epidemiology, 63(8), 883-891. <a
8.024">[More Information]</a>
Houssami, N., Macaskill, P., Marinovich, M.,
Dixon, J., Irwig, L., Brennan, M., Solin, L.
(2010). Meta-analysis of the impact of surgical
margins on local recurrence in women with
early-stage invasive breast cancer treated with
breast-conserving therapy. European Journal of
Cancer, 46(18), 3219-3232. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Bell, K., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P., Craig, J.,
Neal, B., Fox, K., Remme, W., Asselbergs, F.,
van Gilst, W., MacMahon, S., Irwig, L., et al
(2010). Monitoring Initial Response to
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor-Based
Regimens. An Individual Patient Data
Meta-Analysis From Randomized,
Placebo-Controlled Trials. Hypertension, 56(3),
533-539. <a
NAHA.110.152421">[More Information]</a>
Cross, N., Macaskill, P., Hayen, A., Webster, A.,
Wong, G., O'Connell, P., Chapman, J.,
Nankivell, B., Craig, J. (2010). Optimizing
Serum Creatinine Monitoring For The Rapid
Detection Of Complications In The Early
Post-Kidney Transplant Period. Transplantation,
90(Suppl 2:977), 977.
Cross, N., Macaskill, P., Hayen, A., Webster, A.,
Publications for Petra Macaskill
O'Connell, P., Chapman, J., Nankivell, B., Craig,
J. (2010). Prediction of Serum Creatinine In The
First Month Following Uncomplicated Kidney
Transplantation. Transplantation, 90(Suppl
2:876), 876.
symptoms do not add substantially to age and
other medical history. Alimentary Pharmacology
and Therapeutics, 32(2), 270-281. <a
0.04344.x">[More Information]</a>
McCaffery, K., Irwig, L., Turner, R., Chan, S.,
Macaskill, P., Lewicka, M., Clarke, J., Weisberg,
E., Barratt, A. (2010). Psychosocial outcomes of
three triage methods for the management of
borderline abnormal cervical smears: an open
randomised trial. BMJ: British Medical Journal,
340, b4491-1-b4491-13. <a
ore Information]</a>
Wang, L., Macaskill, P., Fahim, M., Craig, J.,
Mitchell, R., Hayen, A., Baines, L., Lord, S.,
Webster, A. (2010). Screening Tests for
Coronary Artery Disease in Potential Kidney
Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review of
Diagnostic Test Accuracy. Transplantation,
90(Suppl), 211-211.
Bell, K., Irwig, L., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P.,
Craig, J. (2010). Should response rules be used
to decide continued subsidy of very expensive
drugs? A checklist for decision makers.
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 19(1),
99-105. <a
e Information]</a>
Craig, J., Williams, G., Jones, M., Codarini, M.,
Macaskill, P., Hayen, A., Irwig, L., Fitzgerald,
D., Isaacs, D., McCaskill, M. (2010). The
accuracy of clinical symptoms and signs for the
diagnosis of serious bacterial infection in young
febrile children: prospective cohort study of 15
781 febrile illnesses. BMJ: British Medical
Journal, 340, c1594-1-c1594-12. <a
re Information]</a>
Lucas, N., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Bogduk, N.
(2010). The development of a quality appraisal
tool for studies of diagnostic reliability
(QAREL). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
63(8), 854-861. <a
0.002">[More Information]</a>
Bell, K., Hayen, A., Irwig, L., Macaskill, P.,
Craig, J., Ensrud, K., Bauer, D. (2010). The
Value of Routine BMD Monitoring After
Bisphosphonate Treatment. Journal of Bone and
Mineral Research, 25(1), 173-174. <a
More Information]</a>
Adelstein, B., Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Turner,
R., Chan, S., Katelaris, P. (2010). Who needs
colonoscopy to identify colorectal cancer? Bowel
Davey, E., Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Clarke, J.,
Thurloe, J., Hyne, S., Biro, C. (2009). Does
providing previous results change the accuracy
of cervical cytology? Acta Cytologica, 53(6),
644-652. <a
&list_uids=20014553">[More Information]</a>
Buntinx, F., Aertgeerts, B., Macaskill, P. (2009).
Guidelines for conducting systematic reviews of
studies evaluating the accuracy of diagnostic
tests. In J. Andre Knottnerus, Frank Buntinx
(Eds.), The Evidence Base of Clinical Diagnosis:
Theory and Methods of Diagnostic Research,
(pp. 180-212). West Sussex, UK:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Brennan, M., Houssami, N., Lord, S., Macaskill,
P., Irwig, L., Dixon, J., Warren, R., Ciatto, S.
(2009). Magnetic Resonance Imaging Screening
of the Contralateral Breast in Women With
Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer: Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis of Incremental
Cancer Detection and Impact on Surgical
Management. Journal of Clinical Oncology,
27(33), 5640-5649. <a
56">[More Information]</a>
McGeechan, K., Liew, G., Macaskill, P., Irwig,
L., Klein, R., Klein, B., Wang, J., Mitchell, P.,
Vingerling, J., de Jong, P., et al (2009).
Meta-analysis: retinal vessel caliber and risk for
coronary heart disease. Annals of Internal
Medicine, 151(6), 404-413. <a
&list_uids=19755365">[More Information]</a>
Bell, K., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P., Craig, J.,
Neal, B., Irwig, L. (2009). Mixed models showed
no need for initial response monitoring after
starting antihypertensive therapy. Journal of
Clinical Epidemiology, 62, 650-659. <a
7.018">[More Information]</a>
McGeechan, K., Liew, G., Macaskill, P., Irwig,
L., Klein, R., Klein, B., Wang, J., Mitchell, P.,
Vingerling, J., de Jong, P., et al (2009).
Prediction of incident stroke events based on
retinal vessel caliber: a systematic review and
individual-participant meta-analysis. American
Journal of Epidemiology, 170(11), 1323-1332.
Publications for Petra Macaskill
ore Information]</a>
Lucas, N., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Moran, R.,
Bogduk, N. (2009). Reliability of physical
examination for diagnosis of myofascial trigger
points: A systematic review of the literature.
Clinical Journal of Pain, 25(1), 80-89. <a
7e13b6">[More Information]</a>
Warren, R., Ciatto, S., Macaskill, P., Black, R.,
Houssami, N. (2009). Technical aspects of breast
MRI--do they affect outcomes? European
Radiology, 19(7), 1629-1638. <a
1-6">[More Information]</a>
Bell, K., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L.,
Craig, J., Ensrud, K., Bauer, D. (2009). Value of
routine monitoring of bone mineral density after
starting bisphosphonate treatment: secondary
analysis of trial data. BMJ: British Medical
Journal, 338(7710), 1-5. <a
ore Information]</a>
Palmer, S., McGregor, D., Craig, J., Elder, G.,
Macaskill, P., Strippoli, G. (2009). Vitamin D
compounds for people with chronic kidney
disease not requiring dialysis. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, (4), 1-47. <a
8175">[More Information]</a>
Palmer, S., McGregor, D., Craig, J., Elder, G.,
Macaskill, P., Strippoli, G. (2009). Vitamin D
compounds for people with chronic kidney
disease requiring dialysis. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews, (4), 1-120.
Adelstein, B., Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Katelaris,
P., Jones, D., Bokey, E. (2008). A self
administered reliable questionnaire to assess
lower bowel symptoms. BMC Gastroenterology,
8(8), 1-9. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Houssami, N., Ciatto, S., Macaskill, P., Lord, S.,
Warren, R., Dixon, J., Irwig, L. (2008). Accuracy
and Surgical Impact of Magnetic Resonance
Imaging in Breast Cancer Staging: Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis in Detection of
Multifocal and Multicentric Cancer. Journal of
Clinical Oncology, 26(19), 3248-3258. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
McGeechan, K., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Liew,
G., Wong, T. (2008). Assessing New Biomarkers
and Predictive
Models for Use in Clinical Practice. Archives of
Internal Medicine, 168(21), 2304-2310. <a
&list_uids=19029492">[More Information]</a>
Macaskill, P. (2008). Control charts and control
limits in long-term monitoring. In P Glasziou, L
Irwig and J K Aronson (Eds.), Evidence-based
Medical Monitoring:From Principles to
Practice, (pp. 90-102). Oxford: Blackwell
Vestergaard, M., Macaskill, P., Holt, P.,
Menzies, S. (2008). Dermoscopy compared with
naked eye examination for the diagnosis of
primary melanoma: a meta-analysis of studies
performed in a clinical setting. British Journal of
Dermatology, 159, 669-676. <a
8.08713.x">[More Information]</a>
McCaffery, K., Irwig, L., Chan, S., Macaskill, P.,
Barratt, A., Lewicka, M., Clarke, J., Weisberg, E.
(2008). HPV testing versus repeat Pap testing for
the management of a minor abnormal Pap smear:
Evaluation of a decision aid to support informed
choice. Patient Education and Counseling, 73(3),
473-481. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Irwig, L., Healey, P., D'Assuncao, J., Macaskill,
P. (2008). Monitoring intraocular pressure in
glaucoma. In P Glasziou, L Irwig and J K
Aronson (Eds.), Evidence-based Medical
Monitoring:From Principles to Practice, (pp.
325-334). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
McGeechan, K., Liew, G., Macaskill, P., Irwig,
L., Klein, R., Sharrett, A., Klein, B., Wang, J.,
Chambless, L., Wong, T. (2008). Risk Prediction
of Coronary Heart Disease Based on Retinal
Vascular Caliber (from the Atherosclerosis Risk
In Communities [ARIC] Study). The American
Journal of Cardiology, 102(1), 58-63. <a
2.094">[More Information]</a>
Chan, S., Deeks, J., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L.
(2008). Three methods to construct predictive
models using logistic regression and likelihood
ratios to facilitate adjustment for pretest
probability give similar results. Journal of
Clinical Epidemiology, 61(1), 52-63. <a
2.012">[More Information]</a>
Bell, K., Irwig, L., Craig, J., Macaskill, P.
(2008). Use of randomised trials to decide when
to monitor response to new treatment. BMJ:
British Medical Journal, 336, 361-365. <a
&list_uids=18276713">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Petra Macaskill
Davey, E., D'Assuncao, J., Irwig, L., Macaskill,
P., Chan, S., Richards, A., Farnsworth, A.
(2007). Accuracy of reading liquid based
cytology slides using the ThinPrep Imager
compared with conventional cytology:
prospective study. BMJ: British Medical
Journal, 335(7609), 31-39. <a
&list_uids=17604301">[More Information]</a>
&list_uids=16413876">[More Information]</a>
Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Chan, S., D'Assuncao,
J., Richards, A., Farnsworth, A. (2007). Cervical
cytology reading times: A comparison between
thinprep imager and conventional methods.
Diagnostic Cytopathology, 35(9), 550-4. <a
e Information]</a>
Jabbour, J., Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Hennessy,
M. (2006). Intraocular lens power in bilateral
cataract surgery: Whether adjusting for error of
predicted refraction in the first eye improves
prediction in the second eye. Journal of Cataract
and Refractive Surgery, 32(12), 2091-2097. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Williams, G., Macaskill, P., Chan, S., Karplus,
T., Yung, W., Hodson, E., Craig, J. (2007).
Comparative accuracy of renal duplex
sonographic parameters in the diagnosis of renal
artery stenosis: paired and unpaired analysis.
American Journal Of Roentgenology, 188(3),
798-811. <a
&list_uids=17312071">[More Information]</a>
McLeod, J., Barnett, M., Macaskill, P., Williams,
D. (2007). Long-term prognosis of multiple
sclerosis in Australia. Journal of the
Neurological Sciences, 256, 35-38. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Palmer, S., McGregor, D., Macaskill, P., Craig,
J., Elder, G., Strippoli, G. (2007). Meta-analysis:
vitamin D compounds in chronic kidney disease.
Annals of Internal Medicine, 147(12), 840-853.
&list_uids=18087055">[More Information]</a>
Williams, G., Sureshkumar, P., Chan, S.,
Macaskill, P., Craig, J. (2007). Ordering of renal
tract imaging by pediatricians after urinary tract
infection. Journal of Paediatrics and Child
Health, 43(4), 271-279. <a
&list_uids=17444829">[More Information]</a>
Davey, E., Barratt, A., Irwig, L., Chan, S.,
Macaskill, P., Mannes, P., Saville, A. (2006).
Effect of study design and quality on
unsatisfactory rates, cytology classifications, and
accuracy in liquid-based versus conventional
cervical cytology: a systematic review. The
Lancet, 367(9505), 122-132. <a
Craig, J., Jones, M., Codarini, M., Macaskill, P.,
Williams, G. (2006). Incremental diagnostic
accuracy of dipstick urinalysis for the diagnosis
of UTI compared with clinical evaluation alone
in young children presenting with a febrile
illness. 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Australian and New Zealand Society of
Davey, E., Barratt, A., Macaskill, P., Saville, A.
(2006). Liquid-based versus conventional
cervical cytology - Reply. The Lancet,
367(9521), 1482-1483.
Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Walter, S., Houssami, N.
(2006). New methods give better estimates of
changes in diagnostic accuracy when prior
information is provided. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology, 59(3), 299-307. <a
8.013">[More Information]</a>
Chan, S., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Walter, S.
(2006). Re: In response to the correspondence
arising from Twisk and Proper: evaluation of the
results of a randomized controlled trial: how to
define changes between baseline and follow-up.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 59(3),
Macaskill, P., Glasziou, P., Irwig, L. (2005).
Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Tests. In Peter
Armitage and Theodore Colton (Eds.),
Encyclopedia of Biostatistics – 2nd Edition, (pp.
3213-3221). John Wiley & Sons.
Tew, K., Irwig, L., Matthews, A., Crowe, P.,
Macaskill, P. (2005). Meta-analysis of sentinel
node imprint cytology in breast cancer. British
Journal of Surgery, 92(9), 1068-1080. <a
Tran, T., Mulhall, B., Macaskill, P., Nguyen, T.
(2005). Risk factors for HIV infection in a
gynaeco-obstetric population in Vietnam--a
case-control study. Sexual Health, 2(2), 71-75.
&list_uids=16335744">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Petra Macaskill
Deeks, J., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L. (2005). The
performance of tests of publication bias and
other sample size effects in systematic reviews of
diagnostic test accuracy was assessed. Journal of
Clinical Epidemiology, 58(9), 882-893. <a
&list_uids=16085191">[More Information]</a>
Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Farnsworth, A., Wright,
R., McCool, J., Barratt, A., Simpson, J. (2004).
A randomized crossover trial of PAPNET for
primary cervical screening. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology, 57(1), 75-81.
Chan, S., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Walter, S.
(2004). Adjustment For Baseline Measurement
Error In Randomized Controlled Trials Induces
Bias. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 25(4),
408-416. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Macaskill, P. (2004). Empirical Bayes Estimates
Generated In A Hierarchical Summary Roc
Analysis Agreed Closely With Those Of A Full
Bayesian Analysis. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology, 57(9), 925-932. <a
2.019">[More Information]</a>
Williams, G., Macaskill, P., Chan, S., Craig, J.
(2004). How accurate are the simple and quick
tests to diagnose urinary tract infection in
children? IPNA meeting, 13th Congress.
Codarini, M., Williams, G., Chan, S., Craig, J.,
Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., McCaskill, M. (2004).
Outcomes for children with fever presenting to a
Paediatric Emergency Department. Royal
Australasian College of Physicians Annual
Scientific Meeting. British Medical Journal
Publishing Group.
Chen, J., Conigrave, K., Macaskill, P., Whitfield,
J., Irwig, L. (2003). Combining
carbohydrate-deficient transferrin and
gamma-glutamyltransferase to increase
diagnostic accuracy for problem drinking.
Alcohol and Alcoholism, 38(6), 574-582.
Barnett, M., Williams, D., Day, S., Macaskill, P.,
McLeod, J. (2003). Progressive increase in
incidence and prevalence of multiple sclerosis in
Newcastle, Australia: a 35-year study. Journal of
the Neurological Sciences, 213(1-2), 1-6.
Walter Stephen, D., Macaskill, P. (2003). The
summary receiver operating characteristic
(SROC) curve. In Shein-Chung Chow (Eds.),
Encyclopedia of Biopharmaceutical Statistics,
Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, (pp.
884-891). Informa Healthcare.
Williams, G., Karplus, T., Hodson, E., Yung, W.,
Macaskill, P., Chan, S., Craig, J. (2002).
Accuracy of ultrasonography for renal artery
stenosis: a meta-analysis of diagnostic test
studies. Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Australian and New Zealand Society of
Berry, G., Smith, C., Macaskill, P., Irwig, L.
(2002). Analytic methods for comparing two
dichotomous screening or diagnostic tests
applied to two populations of differing disease
prevalence when individuals negative on both
tests are unverified. Statistics in Medicine, 21(6),
853-862. <a
e Information]</a>
Macaskill, P., Walter, S., Irwig, L., Franco, E.
(2002). Assessing the gain in diagnostic
performance when combining two diagnostic
tests. Statistics in Medicine, 21(17), 2527-2546.
e Information]</a>
Booth, M., Okley, A., Chey, T., Bauman, A.,
Macaskill, P. (2002). Epidemiology of physical
activity participation among New South Wales
school students. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Public Health, 26(4), 371-374.
Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Houssami, N. (2002).
Evidence relevant to the investigation of breast
symptoms: the triple test. The Breast, 11(3),
Houssami, N., Ciatto, S., Irwig, L., Simpson, J.,
Macaskill, P. (2002). The comparative sensitivity
of mammography and ultrasound in women with
breast symptoms: an age specific analysis. The
Breast, 11(2), 125-130.
Macaskill, P., Irwig, L., Walter Stephen, D.
(2001). A comparison of methods to detect
publication bias in meta-analysis. Statistics in
Medicine, 20, 641-654.
Ivers, R., Macaskill, P., Cumming, R., Mitchell,
P. (2001). Sensitivity and specificity of tests to
detect eye disease in an older population.
Ophthalmology, 108, 968-975.
Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Simpson, J., Van Vilet,
C. (2001). The design of pilot implementation
colorectal cancer screening in Australia:
providing information to improve the
cost-effectiveness of national screening.
Hammond, S., McLeod, J., Macaskill, P.,
Publications for Petra Macaskill
English, D. (2000). Multiple sclerosis in
Australia: prognostic factors. Journal of Clinical
Neuroscience, 7(1), 16-19.
Scouller, K., Conigrave, K., Macaskill, P., Irwig,
L., Whitfield, J. (2000). Should we use
carbohydrate-deficient transferrin instead of
gamma-glutamyltransferase for detecting
problem drinkers? A systematic review and
metaanalysis. Clinical Chemistry, 46, 1894-1902.