Publications for Peter Katelaris 2015


Publications for Peter Katelaris


Liu, K., Katelaris, P. (2015). Education and imaging Gastrointestinal: Porcelain gallbladder.

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ,

30(4), 648. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a>

Laube, R., Liu, K., Katelaris, P. (2015).

Gastroenterology: Dysphagia aortica. Journal of

Gastroenterology and Hepatology , 30(5), 799.

<a href="">[Mo re Information]</a>

Ko, Y., Kariyawasam, V., Karrib, M., Butcher,

R., Samuel, D., Alrubaie, A., Rahme, N.,

McDonald, C., Cowlishaw, J., Katelaris, P., et al

(2015). Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Environmental Risk Factors: A Population-Based

Case-Control Study of Middle Eastern Migration to Australia. Clinical Gastroenterology and

Hepatology , 13(8), 1453-1463. <a href="

5">[More Information]</a>

Lunney, P., Kariyawasam, V., Wang, R.,

Middleton, K., Huang, T., Selinger, C., Andrews,

J., Katelaris, P., Leong, R. (2015). Smoking prevalence and its influence on disease course and surgery in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Alimentary Pharmacology and

Therapeutics , 42(1), 61-70. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a>


Kariyawasam, V., Selinger, C., Katelaris, P.,

Jones, B., McDonald, C., Barr, G., Chapman, G.,

Colliwshaw, J., Lunney, P., Middleton, K.,

Wang, R., et al (2014). Early Use of Thiopurines or Methotrexate Reduces Major Abdominal and

Perianal Surgery in Crohn's Disease.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , 20(8), 1382-1390.

<a href="

0000119">[More Information]</a>


Selinger, C., Lal, S., Eaden, J., Jones, B.,

Katelaris, P., Chapman, G., McDonald, C.,

Leong, R., McLaughlin, J. (2013). Better disease specific patient knowledge is associated with greater anxiety in inflammatory bowel disease.

Journal of Crohn's and Colitis , 7(6), e214-e218.

<a href="

014">[More Information]</a>

Selinger, C., Kinjo, Y., Jones, B., Katelaris, P.,

Chapman, G., McDonald, C., Lal, S.,

Publications for Peter Katelaris

McLaughlin, J., Robinson, A., Leong, R. (2013).

Conveying medication benefits to ulcerative colitis patients and effects on patient attitudes regarding thresholds for adherence. Journal of

Crohn's and Colitis , 7(8), e312-e317. <a href="

006">[More Information]</a>

Mustaffa, N., Leong, R., Katelaris, P. (2013).

Education and imaging. Gastrointestinal: spigelian hernia; an uncommon cause of longstanding intermittent abdominal pain.

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ,

28(1), 202. <a href="">[Mo re Information]</a>

Selinger, C., Eaden, J., Selby, W., Jones, D.,

Katelaris, P., Chapman, G., Mcdondald, C.,

McLaughlin, J., Leong, R., Lal, S. (2013).

Inflammatory bowel disease and pregnancy:

Lack of knowledge is associated with negative views. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis , 7(6), e206-e213. <a href="

010">[More Information]</a>

Selinger, C., Eaden, J., Jones, D., Katelaris, P.,

Chapman, G., McDonald, C., Smith, P., Lal, S.,

Leong, R., McLaughlin, J., et al (2013).

Modifiable Factors Associated with

Nonadherence to Maintenance Medication for

Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflammatory

Bowel Diseases , 19(10), 2199-2206. <a href="

29ed8a6">[More Information]</a>


Selinger, C., Eaden, J., Selby, W., Jones, B.,

Katelaris, P., Chapman, G., McDonald, C.,

McLaughlin, J., Leong, R., Lal, S. (2012).

Patients' knowledge of pregnancy-related issues in inflammatory bowel disease and validation of a novel assessment tool ('CCPKnow').

Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics ,

36(1), 57-63. <a href="

2.05130.x">[More Information]</a>


Chang, A., Connor, F., Petsky, H., Eastburn, M.,

Lewindon, P., Hall, C., Wilson, S., Katelaris, P.

(2011). An objective study of acid reflux and cough in children using an ambulatory pHmetry-cough logger. Archives of Disease in Childhood , 96(5),

468-472. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Adelstein, B., Macaskill, P., Chan, S., Katelaris,

P., Irwig, L. (2011). Most bowel cancer symptoms do not indicate colorectal cancer and

polyps: a systematic review. BMC

Gastroenterology , 11, 65-1-65-10. <a href="

5">[More Information]</a>

Park, G., Wiseman, E., George, J., Katelaris, P.,

Seow, F., Fung, C., Ngu, M. (2011).

Non-invasive Estimation of Liver Fibrosis in

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Using the (13)

C-Caffeine Breath Test. Journal of

Gastroenterology and Hepatology , 26(9),

1411-1416. <a href="

1.06760.x">[More Information]</a>

Scheiman, J., Devereaux, P., Herlitz, J.,

Katelaris, P., Lanas, A., van Zanten, S., Naucler,

E., Svedberg, L. (2011). Prevention of peptic ulcers with esomeprazole in patients at risk of ulcer development treated with low-dose acetylsalicylic acid: a randomised, controlled trial (OBERON). E-Heart , 97(10), 797-802. <a href="

">[More Information]</a>

Adelstein, B., Macaskill, P., Turner, R.,

Katelaris, P., Irwig, L. (2011). The value of age and medical history for predicting colorectal cancer and adenomas in people referred for colonoscopy. BMC Gastroenterology , 11(2011),

A97-1-A97-10. <a href="

7">[More Information]</a>

Moulds, R., Bampton, P., Curry, M., Ee, L.,

Ellard, K., Hebbard, G., Katelaris, P., McCullen,

M., Pavli, P. (2011). Therapeutic guidelines:

Gastrointestinal. Version 5 . Australia:

Therapeutic Guidelines Limited.


Bell, J., Katelaris, P., Krasses, G. (2010). An

Australian pharmacy audit of the management of heartburn and the role of over the counter proton pump inhibitors. Australian Pharmacist ,

29, 526-528.

Gibson, P., Chang, A., Glasgow, N., Holmes, P.,

Katelaris, P., Landau, L., Mazzone, S.,

Newcombe, P., Van Asperen, P., Vertigan, A.

(2010). CICADA: Cough in Children and

Adults: Diagnosis and Assessment. Australian

Cough Guidelines summary statement. Medical

Journal of Australia , 192(5), 265-271. <a href="


&list_uids=20201760">[More Information]</a>

Adelstein, B., Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Turner,

R., Chan, S., Katelaris, P. (2010). Who needs colonoscopy to identify colorectal cancer? Bowel symptoms do not add substantially to age and other medical history. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics , 32(2), 270-281. <a

Publications for Peter Katelaris href="

0.04344.x">[More Information]</a>


Eggleston, A., Katelaris, P., Nandurkar, S.,

Thorpe, P., Holtmann, G. (2009). Clinical trial: the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in primary care--prospective randomized comparison of rabeprazole 20 mg with esomeprazole 20 and 40 mg. Alimentary

Pharmacology and Therapeutics , 29(9),

967-978. <a href="

9.03948.x">[More Information]</a>

Katelaris, P. (2009). Helicobacter pylori: antibiotic resistance and treatment options.

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ,

24(7), 1155-7. <a href="

9.05911.x">[More Information]</a>

Haag, S., Andrews, J., Katelaris, P., Gapasin, J.,

Galmiche, J., Hunt, R., Layer, P., Malfertheiner,

P., Holtmann, G. (2009). Management of Reflux

Symptoms with Over-the-Counter Proton Pump

Inhibitors: Issues and Proposed Guidelines.

Digestion , 80(4), 226-234. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a>

Fock, K., Katelaris, P., Sugano, K., Ann, T.,

Hunt, R., Talley, N., Lam, S., Xiao, S., Tan, H.,

Wu, C. (2009). Second Asia-Pacific Consensus

Guidelines for Helicobacter pylori infection.

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ,

24(10), 1587-1600. <a href="

9.05982.x">[More Information]</a>


Adelstein, B., Irwig, L., Macaskill, P., Katelaris,

P., Jones, D., Bokey, E. (2008). A self administered reliable questionnaire to assess lower bowel symptoms. BMC Gastroenterology ,

8(8), 1-9. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Fock, K., Talley, N., Fass, R., Goh, K., Katelaris,

P., Hunt, R., Hongo, M., Ang, T., Holtmann, G.,

Nandurkar, S., et al (2008). Asia-Pacific consensus on the management of gastroesophageal reflux disease: update. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology , 23(1),

8-22. <a href="

7.05249.x">[More Information]</a>

Katelaris, P. (2008). Heartburn, acid regurgitation and Barrett's oesophagus. In N

Talley, I Segal, M Weltman (Eds.),

Gastroenterology and Hepatology: a clinical handbook , (pp. 27-41). Australia: Elsevier.

Kwok, A., Lam, T., Katelaris, P., Leong, R.

(2008). Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy: indications, efficacy and safety. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety , 7(3), 271-281. <a href="

1">[More Information]</a>


Eastburn, M., Katelaris, P., Chang, A. (2007).

Defining the relationship between gastroesophageal reflux and cough: probabilities, possibilities and limitations. Cough , 3, 4. <a href=""

>[More Information]</a>

Katelaris, P. (2007). Heartburn, acid regurgitation and Barrett's oesophagus. In N

Talley, I Segal, M Weltman (Eds.),

Gastroenterology and Hepatology: a clinical handbook , (pp. 27-41). Australia: Elsevier.

van der Poorten, D., Katelaris, P. (2007). The effectiveness of rifabutin triple therapy for difficult-to-eradicate Helicobacter pylori in clinical practice. Alimentary Pharmacology and

Therapeutics , 26(11), 1537-1542. <a href="


&list_uids=17903237">[More Information]</a>

Katelaris, P., Sontag, S., Sachs, G., Moss, S.,

Modlin, I., Heading, R., Fock, K., Malfertheiner,

P., McColl, K., McCarthy, D., et al (2007).

Whistler Consensus. Journal of Clinical

Gastroenterology , 41(6), S47-S50.


Malfertheiner, P., Fass, R., Quigley, E., Modlin,

I., Malagelada, J., Moss, S., Holtmann, G., Goh,

K., Katelaris, P., Stanghellini, V., et al (2006).

Review article: From gastrin to gastro-oesophageal reflux disease - a century of acid suppression. Alimentary Pharmacology and

Therapeutics , 23(6), 683-690.

Chan, R., Katelaris, P., Stewart, P., Lin, B.

(2006). Small bowel adenocarcinoma with high levels of microsatellite instability in Crohn's disease. Human Pathology , 37(5), 631-634. <a href="

12.013">[More Information]</a>


Armstrong, D., Lauritsen, K., Katelaris, P.,

Schutze, K., Wallner, G., Juergens, H.,

Preiksaitis, H., Naucler, E., Eklund, S., et al

(2005). A randomized comparative study of esomeprazole 40 mg versus pantoprazole 40 mg for healing erosive oesophagitis: the EXPO study. Alimentary Pharmacology and

Therapeutics , 21(6), 739-46. <a href="

5.02368.x">[More Information]</a>

Publications for Peter Katelaris

Park, G., Katelaris, P., Jones, D., Ngu, M., Le

Couteur, D. (2005). Caution before embracing serum markers of liver fibrosis in clinical practice. Gastroenterology , 128(4), 1145-1146.

<a href="


&list_uids=15825107">[More Information]</a>

Labenz, J., Armstrong, D., Lauritsen, K.,

Katelaris, P., Schmidt, S., Schütze, K., Wallner,

G., Juergens, H., Preiksaitis, H., Keeling, N., et al (2005). Esomeprazole 20 mg vs. pantoprazole

20 mg for maintenance therapy of healed erosive oesophagitis: results from the EXPO study.

Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics ,

22(9), 803-811. <a href="


&list_uids=16225489">[More Information]</a>

Katelaris, P., Jones, B., Lin, B., Le Couteur, D.,

Ngu, M., Park, G., Seow, F. (2005). The

13C-caffeine breath test distinguishes significant fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B and reflects response to lamivudine therapy. Alimentary

Pharmacology and Therapeutics , 22(5),

395-403. <a href="


&list_uids=16128677">[More Information]</a>

Park, G., Jones, D., Katelaris, P. (2005). Value of

AST/ALT ratio as fibrotic predictor in chronic hepatitis C. American Journal of

Gastroenterology . <a href="


&list_uids=15984996">[More Information]</a>


Katelaris, P. (2004). An Evaluation Of Current

Gerd Therapy: A Summary And Comparison Of

Effectiveness, Adverse Effects And Costs Of

Drugs, Surgery And Endoscopic Therapy. Best

Practice and Research: Clinical

Gastroenterology , 18(Supplement 1), 39-45. <a href="

1">[More Information]</a>

Pisegna, J., Holtmann, G., Howden, C.,

Katelaris, P., Sharma, P., Spechler, S.,

Triadafilopoulos, G., Tytgat, G. (2004). Review

Article: Oesophageal Complications And

Consequences Of Persistent Gastro-Oesophageal

Reflux Disease. Alimentary Pharmacology and

Therapeutics , 20(Suppl 9), 47-56.


Katelaris, P. (2003). Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and helicobacter pylori. Minerva

Gastroenterologica E Dietologica , 11, 235-241.

Kaffes, A., Cullen, J., Mitchell, H., Katelaris, P.

Publications for Peter Katelaris

(2003). Helicobacter pylori and the gut. Effect of

Helicobacter pylori infection and low-dose aspirin use on iron stores in the elderly. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology , 18(9),


Katelaris, P., Forbes, G., Talley, N., Crotty, B.

(2003). Reply. Gastroenterology , 125(2),


Park, G., Katelaris, P., Jones, D., Seow, F., Le

Couteur, D., Ngu, M. (2003). Validity of the

13C-caffeine breath test as a noninvasive, quantitative test of liver function. Hepatology ,

38(5), 1227-1236.


Katelaris, P., Forbes, G., Talley, N., Crotty, B.

(2002). A randomized comparison of quadruple and triple therapies for Helicobacter pylori eradication: the QUADRATE study.

Gastroenterology , 123(6), 1763-1769.

Katelaris, P., Holloway, R., Talley, N., Gotley,

D., Williams, S., Dent, J. (2002).

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in adults: guidelines for clinicians. Journal of

Gastroenterology and Hepatology , 17(8),


Talley, N., Moore, M., Sprogis, A., Katelaris, P.

(2002). Randomised controlled trial of pantoprazole versus ranitidine for the treatment of uninvestigated heartburn in primary care.

Medical Journal of Australia , 177(8), 423-427.

Kaffes, A., Hughes, L., Hollinshead, J.,

Katelaris, P. (2002). Synchronous primary adenocarcinoma, mucose-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma and a stromal tumor in a

Helicobacter pylori-infected stomach. Journal of

Gastroenterology and Hepatology , 17(9),



Park, G., Lin, B., Ngu, M., Jones, D., Katelaris,

P. (2000). Aspartate aminotransferase : alanine aminotransferase ratio in chronic hepatitis C infection: is it a useful predictor of cirrhosis?

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology ,

15, 386-390.
