ALIGNING THIRD-GRADE FRACTIONS CURRICULUM WITH THE COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS: A TEACHER’S PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION A Project Presented to the faculty of Department of Graduate & Professional Studies in Education California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in Education (Curriculum and Instruction) by Brooke L.N. Webster SUMMER 2013 © 2013 Brooke L.N. Webster ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii ALIGNING THIRD-GRADE FRACTIONS CURRICULUM WITH THE COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS: A TEACHER’S PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION A Project by Brooke L.N. Webster Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Stephanie Biagetti, Ph.D. Date iii Student: Brooke L.N. Webster I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the project. , Department Chair Susan Heredia, Ph.D. Date Graduate and Professional Studies in Education iv Abstract of ALIGNING THIRD-GRADE FRACTIONS CURRICULUM WITH THE COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS: A TEACHER’S PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION by Brooke L.N. Webster Statement of Problem The last implementation of state standards was in 1997, when California, and the rest of the country were in an economic climate that supported growth in so many aspects including, education. In 2010, the state of California adopted new State Standards set forth by the federal and state governments. California teachers are tasked with implementing these standards; however, many teachers are not being provided with the necessary tools to support their teaching. With larger class sizes, and little to no money, teachers are being asked to change in an environment that offers them little to no support. Purpose of Project Common Core Standards are of the educational future in California. Due to the lack of financial support in buying new curriculum that aligns to these standards, teachers will have rely on their own professional practices to help them implement to these new standards. For the teachers in many districts this means developing support lessons and materials that align with these new standards while using their old non-aligned curriculum as the base. This master’s project will help teachers to bridge the curricular v gap in the fractions unit of the third grade math curriculum, Macmillan/McGraw Hill 2008. The project’s supplemental lessons will coincide with the textbook lessons while at the same time aligning with the CCSS. Project Description This project includes written lesson plans that can be easily implemented by third grade teachers in my district and will assist them to be teaching based upon the new CCSS. Using the current third grade curriculum alongside the Common Core State Standards (National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers [NGA & CCSSO], 2010) as well as other fractions resources, I developed supplemental fractions lessons that any teacher could use. In addition to the detailed lessons themselves, the project contains all instructional materials including student in-class worksheets and suggested assessments. , Committee Chair Stephanie Biagetti, Ph.D. Date vi DEDICATION This project is dedicated to all the math students in the state of California who were told by their teachers that they would never be able to learn mathematical concepts, that they were not smart enough to go to college, or even pass a math class. Those are the individuals who have inspired me to make myself a better teacher of mathematics. It is also because of my math teachers through my Jr. High and High School years that I wanted to do this. I have proved them wrong. A student with dyslexia and who grew up with little home life and in a single-parent household can be a learner and be successful. vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to acknowledge my amazing supervisor, Dr. Stephanie Biagetti. Without her, this project would not have made it to completion. She gave me her precious time, honest comments, and unwavering support throughout the course of my writing. I would also like to acknowledge my amazing partner and support, my husband James. He has always shown me unconditional love. His unyielding financial, emotional, and educational support has kept me inspired to see this project to completion. I also need to thank my two children, Alexis and Ryan. They always supported “mommy” with kisses and good wishes as I left to be in class. Without knowing it, they sacrificed parts of their childhood so I could be successful. The greatest lessons I have learned through this master’s program were because of the three of them. Lastly, I need to thank my father. He raised me by himself and instilled in me the need to persevere when the odds were against me. He did not live long enough to edit my final masterpiece; however, it exists because of him. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Dedication ......................................................................................................................... vii Acknowledgments............................................................................................................ viii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................1 Statement of the Problem ......................................................................................1 Significance of the Project ....................................................................................4 Research Questions and Anticipated Outcomes ...................................................6 Definition of Relevant Terms ...............................................................................6 Description of the Innovation/Intervention ...........................................................7 Limitations ............................................................................................................9 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................................................10 The History of Curricular Change ......................................................................10 Why the Focus on Common Core Standards? ....................................................12 Emerging Education Issues and History .............................................................13 Reasons for Needing Supplemental Mathematics ..............................................15 Summary .............................................................................................................17 3. METHODOLOGY .....................................................................................................19 Introduction .........................................................................................................19 Selecting a Topic for the Supplemental Lessons ................................................19 ix Gathering Information to Develop the Supplemental Lessons ...........................20 Writing the Supplemental Fractions Lessons .....................................................21 Summary .............................................................................................................23 4. DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...........................................................................................24 Discussion ...........................................................................................................24 Conclusions .........................................................................................................29 Limitations of the Project....................................................................................30 Recommendations ...............................................................................................31 Reflections ..........................................................................................................32 Appendix. Supplemental Lessons ......................................................................................33 References ..........................................................................................................................91 x 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The Common Core Standards have prompted a curriculum change throughout the United States; however, California does not have the funds to see this change through. With these changes has come the angst of not having the supplies or curriculum teachers will need to be effective in the classroom. Being a classroom teacher, I have an understanding of what is needed by teachers to implement the new standards. We need to create our own supplemental materials until the state is willing to provide us with the curriculum. My project offers support for the fractions unit of my district’s current curriculum, until the state provides its teachers with a mathematics curriculum. Statement of the Problem California recently adopted the Common Core State Standards (Fensterwald, 2012). The last implementation of new math standards, California Mathematics Standards, was 15 years ago in 1997. The economic climate at that time was such that teachers were supported by extensive and ongoing professional development to support the curricular and instructional change. At the time of this study, a whole “generation” of teachers had not experienced such a dramatic curricular shift. The most substantial changes the teachers made most likely occurred when districts adopted new math textbooks or implemented the use of new technology. Even modifications such as those were accompanied by district-supported professional development, school-based math coaches, and time for collaborative cooperation, resources scarcely available in the 2 current economic climate. Now class sizes are larger, school years are shorter, expectations are higher, and teacher accountability has increased. Teachers today are faced with tougher teaching circumstances and little to no support to achieve them. The purpose of my master’s project was to develop a fractions unit to supplement a third-grade math curriculum, Macmillan/McGraw Hill 2008, while incorporating the newly adopted Common Core State Standards (CCSS) (National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers [NGA & CCSSO], 2010). With the lack of funding at the state and district levels for professional development, teachers may have a difficult time correlating their current curriculum and learning activities to the CCSS prior to the release and adoption of the new textbooks that will align with the CCSS. Given the current budget crisis, I do not foresee adequate time, resources, and compensation for the type of instructional implementation required for students to achieve the CCSS and be adequately prepared for the upcoming CCSS assessment by The Smarter Balanced Consortium (Ross, 2010). For my project, I developed comprehensive math lessons that can help third-grade educators bridge the gap between the current district-adopted curriculum providing a more procedural focus and the new state fractions standards that take a deeper, conceptual approach through reasoning and justification. My concern with the current district-adopted mathematics curriculum is that it was not developed with the CCSS as its guideline. Now that the state has adopted the CCSS, teachers are left to navigate lesson preparation so they can support the new 3 standards without being provided the necessary resources, due to the unprecedented budget crisis, to ensure success. Consequently, teachers have new standards to teach and inadequate support to transform the current curriculum, assessments, and teaching strategies to deliver them. By developing lessons to support teachers, I provided a concrete foundation for the teachers to move forward in their own practice to develop and implement lessons. Such a foundation makes it possible for teachers to teach the curriculum and ensure they are adhering to the CCSS requirements, while at the same time facilitating their students’ development of deep, conceptual fractions knowledge and preparing them for the CCSS assessments that most likely will be as high-stakes as the current CST exams. As an educator, I find this problem significant enough that the development of a supplemental unit is required, allowing teachers to focus their attention on teaching a particular concept using premade curricular materials rather than being overwhelmed with adapting the current curriculum or creating their own curriculum to ensure they are teaching solely to new standards. Teachers lack the financial support to pay for professional development or new curriculum; I hope to provide a basis for teaching key math concepts and support my colleagues with extension lessons. Teachers will be held accountable for the implementation of the new CCSS in 2013 with the first implementation of the assessments during the 2014-2015 school year. By developing a series of lessons in the area of fractions, I hope to make the transition for this area of learning cohesive for the teacher and the student. 4 Significance of the Project Teaching the CCSS is now required in the classrooms of the majority of California districts. The standards have been adopted by 45 states of the union, one of the more recent ones being California. The evidence is strong enough to indicate the CCSS will not be ignored anytime soon by the state or school districts. Teachers need curricular resources to guide their practice during the time gap between the implementation of the CCSS and the adoption of the newly aligned mathematics curriculum. My goal is that the project will address this time gap and provide support for colleagues’ fractions math lessons in the interim. After conducting an informal survey of teachers, I found there were still quite a few colleagues who had little to no knowledge of the Common Core State Standards for math. This was alarming to me. I felt educators have a certain level of responsibility to make sure they are aware of topics on the forefront of education. The Common Core State Standards (NGA & CCSSO, 2010) are one of those topics; they will change the face of education for the coming years due to their monumental shift in focus from mathematical procedural acuity to a more balanced approach using concepts, procedures, applications, and mathematical reasoning. The problem with this circumstance, as well as many others in education, is that districts are faced with little money to support what the State government is asking of their teachers. Curricular materials are just now being developed, but districts have few, if any, resources to purchase the required materials to align the current curriculum with 5 the new CCSS. Therefore, teachers are left to work with their current misaligned curriculum and make sure the new standards are being met. As a practicing teacher myself, my situation is no different. I will need resources to aid me in teaching the same third grade math concepts I have been teaching for years. The difference will be that curricula must be aligned with new standards because I will be held accountable for my students’ learning of concepts outlined in the CCSS. A main objective for the development of these comprehensive and connected support lessons for third-grade fraction standards is for me to implement them in my own classroom in the future and be able to share them with my school and district colleagues to use in their own classrooms. Research has shown (Lewin, 2010) that typically, elementary level teachers struggle with deep mathematical content knowledge, especially in fractions. Several of the “shifts” required for teachers to transition from the current standards to the CCSS require teachers to go beyond “how to get the answer” so they can approach fractions from multiple perspectives and enable students to understand the numerous connections among fraction concepts. Then they can prompt students to write and speak about the connections through justifications. With the detailed curriculum I created, teachers will not only be able to implement it, because the project will include detailed lesson plans including possible questions and suggested formal and informal assessments, but I believe it will also help teachers themselves understand fractions more deeply. 6 Research Questions and Anticipated Outcomes The goal of my project is to provide teachers with a comprehensive set of connected fractions lessons (a unit of study) at the third grade level that are aligned with the new CCSS. The project is designed to address the question: How can third grade teachers be supported through the curricular implementation of the new Common Core State Standards in fractions while utilizing mathematics curricular (Macmillan/McGraw Hill, 2008) materials aligned with the previous standards? I address the above question by developing a series of connected lesson plans that comprise a unit of study and related supplemental curricular materials in-service teachers can utilize to bridge the gap between their current mathematics textbooks and the new CCSS. I anticipate the lesson plans are user-friendly enough for teachers either to implement in their entirety or to adapt to meet the unique needs of their students. Definition of Relevant Terms Common Core State Standards Standards that have been adopted by many states to bring cohesiveness as a country to our school curriculum (NGA & CCSSO, 2010). Comprehensive Lessons These are lesson plans that contain detailed descriptions of all learning activities and that take all types of learners into consideration. They support the learner that needs to “wiggle,” the student that needs to have minimal distractions, the student that needs to be utilizing two or more modalities of teaching, etc. Comprehensive 7 lessons also include such details as instructional objectives, suggestions for assessments (formal and informal) materials for the lesson, etc. Connected Lessons Lessons that draw upon previously learned mathematics concepts and link to upcoming mathematics concepts. Differentiated Instruction Teaching strategies tailored to meet the different learning modalities of all students (Clearinghouse, 2009). It includes many different aspects, such as the way a lesson is presented and how students are assessed for understanding, etc. Informal Assessments A procedure for obtaining information that can be used to make judgments about children’s learning behavior and characteristics or programs using means other than standardized instruments (Powers & Gamble, 2012), such as observations, checklists, short, written assessments. Supplemental Curricular Materials Materials a teacher uses to help support the lessons/concepts being taught and/or reinforced. Description of the Innovation/Intervention Using my current math curriculum teacher’s editions, supplemental materials, and the CCSS third grade fraction standards as my guide, I constructed comprehensive, connected lessons to fall in line with the lessons in the textbook (if applicable) and the 8 concepts described in the CCSS. Because the goal was to create a series of user-friendly lessons, the lessons are kept in the order of the current textbook as much as possible as long as the order makes mathematical and conceptual sense. The curriculum should also to be a useful tool for teachers across the school district. As such, the lessons are organized in a manner that will make it easy for teachers to duplicate the work in a way that is meaningful to them and their teaching. For example, each lesson includes a detailed lesson plan that includes basic lesson plan fundamentals. Anticipatory sets, objectives, formal and informal assessments, etc. were thoughtfully addressed. All student handouts and master copies for the students are included. I also included the new CCSS that each lesson addresses and how it can be correlated to our former state standards so how everything is paired together is very clear. The bulk of the project entailed writing detailed lesson plans teachers could use in their entirety and develop supplementary curricular materials so teachers could easily implement the learning activities described within the lesson plans. I developed my own lesson plan template from the one currently used by the Sacramento State Multiple Subjects’ Teacher Preparation Program, the one I used in my own Teacher Preparation Program, and included areas I believe are important to support teachers’ best practices in the classroom. The template includes a listing of the standards addressed by the lesson, both content and academic language objectives for the lesson, assessments aligned with the objectives so teachers can gauge the students’ progress toward the objectives, required materials for the lesson, a detailed description of all the learning activities for 9 the lesson including key questions teachers could ask throughout the lesson, suggestions for the differentiated instruction for various groups of students, and ideas to make connections between prior knowledge as well as expected new learning outcomes. The lessons plans contain enough detail so teachers will be able to implement the lesson to produce the expected student outcomes, but they also leave enough leeway for the teachers to adjust the lesson to meet the specific needs of their own students. In addition to the lesson plans, I created all supplemental materials including activity sheets, worksheets, and any other materials required to successfully follow through with the learning activities. Limitations There were several limitations to this project. The content of the project spans only one chapter of the third grade mathematics curriculum utilized by the FolsomCordova Unified School District (Macmillan/McGraw Hill, 2008). It does not cover the other 13 chapters in the third grade curriculum. Consequently, it leaves teachers to develop their own adaptations to the current textbook for the bulk of the third-grade curriculum. Moreover, it may not be useful to any other grade level due to the fact I am supplementing the third-grade fractions curriculum. However, third-grade curriculum has adopted CCSS and it varies little from district to district for direct instruction, only for remedial instruction. In addition, the process I utilized to create the fractions unit can be replicated by any teacher in any district, in any state in the country, thus reducing limitations. 10 Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter contains a review of relevant literature that supports the need to develop curriculum aligning current math curriculum with the new Common Core State Standards (NGA & CCSSO, 2010). Specifically, the history of curricular change in California mathematics, the support for teachers who accompanied the changes, and the outcomes of the changes was explored. Also, the Common Core Standards movement itself in terms of its roots, why it was necessary to have a national set of standards, why California chose to adopt the standards, and the best practices for the most effective ways to support teachers through the mathematics curricular change, primarily focusing on teaching fractions with understanding was studied. In the end it was important to articulate the most effective ways to support teachers through mathematic curricular change. By developing a Common Core aligned fractions unit for the classroom; this project will help teachers make a smooth and balanced shift to Common Core Standards. The History of Curricular Change Education in California is a process of constant change, some good and some bad (Wu, 2011). With the passage of Goals 2000: Educate America Act by U.S. Lawmakers in 1994, the country recognized the importance of the push for high standards to help improve this nation’s education system (Pattison & Berkas, 2000). This push filtered through the states, school districts, administrators and, finally, into the classrooms. Along the way, implementation varied widely (Fensterwald, 2012). 11 In the 1990s, the state of California saw a push for standards-based learning and teaching (Powers & Gamble, 2012). Having high academic standards is not enough if the standards themselves are not implemented through powerful instructional methods (Mooney & Mausach, 2008). There was a plan for developing curriculum framework (Sawchuk, 2010). State frameworks were originally written by the State Department of Education (California Department of Education [CDE], 2013). School districts then developed their own standards-based curriculum to be implemented throughout their school districts (Pattison & Berkas, 2000). In 1994, U.S. lawmakers recognized the importance of high standards to help improve education (Pattison & Berkas, 2000). Having high standards means having qualifying educators to deliver the materials to make teachers and students successful with curriculum and learning within the classroom (Hightower, 2011). As a current teacher, this researcher understands supplemental curriculum is one way of supporting teachers in the classroom, giving them the flexibility to enhance the current curriculum that they are required to teach either due to school district or state decisions. Supplemental material is also a progressive way of enhancing existing curriculum, especially when funds are not available for school districts to purchase the necessary curriculum (Carson, 2011). As California teachers move toward new Common Core Standards, with no materials being provided, supplementing what they currently have is going to be a vital tool in helping them teach. Considering California is only providing professional learning modules (PLMs), basically online courses, teachers will have to 12 figure out how to implement these into their lessons or make their own lesson plans based on what they have learned through these PLMs (Clearinghouse, 2010). Why the Focus on Common Core Standards? In the early part of the decade, there were many discussions about the test scores in this country and what could be done about them. The George W. Bush administration still felt there was some validity to NCLB, enacted in 2002 (Jennings, 2009). However, when the Obama administration took over, it was determined this country needed more continuity in the student content standards across the country; thus, the Common Core Standards discussion began (Lewin, 2010). Understanding that uniformity of curricular standards was needed within the United States to help make the country more successful in the global community discussions about a common set of standards began to take hold. With all states maintaining their own individual curriculum standards, this country’s achievement gap had hit an all-time high. It was time to focus on continuity, and having universal state standards was how the country was going to achieve it. According to Tamar Lewin (2010), adoption of the standards “will not bring immediate change in the classroom. Implementation will be a long-term process, as states rethink their teacher training, textbooks, and testing” (p. 2). By school districts focusing on Common Core State Standards, the education community strives for outcomes more uniform with student learning. Working teachers will understand exactly what common set of content standards our students need to know to be successful at the college level (Lewin, 2010). 13 Implementation of the Common Core Standards will require a systematic approach to implementation. Reeves (2010) laid out a realistic process for putting the standards into practice. The first step will be to find common ground and reassure teachers that many of the Common Core Standards are already incorporated into their current mathematics curriculum. This master’s project delineates the “common ground” and also provides support to address the Common Core Standards not in the current math curriculum. To meet the needs of all students, including those with special needs, teachers need to understand and be prepared to implement Common Core Standards systematically by focusing on one concept in depth before moving into the next (Gresham & Little, 2012). In addition, teachers will need to embrace common formative assessments versus just one type of end-of-year grading assessment and understand how to use the formative assessments to guide their practice (Ball, Hill, & Bass, 2005). Finally, using the standards as a foundation for best teaching practices will aid teachers in reaching successful student learning outcomes. The Common Core State Standards do not need to be a standardized form of teaching but more a creative outlet for letting accomplished educational professionals do what they do best: effectively teach (Wu, 2011). Emerging Education Issues and History Throughout history, changes in education have been brought on by changes in our nation’s economy and work place. “Recommendations for educational innovations 14 brought on by the issues and events of nineteenth century industrial America included new types of school, new curricula and methods of measuring success of programs” (Ross, 2010, p. 1). It is this consistent need and type of change that helped bring forth the discussion and thought process for the development of the Common Core Standards. Ross (2010) continued to suggest, “major social and economic factors cause tremendous changes in education.” It would explain why early into the 21st century it was deemed necessary to focus on how to make education balanced with regard to the needs of the students of the United States. The government was changing, the United States was in the thick of the worst economic recession this country has seen since the Great Depression, and state test scores were still dismal and showing little to no growth for consecutive years (Ross, 2010). Consequently, the federal government began its investigation of what kind of curriculum and standards could improve education (Melton, 2011). The process of adopting new curricular standards had numerous steps. The year 2009 was significant for implementation. It was the year in which 48 states, including California, committed to developing a set of standards that would help prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in education and careers after high school. In January 2010, Senate Bill 1 (SB X5 1) established the Academic Content Standards Commission in California to start making the necessary recommendations to the Governor in regard to approving or disapproving the CCSS (Wu, 2011). By August 2010, the California State Board of Education voted to adopt the CCSS. Apparently at 15 some point, there was a brief time for public comment; however, as a state educator, this researcher does not recall anything ever trickling down. Two years later in August 2012, the Folsom Cordova Unified School District, Kindergarten and first grade, began to implement the standards, and in the next two years, the rest of the elementary grades followed. Unfortunately, no money is being put forth by the state government to support districts and teachers in implementing these new standards until 2015 (Powers & Gamble, 2012). Until then, professionals are left to their own devices and knowledge to incorporate these standards using their best practices by means of assessments and teaching practices (Powers & Gamble). Reasons for Needing Supplemental Mathematics Understanding that neither the federal government nor the state government currently has adequate funding to support America’s teachers in the implementation of a CCSS-based curriculum has led to heated debates and discussions. On September 25, 2011, President Obama addressed the current woes of the country’s education system. He discussed the amount of money per pupil we put into our students, which according to the interviewer was “comparable” with other first-world nations, yet we are still not able to achieve any major success. He replied with “My sister was a teacher, I am fully aware of how often the conscientious teacher pulls money out of her own pocket to put into her own classroom and how taxing it can be for the teacher” (Jennings, 2012, p. 1). Yet, once again, as a nation, teachers are embroiled in a great change to education and without adequate funding for them. Personally, after being in the classroom for 15 years, I am 16 fully capable of taking a lesson and “morphing” it to fit the needs of my students, but others may not be so willing and able (Jennings, 2012). History Proves the Need for Math Specialist to Support Mathematics Curriculum During the 1960s and 1970s, “departmentalizing” (Fennell, 2011, p. 53) was proposed at the elementary level. Educational enthusiast felt that the students having access to teachers that specialized in one academic area was what children needed to excel. According to the NCTM President at the time there was some validity to that departmentalizing at the elementary level. In an article authored by him, he made a passionate plea for mathematical specialist in elementary schools (Fennell, 2011) because they could ensure children were getting what they needed in the field of math. By the 1990s, school districts had mathematics “lead teachers” whose role was to give continual training to classroom teachers about changing methods, curriculum, and standards. The primary focus for these “specialists” (Fennell, 2011, pp. 53-54) was to keep all current classroom teachers apprised of what students needed in terms of math. New teachers began going through Beginning Teachers Support and Assessment (BTSA) and were given the support they needed to develop their own best practice (Melton, 2011). Seasoned teachers were given the opportunity to focus on their skills and refine them. Schools had money, strong curriculum, and a community that supported this moving forward action. Now they have much less. By 2008, the financial crisis was taking a stronghold across the country and education was taking a financial hit of unprecedented levels. Teachers were being laid 17 off by the hundreds and more and more lead teachers across districts were pushed back into the classroom. Thus, teachers no longer had district professionals to count on for support in mathematics (Melton, 2011). With the adoption of the Common Core Standards, teachers are now faced with another major shift in their curriculum and expected student learning outcomes (Sawchuk, 2010). Math Specialists have the knowledge to keep instrumental concepts and teaching standards from being forgotten, or set aside altogether through the implementation of CCSS. The curriculum on which this project focused is intended to help bridge that gap for the teachers and give them the supplemental lessons they need to make them more effective in the area of fractions, while implementing CCSS and using the materials they have. Summary The question truly is not why curriculum is needed to support teachers during this trying time in education. The real question is how teachers will be supported through implementation of CCSS. This project addressed this question. Various authors and educators have numerous examples as to why this important move needs to happen now. Throughout this literature review, various arguments and examples have been given that make it clear as to why teachers need this curricular assistance. Without the money, teacher training, and curriculum aligned with the new CCSS, teachers are going to be left to their own professional mechanisms to make their math lessons successful and compliant. By developing support lessons in fractions for third grade teachers, teachers 18 are provided with the tools to ensure their own fraction lessons are aligned with the CCSS. 19 Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY Introduction Understanding that teachers come from all areas of the world and with varying levels and types of educations, the vast majority of starting teachers did not acquire the necessary understanding of K-12 mathematics while in college (Wu, 2011). With the Common Core State Standards being implemented across California, I saw an opportunity to broaden my own perspective on specific mathematical concepts and gain the knowledge I would need to successfully implement the new CCSS. Through personal experience with teaching fractional concepts and a deficiency of conceptual understanding of fractions, I found an opportunity to grow as a professional and develop supplemental math lessons that could support other elementary teachers. By developing these supplemental lessons, it was hoped other teachers would be able to deepen their own understanding of the fractional concepts through their implementation of the lessons. Selecting a Topic for the Supplemental Lessons Developing supplemental lessons would be the most significant piece to the project, with a goal of constructing thoughtful lessons that not only would be easy to implement but that would also support teachers at all levels in their career, from the new teacher to the seasoned teacher. When narrowing down the mathematics topic on which to focus the project, a topic that had been difficult in my own teaching and, more importantly, difficult for the students to learn and understand at a deep level, was 20 selected. Consistently, learning fractions had been a painful experience for my students; conceptually, some students had tremendous difficulty grasping even the basic fundamentals, and my concern was exacerbated by the fact that many future mathematical concepts and topics rely on fundamental knowledge of and computation with fractions. On a personal level, fractions had always been a difficult concept for me to understand. As such, it was determined I would develop supplemental fractions lessons that would not only empower teachers in the classroom but then would improve student learning outcomes for fractions. Gathering Information to Develop the Supplemental Lessons As part of my need to understand what new teachers might require in supplemental lessons for fractions, I decided to attend several sessions of an Elementary Mathematics Methods course. These classes were held at Sacramento State University, were part of the Multiple Subjects Teachers Preparation Program, and focused on a multitude of fractions concepts. When auditing this class, I was intrigued by some of the candidates’ lack of mathematical knowledge and understanding they needed to effectively implement the new mathematics Common Core State Standards and utilize best practices. I recognized the candidates were just beginning their teaching preparation program, but I also realized the mathematics Common Core State Standards require a more comprehensive understanding of foundational concepts than the previous standards required. As a result of my observation and participation in the mathematics methods course, I decided to include, at the beginning of each lesson, a section devoted to a 21 detailed explanation of the lesson purpose and the role of the content in building the students’ foundational knowledge of fractions, thereby educating the reader at the same time. The next step in developing the supplemental lessons was to study in depth the new content standards for third-grade fractions as well as the Standards of Mathematical Practice, which proved to be the greatest departure from the old state standards. When referring back to my own curriculum (Macmillan/McGraw Hill, 2008), it quickly became apparent to me several standards in the mathematics Common Core State Standards were not even addressed by the current curriculum. As such, I planned to develop a separate supplemental lesson plan that would correlate with each of the fractions Common Core standards and create or find activities and materials that would support each lesson. Consequently, I went to teacher stores to obtain manipulatives and teacher support books appropriate for the new fractions content standards. In addition, I searched the Internet for lessons, activities, and resources aligned with the Common Core third-grade fractions standards. A content analysis was used to select the activities and materials I needed. Using mathematics Common Core content standards and the Standards of Mathematical Practice as a guide, I selected the materials in the next section as resources for the thirdgrade supplemental fractions lessons. Writing the Supplemental Fractions Lessons The goal of the supplemental lessons is to provide teachers with comprehensive lessons that include a variety of in-class and independent learning activities as well as 22 daily informal assessments and a summative formal assessment. Each supplemental lesson targets one fractions Common Core standard at the third grade level. The lessons begin with an explanation of the purpose of the lesson and how the content and activities contribute to a fundamental conceptual understanding of fractions. The Common Core standard addressed by the lesson is also listed for quick reference as well as the instructional objectives and the materials required for the lesson. Anticipatory set, main learning, and closure activities are suggested including possible questions teachers can ask throughout the lesson. Finally, accommodations are suggested for students with special needs, English language learners, and advanced learners. Each “Ticket out the Door” (end-of-lesson assessment) was created to align with the learning activities within each lesson as well as the Standards of Mathematical Practice. The summative formal assessment was adapted from the curriculum guide Common Core Mathematics and the content was drawn from each individual lesson. I chose to include two different assessments. The first one is more traditional in nature as it is in a selected-response format. The second assessment is more aligned with the CCSS expectations as well as the expectations for the Standards of Mathematical practice and provides the opportunity for students to show a deeper understanding of fractions concepts. In addition, the students are expected to explain their mathematical thinking in more depth. In giving two examples, I feel I have given teachers the opportunity to use their professional judgment in deciding which model best fits the needs of an individual student or the class as whole. Finally, it was important to organize the lessons in a 23 logical manner. Using the current curriculum was not an option, as it does not follow the order of the CCSS. Consequently, I chose to follow the order of the published standards so teachers would be able to easily match the sequence of the lessons to the standards. Once a teacher feels more confident in the teaching of the new standards, it is assumed she or he will make the professionals adjustments she or he deems necessary to effectively teach third-grade fractions. Summary This curriculum was created around the Common Core State Standards with a teacher’s immediate needs in mind, having little support to implement the actual teaching of the new fraction concepts and standards. Throughout the development of the curriculum, I focused on making sure the lessons were aligned with CCSS and Standards of Mathematical Practice adopted by the state of California. This curriculum is designed for teachers in need of supplemental material at any point in their career, with a hands-on approach to ensure they are implementing the new CCSS for third-grade mathematical fractions. 24 Chapter 4 DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Discussion Teaching and learning standards have been an intricate part of education. For decades, these standards have been under constant metamorphoses and growth. Standards-based curricula are the basis for how teachers develop their lessons and the delivery of those lessons. They are a guideline for the learning objectives and outcomes of all that takes place in a classroom. Without standards, the modern classroom and teacher would not have the cohesiveness education needs to be efficient. When the Obama administration took office in 2008, they made it very clear that changes would be coming to the national education infrastructure. With the lack of support for the “Race to the Top,” the administration knew they had to switch strategies and develop another way to unify education in the United States; this started the discussion for developing a set of nationwide standards that would give school districts an option of being aligned as a nation (Herbert, 2011). In 2010, California adopted the Common Core State Standards. In implementing the standards, districts have been granted the flexibility to add up to 15% supplemental standards to address the needs of their own students (CDE, n.d.). This allows for local flexibility while still enabling districts to participate in the national movement for a more consistent educational experience for students. Even though the state has added to the 25 standards to fit our state’s needs (CDE, n.d.), we are still faced with implementing new standards and limited materials to support the shifts on our classrooms. Educators are faced with the realization that they need to adjust their teaching and lesson planning with a professional level of creativity and adherence to the standards. However, with that understanding, teachers have generally been provided with some sort of district support and/or materials to make sure standards were being taught in the classroom. With this “shift” in standards this is no longer the case; teachers will now be required to adjust their instruction with little district support and few supporting materials. This lack of support was what prompted an exploration into writing CCSS lessons for the third grade fractions unit in my district. Determining the Importance of Each Lesson Considering the different aspects of the standards, as well as best practices, and comparing them to what was present in the existing Folsom-Cordova Unified School District curriculum, the lessons were constructed to allow for a variety of mathematical experiences for the students. All the lessons have some level of a “hands-on” experience. This experience could be as easy as constructing the manipulatives that help the students complete a certain assignment (i.e., the fraction circles), or something as simple as allowing the students to use a personal white board. Research supports that putting something tangible into the students’ hands can help enrich an otherwise boring or difficult concept (US Department of Education, 2010). 26 Design of the Unit For simplicity of understanding, the lessons are designed using an easy-to-follow, user-friendly format. Moreover, the lessons are presented following the order of the standards the state published on their CCSS web site (CDE, n.d.). Since California has yet to adopt curriculum aligned with the CCSS, the order of the fractions lessons has yet to be widely determined. Even though the lessons in the unit are ordered in the same manner laid out in the CCSS, teachers can use their professional judgment to order the lessons as they see fit. Colleague Input on the Unit The input from my colleagues has been very supportive and helpful. I gave four teachers at different elementary grade levels the same lessons with the same questionnaire. Two of the teachers taught third grade, one colleague taught fourth grade, and the last colleague taught at the middle school. I chose all the teachers who read my lessons for different reasons. The two at my grade level will be teaching the new CCSS next year and were very open to any material that could be used to help them make this shift in their teaching. My colleague in the fourth grade was interested to see what her future students would be learning and I was interested to know if what I was doing was relevant and helpful in getting my students ready for the next grade. My colleague at the middle school level is a CCSS coach, and has had the experience of more in-depth training with the standards; therefore, I was interested in getting her feedback to make sure I took my unit in the correct direction in terms of making it helpful to other teachers. 27 Of the four I surveyed, they all said that they found the lessons helpful and liked the fact that differentiated suggestions were made and that each lesson had some sort of “hands-on” activity or support to go with them. They also said they were laid out well, but found them “lengthy” in terms of the amount of questioning. One teacher did not care for the allotted time I suggested with each part of the lesson. Her comment was “I felt there was too much information for me to make sure the lesson was completed in the allotted time frame.” I provided time allotments to primarily help with new teachers who often felt rushed to get the information delivered when teaching a new lesson. The time allotments do not need to be followed, they are just guidelines to assist with teacher planning. One of the teachers commented on the fact that the vocabulary is consistent throughout the lessons and is helpful to the students when retaining different pieces of the fraction unit. I agree with this suggestion; I feel it leads to a consistency throughout many lessons and can help students begin to understand how each fraction lesson can build upon the other. Another good suggestion from a colleague was to make a “cheat sheet” for veteran teachers. These lessons were each multiple pages long and veteran teachers should possess the skills to manage a lesson without having it completely “spelled” out to them. This was a concern to me through the writing of the lessons. I never wanted any colleague to feel I did not honor their own experience. However, I was writing to a wide variety of skilled teachers from the beginning teacher to the veteran teacher. I thought a 28 “cheat sheet” would be a good addition to consider. By just highlighting the key concepts and standards needing to be addressed, along with some optional teaching concepts, it would allow the more seasoned teachers to implement the lesson in their own fashion using their own techniques. Professor’s Input on the Unit Dr. Brian Lim was extremely helpful and supportive when agreeing to read and give professional feedback on my fraction unit. He was easy to work with and offered useful suggestions in a very helpful way. One of the suggestions Dr. Lim offered was in regard to my assessments, both formal and informal. He felt they could be more specific in terms of questioning and how they are presented in terms of where they are placed in the unit, directly after the lesson or at the back of the unit. I tried to develop and locate a few different types of assessments. The curriculum currently being taught in my district is lacking new CCSS lessons. Teachers do not yet have support materials provided by the district, and the district and the state do not have assessments to provide to us, either informal or formal. At the time of this writing, my district does not know what we will be administering in regard to any standardized assessment, including any type of state testing in the spring of the 2014 school year. Therefore, we do not even know what type of test to prepare our students for. With no district-approved assessments, it is extremely difficult for me to design assessments for this unit without an example of what is truly being expected as whole. Understanding that assessments are one of many resources that should help a teacher 29 guide his or her instruction, it is important to have relevant assessments for the students and teachers. However, when faced with the dilemma of teachers not aware of their district’s standardized assessments, many teachers will be assessing purely for their own information and data. I did like Dr. Lim’s suggestions of placing my provided assessments with each lesson when applicable. I would hope that the “ticket out the door” is used to quickly assess and help guide immediate instruction, especially while teachers are still learning how to effectively implement the CCSS. Another helpful suggestion was for me to be more specific when referring to students with special needs and what my lessons provided them. There are many levels of “special needs” students. Not all suggestions will fit their individual learning styles and needs. A student with 504 plan requirements can be very different from what a student with an IEP and a dyslexia diagnosis needs. The part of these suggestions I find difficult in terms of this project is how to give these details without overwhelming a teacher who is simply trying to teach a CCSS math lesson for the first time. Again, this will be another area teachers will have to evaluate, incorporate into their own teaching style, consider the needs of her students, and perhaps consult with a special educator to know what will be most beneficial for student learning. Conclusions As a third grade teacher, I am happy about the recent “shift” we are seeing in our state standards. Streamlining education and getting all educators on the same curricular page is a good idea. However, I agree with SITE that with the lack of implementation 30 support and funding, the positive force behind the CCSS may fade quickly and once again leave educators struggling to make sure every student is being taught to their fullest capabilities. According to Wurman (2012), Common Core Standards are fewer, clearer and more demanding than many other state standards. Common Core standards were developed for uniting education on a national front. Sawchuk (2010) mentioned the “potential challenge” is to get teachers to change their teaching methods and thought processes of “attempts to reshape their teacher training and crafting new methods” (pp. 12). Changing teachers is a difficult process, especially when there is little support for teachers to make that change. CCSS are here to stay for the immediate future. This set of standards may very well be the last significant change educators see during their careers. With the completion of this project, I hope I have made a significant change to my own teaching practices in the classroom in regard to mathematics. If the material I created is helpful to a colleague it would be an added bonus. Limitations of the Project As mentioned previously, there are several limitations to this project. The specific content of my project is derived from just one unit of the third-grade mathematics content rather than the entire year. It would have been impossible to tackle the content of the entire text given the program’s time constraints. Therefore, teachers must develop their own adaptions to their current textbook for the remainder of the third- 31 grade curriculum. In addition I drew the content from the curriculum utilized by the Folsom-Cordova Unified School District (Macmillan/McGraw Hill, 2008), which may be different from other districts across the state and across the nation. As such, teachers who does not use the same text need to adopt these lessons even more to implement this project. Furthermore, the project may not address teachers’ fraction lessons needs for any other grade level given that the lessons target only the third grade fractions CCSS. However, in my opinion the lessons can be easily adapted to either the second or fourth grade fractions CCSS if a teacher is willing to make the adjustments necessary for the needs of their individual classroom. Recommendations The next part of this process is going to be implementing the unit in my own classroom and allowing my immediate colleagues to attempt the lessons but in their own classrooms. Once this happens, I will reflect on my personal implementation as well ask my team how they feel the lessons went in their classrooms. I also think it would be interesting to see if all the teachers on my team would teach the same lesson but a bit differently. This would have to take place after one teacher taught it and then the teachers discussed it and gave the other teachers suggestions to build upon. After the debriefing among colleagues, the lesson can be taught again using the recommendations the team made, thus mimicking an informal lesson study. 32 Reflections I started the Master’s program as a personal professional journey. My entire educational career was about obtaining an education to make my father happy or to establish myself within a profession. When it came time for me to select what my project would be based on, I knew I wanted a topic that would help other educators, while at the same time improve my own teaching skills. I had always been weak in math, which flooded over into my mathematical teaching skills. By choosing to write a fraction unit based on the new CCSS, I knew I was helping my fellow teachers, students, and making myself a better elementary math teacher. 33 APPENDIX Supplemental Lessons Fraction Circle Purpose of the Lesson: The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to unit fractions and non-unit fraction by using a visual model – the fraction circle. For this lesson, students will construct fraction circles, which are pie-shaped fraction tools that can be broken down into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths and eighths. Students will use this manipulative throughout the unit for fractions. Common Core Standards: 3.NF 1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. Instructional Objective: By the end of this lesson students will be able to express unit fractions and non-unit fractions using the visual model they created. They will also be able to apply this knowledge independently to identify fractions given a visual problem (e.g., shade 2/3 of this rectangle). Assessment Informal: Students will submit the worksheet that accompanies the fraction wheel activities. This is also a good opportunity to have students work in small groups, complete the worksheet together, and discuss what they are doing. Responses to questions asked during whole group, small group, and independent work will also indicate the level of the students’ understanding. Formal: Provided assessment if applicable. Materials Have student’s fractions wheels prepared ahead of time (parent can easily do this, just use copy template). Scissors 34 Procedures Anticipatory Set 15 mins: 1. Have students create their visual model by cutting out the fraction circles. Each fraction circle should be photocopied on different colored paper for ease of reference (e.g., fraction circle that show halves are copied onto yellow paper; fraction circles that show thirds are copied onto green paper) 2. Introduce concept of denominator: Discuss what equal parts look like and mean using language to which students connect: e.g., if you and your friend want to share this cookie (circle shown) so it is “fair,” how can we make equal parts so everybody gets their fair share? If students require additional examples, similar questions can be asked about sharing among four students to create fourths. The denominator represents the number of equal parts that make up the whole 3. Introduce concept of numerator: using same of idea of fair sharing, use circle divided into fourths. If you were sharing this “cookie” with a friend and it was already divided into 4 equal parts, how could we share it fairly? Each friend gets 2 of the equal parts a. Show fraction 2/4 on circle so that 2 of the 4 equal pieces are shaded in. Retell the story so the students see the 4 represents the number of equal parts that make up the whole and the 2 represents the number of equal parts that each friend gets to eat. Main Learning Activities 30 mins: The teacher will start the lesson by using the example of ½. Ask the students to take the pieces of their fraction circle they think will show ½. Then check in with the students and make sure they have pulled out the correct colors (white-whole, halves-yellow). The teacher should do this part whole class, and demonstrate it as such. The teacher will want to make sure the students can refer to the denominator as two equal parts that make up a whole, and the numerator indicates one of those equal parts. 1. After the students have had a few minutes to manipulate their fraction circles and get an idea of what they represent, the teacher should start leading them through examples. Have them show the teacher what 1/3 looks like, then ¼, then 1/6. When asking the students to explain how they know they are correct, the teacher should be listening for student explanations that refer to the denominator and numerators for what they 35 mean. For example, for 1/3 the students would explain that there are 3 equal parts in the whole and we are just using 1 of those pieces. 2. Next have the students work out harder examples, such as 2/3. When looking at 2/3, the student must explain that the 3 tells that 3 equal parts make-up the whole and the 2 means that they have 2 of those equal parts. 3. Depending on the class, the teacher may want to ask the students how this fraction would be applicable if they were out in the “real world.” 4. The next step will be to have the students work in pairs. Challenge the students to demonstrate 3/6 and 4/8 with their fractions circles. The teacher is also going to want the students to once again demonstrate what they understand a numerator and denominator to mean. The teacher could also challenge the students. 5. Lastly, have the students work on a few independent problems with a partner. Give them the examples of 3/8 and 5/6. Instruct them to ask their partners the same questions you just asked them. A suggestion would be to write a sentence frame on the board. Example: What does the denominator represent? How do you know this? Closure Activity 15 mins: Have the students review the fractions taught, pair them up and have them quiz their partner on how to make ½, 2/3, 3/6, etc. with their fraction circle. Accommodations Special Needs: Using a manipulative in this lesson will support your lower students. The wheel is also in various colors giving visual cues. Advanced: See if they can identify equivalent fractions (e.g., when working with 3/6, can they also see this as ½). Have student show 5/8 and explain in detail how their fraction circle shows 5/8 while referring to the denominator and numerator. ELL: If the teacher chooses to put the students in small groups, this allows the students to use oral language to work through the worksheet. If not, the fraction wheel is in different colors, which can support students with visual cues. 36 References Fractions, Grade 3, Teacher Created Resources, 2011 Common Core Mathematics-Practice at 3 Levels; Levy, 2012 Blooms Taxonomy Questioning 37 38 39 40 41 Fractions on a Number Line Purpose of the Lesson: Representing unit fractions on a number line. The purpose of the lesson is so students understand how to partition a number line into equal parts to represent fractions on a number line. Students will eventually label the tick marks as fractions and use the tick marks to plot points on the number line. A number line is another version of a length model for fractions. Common Core Standards: 3.NF 2 understands a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram. a. Represent a fraction 1/b on a number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as the whole and partitioning it into b equal parts. Recognize that each part has a size 1/b and that the endpoint of the part based at 0 locates the number 1/b on the number line Instructional Objective: Students will be able to represent unit fractions on a number line, by partitioning the whole into equal parts using tick marks. Assessment Formal: Test using a number line and having the students represent simple fractions on the number line. Teachers may use their curriculum assessment if applicable. Informal: Ticket out the Door. Half of a worksheet with three number lines already drawn on it. Materials Pencil, blank white papers, ruler, markers Sentence strips Formal assessment worksheet Ticket out the Door Procedures Anticipatory Set 10-15mins: *NOTE*When the students were in second grade, based on the CCSS, they should have been exposed to what a number line is and how it works. I recommend teachers quickly review what a number line is: e.g., 42 how it continues indefinitely, how it is labeled with numbers, how the tick marks are equally spaced apart, how it is relevant to the students’ lives and what it means to them mathematically. Draw a basic number line with your main teaching device (ELMO or overhead) and have the students tell you what they know. Then go into the formal start of the lesson, “You can use a number line to show fractions. Look at this number line. [Show a number line 0-1, with an unlabeled tick mark at 1/2] How does the number line show equal parts (response: the tick represents equal parts)? How many equal spaces are there? How would you represent ½? 1/3? Etc.” To get the students to focus on the unlabeled tick mark in the middle and how it partitions the whole into two equal parts, the teacher could ask these possible questions: 1) How does the number line show equal parts? 2) How many equal parts are there? 3) How could ½ be represented? Main Learning Activities 30 mins: Partitioning the whole into fourths: Use a number line with endpoints at 0 and 1 and with unlabeled tick marks that partition the whole into fourths. 1. Point out the 0 and 1 under the first and last tick points. “The number line shows 1 whole. Each space is one equal part of the number line. Because this number line is divided into four equal parts, we can say it shows fourths, or quarters. The tick marks divide the whole into four equal parts.” 2. Continue with adding tick marks, so eighths are created. “The tick marks divide the whole into how many equal parts?” What fractions have been formed?” 3. Continue to practice with students on the number lines. Break the whole on the number line into sixths. 4. Break the students into pairs. Challenge the students to partition the whole into thirds. To guide the students, ask questions such as: if I want to make thirds, how many equal parts should I create? Talk with your partner about where the tick marks should be placed in order to create thirds. If you want to continue to challenge the students ask them to portion the whole into sixths either independently or with their partner. 43 Closure Activity 15 mins: After completing the lesson of partitioning the wholes into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and eighths, have the students recreate the fractions independently and then ask them a few closure questions. Example: “In your own words can someone describe how you know where to place your tick mark?” “What would happen if your mark was in the wrong place?” “How would you know?” Accommodations: Special Needs: Have them start with already partitioned number lines versus having to partition one themselves. Advanced: Give them a number line with multiple ticks and push them to label the tick marks on the number line 0 and 1, or further. ELL: Have them verbally describe to the teacher or a peer what a number line is and what it looks like and have them describe the partitioning process. References Fractions, Grade 3, Teacher Created Resources, 2011 Common Core Mathematics-Practice at 3 Levels; Levy, Jill; 2012 Blooms Taxonomy Questioning Example for Ticket out the Door: Name:___________________________Date_________________________________ Finish the number line. Represent halves or fourths: 0 1 44 Number Line Lesson B Purpose of the Lesson: To take the previous number line activity one step further by now having the students place their own tick marks on a number line. The students should also be able to recognize that the resulting interval has a size and its endpoints can be located on a number line. Common Core Standards 3NF-B Represent a fraction as a number line diagram by marking off lengths 1/b from 0. Recognize that the resulting interval has size a/b and its endpoint locates the number a/b on the number line. Instructional Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to locate fractions and their endpoints on a number line independently, meaning they will not need to have an already prepared number line. The students will be able to make the number line, and they will be able to place the tick marks in the appropriate places. Assessment Formal: Formal curriculum assessment if applicable. If the teacher has the students also make their own number lines, plotting various fractions, it is recommended to collect these as well. Sentence strip number lines can be used as support manipulatives in another lesson if the teacher chooses. Informal: Support worksheet Collect sentence strips and make sure they were done correctly. The students may keep them and use them as a reference when they are doing classwork with future lessons. The teacher will also monitor the lesson and the conversations taking place among the students. The teacher will check in with student groups and ask them a series of openended questions spanning Bloom Taxonomy to determine what the students are finding easy or difficult with this lesson. Materials Sentence strip number lines Support worksheet 45 Procedures Anticipatory Set 10 mins: As a class, review their background knowledge on number lines (e.g., purpose of the tick marks, how they are labeled on the bottom, endpoints indicated on the number line), skip counting, and fractions (e.g., what the numerator represents, what the denominator represents, fractions as equal parts of whole, etc.). Also, refer back to the previous lesson taught when the students were provided with pre-labeled number lines. On the teacher’s main teaching device (ELMO, overhead, etc.), have the students talk the teacher through making a number line. Make sure the students are using the proper vocabulary when doing this exercise. For example, tick marks, plots, and endpoints of the number line. This will help the teacher determine if they retained the previous concept and can move forward in this support lesson. Main Learning Activities up to 50 mins: Have an in-depth discussion about how the denominator represents the number of equal lengths the “whole” is partitioned into on the number line (most likely the “whole” will be the interval 01), while the numerator represents the number of lengths from O. Start by having the students make predictions about where fractions should be placed on the number line. The students will then be given their worksheet, and partnered if necessary. To help the students with spacing and depending on the class as a whole, a teacher may want to at least have number lines already prepared. However, the students will be responsible for adding the remaining parts to the number line. Example, “Can someone tell me where the endpoint belongs?” “Can someone tell me where the ½ point tick mark would go?” “How do you know it goes here?” “Let’s be sure to label this tick mark as ½.” Once again, it is important students understand that the denominator indicates how many equal parts the interval 0-1 is partitioned into (e.g., if the denominator is 8, then the interval 0-1 is partitioned into 8 equal parts). The numerator counts how many parts from 0 the fraction should be plotted (e.g., if the numerator is 3, then the fractions should be plotted a distance of 3 parts from 0). Next, the teacher will need to teach the students how to plot non-unit fractions on a number line as well. Using examples of 2/3, ¾ and 3/8, guide the students to also plot these tick marks on a number line. For consistency, using the same questions will help the student to understand they are plotting similarly to the previous fractions. “Can someone tell me where 2/3 would go on a number line?” “How do you know you are placing the tick mark in the correct place?” “Is there any way to check that we’ve placed the tick mark in the correct place?” If students are struggling, then have the students label all the tick marks within the entire interval 0-1. For example, if the denominator of the fraction is 8, then the students should partition the interval 0-1 into 8 equal parts with the tick marks and label the tick marks 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, etc. 46 Closure Activity 10 min: Start by summarizing both of the lessons. “What have you learned about number lines?” “Why are they important?” “How are they useful in plotting fractions?” Call on students to take you through the process of plotting 5/8 (or some other non-unit fraction the students have not plotted yet). Begin with a number line that has endpoints 0 and 1 and be sure to indicate that the interval 0-1 is the whole. Have one student partition the interval into equal parts using tick marks. Ask a student how/she knew to partition the whole into that many equal parts. Have another student label the tick marks. Ask the student to plot the fraction on the number line. Accommodations Special Needs: Peer remediation will be an easily obtained goal in this lesson. Working with varying abilities has them make sure they have placed the endpoints in the right location on a number line. Advanced: Reinforce the mathematical language while they are doing the assignment. For example, can they explain what a whole number or a fraction is? Can they explain what a number line is or why it is important? ELL: Monitoring how they use the mathematical language will help lead to understanding. If they cannot verbalize what a tick mark is, make sure they are able to show how to draw one and place it on a number line. References Fractions, Grade 3, Teacher Created Resources, 2011 Common Core Mathematics-Practice at 3 Levels; Levy, Jill; 2012 Blooms Taxonomy Questioning 47 48 Fraction Bars Purpose of the Lesson: Students will recognize and understand what an equivalent fraction is. What it looks like (i.e., ½ would be half of colored circle) and why is it important. Example, if you had two people eat a cookie what would they both get to have the same amount? It is important because when you are looking at fractions, and when the students continue on in the upper grades (fourth, fifth, etc.) the students will learn how to simplify fractions, understanding equivalent fractions will help with this. Also, at these stages of development students are very concerned about what is “fair.” Using the example that by breaking something (Candy bars are good for representing halves, cookies are good for representing fourths) into half and dividing it between two friends means each person is given the equal amount of the product. To help support this lesson, student will make their own fraction bar set. Fraction bars are another length model. It is vital students gain experience with different types of fraction models so they develop a more complete foundational understanding of fractions. Common Core Standards: 3 NF 3 Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. a. Understand and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g. 1/2=2/4, 4/6=2/3). Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. b. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., ½=/4, 4/6=2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Instructional Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will know how to recognize and understand what an equivalent fraction is and why it is important to them in their everyday lives. They will manipulate fraction bars to show equivalent fractions. Assessment Formal: Ticket out the door. Formal curriculum assessment if applicable Informal: Support worksheet; in-class questioning Materials Fraction Bars. It is strongly recommend a teacher purchase a professional set from a teaching store. The students can be giving a pre-made set that is copied onto construction paper that students can cut out and make for use during this lesson, or any other lessons that are applicable. Make sure the student set is a pre-labeled 49 fraction bar worksheet. It is strongly recommend the parts of the wheel are copied onto construction paper. If it is run on white, the teacher can decide to have students color code it to match the set being used to teach them. Paper and Pencil Supporting worksheet Ticket out the Door Procedures Anticipatory Objective 20 mins: “Today we are going to learn about equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions are fractions that are equal – they are same amount.” Have the students make their fraction bar with the provided template the teacher has copied on construction paper. This will be the time when the teacher can decide to color code the different fractions. Having an extra copy is also recommended so if the teacher chooses to have the students cut out the colored set, they can have the blank set to use as a work mat. Once this set is complete, give students a minute just to play with their fraction bars. Maybe ask the students a few simple questions, “can you show me ½?” The teacher could also ask them to show their seatmate or partner what that looks like. Then ask the students to see if they can figure out what ¼ will look like. It should be ok to fail here; the student will be able to self-check because the bars will not fit properly if they are not using the correct fraction bar. This is also a good time for a teacher to informally look around to see who may have some background understanding of some simple fractions or how the fraction bars may be used. During this time, the teacher should be walking around to try and get an idea of who understands how to “play” or line their fraction bar set so it represents the fraction correctly. If the students have done it correctly all the bars will fit into a nice rectangle or square, depending on the model used. Main Learning Activity 40 mins: Demonstrate for the students how one whole can break down to ½, then down to ¼, then down to 1/8. You may need to do the same thing again; however, the second time they should do it with you using their own manipulatives. After stopping the students from “playing” with their fractions bar, ask them how they got to the ½ and ¼. How did they manipulate the sections to fit properly? Is there a way for them to check their work? Could this be done by breaking it down by thirds? What would that look like? Finally, 50 lead them in a discussion that starts by saying, “How can we create a fraction the same length as ½ but only using fourths?” This feedback will tell the teacher if they are ready to attempt independent work. It is advised the teacher complete one or two additional problems through whole class instruction so they have an example. The teacher can choose to do this right off the support worksheet. An example of this would be taking ½ and breaking it down to sixths. They could represent this with their fraction bar, and see that ½ is = to 3/6. The same example can be used with ¼, broken down into two 1/8 bars, or pieces. ¼=2/8. The teacher can also use non-unit fraction examples to help the students understand other ways equivalent fractions can be used. For example 2/3 is equivalent to 4/6. Ask students to show 2/3 using their fraction bars. Then ask how they could show an equivalent fraction using only sixths. “How many sixths is equivalent to 2/3?” Wait for the students to use their fraction bars to find the answer. “So the equivalent fraction is 4/6. How do you know?” Teachers should listen for explanations that refer to the fact that 2/3 aligned end to end have the same length as 4/6 aligned end to end. It is also important for students to have experience with equivalent fractions that begin with smaller parts and are shown to be equivalent to fractions with larger parts. For example 4/10 = 2/5. Ask students to show 4/10 using their fraction bars. Then ask how they could show an equivalent fraction using only fifths. “How many fifths is equivalent to 4/10?” Wait for the students to use their fraction bars to find the answer. “So, the equivalent fraction is 2/5. How do you know?” Teachers should listen for the same types of explanations as the previous example except with tenths and fifths. As partners work, the students could find fractions equivalent to ¾. The teacher would not give the students the hint to only use eighths. It is important to remind the students they should only use fractions that are all the same size. Closure Activity 10 mins: Have students review the fractions taught. Then push them to 1/3 and 1/5. Have the students identify and generate equivalent fractions up to sixths, then repeat for fifths and tenths. Even if they do not get it right, when it is taught it would not be a new thought process for the students and it will give them one last chance to “play with their math toys.” Another important opportunity would be to ask some closure questions on how and why these concepts are important to their everyday lives. “What are some ways you could reference fraction bars out in the real world?” 51 Accommodations: Special Needs: Using the fractions manipulate bar set. If the teacher has enough, it would make sense to allow these students to use the professional manipulatives so they are completely correct when trying to get every piece to fit together. Advanced: Let them work together with like-minded students and have them figure out exactly what 1/3, 1/5, etc. looks like versus just “playing” with the fraction bars. ELL: Have the students talk out exactly what they are doing, for example: “I take the ½ bars and place them first.” You can have ELL students start with steps, for example: “First, I…; Next I…; then I…” References Fractions, Grade 3, Teacher Created Resources, 2011 Common Core Mathematics-Practice at 3 Levels; Levy, Jill; 2012 Blooms Taxonomy Questioning Example for Ticket out the Door Name: ______________________Date:________________________ Draw a picture of what fraction bars look like broken down to ¼, then to 2/8 to show how they are equivalent. Then explain how you know the two fractions are equivalent. 52 53 54 55 56 Expressing One Whole/One as a Fraction Purpose of the Lesson: The purpose of this lesson is to have the students be able to recognize fractions that are equivalent to one whole or one. The students have already learned about unit fractions (e.g., 1/3, 1/6, 1/8) and other fractions (e.g., ¾, 2/5, 5/8). This lesson is an extension of those so students can understand that if there are four parts shaded in a whole that is partitioned into fourths, then the entire whole is shaded. In addition, students will equate one whole with the number 1. Common Core Standards: 3C. Express whole[s] …fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to [a] whole. Locate 4/4 and 1 at the same point of a number line diagram. Instructional Objective: By the end of this lesson students will be able to identify fractions that equal a whole and plot them on a number line. Example: 3/3=1. Assessment Formal: Formal assessment provided by the curriculum or one the teacher has chosen. Informal: Ticket out the door and the supplemental worksheet. Materials White boards, pens and erasers Ticket out the Door Pre-cut shapes if desired Procedures Anticipatory Set 15 mins: A common mistake with fractions is forgetting what the numerator and denominator actually represents or tells the student working through fraction math problems. Take a moment to explain that the numerator tells us how much is shaded or being considered and the denominator tells us how many equal parts make up the whole. Example: “If I had a circle that I cut into thirds and I shaded two of the three equal parts, then 2/3 of the circle is shaded.” Using a similar example, draw a circle on the overhead. Ask “If I had one whole pie (1), not cut, and a whole pie cut into fourths (4/4) would they still represent one whole pie?” Take the students through the process of identifying the denominator for the first uncut pie (1) and then identifying the numerator (1) for 57 the same pie. Repeat the process for the second pie: identifying the denominator (4) and identifying the numerator (4).” Then if I ate the 1 whole pies, and the one cut into fourths, would I still have eaten two whole pies?” 1 whole 4/4 Main Learning Activities: Using squares and rectangles, continue on with the same line of questioning. Have the students draw a square on their white boards. Have them draw one whole (1) and divide the next square into thirds (3/3=1). Ask one of them to explain what that looks like. You should hear something about how regardless if the shapes is divided into three equal parts, if all the pieces are colored it is still showing a whole. After the students have drawn the undivided whole and the whole divided into three equal parts, make sure the students label them as fractions (e.g., 1 or 1/1 and 3/3) and have the students hold up their white boards for a quick assessment. Then, have each student develop their own questions, using a shape of their choice and allow them to work in pairs to demonstrate the whole concept. In the second part of this lesson, the students will need to work on placing fractions that represent a whole onto a number line. The first example could be 3/3 = 1. On the number line, have the tic marks already placed, then through guided instruction have the students label the tick marks. Once they have competed this example have them do a harder example, maybe 6/6=1. Make sure to check in with them and ask them how they came to place the tick marks where they did and why it is important to know that the tick marks have been placed in the proper place. The students can accomplish this by also labeling all the tick marks. Make sure to check in with them and ask them how they came to place the tick marks where they did and why it is important to know that the tick marks have been placed in the proper place. The students can accomplish this by also labeling all of the tick marks. Closure Activity 15 mins: After the students have worked in their partner groups, have them share out some of the examples they used with their partner. Make sure they explain how and why they came to any of the conclusions they did. 58 Accommodations: Special Needs/ELL: Give them pre-cut shapes to work with. If you’re going to work with circles, give them circles, give them squares if you are going to work with squares. Depending on where your ELL students are, you want to label the shapes. Advanced: Have the students explain how 4/4 is equal to 6/6; they will compare two fractions equal to one whole. References: Blooms Taxonomy Questioning Example for Ticket out the Door: Name:___________________________Date_________________________________ I have two pies. One that is whole and the one that is partitioned into eight equal parts. Write the fractions that represent each of the pies. Are they equivalent? How do you know? Plot 4/4 59 Template for shapes if needed. 60 Supplemental Work Sheet for Number Lines. 1. Plot 0 and 1 2. Plot ½ 3. Place tick marks that show 3/3 4. Place tick marks that show 4/4 61 5. Place tick marks for 6/6 6. Place tick marks showing 8/8 62 63 Money, Money, Money Purpose of the Lesson: The purpose of this lesson is for the students to be able to know what ¼, ½, ¾, and one whole of a dollar represents. By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to tell you parts of a dollar in money terms and fraction terms. Example, ¼ of a dollar is a quarter. Common Core Standards: 3.NF 3 Explain the equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. e. Know and understand that 25 cents is a ¼ of a dollar, 50 cents is ½ of a dollar and 75 cents is ¾ of a dollar. Instructional Objective: The students will be able to identify what coins equal 1/4, ½, and ¾ of a dollar. Example: 1 quarter equals ¼ of a dollar. Two quarters or .50 equals ½ of a dollar. Assessment Formal: Ticket out the Door for immediate assessment; formal curriculum assessment if applicable Informal: Support worksheet Materials Money. Four quarters, 8 dimes and 4 nickels. Try to have real coins, but fake coins, or even printed out paper coins will work support worksheet Ticket out the Door Procedures Anticipatory Set: Start this lesson with a review of the coins. Talk about how much a quarter is worth. The different combinations you can make to get to a quarter. Go over what a dollar looks like and the different combinations for that. You may need to do smaller quantities, it will depend on the class, however, good for your ELL learners and any special needs students. Have a discussion with the class on the importance of money with the class. “How is money used? When at 64 the store or purchasing something why is it important to know how you are handling your money? When you receive change in coins, what are some easy ways to count it? If there is change given, in the amount of a dollar, how do you count that? Would that amount equal ½ of a dollar? ¼ of a dollar? What would happen if you were at the store and did not know how to count money?” Make it relatable to their lives. Main Learning Activities: After handing out basic supplies, four quarters, 8 dimes, and 4 nickels, have the students manipulate the coins in different ways to make a dollar. How many dimes make a dollar? How many quarters make a dollar? Next, concentrating on the quarters, have the students line them up. Facilitate a class discussion that could look something like this: “When we count quarters, what do we count by? Let‘s count the quarters to see how much we have? Have many quarters make a dollar? If four quarters make a dollar, then what fraction of a dollar is one quarter? How do you know? What fraction of a dollar is two quarters? How do you know? What fraction of a dollar is three quarters? How do you know? What fraction of a dollar is four quarters? How do you know?” What is another way that we could ¾ of a dollar using out coins? The teacher can have the students do this activity with their seat partner, by the teacher. Closure Objective: Using this opportunity to loop this lesson back to the beginning, refer back to why it is important to understand the different parts of the dollar and how it could affect their lives if they did not know how to count the money. It is always entertaining to listen to what the students think they can purchase for ¼ of a dollar. Accommodations Special Needs: I would make it a point to provide these students with real money Advanced: Have these students use the dimes and the nickels to make 1/4, ½, and ¾. ELL: Using the white board, have them draw the amount of money that equals 1/4, ½, and ¾ of a dollar. If the teacher does not have student white boards, the teacher could make these on a computer prior to the lesson. 65 References Fractions, Grade 3, Teacher Created Resources, 2011 Common Core Mathematics-Practice at 3 Levels; Levy, Jill; 2012 Blooms Taxonomy Questioning Ticket out the Door Name:_______________________Date__________________________Fraction Money Lesson 1. How much is ¼ of a dollar? 2. How much is ½ of a dollar? 3. How much is ¾ of a dollar 4. How many quarters equal a whole dollar? 66 Support Worksheet for Money Name:_______________________________________Date:______________________ _______ Using quarters, draw the following: 1. ½ of a dollar. This equals _____________cents 2. ¼ of a dollar. This equals______________cents 3. 1/5 of a dollar. This equals_____________cents 4. One whole dollar. This equals $____________ Using dimes and nickels draw the following: 1. ½ of a dollar. This equals _____________cents 2. ¼ of a dollar. This equals______________cents CHALLENGE! 67 3. 3/4 of a dollar. This equals_____________cents 4. One whole dollar. This equals $____________ Bonus Question Ryan goes to the store to buy a candy bar for $0.75. He gets $0.25 for change. What fraction of a dollar does he get back? ________________________________________________ Alexis goes to the store and spend $0.50 on a back of chips. What fraction of a dollar does she have left to spend? _______________________________________________________ 68 FRACTIONS OF SHAPES Purpose of the Lesson: The purpose of this lesson is for students to be able to partition geometric shapes into parts with equal areas so as to form unit fractions of the whole. This is an area model of fractions meant to enrich the students’ foundational understanding of fractions. Students will be exposed to the idea that equal fractions of the same whole must have equal areas. The focus, however, will be on unit fractions. Common Core Standards: 3.G Reason with shapes and their attributes 2. Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal area and describe the area of each part as ¼ of the area of the shape. Instructional Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to create unit fractions by partitioning basic shapes, such as a square, triangle, circle, and rectangle into parts with equal areas. Assessment Informal: Have students hold up their equally partitioned shapes. Supporting worksheet Formal: Ticket out the Door; Formal assessment if applicable Materials Light colored scrap paper Writing tools White Boards, pens and erasers Pattern Blocks Procedures Anticipatory Set 10 mins: Hold up a rectangle piece of paper. Start by asking, “What type of shape is this piece of paper? (Rectangle/quadrilateral). “How do you know?” “Draw a line on this paper so that the paper shows two equal parts. Each part of the paper is the same size. The parts are equal. How is this paper divided? Each half of the rectangle is called ½.” Keeping in mind that a rectangle can be split in half in different ways (e.g., vertically down the middle, horizontally down the middle, then across the diagonal) ask the questions “How 69 do you know you have two equal parts? How do you know you have two equal pieces? What fraction of the rectangle have you created? How do you know?” Reinforce that each equal part of the rectangle is called ½. Main Learning Activities 30 mins: Once the students have all held up their rectangles and answered the questions, the teacher can assess the students’ understanding visually and verbally to determine if they are ready to move on. If ready, challenge students to draw another line on the same piece of paper, or the same rectangle, and break it into fourths or quarters. Continuing with the pattern of questioning started in the anticipatory set, “how…” “Why…”etc., this will help the teacher check for understanding. Because the students may have created halves in different ways, there are many possibilities for how the students will create fourths. Example of questions for the students: “Did you create equal parts?” “How do you know this?” “How many equal parts did you create?” “What do you call these equal parts?” “Can you explain why these equal parts are called?” Also, have the students draw a circle and draw a line showing how to divide it up into halves and fourths. Challenge the students to divide the other circle into thirds. Since this can be a difficult task, get ideas from the students on how to draw the lines so the circle is divided into three equal parts or thirds. Depending on how the teacher is feeling her class is doing, the teacher could challenge them to go into sixths and eighths. It could be recommended that the teacher use the circle or rectangle. Another variation of this lesson would be to either have the student draw, or given them predrawn squares and triangles have them partition these shapes as well. The students by this point should have already worked with a fraction wheel and the fraction bars. Closure Activity 10 mins: Referring back to the “How did you get____?” and “Why is called______?” questions that were used at the start of the lesson would be a good wrap-around activity. The teacher could also have the students; before the students turn in their work, ask the questions and have the students explain what they did to find specific answers while referring to their worksheet. Accommodations Special Needs: Have them work with a partner. Have them use the pattern blocks as much as possible. Advanced: Pair them up with other advanced students and have them work together to push partitioning their shapes to sixths and eighths. Or, pair them up with students in need of remediation and have them reteach the concept. They 70 could also be challenged to try and partition more difficult shapes such as, trapezoids, stars, or kites. ELL: Check in with the students and have them use the correct vocabulary for unit fractions and also “equal part.” Have them identify the shapes being worked with and make sure they can create the proper fraction to it and refer to it by name. Example: “this is ½ of a square (circle, rectangle, etc.), because…” References Fractions, Grade 3, Teacher Created Resources, 2011 Common Core Mathematics-Practice at 3 Levels; Levy, Jill; 2012 Blooms Taxonomy Questioning Ticket out the Door Name:____________________________________Date:__________________ How would you partition each of these shapes into halves, thirds, fourths, or quarters? Drawings of shapes if needed. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 REFERENCES Ball, D., Hill, H. C., & Bass, H. (2005). Knowing mathematics for teaching. Journal of the American Federation of Teachers, Fall, 14-46. California Department of Education (CDE). (2013). All curriculum frameworks. Retrieved from California Department of Education (CDE). (n.d.). Common core state standards. Retrieved from Carson, L. (2000). Why supplemental curriculum helps teachers. Ezine@rticles. Retrieved from Clearinghouse, W. W. (2009). Best practices for RtI: Differentiaied reading instruction for all students. Reading Rockets, 1-3. Clearinghouse, W. W.(2010, September). Devloping effective fractions instruction for kindergarten through 8th grade. Retrieved from Fennell, F. (2011). We need elementary mathematics specialist now, more than ever: A historical perspective and call to action. NCSM Journal, 53-60. Fensterwald, J. (2012, July 17). 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