Publications for Martin Weltman 2016

Publications for Martin Weltman
Publications for Martin Weltman
Eslam, M., Hashem, A., Romero-Gomez, M.,
Berg, T., Dore, G., Mangia, A., Chan, H., Irving,
W., Sheridan, D., Abate, M., Weltman, M.,
Ahlenstiel, G., Liddle, C., Douglas, M., Booth,
D., George, J., et al (2016). FibroGENE: A
gene-based model for staging liver fibrosis.
Journal of Hepatology, 64(2), 390-398. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Jideh, B., Chen, H., Weltman, M., Chan, C.
(2016). Metastatic periampullary clear cell renal
carcinoma. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 83(5),
1040-1042. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Grebely, J., Alavi, M., Micallef, M., Dunlop, A.,
Balcomb, A., Phung, N., Weltman, M., Day, C.,
Treloar, C., Bath, N., Haber, P., et al (2016).
Treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among
people who inject drugs attending opioid
substitution treatment and community health
clinics: The ETHOS Study. Addiction, 111(2),
311-319. <a
re Information]</a>
Fragomeli, V., Weltman, M. (2015). Addressing
viral hepatitis in the opiate substitution setting:
an integrated nursing model of care. Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 30(Suppl 2),
6-11. <a
re Information]</a>
Kemp, W., Levy, M., Weltman, M., Lubel, J.
(2015). Australian Liver Association (ALA)
expert consensus recommendations for the use of
transient elastography in chronic viral hepatitis.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
30(3), 453-462. <a
re Information]</a>
Koloski, N., Jones, M., Weltman, M., Kalantar,
J., Bone, C., Gowryshankar, A., Walker, M.,
Talley, N. (2015). Identification of early
environmental risk factors for irritable bowel
syndrome and dyspepsia. Neurogastroenterology
and Motility, 27(9), 1317-1325. <a
ore Information]</a>
Eslam, M., Hashem, A., Leung, R.,
Romero-Gomez, M., Berg, T., Dore, G., Chan,
H., Irving, W., Sheridan, D., Abate, M.,
Weltman, M., Douglas, M., Liddle, C., Booth,
D., George, J., Ahlenstiel, G., et al (2015).
Interferon-λ rs12979860 genotype and liver
fibrosis in viral and non-viral chronic liver
disease. Nature Communications, 6, 1-10. <a
More Information]</a>
Chan, C., Weltman, M., Adams, S. (2014). An
Uncommon Complication of Percutaneous
Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tube Placement.
Gastroenterology, 147(2), e3-e4. <a
041">[More Information]</a>
Roberts, S., Mitchell, J., Leung, R., Booth, D.,
Bollipo, S., Ostapowicz, G., Sloss, A.,
McCaughan, G., Dore, G., Thompson, A.,
George, J., et al (2014). Distribution of interferon
lambda-3 gene polymorphisms in Australian
patients with previously untreated genotype 1
chronic hepatitis C: Analysis from the PREDICT
and CHARIOT studies. Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 29(1),
179-184. <a
re Information]</a>
Walker, M., Aggarwal, K., Shim, L., Bassan, M.,
Kalantar, J., Weltman, M., Jones, M., Powell, N.,
Talley, N. (2014). Duodenal eosinophilia and
early satiety in functional dyspepsia:
Confirmation of a positive association in an
Australian cohort. Journal of Gastroenterology
and Hepatology, 29(3), 474-479. <a
re Information]</a>
Milner, K., Jenkins, A., Trenell, M., Tid-Ang, J.,
Samocha-Bonet, D., Weltman, M., Xu, A.,
George, J., Chisholm, D. (2014). Eradicating
hepatitis C virus ameliorates insulin resistance
without change in adipose depots. Journal of
Viral Hepatitis, 21(5), 325-332. <a
re Information]</a>
Sundaralingam, P., Weltman, M. (2014).
Gastrointestinal: pyoderma gangrenosum of the
thumb. Journal of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, 29(9), 1659-1659. <a
re Information]</a>
O'Connor, K., Ahlenstiel, G., Suppiah, V.,
Schibeci, S., Ong, A., Leung, R., van der
Poorten, D., Douglas, M., Weltman, M., Stewart,
G., Liddle, C., George, J., Booth, D. (2014).
IFNL3 mediates interaction between innate
immune cells: Implications for hepatitis C virus
pathogenesis. Innate Immunity, 20(6), 598-605.
385">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Martin Weltman
Kitson, M., George, J., Dore, G., Leung, R.,
Button, P., McCaughan, G., Crawford, D.,
Sievert, W., Weltman, M., Cheng, W., et al
(2014). Interleukin-28B rs12979860 C allele:
Protective against advanced fibrosis in chronic
hepatitis C genotype 1 infection. Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
Liu, C., Pasupathy, A., Weltman, M. (2014).
Multifocal peliosis hepatis simulating metastatic
malignancy. Digestive and Liver Disease, 46(9),
862-863. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Gibson, P., Vaizey, C., Black, C., Nicholls, R.,
Weston, A., Bampton, P., Sparrow, M.,
Lawrance, I., Selby, W., Weltman, M., et al
(2014). Relationship between disease severity
and quality of life and assessment of health care
utilization and cost for ulcerative colitis in
Australia: A cross-sectional, observational study.
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 8(7), 598-606. <a
017">[More Information]</a>
Chen, J., Eslick, G., Weltman, M. (2014).
Systematic review with meta-analysis: clinical
manifestations and management of autoimmune
hepatitis in the elderly. Alimentary
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 39(2),
117-124. <a
re Information]</a>
Suppiah, V., Armstrong, N., O'Connor, K., Berg,
T., Weltman, M., Abate, M., Spengler, U.,
Bassendine, M., Dore, G., Irving, W., Stewart,
G., George, J., Booth, D., Ahlenstiel, G., et al
(2013). CCR5-Delta32 genotype does not
improve predictive value of IL28B
polymorphisms for treatment response in chronic
HCV infection. Genes and Immunity, 14(5),
286-290. <a
More Information]</a>
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 7(10),
e449-e456. <a
019">[More Information]</a>
Marcellin, P., Cooper, C., Balart, L., Larrey, D.,
Box, T., Yoshida, E., Lawitz, E., Buggisch, P.,
Ferenci, P., Weltman, M., et al (2013).
Randomized Controlled Trial of Danoprevir Plus
Peginterferon Alfa-2a and Ribavirin in
Treatment-Naïve Patients With Hepatitis C Virus
Genotype 1 Infection. Gastroenterology, 145(4),
790-800.e3. <a
051">[More Information]</a>
Kitson, M., Dore, G., George, J., Button, P.,
McCaughan, G., Crawford, D., Sievert, W.,
Weltman, M., Cheng, W., Roberts, S. (2013).
Vitamin D status does not predict sustained
virologic response or fibrosis stage in chronic
hepatitis C genotype 1 infection. Journal of
Hepatology, 58(3), 467-472. <a
17">[More Information]</a>
Crawford, D., Dore, G., Sievert, W., Cheng, W.,
Weltman, M., McCaughan, G., Rawlinson, W.,
Marks, P., Yoshihara, M., Rizkalla, B., et al
(2012). Early on-treatment viral load and
baseline METAVIR score: improved prediction
of sustained virological response in HCV
genotype 1 patients. Antiviral Therapy, 17(5),
849-854. <a
e Information]</a>
Gidding, H., Law, M., Amin, J., Ostapowicz, G.,
Weltman, M., Macdonald, G., Sasadeusz, J.,
Haber, P., George, J., Dore, G. (2012). Hepatitis
C treatment outcomes in Australian clinics.
Medical Journal of Australia, 196(10), 633-637.
More Information]</a>
Skoien, R., Richardson, M., Jonsson, J., Powell,
E., Brunt, E., Neuschwander-Tetri, B., Bhathal,
P., Dixon, J., O'Brien, P., Tilg, H., Weltman, M.,
et al (2013). Heterogeneity of fibrosis patterns in
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease supports the
presence of multiple fibrogenic pathways. Liver
International, 33(4), 624-632. <a
e Information]</a>
Marcellin, P., Roberts, S., Reddy, K., Harrison,
S., Jensen, D., Hadziyannis, S., Diago, M.,
Weltman, M., Messinger, D., Tatsch, F., et al
(2012). Safety profile of standard- vs. high-dose
peginterferon alfa-2a plus standard-dose ribavirin
in HCV genotype 1/4 patients: pooled analysis
from 5 randomized studies. Expert opinion on
drug safety, 11(6), 901-909. <a
721927">[More Information]</a>
Walsh, A., Weltman, M., Burger, D.,
Vivekanandarajah, S., Connor, S., Howlett, M.,
Radford-Smith, G., Selby, W., Veillard, A.,
Grimm, M., et al (2013). Implementing
guidelines on the prevention of opportunistic
infections in inflammatory bowel disease.
Koloski, N., Jones, M., Kalantar, J., Weltman,
M., Zaguirre, J., Talley, N. (2012). The brain-gut
pathway in functional gastrointestinal disorders
is bidirectional: a 12-year prospective
population-based study. Gut (English Edition):
an international journal of gastroenterology and
Publications for Martin Weltman
hepatology, 61(9), 1284-1290. <a
474">[More Information]</a>
Sasadeusz, J., Dore, G., Kronborg, I., Barton, D.,
Yoshihara, M., Weltman, M. (2011). Clinical
experience with the treatment of hepatitis C
infection in patients on opioid pharmacotherapy.
Addiction, 106(5), 977-984. <a
0.03347.x">[More Information]</a>
Baleriola, C., Rawlinson, W., Dore, G.,
Chaverot, S., Stelzer-Braid, S., Yoshihara, M.,
Crawford, D., Sievert, W., McCaughan, G.,
Weltman, M., et al (2011). Effect of low-level
HCV viraemia at week 24 on HCV treatment
response in genotype 1 patients. Antiviral
Therapy, 16(2), 173-180. <a
e Information]</a>
Thomson, A., Kwok, R., Weltman, M. (2011).
Genetic evaluation of polyposis. Current
Colorectal Cancer Reports, 7(1), 8-15. <a
3-y">[More Information]</a>
Smith, K., Suppiah, V., O'Connor, K., Berg, T.,
Weltman, M., Abate, M., Spengler, U.,
Bassendine, M., Matthews, G., Irving, W.,
Ahlenstiel, G., Stewart, G., George, J., Booth,
D., et al (2011). Identification of improved
IL28B SNPs and haplotypes for prediction of
drug response in treatment of hepatitis C using
massively parallel sequencing in a
cross-sectional European cohort. Genome
Medicine, 3(8), 57-1-57-13. <a
Suppiah, V., Gaudieri, S., Armstrong, N.,
O'Connor, K., Berg, T., Weltman, M., Abate, M.,
Spengler, U., Bassendine, M., Dore, G.,
Ahlenstiel, G., Stewart, G., George, J., Booth,
D., et al (2011). IL28B, HLA-C, and KIR
Variants Additively Predict Response to Therapy
in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection in a
European Cohort: A Cross-Sectional Study.
PLoS Medicine, 8(9), e1001092-1-e1001092-8.
01092">[More Information]</a>
Dawes, G., Sitharthan, T., Conigrave, K., Phung,
N., Weltman, M. (2011). Patients admitted for
inpatient cannabis detoxification: withdrawal
symptoms and impacts of common
comorbidities. Journal of Substance Use, 16(5),
392-405. <a
499491">[More Information]</a>
Weltman, M., Phung, N. (2011). Rectal/perianal
mass and colorectal cancer. In N. J. Talley
(Eds.), Clinical Gastroenterology, 3rd Edition,
(pp. 279-292). Australia: Elsevier Australia.
Shim, L., Eslick, G., Simring, A., Murray, H.,
Weltman, M. (2011). The effects of azathioprine
on birth outcomes in women with inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD). Journal of Crohn's and
Colitis, 5(3), 234-238. <a
009">[More Information]</a>
Sievert, W., Dore, G., McCaughan, G.,
Yoshihara, M., Crawford, D., Cheng, W.,
Weltman, M., Rawlinson, W., Rizkalla, B.,
DePamphilis, J., et al (2011). Virological
Response is Associated with Decline in
Hemoglobin Concentration During Pegylated
Interferon and Ribavirin Therapy in Hepatitis C
Virus Genotype 1. Hepatology, 53(4),
1109-1117. <a
re Information]</a>
Weltman, M., Phung, N. (2011). Vomiting
blood, stack stools, blood per rectum, occult
bleeding. In N. J. Talley (Eds.), Clinical
Gastroenterology, 3rd Edition, (pp. 115-129).
Australia: Elsevier Australia.
Milner, K., van der Poorten, D., Trenell, M.,
Jenkins, A., Xu, A., Smythe, G., Dore, G., Zekry,
A., Weltman, M., Fragomeli, V., George, J., et al
(2010). Chronic Hepatitis C is Associated with
Peripheral rather than Hepatic Insulin Resistance.
Gastroenterology, 138(3), 932-941. <a
050">[More Information]</a>
Thomson, A., Weltman, M. (2010). Electronic
images of the month. Severe duodenitis after
massive chronic Ibuprofen overdose. Clinical
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 8(11), e114.
6">[More Information]</a>
Cheng, W., Roberts, S., McCaughan, G., Sievert,
W., Weltman, M., Crawford, D., Rawlinson, W.,
Marks, P., Thommes, J., Rizkalla, B., et al
(2010). Low virological response and high
relapse rates in hepatitis C genotype 1 patients
with advanced fibrosis despite adequate
therapeutic dosing. Journal of Hepatology, 53(4),
616-623. <a
24">[More Information]</a>
Milne, B., Bell, J., Weltman, M., Lampropoulos,
B., Towns, S. (2009). Alcohol, drugs and
Australian young people. In Bennet, D; Towns,
Publications for Martin Weltman
S; Elliot, E; Merrick, J. (Eds.), Challenges in
Adolescent Health: An Australian Perspective,
(pp. 163-175). United States: Nova Science
Brzozowska, M., Ostapowicz, G., Weltman, M.
(2009). An association between non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease and polycystic ovarian
syndrome. Journal of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, 24(2), 243-247. <a
8.05740.x">[More Information]</a>
Suppiah, V., Moldovan, M., Ahlenstiel, G., Berg,
T., Weltman, M., Abate, M., Bassendine, M.,
Spengler, U., Dore, G., Powell, E., Stewart, G.,
Booth, D., George, J., et al (2009). IL28B is
associated with response to chronic hepatitis C
interferon-alpha and ribavirin therapy. Nature
Genetics, 41(10), 1100-1104. <a
Roberts, S., Weltman, M., Crawford, D.,
McCaughan, G., Sievert, W., Cheng, W.,
Rawlinson, W., Desmond, P., Marks, P.,
Yoshihara, M., et al (2009). Impact of high-dose
peginterferon alfa-2A on virological response
rates in patients with hepatitis C genotype 1: a
randomized controlled trial. Hepatology, 50(4),
1045-1055. <a
re Information]</a>
Weltman, M., Darke, J. (2008). Acute liver
failure. In N Talley, I Segal, M Weltman (Eds.),
Gastroenterology and Hepatology: a clinical
handbook, (pp. 491-501). Australia: Elsevier.
Richardson, K., Baillie, A., Reid, S., Morley, K.,
Teesson, M., Sannibale, C., Weltman, M., Haber,
P. (2008). Do acamprosate or naltrexone have an
effect on daily drinking by reducing craving for
alcohol? Addiction, 103(6), 953-959. <a
8.02215.x">[More Information]</a>
Talley, N., Segal, I., Weltman, M. (2008).
Gastroenterology and Hepatology: a clinical
handbook. Australia: Elsevier.
Weltman, M. (2008). Obesity and Abnormal
Liver Function Tests. In N Talley, I Segal, M
Weltman (Eds.), Gastroenterology and
Hepatology: a clinical handbook, (pp. 411-420).
Australia: Elsevier.
Weltman, M. (2008). Occult gastrointestinal
bleeding and iron deficiency anemia. In N
Talley, I Segal, M Weltman (Eds.),
Gastroenterology and Hepatology: a clinical
handbook, (pp. 246-259). Australia: Elsevier.
Razali, K., Thein, H., Bell, J., Cooper-Stanbury,
M., Dolan, K., Dore, G., George, J., Kaldore, J.,
Karvelas, M., Li, J., Weltman, M., et al (2007).
Modelling the hepatitis C virus epidemic in
Australia. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
91(39509), 228-235. <a
7.05.026">[More Information]</a>
Richardson, M., Jonsson, J., Powell, E., Brunt,
E., Neuschwander-Tetri, B., Bhathal, P., Dixon,
J., Weltman, M., Tilg, H., Moschen, A., et al
(2007). Progressive Fibrosis in Nonalcoholic
Steatohepatitis: Association With Altered
Regeneration and a Ductular Reaction.
Gastroenterology, 133(1), 80-90. <a
&list_uids=17631134">[More Information]</a>
Morley, K., Teesson, M., Reid, S., Sannibale, C.,
Thomson, C., Phung, N., Weltman, M., Bell, J.,
Richardson, K., Haber, P. (2006). Naltrexone
versus acamprosate in the treatment of alcohol
dependence: a multi-centre, randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Addiction,
101(10), 1451-1462. <a
&list_uids=16968347">[More Information]</a>
Richardson, K., Reid, S., Morley, K., Teesson,
M., Sannibale, C., Weltman, M., Baillie, A.,
Haber, P. (2006). The effects of alcohol and
naltrexone on craving and alcohol consumption.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental
Research, 30(s2), 169A-169A.
Coverdale, S., Khan, M., Byth Wilson, K., Lin,
R., Weltman, M., George, J., Samarasinghe, D.,
Liddle, C., Farrell, G., Kench, J., Crewe, E.
(2004). Effects Of Interferon Treatment
Response On Liver Complications Of Chronic
Hepatitis C: 9-Year Follow-Up Study. American
Journal of Gastroenterology, 99(4), 636-644.
Shaw, D., Williams, R., Cook, I., Wallace, K.,
Weltman, M., Collins, P., McKay, E., Smart, R.,
Simula, M. (2004). Oropharyngeal scintigraphy:
a reliable technique for the quantitative
evaluation of oral-pharyngeal swallowing.
Dysphagia: an international multidisciplinary
journal devoted to swallowing and its disorders,
19(1), 36-42. <a
3-7">[More Information]</a>
Fuller, S., Kumar, P., Weltman, M., Wiley, J.
(2003). Autoimmune hemolysis associated with
Publications for Martin Weltman
primary biliary cirrhosis responding to
ursodeoxycholic acid as sole treatment.
American Journal Of Hematology, 72(1), 31-33.
re Information]</a>
Chitturi, S., Weltman, M., Farrell, G.,
McDonald, D., Liddle, C., Samarasinghe, D.,
Lin, R., Abeygunasekera, S., George, J. (2002).
HFE Mutations, Hepatic Iron, and Fibrosis:
Ethnic-Specification Association of NASH with
C282Y but not with Fibrotic Severity.
Hepatology, 36(1), 142-149.
Chitturi, S., Abeygunasekera, S., Farrell, G.,
Holmes-Walker, J., Hui, J., Fung, C., Karim, R.,
Lin, R., Samarasinghe, D., Liddle, C., Weltman,
M., George, J. (2002). NASH and Insulin
Resistance: Insulin Hypersecretion and Specific
Association with the Insulin Resistance
Syndrome. Hepatology, 35(2), 373-379.
Chitturi, S., Abeygunasekera, S., Fung, C.,
Samarasinghe, D., Lin, R., McDonald, D.,
Weltman, M., Farrell, G., George, J. (2001).
Haemochromatosis gene mutations, hepatic iron
content and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
Hepatology, 19, 1768-1778.