Publications for Martin Stockler 2016

Publications for Martin Stockler
Publications for Martin Stockler
Dong, S., Butow, P., Agar, M., Lovell, M.,
Boyle, F., Stockler, M., Forster, B., Tong, A.
(2016). Clinicians’ Perspectives on Managing
Symptom Clusters in Advanced Cancer: A
Semistructured Interview Study. Journal of Pain
and Symptom Management, 51(4), 706-717.e5.
015.11.021">[More Information]</a>
Schofield, P., Stockler, M., Zannino, D., Tebbutt,
N., Price, T., Simes, R., Wong, N., Pavlakis, N.,
Ransom, D., Moylan, E., et al (2016). Hope,
optimism and survival in a randomised trial of
chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer.
Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(1), 401-408. <a
2-8">[More Information]</a>
Dong, S., Butow, P., Tong, A., Agar, M., Boyle,
F., Forster, B., Stockler, M., Lovell, M. (2016).
Patients' experiences and perspectives of
multiple concurrent symptoms in advanced
cancer: a semi-structured interview study.
Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(3), 1373-1386. <a
3-4">[More Information]</a>
Moth, E., McLachlan, S., Veillard, A., Muljadi,
N., Hudson, M., Stockler, M., Blinman, P.
(2016). Patients' preferred and perceived roles in
making decisions about adjuvant chemotherapy
for non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 95,
8-14. <a
2.009">[More Information]</a>
Moth, E., McLachlan, S., Veillard, A., Muljadi,
N., Hudson, M., Stockler, M., Blinman, P.
(2016). Patients' preferred and perceived roles in
making decisions about adjuvant chemotherapy
for non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 95,
8-14. <a
2.009">[More Information]</a>
Sundaresan, P., Stockler, M., Milross, C. (2016).
What is access to radiation therapy? A
conceptual framework and review of influencing
factors. Australian Health Review, 40(1), 11-18.
re Information]</a>
Davidson, A., Veillard, A., Tognela, A., Chan,
M., Huighes, B., Boyer, M., Briscoe, K., Begbie,
S., Abdi, E., Crombie, C., Chinchen, S.,
Espinoza, D., Coskinas, X., Pavlakis, N.,
Stockler, M., et al (2015). A phase III
randomized trial of adding topical nitroglycerin
to first-line chemotherapy for advanced
nonsmall-cell lung cancer: the Australasian lung
cancer trials group NITRO trial. Annals of
Oncology, 26(11), 2280-2286. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Sundaresan, P., King, M., Stockler, M., Costa,
D., Milross, C. (2015). Barriers to radiotherapy
utilisation in New South Wales Australia: Health
professionals' perceptions of impacting factors.
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation
Oncology, 59(4), 535-541. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Hayne, D., Stockler, M., McCombie, S.,
Chalasani, V., Long, A., Martin, A., Sengupta,
S., Davis, I. (2015). BCG+MMC trial: adding
mitomycin C to BCG as adjuvant intravesical
therapy for high-risk, non-muscle-invasive
bladder cancer: a randomised phase III trial
(ANZUP 1301). BMC Cancer, 15(1), 1-7. <a
1-6">[More Information]</a>
Mahon, K., Lin, H., Castillo, L., Lee, B.,
Lee-Ng, K., Chatfield, M., Chiam, K., Breit, S.,
Brown, D., Molloy, M., Marx, G., Pavlakis, N.,
Boyer, M., Stockler, M., Horvath, L., et al
(2015). Cytokine profiling of docetaxel-resistant
castration-resistant prostate cancer. British
Journal of Cancer, 112(8), 1340-1348. <a
ore Information]</a>
Juraskova, I., Butow, P., Fisher, A., Bonner, C.,
Anderson, C., Bu, S., Scarlet, J., Stockler, M.,
Wetzig, N., Ung, O., et al (2015). Development
and piloting of a decision aid for women
considering participation in the Sentinel Node
Biopsy versus Axillary Clearance 2 breast cancer
trial. Clinical Trials, 12(4), 409-417. <a
404">[More Information]</a>
Moth, E., Parry, J., Stockler, M., Beale, P.,
Blinman, P., Della Fiorentina, S., Kiely, B.
(2015). Doctor to doctor communication of
prognosis in metastatic cancer: a review of letters
from medical oncologists to referring doctors.
Internal Medicine Journal, 45(9), 909-915. <a
re Information]</a>
Davis, I., Long, A., Yip, S., Espinoza, D.,
Thompson, J., Kichenadasse, G., Harrision, M.,
Lowenthal, R., Pavlakis, N., Azad, A., Hudson,
A., Stockler, M., Martin, A., et al (2015).
EVERSUN: A phase 2 trial of alternating
sunitinib and everolimus as first line therapy for
advanced renal cell carcinoma. Annals of
Oncology, 26(6), 1118-1123. <a
Publications for Martin Stockler
>[More Information]</a>
Elmadahm, A., Gill, P., Bochner, M., Gebski, V.,
Zannino, D., Wetzig, N., Campbell, I., Stockler,
M., Ung, O., Simes, R., Uren, R. (2015).
Identification of the sentinel lymph node in the
SNAC-1 trial. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 85(1-2),
58-63. <a
re Information]</a>
Stockler, M. (2015). In palliative care,
discontinuation of statins did not differ from
continuation for mortality. Annals of Internal
Medicine, 163(4), JC7-JC7. <a
3-4-007">[More Information]</a>
Blinman, P., Hughes, B., Crombie, C.,
Christmas, T., Hudson, M., Veillard, A., Muljadi,
N., Millward, M., Wright, G., Flynn, P.,
Stockler, M., et al (2015). Patients' and doctors'
preferences for adjuvant chemotherapy in
resected non-small-cell lung cancer: What makes
it worthwhile? European Journal of Cancer,
51(12), 1529-1537. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Sundaresan, P., Sullivan, L., Pendlebury, S.,
Kirby, A., Rodger, A., Joseph, D., Campbell, I.,
Dhillon, H., Stockler, M. (2015). Patients'
Perceptions of Health-related Quality of Life
During and After Adjuvant Radiotherapy for
T1N0M0 Breast Cancer. Clinical Oncology,
27(1), 9-15. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Lyerley, H., Fawzy, M., Aziz, Z., Nair, R.,
Pramesh, C., Parmar, V., Parikh, P., Jamal, R.,
Irumnaz, A., Ren, J., Stockler, M., et al (2015).
Regional Variation in Identified Cancer Care
Needs of Early-Career Oncologists in China,
India, and Pakistan. The Oncologist, 20(5), 1-7.
14-0213">[More Information]</a>
Wetzig, N., Gill, P., Zannino, D., Stockler, M.,
Gebski, V., Ung, O., Campbell, I., Simes, R.
(2015). Sentinel Lymph Node Based
Management or Routine Axillary Clearance?
Three-year Outcomes of the RACS Sentinel
Node Biopsy Versus Axillary Clearance (SNAC)
1 Trial. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 22(1),
17-23. <a
8-7">[More Information]</a>
Sengupta, S., Grimison, P., Hayne, D., Williams,
S., Chambers, S., de Souza, P., Stockler, M.,
McJannett, M., Toner, G., Davis, I. (2015). The
Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and
Prostate (ANZUP) Cancer Trials Group – a new
co-operative cancer trials group in genitourinary
oncology. BJU International, 115(6), 856-858.
re Information]</a>
Chim, L., Salkeld, G., Stockler, M., Mileshkin,
L. (2015). Weighing up the benefits and harms of
a new anti-cancer drug: a survey of Australian
oncologists. Internal Medicine Journal, 45(8),
834-842. <a
re Information]</a>
Grimison, P., Stockler, M., Chatfield, M.,
Thomson, D., Gebski, V., Friedlander, M.,
Boland, A., Houghton, B., Gruney, H.,
Rosenthal, M., et al (2014). Accelerated BEP for
metastatic germ cell tumours: a multicenter
phase II trial by the Australian and New Zealand
Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group
(ANZUP). Annals of Oncology, 25(1), 143-148.
>[More Information]</a>
Lin, H., Castillo, L., Mahon, K., Chiam, K., Lee,
B., Nguyen, Q., Boyer, M., Stockler, M.,
Pavlakis, N., Marx, G., Gurney, H., Horvath, L.,
et al (2014). Circulating microRNAs are
associated with docetaxel chemotherapy outcome
in castration-resistant prostate cancer. British
Journal of Cancer, 110(10), 2462-2471. <a
More Information]</a>
Ellis, P., Shepherd, F., Millward, M., Perrone, F.,
Seymour, L., Liu, G., Sun, S., Cho, B., Morabito,
A., Leighl, N., Stockler, M., et al (2014).
Dacomitinib compared with placebo in
pretreated patients with advanced or metastatic
non-small-cell lung cancer (NCIC CTG BR.26):
a double-blind, randomised, phase 3 trial. The
Lancet Oncology, 15(12), 1379-1388. <a
70472-3">[More Information]</a>
King, M., Stockler, M., Butow, P., O'Connell, R.,
Voysey, M., Oza, A., Gillies, K., Donovan, H.,
Mercieca-Bebber, R., Martyn, J., Sjoquist, K.,
Friedlander, M. (2014). Development of the
Measure of Ovarian Symptoms and Treatment
Concerns: Aiming for Optimal Measurement of
Patient-Reported Symptom Benefit with
Chemotherapy for Symptomatic Ovarian Cancer.
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer,
24(5), 865-873. <a
0000167">[More Information]</a>
Tattersall, M., Martin, A., Devine, R., Ryan, J.,
Jansen, J., Hastings, L., Boyer, M., Glare, P.,
Publications for Martin Stockler
Stockler, M., Butow, P. (2014). Early Contact
with Palliative Care Services: A Randomized
Trial in Patients with Newly Detected Incurable
Metastatic Cancer. Journal of Palliative Care &
Medicine, 4(1), 1-6. <a
170">[More Information]</a>
West, T., Kiely, B., Stockler, M. (2014).
Estimating scenarios for survival time in men
starting systemic therapies for castration-resistant
prostate cancer: A systematic review of
randomised trials. European Journal of Cancer,
50(11), 1916-1924. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Sundaresan, P., Milross, C., Smith, A., Evans,
A., Stockler, M., King, M. (2014). Factors
influencing the use of RT in NSW: A qualitative
study exploring consumer and health
professional perspectives. Journal of Medical
Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 58(5),
625-632. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Mahon, K., Qu, W., Devaney, J., Paul, C.,
Castillo, L., Wykes, R., Chatfield, M., Boyer,
M., Stockler, M., Marx, G., Gurney, H., Horvath,
L., et al (2014). Methylated Glutathione
S-transferase 1 (mGSTP1) is a potential plasma
free DNA epigenetic marker of prognosis and
response to chemotherapy in castrate-resistant
prostate cancer. British Journal of Cancer,
111(9), 1802-1809. <a
More Information]</a>
Goodwin, P., Bruera, E., Stockler, M. (2014).
Pain in patients with cancer. Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 32(16), 1637-1639. <a
18">[More Information]</a>
Stockler, M., Hilpert, F., Friedlander, M., King,
M., Wenzel, L., Lee, C., Joly, F., de Gregorio,
N., Arranz, J., Mirza, M., et al (2014).
Patient-Reported Outcome Results From the
Open-Label Phase III AURELIA Trial
Evaluating Bevacizumab-Containing Therapy for
Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer. Journal of
Clinical Oncology, 32(13), 1309-1319. <a
40">[More Information]</a>
Laurie, S., Solomon, B., Seymour, L., Ellis, P.,
Goss, G., Shepherd, F., Boyer, M., Arnold, A.,
Clingan, P., Laberge, F., Stockler, M., et al
(2014). Randomised, double-blind trial of
carboplatin and paclitaxel with daily oral
cediranib or placebo in patients with advanced
non-small cell lung cancer: NCIC Clinical Trials
Group study BR29. European Journal of Cancer,
50(4), 706-712. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Karikios, D., Schofield, D., Salkeld, G., Mann,
K., Trotman, J., Stockler, M. (2014). Rising cost
of anticancer drugs in Australia. Internal
Medicine Journal, 44(5), 458-463. <a
re Information]</a>
Beumer, J., Gill, G., Campbell, I., Wetzig, N.,
Ung, O., Farshid, G., Uren, R., Stockler, M.,
Gebski, V. (2014). Sentinel node biopsy and
large (≥3 cm) breast cancer. ANZ Journal of
Surgery, 84(3), 117-120. <a
re Information]</a>
Friedlander, M., Stockler, M., O'Connell, R.,
Voysey, M., Oza, A., Gillies, K., Donovan, H.,
Martyn, J., Sjoquist, K., Butow, P., King, M., et
al (2014). Symptom burden and outcomes of
patients with platinum resistant/refractory
recurrent ovarian cancer: a reality check: results
of stage 1 of the gynecologic cancer intergroup
symptom benefit study. International Journal of
Gynecological Cancer, 24(5), 857-864. <a
0000147">[More Information]</a>
O'Carrigan, B., Fournier, M., Olver, I., Stockler,
M., Whitford, H., Toner, G., Thomson, D.,
Davis, I., Hanning, F., Singhal, N., McDonald,
A., Boland, A., Grimison, P., et al (2014).
Testosterone deficiency and quality of life in
Australasian testicular cancer survivors: a
prospective cohort study. Internal Medicine
Journal, 44(8), 813-817. <a
re Information]</a>
Nowak, A., Brown, C., Millward, M., Creaney,
J., Byrne, M., Hughes, B., Kremmidiotis, G.,
Bibby, D., Leske, A., Mitchell, P., Pavlakis, N.,
Stockler, M., et al (2013). A phase II clinical trial
of the vascular disrupting agent BNC105P as
second line chemotherapy for advanced
Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Lung Cancer,
81(3), 422-427. <a
5.006">[More Information]</a>
McCaughan, G., Blinman, P., Boyer, M.,
Stockler, M. (2013). Better estimates of survival
for patients considering adjuvant chemotherapy
after surgery for early non-small-cell lung
cancer. Internal Medicine Journal, 43(4),
424-429. <a
2.02846.x">[More Information]</a>
Gzell, C., Kench, J., Stockler, M., Hruby, G.
Publications for Martin Stockler
(2013). Biopsy-proven brain metastases from
prostate cancer: a series of four cases with
review of the literature. International Urology
and Nephrology, 45(3), 735-742. <a
2-7">[More Information]</a>
Friedlander, M., Stockler, M., Butow, P., King,
M., McAlpine, J., Tinker, A., Ledermann, J.
(2013). Clinical Trials of Palliative
Chemotherapy in Platinum-Resistant or
-Refractory Ovarian Cancer: Time to Think
Differently? Journal of Clinical Oncology,
31(18), 2362. <a
27">[More Information]</a>
Blinman, P., Gainford, C., Donoghoe, M.,
Martyn, J., Bloomfield, P., Grant, P.,
Kichenadasse, G., Vaughan, M., Brand, A.,
Shannon, C., Gebski, V., Stockler, M., et al
(2013). Feasibility, acceptability and preferences
for intraperitoneal chemotherapy with paclitaxel
and cisplatin after optimal debulking surgery for
ovarian and related cancers: an ANZGOG study.
Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 24(4),
359-366. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Sjoquist, K., Friedlander, M., O'Connell, R.,
Voysey, M., King, M., Stockler, M., Oza, A.,
Gillies, K., Martyn, J., Butow, P. (2013). Hope,
Quality of Life, and Benefit From Treatment in
Women Having Chemotherapy for
Platinum-Resistant/Refractory Recurrent Ovarian
Cancer: The Gynecological Cancer Intergroup
Symptom Benefit Study. The Oncologist, 18(11),
1221-1228. <a
13-0175">[More Information]</a>
Stockler, M. (2013). Intermittent and continuous
androgen deprivation did not differ for mortality
after radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Annals of
Internal Medicine, 158(2), JC9. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Houghton, B., Chalasani, V., Hayne, D.,
Grimison, P., Brown, C., Patel, M., Davis, I.,
Stockler, M. (2013). Intravesical chemotherapy
plus bacille Calmette-Guerin in non-muscle
invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review
with meta-analysis. BJU International, 111(6),
977-933. <a
2.11390.x">[More Information]</a>
Coupe, N., Cox, K., Clark, K., Boyer, M.,
Stockler, M. (2013). Outcomes of Permanent
Peritoneal Ports for the Management of
Recurrent Malignant Ascites. Journal of
Palliative Medicine, 16(8), 938-940. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Grimison, P., Houghton, B., Chatfield, M.,
Toner, G., Davis, I., Martin, J., Hovey, E.,
Stockler, M. (2013). Patterns of management and
surveillance imaging amongst medical
oncologists in Australia for stage I testicular
cancer. BJU International, 112(2), E35-E43. <a
re Information]</a>
Price, M., Bell, M., Sommeijer, D., Friedlander,
M., Stockler, M., deFazio, A., Webb, P., Butow,
P. (2013). Physical symptoms, coping styles and
quality of life in recurrent ovarian cancer: A
prospective population-based study over the last
year of life. Gynecologic Oncology, 130(1),
162-168. <a
031">[More Information]</a>
Olver, I., Grimison, P., Chatfield, M., Stockler,
M., Toner, G., Gebski, V., Harrup, R., Underhill,
C., Kichenadasse, G., Singhal, N., Boland, A.,
McDonald, A., et al (2013). Results of a 7-day
aprepitant schedule for the prevention of nausea
and vomiting in 5-day cisplatin-based germ cell
tumor chemotherapy. Supportive Care in
Cancer, 21(6), 1561-1568. <a
6-0">[More Information]</a>
Martin, A., Lord, S., Verry, H., Stockler, M.,
Emery, J. (2013). Risk assessment to guide
prostate cancer screening decisions: a
cost-effectiveness analysis. Medical Journal of
Australia, 198(10), 546-550. <a
More Information]</a>
Stark, D., Nankivell, M., Pujade-Lauraine, E.,
Kristensen, G., Elit, L., Stockler, M., Hilpert, F.,
Cervantes, A., Brown, J., Lanceley, A., et al
(2013). Standard chemotherapy with or without
bevacizumab in advanced ovarian cancer:
quality-of-life outcomes from the International
Collaboration on Ovarian Neoplasms (ICON7)
phase 3 randomised trial. Lancet Oncology,
14(3), 236-243. <a
70567-3">[More Information]</a>
Thientosapol, E., Tran, T., Della Fiorentina, S.,
Adams, D., Chantrill, L., Stockler, M., Kiely, B.
(2013). Survival times of women with metastatic
breast cancer starting first-line chemotherapy in
routine clinical practice versus contemporary
randomised trials. Internal Medicine Journal,
43(8), 883-888. <a
re Information]</a>
Kiely, B., Martin, A., Tattersall, M., Nowak, A.,
Goldstein, D., Wilcken, N., Wyld, D., Abdi, E.,
Publications for Martin Stockler
Glasgow, A., Beale, P., Stockler, M., et al
(2013). The Median Informs the Message:
Accuracy of Individualized Scenarios for
Survival Time Based on Oncologists' Estimates.
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31(28),
3565-3571. <a
21">[More Information]</a>
Smith, A., King, M., Butow, P., Luckett, T.,
Grimison, P., Toner, G., Stockler, M., Hovey, E.,
Stubbs, J., Hruby, G., Gurney, H., Turner, S., et
al (2013). The prevalence and correlates of
supportive care needs in testicular cancer
survivors: a cross-sectional study.
Psycho-Oncology, 22(11), 2557-2564. <a
e Information]</a>
Kiely, B., McCaughan, G., Christodoulou, S.,
Beale, P., Grimison, P., Trotman, J., Tattersall,
M., Stockler, M. (2013). Using scenarios to
explain life expectancy in advanced cancer:
attitudes of people with a cancer experience.
Supportive Care in Cancer, 21(2), 369-376. <a
6-4">[More Information]</a>
Wong, M., Stockler, M., Pavlakis, N. (2012).
Bisphosphonates and other bone agents for breast
cancer (Review). The Cochrane Library
Chichester UK: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2,
1-136. <a
3474.pub3">[More Information]</a>
Kiely, B., Alam, M., Blinman, P., Tattersall, M.,
Stockler, M. (2012). Estimating typical,
best-case and worst-case life expectancy
scenarios for
patients starting chemotherapy for advanced
non-small-cell lung cancer:
A systematic review of contemporary
randomized trials. Lung Cancer, 77(3), 537-544.
4.017">[More Information]</a>
Wilcken, N., Stockler, M. (2012). Individual
patient meta-analysis: Taxane plus anthracycline
reduces mortality from early breast cancer.
Annals of Internal Medicine, 156(12), 432-444.
Kiely, B., Stockler, M. (2012). Meta-analysis:
Adjuvant tamoxifen reduces recurrence and
death at 15 years in ER-positive early breast
cancer. Annals of Internal Medicine, 156(6),
JC3-4-JC3-4. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Blinman, P., King, M., Norman, R., Viney, R.,
Stockler, M. (2012). Preferences for cancer
treatments: An overview of methods and
applications in oncology. Annals of Oncology,
23(5), 1104-1110. <a
>[More Information]</a>
King, M., Viney, R., Smith, D., Hossain, I.,
Street, D., Savage, E., Fowler, S., Berry, M.,
Stockler, M., Cozzi, P., Armstrong, B., et al
(2012). Survival gains needed to offset persistent
adverse treatment effects in localised prostate
cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 106(4),
638-645. <a
More Information]</a>
Stockler, M., Wilcken, N. (2012). Why Is
Management of Cancer Pain Still a Problem?
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 30(16),
1907-1908. <a
46">[More Information]</a>
Lee, C., Hudson, M., Stockler, M., Coates, A.,
Ackland, S., Gebski, V., Lord, S., Friedlander,
M., Boyle, F., Simes, R. (2011). A nomogram to
predict survival time in women starting first-line
chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer. Breast
Cancer Research and Treatment, 129(2),
467-476. <a
1-9">[More Information]</a>
Stockler, M., Harvey, V., Francis, P., Byrne, M.,
Ackland, S., Fitzharris, B., Van Hazel, G.,
Wilcken, N., Grimison, P., Nowak, A., Zannino,
D., Gebski, V., Coates, A., et al (2011).
Capecitabine Versus Classical
Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, and
Fluorouracil As First-Line Chemotherapy for
Advanced Breast Cancer. Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 29(34), 4498-4504. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Gennari, A., Stockler, M., Puntoni, M., Sormani,
M., Nanni, O., Amadori, D., Wilcken, N.,
D'Amico, M., DeCensi, A., Bruzzi, P. (2011).
Duration of Chemotherapy for Metastatic Breast
Cancer: A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials.
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 29(16),
2144-2149. <a
74">[More Information]</a>
Kiely, B., Soon, Y., Tattersall, M., Stockler, M.
(2011). How Long Have I Got? Estimating
Typical, Best-Case, and Worst-Case Scenarios
for Patients Starting First-Line Chemotherapy for
Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review
of Recent Randomized Trials. Journal of
Publications for Martin Stockler
Clinical Oncology, 29(4), 456-463. <a
74">[More Information]</a>
Kiely, B., Wilcken, N., Stockler, M. (2011). Life
after adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer:
the news is mostly good. Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 29(9), 1092-1093. <a
88">[More Information]</a>
Blinman, P., McLachlan, S., Nowak, A., Duric,
V., Brown, C., Wright, G., Millward, M., Fong,
K., Stockler, M. (2011). Lung cancer clinicians'
preferences for adjuvant chemotherapy in
non-small-cell lung cancer: What makes it
worthwhile? Lung Cancer, 72(2), 213-218. <a
8.007">[More Information]</a>
Lyerly, H., Abernethy, A., Stockler, M.,
Koczwara, B., Aziz, Z., Nair, R., Seymour, L.
(2011). Need for Global Partnership in Cancer
Care: Perceptions of Cancer Care Researchers
Attending the 2010 Australia and Asia Pacific
Clinical Oncology Research Development
Workshop. Journal of Oncology Practice, 7(5),
324-329. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Chen, J., Hruby, G., Stockler, M., Patanjali, N.,
Bucci, J., Perez, G., Loadsman, J., Sheehan, E.
(2011). Patient-reported outcomes of prostate
high-dose-rate brachytherapy boost comparing
an outpatient and inpatient protocol: A
two-center chronologic cohort study.
Brachytherapy, 10(6), 454-460. <a
.002">[More Information]</a>
Hruby, G., Chen, J., Bucci, J., Loadsman, J.,
Perry, P., Stockler, M. (2011). Patients'
experiences of high-dose-rate brachytherapy
boost for prostate cancer using an inpatient
protocol. Brachytherapy, 10(5), 395-400. <a
.008">[More Information]</a>
Stockler, M. (2011). Quality of Life and
Targeted Treatment for Metastatic Renal Cell
Carcinoma. The Oncologist, 16(8), 1070-1071.
&list_uids=21765194">[More Information]</a>
Cox, K., Goel, S., O'Connell, R., Boyer, M.,
Beale, P., Simes, R., Stockler, M. (2011).
Randomized cross-over trial comparing inpatient
and outpatient administration of high-dose
cisplatin. Internal Medicine Journal, 41(2),
172-178. <a
0.02201.x">[More Information]</a>
Ooi, W., Stockler, M., Hayne, D. (2011). Re:
Willem Oosterlinck, Ziya Kirkali, Richard
Sylvester, et al. Sequential intravesical
chemoimmunotherapy with mitomycin C and
bacillus Calmette-Guérin and with bacillus
Calmette-Guérin alone in patients with
carcinoma in situ of the urinary bladder: results
of an EORTC Genito-Urinary Group randomized
phase 2 trial (30993). European Urology, 60(1),
e1-e8. <a
000200024">[More Information]</a>
Kiely, B., Stockler, M., Tattersall, M. (2011).
Thinking and talking about life expectancy in
incurable cancer. Seminars in Oncology, 38(3),
380-385. <a
1.03.007">[More Information]</a>
Moore, M., Stockler, M., Lim, R., Mok, T.,
Millward, M., Boyer, M. (2010). A phase II
study of fenretinide in patients with hormone
refractory prostate cancer: a trial of the Cancer
Therapeutics Research Group. Cancer
Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 66(5),
845-850. <a
8-x">[More Information]</a>
Lovell, M., Forder, P., Stockler, M., Butow, P.,
Briganti, E., Chye, R., Goldstein, D., Boyle, F.
(2010). A Randomized Controlled Trial of a
Standardized Educational Intervention for
Patients with Cancer Pain. Journal of Pain and
Symptom Management, 40(1), 49-59. <a
009.12.013">[More Information]</a>
Blinman, P., Duric, V., Nowak, A., Beale, P.,
Clarke, S., Briscoe, K., Boyce, A., Goldstein, D.,
Hudson, M., Stockler, M. (2010). Adjuvant
chemotherapy for early colon cancer: What
survival benefits make it worthwhile? European
Journal of Cancer, 46(10), 1800-1807. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Chim, L., Kelly, P., Salkeld, G., Stockler, M.
(2010). Are Cancer Drugs Less Likely to be
Recommended for Listing by the Pharmaceutical
Benefits Advisory Committee in Australia?
PharmacoEconomics, 28(6), 463-475. <a
0000-00000">[More Information]</a>
Tebbutt, N., Wilson, K., Gebski, V., Cummins,
M., Zannino, D., van Hazel, G., Robinson, B.,
Broad, A., Ganju, V., Ackland, S., Stockler, M.,
Simes, R., et al (2010). Capecitabine,
Bevacizumab and Mitomycin in First-Line
Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer:
Results of the Australasian Gastrointestinal
Publications for Martin Stockler
Trials Group Randomized, Phase III MAX
Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 28(19),
3191-3198. <a
23">[More Information]</a>
sizes for a cancer-specific quality-of-life
questionnaire, the FACT-G. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology, 63(3), 270-281. <a
5.001">[More Information]</a>
Kiely, B., Tattersall, M., Stockler, M. (2010).
Certain Death in Uncertain Time: Informing
Hope by Quantifying a Best Case Scenario.
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 28(16),
2802-2804. <a
26">[More Information]</a>
King, M., Cella, D., Osoba, D., Stockler, M.,
Eton, D., Thompson, J., Eisenstein, A. (2010).
Meta-analysis provides evidence-based
interpretation guidelines for the clinical
significance of mean differences for the
FACT-G, a cancer-specific quality of life
questionnaire. Patient Related Outcome
Measures, 1, 119-126. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Grimison, P., Stockler, M., Thomson, D., Olver,
I., Harvey, V., Gebski, V., Lewis, C., Levi, J.,
Boyer, M., Gurney, H., Boland, A., Simes, R., et
al (2010). Comparison of Two Standard
Chemotherapy Regimens for Good-Prognosis
Germ Cell Tumors: Updated Analysis of a
Randomized Trial. Journal of the National
Cancer Institute, 102(16), 1253-1262. <a
ore Information]</a>
Liu, S., Stockler, M., Lin, B. (2010). Five-Year
Survival After Multimodal Approach in a Patient
With Muscle-Invasive Transitional Cell
Carcinoma of the Bladder and Adrenal
Metastasis. UroToday International Journal,
Lee, C., Lord, S., Stockler, M., Coates, A.,
Gebski, V., Simes, R. (2010). Historical
cross-trial comparisons for competing treatments
in advanced breast cancer - An empirical
analysis of bias. European Journal of Cancer,
46(3), 541-548. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Kiely, B., Lee, C., Tattersall, M., Stockler, M.
(2010). How long have I got? Estimating
post-progression survival after first line
chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer based
on data from randomized trials. 33rd Annual
CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer
Kiely, B., Soon, Y., Tattersall, M., Stockler, M.
(2010). How long have I got? Estimating
survival for women starting first-line
chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer
(MBC): A systematic review of recent
randomized trials. 2010 American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting.
Chapman, S., Barratt, A., Stockler, M. (2010).
Let sleeping dogs lie What men should know
before getting tested for prostate cancer.
Sydney: Sydney University Press.
King, M., Stockler, M., Cella, D., Osoba, D.,
Eton, D., Thompson, J., Eisenstein, A. (2010).
Meta-analysis provides evidence-based effect
Blinman, P., Alam, M., Duric, V., McLachlan,
S., Stockler, M. (2010). Patients' preferences for
chemotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer: A
systematic review. Lung Cancer, 69(2), 141-147.
5.001">[More Information]</a>
Luckett, T., King, M., Stockler, M. (2010).
Quality of life research in prostate and testicular
cancer. Cancer Forum, 34(1), 20-23.
Tebbutt, N., Cummins, M., Sourjina, T.,
Strickland, A., van Hazel, G., Ganju, V., Gibbs,
D., Stockler, M., Gebski, V., Zalcberg, J. (2010).
Randomised, non-comparative phase II study of
weekly docetaxel with cisplatin and
5-fluorouracil or with capecitabine in
oesophagogastric cancer: the AGITG ATTAX
trial. British Journal of Cancer, 102(3), 475-481.
[More Information]</a>
Lee, C., Stockler, M., Coates, A., Gebski, V.,
Lord, S., Simes, R. (2010). Self-reported
health-related quality of life is an independent
predictor of chemotherapy treatment benefit and
toxicity in women with advanced breast cancer.
British Journal of Cancer, 102(9), 1341-1347. <a
[More Information]</a>
Grimison, P., Simes, R., Hudson, M., Stockler,
M. (2009). Deriving a Patient-Based Utility
Index from a Cancer-Specific Quality of Life
Questionnaire. Value in Health, 12(5), 800-807.
9.00505.x">[More Information]</a>
Soon, Y., Stockler, M., Askie, L., Boyer, M.
(2009). Duration of Chemotherapy for Advanced
Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized
Trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 27(20),
Publications for Martin Stockler
3277-3283. <a
22">[More Information]</a>
Zhao, L., Lee, B., Brown, D., Molloy, M., Marx,
G., Pavlakis, N., Boyer, M., Stockler, M.,
Kaplan, W., Breit, S., et al (2009). Identification
of candidate biomarkers of therapeutic response
to docetaxel by proteomic profiling. Cancer
Research, 69(19), 7696-7703. <a
-08-4901">[More Information]</a>
Grimison, P., Simes, R., Hudson, M., Stockler,
M. (2009). Preliminary Validation of an
Optimally Weighted Patient-Based Utility Index
by Application to Randomized Trials in Breast
Cancer. Value in Health, 12(6), 967-976. <a
9.00536.x">[More Information]</a>
Soon, Y., Stockler, M., Boyer, M. (2009). Reply
to A.D. Sasse et al. Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 27(35), e254. <a
57">[More Information]</a>
Barratt, A., Stockler, M. (2009). Screening for
prostate cancer: explaining new trial results and
their implications to patients. Medical Journal of
Australia, 191(4), 226-229. <a
&list_uids=19705986">[More Information]</a>
Gill, G., Wetzig, N., Gebski, V., Stockler, M.,
Ung, O., Campbell, I., Simes, R. (2009).
Sentinel-Lymph-Node-Based Management or
Routine Axillary Clearance? One-Year
Outcomes of Sentinel Node Biopsy Versus
Axillary Clearance (SNAC): A Randomized
Controlled Surgical Trial. Annals of Surgical
Oncology, 16(2), 266-275. <a
9-z">[More Information]</a>
Stockler, M., March, L., Lindley, R., Mellis, C.
(2009). Students' PEARLS: successfully
incorporating evidence-based medicine in
medical students' clinical attachments. Annals of
Internal Medicine, 150(8), JC4-2-JC4-3. <a
&list_uids=19648416">[More Information]</a>
Friedlander, M., Butow, P., Stockler, M.,
Gainford, C., Martyn, J., Oza, A., Donovan, H.,
Miller, B., King, M. (2009). Symptom control in
patients with recurrent ovarian cancer: measuring
the benefit of palliative chemotherapy in women
with platinum refractory/resistant ovarian cancer.
International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer,
19(Suppl 2), S44-S48. <a
&list_uids=19955914">[More Information]</a>
Beslija, S., Bonneterre, J., Burstein, H., Cocquyt,
V., Gnant, M., Heinemann, V., Jassem, J.,
Kostler, W., Krainer, M., Stockler, M., Wilcken,
N. (2009). Third consensus on medical treatment
of metastatic breast cancer. Annals of Oncology,
20(11), 1771-1785. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Greaves, J., Glare, P., Kristjanson, L., Stockler,
M., Tattersall, M. (2009). Undertreatment of
nausea and other symptoms in hospitalized
cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer,
17(4), 461-464. <a
1-4">[More Information]</a>
Nowak, A., Cebon, J., Hargreaves, C., Dhillon,
H., Findlay, M., Gebski, V., Stockler, M. (2008).
Assessment of health-related quality of life and
patient benefit as outcome measures for clinical
trials in hepatocellular carcinoma. Asia-Pacific
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 4, 55-67. <a
8.00142.x">[More Information]</a>
Smith, M., Gill, P., Wetzig, N., Sourjina, T.,
Gebski, V., Ung, O., Campbell, I., Kollias, J.,
Coskinas, X., Macphee, A., Simes, R., Stockler,
M., et al (2008). Comparing patients' and
clinicians' assessment of outcomes in a
randomised trial of sentinel node biopsy for
breast cancer (the RACS SNAC trial). Breast
Cancer Research and Treatment, 117(1), 99-109.
2-3">[More Information]</a>
Duric, V., Butow, P., Sharpe, L., Heritier, S.,
Boyle, F., Beith, J., Wilcken, N., Coates, A.,
Simes, R., Stockler, M. (2008). Comparing
patients' and their partners' preferences for
adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer.
Patient Education and Counseling, 72(2),
239-245. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Butow, P., Hagerty, R., Tattersall, M., Stockler,
M. (2008). Foretelling: Communicating the
prognosis. In N. Christakis and P. Glare (Eds.),
Prognosis in Advanced Cancer, (pp. 33-53).
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gainford, M., Yang, C., Liu, M., Stockler, M.
(2008). Translation and cultural adaptation of the
patient disease and treatment assessment form: A
novel quality of life instrument for use in
Taiwan. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 4(3), 149-156. <a
Publications for Martin Stockler
8.00185.x">[More Information]</a>
Lee, B., King, M., Simpson, J., Haran, M.,
Stockler, M., Marial, O., Salkeld, G. (2008).
Validity, Responsiveness, and Minimal
Important Difference for the SF-6D Health
Utility Scale in a Spinal Cord Injured Population.
Value in Health, 11(4), 680-688. <a
7.00311.x">[More Information]</a>
Smith, M., Gill, P., Wetzig, N., Sourjina, T.,
Simes, R., Stockler, M. (2007). Bs06
patient-rated outcome measures were more
sensitive than clinician-rated measures at
distinguishing the effects of sentinel node biopsy
and axillary clearance in the snac trial. ANZ
Journal of Surgery, 77(Suppl. 1), A2-A2. <a
&list_uids=17490053">[More Information]</a>
Grimison, P., Simes, R., Stockler, M. (2007).
Development and validation of optimally
weighted measures of global health-related
quality of life (QoL) and utility based on a
cancer-specific QoL instrument. Value in Health,
10(6), A226-A227.
Stockler, M., O'Connell, R., Nowak, A.,
Goldstein, D., Turner, J., Wilcken, N., Wyld, D.,
Abdi, E., Glasgow, A., Beale, P., Dhillon, H.,
Heritier, S., Carter, C., Hickie, I., Simes, R., et al
(2007). Effect of sertraline on symptoms and
survival in patients with advanced cancer, but
without major depression: a placebo-controlled
double-blind randomised trial. Lancet Oncology,
8(7), 603-612. <a
&list_uids=17548243">[More Information]</a>
Wilcken, N., Stockler, M. (2007). Ovarian
suppression for early breast cancer. The Lancet,
369, 1668-1670. <a
&list_uids=17512837">[More Information]</a>
Duric, V., Butow, P., Sharpe, L., Boyle, F.,
Beith, J., Wilcken, N., Heritier, S., Coates, A.,
Simes, R., Stockler, M. (2007). Psychosocial
factors and patients' preferences for adjuvant
chemotherapy in early breast cancer.
Psycho-Oncology, 16(1), 48-59. <a
&list_uids=16856128">[More Information]</a>
Grimison, P., Stockler, M. (2007). Quality of life
and adjuvant systemic therapy for early-stage
breast cancer. Expert Review of Anticancer
Therapy, 7(8), 1123-1134. <a
&list_uids=18028021">[More Information]</a>
Beslija, S., Bonneterre, J., Burstein, H., Cocquyt,
V., Gnant, M., Goodwin, P., Heinemann, V.,
Jassem, J., Kostler, W., Krainer, M., Stockler,
M., Wilcken, N., et al (2007). Second consensus
on medical treatment of metastatic breast cancer.
Annals of Oncology, 18(2), 215-225. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Stockler, M., Sourjina, T., Harvey, V., Frances,
P., Byrne, M., van Hazel, G., Fitzharris, B.,
Ackland, S., Finch, K., Lindsay, D., Gebski, V.,
Simes, R., Coates, A., et al (2006). A
randomized trial of capecitabine given
intermittently versus continuously versus
classical CMF as first line chemotherapy for
women with advanced breast cancer unsuited to
more intensive treatment. Breast Cancer
Research and Treatment, 100(Supplement 1),
Pavlakis, N., Patel, D., Stockler, M. (2006).
Biphosphonates in early prostate cancer.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4,
Stockler, M., Tattersall, M., Boyer, M., Clarke,
S., Beale, P., Simes, R. (2006). Disarming the
guarded prognosis: predicting survival in newly
referred patients with incurable cancer. British
Journal of Cancer, 94(2), 208-212. <a
&list_uids=16404420">[More Information]</a>
Stockler, M., Duric, V., Coates, A. (2006).
Patients' preferences: what makes treatments
worthwhile? In Martine J. Piccart .. [et al.]
(Eds.), Breast cancer and molecular medicine,
(pp. 925-944). Berlin ; New York: Springer.
Charles (nee Slaviero), K., Rivory, L., Stockler,
M., Beale, P., Beith, J., Boyer, M., Clarke, S.
(2006). Predicting the toxicity of weekly
docetaxel in advanced cancer. Clinical
Pharmacokinetics, 45(6), 611-622. <a
5060-00004">[More Information]</a>
Hauser, C., Stockler, M., Tattersall, M. (2006).
Prognostic factors in patients with recently
diagnosed incurable cancer: a systematic review.
Supportive Care in Cancer, 14, 999-1011. <a
9-9">[More Information]</a>
Gill, P., Gebski, V., Wetzig, N., Ung, O.,
Campbell, I., Collins, J., Sourjina, T., Coskinas,
X., Stockler, M., Simes, R. (2006). Sentinel node
(SN) based management causes less arm
Publications for Martin Stockler
swelling and better quality of life than routine
axillary clearance (AC): 1 year outcomes of the
SNAC trial. Breast Cancer Research and
Treatment, 100(Supplement 1), S14-S14.
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86(12),
2290-2295. <a
93">[More Information]</a>
Cebon, J., Hargreaves, C., Stockler, M., Boyer,
M., Nowak, A., Dhillon, H., Gebski, V.,
Dickman, B., Findlay, M., Poon, A., et al (2006).
Somatostatin receptor expression, tumour
response, and quality of life in patients with
advanced hepatocellular carcinoma treated with
long-acting octreotide. British Journal of
Cancer, 95(7), 853-861. <a
&list_uids=16953241">[More Information]</a>
Medd, J., Stockler, M., Collins, R., Lalak, A.
(2005). Measuring men's opinions of prostate
needle biopsy. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 75(8),
662-664. <a
&list_uids=16076328">[More Information]</a>
Stockler, M., Heritier, S., Nowak, A., Goldstein,
D., Turner, J., Jefford, M., Glasgow, A., Abdi,
E., Beale, P., Carter, C. (2006). The time taken to
complete quality of life questionnaires in an
advanced cancer trial. Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 24(18S), 491s-491s.
Koczwara, B., Tattersall, M., Barton, M.,
Coventry, B., Dewar, J., Millar, J., Olver, I.,
Schwarz, M., Starmer, D., Turner, D., Stockler,
M. (2005). Achieving equal standards in medical
student education: is a national exit examination
the answer? Medical Journal of Australia,
182(5), 228-230. <a
&list_uids=15748133">[More Information]</a>
Joshua, A., Celermajer, D., Stockler, M. (2005).
Beauty is in the eye of the examiner: reaching
agreement about physical signs and their value.
Internal Medicine Journal, 35(3), 178-187. <a
&list_uids=15737139">[More Information]</a>
Pavlakis, N., Schmidt, R., Stockler, M. (2005).
Bisphosphonates for breast cancer. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, (3), CD003474.
&list_uids=16034900">[More Information]</a>
Duric, V., Stockler, M., Butow, P., Sharpe, L.,
Heritier, S., Beith, J., Boyle, F., Wilcken, N.,
Coates, A., Simes, R. (2005). Comparing
patients' and their partners' preferences for
adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) in early breast
cancer (EBC). Journal of Clinical Oncology,
23(16S), 546S-546S.
Haran, M., Lee, B., King, M., Marial, O.,
Stockler, M. (2005). Health status rated with the
Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form
Health Survey after spinal cord injury. Archives
Wetzig, N., Gill, P., Ung, O., Collins, J., Kollias,
J., Gillett, D., Gebski, V., Greig, C., Ray, A.,
Stockler, M. (2005). Participation in the RACS
sentinel node biopsy versus axillary clearance
trial. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 75(3), 98-100. <a
&list_uids=15777382">[More Information]</a>
Duric, V., Stockler, M., Heritier, S., Boyle, F.,
Beith, J., Sullivan, A., Wilcken, N., Coates, A.,
Simes, R. (2005). Patients' preferences for
adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer:
what makes AC and CMF worthwhile now?
Annals of Oncology, 16(11), 1786-1794. <a
&list_uids=16126738">[More Information]</a>
Duric, V., Fallowfield, L., Saunders, C.,
Houghton, J., Coates, A., Stockler, M. (2005).
Patients' preferences for adjuvant endocrine
therapy in early breast cancer: what makes it
worthwhile? British Journal of Cancer, 93(12),
1319-1323. <a
&list_uids=16333242">[More Information]</a>
Stockler, M. (2005). Review: bisphosphonates
are modestly better than placebo for relieving
painful bone metastases. ACP Journal Club,
143(1), 13. <a
&list_uids=15989301">[More Information]</a>
Nowak, A., Stockler, M., Chow, P., Findlay, M.
(2005). Use of Tamoxifen in Advanced-Stage
Carcinoma. Cancer, 103(7), 1408-1414. <a
&list_uids=15744746">[More Information]</a>
Clarke, S., Boyer, M., Stockler, M.,
Venkatawaran, R., Nordman, I., Joshua, A.
(2005). Weekly docetaxel as second line
treatment after mitoxantrone for
androgen-independent prostate cancer (AIPC).
2005 ASCO Annual Meeting, NY, USA:
Publications for Martin Stockler
American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Joshua, A., Nordman, I., Venkataswaran, R.,
Clarke, S., Stockler, M., Boyer, M. (2005).
Weekly docetaxel as second line treatment after
mitozantrone for androgen-independent prostate
cancer. Internal Medicine Journal, 35(8),
468-472. <a
5.00883.x">[More Information]</a>
Thewes, B., Meiser, B., Duric, V., Stockler, M.,
Taylor, A., Stuart-Harris, R., Links, M., Wilcken,
N., McLachlan, S., Phillips, K., Boyle, F., et al
(2005). What survival benefits do premenopausal
patients with early breast cancer need to make
endocrine therapy worthwhile? Lancet Oncology,
6(8), 581-588. <a
&list_uids=16054569">[More Information]</a>
Cox, K., O'Connell, R., Stockler, M., Boyer, M.,
Beale, P., Simes, R. (2004). A randomized
crossover trial of giving high-dose cisplatin with
or without an overnight stay in hospital: Patients'
preferences, quality of life, safety and resource
use. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 22(14S),
Stockler, M., Vardy, J., Pillai, A., Warr, D.
(2004). Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Improves
Pain And Well-Being In People With Advanced
Cancer Already Receiving A Strong Opioid
Regimen: A Randomized, Double-Blind,
Placebo-Controlled Cross-Over Trial. Journal of
Clinical Oncology, 22(16), 3389-3394.
Nowak, A., Stockler, M., Byrne, M. (2004).
Assessing Quality Of Life During Chemotherapy
For Pleural Mesothelioma: Feasibility, Validity,
And Results Of Using The European
Organization For Research And Treatment Of
Cancer Core Quality Of Life Questionnaire And
Lung Cancer Module. Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 22(15), 3172-3180.
Vardy, J., Engelhardt, K., Cox, K., Jacquet, J.,
McDade, A., Boyer, M., Beale, P., Clarke, S.,
Stockler, M., Loneragan, R., Waugh, R., Clarke,
S. (2004). Long-Term Outcome Of
Radiological-Guided Insertion Of Implanted
Central Venous Access Port Devices (Cvapd)
For The Delivery Of Chemotherapy In Cancer
Patients: Institutional Experience And Review
Of The Literature. British Journal of Cancer,
91(6), 1045-1049.
Duric, V., Stockler, M., Butow, P., Sharpe, L.,
Beith, J., Sullivan, A., Boyle, F., Dhillon, H.,
Coates, A., Simes, R. (2004). Predictors of the
benefits women consider necessary to make
adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) worthwhile for
early breast cancer (EBC). Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 22(14S), 73S-73S.
Joshua, A., Stockler, M., Boyer, M. (2004).
Prolonged survival after the diagnosis of
metastatic hepatic epitheliod
haemangioendothelioma. Internal Medicine
Journal, 34(1-2), 70-71.
Nowak, A., Wilcken, N., Stockler, M., Hamilton,
A., Ghersi, D. (2004). Systematic Review Of
Taxane-Containing Versus
Non-Taxane-Containing Regimens For Adjuvant
And Neoadjuvant Treatment Of Early Breast
Cancer. Lancet Oncology, 5(6), 372-380.
Glare, P., Pereira, G., Kristjanson, L., Stockler,
M., Tattersall, M. (2004). Systematic Review Of
The Efficacy Of Antiemetics In The Treatment
Of Nausea In Patients With Far-Advanced
Cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 12(6),
432-440. <a
9-y">[More Information]</a>
Pavlakis, N., Stockler, M. (2003).
Bisphosphonates for breast cancer. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, 11.
Stockler, M., Wilcken, N., Coates, A. (2003).
Chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer- how
long should it continue? Breast Cancer Research
and Treatment, 81(Suppl 1), S49-S52.
Beslija, S., Bonneterre, J., Burstein, H., Gnant,
M., Goodwin, P., Heinemann, V., Jassem, J.,
Köstler, W., Krainer, M., Menard, S., Stockler,
M., et al (2003). Consensus on medical treatment
of metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer
Research and Treatment, 81(Supplement 1),
Wilcken, N., Stockler, M. (2003). Fulvestrant:
spreading the word, but not too thinly. The
Lancet, 11, 1254-1254.
Jefford, M., Stockler, M., Tattersall, M. (2003).
Outcomes research: what is it and why does it
matter? Internal Medicine Journal, 33(3),
Eckermann, S., Martin, A., Stockler, M., Simes,
R. (2003). The benefits and costs of tamoxifen
for breast cancer prevention. Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Public Health, 27(1), 34-40.
Boyer, M., Stockler, M., Rosenthal, M., Eisinger,
D., Goad, J., Webb, D. (2002). Adjuvant
mitoxantrone chemotherapy for men at high risk
of relapse following radical prostatectomy: a
pilot study. UroOncology, 2(1), 15-17.
Pavlakis, N., Stockler, M. (2002).
Bisphosphonates in breast cancer. Cochrane
Publications for Martin Stockler
Database of Systematic Reviews, , 1-28.
Wetzig, N., Gill, P., Ung, O., Collins, J., Kollias,
J., Gillette, D., Gebski, V., Greig, C., Ray, A.,
Stockler, M. (2002). Eligibility and Choice in the
royal Australiasian College of Surgeons "SNAC
Trial" of Sentinel Node Biopsy versus axillary
clearance in operable breast cancer. 3rd
International Sentinel Node Congress.
Horvath, L., McCaughan, B., Stockler, M.,
Boyer, M. (2002). Resection of residual
pulmonary masses after chemotherapy in patients
with metastatic non-seminomatous germ cell
tumours. Internal Medicine Journal, 32(3),
Ghersi, D., Simes, R., Stockler, M., Tattersall,
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