Publications for Lois Cavanagh 2014

Publications for Lois Cavanagh
Publications for Lois Cavanagh
Abtin, A., Jain, R., Mitchell, A., Roediger, B.,
Brzoska, A., Tikoo, S., Cheng, Q., Ng, L.,
Cavanagh, L., von Andrian, U., Firth, N., et al
(2014). Perivascular macrophages mediate
neutrophil recruitment during bacterial skin
infection. Nature Immunology, 15(1), 45-53. <a
Pai, S., Qin, J., Cavanagh, L., Mitchell, A.,
El-Assaad, F., Jain, R., Combes, V., Hunt, N.,
Grau, G., Weninger, W. (2014). Real-Time
Imaging Reveals the Dynamics of Leukocyte
Behaviour during Experimental Cerebral Malaria
Pathogenesis. PLoS Pathogens, 10(7), 1-17. <a
4236">[More Information]</a>
Pai, S., Danne, K., Qin, J., Cavanagh, L., Smith,
A., Hickey, M., Weninger, W. (2013).
Visualizing leukocyte trafficking in the living
brain with 2-photon intravital microscopy.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 6, 1-14. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Tan, S., Cavanagh, L., d’Advigor, W., Shackel,
N., Fazekas de St Groth, B., Weninger, W.
(2012). Phenotype and functions of conventional
dendritic cells are not compromised in aged
mice. Immunology and Cell Biology, 90(7),
722-732. <a
More Information]</a>
Sumaria, N., Roediger, B., Ng, L., Qin, J., Pinto,
R., Cavanagh, L., Shklovskaya, E., Fazekas de St
Groth, B., Triccas, J., Weninger, W. (2011).
Cutaneous immunosurveillance by self-renewing
dermal gammadelta T cells. The Journal of
Experimental Medicine, 208(3), 505-518. <a
[More Information]</a>
Ng, L., Qin, J., Roediger, B., Wang, Y., Jain, R.,
Cavanagh, L., Smith, A., Jones, C., de Veer, M.,
Grimbaldeston, M., Weninger, W., et al (2011).
Visualizing the Neutrophil Response to Sterile
Tissue Injury in Mouse Dermis Reveals a
Three-Phase Cascade of Events. Journal of
Investigative Dermatology, 131(10), 2058-2068.
More Information]</a>
Wolf, A., Buehler, D., Hensley, S., Cavanagh,
L., Werry, E., Kastner, P., Chan, S., Weninger,
W. (2009). Plasmacytoid dendritic cells are
dispensable during primary influenza virus
infection. The Journal of Immunology, 182(2),
871-879. <a
&list_uids=19124730">[More Information]</a>
Cavanagh, L., Weninger, W. (2008). Dendritic
cell behaviour in vivo: Lessons learned from
intravital two-photon microscopy. Immunology
and Cell Biology, 86(5), 428-438. <a
&list_uids=18431356">[More Information]</a>
Ng, L., Hsu, A., Mandell, M., Roediger, B.,
Hoeller, C., Mrass, P., Iparraguirre, A.,
Cavanagh, L., Triccas, J., Beverley, S.,
Weninger, W., et al (2008). Migratory dermal
dendritic cells act as rapid sensors of protozoan
parasites. P L o S Pathogens, 4(11), 1-13. <a
0222">[More Information]</a>
Iparraguirre, A., Tobias, J., Hensley, S., Masek,
K., Cavanagh, L., Rendl, M., Hunter, C., Ertl, H.,
von Andrian, U., Weninger, W. (2008). Two
distinct activation states of plasmacytoid
dendritic cells induced by influenza virus and
CpG 1826 oligonucleotide. Journal of Leukocyte
Biology, 83(3), 610-620.
Mrass, P., Takano, H., Ng, L., Daxini, S., Lasaro,
M., Iparraguirre, A., Cavanagh, L., von Andrian,
U., Ertl, H., Haydon, P., Weninger, W. (2006).
Random migration precedes stable target cell
interactions of tumor-infiltrating T cells. The
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 203(12),
2749-2761. <a
&list_uids=17116735">[More Information]</a>
Cavanagh, L., Bonasio, R., Mazo, I., Halin, C.,
Cheng, G., van der Velden, A., Cariappa, A.,
Chase, C., Russell, P., Starnbach, M., Weninger,
W., et al (2005). Activation of bone
marrow–resident memory T cells by circulating,
antigen-bearing dendritic cells. Nature
Immunology, 6(10), 1029-1037. <a
Mazo, I., Honczarenko, M., Leung, H.,
Cavanagh, L., Bonasio, R., Weninger, W.,
Engelke, K., Xia, L., McEver, R., Koni, P., et al
Publications for Lois Cavanagh
(2005). Bone marrow is a major reservoir and
site of recruitment for central memory CD8+ T
cells. Immunity, 22(2), 259-270. <a
1.008">[More Information]</a>