Migration in Spain Understanding a Contradictory System Perspectives of different actors

MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
Migration in Spain
Understanding a Contradictory System
Perspectives of different actors
Amanda Bailey, Sophie Reimertz, Eva Günzel, Christoph Winkler
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
Table of Content
1. Introduction: Migration Regime in Spain
1.1 Ceuta and Melilla- Crisis
2. Research Question
2.1 Perspectives of different actors
3. State of Art
4. Data
5. Research Results
6. Conclusion
7. References
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
1. Introduction – Spain Facts
• Area: 504.782 km²
• 17 autonomous communities, 2 autonomous cities
(Ceuta and Melilla)
• Population: 46.609.652 (2013)
Foreign Population: 5.118.112 (9,1 %)
• Unemployment rate: 25,6 % (2013)
< 25 years of age: 54,4 % (2013)
• EU entry in 1986; Member of the Schengen area since 1991
• Governing party: Partido popular (christian-conservative, economicliberalistic)
• Prime minister: Mariano Rajoy Brey (since 11/2011)
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1. Introduction – Spain Facts | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
1. Introduction – Migration History
•Spain traditionally rather a country of emigration
1905-1913: 1.5 million Spaniards emigrated to South American countries
1960-1975: 2 million Spaniards migrated to more prosperous European countries
1962-1979: 1,5 million emigrants returned to Spain for retirement
• Change into a country of immigration
1975: approximately 200.000 resident foreigners in Spain
1999: foreign population reached 1 million
2013: 5.118.112 resident foreigners
• Asylum applications claimed in 2013
4.500 applications (increase of 74% related to 2012)
 2.365 asylum decisions; 535 positive; 1.835 rejected (77%)
 Top-countries of origin: Mali, Syria, Algeria, Nigeria, Somalia
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1. Introduction – Migration History | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
1. Introduction – Migration Policy
• Migration policy exclusively handled at the central state level
 cooperation between: Ministry of Employment and Social Security
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Ministry of Justice
coordination through: Deputy General Directorate for Legal Affairs
Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration
• generally Spain shows up a liberal attitude towards migrants and refugees
due to own migration experiences
no anti-migration right wing parties
• nevertheless low rates of asylum applications and asylum recognition
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1. Introduction – Migration Policy | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
1. Introduction – Law and Asylum procedures
• rights of asylum seekers and migrants defined by the Spanish constitution
• 2 basic laws: Organic Law 2/2009 (Immigration Law)
Law 12/2009 (Asylum Law)
 reformed for compatibility with EU-legislation
 complemented by Regulations and Royal Decrees
 lacking regulations for Asylum law complicate interpretation
• all asylum applications are exclusively treated by the asylum and refugee office (OAR)
 assistance of a joint-interministerial commission
 participation of UNHCR-Delegates (right on information, provide own opinion)
• application process can last 6 month up to 2-3 years or even more
 if application is accepted the autonomous communities of Spain are responsible for
the assistance of integration
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1. Introduction – Law and Asylum procedures | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
1. Introduction – Law and Asylum procedures
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1. Introduction – Law and Asylum procedures | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
1.1 Ceuta and Melilla – Asylum Crisis
Facts about Ceuta and Melilla
- Spanish exclaves of Ceuta & Melilla: in a political sense part of Europe, geographically
part of Africa. They are not part of Schengen.
- Ceuta is only about 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) off the southern tip of Spanish mainland.
- At Borders: 30,000 People await opportunity to enter EU. Migrants regularly attempt to
scale fences separating Ceuta & Melilla from Morocco.
=> High-tech-fence: Three rows of six-meter-high (about 20 feet) barbed-wire fencing
“protect” these Spanish frontline cities. Infrared cameras monitor the fortifications and motion and
noise detectors have been installed. (Cost: € 30 million)
- Together with Airport Barajas, Ceuta & Melilla are principle points of entry to Spain
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1.1 Introduction – Ceuta & Melilla | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
1.1 Ceuta and Melilla – Asylum Crisis
-In 2013, over 4,300 people entered the two enclaves irregularly
-In Nov. 2013, Spain reinstalled barbed wire on the fence surrounding Melilla. (Had
been removed in 2007, though it has been atop Ceuta fences since 2005.)
-> On March 18, 2014, some 500 migrants managed to climb over the
fences at Melilla in the largest successful attempt in recent years.
-In reaction to recent events, Spanish government is planing to lawfully enable police
officers to push back arriving groups and to further advance the fence technology.
[ELPAÌS, March 2014]
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1.1 Introduction – Ceuta & Melilla | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
1.1 Ceuta and Melilla – Asylum Crisis
Due to repeated violence towards expelled asylum seekers by Moroccan border
guards, Human Rights Watch warns Spain: all forcible returns of sub-Saharan
migrants to Morocco should be halted until Morocco can guarantee their humane
”Large scale attempts to climb over the fences at Ceuta and Melilla pose genuine
security concerns, and Spain has a right to secure its borders. But these challenges do
not absolve Spain of its duty to respect human rights, including the right to seek
asylum and to protect migrants against inhuman treatment.“
Judith Sunderland, senior
Western Europe researcher , welche Institution?#hier quelle
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1.1 Introduction – Ceuta & Melilla | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
1.1 Ceuta and Melilla – Asylum Crisis
Life in Ceuta & Melilla: C.E.T.I.: Immigrants are held in the “Centro de
Estancia Temporal de Inmigrantes”, the temporary holding center for
Living Conditions C.E.T.I.'s: covers basic needs for arriving until situation
-3 meals a day, medical treatment, psychological support & Spanish lessons.
-rooms are shared and contain beds for 10
-The C.E.T.I. is an open access space – nobody is forced to stay.
-Impossible to find work in Ceuta or Melilla due to economic crisis
-C.E.T.I. was designed to accommodate around 500 people for a temporary
stay. In reality rooms are crowded & some immigrants stay years.
#Aus red cross interv.: Zahlen zur Überbelegung, evtl. auch woanders:
wieviele tatsächl dort
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1.1 Introduction – Ceuta & Melilla | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
2. Research Question
In a European comparison, many aspects of the Spanish asylum system
seem to be exemplary, but on the other hand, the situation in Ceuta and
Melilla is more than critical:
How can we explain the contradiction between image of Spanish
asylum policy and the reality of the Ceuta and Melilla crisis?
Possible hypothesis/answers:
1. Spanish asylum policy is just „window dressing“ (talk), meanwhile
reality of treating with asylum and refugee issues (action) always was
different and still contrasts.
2. There is a mutual blockade of different collective actors at the local,
regional, national and European level of whom some try to make the
Ceuta/Melilla defense system more effective and others intend to
make it coincident .
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 2. Research Question | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
2.1 Perspectives of different actors
Who are the different actors in the Spanish Asylum System?
- governement [Ministries]
- Police
- governement-related Organizations
- Grass-Root-Organizations (NGOs)
- Religious Organizations
→Assumption: Every organization acts upon its
own logic and is related/refers to different levels of action and
local, regional, national and European
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 2.1 Perspectives of different actors| Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
2.2 Perspectives of different actors
Common European
Asylum System
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 2.1 Perspectives of different actors| Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
Grass Root NGOss
UNHCR, Cruz Roja
Guardia Civil, Policía
Nacional FRONTEX
Spanish Asylum Law
3. State of the Art
Algeciras Acoge: Monográfico especial. Frontera sur europea:
El mayor desnivel económico del mundo. Histórica publicación de Algeciras
Acoge en la que se recoge la situación de la frontera sur en los años 2005- 2006.
Una realidad y análisis, que años después sigue -por desgracia- absolutamente
vigente. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BzEEXM-xHBCIeklpN2lvV0hUNWs/edit
CEAR: La situación de las personas refugiadas en España Informe 2014
Migreurop: En las fronteras de Europa.
-Controles, confinamientos, expulsiones. Informe 2009-2010
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 3. State of the Art | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
3. State of the Art
APDHA' Annual Publicationes:
Derechos Humanos en la Frontera Sur 2010-2013:
-Balance Migratorio 2012 (Rafael Lara, P. 6-26)
-El escándalo del paquete „asilo“ (Catherine Teule, P. 27-32)
-Mellilla, paradigma de unas inhumanas políticas migratorias
(Patricia Simon, P. 64-71)
-Seis anios despues de los acontecimimientos de Ceuta y Melilla:
?que pasa con el tratamiento de los subsaharianos y la polítca de
migración en Marruecos? (Julie Turco, P. 31-48)
-Unión europea: fronteras interiores y exteriores (Jacopo Corsini, P.49-65)
-Ceuta y Melilla: el el limbo de los suenios (P. 59-72)
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 3. State of the Art | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
4. Data- Interviews in Spain
No. Organization
Field of
Acoge Algeciras
Andalucíá Acoge
CEAR (Psycologist)
Grass Root NGOs
-mical, social)
Cruz Roja
Governmentrelated OGs
Refugee relief
Public welfare
Policía Nacional
Guardia Civil
Official Executive
Protection of
the order in
the state
Narrative Intrview with refugee from Cameroon
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 1. Introduction – Spain Facts | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
5. Research results
Guardia Civil, Policía Nacional
“Migración es un drama! Immigration is also a global issue that we all need to
work on together in joint force. We all carry responsibility to this tragic topic.”
(Policía Nacional in Spain)
Two (contradictory) duties:
a) Protecting refugees and asylum seekers and guaranteeing the right of applying
for asylum
b) Preventing the Spanish and therewith the European boarders of illegal mass
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 5. Research results | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
5. Research results
Guardia Civil, Policía Nacional
Situation in Ceuta and Melilla:
•The Guardia Civil sees itself unable to cope with growing migration flows
towards Ceuta and Melilla
•Reported illegal Push-Backs
•Requirement of support by other EU members (FRONTEX)
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 5. Research results | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
5. Research Results
[UNHCR & Cruz Roja:]
Organizations associated with
the federal government
General Field of Work:
-To offer help and assistance to asylum seekers &
irregular migrants
-To secure access to the asylum process for those who need it
-To support government in decisions, give recommendations
-To inform potential asylum candidates of their rights and chances
-To work hand in hand with the government & all players involved
-Awareness-Raising, Research, Publications
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 5. Research results | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
5. Research Results
Government-associated Organization
Perspective, problems seen, critique: In respect to Ceuta and Melilla: „Its the most unequal
border in the world. [...]“
“Although there is a primacy of protection of the coast/border, its not clear who can enter, who
needs protection and on what basis this should be decided. How and where should the line be
drawn? On what basis do we draw the distinctions of who needs protection? Europe has the
responsibility to protect and to make asylum accessible. [...]“
“We call for more and better trainings and preparation of policemen at the borders. They should be
enabled to differentiate, to act appropiatley according to a situation and to know the legal aspect
of different cases...“
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 5. Research results | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
5. Research Results
“We are worried about whats happening in Ceuta and Melilla,
it’s a cynical situation: On the one hand we speak about refugee
and asylum
rights, but what Europe and Spain are actually trying to do, is
to restrict and retain
immigration. This is against the international and
European law and against our Law for Foreigners and Asylum.
We have to respect human
rights. We have to establish European laws which respect human
rights. In the context
of the economic crisis, of populism, xenophobia, and of racism;
we need a European answer and democratic concept.”
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 5. Research results | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
5. Research Results
Government-associated Organization
Perspective, problems seen, critique: about NGO's in Spain: „In comparison to other countries
Spain has a relatively small presence of NGOs defending the right of asylum for applicants“
-“The Majority of NGO's only functions through public and private funding. Basically, jobs and work
that are steady are those of governmental institutions. NGO's work is always dependent on their
instable financial situation.“
=> „The governmental centers are better centers. In general. With better service and stability.
People who work there have a regular and stable budget. They work with more consistency,
higher stability and reliability.“
-Positive about NGOs: „Smaller, more personal, more flexible. Able to detect and care for special
situations and needs better, often more continuously. (In specific cases, the NGOs are more
adequate.)“[All Quotes for this slide taken from S008]
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 5. Research results | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
5. Research Results
“the system of fences in Ceuta and Melilla currently has the effect that only those who can climb the
fences have the opportunity of entering. Mechanism have to be considered so that people can be
identified and to work against this natural selection happening now.”
“The topic is being discussed in the media. But nobody is tackling the issue of international protection
and the necessities of the people concerned. In the case of having to return people to their country of
origin, the legislation has to be followed. This has to be conform with the Spanish law for foreigners,
which establishes some mechanisms/[safety] guarantees for returning people to their countries.”
The politics [in Ceuta and Melilla] are worrisome. Asylum eligible people won't apply for asylum in the
centers designated for this because they know they would be stuck in these cities for an undefined
amount of time while the others make it to the Spanish peninsula bit by bit. Once they reach the
peninsula they can go to other countries or apply for asylum in Spain. This is interesting to keep in
mind because it changes the panorama [big picture] of the protection/asylum system in Spain. [Quotes
from: S008]
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 5. Research results | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
5. Research Results
Grass Root Organisations
Accem, Acoge, Cear etc.
Position: Help, awareness raising, Blaming/Shaming
“the situation for applicants is getting worse“
Perspective: Critique of the status quo
Critique of centralized asylum system in Spain
Critique of Detention Policy in Spain
Critique of policy Ceuta/Melilla
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 5. Research results | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
5. Research Results
Grass Root Organisations
Accem, Acoge, Cear etc.
„We need more flexibility“
More flexible asylum system
Better opportunities for immigrants to get stay permits
Shorter time frame and simplification of asylum procedure
Efficient and short collaboration btw. the European States
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 5. Research results | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
6. Conclusion
NGOs, Government-related OGs and executive authorities differ in their perceived
responsibilities etc##hier wieder explizier auf thesen von vorn Folie 12 beziehen##
within the Spanish Asylum system:
 NGOs accuse executive authorities of violating human rights and shutting down the
 NGOs are accused of being inefficient as they have less impact on decision- making
Consensus about actual situation in Ceuta and Melilla:
Spain is unable to cope with the great rush of migrants at the Spanish enclaves
Enhanced support by other EU members is indispensable
The asylum system (in Ceuta and Melilla) does not work efficiently
Decentralization of the asylum procedure and a simplified application process is
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 6. Conclusion | Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
7. References
S002 CEAR_Sevilla_07.03.2014
S003 CEAR (Psy.)_Sevilla_13.03.2014
S004 Acoge Andalucía Algeciras_Algeciras_11.03.2014
S007 Cruz Roja_Madrid_03.03.2014
S008 ACNUR_Madrid_03.03.2014
S010 Policía Nacional_Tarifa_11.03.2014
S011 Acoge Andalucía Sevilla_Sevilla_03.03.2014
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 7. References| Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
7. References
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (2013): Cifras de Población a 1 de julio de 2013.
Online: http://www.ine.es/prensa/np822.pdf , checked 18.06.2014.
UNHCR (2013): Asylum Trends 2013 – Levels and Trends in industrialized countries.
Online: http://www.unhcr.org/5329b15a9.html , checked 18.06.2014.
Online: http://www.datosmacro.com/paro/espana?dr=2014-03 , checked 18.06.2014.
European Commission (2012): Country Factsheet: Spain 2012.
y_factsheet_spain_2012_en_400004.pdf , checked 19.06.2014.
EDAL (2014): EDAL Country Overview – Spain.
Online: http://www.asylumlawdatabase.eu/en/content/edal-country-overview-spain, checked 22.06.2014.
Kreienbrink, A. (2010): Spanien – Vom Auswanderungs- zum Einwanderungsland.
Online: http://www.bpb.de/gesellschaft/migration/laenderprofile/57893/migrationsgeschichte , checked
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 7. References| Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
7. References
Derechos humanos en la frontera sur 2013. APDHA
El ministro annuncia „mallas antitrepa“ para las fronteras de Ceuta y Melilla.
EL PAÍS, 6. de Marzo de 2014
Interior presenta como „cuestión de Estado“ la crisis de Ceuta y Melilla.
EL PAÍS, 7. de Marzo de 2014
http://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2014-02/Fluechtlinge-marokko-spanien-ceutamelilla Zeit-Artikel vom 17. Februar 2014
http://www.migreurop.org/article2481.html?lang=fr26 février 2014
http://www.migreurop.org/article1241.html?lang=fr(Trad. du français, Jessica Edwards),
Migreurop, 12 octobre 2005
Report: Spain: Accountability urged for ‘appalling’ migrant deaths in Ceuta. Amnesty
International (14.02.2014)
Online http://www.amnesty.org/en/news/spain-accountability-urged-appalling-migrant-deathsceuta-2014-02-14, checked: 24.06.2014
MAREM-project | SPAIN | 7. References| Bochum | Summer Semester 2014
MAREM| Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries / Anna Gansbergen
Thank you for your kind attention !
The „Spain-Group“
Amanda Bailey
Eva Günzel
Sophie Reimertz
Christoph Winkler