Publications for Kirsten Howard 2016

Publications for Kirsten Howard
Publications for Kirsten Howard
Farag, I., Sherrington, C., Hayes, A., Canning,
C., Lord, S., Close, J., Fung, V., Howard, K.
(2016). Economic evaluation of a falls
prevention exercise program among people With
Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 31(1),
53-61. <a
ore Information]</a>
Hassett, L., van den Berg, M., Lindley, R.,
Crotty, M., McCluskey, M., Van Der Ploeg, H.,
Smith, S., Schurr, K., Killington, M., Bongers,
B., Howard, K., Togher, L., Hackett, M.,
Chagpar, S., Sherrington, C., et al (2016). Effect
of affordable technology on physical activity
levels and mobility outcomes in rehabilitation: a
protocol for the Activity and MObility UsiNg
Technology (AMOUNT) rehabilitation trial.
BMJ Open, 2016;6:e012074. <a
12074">[More Information]</a>
Howell, M., Wong, G., Rose, J., Tong, A., Craig,
J., Howard, K. (2016). Eliciting patient
preferences, priorities and trade-offs for
outcomes following kidney transplantation: a
pilot best-worst scaling survey. BMJ Open, 6(1),
1-9. <a
08163">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Fairhall, N., Kirkham, C.,
Clemson, L., Howard, K., Vogler, C., Close, J.,
Moseley, A., Cameron, I., Mak, J., Sonnabend,
D., et al (2016). Exercise and fall prevention
self-management to reduce mobility-related
disability and falls after fall-related lower limb
fracture in older people: protocol for the
RESTORE (Recovery Exercises and STepping
On afteR fracturE) randomised controlled trial.
BMC Geriatrics, 16(1), 1-10. <a
6-5">[More Information]</a>
Farag, I., Howard, K., O'Rourke, S., Ferreira, M.,
Lord, S., Close, J., Vogler, C., Dean, C.,
Cumming, R., Sherrington, C. (2016). Health and
social support services in older adults recently
discharged from hospital: service utilisation and
costs and exploration of the impact of a
home-exercise intervention. BMC Geriatrics,
16(1), 1-7. <a
4-x">[More Information]</a>
Tiedemann, A., Rissel, C., Howard, K., Tong,
A., Merom, D., Smith, S., Wickham, J., Bauman,
A., Lord, S., Vogler, C., Lindley, R., Simpson, J.,
Allman-Farinelli, M., Sherrington, C. (2016).
Health coaching and pedometers to enhance
physical activity and prevent falls in
community-dwelling people aged 60 years and
over: study protocol for the Coaching for
Healthy AGEing (CHAnGE) cluster randomised
controlled trial. BMJ Open, 6(5), 1-8. <a
12277">[More Information]</a>
Walker, R., Howard, K., Morton, R., Palmer, S.,
Marshall, M., Tong, A. (2016). Patient and
caregiver values, beliefs and experiences when
considering home dialysis as a treatment option:
a semi-structured interview study. Nephrology,
Dialysis, Transplantation, 31(1), 133-141. <a
ore Information]</a>
Howard, K., Jan, S., Rose, J., Wong, G., Craig,
J., Irving, M., Tong, A., Chadban, S., Allen, R.,
Cass, A. (2016). Preferences for policy options
for deceased organ donation for transplantation:
A discrete choice experiment. Transplantation,
100(5), 1136-1148. <a
00940">[More Information]</a>
Howell, M., Wong, G., Turner, R., Tan, H.,
Tong, A., Craig, J., Howard, K. (2016). The
Consistency and Reporting of Quality-of-Life
Outcomes in Trials of Immunosuppressive
Agents in Kidney Transplantation: A Systematic
Review and Meta-analysis. American Journal of
Kidney Diseases, 67(5), 762-774. <a
06">[More Information]</a>
Salkeld, G., Cunich, M., Dowie, J., Howard, K.,
Patel, M., Mann, G., Lipworth, W. (2016). The
role of personalised choice in decision support:
A randomized controlled trial of an online
decision aid for prostate cancer screening.
Reviews in Australian Studies, 11(4), 1-17. <a
2999">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Jan, S., Rose, J., Wong, G., Irving,
M., Tong, A., Craig, J., Chadban, S., Allen, R.,
Cass, A. (2015). Community preferences for the
allocation of donor organs for transplantation: a
discrete choice study. Transplantation, 99(3),
560-567. <a
00365">[More Information]</a>
Li, A., Wong, G., Irving, M., Jan, S., Tong, A.,
Ralph, A., Howard, K. (2015).
Community-Based Interventions and Individuals'
Willingness to be a Deceased Organ Donor:
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Transplantation, 99(12), 2634-2643. <a
00897">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Kirsten Howard
Farag, I., Howard, K., Hayes, A., Ferreira, M.,
Lord, S., Close, J., Vogler, C., Dean, C.,
Cumming, R., Sherrington, C. (2015).
Cost-effectiveness of a Home-Exercise Program
Among Older People After Hospitalization.
Journal of the American Medical Directors
Association (JAMDA), 16(6), 490-496. <a
075">[More Information]</a>
Jardine, M., Zuo, L., Gray, N., de Zoysa, J.,
Chan, C., Gallagher, M., Howard, K., Heritier,
S., Cass, A., Perkovic, V. (2015). Design and
participant baseline characteristics of 'A Clinical
Trial of IntensiVE Dialysis' - the ACTIVE
Dialysis Study. Nephrology, 20(4), 257-265. <a
re Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Sherrington, C., Kurrle, S., Lord, S.,
Lockwood, K., Howard, K., Hayes, A.,
Monaghan, N., Langron, C., Aggar, C.,
Cameron, I. (2015). Economic Evaluation of a
Multifactorial, Interdisciplinary Intervention
Versus Usual Care to Reduce Frailty in Frail
Older People. Journal of the American Medical
Directors Association (JAMDA), 16(1), 41-48.
006">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Hayes, A., Cho, Y., Cass, A.,
Clarke, M., Johnson, D. (2015). Economic
Evaluation of Neutral-pH, Low-Glucose
Degradation Product Peritoneal Dialysis
Solutions Compared With Standard Solutions: A
Secondary Analysis of the balANZ Trial.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 65(5),
773-779. <a
17">[More Information]</a>
Farag, I., Howard, K., Ferreira, M., Sherrington,
C. (2015). Economic modelling of a public
health programme for fall prevention. Age and
Ageing, 44(3), 409-414. <a
[More Information]</a>
Fairhall, N., Kurrle, S., Sherrington, C., Lord, S.,
Lockwood, K., John, B., Monaghan, N., Howard,
K., Cameron, I. (2015). Effectiveness of a
multifactorial intervention on preventing
development of frailty in pre-frail older people:
Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open, 5, 1-8. <a
07091">[More Information]</a>
Franco, M., Howard, K., Sherrington, C.,
Ferreira, P., Rose, J., Gomes, J., Ferreira, M.
(2015). Eliciting older people's preferences for
exercise programs:
a best-worst scaling choice experiment. Journal
of Physiotherapy, 61(1), 34-41. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
Delbaere, K., Valenzuela, T., Woodbury, A.,
Davies, T., Yeong, J., Steffens, D., Miles, L.,
Pickett, L., Zijlstra, G., Clemson, L., Howard,
K., et al (2015). Evaluating the effectiveness of a
home-based exercise programme delivered
through a tablet computer for preventing falls in
older community-dwelling people over 2 years:
Study protocol for the Standing Tall randomised
controlled trial. BMJ Open, 5(10), 1-9. <a
09173">[More Information]</a>
Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Close, J.,
Heritier, S., Heller, G., Howard, K., Allen, N.,
Latt, M., Murray, S., O'Rourke, S., Paul, S.,
Song, J., Fung, V. (2015). Exercise for falls
prevention in Parkinson disease: A randomized
controlled trial. Neurology, 84(3), 304-312. <a
00001155">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., McFarlane, P., Marshall, M.,
Eastwood, D., Morton, R. (2015). Funding and
planning: What you need to know for starting or
expanding a home hemodialysis program.
Hemodialysis International, 19(Suppl 1),
S23-42. <a
re Information]</a>
Liu, H., Massi, L., Eades, A., Howard, K., Peiris,
D., Redfern, J., Usherwood, T., Cass, A., Patel,
A., Jan, S., Laba, T. (2015). Implementing
Kanyini GAP, a pragmatic randomised
controlled trial in Australia: findings from a
qualitative study. Trials, 16(1), 1-11. <a
6-y">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., Patel, M., Mann, G.,
Pignone, M. (2015). Men's preferences and
trade-offs for prostate cancer
screening: A discrete choice experiment. Health
Expectations, 18(6), 3123-3135. <a
re Information]</a>
Kistler, C., Hess, T., Howard, K., Pignone, M.,
Crutchfield, T., Hawley, S., Brenner, A., Ward,
K., Lewis, C. (2015). Older adults’ preferences
for colorectal cancer-screening test attributes and
test choice. Patient Preference and Adherence, 9,
1005-1016. <a
More Information]</a>
Franco, M., Tong, A., Howard, K., Sherrington,
C., Ferreira, P., Zambelli de Almeida Pinto, R.,
Ferreira, M. (2015). Older people’s perspectives
on participation in physical activity: a systematic
Publications for Kirsten Howard
review and thematic synthesis of qualitative
literature. British Journal of Sports Medicine,
49(19), 1268-1276. <a
4015">[More Information]</a>
Walker, R., Hanson, C., Palmer, S., Howard, K.,
Morton, R., Marshall, M., Tong, A. (2015).
Patient and Caregiver Perspectives on Home
Hemodialysis: A
Systematic Review. American Journal of Kidney
Diseases, 65(3), 451-463. <a
20">[More Information]</a>
Walker, R., Morton, R., Tong, A., Marshall, M.,
Palmer, S., Howard, K. (2015). Patient and
caregiver preferences for home dialysis-The
home first study: A protocol for qualitative
interviews and discrete choice experiments. BMJ
Open, 5(4), 1-6. <a
07405">[More Information]</a>
Laba, T., Howard, K., Rose, J., Peiris, D.,
Redfern, J., Usherwood, T., Cass, A., Patel, A.,
Jan, S. (2015). Patient Preferences for a Polypill
for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases.
Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 49(5), 528-539. <a
468">[More Information]</a>
Liu, H., Massi, L., Laba, T., Peiris, D.,
Usherwood, T., Patel, A., Cass, A., Eades, A.,
Redfern, J., Hayman, N., Howard, K., Brien, J.,
Jan, S. (2015). Patients' and Providers'
Perspectives of a Polypill Strategy
to Improve Cardiovascular Prevention in
Australian Primary
Health Care: A Qualitative Study Set Within a
Pragmatic Randomized, Controlled Trial.
Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and
Outcomes, 8(3), 301-308. <a
ES.115.001483">[More Information]</a>
Allen, N., Song, J., Paul, S., Sherrington, C.,
Murray, S., O'Rourke, S., Lord, S., Fung, V.,
Close, J., Howard, K., Canning, C. (2015).
Predictors of Adherence to a Falls Prevention
Exercise Program for People with Parkinson’s
Disease. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice,
2(4), 395-401. <a
More Information]</a>
Wortley, S., Tong, A., Lancsar, E., Salkeld, G.,
Howard, K. (2015). Public preferences for
engagement in Health Technology Assessment
decision-making: protocol of a mixed methods
study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision
Making, 15, 1-7. <a
6-0">[More Information]</a>
McCaffery, K., Jacklyn, G., Barratt, A.,
Brodersen, J., Glasziou, P., Carter, S., Hicks, N.,
Howard, K., Irwig, L. (2015). Recommendations
about screening. In G. Guyatt, D. Rennie, M.O.
Meade, & D. Cook (Eds.), Users' Guides to the
Medical Literature, (pp. 593-608). New York:
McGraw-Hill Education.
Tong, A., Crowe, S., Chando, S., Cass, A.,
Chadban, S., Chapman, J., Gallagher, M.,
Hawley, C., Hill, S., Howard, K., Perkovic, V.,
Pollock, C., Strippoli, G., Webster, A., Wong,
G., Craig, J., et al (2015). Research Priorities in
CKD: Report of a National Workshop Conducted
in Australia. American Journal of Kidney
Diseases, 66(2), 212-222. <a
41">[More Information]</a>
Nguyen, H., Lim, W., Craig, J., Chapman, J.,
Lord, S., Howard, K., Wong, G. (2015). The
Relative Benefits and Costs of Solid Phase Bead
Technology to Detect Preformed Donor Specific
Leukocyte Antigen Antibodies in Determining
Suitability for Kidney Transplantation.
Transplantation, 99(5), 957-964. <a
00697">[More Information]</a>
Arendts, G., Quine, S., Popescu, A., Howting,
D., Howard, K. (2015). They never talked to me
about': Perspectives on aged care resident
transfer to emergency departments. Australasian
Journal on Ageing, 34(2), 95-102. <a
ore Information]</a>
Wortley, S., Flitcroft, K., Howard, K. (2015).
What is the role of community preference
information in health technology assessment
decision making? A case study of colorectal
cancer screening. International Journal of
Technology Assessment in Health Care, 31(4),
241-248. <a
0367">[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Vogler, C., Close, J.,
Howard, K., Dean, C., Heller, G., Clemson, L.,
O'Rourke, S., Ramsay, E., Cumming, R., et al
(2014). A Post-Hospital Home Exercise Program
Improved Mobility but Increased Falls in Older
People: A Randomised Controlled Trial. PloS
One, 9(9), 1-12. <a
4412">[More Information]</a>
Wortley, S., Wong, G., Kieu, A., Howard, K.
(2014). Assessing Stated Preferences for
Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Critical
Publications for Kirsten Howard
Systematic Review of Discrete Choice
Experiments. The Patient, 7(3), 271-282. <a
4-3">[More Information]</a>
A., White, S., Howard, K., Craig, J., et al (2014).
Health and wealth in children and adolescents
with chronic kidney disease (K-CAD study).
BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1-5.
Close, J., Wesson, J., Sherrington, C., Hill, K.,
Kurrle, S., Lord, S., Brodaty, H., Howard, K.,
Gitlin, L., O'Rourke, S., Clemson, L. (2014). Can
a tailored exercise and home hazard reduction
program reduce the rate of falls in community
dwelling older people with cognitive
impairment: protocol paper for the i-FOCIS
randomised controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics,
14(1), 1-8. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Webster, A., Morton, R.,
Chapman, J., Craig, J. (2014). How is health
economics relevant to transplant clinicians?
Transplantation, 98(2), 124-130. <a
00233">[More Information]</a>
Brenner, A., Howard, K., Lewis, C., Sheridan,
S., Crutchfield, T., Hawley, S., Reuland, D.,
Kistler, C., Pignone, M. (2014). Comparing 3
Values Clarification Methods for Colorectal
Cancer Screening Decision-Making: a
Randomized Trial in the US and Australia.
Journal of General Internal Medicine, 29(3),
507-513. <a
1-0">[More Information]</a>
Foote, C., Morton, R., Jardine, M., Gallagher,
M., Brown, M., Howard, K., Cass, A. (2014).
Considerations of Nephrologists when
SuggestIng Dialysis in Elderly patients with
Renal failure (CONSIDER): a discrete choice
experiment. Nephrology, Dialysis,
Transplantation, 29(12), 2302-2309. <a
ore Information]</a>
Hayes, A., Lung, T., Wen, L., Baur, L., Rissel,
C., Howard, K. (2014). Economic Evaluation of
"Healthy Beginnings" an Early Childhood
Intervention to Prevent Obesity. Obesity, 22(7),
1709-1715. <a
re Information]</a>
Chung, R., Howard, K., Craig, J., Chapman, J.,
Turner, R., Wong, G. (2014). Economic
evaluations in kidney transplantation: frequency,
characteristics, and quality - A systematic
review. Transplantation, 97(10), 1027-1033. <a
00079">[More Information]</a>
Nguyen, H., Wong, G., Howard, K., Claas, F.,
Craig, J., Fidler, S., D'Orsogna, L., Chapman, J.,
Irish, A., Ferrari, P., et al (2014). Modeling the
Benefits and Costs of Integrating an Acceptable
HLA Mismatch Allocation Model for Highly
Sensitized Patients. Transplantation, 97(7),
769-774. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Arendts, G., Etherton-Beer, C., Howard, K.,
Lewin, G., Sim, M., Pickstock, S., Fitzhardinge,
S., O'Brien, K., Tassell, S., Deans, P., et al
(2014). Nurse led care coordination: trial
protocol and development of a best practice
resource guide for a cluster controlled clinical
trial in Australian aged care facilities. Archives of
Gerontology and Geriatrics, 58(1), 15-19. <a
7.004">[More Information]</a>
Watts, K., Meiser, B., Wakefield, C., Barratt, A.,
Howard, K., Cheah, B., Mann, G., Lobb, E.,
Gaff, C., Patel, M. (2014). Online Prostate
Cancer Screening Decision Aid for At-Risk Men:
A Randomized Trial. Health Psychology, 33(9),
986-997. <a
re Information]</a>
Carter, H., Zannino, D., Simes, R., Schofield, D.,
Howard, K., Zalcberg, J., Price, T., Tebbutt, N.
(2014). The cost effectiveness of bevacizumab
when added to capecitabine, with or without
mitomycin-C, in first line treatment of metastatic
colorectal cancer: Results from the Australasian
phase III MAX study. European Journal of
Cancer, 50(3), 535-543. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Ralph, A., Chapman, J., Gillis, J., Craig, J.,
Butow, P., Howard, K., Irving, M., Sutanto, B.,
Tong, A. (2014). Family Perspectives on
Deceased Organ Donation: Thematic Synthesis
of Qualitative Studies. American Journal of
Transplantation, 14(4), 923-935. <a
e Information]</a>
Walker, R., Marshall, M., Morton, R.,
McFarlane, P., Howard, K. (2014). The cost
effectiveness of contemporary home
haemodialysis modalities compared to facility
haemodialysis: A systematic review of full
economic evaluations. Nephrology, 19(8),
459-470. <a
re Information]</a>
Wong, G., Medway, M., Didsbury, M., Tong, A.,
Turner, R., Mackie, F., McTaggart, S., Walker,
Hersch, J., Barratt, A., Jansen, J., Houssami, N.,
Irwig, L., Jacklyn, G., Dhillon, H., Thornton, H.,
Publications for Kirsten Howard
McGeechan, K., Howard, K., McCaffery, K.
(2014). The effect of information about
overdetection of breast cancer on women's
decision-making about mammography screening:
study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open, 4(5), 1-10. <a
04990">[More Information]</a>
Irving, M., Jan, S., Tong, A., Wong, G., Craig, J.,
Chadban, S., Rose, J., Cass, A., Allen, R.,
Howard, K. (2014). What factors influence
people's decisions to register for organ donation?
The results of a nominal group study. Transplant
International, 27(6), 617-624. <a
e Information]</a>
Howard, K., Gerard, K., Adelson, P., Bryce, R.,
Wilkinson, C., Turnbull, D. (2014). Women's
preferences for inpatient and outpatient priming
for labour induction: a discrete choice
experiment. BMC Health Services Research,
14(1), 1-11. <a
30">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Brenner, A., Lewis, C., Sheridan,
S., Crutchfield, T., Hawley, S., Nielsen, M.,
Pignone, M. (2013). A comparison of US and
Australian men's values and preferences for PSA
screening. BMC Health Services Research, 13,
1-6. <a
88">[More Information]</a>
Adelson, P., Wedlock, G., Wilkinson, C.,
Howard, K., Bryce, R., Turnbull, D. (2013). A
cost analysis of inpatient compared with
outpatient prostaglandin E2 cervical priming for
induction of labour: results from the OPRA trial.
Australian Health Review, 37(4), 467-473. <a
re Information]</a>
Farag, I., Sherrington, C., Ferreira, M., Howard,
K. (2013). A systematic review of the unit costs
of allied health and community services used by
older people in Australia. BMC Health Services
Research, 13, 1-11. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Hodson, E., Irving, M.,
Craig, J. (2013). An economic evaluation of
intravenous versus oral iron supplementation in
people on haemodialysis. Nephrology, Dialysis,
Transplantation, 28(2), 413-420. <a
ore Information]</a>
Irving, M., Tong, A., Jan, S., Wong, G., Cass, A.,
Allen, R., Craig, J., Chadban, S., Rose, J.,
Howard, K. (2013). Community preferences for
the allocation of organs for transplantation: a
focus group study. Nephrology, Dialysis,
Transplantation, 28(8), 2187-2193. <a
re Information]</a>
Pignone, M., Howard, K., Brenner, A.,
Crutchfield, T., Hawley, S., Lewis, C., Sheridan,
S. (2013). Comparing 3 techniques for eliciting
patient values for decision making about
prostate-specific antigen screening: a randomized
controlled trial. JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(5),
362-368. <a
013.2651">[More Information]</a>
Arendts, G., Quine, S., Howard, K. (2013).
Decision to transfer to an emergency department
from residential aged care: A systematic review
of qualitative research. Geriatrics and
Gerontology International, 13(4), 825-833. <a
re Information]</a>
Wong, G., Li, M., Howard, K., Hua, D.,
Chapman, J., Bourke, M., Turner, R., Tong, A.,
Craig, J. (2013). Health benefits and costs of
screening for colorectal cancer in people on
dialysis or who have received a kidney
transplant. Nephrology, Dialysis,
Transplantation, 28(4), 917-926. <a
ore Information]</a>
Franco, M., Ferreira, M., Howard, K.,
Sherrington, C., Rose, J., Haines, T., Ferreira, P.
(2013). How big does the effect of an
intervention have to be? Application of two
novel methods to determine the smallest
worthwhile effect of a fall prevention
programme: a study protocol. BMJ Open, 3(2),
1-5. <a
02355">[More Information]</a>
Mikolaizak, A., Simpson, P., Tiedemann, A.,
Lord, S., Caplan, G., Bendall, J., Howard, K.,
Close, J. (2013). Intervention to prevent further
falls in older people who call an ambulance as a
result of a fall: a protocol for the iPREFER
randomised controlled trial. BMC Health
Services Research, 13, 1-8. <a
60">[More Information]</a>
Franco, M., Tong, A., Howard, K., Sherrington,
C., Ferreira, P., Ferreira, M. (2013). Older
people's perspectives on participation in exercise:
a systematic review and thematic synthesis of
qualitative literature. APA Conference 2013 'New
Moves', Melbourne: Australian Physiotherapy
Tong, A., Wong, G., McTaggart, S., Henning, P.,
Publications for Kirsten Howard
Mackie, F., Carroll, R., Howard, K., Craig, J.
(2013). Quality of Life of Young Adults and
Adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease. The
Journal of Pediatrics, 163(4), 1179-1185.e5. <a
66">[More Information]</a>
Schmidt, R., Walker, B., Howard, K., Layfield,
L., Adler, D. (2013). Rapid on-site evaluation
reduces needle passes in endoscopic
ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration for solid
pancreatic lesions: a risk-benefit analysis.
Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 58(11),
3280-3286. <a
0-6">[More Information]</a>
Wyld, M., Morton, R., Hayen, A., Howard, K.,
Webster, A. (2012). A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis of Utility-Based Quality of Life
in Chronic Kidney Disease Treatments. PLoS
Medicine, 9(9), 1-10. <a
01307">[More Information]</a>
Irving, M., Tong, A., Jan, S., Cass, A., Chadban,
S., Allen, R., Craig, J., Wong, G., Howard, K.
(2012). Community attitudes to deceased organ
donation: a focus group study. Transplantation,
93(10), 1064-1069. <a
db997">[More Information]</a>
Tong, A., Jan, S., Wong, G., Craig, J., Irving, M.,
Chadban, S., Cass, A., Howard, K. (2013).
Rationing scarce organs for transplantation:
Healthcare provider perspectives on wait-listing
and organ allocation. Clinical Transplantation,
27(1), 60-71. <a
e Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Chapman, J., Chadban,
S., Cross, N., Tong, A., Webster, A., Craig, J.
(2012). Comparative survival and economic
benefits of deceased donor kidney
transplantation and dialysis in people with
varying ages and co-morbidities. PloS One, 7(1),
1-9. <a
9591">[More Information]</a>
Schmidt, R., Kordy, M., Howard, K., Layfield,
L., Hall, B., Adler, D. (2013). Risk-Benefit
Analysis of Sampling Methods for Fine-Needle
Aspiration Cytology: A Mathematical Modeling
Approach. American Journal of Clinical
Pathology, 139(3), 336-344. <a
O2GQBO">[More Information]</a>
Pignone, M., Brenner, A., Hawley, S., Sheridan,
S., Lewis, C., Jonas, D., Howard, K. (2012).
Conjoint analysis versus rating and ranking for
values elicitation and clarification in colorectal
cancer screening. Journal of General Internal
Medicine, 27(1), 45-50. <a
7-z">[More Information]</a>
Laba, T., Bleasel, J., Brien, J., Cass, A., Howard,
K., Peiris, D., Redfern, J., Salam, M.,
Usherwood, T., Jan, S. (2013). Strategies to
improve adherence to medications for
cardiovascular diseases in socioeconomically
disadvantaged populations: a systematic review.
International Journal of Cardiology, 167(6),
2430-2440. <a
049">[More Information]</a>
Hua, D., Howard, K., Craig, J., Chapman, J.,
Wong, G. (2012). Cost-Effectiveness of
Cidofovir Treatment of Polyomavirus
Nephropathy in Kidney Transplant Recipients.
Transplantation, 93(2), 188-194. <a
e7b0e">[More Information]</a>
Machalek, D., Grulich, A., Hillman, R., Jin, F.,
Templeton, D., Tabrizi, S., Garland, S., Prestage,
G., McCaffery, K., Howard, K., et al (2013). The
Study of the Prevention of Anal Cancer
(SPANC): design and methods of a three-year
prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health,
13(1), 1-13. <a
46">[More Information]</a>
Hersch, J., Jansen, J., Barratt, A., Irwig, L.,
Houssami, N., Howard, K., Dhillon, H.,
McCaffery, K. (2013). Women's views on
overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening: a
qualitative study. BMJ, 346(7892), 1-13. <a
e Information]</a>
Morton, R., Snelling, P., Webster, A., Rose, J.,
Masterson, R., Johnson, D., Howard, K. (2012).
Dialysis Modality Preference of Patients With
CKD and Family Caregivers: A Discrete-Choice
Study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases,
60(1), 102-111. <a
30">[More Information]</a>
Verry, H., Lord, S., Martin, A., Gill, G., Lee, C.,
Howard, K., Wetzig, N., Simes, R. (2012).
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of sentinel
lymph node biopsy compared with axillary node
dissection in patients with early-stage breast
cancer: a decision model analysis. British
Journal of Cancer, 106(6), 1045-1052. <a
ore Information]</a>
Lew, J., Howard, K., Gertig, D., Smith, M.,
Clements, M., Nickson, C., Shi, J., Dyer, S.,
Lord, S., Creighton, P., Canfell, K., et al (2012).
Publications for Kirsten Howard
Expenditure and resource utilisation for cervical
screening in Australia. BMC Health Services
Research, 12(1), 1-15. <a
46">[More Information]</a>
Morton, R., Snelling, P., Webster, A., Rose, J.,
Masterson, R., Johnson, D., Howard, K. (2012).
Factors influencing patient choice of dialysis
versus conservative care to treat end-stage
kidney disease. CMAJ, 184(5), E277-E283. <a
More Information]</a>
Irving, M., Tong, A., Jan, S., Cass, A., Rose, J.,
Chadban, S., Allen, R., Craig, J., Wong, G.,
Howard, K. (2012). Factors that influence the
decision to be an organ donor: a systematic
review of the qualitative literature. Nephrology,
Dialysis, Transplantation, 27(6), 2526-2533. <a
re Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Chapman, J., Pollock, C.,
Chadban, S., Salkeld, G., Tong, A., Williams, N.,
Webster, A., Craig, J. (2012). How do people
with chronic kidney disease value cancer-related
quality of life? Nephrology, 17(1), 32-41. <a
1.01531.x">[More Information]</a>
Howell, M., Tong, A., Wong, G., Craig, J.,
Howard, K. (2012). Important Outcomes for
Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Nominal Group
and Qualitative Study. American Journal of
Kidney Diseases, 60(2), 186-196. <a
39">[More Information]</a>
Williams, N., Tong, A., Howard, K., Chapman,
J., Craig, J., Wong, G. (2012). Knowledge,
beliefs and attitudes of kidney transplant
recipients regarding their risk of cancer.
Nephrology, 17(3), 300-306. <a
1.01549.x">[More Information]</a>
Tong, A., Jan, S., Wong, G., Craig, J., Irving, M.,
Chadban, S., Cass, A., Marren, N., Howard, K.
(2012). Patient preferences for the allocation of
deceased donor kidney for transplantation: a
mixed methods study. 24th International
Congress of The Transplantation Society, The
International Congress Centre Berlin (ICC
Berlin), Berlin, Germany.
Tong, A., Jan, S., Wong, G., Craig, J., Irving, M.,
Chadban, S., Cass, A., Marren, N., Howard, K.
(2012). Patient preferences for the allocation of
deceased donor kidneys for transplantation: a
mixed methods study. BMC Nephrology, 13(1),
1-9. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Tong, A., Jan, S., Wong, G., Craig, J., Irving, M.,
Chadban, S., Cass, A., Marren, N., Howard, K.
(2012). Patient Preferences For The Allocation
Of Deceased Donor Kidneys For
Transplantation: A Mixed Methods Study. The
Transplantation Society of Australia and New
Zealand (TSANZ) 30th Annual Scientific Meeting
(ASM), Manning Clark Centre, ANU Campus,
Canberra ACT, Australia.
Tong, A., Jan, S., Wong, G., Craig, J., Irving, M.,
Chadban, S., Cass, A., Marren, N., Howard, K.
(2012). Patient Preferences for the Allocation of
Deceased Donor Kidneys for Transplantation: A
Mixed Methods Study (Mini-Oral). The 48th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and
New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN),
SKYCITY Convention Centre Auckland, New
Tong, A., Jan, S., Wong, S., Craig, J., Irving, M.,
Chadban, S., Cass, A., Marren, N., Howard, K.
(2012). Patient preferences for the allocation of
deceased donor kidneys for transplantation: a
mixed methods study (Poster Presentation). 2012
American Transplant Congress, John B. Hynes
Convention Center, Boston MA, USA.
Morton, R., Turner, R., Howard, K., Snelling, P.,
Webster, A. (2012). Patients Who Plan for
Conservative Care Rather Than Dialysis: A
National Observational Study in Australia.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 59(3),
419-427. <a
24">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Arendts, G., Jan, S., Beck, M.
(2012). PROSpER: PReferences for the
Organisation of acute health Services for oldER
people: Protocol for a mixed methods study.
BMJ Open, 2(2), 1-6. <a
01081">[More Information]</a>
Howell, M., Wong, G., Tong, A., Tan, H., Craig,
J., Howard, K. (2012). Quality of Life Outcomes
Reported in Randomised Controlled Trials of
Immunosuppressive Drug Regimens in Kidney
Transplantation: A Systematic Review. 24th
International Congress of The Transplantation
Society, The International Congress Centre
Berlin (ICC Berlin), Berlin, Germany.
Schmidt, R., Howard, K., Hall, B., Layfield, L.
(2012). The comparative effectiveness of
fine-needle aspiration cytology sampling
policies: a simulation study. American Journal of
Clinical Pathology, 138(6), 823-830. <a
XJZU">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., Mann, G., Patel, M.,
Cunich, M., Pignone, M. (2012). The COMPASs
Study: Community Preferences for Prostate
Publications for Kirsten Howard
cAncer Screening. Protocol for a quantitative
preference study. BMJ Open, 2(1), 1-6. <a
00587">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K. (2012). The cost-effectiveness of
screening for anal cancer in men who have sex
with men: a systematic review. Sexual Health,
9(6), 610-619. <a
e Information]</a>
Chung, R., Craig, J., Howard, K., Tong, A.,
Wong, G. (2012). The Frequency and Quality of
Economic Evaluations in Kidney
Transplantation. The Transplantation Society of
Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) 30th
Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), Manning Clark
Centre, ANU Campus, Canberra ACT, Australia.
Howell, M., Wong, G., Turner, R., Tong, A.,
Craig, J., Howard, K. (2012). The Frequency and
Quality of Reporting of Quality of Life Data in
Trials of Immunosuppressive Agents in Kidney
Transplantation (Mini, Oral and Poster). The
48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian
and New Zealand Society of Nephrology
(ANZSN), SKYCITY Convention Centre
Auckland, New Zealand.
Howell, M., Wong, G., Tong, A., Tan, H., Craig,
J., Howard, K. (2012). The Frequency and
Quality of Reporting of Quality of Life Data in
Trials of Immunosuppressive Drug Regimens in
Kidney Transplantation. The Transplantation
Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ)
30th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), Manning
Clark Centre, ANU Campus, Canberra ACT,
Wong, G., Zoungas, S., Lo, S., Chalmers, J.,
Cass, A., Neal, B., Woodward, M., Perkovic, V.,
Glasziou, P., Williams, B., Howard, K.,
Chapman, J., Craig, J. (2012). The risk of cancer
in people with diabetes and chronic kidney
disease. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation,
27(8), 3337-3344. <a
ore Information]</a>
Arendts, G., Dickson, C., Howard, K., Quine, S.
(2012). Transfer from residential aged care to
emergency departments: an analysis of patient
outcomes. Internal Medicine Journal, 42(1),
75-82. <a
0.02224.x">[More Information]</a>
Howell, M., Tong, A., Wong, G., Craig, J.,
Howard, K. (2012). What Outcomes Matter Most
for Kidney Transplant Recipients? Results of a
Mixed Methods Study. 24th International
Congress of The Transplantation Society, The
International Congress Centre Berlin (ICC
Berlin), Berlin, Germany.
Irving, M., Tong, A., Jan, S., Cass, A., Chadban,
S., Allen, R., Craig, J., Wong, G., Howard, K.
(2011). "It's not really a matter of how long you
have been on the waiting list, it;s a matter of how
serious your sickness is." community
perspectives on the allocation of transplant
organs to recipients: A nominal group study
(Oral Presentation). 11th Congress of the
International Society for Organ Donation and
Procurement, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
Tong, A., Morton, R., Howard, K., McTaggart,
S., Craig, J. (2011). "When I had my transplant, I
normal." Adolescent perspectives on life
after kidney transplantation. Pediatric
Transplantation, 15(3), 285-293. <a
0.01470.x">[More Information]</a>
Flitcroft, K., St John, D., Howard, K., Carter, S.,
Pignone, M., Salkeld, G., Trevena, L. (2011). A
comparative case study of bowel cancer
screening in the UK and Australia: evidence lost
in translation? Journal of Medical Screening,
18(4), 193-203. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Arendts, G., Howard, K., Rose, J. (2011).
Allocation Decisions and Patient Preferences in
Emergency Medicine. Emergency Medicine
Journal, 28(12), 1051-1054. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Tong, A., Craig, J.
(2011). Cancer Screening in People Who Have
Chronic Disease: The Example of Kidney
Disease. Seminars in Dialysis, 24(1
(January-February)), 72-78. <a
0.00804.x">[More Information]</a>
Morton, R., Tong, A., Webster, A., Snelling, P.,
Howard, K. (2011). Characteristics of dialysis
important to patients and family caregivers: a
mixed methods approach. Nephrology, Dialysis,
Transplantation, 26(12), 4038-4046. <a
re Information]</a>
Irving, M., Tong, A., Jan, S., Cass, A., Chadban,
S., Allen, R., Craig, J., Wong, G., Howard, K.
(2011). Community attitudes to a deceased organ
donation: a focus group study (Oral
Presentation). 11th Congress of the International
Society for Organ Donation and Procurement,
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
Howard, K., Jan, S., Rose, J., Chadban, S., Allen,
R., Irving, M., Tong, A., Wong, G., Craig, J.,
Publications for Kirsten Howard
Cass, A. (2011). Community Preferences for the
& Donation of Organs - The PAraDOx Study.
BMC Public Health, 11(386), 386-1-386-7. <a
86">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Irving, M., Cass, A., Rose, J.,
Chadban, S., Allen, R., Tong, A., Wong, G.,
Craig, J., Jan, S. (2011). Community preferences
for the allocation and donation of organs - The
PArADOx Study: Preferences for organ
donation. 11th Congress of the International
Society for Organ Donation and Procurement,
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
Pignone, M., Flitcroft, K., Howard, K., Trevena,
L., Salkeld, G., St John, D. (2011). Costs and
cost-effectiveness of full implementation of a
biennial faecal occult blood test screening
program for bowel cancer in Australia. Medical
Journal of Australia, 194(4), 180-185. <a
&list_uids=21401458">[More Information]</a>
Wakefield, C., Watts, K., Meiser, B.,
Sansom-Daly, U., Barratt, A., Mann, G., Lobb,
E., Gaff, C., Howard, K., Patel, M. (2011).
Development and pilot testing of an online
screening decision aid for men with a family
history of prostate cancer. Patient Education and
Counseling, 83(1), 64-72. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Hua, D., Howard, K., Craig, J., Chapman, J.,
Wong, G. (2011). Does Cidofovir Treatment For
BKVAN Reduce Costs and Improve Patient
Outcomes. Nephrology, 16(Suppl 1:79), 79.
Howell, M., Tong, A., Wong, G., Craig, J.,
Howard, K. (2011). Eliciting Kidney Transplant
Recipient Perspectives and Preferences for
Immunosuppresant Medication Outcomes. 2011
Transplantation Society of Australia and New
Zealand (TSANZ), 29th Annual Scientific
Meeting, Canberra, Australia.
Hersch, J., Jansen, J., Irwig, L., Barratt, A.,
Thornton, H., Howard, K., McCaffery, K.
(2011). How do we achieve informed choice for
women considering breast screening? Preventive
Medicine, 53(3), 144-146. <a
.013">[More Information]</a>
Cunich, M., Salkeld, G., Dowie, J., Henderson,
J., Bayram, C., Britt, H., Howard, K. (2011).
Integrating evidence and individual preferences
using a web-based multi-criteria decision
analytic tool: An application to prostate cancer
screening. The Patient, 4(3), 153-162. <a
0000-00000">[More Information]</a>
Tong, A., Howard, K., Wong, G., Cass, A., Jan,
S., Irving, M., Craig, J. (2011). Nephrologists'
Perspectives on Wait Listing and Allocation of
Deceased Donor Kidneys for Transplantation.
2011 Transplantation Society of Australia and
New Zealand (TSANZ), 29th Annual Scientific
Meeting, Canberra, Australia.
Tong, A., Howard, K., Wong, G., Cass, A., Jan,
S., Irving, M., Craig, J. (2011). Nephrologists'
perspectives on wait listing and allocation of
deceased donor kidneys for transplantation.
Nephrology, 16(Suppl:1:74-75), 74-75.
Tong, A., Howard, K., Wong, G., Cass, A., Jan,
S., Irving, M., Craig, J. (2011). Nephrologists'
Perspectives on Waitlisting and Allocation of
Deceased Donor Kidneys for Transplant.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 58(5),
704-716. <a
29">[More Information]</a>
Turner, R., Bell, K., Morton, R., Hayen, A.,
Francken, A., Howard, K., Armstrong, B.,
Thompson, J., Irwig, L. (2011). Optimizing the
Frequency of Follow-Up Visits for Patients
Treated for Localized Primary Cutaneous
Melanoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology,
29(35), 4641-4646. <a
56">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., Pignone, M., Hewett,
P., Cheung, P., Olsen, J., Clapton, W.,
Roberts-Thomson, I. (2011). Preferences for CT
Colonography and Colonoscopy as Diagnostic
Tests for Colorectal Cancer: A Discrete Choice
Experiment. Value in Health, 14(8), 1146-1152.
2">[More Information]</a>
Tong, A., Tjaden, L., Howard, K., Wong, G.,
Morton, R., Craig, J. (2011). Quality of Life of
Adolescent Kidney Transplant Recipients. The
Journal of Pediatrics, 159(4), 670-675. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Tong, A., Tjaden, L., Howard, K., Wong, G.,
Morton, R., Craig, J. (2011). Quality of Life of
Adolescent Kidney Transplant Recipients. 2011
Transplantation Society of Australia and New
Zealand (TSANZ), 29th Annual Scientific
Meeting, Canberra, Australia.
Hersch, J., Jansen, J., Irwig, L., Barratt, A.,
Thornton, H., Howard, K., McCaffery, K.
(2011). Reply to Braillon and Nicot. Preventive
Medicine, 53(6), 438-438. <a
.002">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Kirsten Howard
Wong, G., Howard, K., Webster, A., Chapman,
J., Craig, J. (2011). Screening for renal cancer in
recipients of kidney transplants. Nephrology,
Dialysis, Transplantation, 26(5), 1729-1739. <a
ore Information]</a>
(2010). Cervical cancer screening in Australia:
modelled evaluation of the impact of changing
the recommended interval from two to three
years. BMC Public Health, 10(1), 1-14. <a
34">[More Information]</a>
Tong, A., Howard, K., Jan, S., Cass, A., Rose, J.,
Chadban, S., Allen, R., Craig, J. (2011).
Systematic review and synthesis of quantitative
and qualitative research: a worked example to
assess community preferences. 19th Cochrane
Colloquium, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley
& Sons.
Tong, A., Howard, K., Jan, S., Cass, A., Rose, J.,
Chadban, S., Allen, R., Craig, J. (2010).
Community preferences for the allocation of
solid organs for transplantation: a systematic
review. Transplantation, 89(7), 796-805. <a
f1ee1">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Chapman, J., Tong, A.,
Bourke, M., Hayen, A., Macaskill, P., Hope, R.,
Williams, N., Kieu, A., Allen, R., Chadban, S.,
Pollock, C., Webster, A., Craig, J., et al (2011).
Test performance of faecal occult blood testing
for the detection of bowel cancer in people with
chronic kidney disease (DETECT) protocol.
BMC Public Health, 11(June), A516-1-A516-7.
16">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., White, S., Salkeld, G., McDonald,
S., Craig, J., Chadban, S., Cass, A. (2010).
Cost-Effectiveness of Screening and Optimal
Management for Diabetes, Hypertension, and
Chronic Kidney Disease: A Modeled Analysis.
Value in Health, 13(2), 196-208. <a
9.00668.x">[More Information]</a>
Hua, D., Howard, K., Craig, J., Wong, G. (2011).
The Health Benefits and costs of Cidofovir for
the Treatment of Polyomavirus (BK)
Nephropathy in Recipients of Kidney
Transplants. 2011 Transplantation Society of
Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ), 29th
Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra, Australia.
Jan, S., Usherwood, T., Brien, J., Peiris, D.,
Rose, J., Hayman, N., Howard, K., Redfern, J.,
Laba, T., Cass, A., Patel, A. (2011). What
determines adherence to treatment in
cardiovascular disease prevention? Protocol for a
mixed methods preference study. BMJ Open,
1(2), e000372-1-e000372-7. <a
00372">[More Information]</a>
Tong, A., Morton, R., Howard, K., McTaggart,
S., Craig, J. (2010). 'When I had my transplant I
became normal.' Adolescent experiences and
perspectives on life after kidney transplantation.
XXIII International Congress of The
Transplantation Society (TTS), Vancouver
Convention Centre, Vancouver, Canada.
Tong, A., Morton, R., Howard, K., McTaggart,
S., Craig, J. (2010). 'When I had my transplant, I
became normal.' adolescent perspectives on life
after kidney transplantation. Nephrology, 15(S4),
64-64. <a
0.01377_1.x">[More Information]</a>
Creighton, P., Lew, J., Clements, M., Smith, M.,
Howard, K., Dyer, S., Lord, S., Canfell, K.
Wong, G., Howard, K., Craig, J. (2010).
Economic evaluation in clinical nephrology: Part
1. An introduction to conducting an economic
evaluation in clinical practice. Nephrology,
15(4), 434-440. <a
0.01294.x">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Craig, J. (2010).
Economic evaluation in clinical nephrology: Part
2. Applying economic evaluations in clinical
nephrology. Nephrology, 15(5), 533-539. <a
0.01356.x">[More Information]</a>
Morrell, S., Barratt, A., Irwig, L., Howard, K.,
Biesheuval, C., Armstrong, B. (2010). Estimates
of overdiagnosis of invasive breast cancer
associated with screening mammography.
Cancer Causes and Control, 21(2), 275-282. <a
9-z">[More Information]</a>
Mathieu, E., Barratt, A., McGeechan, K., Davey,
H., Howard, K., Houssami, N. (2010). Helping
women make choices about mammography
screening: An online randomized trial of a
decision aid for 40-year-old women. Patient
Education and Counseling, 81(1), 63-72. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Morton, R., Howard, K., Thompson, J. (2010). In
Reply: Cost Effectiveness of Staging Procedures
in Patients with Stage I/II Melanoma. Annals of
Surgical Oncology, 17(2), 663-664. <a
&list_uids=19967461">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Chapman, J., Cross, N.,
Publications for Kirsten Howard
Chadban, S., Webster, A., Craig, J. (2010). Life
years gain and cost-savings on the kidney
transplant waiting list. Transplantation, 90(Suppl
972), 972.
Morton, R., Howard, K., Webster, A., Snelling,
P. (2010). Patient INformation about Options for
Treatment (PINOT): a prospective national study
of information given to incident CKD Stage 5
patients. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation,
doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfq555(unspecified), 1-9. <a
ore Information]</a>
Morton, R., Howard, K., Webster, A., Snelling,
P. (2010). Patient information about options for
treatment: Methods of a national audit of
information provision in chronic kidney disease.
Nephrology, 15(6), 649-652. <a
0.01340.x">[More Information]</a>
Morton, R., Devitt, J., Howard, K., Anderson,
K., Snelling, P., Cass, A. (2010). Patient views
about treatment of stage 5 CKD: a qualitative
analysis of semistructured interviews. American
Journal of Kidney Diseases, 55(3), 431-440. <a
11">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Chapman, J., Chadban,
S., Pollock, C., Phoon, R., Snelling, P., Tong, A.,
Salkeld, G., Webster, A., Craig, J. (2010).
Quality of life of people with chronic kidney
disease and cancer (QUICK) Study. Nephrology,
15(S4), 33-33. <a
0.01377_1.x">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Webster, A., Chapman,
J., Craig, J. (2010). Screening for renal cancer in
recipients of kidney transplants. Nephrology,
Dialysis, Transplantation, 26(5), 1729-1739. <a
&list_uids=20961889">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Webster, A., Chapman,
J., Craig, J. (2010). Screening for Renal Cancer
in Recipients of Kidney Transplants.
Transplantation, 90(Suppl), 391-391.
Wong, G., Howard, K., Chapman, J., Chadban,
S., Cross, N., Webster, A., Craig, J. (2010).
Survival Benefits of Kidney Transplantation:
Absolute Against Incremental Gains In Life
Years. Transplantation, 90(Suppl:971), 971.
Arendts, G., Howard, K. (2010). The interface
between residential aged care and
the emergency department: a systematic review.
Age and Ageing, 39(3), 306-312. <a
[More Information]</a>
Williams, N., Wong, G., Howard, K., Craig, J.,
Tong, A. (2010). The perspectives of kidney and
kidney-pancreas transplant recipients on cancer
risk, prevention and screening behaviours: a
qualitative study. 2010 Transplantation Society
of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) 28th
Annual Scientific Meeting, Manning Clark
Centre, ANU Campus, Canberra ACT, Australia.
Williams, N., Tong, A., Howard, K., Craig, J.,
Wong, G. (2010). The perspectives of kidney and
kidney-pancreas transplant recipients on cancer
risk, prevention and screening behaviours: a
qualitative study. Nephrology, 15(S4), 64-64. <a
0.01377_1.x">[More Information]</a>
Williams, N., Wong, G., Howard, K., Craig, J.,
Tong, A. (2010). The perspectives of kidney and
kidney-pancreas transplant recipients on cancer
risk, prevention and screening behaviours: a
qualitative study (poster). 2010 Westmead
Association Hospital Week Research Symposium,
Westmead, Sydney, Australia.
Williams, N., Wong, G., Howard, K., Craig, J.,
Tong, A. (2010). The perspectives of kidney and
kidney-pancreas transplant recipients on cancer
risk, prevention and screening behaviours: a
qualitative study (poster). XXIII International
Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS),
Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver,
Tong, A., Howell, M., Wong, G., Webster, A.,
Howard, K., Craig, J. (2010). The perspectives of
kidney transplant recipients on medicine taking:
a systematic review of qualitative studies.
Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 26(1),
1-11. <a
ore Information]</a>
Tong, A., Howell, M., Wong, G., Webster, A.,
Howard, K., Craig, J. (2010). The perspectives of
kidney transplant recipients on medicine taking:
a systematic review of qualitative studies.
Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 15(S4),
64-64. <a
0.01377_1.x">[More Information]</a>
Morton, R., Tong, A., Howard, K., Snelling, P.,
Webster, A. (2010). The views of patients and
carers in treatment decision making for chronic
kidney disease: a systematic review of qualitative
studies. BMJ, 340(7742), 1-10. <a
e Information]</a>
Robotin, M., Kansil, M., George, J., Howard, K.,
Tipper, S., Levy, M., Phung, N., Penman, A.
(2010). Using a population-based approach to
prevent hepatocellular cancer in New South
Wales, Australia: effects on health services
utilisation. BMC Health Services Research, 10,
Publications for Kirsten Howard
215-224. <a
15">[More Information]</a>
Salkeld, G., Cunich, M., Dowie, J., Britt, H.,
Henderson, J., Howard, K. (2010). Values-Based
Decision Making: The Application of a Multi
Criteria Decision Analytic Tool to Prostate
Cancer Screening. 31st Annual Meeting of the
Society for Medical Decision Making SMDM
2009, United States: Sage Publications.
Howard, K., Barratt, A., Mann, G., Patel, M.
(2009). A model of prostate-specific antigen
screening outcomes for low- to high-risk men:
information to support informed choices.
Archives of Internal Medicine, 169(17),
1603-1610. <a
009.282">[More Information]</a>
Morton, R., Moustakas, J., Howard, K., Webster,
A., Snelling, P. (2009). A national audit of
information provided to new chronic kidney
disease stage 4 & 5 patients: results from a pilot
study. Renal Society of Australasia Journal, 5(3),
Tong, A., Morton, R., Howard, K., Craig, J.
(2009). Adolescent Experiences Following
Organ Transplantation: A Systematic Review of
Qualitative Studies. The Journal of Pediatrics,
155(4), 542-549. <a
09">[More Information]</a>
Robotin, M., Kansil, M., Howard, K., George, J.,
Tipper, S., Dore, G., Levy, M., Penman, A.
(2009). Antiviral therapy for hepatitis B-related
liver cancer prevention is more cost-effective
than cancer screening. Journal of Hepatology,
50(5), 990-998. <a
22">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Salkeld, G. (2009). Does Attribute
Framing in Discrete Choice Experiments
Influence Willingness to Pay? Results from a
Discrete Choice Experiment in Screening for
Colorectal Cancer. Value in Health, 12(2),
354-363. <a
8.00417.x">[More Information]</a>
Canning, C., Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Fung, V.,
Close, J., Latt, M., Howard, K., Allen, N.,
O'Rourke, S., Murray, S. (2009). Exercise
therapy for prevention of falls in people with
Parkinson's disease: a protocol for a randomised
controlled trial and economic evaluation. BMC
Neurology, 9, 4-1-4-7. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Sherrington, C., Lord, S., Vogler, C., Close, J.,
Howard, K., Dean, C., Clemson, L., Barraclough,
E., Ramsay, E., O'Rourke, S., Cumming, R.
(2009). Minimising disability and falls in older
people through a post-hospital exercise program:
a protocol for a randomised controlled trial and
economic evaluation. BMC Geriatrics, 9,
8-1-8-7. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., White, S., McDonald,
S., Chadban, S., Craig, J., Cass, A. (2009). The
cost-effectiveness of increasing kidney
transplantation and home-based dialysis.
Nephrology, 14(1), 123-132. <a
8.01073.x">[More Information]</a>
Morton, R., Howard, K., Webster, A., Wong, G.,
Craig, J. (2009). The cost-effectiveness of
induction immunosuppression in kidney
transplantation. Nephrology, Dialysis,
Transplantation, 24(7), 2258-2269. <a
ore Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Webster, A., Chapman,
J., Craig, J. (2009). The health and economic
impact of cervical cancer screening and human
papillomavirus vaccination in kidney transplant
recipients. Transplantation, 87(7), 1078-1091. <a
d32eb">[More Information]</a>
Hall, B., Howard, K. (2008). A synergistic
approach - Conducting mixed methods research
with typological and systemic design
considerations. Journal of Mixed Methods
Research, 2(3), 248-269. <a
622">[More Information]</a>
Craig, J., Perkovic, V., Chadban, S., Cass, A.,
McDonald, S., Salkeld, G., Howard, K., White,
S. (2008). Cost effectiveness of screening for the
early diagnosis and treatment of risk factors for
chronic kidney disease: a Markov Monte Carlo
microsimulation using marck-E (model for the
assessment of risk factors for chronic kidney
disease - economics). 42nd Australia and New
Zealand Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific
Conference (2006), United States of America:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Wong, G., Howard, K., Chapman, J., Craig, J.
(2008). Cost-Effectiveness of Breast Cancer
Screening in Women on Dialysis. American
Journal of Kidney Diseases, 52(5), 916-929. <a
15">[More Information]</a>
Wong, G., Howard, K., Craig, J., Chapman, J.
Publications for Kirsten Howard
(2008). Cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer
screening in renal transplant recipients.
Transplantation, 85(4), 532-541. <a
39d35">[More Information]</a>
Hall, B., Howard, K., McCaffery, K. (2008). Do
cervical cancer screening patient information
leaflets meet the HPV information needs of
women. Patient Education and Counseling,
72(1), 78-87. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K. (2008). Economic Evaluation in
Health Care. In V Nayyar, JV Peter, S Srinivas,
V Nayyar, JV Peter, R Kishen, S Srinivas et al
(Eds.), Critical Care Update 2007, (pp. 7-19).
India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers.
Morton, R., Howard, K., Thompson, J. (2008).
The Cost-Effectiveness of Sentinel Node Biopsy
in Patients with Intermediate Thickness Primary
Cutaneous Melanoma. Annals of Surgical
Oncology, 16(4), 929-940. <a
4-z">[More Information]</a>
Biesheuvel, C., Barratt, A., Howard, K.,
Houssami, N., Irwig, L. (2007). Effects of study
methods and biases on estimates of invasive
breast cancer overdetection with mammography
screening: a systematic review. Lancet
Oncology, 8(12), 1129-1138. <a
70380-7">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., McCaffery, K., Irwig,
L. (2007). HPV triage testing or repeat Pap
smear for the management of atypical squamous
cells (ASCUS) on Pap smear: is there evidence
of process utility? Health Economics, Published
Online: Sep 3 2007, 1-13. <a
e Information]</a>
Mathieu, E., Barratt, A., Davey, H., McGeechan,
K., Howard, K., Houssami, N. (2007). Informed
choice in mammography screening: a
randomized trial of a decision aid for 70-year-old
women. Archives of Internal Medicine, 167(19),
2039-2046. <a
&list_uids=17954796">[More Information]</a>
Cass, A., Chadban, A., Gallagher, M., Howard,
K., Kneipp, E., McDonald, S., Snelling, P.
(2007). Queensland Statewide Renal Health
Services Plan 2007-2017 - Part Three:
Economic Modeling Report: Modeling the
Current and Future Costs and Benefits of Renal
Replacement Therapy in Queensland.
Cass, A., Chadban, S., Gallagher, M., Howard,
K., Kneipp, E., McDonald, S., Snelling, P.
(2007). Queensland Statewide Renal Health
Services Plan 2007-2017 - Part Two: Current
Service Analysis and Future Demand
Cass, A., Chadban, A., Gallagher, M., Howard,
K., Kneipp, E., McDonald, S., Snelling, P.
(2007). Queensland Statewide Renal Health
Services Plan 2007-2017 - Part One: The Way
Walleser, S., Griffiths, A., Lord, S., Howard, K.,
Solomon, M., Gebski, V. (2007). What is the
value of computered tomography colonography
in patients screening positive for fecal occult
blood? A systematic review and economic
evaluation. Clinical Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, 5(12), 1439-1446. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Walleser, S., Griffiths, A., Higgins, A., Lord, S.,
Howard, K. (2006). Computed Tomography
Salkeld, G., Howard, K., McDonald, S., Cass,
A., Chadban, S., White, S., Craig, J. (2006). Cost
effectiveness of renal replacement therapy for
patients with end stage kidney disease: a Markov
microsimulation model. 42nd Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand
Society of Nephrology.
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., White, S., Chadban, S.,
Craig, J., Cass, A., McDonald, S., Perkovic, V.
(2006). Cost effectiveness of screening for the
early diagnosis and treatment of risk factors for
chronic kidney disease: A Markov Monte Carlo
microsimulation using Marck-E. 42nd Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New
Zealand Society of Nephrology.
McDonald, S., Howard, K., White, S., Craig, J.,
Chadban, S., Salkeld, G., Cass, A. (2006).
Predicting future requirements for renal
replacement therapy (RRT) in Australia. 42nd
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and
New Zealand Society of Nephrology.
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., White, S., Chadban, S.,
Craig, J., McDonald, S., Perkovic, V., Cass, A.
(2006). The cost-effectiveness of early detection
and intervention to prevent the progression of
Chronic Kidney Disease in Australia.
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., White, S., Chadban, S.,
Craig, J., McDonald, S., Perkovic, V., Cass, A.
(2006). The Cost-Effectiveness of Early
Detection and Intervention to Prevent the
Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in
Publications for Kirsten Howard
Cass, A., Chadban, S., Craig, J., Howard, K.,
McDonald, S., Salkeld, G., White, S. (2006). The
economic impact of end-stage kidney disease in
Howard, K., Lord, S., Speer, A., Gibson, R.,
Padbury, R., Kearney, B. (2006). Value of
magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography in
the diagnosis of biliary abnormalities in
postcholecystectomy patients: a probabilistic
cost-effectiveness analysis of diagnostic
strategies. International Journal of Technology
Assessment in Health Care, 22(1), 109-118. <a
&list_uids=16673687">[More Information]</a>
Lord, S., Howard, K., Allen, F., Marinovich, M.,
Burgess, D., King, R., Atherton, J. (2005). A
systematic review and economic analysis of
drug-eluting coronary stents available in
Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 183(9),
464-71. <a
&list_uids=16274347">[More Information]</a>
Howard, K. (2005). Clinical Decision Analysis.
Applied Sciences of Oncology CD-ROM
Distance Learning Course. Online: MediWorld.
Howard, K., Salkeld, G., Irwig, L., Adelstein, B.
(2005). High participation rates are not necessary
for cost-effective colorectal cancer screening.
Journal of Medical Screening, 12(2), 96-102. <a
&list_uids=15949121">[More Information]</a>
Lord, S., Howard, K. (2005). Magnetic
resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP).
Barratt, A., Howard, K., Irwig, L., Houssami, N.
(2005). Model of outcomes of screening
mammography - Authors' reply. British Medical
Journal, 331(7512), 351-351.
Barratt, A., Howard, K., Irwig, L., Salkeld, G.,
Houssami, N. (2005). Model of outcomes of
screening mammography: Author’s reply. BMJ:
British Medical Journal, 331(7512), 351.
Barratt, A., Howard, K., Irwig, L., Salkeld, G.,
Houssami, N. (2005). Model of outcomes of
screening mammography: information to support
informed choices. BMJ: British Medical Journal,
330(7497), 936-940. <a
&list_uids=15755755">[More Information]</a>
Allen, F., Lord, S., Walleser, S., Howard, K.,
Higgins, A. (2005). SIR-Spheres for the
treatment of non-resectable liver tumours.
Howard, K., Levy, M., Quilty, S., Barratt, A.,
Butler, T. (2004). Children Of Prisoners: A
Growing Public Health Problem. Australian and
New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 28(4),
Lord, S., Allen, F., Howard, K. (2004). Drug
eluting stents.
Marinovich, M., Howard, K. (2003). Drug
(sirolimus) eluting stents.
Howard, K., Salkeld, G. (2003). Home bowel
cancer tests and informed choice - is current
information sufficient? Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Public Health, 27(5),