Publications for Jonathan Egan 2010 2016

Publications for Jonathan Egan
Publications for Jonathan Egan
Egan, J. (2010). Acute lung injury in the child.
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews, 11(3), 171-176.
1">[More Information]</a>
Lemckert, F., Bournazos, A., Eckert, D.,
Kenzler, M., Hawkes, J., Butler, T., Ceely, B.,
North, K., Winlaw, D., Egan, J., Cooper, S.
(2016). Lack of MG53 in human heart precludes
utility as a biomarker of myocardial injury or
endogenous cardioprotective factor.
Cardiovascular Research, 110(2), 178-187. <a
ore Information]</a>
Weatherall, A., Garner, A., Lovell, N., Redmond,
S., Lee, A., Skowno, J., Egan, J. (2014). Study
protocol for the PHANTOM study: prehospital
assessment of noninvasive tissue oximetry
monitoring. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma,
Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 22(1),
1-8. <a
7-z">[More Information]</a>
Egan, J., Atkins, D. (2013). Defibrillation in
Children: Why a Range in Energy Dosing?
Current Pediatric Reviews, 9(2), 134-138. <a
020006">[More Information]</a>
Ganu, S., Gautam, A., Wilkins, B., Egan, J.
(2012). Increase in use of non-invasive
ventilation for infants with severe bronchiolitis is
associated with decline in intubation rates over a
decade. Intensive Care Medicine, 38(7),
1177-1183. <a
6-4">[More Information]</a>
Paget, S., Andresen, D., Kesson, A., Egan, J.
(2011). Comparison of human metapneumovirus
and respiratory syncytial virus in children
admitted to a paediatric intensive care unit.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 47(10),
737-741. <a
1.02043.x">[More Information]</a>
Au, C., Butler, T., Sherwood, M., Egan, J.,
North, K., Winlaw, D. (2011). Increased
connective tissue growth factor associated with
cardiac fibrosis in the mdx mouse model of
dystrophic cardiomyopathy. International
Journal of Experimental Pathology: mechanisms
and models of disease, 92(1), 57-65. <a
0.00750.x">[More Information]</a>
O'Connor, R., Brady, W., Brooks, S., Diercks,
D., Egan, J., Ghaemmaghami, C., Menon, V.,
O'Neil, B., Travers, A., Yannopoulos, D. (2010).
Part 10: acute coronary syndromes: 2010
American Heart Association Guidelines for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care. Circulation, 122(18 Suppl
3), s787-s817. <a
AHA.110.971028">[More Information]</a>
Snyman, N., Egan, J., London, K.,
Howman-Giles, R., Gill, D., Gillis, J.,
Scheinberg, A. (2010). Zolpidem for persistent
vegetative state - a placebo-controlled trial in
pediatrics. Neuropediatrics: journal of pediatric
neurobiology, neurology and neurosurgery,
41(5), 223-227. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Egan, J., Butler, T., Graf, F., Au, C., McMahon,
A., North, K., Winlaw, D. (2009). Dysfunction
induced by ischemia versus edema: does edema
matter? The Journal of Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 138(1), 141-147. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Egan, J., Butler, T., Cole, A., Abraham, S.,
Murala, J., Baines, D., Street, N., Thompson, L.,
Biecker, O., Dittmer, J., Cooper, S., Au, C.,
North, K., Winlaw, D. (2009). Myocardial
membrane injury in pediatric cardiac surgery: An
animal model. The Journal of Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 137(5), 1154-1162. <a
09">[More Information]</a>
Kylasam, S., Mos, K., Fijtin, S., Webster, B.,
Chard, R., Egan, J. (2009). Recombinant
Activated Factor VII Following Pediatric
Cardiac Surgery. Journal of intensive care
medicine, 24(2), 116-121. <a
208">[More Information]</a>
Au, C., Butler, T., Egan, J., Cooper, S., Lo, H.,
Compton, A., North, K., Winlaw, D. (2008).
Changes in skeletal muscle expression of AQP1
and AQP4 in dystrophinopathy and
dysferlinopathy patients. Acta Neuropathologica,
116(3), 235-246. <a
Publications for Jonathan Egan
9-z">[More Information]</a>
Egan, J., Butler, T., Cole, A., Aharonyan, A.,
Baines, D., Street, N., Navaratnam, M., Biecker,
O., Zazulak, C., Au, C., North, K., Winlaw, D.,
et al (2008). Myocardial ischemia is more
important than the effects of cardiopulmonary
bypass on myocardial water handling and
postoperative dysfunction: A pediatric animal
model. The Journal of Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 136(5), 1265-1273. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Butler, T., Au, C., Yang, B., Egan, J., Tan, Y.,
Hardeman, E., North, K., Verkman, A., Winlaw,
D. (2006). Cardiac aquaporin expression in
humans, rats, and mice. American Journal of
Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology,
291(2), H705-H713. <a
&list_uids=16582023">[More Information]</a>
Egan, J., Clarke, A., Williams, S., Cole, A.,
Ayer, J., Jacobe, S., Chard, R., Winlaw, D.
(2006). Levosimendan for low cardiac output: a
pediatric experience. Journal of intensive care
medicine, 21(3), 183-187. <a
&list_uids=16672640">[More Information]</a>
Egan, J., Butler, T., Au, C., Tan, Y., North, K.,
Winlaw, D. (2006). Myocardial water handling
and the role of aquaporins. Biochimica et
Biophysica Acta, 1758 (8), 1043-1052. <a
&list_uids=16876107">[More Information]</a>
Egan, J., Festa, M., Cole, A., Nunn, G., Gillis, J.,
Winlaw, D. (2005). Clinical assessment of
cardiac performance in infants and children
following cardiac surgery. Intensive Care
Medicine, 31(4), 568-573. <a
9-5">[More Information]</a>
Smith, A., Egan, J., Ridley, G., Haan, E.,
Montgomery, P., Williams, K., Elliot, E. (2003).
Birth prevalence of Prader-Willi syndrome in
Australia. Archives of Disease in Childhood,
88(3), 263-264.