Algebra II 2015-2016


Algebra II


Classroom Guidelines and Procedures

Mrs. Green

All students in Mrs. Green’s class will follow the Bulldog Code.


*Be respectful.

*Be responsible.

*Be ready to learn.



● Be in your seat when the bell rings. Mrs. Green will follow the tardy policy outlined in the RHS handbook.

● When absent, you may obtain your assignment from the side board, another classmate or Mrs. Green. You will be given the same number of days you were absent to complete your work. If you miss a test or quiz, please make an appointment with Mrs. Green so that the task is made up ASAP!!

● On test days, please bring a book to read or work from another class so you will not disturb other students that are still working.

● Make sure your area is clean when you depart the classroom.


● Be considerate to each of your classmates. Treat Mrs. Green and others as you would like to be treated.

● Raise your hand to talk. Listen to what others are asking and saying.

● Keep all hands, feet, personal objects, and unkind remarks (including foul language) to yourself!

● When the bell rings, Mrs. Green will dismiss the class.


● Note sheets will be given almost daily and are expected to be filled out. If you are absent, Mrs. Green will provide you with a copy of the notes.

● BE PREPARED FOR CLASS EVERY DAY! Bring your homework, binder/folder with notes, paper, and PENCIL.

● Books will not be distributed, but can be checked out upon request.

● Maintain an unobstructed learning atmosphere by refraining from the use of electronic devices.

Discipline Procedures

1 st —Verbal Warning

2 nd —After school detention/Parent notification

3 rd —Trip to visit Mr. Smith or Mrs. Herrman

In case of severe misconduct, the first procedure may be skipped.

Grading Guidelines


Student’s grade will be based on weighted grades. Homework is 30% of the grade and notebook/quizzes/tests are the other 70% of the grade. Quizzes will be given after every three to four new lessons and be worth 10-30 points. Tests will will be given after every unit.


Practice (homework) is a vital part of a mathematical class. Math is not a

spectator subject, it is a participatory subject. You must practice these math skills in order to master them, even if homework will not be graded daily.

Homework will be assigned daily. If not completed in class, you will be expected to finish the assignment as homework. If you are having trouble with your work,

Mrs. Green is available before school starting at 7:30 and after school until 4:00 or after for extra help, but please give me the courtesy of letting me know you are coming. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU FALL BEHIND!! Please feel free to come by anytime, I will be more than happy to help you conquer these troubles. Everyone needs help sometime in life in order to succeed and that is part of my job—to help you SUCCEED!!


You are expected to take notes and keep them in your binder. Homework will be collected and graded.

4. Grading Scale

Over 100 = A+

87-89 = B+

77-79 = C+

67-69 = D+

59 and below = F




94-100 = A

84-86 = B

74-76 = C

64-66 = D

90-93 = A-

80-83 = B-

70-73 = C-

60-63 = D-

Pen (Blue or Red)

Scientific Calculator (suggestion would be a Casio Fx-300 MS)

Three Ring Binder with dividers or Folder with prongs


When absent, it is your responsibility to obtain a copy of the notes and assignment(s). If you miss an assessment, it is your responsibility to make an appointment with me to make-up your missing assessment. You have the same number of days you were absent to make the appointment.


Parents/guardians, please feel free to contact me with any concerns you might have. I can be reached via email at or you can call me at 458-0140 ext.

14122. My plan period is 1 st hour: 8:00 – 8:51 am. Parents if you would like me to use email to contact you please take the time to send me a message so I can save your email address.

Extra Help

Students can obtain extra help after school at the Math Lab in Room 208. Students must be in the room by 3:20 and it goes till 4p.m. The student will receive a slip filled out by the teacher in the room that can be brought to me for extra credit.

If students let me know I am available to stay most days after school as well when I am not in the Math Lab.

My Big Campus (MBC) -

This year I will be posting daily note sheets, assignments and extra help videos to the My

Big Campus page. All students should log into the page and make sure they are a

member. Students will need to use this page to access any homework that they have lost.

Please be advise that when I post to the calendar in advance that it is subject to change.

Google Classroom -

Throughout the year I will be developing Google Classroom and Site for each class.

Students will be able to find notes and resources here. Please understand this is a work in progress and I will let the students know when they should be checking the Classroom or Site.

Please cut on the dotted line and return with two signatures for some extra points!!!


I have read and understand Mrs. Green’s Classroom Guidelines and Procedures for Algebra II.

_________________________________ _______________________________

Student Signature Parent Signature

If you would like me to communicate with you through email, please write a current email below. Thanks!
