Publications for Guy Eslick 2016

Publications for Guy Eslick
Publications for Guy Eslick
Cheung, P., Chin, R., Eslick, G. (2016).
Detecting Residual/Recurrent Head Neck
Squamous Cell Carcinomas Using PET or
PET/CT: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery,
154(3), 421-432. <a
742">[More Information]</a>
Marsh, A., Eslick, E., Eslick, G. (2016). Does a
diet low in FODMAPs reduce symptoms
associated with functional gastrointestinal
disorders? A comprehensive systematic review
and meta-analysis. European Journal of
Nutrition, 55(3), 897-906. <a
2-1">[More Information]</a>
Cao, A., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2016). Early
laparoscopic cholecystectomy is superior to
delayed acute cholecystitis: a meta-analysis of
case-control studies. Surgical Endoscopy:
surgical and interventional techniques, 30(3),
1172-1182. <a
5-4">[More Information]</a>
Andrici, J., Hu, S., Eslick, G. (2016). Facial
flushing response to alcohol and the risk of
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: A
comprehensive systematic review and
meta-analysis. Cancer Epidemiology, 40, 31-38.
011">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Talley, N. (2016). Gastrointestinal
symptoms negatively impact on sleep quality
among obese individuals: a population-based
study. Sleep and Breathing, 20(1), 363-367. <a
2-z">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Shaw, N., Morey, A., Cox, M.,
Eslick, G. (2016). HER2 expression in
oesophageal carcinoma and Barrett's oesophagus
associated adenocarcinoma: An Australian study.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 42(1),
140-148. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Edirimanne, S., Eslick, G. (2016).
Is sentinel lymph node biopsy necessary in
patients undergoing prophylactic mastectomy? a
systematic review and meta-analysis. The Breast
Journal, 22(2), 158-165. <a
e Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Talley, N. (2016). Prevalence and
relationship between gastrointestinal symptoms
among individuals of different body mass index:
A population-based study. Obesity Research &
Clinical Practice, 10(2), 143-150. <a
18">[More Information]</a>
Tse, G., Eslick, G. (2016). Soy and isoflavone
consumption and risk of gastrointestinal cancer:
a systematic review and meta-analysis. European
Journal of Nutrition, 55(1), 63-73. <a
4-7">[More Information]</a>
Cao, A., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2016). Study
design in evidence-based surgery: What is the
role of case-control studies? World Journal of
Methodology, 6(1), 101-104. <a
[More Information]</a>
Staniforth, J., Erdirimanne, S., Eslick, G. (2016).
Thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease: A
meta-analysis. International Journal of Surgery,
27, 118-125. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Brakoulias, V., Eslick, G., Starcevic, V. (2015).
A meta-analysis of the response of pathological
hoarding to pharmacotherapy. Psychiatry
Research, 229(1-2), 272-276. <a
07.019">[More Information]</a>
Nesvaderani, M., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2015).
Acute pancreatitis: update on management.
Medical Journal of Australia, 202(8), 420-423.
More Information]</a>
Virk, S., Eslick, G. (2015). Aluminum Levels in
Brain, Serum, and Cerebrospinal Fluid are
Higher in Alzheimer's Disease Cases than in
Controls: A Series of Meta-Analyses. Journal of
Alzheimer's Disease, 47(3), 629-638. <a
More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2015). Answers regarding the link
between vaccines and the development of
autism: A question of appropriate study design,
ethics, and bias. Vaccine, 33(42), 5497-5497. <a
5.100">[More Information]</a>
Jung, S., Nagaraja, V., Kapur, A., Eslick, G.
(2015). Association between vitamin B12
deficiency and long-term use of acid-lowering
agents: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Internal Medicine Journal, 45(4), 409-416. <a
re Information]</a>
Publications for Guy Eslick
Whiteman, D., Appleyard, M., Bahin, F.,
Bobryshev, Y., Bourke, M., Brown, I., Chung,
A., Clouston, A., Dickins, E., Emery, J., Eslick,
G., Sitas, F., et al (2015). Australian clinical
practice guidelines for the diagnosis and
management of Barrett's Esophagus and Early
Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 30(5),
804-820. <a
re Information]</a>
Maheshwari, P., Eslick, G. (2015). Bacterial
Infection and Alzheimer's Disease: A
Meta-Analysis. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease,
43(3), 957-966. <a
More Information]</a>
Christensen, S., Eslick, G. (2015). Cerebral
malaria as a risk factor for the development of
epilepsy and other long-term neurological
conditions: a meta-analysis. Transactions of the
Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,
109(4), 233-238. <a
More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Howell, S., Talley, N. (2015).
Dysmotility Symptoms Are Independently
Associated With Weight Change: A
Population-based Study of Australian Adults.
Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility,
21(4), 603-611. <a
re Information]</a>
Cao, A., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2015). Early
Cholecystectomy Is Superior to Delayed
Cholecystectomy for Acute Cholecystitis: a
Meta-analysis. Journal of Gastrointestinal
Surgery, 19(5), 848-857. <a
7-x">[More Information]</a>
Andrici, J., Eslick, G. (2015). Epidemiology and
Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer. In Nabil F.
Saba, Bassel F. El-Rayes (Eds.), Esophageal
Cancer: Prevention, Diagnosis and Therapy,
(pp. 1-23). Cham: Springer International
Publishing. <a
8-2_1">[More Information]</a>
Nesvaderani, M., Eslick, G., Vagg, D., Faraj, S.,
Cox, M. (2015). Epidemiology, aetiology and
outcomes of acute pancreatitis: A retrospective
cohort study. International Journal of Surgery,
23, 68-74. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Ji, J., Eslick, G., Sun, Y., Fan, D. (2015). Gastric
Cancer. Hong Kong: AME Publishing Company.
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G. (2015). HER2
expression in gastric and oesophageal cancer: a
meta-analytic review. Journal of Gastrointestinal
Oncology, 6(2), 143-154. <a
2014.107">[More Information]</a>
Steel, A., Eslick, G. (2015). Herpes viruses
increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease: A
meta-analysis. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease,
47(2), 351-364. <a
More Information]</a>
Andrici, J., Eslick, G. (2015). Hot Food and
Beverage Consumption and the Risk of
Esophageal Cancer: A Meta-Analysis. American
Journal of Preventive Medicine, 49(6), 952-960.
7.023">[More Information]</a>
Virk, S., Eslick, G. (2015). Meta-analysis of
Antacid Use and Alzheimer Disease:
Implications for the Aluminum Hypothesis.
Epidemiology, 26(5), 769-773. <a
0000326">[More Information]</a>
Kodali, R., Eslick, G. (2015). Meta-Analysis:
Does Garlic Intake Reduce Risk of Gastric
Cancer? Nutrition and Cancer, 67(1), 1-11. <a
967873">[More Information]</a>
Huo, Y., Eslick, G. (2015). Microwave Ablation
Compared to Radiofrequency Ablation for
Hepatic Lesions: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of
Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 26(8),
1139-1146.e2. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Virk, S., Eslick, G. (2015). Occupational
Exposure to Aluminum and Alzheimer Disease:
A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, 57(8), 893-896. <a
0000487">[More Information]</a>
Lee, M., Chin, R., Eslick, G., Sritharan, N.,
Paramaesvaran, S. (2015). Outcomes of
microvascular free flap reconstruction for
mandibular osteoradionecrosis: A systematic
review. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery,
43(10), 2026-2033. <a
06">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G., Edirimanne, S. (2015).
Recurrence and functional outcomes of partial
adrenalectomy: A systematic review and
meta-analysis. International Journal of Surgery,
16(Part A), 7-13. <a
Publications for Guy Eslick
5">[More Information]</a>
Back, L., Nagaraja, V., Kapur, A., Eslick, G.
(2015). Role of decompressive hemicraniectomy
in extensive middle cerebral artery strokes: A
meta-analysis of randomised trials. Internal
Medicine Journal, 45(7), 711-717. <a
re Information]</a>
Sarathy, K., Nagaraja, V., Kapur, A., Szirt, R.,
Raval, J., Eslick, G., Burgess, D., Denniss, R.
(2015). Target-Vessel Versus Multivessel
Revascularisation in ST-Elevation Myocardial
Infarction: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised
Trials. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 24(4),
327-334. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Joseph, K., Edirimanne, S., Eslick, G. (2015).
The association between breast cancer and
thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis. Breast Cancer
Research and Treatment, 152(1), 173-181. <a
6-6">[More Information]</a>
Brito, K., Edirimanne, S., Eslick, G. (2015). The
extent of improvement of health-related quality
of life as assessed by the SF36 and Paseika
scales after parathyroidectomy in patients with
primary hyperparathyroidism - A systematic
review and meta-analysis. International Journal
of Surgery, 13, 245-249. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Raval, J., Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G., Denniss, R.
(2015). The Role of Colchicine in Pericarditis A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of
Randomised Trials. Heart, Lung and Circulation,
24(7), 660-666. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Catanach, M., Sorial, R., Eslick, G. (2015).
Thirteen-year outcomes in the Anatomique
Benoist Girard II hip prosthesis. ANZ Journal of
Surgery, 85(4), 255-259. <a
re Information]</a>
Cox, M., Budge, J., Eslick, G. (2015). Timing
and nature of presentation of unsuspected
retained common bile duct stones after
laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a retrospective
study. Surgical Endoscopy, 29(7), 2033-2038. <a
7-x">[More Information]</a>
Huo, Y., Eslick, G. (2015). Transcatheter
Arterial Chemoembolization Plus Radiotherapy
Compared With Chemoembolization Alone for
Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Systematic Review
and Meta-analysis. JAMA Oncology, 1(6),
756-765. <a
2189">[More Information]</a>
Wang, P., Zhou, Y., Fang, H., Lin, S., Wang, Y.,
Liu, Y., Xia, J., Eslick, G., Yang, Q. (2015).
Treatment of acute cerebral ischemia using
animal models: A meta-analysis. Translational
Neuroscience, 6(1), 47-58. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Trieu, N., Eslick, G. (2014). Alopecia and its
association with coronary heart disease and
cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis.
International Journal of Cardiology, 176(3),
687-695. <a
079">[More Information]</a>
Chandrasegaram, M., Eslick, G., Lee, W.,
Brooke-Smith, M., Padbury, R., Worthley, C.,
Chen, J., Windsor, J. (2014). Anticoagulation
policy after venous resection with a
pancreatectomy: a systematic review. HPB,
16(8), 691-698. <a
re Information]</a>
Hardefeldt, H., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2014).
Association between human papillomavirus
(HPV) and oesophageal squamous cell
carcinoma: a meta-analysis. Epidemiology and
Infection, 142(6), 1119-1137. <a
0016">[More Information]</a>
Tse, G., Eslick, G. (2014). Cruciferous
Vegetables and Risk of Colorectal Neoplasms: A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrition
and Cancer: an international journal, 66(1),
128-139. <a
852686">[More Information]</a>
Loh, T., Tomlinson, J., Chin, R., Eslick, G.
(2014). Cutaneous carcinosarcoma with
metastasis to the parotid gland. Case Reports in
Otolaryngology, 2014, 1-4. <a
More Information]</a>
Tse, G., Eslick, G. (2014). Egg consumption and
risk of GI neoplasms: dose-response
meta-analysis and systematic review. European
Journal of Nutrition, 53(7), 1581-1590. <a
4-5">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2014).
Endoscopic stenting versus operative
gastrojejunostomy for malignant gastric outlet
obstruction-a systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomized and
Publications for Guy Eslick
non-randomized trials. Journal of
Gastrointestinal Oncology, 5(2), 92-98. <a
2014.016">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G. (2014). Evidence-based
assessment of proton-pump inhibitors in
Helicobacter pylori eradication: a systematic
review. World Journal of Gastroenterology,
20(40), 14527-14536. <a
27">[More Information]</a>
Mandel, P., Tilki, D., Eslick, G. (2014). Extent
of lymph node dissection and recurrence-free
survival after radical cystectomy: A
meta-analysis. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and
Original Investigations, 32(8), 1184-1190. <a
1.017">[More Information]</a>
Tio, M., Andrici, J., Eslick, G. (2014). Folate
intake and the risk of breast cancer: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. Breast Cancer
Research and Treatment, 145(2), 513-524. <a
9-8">[More Information]</a>
Tio, M., Andrici, J., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2014).
Folate intake and the risk of prostate cancer: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Prostate
Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 17(3), 213-219.
More Information]</a>
Tio, M., Andrici, J., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2014).
Folate Intake and the Risk of Upper
Gastrointestinal Cancers: A Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Gastroenterology
and Hepatology, 29(2), 250-258. <a
re Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G. (2014). Forthcoming
prognostic markers for esophageal cancer: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of
Gastrointestinal Oncology, 5(1), 67-76. <a
2013.054">[More Information]</a>
Gowryshankar, A., Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G.
(2014). HER2 status in Barrett's esophagus &
esophageal cancer: a meta analysis. Journal of
Gastrointestinal Oncology, 5(1), 25-35. <a
2013.039">[More Information]</a>
Manoharan, S., Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G. (2014).
Ill-fitting dentures and oral cancer: A
meta-analysis. Oral Oncology, 50(11),
1058-1061. <a
014.08.002">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G. (2014). Letter: Chronic
Salmonella typhi carrier status and gall-bladder
cancer - Authors' reply. Alimentary
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 39(12), 1440.
re Information]</a>
Anagiotos, A., Feyka, M., Eslick, G.,
Lichtenstein, T., Henning, T., Guntinas-Lichius,
O., Hüttenbrink, K., Preuss, S. (2014).
Long-term symptom control after endoscopic
laser-assisted diverticulotomy of Zenker's
diverticulum. Auris Nasus Larynx, 41(6),
568-571. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Meyer, M., Huebbers, C., Siefer, O., Vent, J.,
Engbert, I., Eslick, G., Valter, M., Klussmann, J.,
Preuss, S. (2014). Prevalence and risk factors for
oral human papillomavirus infection in 129
women screened for cervical HPV infection.
Oral Oncology, 50(1), 27-31. <a
013.10.009">[More Information]</a>
Nguyen, T., Chin, R., Paramaesvaran, S., Eslick,
G. (2014). Routine tonsillar bed oversew after
diathermy tonsillectomy: does it reduce
secondary tonsillar haemorrhage? European
Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 271(11),
3005-3010. <a
5-6">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2014). Safety
and efficacy of esophageal stents preceding or
during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for esophageal
cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, 5(2),
119-126. <a
2014.007">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2014). Safety
implications of oesophageal stents used for the
palliation of dysphagia in patients undergoing
neoadjuvant therapy for oesophageal
malignancy-authors' reply. Journal of
Gastrointestinal Oncology, 5(4), E56-E57.
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2014).
Sentinel lymph node in oesophageal cancer—a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of
Gastrointestinal Oncology, 5(2), 127-141. <a
2014.008">[More Information]</a>
Krishnan, S., Eslick, G. (2014). Streptococcus
Bovis Infection And Colorectal Neoplasia: A
Meta-Analysis. Colorectal Disease, 16(9),
672-680. <a
ore Information]</a>
Publications for Guy Eslick
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G. (2014). Stroke
prevention by percutaneous closure of patent
foramen ovale: A meta-analytic review.
International Journal of Cardiology, 172(2),
524-526. <a
026">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2014).
Systematic review and meta-analysis of
minimally invasive techniques for the
management of cholecysto-choledocholithiasis.
Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences,
21(12), 896-901. <a
e Information]</a>
Chen, J., Eslick, G., Weltman, M. (2014).
Systematic review with meta-analysis: clinical
manifestations and management of autoimmune
hepatitis in the elderly. Alimentary
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 39(2),
117-124. <a
re Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G. (2014). Systematic
review with meta-analysis: the relationship
between chronic Salmonella typhi carrier status
and gall-bladder cancer. Alimentary
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 39(8),
745-750. <a
re Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2014). The
Acute Surgical Unit Model Verses the
Traditional ""On Call" Model: A Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis. World Journal of
Surgery, 38(6), 1381-1387. <a
7-1">[More Information]</a>
Raval, J., Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G., Denniss, R.
(2014). Transcatheter Valve-in-Valve
Implantation: A Systematic Review of Literature.
Heart, Lung and Circulation, 23(11), 1020-1028.
1">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Raval, J., Eslick, G., Ong, A.
(2014). Transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve
replacement: a systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomised and
non-randomised trials. Open Heart, 1(1), 1-8. <a
0013">[More Information]</a>
Taylor, L., Swerdfeger, A., Eslick, G. (2014).
Vaccines are not associated with autism: An
evidence-based meta-analysis of case-control and
cohort studies. Vaccine, 32(29), 3623-3629. <a
4.085">[More Information]</a>
Kitson, M., Sarrazin, C., Toniutto, P., Eslick, G.,
Roberts, S. (2014). Vitamin D level and
sustained virologic response to interferon-based
antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of
Hepatology, 61(6), 1247-1252. <a
04">[More Information]</a>
Chiong, C., Jayachandra, S., Eslick, G.,
Al-Khawaja, D., Casikar, V. (2013). A rare case
of Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the skull in an
adult: A systematic review. Rare Tumors, 5(3),
132-134. <a
ore Information]</a>
Jayachandra, S., Eslick, G. (2013). A systematic
review of paediatric foreign body ingestion:
Presentation, complications, and management.
International Journal of Pediatric
Otorhinolaryngology, 77(3), 311-317. <a
25">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G. (2013). Advances in
biomarkers for esophageal cancer. Expert Review
of Anticancer Therapy, 13(10), 1169-1180. <a
844953">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Raval, J., Eslick, G., Denniss, R.
(2013). Approaches for Transcatheter Aortic
Valve Replacement: A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis. Online Journal of Health and
Allied Sciences, 12(4), 1-6.
Kaski, J., Bairey Merz, C., Eslick, G. (2013).
Cardiac Syndrome X: An Overview. In J.
Kaski, G. Eslick, C. Bairey Merz (Eds.), Chest
Pain with Normal Coronary Arteries: A
Multidisciplinary Approach, (pp. 3-7). United
Kingdom: Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
Bairey Merz, C., Eslick, G., Kaski, J. (2013).
Chest Pain with Normal Coronary Arteries:
Future Directions. In J. Kaski, G. Eslick, C.
Bairey Merz (Eds.), Chest Pain with Normal
Coronary Arteries: A Multidisciplinary
Approach, (pp. 343-436). United Kingdom:
Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
Andrici, J., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2013). Cigarette
smoking and the risk of Barrett's esophagus: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 28(8),
1258-1273. <a
re Information]</a>
Hardefeldt, P., Edirimanne, S., Eslick, G. (2013).
Deodorant Use and Breast Cancer Risk.
Epidemiology, 24(1), 172-172. <a
Publications for Guy Eslick
2781684">[More Information]</a>
5">[More Information]</a>
Tavella, R., Eslick, G. (2013). Epidemiology of
Cardiac Syndrome X and Microvascular Angina.
In J. Kaski, G. Eslick, C. Bairey Merz (Eds.),
Chest Pain with Normal Coronary Arteries: A
Multidisciplinary Approach, (pp. 37-47). United
Kingdom: Springer-Verlag London Ltd. <a
8-8_4">[More Information]</a>
Andrici, J., Eslick, G. (2013). Letter: is
helicobacter pylori behind barrett's oesophagus
and colorectal neoplasms? authors' reply.
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
37(8), 838. <a
re Information]</a>
Silva, R., Eslick, G., Duque, G. (2013). Exercise
for Falls and Fracture Prevention in Long Term
Care Facilities: A Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis. Journal of the American Medical
Directors Association (JAMDA), 14(9), 685-689.
015">[More Information]</a>
Hardefeldt, P., Edirimanne, S., Eslick, G. (2013).
Goitre is Associated with Benign Breast Disease:
A Meta-Analysis. The Breast Journal, 19(3),
346-468. <a
e Information]</a>
Andrici, J., Tio, M., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2013).
Hiatal Hernia and the Risk of Barrett's
Esophagus. Journal of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, 28(3), 415-431. <a
2.07199.x">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2013). Improving flu prevention
posters and reducing the risk of infection during
outbreaks. Medical Journal of Australia, 198(6),
313-313. <a
ore Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Eslick, G. (2013). Is complete
lymph node dissection after a positive sentinel
lymph node biopsy for cutaneous melanoma
always necessary? A meta-analysis. European
Journal of Surgical Oncology, 39(7), 669-680.
2">[More Information]</a>
Nagaraja, V., Raval, J., Eslick, G., Burgess, D.,
Denniss, A. (2013). Is Transcatheter Closure
Better than Medical Therapy for Cryptogenic
Stroke with Patent Foramen Ovale? A
Meta-analysis of Randomised Trials. Heart,
Lung and Circulation, 22(11), 903-909. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2013). Letter: Completion lymph
node dissection in melanoma patients with
positive sentinel lymph nodes: Authors' reply.
European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 39,
1166-1166. <a
Andrici, J., Eslick, G. (2013). Maté consumption
and the risk of esophageal squamous cell
carcinoma: A meta-analysis. Diseases of the
Esophagus, 26(8), 807-816. <a
2.01393.x">[More Information]</a>
Andrici, J., Tio, M., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2013).
Meta-analysis: Barrett's oesophagus and the risk
of colonic tumours. Alimentary Pharmacology
and Therapeutics, 37(4), 401-410. <a
re Information]</a>
Bentley, J., Goldsbury, D., Eslick, G., Cox, M.,
O'Connell, D. (2013). Stent insertion for
palliation of advanced oesophageal carcinoma
symptoms by level of socioeconomic
disadvantage in urban New South Wales.
Medical Journal of Australia, 198(10), 531-532.
More Information]</a>
Vagelatos, N., Eslick, G. (2013). Type 2 diabetes
as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease: The
confounders, interactions, and neuropathology
associated with this relationship. Epidemiologic
Reviews, 35(1), 152-160. <a
[More Information]</a>
Hardefeldt, P., Eslick, G., Edirimanne, S. (2012).
Benign thyroid disease is associated with breast
cancer: a meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Research
and Treatment, 133(3), 1169-1177. <a
9-3">[More Information]</a>
Starcevic, V., Sammut, P., Berle, D., Hannan, A.,
Milicevic, D., Moses, K., Lamplugh, C., Eslick,
G. (2012). Can levels of a general anxiety-prone
cognitive style distinguish between various
anxiety disorders? Comprehensive Psychiatry,
53(5), 427-433. <a
1.08.004">[More Information]</a>
Hardefeldt, P., Edirimanne, S., Eslick, G. (2012).
Deodorant use and the risk of skin toxicity in
patients undergoing radiation therapy for breast
cancer: A meta-analysis. Radiotherapy and
Oncology, 105(3), 378-379. <a
Publications for Guy Eslick
.020">[More Information]</a>
Hardefeldt, P., Edirimanne, S., Eslick, G. (2012).
Diabetes increases the risk of breast cancer: a
meta-analysis. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 19(6),
793-803. <a
More Information]</a>
Dantoc, M., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2012). Does
Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy (MIE)
Provide for Comparable Oncologic Outcomes to
Open Techniques? A Systematic Review.
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 16(3),
486-494. <a
2-3">[More Information]</a>
Eitzen, K., Eslick, G., Daneshjoo, R. (2012).
Dyspepsia and gastroesophageal reflux
symptoms predominate in gastric diverticulum.
Journal of Digestive Diseases, 13(6), 335-336.
2.00595.x">[More Information]</a>
Chandrasegaram, M., Eslick, G., Mans�?eld,
C., Liem, H., Richardson, M., Ahmed, S., Cox,
M. (2012). Endoscopic stenting versus operative
gastrojejunostomy for malignant gastric outlet
obstruction. Surgical Endoscopy, 26(1), 323-329.
0-3">[More Information]</a>
Woodham, B., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2012).
Evidence to support the use of laparoscopic over
open appendicectomy for obese individuals: a
meta-analysis. Surgical Endoscopy, 26(9),
2566-2570. <a
3-4">[More Information]</a>
Dantoc, M., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2012).
Evidence to Support the Use of Minimally
Invasive Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer.
JAMA (formerly Archives Of Surgery), 147(8),
768-776. <a
26">[More Information]</a>
Sedaghat, N., Mondy, J., Eslick, G., Cox, M.
(2012). Exposure of medical students to surgery:
the nepean summer vacation surgical program.
Journal of Surgical Education, 69(5), 580-587.
03">[More Information]</a>
Chiong, C., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2012).
Gallstone disease is associated with rectal
cancer: a meta-analysis. Scandinavian Journal of
Gastroenterology, 47(5), 553-564. <a
660538">[More Information]</a>
Chiong, C., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2012).
Gallstones Are Associated with Colonic
Adenoma: A Meta-analysis. World Journal of
Surgery, 36(9), 2202-2209. <a
6-5">[More Information]</a>
Dantoc, M., Eslick, G., Adams, S., Kalantar, J.
(2012). Gastrointestinal Mantle Cell
Lymphoma-A Tale of Two Endoscopies. Journal
of Gastrointestinal Cancer, 43(1), 20-24. <a
2-0">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2012). Gastrointestinal symptoms and
obesity: a meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 13(5),
469-479. <a
1.00969.x">[More Information]</a>
Meybodi, F., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2012). Image
of the Month. JAMA (formerly Archives Of
Surgery), 147(7), 677-677. <a
1a">[More Information]</a>
Meybodi, F., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2012). Image
of the Month—Diagnosis - Gallbladder
Volvulus. JAMA (formerly Archives Of Surgery),
147(7), 678-678.
Tio, M., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2012).
Meta-analysis: coeliac disease and the risk of
all-cause mortality, any malignancy and
lymphoid malignancy. Alimentary Pharmacology
and Therapeutics, 35(5), 540-551. <a
1.04972.x">[More Information]</a>
Andrici, J., Tio, M., Eslick, G. (2012).
Meta-analysis: oral bisphosphonates and the risk
of oesophageal cancer. Alimentary
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 36(8),
708-716. <a
re Information]</a>
Meybodi, F., Eslick, G., Sasani, S.,
Abdolhoseyni, M., Sazegar, S., Ebrahimi, F.
(2012). Oral opium: an unusual cause of lead
poisoning. Singapore Medical Journal, 53(6),
395-397. <a
&list_uids=22711039">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2012). Preface. Hematology /
Oncology Clinics of North America, 26(6), xi-xii.
3">[More Information]</a>
Nguyen, T., Eslick, G. (2012). Systematic
review: the treatment of noncardiac chest pain
with antidepressants. Alimentary Pharmacology
and Therapeutics, 35(5), 493-500. <a
Publications for Guy Eslick
1.04978.x">[More Information]</a>
Pepingco, L., Eslick, G., Cox, M. (2012). The
acute surgical unit as a novel model of care for
patients presenting with acute cholecystitis.
Medical Journal of Australia, 196(8), 509-510.
More Information]</a>
Dantoc, M., Cox, M., Eslick, G. (2012). The first
randomised controlled trial on minimally
invasive esophagectomy (MIE) and the ongoing
quest for greater evidence. Journal of Thoracic
Disease, 4(5), 459-461. <a
2012.08.10">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2012). What is a Rare Cancer ?
Hematology-Oncology Clinics of North America,
26(6), 1137-1141. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Laurence, J., Tran, P., Morarji, K., Eslick, G.,
Lam, V., Sandroussi, C. (2011). A Systematic
Review and Meta-analysis of Survival and
Surgical Outcomes Following Neoadjuvant
Chemoradiotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer.
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 15(11),
2059-2069. <a
9-7">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Fass, R. (2011). Functional
gastrointestinal disorders: Venlafaxine is a
potential therapy for functional chest pain.
Nature Reviews. Gastroenterology &
Hepatology, 8(1), 14-16. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Kalantar, J. (2011). Gastric Metastasis
in Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and
Systematic Review. Journal of Gastrointestinal
Cancer, 42(4), 296-301. <a
5-9">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Koloski, N., Talley, N. (2011).
Sexual, physical, verbal/emotional abuse and
unexplained chest pain. Child Abuse and
Neglect, 35(8), 601-605. <a
007">[More Information]</a>
Shim, L., Eslick, G., Simring, A., Murray, H.,
Weltman, M. (2011). The effects of azathioprine
on birth outcomes in women with inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD). Journal of Crohn's and
Colitis, 5(3), 234-238. <a
009">[More Information]</a>
Laurence, J., Sandroussi, C., Lam, V., Pleass, H.,
Eslick, G., Allen, R. (2011). Utilization of Small
Pediatric Donor Kidneys: A Decision Analysis.
Transplantation, 91(10), 1110-1113. <a
3df48">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Kalantar, J. (2011). Working
overseas, weakness, anaemia, and nematodes.
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 9(2),
91-92. <a
006">[More Information]</a>
Vent, J., Preuss, S., Eslick, G. (2010). Dysphagia
as a Cause of Chest Pain: An Otolaryngologist's
View. Medical Clinics of North America, 94(2),
243-257. <a
09">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2010). Epidemiology and risk factors
of pediatric chest pain: a systematic review.
Pediatric Clinics of North America, 57(6),
1211-1219. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2010). Epidemiology of gallbladder
cancer. Gastroenterology Clinics of North
America, 39(2), 307-30. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2010). Future perspectives on
infections associated with gastrointestinal tract
diseases. Infectious Disease Clinics of North
America, 24(4), 1041-1058. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2010). Infectious causes of
esophageal cancer. Infectious Disease Clinics of
North America, 24(4), 845-852. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2010). Infectious Disease Clinics of
North America. Diseases of the gastrointestinal
tract and associated infections. Dedication.
Infectious Disease Clinics of North America,
24(4), xv-xvi. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Selbst, S. (2010). Preface. Pediatric
Clinics of North America, 57(6), xiii-xiv. <a
5">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Yoshida, H. (2010). Preface. The
Medical clinics of North America, 94(2), xiii-xiv.
Publications for Guy Eslick
13">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2010). Prevalence and epidemiology
of gastrointestinal symptoms among normal
weight, overweight, obese and extremely obese
individuals. Gastroenterology Clinics of North
America, 39(1), 9-22. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Zhang, L., Eslick, G., Xia, H., Wu, C., Phung,
N., Talley, N. (2010). Relationship between
Alcohol Consumption and Active Helicobacter
pylori Infection. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 45(1),
89-94. <a
More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Howe, P., Smith, C., Priest, R.,
Bensoussan, A. (2009). Benefits of fish oil
supplementation in hyperlipidemia: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. International Journal
of Cardiology, 136(1), 4-16. <a
092">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Thampan, B., Nalos, M., McLean, A.,
Sluyter, R. (2009). Circulating interleukin-18
concentrations and a loss-of-function P2X7
polymorphism in heart failure. International
Journal of Cardiology, 137(1), 81-83. <a
017">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2009). Dedication. Gastroenterology
Clinics of North America, 38(1), xv-xvi.
Eslick, G. (2009). Epidemiology of esophageal
cancer. Gastroenterology Clinics of North
America, 38(1), 17-25. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2009). Esophageal cancer: a historical
perspective. Gastroenterology Clinics of North
America, 38(1), 1-15. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Talley, N. (2009). Gastroesophageal
Reflux Disease (GERD): Risk Factors, and
Impact on Quality of Life-A Population-based
Study. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology,
43(2), 111-117. <a
815ea27b">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2009). Preface. Gastroenterology
Clinics of North America, 38(1), xii-xiv.
Eslick, G. (2009). Preface. Esophageal cancer
research. Gastroenterology Clinics of North
America, 38(1), xiii-xiv. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Kalantar, J., Talley, N. (2009). Rectal
bleeding: Epidemiology, associated risk factors,
and health care seeking behaviour: A
population-based study. Colorectal Disease,
11(9), 921-926. <a
8.01721.x">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Eslick, M. (2009). Smoking and The
Simpsons. Medical Journal of Australia,
190(11), 637-639. <a
&list_uids=19485843">[More Information]</a>
Wu, T., Yang, X., Zeng, X., Eslick, G. (2009).
Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs in the
treatment of patients with esophageal cancer: a
systematic review. Gastroenterology Clinics of
North America, 38(1), 153-167. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Tang, B., Craig, J., Eslick, G., Seppelt, I.,
McLean, A. (2009). Use of corticosteroids in
acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress
syndrome: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Critical Care Medicine, 37(5),
1594-1603. <a
19fb507">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Seex, K. (2008). A 49-year-old
woman with a history of head trauma. Brain
Pathology, 18(1), 140. <a
7.00125_2.x">[More Information]</a>
Shim, L., Eslick, G., Kan, A., Kalantar, J. (2008).
A case of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction
secondary to primary visceral myopathy. Nature
Clinical Practice Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, 5(10), 584-588. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Chiu, M. (2008). Angina pectoris:
character and location among those presenting to
emergency departments with acute chest pain.
In A. Gallos, M. Jones (Eds.), Angina Pectoris:
Etiology, Pathogenesis and Treatment, (pp.
195-210). USA: Nova Science Publishers.
Eslick, G. (2008). Approach to chest pain:
noncardiac and angina. Introduction.
Disease-A-Month, 54(9), 591-592. <a
.06.001">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2008). Chest pain units.
Disease-A-Month, 54(9), 613-614. <a
.06.005">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Guy Eslick
Eslick, G. (2008). Classification, natural history,
epidemiology, and risk factors of noncardiac
chest pain. Disease-A-Month, 54(9), 593-603. <a
.06.003">[More Information]</a>
Jones, M., Talley, N., Eslick, G., Dubois, D.,
Tack, J. (2008). Community subgroups in
dyspepsia and their association with weight loss.
American Journal of Gastroenterology, 103(8),
2051-2060. <a
8.01935.x">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Talley, N. (2008). Dysphagia:
epidemiology, risk factors and impact on quality
of life - a population-based study. Alimentary
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 27(10),
971-979. <a
8.03664.x">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2008). Epidemiology of Non-Cardiac
Chest Pain. VDM Verlag Dr Muller.
Shim, L., Eslick, G., Kalantar, J. (2008).
Gastrointestinal: eosinophilic colitis. Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 23(8), 1305.
8.05522.x">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2008). Health care seeking behaviors,
psychological factors, and quality of life of
noncardiac chest pain. Disease-A-Month, 54(9),
604-612. <a
.06.004">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2008). Introduction.
Disease-A-Month, 54, 591-592.
Eslick, G., Talley, N. (2008). Natural history and
predictors of outcome for non-cardiac chest pain:
a prospective 4-year cohort study.
Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 20(9),
989-997. <a
8.01133.x">[More Information]</a>
Preuss, S., Weinell, A., Molitor, M., Stenner, M.,
Semrau, R., Drebber, U., Weissenborn, S., Speel,
E., Guntinas-Lichius, O., Hoffmann, T., Eslick,
G., et al (2008). Nuclear survivin expression is
associated with HPV-independent carcinogenesis
and is an indicator of poor prognosis in
oropharyngeal cancer. British Journal of Cancer,
98(3), 627-632. <a
[More Information]</a>
Al-Khawaja, D., Seex, K., Eslick, G. (2008).
Spinal epidural lipomatosis - A brief review.
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 15(12),
1323-1326. <a
01">[More Information]</a>
O'Connor, M., Eslick, G., Koloski, N. (2008).
The role of psychosocial factors in determining
cardiac rehabilitation attendance by coronary
artery disease patients following surgery. In A.
Gallos, M. Jones (Eds.), Angina Pectoris:
Etiology, Pathogenesis and Treatment, (pp.
161-182). USA: Nova Science Publishers.
Tang, B., Eslick, G., Craig, J., McLean, A.
(2007). Accuracy of procalcitonin for sepsis
diagnosis in critically ill patients: systematic
review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Infectious
Diseases, 7(3), 210-217. <a
&list_uids=17317602">[More Information]</a>
Sluyter, R., Shemon, A., Hughes, W., Stevenson,
R., Georgiou, J., Eslick, G., Taylor, R., Wiley, J.
(2007). Canine erythrocytes express the P2X7
receptor: greatly increased function compared to
human erythrocytes. American Journal of
Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and
Comparative Physiology, 293(5), R2090-R2098.
&list_uids=17761513">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2007). Economics (Direct and
Indirect Costs) of Noncardiac Chest Pain. In
Ronnie Fass, Guy Eslick (Eds.), Non-cardiac
Chest Pain: A Growing Medical Problem.
United States: Plural Publishing.
Eslick, G., Kalantar, J., Roberts-Thomson, I.
(2007). Education and imaging. Gastrointestinal:
laryngopharyngeal cancers detected at upper
gastrointestinal endoscopy. Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology. <a
&list_uids=17295783">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2007). Epidemiology. In Ronnie
Fass, Guy Eslick (Eds.), Non-cardiac Chest
Pain: A Growing Medical Problem. United
States: Plural Publishing.
Al-Khawaja, D., Eslick, G., Fuller, S., Seex, K.
(2007). Intracerebral hemorrhage after
thrombolytic therapy managed with ventricular
drainage. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience,
14(9), 898-900. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Tang, B., Eslick, G., Craig, J., McLean, A.
(2007). Meta-analysis of procalcitonin for sepsis
detection -Authors' reply. The Lancet Infectious
Diseases, 7(8), 502-503. <a
Publications for Guy Eslick
&list_uids=17646022">[More Information]</a>
Starcevic, V., Berle, D., Milicevic, D., Hannan,
A., Lamplugh, C., Eslick, G. (2007).
Pathological worry, anxiety disorders and the
impact of co-occurrence with depressive and
other anxiety disorders. Journal of Anxiety
Disorders, 21(8), 1016-1027. <a
&list_uids=17270391">[More Information]</a>
Tang, B., Eslick, G. (2007). Procalcitonin for
sepsis: methodological issues in meta-analysis
lead to further uncertainty. Critical Care
Medicine, 35(2), 679-679. <a
4967.79846.6A">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2007). Prognosis. In Ronnie Fass,
Guy Eslick (Eds.), Non-cardiac Chest Pain: A
Growing Medical Problem. United States: Plural
Eslick, G. (2007). Psychological Disorders and
Noncardiac Chest Pain. In Ronnie Fass, Guy
Eslick (Eds.), Non-cardiac Chest Pain: A
Growing Medical Problem. United States: Plural
Eslick, G. (2007). Quality of Life. In Ronnie
Fass, Guy Eslick (Eds.), Non-cardiac Chest
Pain: A Growing Medical Problem. United
States: Plural Publishing.
Tang, B., Eslick, G., Nowson, C., Smith, C.,
Bensoussan, A. (2007). Use of calcium or
calcium in combination with vitamin D
supplementation to prevent fractures and bone
loss in people aged 50 years and older: a
meta-analysis. The Lancet, 370(9588), 657-666.
&list_uids=17720017">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Sethi, S., Kalantar, J. (2006).
Granulation and fibrotic esophagus.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology,
41(6), 761-2. <a
9784">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2006). Helicobacter pylori infection
causes gastric cancer? A review of the
epidemiological, meta-analytic, and experimental
evidence. World Journal of Gastroenterology,
12(19), 2991-2999. <a
&list_uids=16718777">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Chalasani, V., Salama, A. (2006).
Idiopathic pneumoperitoneum. European journal
of internal medicine, 17(2), 141-3. <a
14">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Casikar, V. (2006). Ring lesions of
the brain. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 81(9), 1145.
&list_uids=16970208">[More Information]</a>
McLean, A., Eslick, G., Coats, A. (2006). The
epidemiology of heart failure in Australia.
International Journal of Cardiology, 118(3),
370-374. <a
050">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G., Coulshed, D., Talley, N. (2005).
Diagnosis and treatment of noncardiac chest
pain. Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology
and Hepatology, 2(10), 463-472. <a
&list_uids=16224478">[More Information]</a>
Eslick, G. (2005). Gallstones and coronary heart
disease: some authors have a lot of gall!.
American Journal of Gastroenterology, 100(10),
2362; author reply 2363. <a
5.50650_1.x">[More Information]</a>
Preuss, S., Stenzel, M., Hansen, T., Eslick, G.,
Gosepath, J. (2005). Inverted malignant
pilomatricoma of the neck. European Archives of
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 262(4), 269-271.
Eslick, G. (2005). Usefulness of Chest Pain
Character and Location as
Diagnostic Indicators of an Acute Coronary
Syndrome. The American Journal of Cardiology,
95(10), 1228-1231. <a
1.052">[More Information]</a>
Hammer, J., Eslick, G., Howell, S., Altiparmak,
E., Talley, N. (2004). Diagnostic Yield Of Alarm
Features In Irritable Bowel Syndrome And
Functional Dyspepsia. Gut (English Edition): an
international journal of gastroenterology and
hepatology, 53(5), 666-672.
Eslick, G., Howell, S., Hammer, J., Talley, N.
(2004). Empirically Derived Symptom
Sub-Groups Correspond Poorly With Diagnostic
Criteria For Functional Dyspepsia And Irritable
Bowel Syndrome. A Factor And Cluster
Analysis Of A Patient Sample. Alimentary
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 19(1),
Publications for Guy Eslick
Eslick, G., Talley, N. (2004). Non-Cardiac Chest
Pain: Predictors Of Health Care Seeking, The
Types Of Health Care Professional Consulted,
Work Absenteeism And Interruption Of Daily
Activities. Alimentary Pharmacology and
Therapeutics, 20(8), 909-915.
Eslick, G. (2004). Noncardiac Chest Pain:
Epidemiology, Natural History, Health Care
Seeking, And Quality Of Life. Gastroenterology
Clinics of North America, 33(1), 1-23.
Eslick, G., Jones, M., Talley, N. (2003).
Non-cardiac chest pain: prevalence, risk factors,
impact and consulting - a population-based
study. Alimentary Pharmacology and
Therapeutics, 17(9), 1115-1124.
Eslick, G. (2002). Atypical pityriasis rosea or
psoriasis guttata? Early examination is the key to
a correct diagnosis. International Journal Of
Dermatology, 41(11), 788-791.
Eslick, G., Hammond, S. (2002). Clinical Picture
- cystic lesion of the posterior fossa. The Lancet,
359(9304), 396-396.
Eslick, G., Chalasani, V., Seex, K. (2002).
Diplopia and headaches associated with
cerebellopontine angle arachnoid cyst. ANZ
Journal of Surgery, 72(12), 915-917.
Eslick, G., Yan, P., Xia, H., Murray, H., Spurrett,
B., Talley, N. (2002). Foetal intrauterine growth
restrictions with Helicobacter pylori infection.
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
19(9), 1677-1682.
Tareen, S., Eslick, G., Kam, E., Byles, J.,
Durrani, A., Maree, S. (2002). High Prevalance
of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Among Male Blood
Donors in a Developing Country: Urgent Need
for Systematic Screening. Scandinavian Journal
Of Infectious Diseases, 34(9), 712-713.
Eslick, G., Raj, W. (2002). Occupational stress
amongst radiographers : does working in private
or public practice make a difference?
Radiography, 8(1), 47-53.
Eslick, G., Coulshed, D., Talley, N. (2002).
Review Article: the burden of illness of
non-cardiac chest pain. Alimentary
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 16(7),
Eslick, G. (2002). Sexual transmission of
helicobacter pylori via oral-anal intercourse.
International Journal of STD and AIDS, 13(1),