Publications for Elizabeth Elliott 2016

Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
Birman, C., Powell, H., Gibson, W., Elliott, E.
(2016). Cochlear implant outcomes in cochlea
nerve aplasia and hypoplasia. Otology &
Neurotology, 37(5), 438-445. <a
00000997">[More Information]</a>
Sureshkumar, P., Zurynski, Y., Moloney, S.,
Raman, S., Varol, N., Elliott, E. (2016). Female
genital mutilation: Survey of paediatricians'
knowledge, attitudes and practice. Child Abuse
and Neglect, 55, 1-9. <a
005">[More Information]</a>
Britton, P., Dale, R., Nissen, M., Crawford, N.,
Elliott, E., Macartney, K., Khandaker, G., Booy,
R., Jones, C. (2016). Parechovirus Encephalitis
and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. Pediatrics,
137(2), 1-11. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Tsang, T., Lucas, B., Carmichael Olson, H.,
Pinto, R., Elliott, E. (2016). Prenatal Alcohol
Exposure, FASD, and Child Behavior: A
Meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 137(3), 1-20. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Downs, J., Torode, I., Wong, K., Ellaway, C.,
Elliott, E., Izatt, M., Askin, G., McPhee, B.,
Cundy, P., Leonard, H. (2016). Surgical fusion
of early onset severe scoliosis increases survival
in Rett syndrome: A cohort study.
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,
58(6), 632-638. <a
More Information]</a>
Durkan, A., Kim, S., Craig, J., Elliott, E. (2016).
The long-term outcomes of atypical haemolytic
uraemic syndrome: A national surveillance
study. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 101(4),
387-391. <a
5-309471">[More Information]</a>
Liu, L., Bannerman, P., Ding, X., Elliott, E.,
Ewart, G., Kong, X. (2016). The motives for and
consequences of underpricing for construction
contractors-evidence from Australia. Journal of
Modern Project Management, 3(3), 36-45.
Li-Kim-Moy, J., DASTOURI, F., Rashid, H.,
Khandaker, G., Kesson, A., McCaskill, M.,
Wood, N., Jones, C., Zurynski, Y., Macartney,
K., Elliott, E., Booy, R. (2016). Utility of early
influenza diagnosis through point-of-care testing
in children presenting to an emergency
department. Journal of Paediatrics and Child
Health, 52(4), 422-429. <a
re Information]</a>
Doney, R., Lucas, B., Watkins, R., Tsang, T.,
Sauer, K., Howat, P., Latimer, J., Fitzpatrick, J.,
Oscar, J., Carter, M., Elliott, E. (2016).
Visual-motor integration, visual perception, and
fine motor coordination in a population of
children with high levels of Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder. Research in Developmental
Disabilities, 55, 346-357. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Birman, C., Brew, J., Gibson, W., Elliott, E.
(2015). CHARGE syndrome and Cochlear
implantation: Difficulties and outcomes in the
paediatric population. International Journal of
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 79(4), 487-492.
04">[More Information]</a>
Raynes-Greenow, C., Polis, S., Elliott, E.,
Hardikar, W., Kesson, A., Kaldor, J., Jones, C.
(2015). Childhood hepatitis C virus infection: An
Australian national surveillance study of incident
cases over five years. Journal of Paediatrics and
Child Health, 51(11), 1115-1120. <a
re Information]</a>
Hime, N., Zurynski, Y., Fitzgerald, D.,
Selvadurai, H., Phu, A., Deverell, M., Elliott, E.,
Jaffe, A. (2015). Childhood interstitial lung
disease: A systematic review. Pediatric
Pulmonology, 50(12), 1383-1392. <a
ore Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Phu, A., Deverell, M., Elliott, E.
(2015). Evidence Check: Paediatric services
capacity, May 2015, (pp. 8 - 80). Sydney,
Australia: The Sax Institute.
Macartney, K., Gidding, H., Trinh, L., Wang, H.,
McRae, J., Crawford, N., Gold, M., Kynaston, J.,
Blyth, C., Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E., Booy, R.,
McIntyre, P., Wood, N., et al (2015). Febrile
seizures following measles and varicella
vaccines in young children in Australia. Vaccine,
33(11), 1412-1417. <a
0.071">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Sureshkumar, P., Phu, A., Elliott,
E. (2015). Female genital mutilation and cutting:
A systematic literature review of health
professionals' knowledge, attitudes and clinical
practice. BMC International Health and Human
Rights, 15(32), 1-18. <a
0-y">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
Elliott, E. (2015). Fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders in Australia – the future is prevention.
Public Health Research and Practice, 25(2), 1-4.
[More Information]</a>
Dodd, C., Romio, S., Black, S., Vellozzi, C.,
Andrews, N., Sturkenboom, M., Zuber, P., Hua,
W., Bonhoeffer, J., Buttery, J., et al (2015).
International collaboration to assess the risk of
Guillain Barré Syndrome following Influenza A
(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines. Vaccine,
31(40), 4448-4458. <a
6.032">[More Information]</a>
Birman, C., Gibson, W., Elliott, E. (2015).
Pediatric Cochlear Implantation: Associated
With Minimal Postoperative Pain and Dizzines.
Otology & Neurotology, 36(2), 220-222. <a
00000569">[More Information]</a>
Desai, S., Smith, T., Thorley, B., Grenier, D.,
Dickson, N., Altpeter, E., Sabbe, M., Elliott, E.,
Zurynski, Y. (2015). Performance of acute
flaccid paralysis surveillance compared with
World Health Organization standards. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health, 51(2), 209-214. <a
re Information]</a>
Paxton, G., Tosif, S., Graham, H., Smith, A.,
Beverley, C., Standish, J., McCloskey, K.,
Ferguson, G., Isaacs, D., Gunasekera, H., Marais,
B., Britton, P., Elliott, E., Raman, S., et al
(2015). Perspective: 'The forgotten children:
National inquiry into children in immigration
detention (2014)'. Journal of Paediatrics and
Child Health, 51(4), 365-368. <a
re Information]</a>
Fitzpatrick, J., Latimer, J., Ferreira, M., Carter,
M., Oscar, J., Martiniuk, A., Watkins, R., Elliott,
E. (2015). Prevalence and patterns of alcohol use
in pregnancy in remote Western Australian
communities: The Lililwan Project. Drug and
Alcohol Review, 34(3), 329-339. <a
re Information]</a>
Fitzpatrick, J., Latimer, J., Carter, M., Oscar, J.,
Ferreira, M., Carmichael Olson, H., Lucas, B.,
Doney, R., Salter, C., Try, J., Fitzpatrick, E.,
Martiniuk, A., Elliott, E., et al (2015). Prevalence
of fetal alcohol syndrome in a population-based
sample of children living in remote Australia: the
Lililwan Project. Journal of Paediatrics and
Child Health, 51(4), 450-457. <a
re Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Zurynski, Y. (2015). Rare diseases are
a 'common' problem for clinicians. Australian
Family Physician, 44(9), 630-633.
Mackie, F., Kainer, G., Adib, N., Boros, C.,
Elliott, E., Fahy, R., Munro, J., Murray, K.,
Rosenberg, A., Wainstein, B., et al (2015). The
national incidence and clinical picture of SLE in
children in Australia - a report from the
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit. Lupus,
24(1), 66-73. <a
118">[More Information]</a>
Deverell, M., Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E. (2014).
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit annual
report, 2013. Communicable Diseases
Intelligence Quarterly Report, 38(4), e343-e347.
Khandaker, G., Zurynski, Y., Ridley, G., Buttery,
J., Marshall, H., Richmond, P., Royle, J., Gold,
M., Walls, T., Whitehead, B., McIntyre, P.,
Booy, R., Elliott, E., et al (2014). Clinical
epidemiology and predictors of outcome in
children hospitalised with influenza
A(H1N1)pdm09 in 2009: A prospective national
study. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses,
8(6), 636-645. <a
e Information]</a>
Downs, J., Wong, K., Ravikumara, M., Ellaway,
C., Elliott, E., Christodoulou, J., Jacoby, P.,
Leonard, H. (2014). Experience of Gastrostomy
Using a Quality Care Framework: The Example
of Rett Syndrome. Medicine, 93(28), 1-9. <a
000328">[More Information]</a>
Watkins, R., Elliott, E., Wilkins, A., Latimer, J.,
Halliday, J., Fitzpatrick, J., Mutch, R., O'Leary,
C., Burns, L., McKenzie, A., et al (2014). Fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder: development of
consensus referral criteria for specialist
diagnostic assessment in Australia. BMC
Pediatrics, 14, 1-12. <a
78">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E. (2014). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorders: Australian perspectives. In Barry
Carpenter, Carolyn Blackburn, Jo Egerton (Eds.),
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders:
Interdisciplinary perspectives, (pp. 294-305).
Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Doney, R., Lucas, B., Jones, T., Howat, P.,
Sauer, K., Elliott, E. (2014). Fine motor skills in
children with prenatal alcohol exposure or fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder. Journal of
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 35(9),
598-609. <a
0000107">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
Lucas, B., Latimer, J., Pinto, R., Ferreira, M.,
Doney, R., Lau, M., Jones, T., Dries, D., Elliott,
E. (2014). Gross motor deficits in children
prenatally exposed to alcohol: A meta-analysis.
Pediatrics, 134(1), e192-e209. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Birman, C., Sanli, H., Gibson, W., Elliott, E.
(2014). Impedance, Neural Response Telemetry,
and Speech Perception Outcomes After
Reimplantation of Cochlear Implants in
Children. Otology & Neurotology, 35(8),
1385-1393. <a
00000362">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E. (2014). International Overview: The
challenges in addressing fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders. In Barry Carpenter, Carolyn
Blackburn, Jo Egerton (Eds.), Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders: Interdisciplinary
perspectives, (pp. 14-26). Abingdon, Oxon:
France, K., Donovan, R., Bower, C., Elliott, E.,
Payne, J., D'Antoine, H., Bartu, A. (2014).
Messages that increase women's intentions to
abstain from alcohol during pregnancy: results
from quantitative testing of advertising concepts.
BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1-13. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Muggli, E., O'Leary, C., Forster, D., Anderson,
P., Lewis, S., Nagle, C., Craig, J., Donath, S.,
Elliott, E., Halliday, J. (2014). Study protocol:
Asking QUestions about Alcohol in pregnancy
(AQUA): a longitudinal cohort study of fetal
effects of low to moderate alcohol exposure.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14(302), 1-11.
02">[More Information]</a>
Van Bang, N., Van Anh, N., Van, V., Thai, T.,
Van Thuong, N., Khandaker, G., Elliott, E.
(2014). Surveillance of congenital rubella
syndrome (CRS) in tertiary care hospitals in
Hanoi, Vietnam during a rubella epidemic.
Vaccine, 32(52), 7065-7069. <a
0.087">[More Information]</a>
Noonan, S., Zurynski, Y., Currie, B., McDonald,
M., Wheaton, G., Nissen, M., Curtis, N., Isaacs,
D., Richmond, P., Ramsay, J., Elliott, E., et al
(2013). A National Prospective Surveillance
Study of Acute Rheumatic Fever in Australian
Children. The Pediatric Infectious Disease
Journal, 32(1), e26-e32. <a
6faeb3">[More Information]</a>
Anderson, M., Elliott, E., Zurynski, Y. (2013).
Australian families living with rare disease:
experiences of diagnosis, health services use and
needs for psychosocial support. Orphanet
Journal of Rare Diseases, 8(1), 1-9. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E. (2013). Challenges of
transition to adult health services for patients
with rare diseases. Medical Journal of Australia,
198(11), 575-576. <a
More Information]</a>
Marshall, H., McIntyre, P., Richmond, P.,
Buttery, J., Royle, J., Gold, M., Wood, N.,
Elliott, E., Zurynski, Y., Toi, C., Dwyer, D.,
Booy, R. (2013). Changes in Patterns of
Hospitalized Children with Varicella and of
Associated Varicella Genotypes After
Introduction of Varicella Vaccine in Australia.
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 32(5),
530-537. <a
7e92b7">[More Information]</a>
Khandaker, G., Heron, L., Rashid, H.,
Li-Kim-Moy, J., Lester-Smith, D., Kesson, A.,
McCaskill, M., Jones, C., Zurynski, Y., Elliott,
E., Dwyer, D., Booy, R. (2013). Comparing the
use of, and considering the need for, lumbar
puncture in children with influenza or other
respiratory virus infections. Influenza and Other
Respiratory Viruses, 7(6), 932-937. <a
e Information]</a>
Burns, L., Breen, C., Bower, C., O’Leary, C.,
Elliott, E. (2013). Counting Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder in Australia: The evidence
and the challenges. Drug and Alcohol Review,
32(5), 461-467. <a
re Information]</a>
Watkins, R., Elliott, E., Halliday, J., O'Leary, C.,
D'Antoine, H., Russell, E., Hayes, L., Peadon, E.,
Wilkins, A., Jones, H., Fitzpatrick, J., Latimer,
J., et al (2013). A modified Delphi study of
screening for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in
Australia. BMC Pediatrics, 13(1), 1-12. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Fitzpatrick, J., Latimer, J., Ferreira, M.,
Martiniuk, A., Peadon, E., Carter, M., Oscar, J.,
Carter, E., Kefford, M., Shandley, R., Elliott, E.,
et al (2013). Development of a reliable
questionnaire to assist in the diagnosis of fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). BMC
Pediatrics, 13(1), 1-10. <a
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
3">[More Information]</a>
O'Leary, C., Elliott, E., Nassar, N., Bower, C.
(2013). Exploring the Potential to Use Data
Linkage for Investigating the Relationship
between Birth Defects and Prenatal Alcohol
Exposure. Birth Defects Research. Part A:
Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 97(7),
497-504. <a
ore Information]</a>
Esterman, E., Lahra, M., Zurynski, Y., Booy, R.,
Elliott, E. (2013). Influenza infection in infants
aged <6 months during the H1N1-09 pandemic:
A hospital-based case series. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health, 49(8), 635-640. <a
re Information]</a>
Dodd, C., Romio, S., Black, S., Vellozzi, C.,
Andrews, N., Sturkenboom, M., Zuber, P., Hua,
W., Bonhoeffer, J., Buttery, J., Macartney, K., et
al (2013). International collaboration to assess
the risk of Guillain Barre Syndrome following
Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccines.
Vaccine, 31(40), 4448-4458. <a
6.032">[More Information]</a>
Thomas, D., Elliott, E. (2013). Interventions for
preventing diarrhea-associated hemolytic uremic
syndrome: systematic review. BMC Public
Health, 13(1), 1-18. <a
99">[More Information]</a>
Jones, H., McKenzie, A., Miers, S., Russell, E.,
Watkins, R., Payne, J., Hayes, L., Carter, M.,
D'Antoine, H., Latimer, J., Peadon, E., Elliott, E.,
et al (2013). Involving consumers and the
community in the development of a diagnostic
instrument for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in
Australia. Health Research Policy and Systems,
11(1), 1-13. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., McIntyre, P., Booy, R., Elliott, E.
(2013). Paediatric Active Enhanced Disease
Surveillance: A new surveillance system for
Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child
Health, 49(7), 588-594. <a
re Information]</a>
France, K., Donovan, R., Henley, N., Bower, C.,
Elliott, E., Payne, J., D'Antoine, H., Bartu, A.
(2013). Promoting Abstinence From Alcohol
During Pregnancy: Implications From Formative
Research. Substance Use and Misuse, 48(14),
1509-1521. <a
800118">[More Information]</a>
Watkins, R., Elliott, E., Wilkins, A., Mutch, R.,
Fitzpatrick, J., Payne, J., O'Leary, C., Jones, H.,
Latimer, J., Hayes, L., Peadon, E., et al (2013).
Recommendations from a consensus
development workshop on the diagnosis of fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders in Australia. BMC
Pediatrics, 13, 1-10. <a
56">[More Information]</a>
Lucas, B., Latimer, J., Doney, R., Ferreira, M.,
Adams, R., Hawkes, G., Fitzpatrick, J., Hand,
M., Oscar, J., Carter, M., Elliott, E. (2013). The
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor
Proficiency-Short Form is reliable in children
living in remote Australian Aboriginal
communities. BMC Pediatrics, 13, 1-12. <a
35">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E., Deverell, M. (2012).
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit annual
report, 2011. Communicable Diseases
Intelligence Quarterly Report, 36(3),
E263-E267. <a
&list_uids=23186237">[More Information]</a>
Watkins, R., Elliott, E., Mutch, R., Payne, J.,
Jones, H., Latimer, J., Russell, E., Fitzpatrick, J.,
Hayes, L., Burns, L., et al (2012). Consensus
diagnostic criteria for fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders in Australia: a modified Delphi study.
BMJ Open, 2(5), 1-9. <a
01918">[More Information]</a>
Haines, M., Brown, B., Craig, J., D'Este, C.,
Elliott, E., Klineberg, E., McInnes, E.,
Middleton, S., Paul, C., Redman, S., et al (2012).
Determinants of successful clinical networks: the
conceptual framework and study protocol.
Implementation Science, 7, 1-10. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Rochelle, W., Elliott, E., Mutch, R., Latimer, J.,
Wilkins, A., Payne, J., Jones, H., Miers, S.,
Peadon, E., McKenzie, A., Fitzpatrick, J., et al
(2012). Health professionals' perceptions about
the adoption of existing guidelines for the
diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in
Australia. BMC Pediatrics, 12, 1-9. <a
9">[More Information]</a>
Khandaker, G., Zurynski, Y., Buttery, J.,
Marshall, H., Richmond, P., Dale, R., Royle, J.,
Gold, M., Snelling, T., Whitehead, B., Jones, C.,
Heron, L., Macartney, K., Elliott, E., Booy, R., et
al (2012). Neurologic complications of influenza
A(H1N1)pdm09: Surveillance in 6 pediatric
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
hospitals. Neurology, 79(14), 1474-1481. <a
826d5ea7">[More Information]</a>
2.02422.x">[More Information]</a>
Khandaker, G., Rashid, H., Zurynski, Y.,
Richmond, P., Buttery, J., Marshall, H., Gold,
M., Walls, T., Whitehead, B., Elliott, E., Booy,
R. (2012). Nosocomial vs community-acquired
pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009: a nested
case-control study. Journal of Hospital Infection,
82(2), 94-100. <a
6">[More Information]</a>
Peadon, E., Payne, J., Henley, N., D'Antoine, H.,
Bartu, A., O'Leary, C., Bower, C., Elliott, E.
(2011). Attitudes and behaviour predict women's
intention to drink alcohol during pregnancy: the
challenge for health professionals. BMC Public
Health, 11, 1-10. <a
84">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Zurynski, Y., Walls, T., Whitehead,
B., Gilmour, R., Booy, R. (2012). Novel
inpatient surveillance in tertiary paediatric
hospitals in New South Wales illustrates impact
of first-wave pandemic influenza A H1N1 (2009)
and informs future health service planning.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 48(3),
235-241. <a
1.02240.x">[More Information]</a>
Birman, C., Elliott, E., Gibson, W. (2012).
Pediatric Cochlear Implants: Additional
Disabilities Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Effect
on Language Outcomes. Otology & Neurotology,
33(8), 1347-1352. <a
826939cc">[More Information]</a>
Smith, M., Zurynski, Y., Lester-Smith, D.,
Elliott, E., Carapetis, J. (2012). Rheumatic fever:
Identification, management and secondary
prevention. Australian Family Physician,
41(1-2), 31-35. <a
&list_uids=22276281">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Latimer, J., Oscar, J., Fitzpatrick, J.,
Carter, M. (2012). The Lililwan Collaboration:
Inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
(FASD). Australkia: The Lililwan Project
Fitzpatrick, J., Elliott, E., Latimer, J., Carter, M.,
Oscar, J., Ferreira, M., Carmichael Olson, H.,
Lucas, B., Doney, R., Salter, C., Peadon, E., et al
(2012). The Lililwan Project: study protocol for a
population-based active case ascertainment study
of the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders (FASD) in remote Australian
Aboriginal communities. BMJ Open, 2(3), 1-11.
00968">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Latimer, J., Fitzpatrick, J., Oscar, J.,
Carter, M. (2012). There's hope in the valley.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 48(3),
190-192. <a
Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E. (2011). Australian
Paediatric Surveillance Unit annual report, 2010.
Communicable Diseases Intelligence Quarterly
Report, 35(3), 244-249. <a
&list_uids=22624485">[More Information]</a>
Payne, J., France, K., Henley, N., D'Antoine, H.,
Bartu, A., O'Leary, C., Elliott, E., Bower, C.
(2011). Changes in health professionals'
knowledge, attitudes and practice following
provision of educational resources about
prevention of prenatal alcohol exposure and fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder. Paediatric and
Perinatal Epidemiology, 25(4), 316-327. <a
1.01197.x">[More Information]</a>
Khandaker, G., Zurynski, Y., Lester-Smith, D.,
Kesson, A., Heron, L., Dwyer, D., Elliott, E.,
Booy, R. (2011). Clinical features, oseltamivir
treatment and outcome in infants aged <12
months with laboratory-confirmed influenza A in
2009. Antiviral Therapy, 16(7), 1005-1010. <a
e Information]</a>
Payne, J., D'Antoine, H., France, K., McKenzie,
A., Henley, N., Bartu, A., Elliott, E., Bower, C.
(2011). Collaborating with consumer and
community representatives in health and medical
research in Australia: Results from an evaluation.
Health Research Policy and Systems, 9, 1-14. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Khandaker, G., Marshall, H., Peadon, E.,
Zurynski, Y., Burgner, D., Buttery, J., Gold, M.,
Nissen, M., Elliott, E., Burgess, M., Booy, R.
(2011). Congenital and neonatal varicella: impact
of the national varicella vaccination programme
in Australia. Archives of Disease in Childhood.
Fetal and Neonatal Edition (e ADC - F and N),
96(5), 453-456. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Dalby-Payne, J., Elliott, E. (2011).
Gastroenteritis in children. Clinical Evidence,
2011 (07), 314-314. <a
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
&list_uids=21791124">[More Information]</a>
Burns, L., Black, E., Powers, J., Loxton, D.,
Elliott, E., Shakeshaft, A., Dunlop, A. (2011).
Geographic and Maternal Characteristics
Associated with Alcohol Use in Pregnancy.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental
Research, 35(7), 1230-1237. <a
1.01457.x">[More Information]</a>
Buttery, J., Danchin, M., Lee, K., Carlin, J.,
McIntyre, P., Elliott, E., Booy, R., Bines, J.
(2011). Intussusception following rotavirus
vaccine administration: Post-marketing
surveillance in the National Immunization
Program in Australia. Vaccine, 29(16),
3061-3066. <a
1.088">[More Information]</a>
Payne, J., France, K., Henley, N., D'Antoine, H.,
Bartu, A., Mutch, R., Elliott, E., Bower, C.
(2011). Paediatricians' knowledge, attitudes and
practice following provision of educational
resources about prevention of prenatal alcohol
exposure and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 47(10),
704-710. <a
1.02037.x">[More Information]</a>
Khandaker, G., Lester-Smith, D., Zurynski, Y.,
Elliott, E., Booy, R. (2011). Pandemic (H1N1)
2009 and Seasonal Influenza A (H3N2) in
Children's Hospital, Australia. Emerging
Infectious Diseases (Online), 17(10), 1960-1962.
>[More Information]</a>
Smith, M., Lester-Smith, D., Zurynski, Y.,
Noonan, S., Carapetis, J., Elliott, E. (2011).
Persistence of acute rheumatic fever in a tertiary
children's hospital. Journal of Paediatrics and
Child Health, 47(4), 198-203. <a
0.01935.x">[More Information]</a>
Payne, J., France, K., Henley, N., D'Antoine, H.,
Bartu, A., O'Leary, C., Elliott, E., Bower, C.,
Geelhoed, E. (2011). RE-AIM Evaluation of the
alcohol and pregnancy project: Educational
resources to inform health professionals about
prenatal alcohol exposure and fetal alcohol
spectrum disorder. Evaluation and the Health
Professions, 34(1), 57-80. <a
261">[More Information]</a>
Payne, J., France, K., Henley, N., D'Antoine, H.,
Bartu, A., Elliott, E., Bower, C. (2011).
Researchers' experience with project
management in health and medical research:
Results from a post-project review. BMC Public
Health, 11, Article number 424-1-Article number
424-11. <a
24">[More Information]</a>
Powers, J., Loxton, D., Burns, L., Shakeshaft, A.,
Elliott, E., Dunlop, A. (2010). Assessing
Pregnant Women's Compliance with Different
Alcohol Guidelines: An 11-Year Prospective
Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 192(12),
690-693. <a
&list_uids=20565346">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Davey, E., Elliott, E. (2010).
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit annual
report, 2008 and 2009. Communicable Diseases
Intelligence Quarterly Report, 34(3), 285-290.
&list_uids=21090183">[More Information]</a>
Jaffe, A., Zurynski, Y., Beville, L., Elliott, E.
(2010). Call for a national plan for rare diseases.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. <a
9.01608.x">[More Information]</a>
Bower, C., Lester-Smith, D., Elliott, E. (2010).
Congenital anomalies - why bother? Medical
Journal of Australia, 192(6), 300-301. <a
&list_uids=20230343">[More Information]</a>
Peadon, E., Elliott, E. (2010). Distinguishing
between attention-deficit hyperactivity and fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders in children: clinical
guidelines. Neuropsychiatric Disease and
Treatment, 6, 509-515. <a
&list_uids=20856914">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E. (2010). Eosinophilic esophagitis. In
John WD McDonald, Andrew K Burroughs,
Brian G Feagan & M Brian Fennerty (Eds.),
Evidence-Based Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, (pp. 93-101). United Kingdom: John
Wiley & Sons.
France, K., Henley, N., Payne, J., D'Antoine, H.,
Bartu, A., O'Leary, C., Elliott, E., Bower, C.
(2010). Health Professionals Addressing Alcohol
Use with Pregnant Women in Western Australia:
Barriers and Strategies for Communication.
Substance Use and Misuse, 45(10), 1474-1490.
2172">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
Khandaker, G., Dibben, C., Zurynski, Y., Elliott,
E. (2010). Mania in a patient with H1N1: is
oseltamivir the culprit or a red herring? The
American Journal of Psychiatry, 167(9),
1129-1130. <a
030429">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Thomas, D., Markowitz, J. (2010).
Non-surgical interventions for eosinophilic
esophagitis. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, 2010 (3), CD004065-1-CD004065-21.
&list_uids=20238328">[More Information]</a>
Kesson, A., Benwell, N., Elliott, E. (2010).
Norovirus diarrhoeal disease in infants and
children. Medical Journal of Australia, 192(2),
108-109. <a
&list_uids=20078416">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E. (2010). Pregnancy and pandemic flu.
Clinical Infectious Diseases. <a
&list_uids=20100063">[More Information]</a>
O'Leary, C., Nassar, N., Kurinczuk, J., de Klerk,
N., Geelhoed, E., Elliott, E., Bower, C. (2010).
Prenatal alcohol exposure and risk of birth
defects. Pediatrics (English Edition), 126(4),
e843-e850. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Thomas, D., Elliott, E. (2010). The use of
low-glycaemic index diets in diabetes control.
British Journal of Nutrition, 104(6), 797-802. <a
1534">[More Information]</a>
Lester-Smith, D., Campbell, D., Elliott, E.
(2010). Using the clinical challenges encountered
by junior residents to inform curriculum for
paediatric pre-intern students. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health, 46(5), 262-267. <a
9.01682.x">[More Information]</a>
He, S., Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E. (2010). What do
paediatricians think of the Australian Paediatric
Surveillance Unit? Journal of Paediatrics and
Child Health, 46(7-8), 412-418. <a
0.01755.x">[More Information]</a>
Peadon, E., Payne, J., Henley, N., D'Antoine, H.,
Bartu, A., O'Leary, C., Bower, C., Elliott, E.
(2010). Women's knowledge and attitudes
regarding alcohol consumption in pregnancy: a
national survey. BMC Public Health, 10(510),
1-8. <a
10">[More Information]</a>
Hirst, J., Jeffery, H., Morris, J., Foster, K.,
Elliott, E. (2009). Application of evidence-based
teaching in maternal and child health in remote
Vietnam. International Journal of Gynecology
and Obstetrics, 104(2), 152-155. <a
8">[More Information]</a>
Madden, S., Morris, A., Zurynski, Y., Kohn, M.,
Elliott, E. (2009). Burden of eating disorders in
5-13-year-old children in Australia. Medical
Journal of Australia, 190(8), 410-414. <a
&list_uids=19374611">[More Information]</a>
Bennett, D., Towns, S., Elliott, E., Merrick, J.
(2009). Challenges in Adolescent Health: An
Australian Perspective. United States: Nova
Science Publishers.
He, S., Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E. (2009).
Evaluation of a national resource to identify and
study rare diseases: the Australian Paediatric
Surveillance Unit. Journal of Paediatrics and
Child Health, 45(9), 498-504. <a
9.01549.x">[More Information]</a>
Bennett, D., Towns, S., Elliott, E., Merrick, J.
(2009). Exciting times for a field coming of age
(Introduction). In Bennet, D; Towns, S; Elliot,
E; Merrick, J. (Eds.), Challenges in Adolescent
Health: An Australian Perspective, (pp. 1-2).
United States: Nova Science Publishers.
Dalby-Payne, J., Elliott, E. (2009).
Gastroenteritis in children. Clinical Evidence,
2009 (pii 0314), 1-21. <a
&list_uids=21726481">[More Information]</a>
Michael, M., Elliott, E., Ridley, G., Hodson, E.,
Craig, J. (2009). Interventions for haemolytic
uraemic syndrome and thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura. Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews, (1),
CD003595-1-CD003595-32. <a
3595.pub2">[More Information]</a>
Michael, M., Elliott, E., Craig, J., Ridley, G.,
Hodson, E. (2009). Interventions for Hemolytic
Uremic Syndrome and Thrombotic
Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Systematic
Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 53(2),
259-272. <a
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
38">[More Information]</a>
Thomas, D., Elliott, E. (2009). Low glycaemic
index, or low glycaemic load, diets for diabetes
mellitus. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, (1), CD006296-1-CD006296-27. <a
6296.pub2">[More Information]</a>
Mutch, R., Peadon, E., Elliott, E., Bower, C.
(2009). Need to establish a national diagnostic
capacity for foetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 45(3),
79-81. <a
9.01464.x">[More Information]</a>
McDonald, A., Zurynski, Y., Wand, H., Giles,
M., Elliott, E., Ziegler, J., Kaldor, J. (2009).
Perinatal exposure to HIV among children born
in Australia, 1982-2006. Medical Journal of
Australia, 190(8), 416-420. <a
&list_uids=19374612">[More Information]</a>
Peadon, E., Rhys-Jones, B., Bower, C., Elliott, E.
(2009). Systematic review of interventions for
children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
BMC Pediatrics, 9, 35-1-35-9. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Lester-Smith, D., Zurynski, Y., Booy, R., Festa,
M., Kesson, A., Elliott, E. (2009). The burden of
childhood influenza in a tertiary paediatric
setting. Communicable Diseases Intelligence
Quarterly Report, 33(2), 209-215. <a
&list_uids=19877540">[More Information]</a>
Tofts, L., Elliott, E., Munns, C., Pacey, V.,
Sillence, D. (2009). The differential diagnosis of
children with joint hypermobility: a review of the
literature. Pediatric Rheumatology Online
Journal, 7(1), 1-1-1-10. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Bennett, D., Towns, S., Elliott, E., Merrick, J.
(2009). What lies ahead? Challenges and
opportunities for adolescent health. In Bennet,
D; Towns, S; Elliot, E; Merrick, J. (Eds.),
Challenges in Adolescent Health: An Australian
Perspective, (pp. 277-282). United States: Nova
Science Publishers.
Elliott, E., Bower, C. (2008). Alcohol and
pregnancy: the pivotal role of the obstetrician.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 48(3), 236-239. <a
8.00876.x">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E. (2008). Australian
Paediatric Surveillance Unit annual report, 2006.
Communicable Diseases Intelligence Quarterly
Report, 32(1), 52-56. <a
&list_uids=18522304">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Mahajan, D., Elliott, E. (2008).
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit annual
report, 2007. Communicable Diseases
Intelligence Quarterly Report, 32(4), 430-434.
&list_uids=19374271">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Bilston, L., Elliott, E. (2008).
Booster seat use by children aged 4-11 years:
evidence of the need to revise current
Australasian standards to accommodate
overweight children. Medical Journal of
Australia, 189(3), 183. <a
&list_uids=18673118">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Lester-Smith, D., Festa, M.,
Kesson, A., Booy, R., Elliott, E. (2008).
Enhanced surveillance for serious complications
of influenza in children: role of the Australian
Paediatric Surveillance Unit. Communicable
Diseases Intelligence Quarterly Report, 32(1),
71-76. <a
&list_uids=18522307">[More Information]</a>
Fremantle, E., Zurynski, Y., Mahajan, D., Elliott,
E., D'Antoine, H. (2008). Indigenous child
health: urgent need for improved data to
underpin better health outcomes. Medical
Journal of Australia, 188(10), 588-591. <a
&list_uids=18484933">[More Information]</a>
Peadon, E., Fremantle, E., Bower, C., Elliott, E.
(2008). International survey of diagnostic
services for children with Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders. BMC Pediatrics, 8(12), 1-8.
>[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E. (2008). Oral rehydration therapy:
applied physiology. Clinical Medicine, 8(3),
296-297. <a
&list_uids=18624039">[More Information]</a>
Wood, N., Quinn, H., McIntyre, P., Elliott, E.
(2008). Pertussis in infants: preventing deaths
and hospitalisations in the very young. Journal of
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
Paediatrics and Child Health, 44(4), 161-165. <a
8.01292.x">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Frith, K., Leonard, H., Elliott, E.
(2008). Rare childhood diseases: how should we
respond? Archives of Disease in Childhood,
93(12), 1071-1074. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Yee, A., De Ravin, S., Elliott, E., Ziegler, J.,
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit
Contributers, N. (2008). Severe combined
immunodeficiency: a national surveillance study.
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 19(4),
298-302. <a
7.00646.x">[More Information]</a>
Peat, J., Barton, B., Elliott, E. (2008). Statistics
Workbook for Evidence-based Healthcare.
United States: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Peadon, E., Bower, C., Elliott, E. (2008).
Teenage smoking in pregnancy and birthweight:
a population study, 2001-2004. Medical Journal
of Australia, 189(4), 237-238. <a
&list_uids=18707578">[More Information]</a>
Gleeson, H., Wiley, V., Wilcken, B., Elliott, E.,
Cowell, C., Thonsett, M., Byrne, G., Ambler, G.
(2008). Two-year pilot study of newborn
screening for congenital adrenal hyperlasia in
New South Wales compared with nationwide
case surveillance in Australia. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health, 44(10), 554-559.
8.01383.x">[More Information]</a>
Giles, M., McDonald, A., Elliott, E., Ziegler, J.,
Hellard, M., Lewin, S., Kaldor, J. (2008).
Variable uptake of recommended interventions
to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV in
Australia, 1982-2005. Medical Journal of
Australia, 189(3), 151-154. <a
&list_uids=18673102">[More Information]</a>
Reeve, K., Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E. (2007). A
boost for child passenger safety. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health, 43, 318-321.
Bower, C. (2007). A review of policies on
alcohol use during pregnancy in Australia and
other English-speaking countries, 2006. Medical
Journal of Australia, 186(9), 466-471. <a
&list_uids=17484709">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E. (2007). Acute gastroenteritis in
children. BMJ (online), 334(7583), 35-40. <a
69.80">[More Information]</a>
Hale, K., Rampersad, N., Elliott, E. (2007).
Diarrhea with encephalopathy: A case report.
Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 2(4),
Isaacs, D., Elliott, E., Gilbert, R., Pichichero, M.,
Moyer, V. (2007). Evidence-based Pediatric
Infectious Diseases. United Kingdom: Blackwell
Elliott, E., Payne, J., Morris, A., Haan, E.,
Bower, C. (2007). Fetal alcohol syndrome: a
prospective national surveillance study. Archives
of Disease in Childhood,
doi:10.1136/adc.2007.120220, 1-16. <a
&list_uids=17704098">[More Information]</a>
Dalby-Payne, J., Elliott, E. (2007).
Gastroenteritis in children. Clinical Evidence, ,
pii: 0314. <a
&list_uids=19454077">[More Information]</a>
Peadon, E., O'Leary, C., Bower, C., Elliott, E.
(2007). Impacts of alcohol use in pregnancy The role of the GP. Australian Family Physician,
36(11), 935-939. <a
&list_uids=18043782">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Peadon, E., Bower, C., Elliott, E.
(2007). Impacts of national surveillance for
uncommon conditions in childhood. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health, 43(11), 724-731.
&list_uids=17924937">[More Information]</a>
O'Leary, C., Heuzenroeder, L., Elliott, E.,
Bower, C. (2007). A review of policies on
alcohol use during pregnancy in Australia and
other English-speaking countries, 2006 - Reply.
Medical Journal of Australia, 187, 316-316.
Zurynski, Y., Reeve, K., Elliott, E. (2007).
International conferences on rare diseases:
initiatives in commitment, patient care and
connections. Medical Journal of Australia,
187(10), 597. <a
&list_uids=18021058">[More Information]</a>
O'Leary, C., Heuzenroeder, L., Elliott, E.,
Elliott, E., Frith, K. (2007). Investigating the
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
child with acute diarrhoea. Medicine Today, 8(8),
Thomas, D., Elliott, E., Baur, L. (2007). Low
glycaemic index or low glycaemic load diets for
overweight and obesity (Review). Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, CD005105(3),
1-30. <a
5105.pub2">[More Information]</a>
Frith, K., Elliott, E. (2007). Organic reasons.
Letter to editor in response to More on Pain, Gut
Feelings'. Australian Doctor.
Elliott, E., McIntyre, P., Wood, N. (2007).
Pertussis in infancy: a review of strategies for
prevention. SII Csalud, , 0-0.
Davidson, G., Elliott, E., Kirkwood, C., Pearce,
R. (2007). Preventing rotavirus gastroenteritis:
do you have the facts? Journal of Paediatrics
and Child Health, 43, 564-567. <a
7.01163.x">[More Information]</a>
Ramjan, K., Williams, A., Isbister, G., Elliott, E.
(2007). Red as a beet and blind as a bat'
Anticholinergic delirium in adolescents: Lessons
for the paediatrician. Journal of Paediatrics and
Child Health, 43(11), 779-780. <a
7.01220.x">[More Information]</a>
Reeve, K., Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E., Bilston, L.
(2007). Seatbelts and the law: how well do we
protect Australian children? Medical Journal of
Australia, 186(12), 635-638. <a
&list_uids=17576180">[More Information]</a>
Bennett, D., Towns, S., Elliott, E. (2007). What
is it going to take? Adolescent health in
Australia. International Journal of Adolescent
Medicine and Health, 19(3), 215-216.
Grenier, D., Elliott, E., Zurynski, Y., Pereira, R.,
Preece, M., Lynn, R., von Kries, R.,
Zimmermann, H., Dickson, N., Virella, D.
(2006). Beyond counting cases: Public health
impacts of national paediatric surveillance units.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 92(6),
527-533. <a
&list_uids=17158859">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Cameron, D., Davidson, G. (2006).
Capsule endoscopy: a new technology for
investigating obscure gastrointestinal bleeding.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 42(5),
244-7. <a
6.00848.x">[More Information]</a>
Peadon, E., Burgner, D., Nissen, M., Buttery, J.,
Zurynski, Y., Elliott, E., Gold, M., Marshall, H.,
Booy, R. (2006). Case for varicella surveillance
in Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child
Health, 42(111), 663-664. <a
&list_uids=17044891">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Peadon, E., Bayreuther, J.,
Maconochie, I. (2006). Commentaries on
Antiemetics for reducing vomiting related to
acute gastroenteritis in children andadolescents'.
Evidence-Based Child Health, 1(4), 1233-1237.
Zurynski, Y., Cronin, P., Elliott, E. (2006).
Communicable and vaccine-preventable
conditions under surveillance by the APsu: 2005
update. Communicable Diseases Intelligence
Quarterly Report, 30(3), 341-344. <a
&list_uids=17120487">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Payne, J., Haan, E., Bower, C. (2006).
Diagnosis of foetal alcohol syndrome and
alcohol use in pregnancy: A survey of
paediatricians' knowledge, attitudes and practice.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 42(11),
698-703. <a
&list_uids=17044897">[More Information]</a>
Thomas, D., Elliott, E., Naughton, G. (2006).
Exercise for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, 19(3),
CD002968-CD002968. <a
&list_uids=16855995">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Bower, C., Payne, J., Morris, A.,
Haan, E., Leversha, A., Bucens, I. (2006). Fetal
alcohol syndrome in Australia. International
Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism
World congress on Alcohol Research (ISBRA
2006), Maryland: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
O'Leary, C., Bower, C., Payne, J., Elliott, E.
(2006). Fetal alcohol syndrome. Australian
Family Physician, 35(4), 184. <a
&list_uids=16649302">[More Information]</a>
Shorter, D., Makone, I., Elliott, E. (2006). Fever
and urticaria in an African refugee. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health, 42(11), 731-733.
6.00960.x">[More Information]</a>
Frith, K., Elliott, E. (2006). How To Treat:
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
Chronic abdominal pain in children. Australian
Doctor, , 31-38.
Shorter, D., Hale, K., Elliott, E. (2006).
Mazzotti-like Reaction After Treatment with
Praziquantel for Schistosomiasis. The Pediatric
Infectious Disease Journal, 25(11), 1087-1088.
15.52356.44">[More Information]</a>
Kelly, H., Brussen, K., Lawrence, A., Elliott, E.,
Pearn, J., Thorley, B. (2006). Polioviruses and
other enteroviruses isolated from faecal samples
of patients with acute flaccid paralysis in
Australia, 1996-2004. Journal of Paediatrics and
Child Health, 42(6), 370-376. <a
&list_uids=16737480">[More Information]</a>
Hardikar, W., Elliott, E., Jones, C. (2006). The
silent infection: should we be testing for
perinatal hepatitis C and, if so, how? Medical
Journal of Australia, 184(2), 54-55. <a
&list_uids=16411867">[More Information]</a>
Thorley, B., Brussen, K., Elliott, E., Kelly, H.
(2006). Vigilance is required for Australia to
remain polio free. Medical Journal of Australia,
184(9), 474-475.
Pereira-da-Silva, L., von Kries, R., Rose, D.,
Elliott, E. (2005). Acknowledging contribution to
surveillance studies. Archives of Disease in
Childhood, 90(7), 768. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Trivedi, A., Elliott, E., Kesson, A. (2005).
Brucellosis: a rare cause of fever. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health, 41(11), 604-6. <a
5.00730.x">[More Information]</a>
Zurynski, Y., Cronin, P., Elliott, E. (2005).
Communicable and vaccine-preventable
conditions under surveillance by the APSU: 2004
update. Communicable Diseases Intelligence
Quarterly Report, 29(4), 407-411. <a
&list_uids=16465933">[More Information]</a>
Dalby-Payne, J., Elliott, E. (2005).
Gastroenteritis in children. Clinical Evidence,
(13), 343-353. <a
&list_uids=16135265">[More Information]</a>
Payne, J., Elliott, E., D'Antoine, H., O'Leary, C.,
Mahony, A., Haan, E., Bower, C. (2005). Health
professionals' knowledge, practice and opinions
about fetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol
consumption in pregnancy. Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Public Health, 29(6),
558-564. <a
&list_uids=16366068">[More Information]</a>
Elliott, E., Robins-Browne, R. (2005). Hemolytic
uremic syndrome. Current Problems in
Pediatrics and Adolescent Healthcare, 35(8),
310-30. <a
.002">[More Information]</a>
Salazar-Lindo, E., Allen, S., Brewster, D.,
Elliott, E., Fasano, A., Phillips, A., Sanderson, I.,
Tarr, P. (2004). Intestinal Infections And
Environmental Enteropathy: Working Group
Report Of The Second World Congress Of
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, And
Nutrition. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology
and Nutrition, 39(Suppl 2), S662-S669.
Elliott, E., McIntyre, P., Ridley, G., Morris, A.,
Massie, J., McEniery, J., Knight, G. (2004).
National Study Of Infants Hospitalized With
Pertussis In The Acellular Vaccine Era. The
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 23(3),
Morris, A., Elliott, E., D'Souza, R., Antony, J.,
Kennett, M., Longbottom, H. (2003). Acute
flaccid paralysis in Australian children. Journal
of Paediatrics and Child Health, 39(1), 22-26.
Ross, F., Elliott, E., Lam, L., Cass, D. (2003).
Children under 5 years presenting to
paediatricians with near-drowning. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health, 39(6), 446-450.
Parker, R., Elliott, E., Georga, A., Booth, M.
(2003). Developing a charter of physical activity
and sport for children and youth. Australian and
New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 27(5),
Singh, S., Croaker, G., Manglick, P., Wong, C.,
Athanasakos, H., Elliott, E., Cass, D. (2003).
Hirschsprung's disease: the Australian Paediatric
Surveillance Unit's experience. Pediatric Surgery
International, 19(4), 247-250. <a
2-z">[More Information]</a>
Thomas, D., Kukuruzovic, R., Martino, B.,
Chauhan, S., Elliott, E. (2003). Knowledge and
use of evidence-based nutrition: a survey of
paediatric dietitians. Journal of Human Nutrition
and Dietetics, 16(5), 315-322.
Publications for Elizabeth Elliott
Elliott, E., Dossetor, D. (2003). Six-year
follow-up of preventive interventions for
children of divorce: a randomized controlled
trial. The Journal of Pediatrics, 11.
Dalby-Payne, J., Elliott, E. (2002). Acute
gastroenteritis in children. In L. Gabriel, C.
Amore, A. Patel, C. Young, J. Woodcock (Eds.),
Clinical Evidence Concise, (pp. 242-250). BMA
House, Tavistock Square, WC1H 9JR UK: BMJ
Morris, A., Ridley, G., Elliott, E. (2002).
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit: Progress
Report. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health,
38(1), 8-15.
Elliott, E., McIntyre, P., Ridley, G., Morris, A.,
Massie, J., McEniery, J., Knight, G. (2002).
Hospitalised pertussis in infancy. RACP Annual
Scientific Meeting, : British Medical Journal
Publishing Group.
Elliott, E., Ridley, G., Hodson, E., Craig, J.
(2002). Interventions for preventing haemolytic
syndrome/thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
(Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, 2(DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003596),
Moyer, V., Gist, A., Elliott, E. (2002). Is the
practice of paediatric inpatient medicine
evidence-based? Journal of Paediatrics and
Child Health, 38(4), 347-351.
Taback, S., Dean, H., Elliott, E. (2002).
Management of short stature. Western Journal of
Medicine (WJM), 176(3), 169-172.
Peat, J., Elliott, E., Baur, L., Keena, V. (2002).
Scientific Writing: Easy when you know how.
United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishers.
Ridley, G., Elliott, E., Morris, A. (2001).
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit: Progress
Report. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health,
38, 8-15.
Elliott, E., Edmunds, L., Waters, E. (2001).
Evidence-based management of childhood
obesity. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 323,
Elliott, E., Knight, J., Robins-Browne, R.,
McLoughlin, C., Bennett-Wood,, V., Bourke, J.,
Henning,, P., Hogg, G., Powell, H., Redmond, D.
(2001). Nationwide study of haemolytic uraemic
syndrome: clinical, microbiological, and
epidemiological features. Archives of Disease in
Childhood, 85, 125-131.
Elliott, E., Ridley, G., Nicoll,, A., Lynn,, R.,
Marchessault, V., Hirasing, R. (2001). Rare
disease surveillance: An international
perspective. Paediatrics and Child Health: the
journal of the Canadian Paediatric Society, 6,
Elliott, E., Mellis, C., Oldmeadow, W. (2001).
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