Publications for Delwyn Bartlett 2014 2016

Publications for Delwyn Bartlett
Publications for Delwyn Bartlett
Gamble, A., D'Rozario, A., Bartlett, D.,
Williams, S., Bin, Y., Grunstein, R., Marshall, N.
(2014). Adolescent sleep patterns and night-time
technology use: results of the Australian
Broadcasting Corporation's Big Sleep Survey.
PloS One, 9(11), 1-9. <a
1700">[More Information]</a>
Kempler, L., Sharpe, L., Miller, C., Bartlett, D.
(2016). Do psychosocial sleep interventions
improve infant sleep or maternal mood in the
postnatal period? A systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Sleep Medicine Reviews, 29, 15-22. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Vakulin, A., D'Rozario, A., Kim, J., Watson, B.,
Cross, N., Wang, D., Coeytaux Jackson, A.,
Bartlett, D., Wong, K., Grunstein, R. (2016).
Quantitative sleep EEG and polysomnographic
predictors of driving simulator performance in
obstructive sleep apnea. Clinical
Neurophysiology, 127(2), 1428-1435. <a
004">[More Information]</a>
Bartlett, D., Jackson, M. (2016). The
bidirectional nature of sleep problems and
psychopathology. Medicine Today, 17(3).
Miller, C., Gordon, C., Toubia, L., Bartlett, D.,
Grunstein, R., D'Rozario, A., Marshall, N.
(2015). Agreement between simple questions
about sleep duration and sleep diaries in a large
online survey. Sleep Health, 1(2), 133-137. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Miller, C., Kyle, S., Melehan, K., Bartlett, D.
(2015). Methodology for the Assessment of
Sleep. In K A Babson, M T Feldner (Eds.),
Sleep and Affect: Assessment, Theory, and
Clinical Implications, (pp. 65-90). London:
Academic Press. <a
88-6.00004-9">[More Information]</a>
Miller, C., Kyle, S., Gordon, C., Espie, C.,
Grunstein, R., Mullins, A., Postnova, S., Bartlett,
D. (2015). Physiological Markers of Arousal
Change with Psychological Treatment for
Insomnia: A Preliminary Investigation. PloS
One, 10(12), 1-14. <a
5317">[More Information]</a>
Allsop, D., Bartlett, D., Johnston, J., Helliwell,
D., Winstock, A., McGregor, I., Lintzeris, N.
(2015). The Effects of Lithium Carbonate
Supplemented with
Nitrazepam on Sleep Disturbance during
Cannabis Abstinence. The Journal of Clinical
Sleep Medicine, 11(10), 1153-1162. <a
re Information]</a>
Alsaadi, S., McAuley, J., Hush, J., Bartlett, D.,
McKeough, Z., Grunstein, R., Dungan, G.,
Maher, C. (2014). Assessing sleep disturbance in
low back pain: the validity of portable
instruments. PloS One, 9(4), 1-7. <a
5824">[More Information]</a>
Cheung, J., Bartlett, D., Armour, C., Glozier, N.,
Saini, B. (2014). Insomnia patients' help-seeking
experiences. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 12(2),
106-122. <a
764529">[More Information]</a>
Crawford, M., Espie, C., Bartlett, D., Grunstein,
R. (2014). Integrating psychology and medicine
in CPAP adherence - New concepts. Sleep
Medicine Reviews, 18(2), 123-139. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Alsaadi, S., McAuley, J., Hush, J., Lo, S.,
Bartlett, D., Grunstein, R., Maher, C. (2014). The
Bidirectional Relationship Between Pain
Intensity and Sleep Disturbance/Quality in
Patients with Low Back Pain. Clinical Journal of
Pain, 30(9), 755-765. <a
000055">[More Information]</a>
D'Rozario, A., Kim, J., Wong, K., Bartlett, D.,
Marshall, N., Dijk, D., Robinson, P., Grunstein,
R. (2013). A new EEG biomarker of
neurobehavioural impairment and sleepiness in
sleep apnea patients and controls during
extended wakefulness. Clinical
Neurophysiology, 124(8), 1605-1614. <a
022">[More Information]</a>
Bartlett, D., Biggs, S., Armstrong, S. (2013).
Circadian rhythm disorders among adolescents:
assessment and treatment options. Medical
Journal of Australia, 199(8), S16-S20.
Alsaadi, S., McAuley, J., Hush, J., Bartlett, D.,
Henschke, N., Grunstein, R., Maher, C. (2013).
Detecting insomnia in patients with low back
pain: accuracy of four self-report sleep measures.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 14(1), 1-9. <a
96">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Delwyn Bartlett
Bartlett, D., Wong, K., Richards, D., Moy, E.,
Espie, C., Cistulli, P., Grunstein, R. (2013).
Increasing adherence to obstructive sleep apnea
treatment with a group social cognitive therapy
treatment intervention: A randomized trial.
Sleep, 36(11), 1647-1654. <a
ore Information]</a>
Cheung, J., Bartlett, D., Armour, C., Saini, B.
(2013). The Insomnia Patient Perspective, a
Narrative Review. Behavioral Sleep Medicine,
11(5), 369-389. <a
694382">[More Information]</a>
Rimmer, J., Greenwood, A., Bartlett, D.,
Hellgren, J. (2012). Nasal steroids improve
regulation of nasal patency in asthma and mild
rhinitis: a randomised, cross-over trial. European
Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 269,
1133-1138. <a
3-8">[More Information]</a>
Kempler, L., Sharpe, L., Bartlett, D. (2012).
Sleep education during pregnancy for new
mothers. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 12,
1-10. <a
55">[More Information]</a>
Crawford, M., Bartlett, D., Coughlin, S., Phillips,
C., Neill, A., Espie, C., Dungan, G., Wilding, J.,
Calverley, P., Grunstein, R., Marshall, N. (2012).
The effect of continuous positive airway pressure
usage on sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnoea:
real effects or expectation of benefit? Thorax,
67(10), 920-924. <a
01622">[More Information]</a>
Bartlett, D., Chang, C. (2011). Breaking the
cycle of insomnia. Medicine Today, 12(11),
Kippist, C., Wong, K., Bartlett, D., Saini, B.
(2011). How Do Pharmacists Respond to
Complaints of Acute Insomnia? A Simulated
Patient Study. International Journal of Clinical
Pharmacy, 33, 237-245. <a
2-5">[More Information]</a>
Shoukry, G., Wong, K., Bartlett, D., Saini, B.
(2011). Treatment experience of people with
obstructive sleep apnoea seeking continuous
positive airways pressure device provision
through community pharmacies - a role for
pharmacists? International Journal of Pharmacy
Practice, 19(5), 318-327. <a
1.00120.x">[More Information]</a>
Rae, C., Bartlett, D., Yang, Q., Walton, D.,
D'Rozario, A., Sachinwalla, T., Grunstein, R.
(2009). Dynamic changes in brain bioenergetics
during obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of
Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 29(8),
1421-1428. <a
[More Information]</a>
Espie, C., Bartlett, D. (2009). Insomnia. In
Robert Lisak, Daniel Truong, William Carroll,
Roongroi Bhidayasiri (Eds.), International
Neurology: A Clinical Approach, (pp. 554-556).
United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Rimmer, J., Downie, S., Bartlett, D., Gralton, J.,
Salome, C. (2009). Sleep disturbance in
persistent allergic rhinitis measured using
actigraphy. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and
Immunology, 103(3), 190-194. <a
60180-9">[More Information]</a>
Bartlett, D., Marshall, N., Williams, A.,
Grunstein, R. (2008). Predictors of primary
medical care consultation for sleep disorders.
Sleep Medicine, 9(2), 857-864. <a
02">[More Information]</a>
Bartlett, D., Marshall, N., Williams, A.,
Grunstein, R. (2008). Sleep health New South
Wales: chronic sleep restriction and daytime
sleepiness. Internal Medicine Journal, 38(1),
24-31. <a
7.01395.x">[More Information]</a>
Richards, D., Bartlett, D., Wong, K., Malouff, J.,
Grunstein, R. (2007). Increased adherence to
CPAP with a group cognitive behavioral
treatment intervention: a randomized trial. Sleep,
30(5), 635-640. <a
&list_uids=17552379">[More Information]</a>
Marshall, N., Bartlett, D., Matharu, K., Williams,
A., Grunstein, R. (2007). Prevalence of treatment
choices for snoring and sleep apnea in an
Australian population. The Journal of Clinical
Sleep Medicine, 3(7), 695-699. <a
&list_uids=18198802">[More Information]</a>
Desai, A., Wilsmore, B., Bartlett, D., Unger, G.,
Constable, B., Joffe, D., Grunstein, R. (2007).
The utility of the AusEd driving simulator in the
Publications for Delwyn Bartlett
clinical assessment of driver fatigue. Behavior
Research Methods, 39(3), 673-681. <a
&list_uids=17958181">[More Information]</a>
Wong, K., Grunstein, R., Bartlett, D., Gordon, E.
(2006). Brain function in obstructive sleep
apnea: results from the Brain Resource
International Database. Journal of Integrative
Neuroscience, 5(1), 111-121. <a
&list_uids=16544369">[More Information]</a>
Bartlett, D., Richards, D., Wong, K., Malouff, J.,
Grunstein, R. (2006). Increased adherence to
continuous positive airway pressure with a group
cognitive behavioural treatment intervention: a
randomised trial. Journal of Sleep Research,
15(Suppl. 1), 200.
Bartlett, D., Ambrogetti, A. (2006). Insomnia.
In Antonio Ambrogetti, Michael Hensley, Leslie
Olson (Eds.), Sleep Disorders: A Clinical
Textbook. United Kingdom: Quay Books, A
Division of MA Health Care.
Bartlett, D., Paisley, L., Desai, A. (2006).
Insomnia: diagnosis and treatment. Medicine
Today, 7(8), 14-20.
Bartlett, D., Marshall, N., Williams, A.,
Grunstein, R. (2006). Predictors of primary
medical care consultation for sleep disorders in
New South Wales, Australia. 18th Congress of
the European Sleep Research Society, Austria:
European Sleep Research Society.
Paisley, L., Desai, A., Bartlett, D. (2005).
Insomnia. Medical Observer, November, 25-27.
Dobbin, C., Bartlett, D., Melehan, K., Grunstein,
R., Bye, P. (2005). The Effect of Infective
Exacerbations on Sleep and
Neurobehavioral Function in Cystic Fibrosis.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical
Care Medicine, 172(1), 99-104. <a
44OC">[More Information]</a>
Bartlett, D., Rae, C., Thompson, C., Byth
Wilson, K., Joffe, D., Enright, T., Grunstein, R.
(2004). Hippocampal area metabolites relate to
severity and cognitive function in obstructive
sleep apnea. Sleep Medicine, 5(6), 593-596. <a
04">[More Information]</a>